#ifndef MISC_qh #define MISC_qh 1 /* Random miscellaneous functions */ @extern { entity(string clname) spawn; string(entity e) name; /* Returns the pretty entity name */ #define crandom() (2.0*(random() - 0.5)) void(entity e) makestatic; void(vector pos, string samp, float vol, float atten) ambientsound; void() SUB_remove; void(entity e) safe_remove; void() SUB_makestatic; void(entity e) safe_makestatic; void(vector org, string samp, float vol, float atten) sound_vector; entity(string clname, string mod, vector org, vector dir, float speed) spawn_missile; /* :) */ void(.string fld, string match, void(entity e) func) foreach; void(.string fld, string match, .void() func) foreach_field; /* swaps self/other temporarily */ float(entity newself, entity newother, float() func) switcheroo; /* Returns new value */ float(float current, float increment, float max) increase_bound; /* Returns FALSE if not increased */ float(.float fld, float increment, float max) increase_field; /* Calculate the player's current maximum speed, taking water/air in to account */ float(entity e) calc_max_speed; /* sprint one string at a time, and get them all to the destination */ void(entity client, float level) xprint_start; void(string str) xprint_str; #define is_activeplayer(e) (e.flags & FL_CLIENT) #define is_cl(e) (e.flags & FL_CLIENT) #define is_autothink(e) (e.flags & FL_AUTOTHINK) /* Return a random entity that matches, or world */ entity(.string fld, string str) find_random; /* Return something from the .enemy chain */ entity(entity ech) random_enemy_chain; #define vieworigin(e) (e.origin + e.view_ofs) #define center(e) ((e.absmin + e.absmax) * 0.5) /* FIXME: Make this an mdl func? */ #define shootorigin(e) (vieworigin(e) - '0 0 6') /* Stuff for traceline "projectiles" to hit triggers like normal projectiles */ void() tl_proj_begin; void() tl_proj_end; void(entity trigger, entity fake_proj) tl_touch; .float tl_notsolid; #define tl_issolid(ent) (!ent.tl_notsolid) }; #endif