#include "paroxysm.rh" // POX - had to make room for Paroxysm's DM modes...... /* ALL LIGHTS SHOULD BE 0 1 0 IN COLOR ALL OTHER ITEMS SHOULD BE .8 .3 .4 IN COLOR */ .entity quadcore; // + POX - used by the dual model quad void() SUB_regen = { @self.model = @self.mdl; // restore original model @self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; // allow it to be touched again sound (@self, CHAN_VOICE, "items/itembk2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); // play respawn sound setorigin (@self, @self.origin); // + POX - dual model quad... if (@self.classname == "item_artifact_super_damage") { @self.quadcore.model = @self.quadcore.mdl; setorigin (@self.quadcore, @self.quadcore.origin); } // - POX }; /*QUAKED noclass (0 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) prints a warning message when spawned */ void() noclass = { dprint ("noclass spawned at"); dprint (vtos(@self.origin)); dprint ("\n"); remove (@self); }; void() q_touch; void() q_touch = { local string s; if (other.classname != "player") return; if (other.health <= 0) return; @self.mdl = @self.model; sound (other, CHAN_VOICE, @self.noise, 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); @self.solid = SOLID_NOT; other.items |= IT_QUAD; @self.model = string_null; //if (deathmatch == 4) //{ // other.armortype = 0; // other.armorvalue = 0 * 0.01; // other.ammo_cells = 0; //} // do the apropriate action other.super_time = 1; other.super_damage_finished = @self.cnt; s=ftos(rint(other.super_damage_finished - time)); bprint (PRINT_LOW, other.netname); //if (deathmatch == 4) // bprint (PRINT_LOW, " recovered an OctaPower with "); //else bprint (PRINT_LOW, " recovered a Quad with "); bprint (PRINT_LOW, s); bprint (PRINT_LOW, " seconds remaining!\n"); activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); // fire all targets / killtargets }; void(float timeleft) DropQuad = { local entity item; item = spawn (); item.origin = @self.origin; item.velocity_z = 300; item.velocity_x = -100 + (random() * 200); item.velocity_y = -100 + (random() * 200); item.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; item.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; setmodel (item, "progs/poxquad2.mdl"); setsize (item, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32'); item.effects = EF_BLUE; item.flags = FL_ITEM; item.noise = "items/damage.wav"; item.cnt = time + timeleft; item.touch = q_touch; item.nextthink = time + timeleft; // remove it with the time left on it item.think = SUB_Remove; }; void() r_touch; void() r_touch = { local string s; if (other.classname != "player") return; if (other.health <= 0) return; @self.mdl = @self.model; sound (other, CHAN_VOICE, @self.noise, 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); @self.solid = SOLID_NOT; other.items |= IT_INVISIBILITY; @self.model = string_null; // do the apropriate action other.invisible_time = 1; other.invisible_finished = @self.cnt; s=ftos(rint(other.invisible_finished - time)); bprint (PRINT_LOW, other.netname); bprint (PRINT_LOW, " recovered a Ring with "); bprint (PRINT_LOW, s); bprint (PRINT_LOW, " seconds remaining!\n"); activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); // fire all targets / killtargets }; void(float timeleft) DropRing = { local entity item; item = spawn(); item.origin = @self.origin; item.velocity_z = 300; item.velocity_x = -100 + (random() * 200); item.velocity_y = -100 + (random() * 200); item.flags = FL_ITEM; item.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; item.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; item.noise = "items/inv1.wav"; setmodel (item, "progs/invisibl.mdl"); setsize (item, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32'); item.cnt = time + timeleft; item.touch = r_touch; item.nextthink = time + timeleft; // remove after 30 seconds item.think = SUB_Remove; }; /* ============ PlaceItem plants the object on the floor ============ */ void() PlaceItem = { local float oldz; @self.mdl = @self.model; // so it can be restored on respawn @self.flags = FL_ITEM; // make extra wide @self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; @self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; @self.velocity = '0 0 0'; @self.origin_z = @self.origin_z + 6; oldz = @self.origin_z; if (!droptofloor()) { dprint ("Bonus item fell out of level at "); dprint (vtos(@self.origin)); dprint ("\n"); remove(@self); return; } }; /* ============ StartItem Sets the clipping size and plants the object on the floor ============ */ void() StartItem = { @self.nextthink = time + 0.2; // items start after other solids @self.think = PlaceItem; }; /* ========================================================================= HEALTH BOX ========================================================================= */ // // T_Heal: add health to an entity, limiting health to max_health // "ignore" will ignore max_health limit // float (entity e, float healamount, float ignore) T_Heal = { if (e.health <= 0) return 0; if ((!ignore) && (e.health >= other.max_health)) return 0; healamount = ceil(healamount); e.health = e.health + healamount; if ((!ignore) && (e.health >= other.max_health)) e.health = other.max_health; if (e.health > 250) e.health = 250; return 1; }; /*QUAKED item_health (.3 .3 1) (0 0 0) (32 32 32) rotten megahealth Health box. Normally gives 25 points. Rotten box heals 5-10 points, megahealth will add 100 health, then rot you down to your maximum health limit, one point per second. */ float H_ROTTEN = 1; float H_MEGA = 2; .float healamount, healtype; void() health_touch; void() item_megahealth_rot; void() item_health = { // + POX - no items in FFA mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { remove(@self); return; } @self.touch = health_touch; if (@self.spawnflags & H_ROTTEN) { precache_model("maps/b_bh10.bsp"); precache_sound("items/health1.wav"); setmodel(@self, "maps/b_bh10.bsp"); @self.noise = "items/health1.wav"; @self.healamount = 15; @self.healtype = 0; } else if (@self.spawnflags & H_MEGA) { precache_model("maps/b_bh100.bsp"); precache_sound("items/r_item2.wav"); setmodel(@self, "maps/b_bh100.bsp"); @self.noise = "items/r_item2.wav"; @self.healamount = 100; @self.healtype = 2; } else { precache_model("maps/b_bh25.bsp"); precache_sound("items/health1.wav"); setmodel(@self, "maps/b_bh25.bsp"); @self.noise = "items/health1.wav"; @self.healamount = 25; @self.healtype = 1; } setsize (@self, '0 0 0', '32 32 56'); StartItem (); }; void() health_touch = { local string s; //if (deathmatch == 4) // if (other.invincible_time > 0) // return; if (other.classname != "player") return; if (@self.healtype == 2) // Megahealth? Ignore max_health... { if (other.health >= 250) return; if (!T_Heal(other, @self.healamount, 1)) return; } else { if (!T_Heal(other, @self.healamount, 0)) return; } sprint(other, PRINT_LOW, "You receive "); s = ftos(@self.healamount); sprint(other, PRINT_LOW, s); sprint(other, PRINT_LOW, " health\n"); // health touch sound sound(other, CHAN_ITEM, @self.noise, 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); @self.model = string_null; @self.solid = SOLID_NOT; // Megahealth = rot down the player's super health if (@self.healtype == 2) { other.items |= IT_SUPERHEALTH; //if (deathmatch != 4) //{ @self.nextthink = time + 5; @self.think = item_megahealth_rot; //} @self.owner = other; } else { //if (deathmatch != 2) // deathmatch 2 is the silly old rules //{ @self.nextthink = time + 20; @self.think = SUB_regen; //} } activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); // fire all targets / killtargets }; void() item_megahealth_rot = { other = @self.owner; if (other.health > other.max_health) { other.health = other.health - 1; @self.nextthink = time + 1; return; } // it is possible for a player to die and respawn between rots, so don't // just blindly subtract the flag off other.items &= ~IT_SUPERHEALTH; //if (deathmatch != 2) // deathmatch 2 is silly old rules //{ @self.nextthink = time + 20; @self.think = SUB_regen; //} }; /* + POX - see sheilds.qc //ARMOR /* - POX /* =============================================================================== WEAPONS =============================================================================== */ void() bound_other_ammo = { if (other.ammo_shells > 100) other.ammo_shells = 100; if (other.ammo_nails > 200) other.ammo_nails = 200; if (other.ammo_rockets > 100) other.ammo_rockets = 100; //POX - Max200 cells (changed from 100) if (other.ammo_cells > 200) other.ammo_cells = 200; }; float(float w) RankForWeapon = { if (w == IT_LIGHTNING) return 1; if (w == IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) return 2; if (w == IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) return 3; if (w == IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) return 4; if (w == IT_COMBOGUN) return 5; if (w == IT_PLASMAGUN) return 6; return 7; }; float (float w) WeaponCode = { if (w == IT_COMBOGUN) return 3; if (w == IT_PLASMAGUN) return 4; if (w == IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) return 5; if (w == IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) return 6; if (w == IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) return 7; if (w == IT_LIGHTNING) return 8; return 1; }; /* ============= Deathmatch_Weapon Deathmatch weapon change rules for picking up a weapon .float ammo_shells, ammo_nails, ammo_rockets, ammo_cells; ============= */ void(float old, float new) Deathmatch_Weapon = { local float or, nr; // change @self.weapon if desired or = RankForWeapon (@self.weapon); nr = RankForWeapon (new); if ( nr < or ) @self.weapon = new; }; /* ============= weapon_touch ============= */ void() weapon_touch = { local float hadammo, best, new = NIL, old; local entity stemp; local float leave = NIL; // For client weapon_switch local float w_switch; if (!(other.flags & FL_CLIENT)) return; if ((stof(infokey(other,"w_switch"))) == 0) w_switch = 8; else w_switch = stof(infokey(other,"w_switch")); // if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better stemp = @self; @self = other; best = W_BestWeapon(); @self = stemp; // POX - leave is useless in POX since weapons are never allowed to be picked up if posessed //if (deathmatch == 2 || deathmatch == 3 || deathmatch == 5) // leave = 1; //else // leave = 0; // POX - Don't bother checking if weapon is in inventory if (other.items & @self.weapon) { activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); //Just in case it's required to get out of somewhere return; } // POX- changed classnames to constants switch (@self.weapon) { case IT_PLASMAGUN: hadammo = other.ammo_rockets; new = IT_PLASMAGUN; other.ammo_cells += 22; break; case IT_SUPER_NAILGUN: hadammo = other.ammo_rockets; new = IT_SUPER_NAILGUN; other.ammo_nails += 30; break; case IT_COMBOGUN: hadammo = other.ammo_rockets; new = IT_COMBOGUN; other.ammo_shells += 5; other.ammo_rockets += 2; other.which_ammo = 0; // Change ammo to shells if set to rockets break; case IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: hadammo = other.ammo_rockets; new = IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; other.ammo_rockets += 5; break; case IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER: hadammo = other.ammo_rockets; new = IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER; other.ammo_rockets += 5; break; default: objerror ("weapon_touch: Unknown classname."); } sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, "You got the "); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, @self.netname); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, "\n"); // weapon touch sound sound (other, CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/pkup.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); bound_other_ammo (); // change to the weapon old = other.items; other.items |= new; stemp = @self; @self = other; //POX - check for autoswitch if (deathmatch & DM_AUTOSWITCH) { if ( WeaponCode(new) <= w_switch ) { if (@self.flags & FL_INWATER) { if (new != IT_LIGHTNING) { Deathmatch_Weapon (old, new); } } else { Deathmatch_Weapon (old, new); } } } else @self.weapon = new; W_SetCurrentAmmo(); @self = stemp; if (leave) return; //if (deathmatch!=3 || deathmatch !=5) //{ // remove it in single player, or setup for respawning in deathmatch @self.model = string_null; @self.solid = SOLID_NOT; //if (deathmatch != 2) @self.nextthink = time + 30; @self.think = SUB_regen; //} activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); // fire all targets / killtargets }; // + POX - models/netnames changed /*QUAKED weapon_supershotgun (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) */ void() weapon_supershotgun = { // + POX - no items in FFA mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { remove(@self); return; } precache_model ("progs/g_combo.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/g_combo.mdl"); @self.weapon = IT_COMBOGUN; @self.netname = "Combo Gun"; @self.touch = weapon_touch; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 56'); StartItem (); }; /*QUAKED weapon_nailgun (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) */ void() weapon_nailgun = { // + POX - no items in FFA mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { remove(@self); return; } precache_model ("progs/g_plasma.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/g_plasma.mdl"); @self.weapon = IT_PLASMAGUN; @self.netname = "Plasma Gun"; @self.touch = weapon_touch; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 56'); StartItem (); }; /*QUAKED weapon_supernailgun (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) */ void() weapon_supernailgun = { // + POX - no items in FFA mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { remove(@self); return; } precache_model ("progs/g_nailg.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/g_nailg.mdl"); @self.weapon = IT_SUPER_NAILGUN; @self.netname = "Nailgun"; @self.touch = weapon_touch; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 56'); StartItem (); }; /*QUAKED weapon_grenadelauncher (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) */ void() weapon_grenadelauncher = { // + POX - no items in FFA mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { remove(@self); return; } precache_model ("progs/g_gren.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/g_gren.mdl"); @self.weapon = IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER; @self.netname = "Grenade Launcher"; @self.touch = weapon_touch; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 56'); StartItem (); }; /*QUAKED weapon_rocketlauncher (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) */ void() weapon_rocketlauncher = { // + POX - no items in FFA mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { remove(@self); return; } precache_model ("progs/g_rhino.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/g_rhino.mdl"); @self.weapon = IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; @self.netname = "Anihilator"; @self.touch = weapon_touch; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 56'); StartItem (); }; // + POX - PlasmaGun also replaces Thunderbolt in existing levels void() weapon_lightning = { // + POX - no items in FFA mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { remove(@self); return; } precache_model ("progs/g_plasma.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/g_plasma.mdl"); @self.weapon = IT_PLASMAGUN; @self.netname = "Plasma Gun"; @self.touch = weapon_touch; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 56'); StartItem (); }; /* =============================================================================== AMMO =============================================================================== */ void() ammo_touch = { local entity stemp; local float best; if (other.classname != "player") return; if (other.health <= 0) return; // if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better stemp = @self; @self = other; best = W_BestWeapon(); @self = stemp; // shotgun if (@self.weapon == 1) { if (other.ammo_shells >= 100) return; other.ammo_shells = other.ammo_shells + @self.aflag; //+ POX - switch ammo to shells for ComboGun other.which_ammo = 0; } // spikes if (@self.weapon == 2) { if (other.ammo_nails >= 200) return; other.ammo_nails = other.ammo_nails + @self.aflag; } // rockets if (@self.weapon == 3) { if (other.ammo_rockets >= 100) return; other.ammo_rockets = other.ammo_rockets + @self.aflag; } // cells if (@self.weapon == 4) { // + POX - changed max cells to 200 if (other.ammo_cells >= 200) return; other.ammo_cells = other.ammo_cells + @self.aflag; } bound_other_ammo (); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, "You got the "); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, @self.netname); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, "\n"); // ammo touch sound sound (other, CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/lock4.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); // change to a better weapon if appropriate if (deathmatch & DM_AUTOSWITCH) { if ( other.weapon == best ) { stemp = @self; @self = other; @self.weapon = W_BestWeapon(); W_SetCurrentAmmo (); @self = stemp; } } // if changed current ammo, update it stemp = @self; @self = other; W_SetCurrentAmmo(); @self = stemp; // remove it in single player, or setup for respawning in deathmatch @self.model = string_null; @self.solid = SOLID_NOT; //if (deathmatch != 2) @self.nextthink = time + 30; // Xian -- If playing in DM 3.0 mode, halve the time ammo respawns // if (deathmatch == 3 || deathmatch == 5) // @self.nextthink = time + 15; @self.think = SUB_regen; activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); // fire all targets / killtargets }; float WEAPON_BIG2 = 1; /*QUAKED item_shells (0 .5 .8) (0 0 0) (32 32 32) big */ void() item_shells = { //if (deathmatch == 4) // return; // + POX - no items in FFA mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { remove(@self); return; } @self.touch = ammo_touch; if (@self.spawnflags & WEAPON_BIG2) { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_shell1.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_shell1.bsp"); @self.aflag = 40; } else { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_shell0.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_shell0.bsp"); @self.aflag = 20; } @self.weapon = 1; @self.netname = "shells"; setsize (@self, '0 0 0', '32 32 56'); StartItem (); }; /*QUAKED item_spikes (0 .5 .8) (0 0 0) (32 32 32) big */ void() item_spikes = { //if (deathmatch == 4) // return; // + POX - no items in FFA mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { remove(@self); return; } @self.touch = ammo_touch; if (@self.spawnflags & WEAPON_BIG2) { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_nail1.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_nail1.bsp"); @self.aflag = 50; } else { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_nail0.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_nail0.bsp"); @self.aflag = 25; } @self.weapon = 2; @self.netname = "nails"; setsize (@self, '0 0 0', '32 32 56'); StartItem (); }; /*QUAKED item_rockets (0 .5 .8) (0 0 0) (32 32 32) big */ void() item_rockets = { //if (deathmatch == 4) // return; // + POX - no items in FFA mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { remove(@self); return; } @self.touch = ammo_touch; if (@self.spawnflags & WEAPON_BIG2) { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_rock1.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_rock1.bsp"); @self.aflag = 10; } else { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_rock0.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_rock0.bsp"); @self.aflag = 5; } @self.weapon = 3; @self.netname = "rockets"; setsize (@self, '0 0 0', '32 32 56'); StartItem (); }; /*QUAKED item_cells (0 .5 .8) (0 0 0) (32 32 32) big */ void() item_cells = { //if (deathmatch == 4) // return; // + POX - no items in FFA mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { remove(@self); return; } @self.touch = ammo_touch; if (@self.spawnflags & WEAPON_BIG2) { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_batt1.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_batt1.bsp"); @self.aflag = 12; } else { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_batt0.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_batt0.bsp"); @self.aflag = 6; } @self.weapon = 4; @self.netname = "cells"; setsize (@self, '0 0 0', '32 32 56'); StartItem (); }; /*QUAKED item_weapon (0 .5 .8) (0 0 0) (32 32 32) shotgun rocket spikes big DO NOT USE THIS!!!! IT WILL BE REMOVED! */ float WEAPON_SHOTGUN = 1; float WEAPON_ROCKET = 2; float WEAPON_SPIKES = 4; float WEAPON_BIG = 8; void() item_weapon = { // + POX - no items in FFA mode (just in case, for older maps) if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { remove(@self); return; } @self.touch = ammo_touch; if (@self.spawnflags & WEAPON_SHOTGUN) { if (@self.spawnflags & WEAPON_BIG) { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_shell1.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_shell1.bsp"); @self.aflag = 40; } else { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_shell0.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_shell0.bsp"); @self.aflag = 20; } @self.weapon = 1; @self.netname = "shells"; } if (@self.spawnflags & WEAPON_SPIKES) { if (@self.spawnflags & WEAPON_BIG) { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_nail1.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_nail1.bsp"); @self.aflag = 40; } else { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_nail0.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_nail0.bsp"); @self.aflag = 20; } @self.weapon = 2; @self.netname = "spikes"; } if (@self.spawnflags & WEAPON_ROCKET) { if (@self.spawnflags & WEAPON_BIG) { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_rock1.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_rock1.bsp"); @self.aflag = 10; } else { precache_model ("maps/bspmdls/b_rock0.bsp"); setmodel (@self, "maps/bspmdls/b_rock0.bsp"); @self.aflag = 5; } @self.weapon = 3; @self.netname = "rockets"; } setsize (@self, '0 0 0', '32 32 56'); StartItem (); }; /* =============================================================================== KEYS =============================================================================== */ void() key_touch = { if (other.classname != "player") return; if (other.health <= 0) return; if (other.items & @self.items) return; sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, "You got the "); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, @self.netname); sprint (other,PRINT_LOW, "\n"); sound (other, CHAN_ITEM, @self.noise, 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); other.items |= @self.items; @self.solid = SOLID_NOT; @self.model = string_null; activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); // fire all targets / killtargets }; void() key_setsounds = { if (world.worldtype == 0) { precache_sound ("misc/medkey.wav"); @self.noise = "misc/medkey.wav"; } if (world.worldtype == 1) { precache_sound ("misc/runekey.wav"); @self.noise = "misc/runekey.wav"; } if (world.worldtype == 2) { precache_sound2 ("misc/basekey.wav"); @self.noise = "misc/basekey.wav"; } }; /*QUAKED item_key1 (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) SILVER key In order for keys to work you MUST set your maps worldtype to one of the following: 0: medieval 1: metal 2: base */ void() item_key1 = { if (world.worldtype == 0) { precache_model ("progs/w_s_key.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/w_s_key.mdl"); @self.netname = "silver key"; } else if (world.worldtype == 1) { precache_model ("progs/m_s_key.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/m_s_key.mdl"); @self.netname = "silver runekey"; } else if (world.worldtype == 2) { precache_model2 ("progs/b_s_key.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/b_s_key.mdl"); @self.netname = "silver keycard"; } key_setsounds(); @self.touch = key_touch; @self.items = IT_KEY1; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32'); StartItem (); }; /*QUAKED item_key2 (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) GOLD key In order for keys to work you MUST set your maps worldtype to one of the following: 0: medieval 1: metal 2: base */ void() item_key2 = { if (world.worldtype == 0) { precache_model ("progs/w_g_key.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/w_g_key.mdl"); @self.netname = "gold key"; } if (world.worldtype == 1) { precache_model ("progs/m_g_key.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/m_g_key.mdl"); @self.netname = "gold runekey"; } if (world.worldtype == 2) { precache_model2 ("progs/b_g_key.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/b_g_key.mdl"); @self.netname = "gold keycard"; } key_setsounds(); @self.touch = key_touch; @self.items = IT_KEY2; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32'); StartItem (); }; /* =============================================================================== END OF LEVEL RUNES =============================================================================== */ void() sigil_touch = { if (other.classname != "player") return; if (other.health <= 0) return; @self.target_id_finished = time + 4;//POX don't let TargetID override centerprints centerprint (other, "You got the rune!"); sound (other, CHAN_ITEM, @self.noise, 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); @self.solid = SOLID_NOT; @self.model = string_null; serverflags &= ~15; @self.classname = ""; // so rune doors won't find it activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); // fire all targets / killtargets }; /*QUAKED item_sigil (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) E1 E2 E3 E4 End of level sigil, pick up to end episode and return to jrstart. */ void() item_sigil = { if (!@self.spawnflags) objerror ("no spawnflags"); precache_sound ("misc/runekey.wav"); @self.noise = "misc/runekey.wav"; if (@self.spawnflags & 1) { precache_model ("progs/end1.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/end1.mdl"); } if (@self.spawnflags & 2) { precache_model2 ("progs/end2.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/end2.mdl"); } if (@self.spawnflags & 4) { precache_model2 ("progs/end3.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/end3.mdl"); } if (@self.spawnflags & 8) { precache_model2 ("progs/end4.mdl"); setmodel (@self, "progs/end4.mdl"); } @self.touch = sigil_touch; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32'); StartItem (); }; /* =============================================================================== POWERUPS =============================================================================== */ void() powerup_touch; void() powerup_touch = { if (other.classname != "player") return; if (other.health <= 0) return; sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, "You got the "); sprint (other,PRINT_LOW, @self.netname); sprint (other,PRINT_LOW, "\n"); @self.mdl = @self.model; if ((@self.classname == "item_artifact_invulnerability") || (@self.classname == "item_artifact_invisibility")) @self.nextthink = time + 75; // POX - 5 minutes was way too long (not that these are in any maps) else @self.nextthink = time + 60; @self.think = SUB_regen; sound (other, CHAN_VOICE, @self.noise, 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); @self.solid = SOLID_NOT; other.items |= @self.items; @self.model = string_null; // do the apropriate action if (@self.classname == "item_artifact_envirosuit") { other.rad_time = 1; other.radsuit_finished = time + 30; } if (@self.classname == "item_artifact_invulnerability") { other.invincible_time = 1; other.invincible_finished = time + 30; } if (@self.classname == "item_artifact_invisibility") { other.invisible_time = 1; other.invisible_finished = time + 30; } if (@self.classname == "item_artifact_super_damage") { @self.quadcore.mdl = @self.quadcore.model; @self.quadcore.model = string_null; other.super_time = 1; other.super_damage_finished = time + 30; } activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); // fire all targets / killtargets }; //POX - just changed the look of these (and some respawn times) /*QUAKED item_artifact_invulnerability (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) Player is invulnerable for 30 seconds */ void() item_artifact_invulnerability = { @self.touch = powerup_touch; precache_model ("progs/poxmegs.mdl"); precache_sound ("items/protect.wav"); precache_sound ("items/protect2.wav"); precache_sound ("items/protect3.wav"); @self.noise = "items/protect.wav"; setmodel (@self, "progs/poxmegs.mdl"); @self.netname = "MegaShields"; @self.effects |= EF_RED; @self.items = IT_INVULNERABILITY; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32'); StartItem (); }; /*QUAKED item_artifact_envirosuit (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) Player takes no damage from water or slime for 30 seconds */ void() item_artifact_envirosuit = { @self.touch = powerup_touch; precache_model ("progs/suit.mdl"); precache_sound ("items/suit.wav"); precache_sound ("items/suit2.wav"); @self.noise = "items/suit.wav"; setmodel (@self, "progs/suit.mdl"); @self.netname = "Biosuit"; @self.items = IT_SUIT; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32'); StartItem (); }; /*QUAKED item_artifact_invisibility (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) Player is invisible for 30 seconds */ void() item_artifact_invisibility = { // + POX - Everyone's already invisible in DM_PREDATOR if (deathmatch & DM_PREDATOR) remove(@self); @self.touch = powerup_touch; precache_model ("progs/cloak.mdl"); precache_sound ("items/inv1.wav"); precache_sound ("items/inv2.wav"); precache_sound ("items/inv3.wav"); @self.noise = "items/inv1.wav"; setmodel (@self, "progs/cloak.mdl"); @self.netname = "Cloaking Device"; @self.items = IT_INVISIBILITY; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32'); StartItem (); }; //POX - A little hack to get a multi-model item for a cool effect void() Spawn_QuadCore = { local entity qcore; qcore = spawn (); qcore.owner = @self; qcore.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; qcore.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; setmodel (qcore, "progs/poxquad2.mdl"); setsize (qcore, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32'); qcore.velocity = '0 0 0'; setorigin(qcore, @self.origin); qcore.origin_z = qcore.origin_z + 6; @self.quadcore = qcore; qcore.nextthink = time + 999999999; qcore.think = NIL; }; /*QUAKED item_artifact_super_damage (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) The next attack from the player will do 4x damage */ void() item_artifact_super_damage = { @self.touch = powerup_touch; precache_model ("progs/poxquad.mdl"); precache_model ("progs/poxquad2.mdl"); precache_sound ("items/damage.wav"); precache_sound ("items/damage2.wav"); precache_sound ("items/damage3.wav"); @self.noise = "items/damage.wav"; setmodel (@self, "progs/poxquad.mdl"); @self.netname = "Quad Damage"; @self.items = IT_QUAD; @self.effects |= EF_BLUE; setsize (@self, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32'); Spawn_QuadCore (); StartItem (); }; /* =============================================================================== PLAYER BACKPACKS =============================================================================== */ void() BackpackTouch = { local string s; local float best, old, new; local entity stemp; local float acount; local float b_switch; //if (deathmatch == 4) // if (other.invincible_time > 0) // return; if ((stof (infokey (other, "b_switch"))) == 0) b_switch = 8; else b_switch = stof(infokey(other,"b_switch")); if (other.classname != "player") return; if (other.health <= 0) return; acount = 0; sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, "You get "); /* if (deathmatch == 4) { other.health = other.health + 10; sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, "10 additional health\n"); if ((other.health > 250) && (other.health < 300)) sound (other, CHAN_ITEM, "items/protect3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); else sound (other, CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/lock4.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); remove(@self); if (other.health >299) { if (other.invincible_time != 1) { other.invincible_time = 1; other.invincible_finished = time + 30; other.items |= IT_INVULNERABILITY; other.super_time = 1; other.super_damage_finished = time + 30; other.items |= IT_QUAD; other.ammo_cells = 0; sound (other, CHAN_VOICE, "boss1/sight1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); bprint (PRINT_HIGH, other.netname); bprint (PRINT_HIGH, " attains bonus powers!!!\n"); } } @self = other; return; }*/ if (@self.items) if ((other.items & @self.items) == 0) { acount = 1; sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, "the "); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, @self.netname); } // if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better stemp = @self; @self = other; best = W_BestWeapon (); @self = stemp; // change weapons other.ammo_shells += @self.ammo_shells; other.ammo_nails += @self.ammo_nails; other.ammo_rockets += @self.ammo_rockets; other.ammo_cells += @self.ammo_cells; new = @self.items; if (!new) new = other.weapon; old = other.items; other.items |= @self.items; bound_other_ammo (); if (@self.ammo_shells) { if (acount) sprint(other, PRINT_LOW, ", "); acount = 1; s = ftos(@self.ammo_shells); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, s); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, " shells"); } if (@self.ammo_nails) { if (acount) sprint(other, PRINT_LOW, ", "); acount = 1; s = ftos(@self.ammo_nails); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, s); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, " nails"); } if (@self.ammo_rockets) { if (acount) sprint(other, PRINT_LOW, ", "); acount = 1; s = ftos(@self.ammo_rockets); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, s); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, " rockets"); } if (@self.ammo_cells) { if (acount) sprint(other, PRINT_LOW, ", "); acount = 1; s = ftos(@self.ammo_cells); sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, s); sprint (other,PRINT_LOW, " cells"); } //if ( (deathmatch==3 || deathmatch == 5) & ( (WeaponCode(new)==6) || (WeaponCode(new)==7) ) & (other.ammo_rockets < 5) ) // other.ammo_rockets = 5; // + POX - Health in packs for FFA mode if (@self.healamount) { if (!T_Heal(other, @self.healamount, 0)) { SUB_Null (); } else { if (acount) sprint(other, PRINT_LOW, ", "); s = ftos(@self.healamount); sprint(other, PRINT_LOW, " "); sprint(other, PRINT_LOW, s); sprint(other, PRINT_LOW, " health"); } } // - POX sprint (other, PRINT_LOW, "\n"); // backpack touch sound sound (other, CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/lock4.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); remove(@self); @self = other; // change to the weapon //POX - dm_autoswitch check if (deathmatch & DM_AUTOSWITCH) { if ( WeaponCode(new) <= b_switch ) { if (@self.flags & FL_INWATER) { if (new != IT_LIGHTNING) { Deathmatch_Weapon (old, new); } } else { Deathmatch_Weapon (old, new); } } } W_SetCurrentAmmo (); }; /* =============== DropBackpack =============== */ void() DropBackpack = { local entity item; // + POX - DM_FFA check if (!(@self.ammo_shells + @self.ammo_nails + @self.ammo_rockets + @self.ammo_cells) && !(deathmatch & DM_FFA)) return; // nothing in it item = spawn(); item.origin = @self.origin - '0 0 24'; // + POX - DM_FFA (Only health in packs) if (!(deathmatch & DM_FFA)) { item.items = @self.weapon; if (item.items == IT_AXE) item.netname = "Axe"; else if (item.items == IT_TSHOT) item.netname = "tShot"; else if (item.items == IT_COMBOGUN) item.netname = "Combo Gun"; else if (item.items == IT_PLASMAGUN) item.netname = "Plasma Gun"; else if (item.items == IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) item.netname = "Nail Gun"; else if (item.items == IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) item.netname = "Grenade Launcher"; else if (item.items == IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) item.netname = "Annihilator"; else item.netname = ""; } else { item.healamount = 25; item.healtype = 1; } item.ammo_shells = @self.ammo_shells; item.ammo_nails = @self.ammo_nails; item.ammo_rockets = @self.ammo_rockets; // round rockets up to nearest integer incase someone died between rhino barrel fires item.ammo_rockets = rint (item.ammo_rockets); item.ammo_cells = @self.ammo_cells; item.velocity_z = 300; item.velocity_x = -100 + (random() * 200); item.velocity_y = -100 + (random() * 200); item.flags = FL_ITEM; item.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; item.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; setmodel (item, "progs/backpack.mdl"); setsize (item, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 56'); item.touch = BackpackTouch; // + POX - changed to 30 secs item.nextthink = time + 30; // remove after 1 minutes item.think = SUB_Remove; };