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synced 2025-03-06 17:41:20 +00:00
This updates from SDL 2.0.4 to SDL 2.0.8. Fix nullptr dereference in front of nullptr check in FS_CheckPak0 Fix undefined behaviour due to shifting signed in snd_mem.c Fix shifting bits out of byte in tr_font.c Fix shift into sign in cl_cin.c Fix signed bit operations in MSG_ReadBits Add missing address operator in cm_polylib.c OpenGL1: Decay float[8] to float * in tr_marks.c Avoid srcList[-1] in snd_openal.c Fix the behaviour of CVAR_LATCH|CVAR_CHEAT cvars Maximize cURL buffer size Fix mouse grab after toggling fullscreen Fix q3history buffer not cleared between mods and OOB-access Revert "Removed "Color Depth" from q3_ui system settings, it didn't control anything." Fix displayed color/depth/stencil bits values Restore setting r_colorbits in q3_ui Make setting r_stencilbits more consistent in Team Arena UI Fix map list in Team Arena start server menu after entering SP menu Support SDL audio devices that require float32 samples. sdl_snd.c should just initialize SDL audio without checking SDL_WasInit(). There's no need to SDL_PauseAudio(1) before calling SDL_CloseAudio(). Added audio capture support to SDL backend. Use the SDL2 audio device interface instead of the legacy 1.2 API. Disable SDL audio capture until prebuilt SDL libraries are updated to 2.0.8. Update SDL2 to 2.0.8 Add SDL 2.0.1 headers for macOS PPC Make macOS Universal Bundle target 10.6 for x86 and x86_64 Fix possible bot goal state NULL pointer dereference Fix uninitialized bot_goal_t fields Remove unnecessary NULL pointer check in Cmd_RemoveCommand Make UI_DrawProportionalString handle NULL string Fix compiling against macOS system OpenAL and SDL2 frameworks Fix array index in CanDamage() function - discovered by MARTY Fix compiling Makefile (broke in macOS frameworks commit) Fix clearing keys for control in Team Arena UI Make s_useOpenAL be CVAR_LATCH Improvements for dedicated camera followers (team follow1/2) Fix not closing description.txt and fix path seperator Fix duplicate bots displayed in Team Arena ingame add bot menu OpenGL2: Fix parsing specularScale in shaders Don't allow SDL audio capture using pulseaudio Isolate the Altivec code so non-Altivec PPC targets can use the same binary. Limit -maltivec to specific source files on OpenBSD too (untested) Use SDL 2.0.1 headers for macOS ppc64 Fix console offset while Team Arena voiceMenu is open OpenGL2: Readd r_deluxeSpecular. Fix client kicked as unpure when missing the latest cgame/ui pk3s Don't create multiple windows when GL context creation fails Require OpenGL 1.2 for GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE Fix Linux uninstaller requiring Bash Fix Linux uninstaller redirecting stderr to stdout in preuninstall.sh Reported by @illwieckz. Fix in_restart causing fatal error while video is shutdown Allow pkg-config binary to be overridden with PKG_CONFIG Make testgun command without argument disable test gun model Remove unused renderer_buffer variable Don't upload 8 bit grayscale images as 16 bit luminance OpenGL1: Use RE_UploadCinematic() instead of duplicate code Don't load non-core GL functions for OpenGL 3.2 core context Load OpenGL ES 2.0 function procs Don't check fixed function GL extensions when using shader pipeline OpenGL2: Fix world VAO cache drawing when glIndex_t is unsigned short OpenGL2: Misc fixes and cleanup Fix IQM root joint backlerp when joint number is more than 0 Improve IQM loading Improve IQM CPU vertex skinning performance OpenGL2: Add GPU vertex skinning for IQM models
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attribute vec3 attr_Position;
attribute vec3 attr_Normal;
attribute vec3 attr_Position2;
attribute vec3 attr_Normal2;
#elif defined(USE_BONE_ANIMATION)
attribute vec4 attr_BoneIndexes;
attribute vec4 attr_BoneWeights;
attribute vec4 attr_Color;
attribute vec4 attr_TexCoord0;
#if defined(USE_TCGEN)
attribute vec4 attr_TexCoord1;
uniform vec4 u_DiffuseTexMatrix;
uniform vec4 u_DiffuseTexOffTurb;
#if defined(USE_TCGEN) || defined(USE_RGBAGEN)
uniform vec3 u_LocalViewOrigin;
#if defined(USE_TCGEN)
uniform int u_TCGen0;
uniform vec3 u_TCGen0Vector0;
uniform vec3 u_TCGen0Vector1;
#if defined(USE_FOG)
uniform vec4 u_FogDistance;
uniform vec4 u_FogDepth;
uniform float u_FogEyeT;
uniform vec4 u_FogColorMask;
uniform int u_DeformGen;
uniform float u_DeformParams[5];
uniform float u_Time;
uniform mat4 u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
uniform vec4 u_BaseColor;
uniform vec4 u_VertColor;
#if defined(USE_RGBAGEN)
uniform int u_ColorGen;
uniform int u_AlphaGen;
uniform vec3 u_AmbientLight;
uniform vec3 u_DirectedLight;
uniform vec3 u_ModelLightDir;
uniform float u_PortalRange;
uniform float u_VertexLerp;
#elif defined(USE_BONE_ANIMATION)
uniform mat4 u_BoneMatrix[MAX_GLSL_BONES];
varying vec2 var_DiffuseTex;
varying vec4 var_Color;
vec3 DeformPosition(const vec3 pos, const vec3 normal, const vec2 st)
float base = u_DeformParams[0];
float amplitude = u_DeformParams[1];
float phase = u_DeformParams[2];
float frequency = u_DeformParams[3];
float spread = u_DeformParams[4];
if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_BULGE)
phase *= st.x;
else // if (u_DeformGen <= DGEN_WAVE_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH)
phase += dot(pos.xyz, vec3(spread));
float value = phase + (u_Time * frequency);
float func;
if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_SIN)
func = sin(value * 2.0 * M_PI);
else if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_SQUARE)
func = sign(fract(0.5 - value));
else if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_TRIANGLE)
func = abs(fract(value + 0.75) - 0.5) * 4.0 - 1.0;
else if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_SAWTOOTH)
func = fract(value);
else if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH)
func = (1.0 - fract(value));
else // if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_BULGE)
func = sin(value);
return pos + normal * (base + func * amplitude);
#if defined(USE_TCGEN)
vec2 GenTexCoords(int TCGen, vec3 position, vec3 normal, vec3 TCGenVector0, vec3 TCGenVector1)
vec2 tex = attr_TexCoord0.st;
tex = attr_TexCoord1.st;
vec3 viewer = normalize(u_LocalViewOrigin - position);
vec2 ref = reflect(viewer, normal).yz;
tex.s = ref.x * -0.5 + 0.5;
tex.t = ref.y * 0.5 + 0.5;
else if (TCGen == TCGEN_VECTOR)
tex = vec2(dot(position, TCGenVector0), dot(position, TCGenVector1));
return tex;
#if defined(USE_TCMOD)
vec2 ModTexCoords(vec2 st, vec3 position, vec4 texMatrix, vec4 offTurb)
float amplitude = offTurb.z;
float phase = offTurb.w * 2.0 * M_PI;
vec2 st2;
st2.x = st.x * texMatrix.x + (st.y * texMatrix.z + offTurb.x);
st2.y = st.x * texMatrix.y + (st.y * texMatrix.w + offTurb.y);
vec2 offsetPos = vec2(position.x + position.z, position.y);
vec2 texOffset = sin(offsetPos * (2.0 * M_PI / 1024.0) + vec2(phase));
return st2 + texOffset * amplitude;
#if defined(USE_RGBAGEN)
vec4 CalcColor(vec3 position, vec3 normal)
vec4 color = u_VertColor * attr_Color + u_BaseColor;
float incoming = clamp(dot(normal, u_ModelLightDir), 0.0, 1.0);
color.rgb = clamp(u_DirectedLight * incoming + u_AmbientLight, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 viewer = u_LocalViewOrigin - position;
vec3 lightDir = normalize(vec3(-960.0, 1980.0, 96.0) - position);
vec3 reflected = -reflect(lightDir, normal);
color.a = clamp(dot(reflected, normalize(viewer)), 0.0, 1.0);
color.a *= color.a;
color.a *= color.a;
else if (u_AlphaGen == AGEN_PORTAL)
color.a = clamp(length(viewer) / u_PortalRange, 0.0, 1.0);
return color;
#if defined(USE_FOG)
float CalcFog(vec3 position)
float s = dot(vec4(position, 1.0), u_FogDistance) * 8.0;
float t = dot(vec4(position, 1.0), u_FogDepth);
float eyeOutside = float(u_FogEyeT < 0.0);
float fogged = float(t >= eyeOutside);
t += 1e-6;
t *= fogged / (t - u_FogEyeT * eyeOutside);
return s * t;
void main()
vec3 position = mix(attr_Position, attr_Position2, u_VertexLerp);
vec3 normal = mix(attr_Normal, attr_Normal2, u_VertexLerp);
#elif defined(USE_BONE_ANIMATION)
mat4 vtxMat = u_BoneMatrix[int(attr_BoneIndexes.x)] * attr_BoneWeights.x;
vtxMat += u_BoneMatrix[int(attr_BoneIndexes.y)] * attr_BoneWeights.y;
vtxMat += u_BoneMatrix[int(attr_BoneIndexes.z)] * attr_BoneWeights.z;
vtxMat += u_BoneMatrix[int(attr_BoneIndexes.w)] * attr_BoneWeights.w;
mat3 nrmMat = mat3(cross(vtxMat[1].xyz, vtxMat[2].xyz), cross(vtxMat[2].xyz, vtxMat[0].xyz), cross(vtxMat[0].xyz, vtxMat[1].xyz));
vec3 position = vec3(vtxMat * vec4(attr_Position, 1.0));
vec3 normal = normalize(nrmMat * attr_Normal);
vec3 position = attr_Position;
vec3 normal = attr_Normal;
position = DeformPosition(position, normal, attr_TexCoord0.st);
gl_Position = u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
#if defined(USE_TCGEN)
vec2 tex = GenTexCoords(u_TCGen0, position, normal, u_TCGen0Vector0, u_TCGen0Vector1);
vec2 tex = attr_TexCoord0.st;
#if defined(USE_TCMOD)
var_DiffuseTex = ModTexCoords(tex, position, u_DiffuseTexMatrix, u_DiffuseTexOffTurb);
var_DiffuseTex = tex;
#if defined(USE_RGBAGEN)
var_Color = CalcColor(position, normal);
var_Color = u_VertColor * attr_Color + u_BaseColor;
#if defined(USE_FOG)
var_Color *= vec4(1.0) - u_FogColorMask * sqrt(clamp(CalcFog(position), 0.0, 1.0));