lots more progress. it compiles, but I highly doubt it will work yet :)

This commit is contained in:
Bill Currie 2003-07-24 21:54:24 +00:00
parent 35be5480ca
commit 2af71716a9
3 changed files with 159 additions and 204 deletions

View File

@ -198,14 +198,15 @@ weapon_range =
} else {
local integer i = 0;
local Bot foe;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (!(foe = players[i]))
if(foe != ent) {
if (foe.modelindex != 0) {
if (foe.health > 0) {
if (!(teamplay && ent.team == foe.team)) {
flen = vlen (foe.origin - ent.origin);
if(foe != self) {
if (foe.ent.modelindex != 0) {
if (foe.ent.health > 0) {
if (!(teamplay && ent.team == foe.ent.team)) {
flen = vlen (foe.ent.origin - ent.origin);
if (flen < foedist) {
tsz = [self size_player:foe];
if (tsz < foesz) {

View File

@ -75,18 +75,6 @@ ClientFixRankings(); // FrikBot
#include "libfrikbot.h"
@implementation Bot
- (id) init
return [super init];
- (id) initWithEntity:(entity) e
return [super initWithEntity:e];
void ()
bot_map_load =
@ -122,31 +110,7 @@ for all variable in the bot...
entity [32] players;
entity [32] phys_objects;
// ----- entity fields ---
.float wallhug, keys, oldkeys, ishuman;
.float b_frags, b_shirt, b_pants;
.integer b_clientno;
.float ai_time, b_sound, missile_speed;
.float portal_time;
.integer b_skill;
.float switch_wallhug;
.integer b_num;
.float b_chattime;
.float b_entertime; // QW shtuff
.float b_menu, b_menu_time, b_menu_value;
.float route_failed, dyn_flags, dyn_time;
.float dyn_plat;
.entity temp_way, last_way, phys_obj;
.entity target1, target2, target3, target4;
.entity _next, _last;
.entity current_way;
.vector b_angle, mouse_emu, obs_dir;
.vector movevect, b_dir;
.vector dyn_dest;
.vector punchangle; // HACK - Don't want to screw with bot_phys
Bot [32] players;
// -------globals-----
integer max_clients;
@ -159,7 +123,7 @@ float sv_friction, sv_gravity;
float sv_accelerate, sv_maxspeed, sv_stopspeed;
entity fixer;
Bot route_table;
entity b_temp1, b_temp2, b_temp3;
entity b_temp1, b_temp3;
Waypoint way_head;
float busy_waypoints;
@ -192,7 +156,7 @@ direct messages to the bots, it crashes quake :-(
void (entity e)
setspawnparms =
if (e.ishuman)
if (((Bot)e.@this).ishuman)
frik_setspawnparms (e);
SetNewParms ();
@ -201,7 +165,7 @@ setspawnparms =
vector (entity e, float sped)
aim =
e.missile_speed = sped;
((Bot)e.@this).missile_speed = sped;
return frik_aim (e, sped);
@ -212,9 +176,9 @@ sound =
if (samp == "items/inv3.wav")
else if (e.classname == "player")
e.b_sound = time + 1;
((Bot)e.@this).b_sound = time + 1;
else if (other.classname == "player")
other.b_sound = time + 1;
((Bot)other.@this).b_sound = time + 1;
@ -228,43 +192,34 @@ void ()
ClientFixRankings =
local integer cno;
if (self.switch_wallhug > time)
self.switch_wallhug = 0;
local Bot bot = @self.@this;
local entity btmp;
local Bot btmp_bot;
b_temp2 = nextent (NIL);
if (bot.switch_wallhug > time)
bot.switch_wallhug = 0;
btmp = nextent (NIL);
cno = 0;
while (cno < max_clients) {
if (!b_temp2.ishuman) {
btmp_bot = btmp.@this;
if (!btmp_bot.ishuman) {
if (players[cno])
UpdateClient (b_temp2);
UpdateClient (btmp);
b_temp2 = nextent (b_temp2);
btmp = nextent (btmp);
void ()
ClientInRankings =
local float cno;
local integer cl_no = ClientNumber (self);
local integer cl_no = ClientNumber (@self);
players[cl_no] = self;
self.b_clientno = cl_no + 1;
self.phys_obj = phys_objects[cl_no];
if (self.ishuman == 2) {
self.ishuman = FALSE;
cno = self.colormap - 1;
self.b_clientno = (integer) cno;
self.ishuman = TRUE;
self.switch_wallhug = time + 1;
players[cl_no] = [[Bot alloc] initWithEntity:@self];
void ()
@ -285,32 +240,13 @@ bot easier to install
float ()
BotPreFrame =
if (self.b_clientno == -1)
return TRUE;
if (self.ishuman)
if (self.switch_wallhug)
ClientFixRankings ();
if (self.b_frags != self.frags) {
if (self.b_frags > self.frags) {
if (pointcontents (self.origin) == CONTENT_LAVA)
bot_start_topic (10);
bot_start_topic (9);
} else
bot_start_topic (2);
self.b_frags = self.frags;
[self.@this dynamicWaypoint];
return FALSE;
return (float)[((Bot)@self.@this) preFrame];
float ()
BotPostFrame =
if (self.b_clientno == -1)
return TRUE;
if (self.ishuman)
BotImpulses ();
return FALSE;
return (float)[((Bot)@self.@this) postFrame];
@ -375,14 +311,6 @@ BotInit =
ent = nextent (NIL);
while (numents < max_clients) {
phys_objects[numents] = spawn ();
phys_objects[numents].classname = "phys_obj";
phys_objects[numents].owner = ent;
ent = nextent (ent);
bot_map_load ();
@ -398,6 +326,7 @@ signs on to the server.
void (entity who)
UpdateClient =
/* XXX
local string bottomcolor = ftos (who.b_pants);
local string topcolor = ftos (who.b_shirt);
@ -408,6 +337,7 @@ UpdateClient =
+ "\\topcolor\\" + topcolor
+ "\\team\\bot\\skin\\base\\name\\" + who.netname);
// FIXME: do teams properly
integer (integer clientno)
@ -416,22 +346,6 @@ ClientBitFlag =
return 1 << clientno;
integer ()
ClientNextAvailable =
local integer clientno;
// I want to do this top down, but QW won't let me
clientno = 0;
while (clientno < max_clients) {
//FIXME if (!ClientIsActive (clientno))
return clientno;
return -1;
void(Waypoint e1, Waypoint e2, integer flag) DeveloperLightning = {};
// BotConnect and related functions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
@ -466,104 +380,30 @@ ClientNumber =
void (integer whatbot, integer whatskill)
BotConnect =
local integer f;
local entity uself;
local Bot bot;
//f = ClientNextAvailable();
uself = self;
self = SV_AllocClient ();
if (!self) {
uself = @self;
@self = SV_AllocClient ();
if (!@self) {
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "Unable to connect a bot, server is full.\n");
self = uself;
@self = uself;
bot_start_topic (1);
f = ClientNumber (self) + 1;
self.b_clientno = f;
self.colormap = (float) f;
bot = [[Bot alloc] initWithEntity: @self];
if (whatbot)
@self.netname = [((Bot)@self.@this) name:whatbot];
@self.netname = [bot name:whatbot];
@self.netname = [((Bot)@self.@this) randomName];
@self.netname = [bot randomName];
// players can set skill all weird, so leave these checks in
if (whatskill > 3)
whatskill = 3;
else if (whatskill < 0)
whatskill = 0;
self.b_skill = whatskill;
self.b_entertime = time;
self.team = self.b_pants + 1;
UpdateClient (self);
SetNewParms ();
self.ishuman = 2;
ClientConnect ();
PutClientInServer ();
self = uself;
void (entity bot)
BotDisconnect =
local entity uself;
uself = self;
self = bot;
ClientDisconnect ();
setmodel (self.phys_obj, NIL);
self.netname = NIL;
SV_FreeClient (self);
self = uself;
void ()
BotFrame =
local integer num;
local string h;
h = infokey (NIL, "bot_options");
b_options = stof (h);
// for the sake of speed
sv_maxspeed = cvar ("sv_maxspeed");
sv_gravity = cvar ("sv_gravity");
sv_friction = cvar ("sv_friction");
sv_accelerate = cvar ("sv_accelerate");
sv_stopspeed = cvar ("sv_stopspeed");
real_frametime = time - lasttime; // in QW frametime is fuxx0red
lasttime = time;
self = nextent (NIL);
num = 0;
while (num < max_clients) {
if (self.ishuman == FALSE) {
if (self.b_clientno > 0) {
[self.@this _obstacles];
CL_KeyMove ();
SV_ClientThink ();
SV_Physics_Client ();
// this is sickening
if (self.phys_obj) {
if (self.phys_obj.modelindex != self.modelindex) {
setmodel(self.phys_obj, "progs/player.mdl");
self.phys_obj.modelindex = self.modelindex;
self.phys_obj.frame = self.frame;
self.phys_obj.angles = self.angles;
self.phys_obj.colormap = self.colormap;
self.phys_obj.effects = self.effects;
self = nextent (self);
bot.b_skill = whatskill;
bot_start_topic (1);
@self = uself;
@ -585,3 +425,112 @@ void () BotImpulses =
self.impulse = 0;
@implementation Bot
- (id) init
return [super init];
- (id) initWithEntity:(entity) e
local integer cl_no = ClientNumber (@self);
if (!(self = [super initWithEntity:e]))
return NIL;
b_clientno = cl_no + 1;
ent.colormap = (float) (cl_no + 1);
b_entertime = time;
ent.team = b_pants + 1;
UpdateClient (ent);
SetNewParms ();
ishuman = 2;
ClientConnect ();
PutClientInServer ();
return self;
- (id) initFromPlayer: (entity) e
local integer cno;
if (!(self = [super initWithEntity:e]))
return NIL;
cno = (integer)e.colormap - 1;
b_clientno = cno;
ishuman = TRUE;
switch_wallhug = time + 1;
return self;
- (integer) preFrame
if (b_clientno == -1)
return TRUE;
if (ishuman)
if (switch_wallhug)
ClientFixRankings ();
if (b_frags != ent.frags) {
if (b_frags > ent.frags) {
if (pointcontents (ent.origin) == CONTENT_LAVA)
bot_start_topic (10);
bot_start_topic (9);
} else
bot_start_topic (2);
self.b_frags = ent.frags;
[self dynamicWaypoint];
return FALSE;
- (integer) postFrame
if (self.b_clientno == -1)
return TRUE;
if (self.ishuman)
BotImpulses ();
return FALSE;
local entity uself;
uself = @self;
@self = ent;
ClientDisconnect ();
@self = uself;
SV_FreeClient (ent);
local string h;
h = infokey (NIL, "bot_options");
b_options = stof (h);
// for the sake of speed
sv_maxspeed = cvar ("sv_maxspeed");
sv_gravity = cvar ("sv_gravity");
sv_friction = cvar ("sv_friction");
sv_accelerate = cvar ("sv_accelerate");
sv_stopspeed = cvar ("sv_stopspeed");
real_frametime = time - lasttime; // in QW frametime is fuxx0red
lasttime = time;
[self obstacles];
CL_KeyMove ();
SV_ClientThink ();
SV_Physics_Client ();

View File

@ -92,6 +92,11 @@
- (id) init;
- (id) initWithEntity: (entity) e;
- (id) initFromPlayer: (entity) e;
- (integer) preFrame;
- (integer) postFrame;
- (void) frame;
- (void) disconnect;
@interface Bot (Misc)
@ -228,7 +233,7 @@
#define OPT_NOCHAT 2
// -------globals-----
@extern entity [32] players;
@extern Bot [32] players;
@extern integer max_clients;
@extern float real_frametime;
@extern float bot_count, b_options, lasttime;
@ -238,7 +243,7 @@
@extern float sv_accelerate, sv_maxspeed, sv_stopspeed;
@extern entity fixer;
@extern Bot route_table;
@extern entity b_temp1, b_temp2, b_temp3;
@extern entity b_temp1, b_temp3;
@extern float busy_waypoints;
@extern float coop;