#include "common.qh" #include "mapents_util.qh" #include "items.qh" #include "override.qh" #include "damage.qh" #include "equip.qh" #include "mapents_powerup.qh" /* FIXME: These don't handle powerups that grant stuff others grant. */ float(entity powerup) powerup_check_remove = { if ((self.itemfield_1 & powerup.itemfield_1) != powerup.itemfield_1) return TRUE; if ((self.itemfield_2 & powerup.itemfield_2) != powerup.itemfield_2) return TRUE; if ((self.itemfield_3 & powerup.itemfield_3) != powerup.itemfield_3) return TRUE; if ((self.itemfield_4 & powerup.itemfield_4) != powerup.itemfield_4) return TRUE; return FALSE; }; void(entity powerup) powerup_remove = { self.itemfield_1 -= (self.itemfield_1 & powerup.itemfield_1); self.itemfield_2 -= (self.itemfield_2 & powerup.itemfield_2); self.itemfield_3 -= (self.itemfield_3 & powerup.itemfield_3); self.itemfield_4 -= (self.itemfield_4 & powerup.itemfield_4); self.items -= (self.items & powerup.items); self.effects -= (self.effects & powerup.effects); override_destroy(self, powerup); }; float() _powerup_takeitem = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); if ((powerup.itemfield_1 & other.itemfield_1) || (powerup.itemfield_2 & other.itemfield_2) || (powerup.itemfield_3 & other.itemfield_3) || (powerup.itemfield_4 & other.itemfield_4)) { if ((time+other.attack_finished) > powerup.attack_finished) { /* Act like we don't have it, to renew.. */ powerup_remove(powerup); } } if (powerup.th_takeitem) return powerup.th_takeitem(); return FALSE; }; void() _powerup_prethink = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); if (powerup_check_remove(powerup)) powerup_remove(powerup); if (powerup.prethink) powerup.prethink(); }; void() _powerup_think = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); if (time > powerup.attack_finished) { powerup_remove(powerup); } else if (time >= powerup.air_finished) { if (is_cl(self)) stuffcmd(self, "bf\n"); if (powerup.noise) { sound(self, CHAN_AUTO, powerup.noise, 1, ATTN_NORM); powerup.noise = NULL_string; } powerup.air_finished += 1; } if (powerup.actthink) powerup.actthink(); }; void() _powerup_postthink = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); self.items |= powerup.items; self.effects |= powerup.effects; if (powerup.postthink) powerup.postthink(); }; // ===================================================================== // float(float dmg) _suit_takedamage = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); if (dmg < DAMAGE_SHOULDDIE && self.dmg_inflictor == world) { /* Magic formula */ dmg -= 20*frametime; dmg /= 30*frametime; if (dmg <= 0) { override_halt(); deathmsg_nodisplay(); return FALSE; } } if (powerup.th_takedamage) return powerup.th_takedamage(dmg); return FALSE; }; void() _suit_prethink = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); if (powerup_check_remove(powerup)) { powerup_remove(powerup); } else { self.air_finished = time + 12; } if (powerup.prethink) powerup.prethink(); }; #define STR_EQUIPID_SUIT "Environmental Suit" void() _suit_activate = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_create(other, "OVERRIDE_SUIT", OVERPRIO_SUIT); powerup.th_takeitem = _powerup_takeitem; powerup.th_takedamage = _suit_takedamage; powerup.prethink = _suit_prethink; powerup.actthink = _powerup_think; powerup.postthink = _powerup_postthink; override_finalize(powerup); equip_grant(powerup, EQUIPID_SUIT); powerup.items = IT_SUIT; powerup.attack_finished = time + self.attack_finished; powerup.noise = "items/suit2.wav"; powerup.air_finished = powerup.attack_finished - 3; }; /*QUAKED item_artifact_envirosuit (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) Player takes no damage from water or slime */ void() item_artifact_envirosuit = { self.netname = STR_EQUIPID_SUIT; if (!self.model) self.model = "progs/suit.mdl"; if (!self.noise2) self.noise2 = "items/suit.wav"; if (!self.attack_finished) self.attack_finished = 30; if (!self.mins && !self.maxs) { self.mins = '-16 -16 -24'; self.maxs = '16 16 32'; } if (!self.wait && !self.delay) { self.wait = 55; self.delay = 10; } precache_sound("items/suit2.wav"); equip_grant(self, EQUIPID_SUIT); self.th_activate = _suit_activate; item_generic(); }; // ===================================================================== // void() item_artifact_super_damage; void() _quad_die = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); if ((powerup.attack_finished - time) >= 4) { local entity oldself; oldself = self; self = spawn("ITEM_ARTIFACT_SUPER_DAMAGE"); self.origin = center(oldself); self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; self.velocity_x = crandom()*200; self.velocity_y = crandom()*200; self.velocity_z = 320; self.wait = -1; self.attack_finished = powerup.attack_finished - time; self.think = SUB_remove; self.nextthink = time + 20 + random()*10; item_artifact_super_damage(); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, name(oldself), " dropped a Quad with ", ftos(floor(self.attack_finished)), " seconds remaining.\n"); self = oldself; } if (powerup.th_die) powerup.th_die(); }; void(entity missile) _quad_attack = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); if (time >= powerup.pain_finished) { sound(self, CHAN_BODY, "items/damage3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); powerup.pain_finished = time + 1; } missile.dmg *= 4; missile.mass *= 4; if (powerup.th_attack) powerup.th_attack(missile); }; #define STR_EQUIPID_QUAD "Quad Damage" void() _quad_activate = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_create(other, "OVERRIDE_QUAD", OVERPRIO_QUAD); powerup.th_takeitem = _powerup_takeitem; powerup.th_attack = _quad_attack; powerup.th_die = _quad_die; powerup.prethink = _powerup_prethink; powerup.actthink = _powerup_think; powerup.postthink = _powerup_postthink; override_finalize(powerup); equip_grant(powerup, EQUIPID_QUAD); powerup.items = IT_QUAD; powerup.effects = EF_BLUE; powerup.attack_finished = time + self.attack_finished; powerup.noise = "items/damage2.wav"; powerup.air_finished = powerup.attack_finished - 3; }; /*QUAKED item_artifact_super_damage (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) Attacks from the player will do 4x damage */ void() item_artifact_super_damage = { self.netname = STR_EQUIPID_QUAD; if (!self.model) self.model = "progs/quaddama.mdl"; if (!self.noise2) self.noise2 = "items/damage.wav"; if (!self.mins && !self.maxs) { self.mins = '-16 -16 -24'; self.maxs = '16 16 32'; } if (!self.attack_finished) self.attack_finished = 30; if (!self.wait && !self.delay) { self.wait = 55; self.delay = 10; } if (!self.effects) self.effects = EF_BLUE; if (sv_spawning) { precache_sound("items/damage3.wav"); precache_sound("items/damage2.wav"); } equip_grant(self, EQUIPID_QUAD); self.th_activate = _quad_activate; item_generic(); }; // ===================================================================== // float(float dmg) _pentagram_takedamage = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); if (dmg == DAMAGE_MUSTDIE) return powerup.th_takedamage(dmg); if (dmg == DAMAGE_SHOULDDIE) { if (self.dmg_attacker == self) return powerup.th_takedamage(dmg); local entity oldattacker, oldinflictor; local float damaged; oldattacker = self.dmg_attacker; oldinflictor = self.dmg_inflictor; damaged = damage(self.dmg_attacker, self, self.dmg_inflictor, dmg, self.deathmsg); other = self.dmg_attacker = oldattacker; oldinflictor = self.dmg_inflictor; if (!damaged) return powerup.th_takedamage(dmg); } damage_push(dmg); damage_armor(dmg); self.dmg_save = 0; // Avoid flashy stuff if (time >= powerup.pain_finished) { sound(self, CHAN_ITEM, "items/protect3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); powerup.pain_finished = time + 1.0; } deathmsg_nodisplay(); override_halt(); return FALSE; }; #define STR_EQUIPID_PENTAGRAM "Pentagram of Protection" void() _pentagram_activate = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_create(other, "OVERRIDE_PENTAGRAM", OVERPRIO_PENTAGRAM); powerup.th_takeitem = _powerup_takeitem; powerup.th_takedamage = _pentagram_takedamage; powerup.prethink = _powerup_prethink; powerup.actthink = _powerup_think; powerup.postthink = _powerup_postthink; override_finalize(powerup); equip_grant(powerup, EQUIPID_PENTAGRAM); powerup.items = IT_INVULNERABILITY; powerup.effects = EF_RED; powerup.attack_finished = time + self.attack_finished; powerup.noise = "items/protect2.wav"; powerup.air_finished = powerup.attack_finished - 3; }; /*QUAKED item_artifact_invulnerability (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) Player is invulnerable */ void() item_artifact_invulnerability = { self.netname = STR_EQUIPID_PENTAGRAM; if (!self.model) self.model = "progs/invulner.mdl"; if (!self.noise2) self.noise2 = "items/protect.wav"; if (!self.mins && !self.maxs) { self.mins = '-16 -16 -24'; self.maxs = '16 16 32'; } if (!self.attack_finished) self.attack_finished = 30; if (!self.wait && !self.delay) { self.wait = 60; self.delay = 10; } if (!self.effects) self.effects = EF_RED; precache_sound("items/protect3.wav"); precache_sound("items/protect2.wav"); equip_grant(self, EQUIPID_PENTAGRAM); self.th_activate = _pentagram_activate; item_generic(); }; // ===================================================================== // void() _ring_prethink = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); if (powerup_check_remove(powerup)) { mdl_setup_player(); powerup_remove(powerup); } if (powerup.prethink) powerup.prethink(); }; void() _ring_think = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); if (time > powerup.pain_finished) { sound(self, CHAN_AUTO, "items/inv3.wav", 0.5, ATTN_IDLE); powerup.pain_finished = time + 1 + (random() * 3); } if (time > powerup.attack_finished) { mdl_setup_player(); powerup_remove(powerup); } else if (time >= powerup.air_finished) { if (is_cl(self)) stuffcmd(self, "bf\n"); if (powerup.noise) { sound(self, CHAN_AUTO, powerup.noise, 1, ATTN_NORM); powerup.noise = NULL_string; } powerup.air_finished += 1; } if (powerup.actthink) powerup.actthink(); }; #define STR_EQUIPID_RING "Ring of Shadows" void() _ring_activate = { local entity powerup, oldself; powerup = override_create(other, "OVERRIDE_RING", OVERPRIO_RING); powerup.th_takeitem = _powerup_takeitem; powerup.prethink = _ring_prethink; powerup.actthink = _ring_think; powerup.postthink = _powerup_postthink; override_finalize(powerup); equip_grant(powerup, EQUIPID_RING); powerup.items = IT_INVISIBILITY; powerup.attack_finished = time + self.attack_finished; powerup.noise = "items/inv2.wav"; powerup.air_finished = powerup.attack_finished - 3; oldself = self; self = other; mdl_setup_eyes(); self = oldself; }; /*QUAKED item_artifact_invisibility (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) Player is eyes model */ void() item_artifact_invisibility = { self.netname = STR_EQUIPID_RING; if (!self.model) self.model = "progs/invisibl.mdl"; if (!self.noise2) self.noise2 = "items/inv1.wav"; if (!self.mins && !self.maxs) { self.mins = '-16 -16 -24'; self.maxs = '16 16 32'; } if (!self.attack_finished) self.attack_finished = 30; if (!self.wait && !self.delay) { self.wait = 60; self.delay = 10; } precache_sound("items/inv3.wav"); precache_sound("items/inv2.wav"); equip_grant(self, EQUIPID_RING); self.th_activate = _ring_activate; item_generic(); }; // ===================================================================== // float() _megahealth_takeitem = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); if ((powerup.itemfield_1 & other.itemfield_1) || (powerup.itemfield_2 & other.itemfield_2) || (powerup.itemfield_3 & other.itemfield_3) || (powerup.itemfield_4 & other.itemfield_4)) { if (self.health < (self.max_health*2.5)) { /* Act like we don't have it, to renew.. */ powerup_remove(powerup); } } if (powerup.th_takeitem) return powerup.th_takeitem(); return FALSE; }; void() _megahealth_think = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_findself(); if (self.health <= self.max_health) { powerup_remove(powerup); } else if (time >= powerup.attack_finished) { self.health -= 0.1; if (self.health <= self.max_health) { self.health = self.max_health; powerup_remove(powerup); } } if (powerup.actthink) powerup.actthink(); }; #define STR_EQUIPID_MEGAHEALTH "Megahealth" void() _megahealth_activate = { local entity powerup; powerup = override_create(other, "OVERRIDE_MEGAHEALTH", OVERPRIO_MEGAHEALTH); powerup.th_takeitem = _megahealth_takeitem; powerup.prethink = _powerup_prethink; powerup.actthink = _megahealth_think; powerup.postthink = _powerup_postthink; override_finalize(powerup); equip_grant(powerup, EQUIPID_MEGAHEALTH); powerup.attack_finished = time + 3; other.health += self.attack_finished; if (other.health > (other.max_health*2.5)) other.health = other.max_health*2.5; }; /* */ void() item_megahealth = { if (!self.model) self.model = "maps/b_bh100.bsp"; if (!self.noise2) self.noise2 = "items/r_item2.wav"; if (!self.mins && !self.maxs) { self.mins = '0 0 0'; self.maxs = '32 32 56'; } if (!self.wait && !self.delay) { self.wait = 30; self.delay = 40; } if (!self.attack_finished) self.attack_finished = 100; equip_grant(self, EQUIPID_MEGAHEALTH); self.th_activate = _megahealth_activate; item_generic(); };