Title:FrikBot X
Author:Ryan "Frika C" Smith
Horn, scar3crow, Electro, Akuma, ze0Play testing and suggestions.
Quest, Plumb, SSJ4-DeathEditor testing.
KoolioMod testing
Raymond Martineau, Quest, AkumaFor supporting the "FrikBot community"
Alan Kivlin, RequiemCode snippets


This is the final version of FrikBot. I mean it this time. Really. Stop looking at me like that. This is it. For those that know what this bot is all about, skip the next paragraph and save yourself some time. If not, read on:

FrikBot is a unique bot for Quake. Maybe you're familiar with Reaper Bots, or the fabulous Frogbot and Omicron bots. These are wonderful opponents to deathmatch against, but for mod authors (the people that make those nice mods you and I play, such as Capture the Flag, etc) they're not so great. Why? I hear you ask - well the bot code heavily intrudes into the rest of the QuakeC (the language you use to make mods for Quake). Because of this, you either need to build the mod onto the bot's source base, or spend a few good months finding each part that links into the mod and carefully replicate it on the new mod. In addition Reaper is not legal to modify and Omicron's source is heavily obfuscated. FrikBot has introduced about 2 years ago as an alternative. It's the first Quake bot (aside from TutorBot) to be heavily geared to mod authors and customization. With the advent of this version, it's also a hoot to play too.

This release (nicknamed FrikBotX or simply FBX) represents several months of slow off and on work and is the 10th (or 12th - I'm not sure) and final release of the bot. FrikBot X, much like the infamous Frogbot relies heavily on hand-built waypoints for excellence in combat. It can however run without them, and it will attempt to create it's own waypoints as it plays. This is not recommended however.

To get started playing FrikBot, read the installation instructions which can be found by clicking the "Installation" button at left (on DHTML capable browsers), or scrolling down (on "normal" browsers).