#include "common.qh" #include "misc.qh" #include "weapon.qh" .float weapon_imp; .float weapons; /* Alas, a bitfield. */ void() weapon_init = { weapon_init_weapons(); }; void() weapon_player_init = { self.weapons = 0; self.weapon_imp = 0; weapon_select_by_impulse(0); }; float(float ex) exp2 = { local float n; n = 1; if (ex >= 0) { while (ex-- > 0) n *= 2; } else { while (ex++ < 0) n *= 0.5; } return n; }; float() weapon_player_parm1 = { local float parm, ex; /* upper 19 bits of mantissa is self.weapons & 0x007fffe0 */ /* sign is self.weapons & 0x00800000 */ /* 8 bits of exponent is signed self.weapons & 0x1f */ /* lower 4 bits of mantissa is (self.weapon_imp << 1) + 1 */ parm = self.weapons & 8388576; /* 0x007fffe0 */ parm |= self.weapon_imp*2 + 1; ex = floor(self.weapons & 31); /* 0x1f */ if (ex >= 16) ex -= 16; parm *= exp2(ex); if (parm & 8388608) /* 0x800000 */ parm = -parm; return parm; }; float() weapon_player_parm1_default = { return 1; /* weapons 0x000000 weapon_imp 0 */ }; void(float parm) weapon_player_parm1_decode = { local float ex, imp, topbit; if (parm < 0) { topbit = 8388608; /* 0x800000 */ parm = -parm; } else { topbit = 0; } /* Hooo boy. This is the slow way. */ ex = 0; if (floor(parm) != parm) { /* Negative exponent */ while (floor(parm) != parm) { parm *= 2; ex--; } ex += 8; } else { local float nparm; /* Positive exponent */ nparm = parm * 0.5; while (floor(nparm) == nparm) { parm = nparm; nparm *= 0.5; ex++; if (ex == 127) break; } } self.weapons = topbit | (parm & 8388576) | ex; /* 0x007fffe0 */ imp = floor((parm & 31) * 0.5); /* 0x1f */ weapon_select_by_impulse(imp); if (!self.weapon_imp) weapon_select_best(); }; void() _weapon_fire = { if (!self.weapon_imp) return; if (self.w_func(WEAPON_SELECTABLE) <= 0) { weapon_select_best(); if (self.w_func(WEAPON_SELECTABLE) <= 0) return; } self.w_func(WEAPON_FIRE); }; void() weapon_player_impulse = { if (self.attack_finished >= time) return; if (self.impulse >= 1 && self.impulse <= 8) { weapon_select_by_impulse(self.impulse); self.impulse = 0; } if (self.button0) _weapon_fire(); }; float(float imp) util_impulse_to_IT = { if (imp == 1) return IT_AXE; else if (imp == 2) return IT_SHOTGUN; else if (imp == 3) return IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN; else if (imp == 4) return IT_NAILGUN; else if (imp == 5) return IT_SUPER_NAILGUN; else if (imp == 6) return IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER; else if (imp == 7) return IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; else if (imp == 8) return IT_LIGHTNING; return 0; }; void() weapon_set_ammo = { self.items &= ~(IT_SHELLS|IT_NAILS|IT_ROCKETS|IT_CELLS); if (!self.w_func) self.currentammo = 0; else self.currentammo = self.w_func(WEAPON_AMMO); }; void(float imp, float idx, float(float action) func) _weapon_select = { local float bits, bitmask; self.weapon_imp = imp; bits = imp*3; bitmask = 7*bits; bitmask = -bitmask - 1; self.weapons &= bitmask; self.weapons |= idx*bits; self.weapon = util_impulse_to_IT(imp); self.w_think = NOTHING_function; self.w_func = func; self.w_func(WEAPON_SELECT); }; void(string s) weaponprint = { if (is_cl(self)) centerprint(self, "\[ ", s, " \]\n"); }; float(.float ammo_field, float ammo) util_weapon_use_ammo = { if (self.ammo_field < ammo) return FALSE; self.ammo_field -= ammo; return TRUE; }; float(.float ammo_field, float max_ammo, float ammo) util_weapon_give_ammo = { local float ret; if (max_ammo > 999) max_ammo = 999; ret = increase_field(ammo_field, ammo, max_ammo); return ret; };