---------------------------------------------------------- Stuff to do with the Paroxysm QC Code... ---------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to send any bug fixes, feature additions, optimizations or improvements. I will continue to update the mod as contributions are submited. To contribute QC code, send the modified files to pox@planetquake.com and include a thorough description of the change and why it was made. (Full credit will be given to the respective author(s) - I retain the right to refuse submissions for any reason) ---------------------------------------------------------- Here's a few things I had in my 'todo' list.... ---------------------------------------------------------- General: - Improve the ChaseCam (so it doesn't clip into the void) - Allow dropped weapons to be picked up (remove weapons from backpacks) Bot Improvements: NOTE: I've begun experimenting with the FrikBot, if all goes well, most of these problems will go away :) - Fix those damn runaway loop errors! - Better Navigation (Roaming, Jumping, Swimming, Button detection/targeting,Teleporter Targeting) - Teach bots how to use Mines, Shrapnel Bombs, tShot Triple shot, & Bonesaw - Make Bots missfire occasionally when DM_AUTOSWITCH is not set - Force bots to reload the Annihilator - Bot miss-aiming in Predator mode could be improved - Fix aim at close range (when aiming at other bots) - Make bots 'tilt' (pitch) when aiming up/down - More fluid movement (vecocity based) - Flashlight usage in dark mode could be better - Make bots respawn on level changes - Better Teamplay support - Fix bot colours in GL Quake More Ambitious Additions: - CTF support - RocketArena Support When flipping through the QC code, please remember a few things; - I taught myself QuakeC while making this mod so some (ok, a lot) of stuff is hacky - Much of the early code went uncommented. - There is a lot of old code that is no longer needed. (mostly due to the fact that Paroxysm was intended to be a Single Player mod) - You may see some unfinished stuff in there (refrences to a Flamethrower and the like) - When making an 'official' modification or addition, keep in mind backward compatibilty, and the fact that Paroxysm was designed to be used with existing maps. ---------------------------------------------------------- Copyrights and other mumbo jumbo.... ---------------------------------------------------------- You may use any of this code in your own mods, just give credit where credit is due (a lot of Paroxysm's code is borrowed and/or modified, so respect the original authors as well) If you want to use any of the Paroxysm weapons, or special powerups, I must get co-author status on your mod. You may not use any of this code in a commercial product of any kind (including compilation CD's) - To put it simply - if you use this code, your mod is free. The Paroxysm QC code is offered "as is" and you use and modify it at your own risk. I am not responsible for any problems encountered when modifiy the code. (That includes data and/or hardware loss or damage)