
407 lines
8.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "common.qh"
#include "protocol.qh"
#include "misc.qh"
2003-10-27 22:27:29 +00:00
#include "server.qh"
#include "teleport.qh"
2003-10-27 22:27:29 +00:00
#include "weapon.qh"
2003-10-28 21:20:34 +00:00
.float tl_notsolid;
// ===================================================================== //
entity(string clname) spawn = {
local entity e;
e = BUILTIN_spawn();
e.classname = clname;
return e;
// ===================================================================== //
void() SUB_remove = { remove(self); };
void(entity e) safe_remove = {
e.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
e.solid = SOLID_NOT;
2003-10-27 22:27:29 +00:00
e.model = NIL;
e.modelindex = 0;
e.think = SUB_remove;
e.nextthink = time;
// ===================================================================== //
void() SUB_makestatic = { makestatic(self); };
void(entity e) safe_makestatic = {
if (sv_spawning) {
e.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
e.solid = SOLID_NOT;
e.think = SUB_makestatic;
e.nextthink = time;
// ===================================================================== //
void() _sound_vector_think = {
sound(self, CHAN_VOICE, self.noise1, self.volume, self.attenuation);
void(vector org, string samp, float vol, float atten) sound_vector = {
local entity e;
e = spawn("SOUND");
e.origin = org;
e.noise1 = samp;
e.volume = vol;
e.attenuation = atten;
e.think = _sound_vector_think;
e.nextthink = time;
// ===================================================================== //
float(vector org) _missile_th_teleport = {
self.owner = world;
return TRUE;
void(entity mis) missile_check_teleport;
void() _missile_always_trigger = {
self.think = SUB_remove;
self.nextthink = self.attack_finished;
if (self.movetype != MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE && self.movetype != MOVETYPE_FLY)
/* Make sure we're still going to hit the thing */
traceline(self.origin, self.origin + self.velocity * sv_maxtic*2, FALSE, self);
if (trace_ent == self.enemy) tl_touch(trace_ent, self);
else self.enemy = world;
void(entity mis) missile_check_teleport = {
local float duration;
trace_ent = mis;
trace_endpos = mis.origin;
duration = mis.attack_finished - time;
while (duration > sv_maxtic) {
traceline(trace_endpos, trace_endpos + mis.velocity*duration, FALSE, trace_ent);
if (!trace_ent || trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) {
/* Don't bother tracing through BSP, it won't happen. */
if (tl_issolid(trace_ent) || mis.enemy == trace_ent || (duration*trace_fraction) <= sv_maxtic) {
/* We hit a triggered trigger,
a solid ent, or something we _just_ hit */
if (trace_fraction == 0) {
/* We're not going anywhere. Fudge it. */
/* Trace on past it. */
duration -= duration*trace_fraction;
/* Reached a [new] trigger */
mis.enemy = trace_ent;
mis.think = _missile_always_trigger;
mis.nextthink = time + duration*trace_fraction - sv_maxtic;
entity(string clname, string mod, vector org, vector dir, float spd) spawn_missile = {
newmis = spawn(clname);
newmis.owner = self;
newmis.goalentity = self;
newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE;
newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
newmis.deadflag = DEAD_NONLIVING;
newmis.th_teleport = _missile_th_teleport;
setmodel(newmis, mod);
setsize(newmis, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
setorigin(newmis, org);
newmis.angles = vectoangles(dir);
newmis.speed = spd;
newmis.velocity = dir * spd;
newmis.attack_finished = time + (6000 / spd);
newmis.think = SUB_remove;
newmis.nextthink = newmis.attack_finished;
return newmis;
// ===================================================================== //
entity tl_first;
.entity tl_next;
void() tl_proj_begin = {
local entity walk;
tl_first = world;
for (walk = nextent(world); walk; walk = nextent(walk)) {
if (walk.solid != SOLID_TRIGGER)
walk.tl_next = tl_first;
tl_first = walk;
walk.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
walk.tl_notsolid = TRUE;
setorigin(walk, walk.origin); // relink
void() tl_proj_end = {
local entity walk;
for (walk = tl_first; walk; walk = walk.tl_next) {
walk.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
walk.tl_notsolid = FALSE;
setorigin(walk, walk.origin); // relink
void(entity trigger, entity fake_proj) tl_touch = {
local entity oldself, oldother;
if (!trigger.touch)
oldself = self;
oldother = other;
self = trigger;
other = fake_proj;
self = oldself;
other = oldother;
// ===================================================================== //
string(entity e) name = {
if (e.netname) return e.netname;
if (e.classname) return e.classname;
if (e.velocity)
return "an unidentified flying object";
return "an unidentified stationary object";
// ===================================================================== //
void(.string fld, string match, void(entity e) func) foreach = {
local entity ent;
ent = world;
while ((ent = find(ent, fld, match))) {
if (!func) {
dprint("NULL function in foreach, classname: ", ent.classname, "\n");
void(.string fld, string match, .void() func) foreach_field = {
local entity oldself;
oldself = self;
self = world;
while ((self = find(self, fld, match))) {
if (!self.func) {
dprint("NULL function in foreach_field, classname: ", self.classname, "\n");
self = oldself;
// ===================================================================== //
float(entity newself, entity newother, float() func) switcheroo = {
local entity oldself, oldother;
local float ret;
oldself = self;
oldother = other;
self = newself;
other = newother;
ret = func();
self = oldself;
other = oldother;
return ret;
// ===================================================================== //
float(float current, float increment, float max) increase_bound = {
local float diff;
diff = max - current;
if (diff <= 0) return current;
if (diff > increment) diff = increment;
return current + diff;
float(.float fld, float increment, float max) increase_field = {
local float new;
new = increase_bound(self.fld, increment, max);
if (new == self.fld)
return FALSE;
self.fld = new;
return TRUE;
// ===================================================================== //
/* Not to be confused with maxspeed */
float(entity e) calc_max_speed = {
local float spd;
spd = e.maxspeed;
if (self.waterlevel >= 2)
spd = spd * 0.7; // Bah. Hard coded in engine.
else if (!self.waterlevel && !(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)) {
if (spd > 30)
spd = 30; // Also hard coded.
return spd;
// ===================================================================== //
entity _xprint_client;
float _xprint_level;
void(entity client, float level) xprint_start = {
_xprint_client = client;
_xprint_level = level;
void(string str) xprint_str = {
msg_entity = _xprint_client;
WriteByte(MSG_ONE, _xprint_level);
WriteString(MSG_ONE, str);
// ===================================================================== //
entity(.string fld, string str) find_random = {
local float r, numents;
local entity ent;
numents = 0;
r = floor(random() * 512);
while (1) {
ent = find(world, fld, str);
if (!ent) return world;
while (ent) {
if (r <= 0) return ent;
ent = find(ent, fld, str);
r -= numents * floor(r / numents);
return world;
// ===================================================================== //
entity(entity ech) random_enemy_chain = {
local entity walk;
local float tot, r;
r = floor(random()*64) + 1;
tot = 1;
for (walk = ech.enemy; walk != ech; walk = walk.enemy) {
if (r <= 0)
return walk;
if (!tot)
return ech;
/* Ok, only look at half the remaining ones */
tot = floor(tot * 0.5);
if (!tot)
return ech.enemy;
r -= tot * floor(r / tot);
for (walk = ech.enemy; walk; walk = walk.enemy) {
if (r <= 0)
return walk;
return world;
// ===================================================================== //