mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:50:57 +00:00
Fix going to previous browser source in q3_ui Limit ui_smallFont/ui_bigFont/cg_noTaunt cvars to missionpack Fix team chat box for spectators Don't draw crosshair 0 in Team Arena setup menu Make client for Windows x86_64 use OpenAL64.dll by default Fix loading renderer DLLs on Windows x86 Add Windows application manifest Disable DPI scaling on Windows ignore window resize event on fullscreen Don't reload arenas.txt/*.arena files in Team Arena UI Fix crash when out of memory in Team Arena's String_Alloc Fix in_nograb not releasing the mouse cursor Update UI player animation handling to match CGame Fix specifying minimum mac os version in make-macosx.sh Fix listen server sending snapshots each client frame Statically link libgcc on Windows Fix hit accuracy stats for lightning gun and shotgun kills Don't link to libGL at compile time Add common OpenGL version parsing + OpenGL 3 fixes Support parsing OpenGL ES version strings Fix setting cflags/libs from sdl2-config Load OpenGL ES 1.1 function procs [qcommon] Use unsigned types where wrapping arithmetic is intended OpenGL2: Fix brightness when r_autoExposure is disabled OpenGL2: Fix MD3 surface with zero shaders dividing by zero [botlib/be_aas_def.h] Change array size from MAX_PATH to MAX_QPATH Don't redefine MAX_PATH in bot code Fix memory leak in (unused) AAS_FloodAreas() Fix compiling GLSL shaders under Windows. Only draw cm_patch/bot debug polygons in world scenes Fix reading crash log when log wraps around buffer Don't send team overlay info to bots Fix a race condition in the makedirs target Fix shader corruption on OpenBSD
2193 lines
62 KiB
2193 lines
62 KiB
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Q3Rally Team (Per Thormann - perle@q3rally.com)
This file is part of q3rally source code.
q3rally source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
q3rally source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with q3rally; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "../qcommon/q_shared.h"
#include "../renderercommon/tr_types.h"
#include "../game/bg_public.h"
#include "cg_public.h"
// The entire cgame module is unloaded and reloaded on each level change,
// so there is NO persistant data between levels on the client side.
// If you absolutely need something stored, it can either be kept
// by the server in the server stored userinfos, or stashed in a cvar.
#define FADE_TIME 200
#define PULSE_TIME 200
#define DAMAGE_TIME 500
#define LAND_RETURN_TIME 300
#define STEP_TIME 200
#define DUCK_TIME 100
#define PAIN_TWITCH_TIME 200
#define ITEM_SCALEUP_TIME 1000
#define ZOOM_TIME 150
#define ITEM_BLOB_TIME 200
#define SINK_TIME 1000 // time for fragments to sink into ground before going away
#define ATTACKER_HEAD_TIME 10000
#define REWARD_TIME 3000
#define PULSE_SCALE 1.5 // amount to scale up the icons when activating
#define MAX_STEP_CHANGE 32
#define MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY 10
// Q3Rally Code Start
//#define MAX_MARK_POLYS 256
#define MAX_MARK_POLYS 2048
// Q3Rally Code END
#define STAT_MINUS 10 // num frame for '-' stats digit
#define ICON_SIZE 48
// Q3Rally Code Start
//#define CHAR_WIDTH 32
//#define CHAR_HEIGHT 48
#define CHAR_WIDTH 17
#define CHAR_HEIGHT 26
// Q3Rally Code END
// very large characters
#define GIANT_WIDTH 32
#define GIANT_HEIGHT 48
// Q3Rally Code Start - update to sidepipe
// #define DEFAULT_MODEL "sarge"
#define DEFAULT_MODEL "sidepipe"
#define DEFAULT_SKIN "red"
// Q3Rally Code END
#define DEFAULT_TEAM_MODEL "doom"
#define DEFAULT_TEAM_HEAD "doom"
// Q3Rally Code Start
// #define DEFAULT_TEAM_MODEL "sarge"
// #define DEFAULT_TEAM_HEAD "sarge"
#define DEFAULT_TEAM_MODEL "sidepipe"
#define DEFAULT_TEAM_HEAD "doom"
#define DEFAULT_HEAD "doom"
#define DEFAULT_RIM "svt_cobra"
#define DEFAULT_PLATE "plate_usa"
#define DEFAULT_PLATE_SKIN "player0"
extern vec4_t bgColor; // Q3Rally Code - UPDATE change variable name?
// Q3Rally Code END
#define DEFAULT_REDTEAM_NAME "Red Devils"
#define DEFAULT_BLUETEAM_NAME "Blue Angels"
typedef enum {
} footstep_t;
typedef enum {
} impactSound_t;
// player entities need to track more information
// than any other type of entity.
// note that not every player entity is a client entity,
// because corpses after respawn are outside the normal
// client numbering range
// when changing animation, set animationTime to frameTime + lerping time
// The current lerp will finish out, then it will lerp to the new animation
typedef struct {
int oldFrame;
int oldFrameTime; // time when ->oldFrame was exactly on
int frame;
int frameTime; // time when ->frame will be exactly on
float backlerp;
float yawAngle;
qboolean yawing;
float pitchAngle;
qboolean pitching;
int animationNumber; // may include ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
animation_t *animation;
int animationTime; // time when the first frame of the animation will be exact
} lerpFrame_t;
typedef struct {
// Q3Rally Code Start( replaced player with car )
lerpFrame_t body, flag; // Q3Rally Code UPDATE: still need this body lerp?
// lerpFrame_t legs, torso;
// Q3Rally Code END
int painTime;
int painDirection; // flip from 0 to 1
int lightningFiring;
int railFireTime;
// machinegun spinning
float barrelAngle;
int barrelTime;
qboolean barrelSpinning;
} playerEntity_t;
// centity_t have a direct corespondence with gentity_t in the game, but
// only the entityState_t is directly communicated to the cgame
typedef struct centity_s {
entityState_t currentState; // from cg.frame
entityState_t nextState; // from cg.nextFrame, if available
qboolean interpolate; // true if next is valid to interpolate to
qboolean currentValid; // true if cg.frame holds this entity
int muzzleFlashTime; // move to playerEntity?
int previousEvent;
int teleportFlag;
int trailTime; // so missile trails can handle dropped initial packets
int dustTrailTime;
int miscTime;
int snapShotTime; // last time this entity was found in a snapshot
playerEntity_t pe;
int errorTime; // decay the error from this time
vec3_t errorOrigin;
vec3_t errorAngles;
qboolean extrapolated; // false if origin / angles is an interpolation
vec3_t rawOrigin;
vec3_t rawAngles;
vec3_t beamEnd;
// exact interpolated position of entity on this frame
vec3_t lerpOrigin;
vec3_t lerpAngles;
// Q3Rally Code Start
// race variables
int finishRaceTime;
int startRaceTime;
int startLapTime;
int lastStartLapTime;
int bestLapTime;
int positionChangeTime;
int currentPosition;
int currentLap;
int bestLap;
// variables for car graphics and physics
float steeringAngle;
float wheelAngles[4];
float wheelSpeeds[4];
qboolean wheelSkidding[4];
vec3_t lastSkidOrigin[4];
float smokeTime[4];
float engineSmokeTime;
int skidSoundTime;
int engineSoundTime;
// scripted object variables
int scriptLoadTime;
qhandle_t hitSound;
qhandle_t preSoundLoop;
qhandle_t postSoundLoop;
qhandle_t destroySound;
qhandle_t modelHandle;
qhandle_t deadModelHandle;
vec3_t bezierDir;
vec3_t bezierPos;
// Q3Rally Code END
} centity_t;
// local entities are created as a result of events or predicted actions,
// and live independantly from all server transmitted entities
typedef struct markPoly_s {
struct markPoly_s *prevMark, *nextMark;
int time;
qhandle_t markShader;
qboolean alphaFade; // fade alpha instead of rgb
float color[4];
poly_t poly;
polyVert_t verts[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY];
} markPoly_t;
typedef enum {
} leType_t;
typedef enum {
LEF_PUFF_DONT_SCALE = 0x0001, // do not scale size over time
LEF_TUMBLE = 0x0002, // tumble over time, used for ejecting shells
LEF_SOUND1 = 0x0004, // sound 1 for kamikaze
LEF_SOUND2 = 0x0008, // sound 2 for kamikaze
// Q3Rally Code Start
// Q3Rally Code END
} leFlag_t;
typedef enum {
// Q3Rally Code Start
// Q3Rally Code END
} leMarkType_t; // fragment local entities can leave marks on walls
typedef enum {
// Q3Rally Code Start
// Q3Rally Code END
} leBounceSoundType_t; // fragment local entities can make sounds on impacts
typedef enum {
LETT_NONE, // does not emit a puff trail
LETT_BLOOD, // emits a blood trail
LETT_DEBRIS_CONCRETE, // emits a (gray) smoke trail
LETT_DEBRIS_WOOD // emits a (brown) dust trail
} leTrailType_t; // defines bounce behavior and trail on fragment local entities
typedef enum {
} particleType_t;
typedef struct localEntity_s {
struct localEntity_s *prev, *next;
leType_t leType;
int leFlags;
int startTime;
int endTime;
int fadeInTime;
float lifeRate; // 1.0 / (endTime - startTime)
trajectory_t pos;
trajectory_t angles;
float bounceFactor; // 0.0 = no bounce, 1.0 = perfect
float color[4];
float radius;
float light;
vec3_t lightColor;
leMarkType_t leMarkType; // mark to leave on fragment impact
leBounceSoundType_t leBounceSoundType; // sound to play on fragment impact
leTrailType_t leTrailType; // trail to show behind fragment
refEntity_t refEntity;
} localEntity_t;
typedef struct {
int client;
int score;
int ping;
int time;
int scoreFlags;
int powerUps;
int accuracy;
int impressiveCount;
int excellentCount;
int guantletCount;
int defendCount;
int assistCount;
int captures;
qboolean perfect;
int team;
// Q3Rally Code Start
int damageDealt;
int damageTaken;
int position;
// Q3Rally Code END
} score_t;
// each client has an associated clientInfo_t
// that contains media references necessary to present the
// client model and other color coded effects
// this is regenerated each time a client's configstring changes,
// usually as a result of a userinfo (name, model, etc) change
typedef struct {
qboolean infoValid;
char name[MAX_QPATH];
team_t team;
int botSkill; // 0 = not bot, 1-5 = bot
vec3_t color1;
vec3_t color2;
byte c1RGBA[4];
byte c2RGBA[4];
int score; // updated by score servercmds
int location; // location index for team mode
int health; // you only get this info about your teammates
int armor;
int curWeapon;
int handicap;
int wins, losses; // in tourney mode
int teamTask; // task in teamplay (offence/defence)
qboolean teamLeader; // true when this is a team leader
int powerups; // so can display quad/flag status
int medkitUsageTime;
int invulnerabilityStartTime;
int invulnerabilityStopTime;
int breathPuffTime;
// when clientinfo is changed, the loading of models/skins/sounds
// can be deferred until you are dead, to prevent hitches in
// gameplay
char modelName[MAX_QPATH];
char skinName[MAX_QPATH];
char headModelName[MAX_QPATH];
// Q3Rally Code Start
char rimName[MAX_QPATH];
char plateName[MAX_QPATH];
char plateSkinName[MAX_QPATH];
// char headSkinName[MAX_QPATH];
// Q3Rally Code END
char redTeam[MAX_TEAMNAME];
char blueTeam[MAX_TEAMNAME];
qboolean deferred;
qboolean newAnims; // true if using the new mission pack animations
// Q3Rally Code Start
qboolean fixedlegs; // true if legs yaw is always the same as torso yaw
qboolean fixedtorso; // true if torso never changes yaw
// Q3Rally Code END
// Q3Rally Code - UPDATE dont need this headOffset or footsteps and gender maybe?
vec3_t headOffset; // move head in icon views
footstep_t footsteps;
gender_t gender; // from model
// Q3Rally Code Start( replaced player with car )
qhandle_t bodyModel;
qhandle_t bodySkin;
qhandle_t wheelModel;
qhandle_t wheelSkin;
qhandle_t legsModel;
qhandle_t legsSkin;
qhandle_t torsoModel;
qhandle_t torsoSkin;
// Q3Rally Code END
qhandle_t headModel;
qhandle_t headSkin;
// Q3Rally Code Start( add head support and custom rims )
// other models
qhandle_t plateModel;
qhandle_t plateShader;
qhandle_t suspCModel;
qhandle_t suspFModel;
qhandle_t suspRModel;
int controlMode;
// Q3Rally Code END
qhandle_t modelIcon;
// Q3Rally Code UPDATE dont need animations?
animation_t animations[MAX_TOTALANIMATIONS];
sfxHandle_t sounds[MAX_CUSTOM_SOUNDS];
// Q3Rally Code Start
int clientNum;
qboolean manualShift;
qboolean oppositeRoll;
int position;
// Q3Rally Code END
} clientInfo_t;
// each WP_* weapon enum has an associated weaponInfo_t
// that contains media references necessary to present the
// weapon and its effects
typedef struct weaponInfo_s {
qboolean registered;
gitem_t *item;
qhandle_t handsModel; // the hands don't actually draw, they just position the weapon
qhandle_t weaponModel;
qhandle_t barrelModel;
qhandle_t flashModel;
vec3_t weaponMidpoint; // so it will rotate centered instead of by tag
float flashDlight;
vec3_t flashDlightColor;
sfxHandle_t flashSound[4]; // fast firing weapons randomly choose
qhandle_t weaponIcon;
qhandle_t ammoIcon;
qhandle_t ammoModel;
qhandle_t missileModel;
sfxHandle_t missileSound;
void (*missileTrailFunc)( centity_t *, const struct weaponInfo_s *wi );
float missileDlight;
vec3_t missileDlightColor;
int missileRenderfx;
void (*ejectBrassFunc)( centity_t * );
float trailRadius;
float wiTrailTime;
sfxHandle_t readySound;
sfxHandle_t firingSound;
} weaponInfo_t;
// each IT_* item has an associated itemInfo_t
// that constains media references necessary to present the
// item and its effects
typedef struct {
qboolean registered;
qhandle_t models[MAX_ITEM_MODELS];
qhandle_t icon;
} itemInfo_t;
typedef struct {
int itemNum;
} powerupInfo_t;
typedef struct {
vec3_t positions[MAX_SKULLTRAIL];
int numpositions;
} skulltrail_t;
// all cg.stepTime, cg.duckTime, cg.landTime, etc are set to cg.time when the action
// occurs, and they will have visible effects for #define STEP_TIME or whatever msec after
typedef struct {
int clientFrame; // incremented each frame
int clientNum;
qboolean demoPlayback;
qboolean levelShot; // taking a level menu screenshot
int deferredPlayerLoading;
qboolean loading; // don't defer players at initial startup
qboolean intermissionStarted; // don't play voice rewards, because game will end shortly
// there are only one or two snapshot_t that are relevent at a time
int latestSnapshotNum; // the number of snapshots the client system has received
int latestSnapshotTime; // the time from latestSnapshotNum, so we don't need to read the snapshot yet
snapshot_t *snap; // cg.snap->serverTime <= cg.time
snapshot_t *nextSnap; // cg.nextSnap->serverTime > cg.time, or NULL
snapshot_t activeSnapshots[2];
float frameInterpolation; // (float)( cg.time - cg.frame->serverTime ) / (cg.nextFrame->serverTime - cg.frame->serverTime)
qboolean thisFrameTeleport;
qboolean nextFrameTeleport;
int frametime; // cg.time - cg.oldTime
int time; // this is the time value that the client
// is rendering at.
int oldTime; // time at last frame, used for missile trails and prediction checking
int physicsTime; // either cg.snap->time or cg.nextSnap->time
int timelimitWarnings; // 5 min, 1 min, overtime
int fraglimitWarnings;
qboolean mapRestart; // set on a map restart to set back the weapon
qboolean renderingThirdPerson; // during deaths, chasecams, etc
// prediction state
qboolean hyperspace; // true if prediction has hit a trigger_teleport
playerState_t predictedPlayerState;
centity_t predictedPlayerEntity;
qboolean validPPS; // clear until the first call to CG_PredictPlayerState
int predictedErrorTime;
vec3_t predictedError;
int eventSequence;
int predictableEvents[MAX_PREDICTED_EVENTS];
float stepChange; // for stair up smoothing
int stepTime;
float duckChange; // for duck viewheight smoothing
int duckTime;
float landChange; // for landing hard
int landTime;
// input state sent to server
int weaponSelect;
// auto rotating items
vec3_t autoAngles;
vec3_t autoAxis[3];
vec3_t autoAnglesFast;
vec3_t autoAxisFast[3];
// view rendering
refdef_t refdef;
// Q3Rally Code Start
refdef_t mirrorRefdef;
refdef_t mmapRefdef; //TBB minimap rendering
// Q3Rally Code END
vec3_t refdefViewAngles; // will be converted to refdef.viewaxis
// zoom key
qboolean zoomed;
int zoomTime;
float zoomSensitivity;
// information screen text during loading
char infoScreenText[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
// scoreboard
int scoresRequestTime;
int numScores;
int selectedScore;
// Q3Rally Code Start
// int teamScores[2];
int teamScores[4];
int teamTimes[4];
// Q3Rally Code END
score_t scores[MAX_CLIENTS];
qboolean showScores;
qboolean scoreBoardShowing;
int scoreFadeTime;
char killerName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char spectatorList[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; // list of names
int spectatorLen; // length of list
float spectatorWidth; // width in device units
int spectatorTime; // next time to offset
int spectatorPaintX; // current paint x
int spectatorPaintX2; // current paint x
int spectatorOffset; // current offset from start
int spectatorPaintLen; // current offset from start
// skull trails
skulltrail_t skulltrails[MAX_CLIENTS];
// centerprinting
int centerPrintTime;
int centerPrintCharWidth;
int centerPrintY;
char centerPrint[1024];
int centerPrintLines;
// Q3Rally Code Start
char countDownPrint[16];
int countDownEnd;
// Q3Rally Code END
// low ammo warning state
int lowAmmoWarning; // 1 = low, 2 = empty
// crosshair client ID
int crosshairClientNum;
int crosshairClientTime;
// powerup active flashing
int powerupActive;
int powerupTime;
// attacking player
int attackerTime;
int voiceTime;
// reward medals
int rewardStack;
int rewardTime;
int rewardCount[MAX_REWARDSTACK];
qhandle_t rewardShader[MAX_REWARDSTACK];
qhandle_t rewardSound[MAX_REWARDSTACK];
// sound buffer mainly for announcer sounds
int soundBufferIn;
int soundBufferOut;
int soundTime;
qhandle_t soundBuffer[MAX_SOUNDBUFFER];
// for voice chat buffer
int voiceChatTime;
int voiceChatBufferIn;
int voiceChatBufferOut;
// warmup countdown
int warmup;
int warmupCount;
int itemPickup;
int itemPickupTime;
int itemPickupBlendTime; // the pulse around the crosshair is timed seperately
int weaponSelectTime;
int weaponAnimation;
int weaponAnimationTime;
// blend blobs
float damageTime;
float damageX, damageY, damageValue;
// status bar head
float headYaw;
float headEndPitch;
float headEndYaw;
int headEndTime;
float headStartPitch;
float headStartYaw;
int headStartTime;
// view movement
float v_dmg_time;
float v_dmg_pitch;
float v_dmg_roll;
// temp working variables for player view
float bobfracsin;
int bobcycle;
float xyspeed;
int nextOrbitTime;
//qboolean cameraMode; // if rendering from a loaded camera
// development tool
refEntity_t testModelEntity;
char testModelName[MAX_QPATH];
qboolean testGun;
// Q3Rally Code Start
int wrongWayTime;
int wrongWayStartTime;
car_t car;
int pDebug;
qboolean showHUD;
qboolean newSnap;
// int lastPhysicsCommand;
int currentBezierPoint;
// Q3Rally Code END
} cg_t;
// all of the model, shader, and sound references that are
// loaded at gamestate time are stored in cgMedia_t
// Other media that can be tied to clients, weapons, or items are
// stored in the clientInfo_t, itemInfo_t, weaponInfo_t, and powerupInfo_t
typedef struct {
qhandle_t charsetShader;
qhandle_t charsetProp;
qhandle_t charsetPropGlow;
qhandle_t charsetPropB;
qhandle_t whiteShader;
// Q3Rally Code Start
qhandle_t flameBallShader;
qhandle_t flameExplosionShader;
// Q3Rally Code END
qhandle_t redCubeModel;
qhandle_t blueCubeModel;
qhandle_t redCubeIcon;
qhandle_t blueCubeIcon;
qhandle_t redFlagModel;
qhandle_t blueFlagModel;
qhandle_t neutralFlagModel;
qhandle_t redFlagShader[3];
qhandle_t blueFlagShader[3];
qhandle_t flagShader[4];
qhandle_t flagPoleModel;
qhandle_t flagFlapModel;
qhandle_t redFlagFlapSkin;
qhandle_t blueFlagFlapSkin;
qhandle_t neutralFlagFlapSkin;
qhandle_t redFlagBaseModel;
qhandle_t blueFlagBaseModel;
qhandle_t neutralFlagBaseModel;
qhandle_t overloadBaseModel;
qhandle_t overloadTargetModel;
qhandle_t overloadLightsModel;
qhandle_t overloadEnergyModel;
qhandle_t harvesterModel;
qhandle_t harvesterRedSkin;
qhandle_t harvesterBlueSkin;
qhandle_t harvesterNeutralModel;
qhandle_t armorModel;
qhandle_t armorIcon;
qhandle_t teamStatusBar;
qhandle_t deferShader;
// gib explosions
// Q3Rally Code Start - car gibs
qhandle_t gibFan;
qhandle_t gibHose1;
qhandle_t gibHose2;
qhandle_t gibMuffler;
qhandle_t gibPiston;
qhandle_t gibShock;
qhandle_t gibSteer;
qhandle_t gibAbdomen;
qhandle_t gibArm;
qhandle_t gibChest;
qhandle_t gibFist;
qhandle_t gibFoot;
qhandle_t gibForearm;
qhandle_t gibIntestine;
qhandle_t gibLeg;
qhandle_t gibSkull;
qhandle_t gibBrain;
// debris explosions
qhandle_t debrislight1;
qhandle_t debrislight2;
qhandle_t debrislight3;
qhandle_t debrislight4;
qhandle_t debrislight5;
qhandle_t debrislight6;
qhandle_t debrislight7;
qhandle_t debrislight8;
qhandle_t debrisdark1;
qhandle_t debrisdark2;
qhandle_t debrisdark3;
qhandle_t debrisdark4;
qhandle_t debrisdark5;
qhandle_t debrisdark6;
qhandle_t debrisdark7;
qhandle_t debrisdark8;
qhandle_t debrislightlarge1;
qhandle_t debrislightlarge2;
qhandle_t debrislightlarge3;
qhandle_t debrisdarklarge1;
qhandle_t debrisdarklarge2;
qhandle_t debrisdarklarge3;
qhandle_t debriswood1;
qhandle_t debriswood2;
qhandle_t debriswood3;
qhandle_t debriswood4;
qhandle_t debriswood5;
qhandle_t debrisglass1;
qhandle_t debrisglass2;
qhandle_t debrisglass3;
qhandle_t debrisglass4;
qhandle_t debrisglass5;
qhandle_t debrisglasslarge1;
qhandle_t debrisglasslarge2;
qhandle_t debrisglasslarge3;
qhandle_t debrisglasslarge4;
qhandle_t debrisglasslarge5;
qhandle_t debrisstone1;
qhandle_t debrisstone2;
qhandle_t debrisstone3;
qhandle_t debrisstone4;
qhandle_t debrisstone5;
// Q3Rally Code END
qhandle_t smoke2;
qhandle_t machinegunBrassModel;
qhandle_t shotgunBrassModel;
qhandle_t railRingsShader;
qhandle_t railCoreShader;
qhandle_t lightningShader;
qhandle_t friendShader;
qhandle_t balloonShader;
qhandle_t connectionShader;
qhandle_t selectShader;
qhandle_t viewBloodShader;
qhandle_t tracerShader;
qhandle_t crosshairShader[NUM_CROSSHAIRS];
qhandle_t lagometerShader;
qhandle_t backTileShader;
qhandle_t noammoShader;
qhandle_t smokePuffShader;
qhandle_t smokePuffRageProShader;
qhandle_t shotgunSmokePuffShader;
qhandle_t plasmaBallShader;
qhandle_t waterBubbleShader;
qhandle_t bloodTrailShader;
// Q3Rally Code Start
qhandle_t glass01;
qhandle_t glass02;
qhandle_t glass03;
qhandle_t wood01;
qhandle_t wood02;
qhandle_t wood03;
qhandle_t metal01;
qhandle_t metal02;
qhandle_t metal03;
// Q3Rally Code END
qhandle_t nailPuffShader;
qhandle_t blueProxMine;
qhandle_t numberShaders[11];
qhandle_t shadowMarkShader;
qhandle_t botSkillShaders[5];
// wall mark shaders
qhandle_t wakeMarkShader;
qhandle_t bloodMarkShader;
qhandle_t bulletMarkShader;
// Q3Rally Code Start
qhandle_t bioMarkShader;
qhandle_t oilMarkShader;
qhandle_t sparkShader;
// Q3Rally Code END
qhandle_t burnMarkShader;
qhandle_t holeMarkShader;
qhandle_t energyMarkShader;
// powerup shaders
qhandle_t quadShader;
qhandle_t redQuadShader;
qhandle_t quadWeaponShader;
qhandle_t invisShader;
qhandle_t regenShader;
qhandle_t battleSuitShader;
// Q3Rally Code Start
qhandle_t hasteShader;
qhandle_t shieldShader;
// Q3Rally Code END
qhandle_t battleWeaponShader;
qhandle_t hastePuffShader;
qhandle_t redKamikazeShader;
qhandle_t blueKamikazeShader;
// Q3Rally Code Start
qhandle_t SMAsphaltShader;
qhandle_t SMDirtShader;
qhandle_t SMGrassShader;
qhandle_t SMFleshShader;
qhandle_t checkpointArrow;
// Q3Rally Code END
// weapon effect models
// Q3Rally Code Start
qhandle_t fireModel;
// Q3Rally Code END
qhandle_t bulletFlashModel;
qhandle_t ringFlashModel;
qhandle_t dishFlashModel;
qhandle_t lightningExplosionModel;
// weapon effect shaders
qhandle_t railExplosionShader;
qhandle_t plasmaExplosionShader;
qhandle_t bulletExplosionShader;
qhandle_t rocketExplosionShader;
qhandle_t grenadeExplosionShader;
qhandle_t bfgExplosionShader;
qhandle_t bloodExplosionShader;
// special effects models
qhandle_t teleportEffectModel;
qhandle_t teleportEffectShader;
qhandle_t kamikazeEffectModel;
qhandle_t kamikazeShockWave;
qhandle_t kamikazeHeadModel;
qhandle_t kamikazeHeadTrail;
qhandle_t guardPowerupModel;
qhandle_t scoutPowerupModel;
qhandle_t doublerPowerupModel;
qhandle_t ammoRegenPowerupModel;
qhandle_t invulnerabilityImpactModel;
qhandle_t invulnerabilityJuicedModel;
qhandle_t medkitUsageModel;
qhandle_t dustPuffShader;
qhandle_t heartShader;
qhandle_t invulnerabilityPowerupModel;
// Q3Rally Code Start
qhandle_t dustPuffShader;
// Q3Rally Code END
// scoreboard headers
qhandle_t scoreboardName;
qhandle_t scoreboardPing;
qhandle_t scoreboardScore;
qhandle_t scoreboardTime;
// medals shown during gameplay
qhandle_t medalImpressive;
qhandle_t medalExcellent;
qhandle_t medalGauntlet;
qhandle_t medalDefend;
qhandle_t medalAssist;
qhandle_t medalCapture;
// Q3Rally Code Start
qhandle_t headLightGlow;
qhandle_t brakeLightGlow;
qhandle_t reverseLightGlow;
qhandle_t rearviewMirrorShader;
//TBB - minimap handling
qhandle_t MMapShader;
qhandle_t turboModel;
// Q3Rally Code END
// sounds
sfxHandle_t quadSound;
sfxHandle_t tracerSound;
sfxHandle_t selectSound;
sfxHandle_t useNothingSound;
sfxHandle_t wearOffSound;
// Q3Rally Code Start
sfxHandle_t turboSound;
sfxHandle_t shieldSound;
// sfxHandle_t footsteps[FOOTSTEP_TOTAL][4];
// Q3Rally Code END
sfxHandle_t sfx_lghit1;
sfxHandle_t sfx_lghit2;
sfxHandle_t sfx_lghit3;
sfxHandle_t sfx_ric1;
sfxHandle_t sfx_ric2;
sfxHandle_t sfx_ric3;
//sfxHandle_t sfx_railg;
sfxHandle_t sfx_rockexp;
sfxHandle_t sfx_plasmaexp;
sfxHandle_t sfx_proxexp;
sfxHandle_t sfx_nghit;
sfxHandle_t sfx_nghitflesh;
sfxHandle_t sfx_nghitmetal;
sfxHandle_t sfx_chghit;
sfxHandle_t sfx_chghitflesh;
sfxHandle_t sfx_chghitmetal;
sfxHandle_t kamikazeExplodeSound;
sfxHandle_t kamikazeImplodeSound;
sfxHandle_t kamikazeFarSound;
sfxHandle_t useInvulnerabilitySound;
sfxHandle_t invulnerabilityImpactSound1;
sfxHandle_t invulnerabilityImpactSound2;
sfxHandle_t invulnerabilityImpactSound3;
sfxHandle_t invulnerabilityJuicedSound;
sfxHandle_t obeliskHitSound1;
sfxHandle_t obeliskHitSound2;
sfxHandle_t obeliskHitSound3;
sfxHandle_t obeliskRespawnSound;
sfxHandle_t winnerSound;
sfxHandle_t loserSound;
sfxHandle_t gibSound;
sfxHandle_t gibBounce1Sound;
sfxHandle_t gibBounce2Sound;
sfxHandle_t gibBounce3Sound;
sfxHandle_t teleInSound;
sfxHandle_t teleOutSound;
sfxHandle_t noAmmoSound;
sfxHandle_t respawnSound;
sfxHandle_t talkSound;
sfxHandle_t landSound;
sfxHandle_t fallSound;
sfxHandle_t jumpPadSound;
sfxHandle_t oneMinuteSound;
sfxHandle_t fiveMinuteSound;
sfxHandle_t suddenDeathSound;
sfxHandle_t threeFragSound;
sfxHandle_t twoFragSound;
sfxHandle_t oneFragSound;
sfxHandle_t hitSound;
sfxHandle_t hitSoundHighArmor;
sfxHandle_t hitSoundLowArmor;
sfxHandle_t hitTeamSound;
sfxHandle_t impressiveSound;
sfxHandle_t excellentSound;
sfxHandle_t deniedSound;
sfxHandle_t humiliationSound;
sfxHandle_t assistSound;
sfxHandle_t defendSound;
sfxHandle_t firstImpressiveSound;
sfxHandle_t firstExcellentSound;
sfxHandle_t firstHumiliationSound;
sfxHandle_t takenLeadSound;
sfxHandle_t tiedLeadSound;
sfxHandle_t lostLeadSound;
sfxHandle_t voteNow;
sfxHandle_t votePassed;
sfxHandle_t voteFailed;
sfxHandle_t watrInSound;
sfxHandle_t watrOutSound;
sfxHandle_t watrUnSound;
sfxHandle_t flightSound;
sfxHandle_t medkitSound;
sfxHandle_t weaponHoverSound;
// teamplay sounds
sfxHandle_t captureAwardSound;
sfxHandle_t redScoredSound;
sfxHandle_t blueScoredSound;
sfxHandle_t redLeadsSound;
sfxHandle_t blueLeadsSound;
sfxHandle_t teamsTiedSound;
sfxHandle_t captureYourTeamSound;
sfxHandle_t captureOpponentSound;
sfxHandle_t returnYourTeamSound;
sfxHandle_t returnOpponentSound;
sfxHandle_t takenYourTeamSound;
sfxHandle_t takenOpponentSound;
sfxHandle_t redFlagReturnedSound;
sfxHandle_t blueFlagReturnedSound;
sfxHandle_t neutralFlagReturnedSound;
sfxHandle_t enemyTookYourFlagSound;
sfxHandle_t yourTeamTookEnemyFlagSound;
sfxHandle_t youHaveFlagSound;
sfxHandle_t enemyTookTheFlagSound;
sfxHandle_t yourTeamTookTheFlagSound;
sfxHandle_t yourBaseIsUnderAttackSound;
sfxHandle_t holyShitSound;
// tournament sounds
sfxHandle_t count3Sound;
sfxHandle_t count2Sound;
sfxHandle_t count1Sound;
sfxHandle_t countFightSound;
sfxHandle_t countPrepareSound;
// new stuff
qhandle_t patrolShader;
qhandle_t assaultShader;
qhandle_t campShader;
qhandle_t followShader;
qhandle_t defendShader;
qhandle_t teamLeaderShader;
qhandle_t retrieveShader;
qhandle_t escortShader;
qhandle_t flagShaders[3];
sfxHandle_t countPrepareTeamSound;
sfxHandle_t ammoregenSound;
sfxHandle_t doublerSound;
sfxHandle_t guardSound;
sfxHandle_t scoutSound;
qhandle_t cursor;
qhandle_t selectCursor;
qhandle_t sizeCursor;
sfxHandle_t regenSound;
sfxHandle_t protectSound;
sfxHandle_t n_healthSound;
sfxHandle_t hgrenb1aSound;
sfxHandle_t hgrenb2aSound;
sfxHandle_t wstbimplSound;
sfxHandle_t wstbimpmSound;
sfxHandle_t wstbimpdSound;
sfxHandle_t wstbactvSound;
// Q3Rally Code Start
// car sounds
sfxHandle_t damage100[2];
sfxHandle_t damage75[2];
sfxHandle_t damage50[2];
sfxHandle_t damage25[2];
sfxHandle_t scrape[2];
sfxHandle_t death[2];
sfxHandle_t drown;
// Q3Rally Code END
} cgMedia_t;
// The client game static (cgs) structure hold everything
// loaded or calculated from the gamestate. It will NOT
// be cleared when a tournement restart is done, allowing
// all clients to begin playing instantly
typedef struct {
gameState_t gameState; // gamestate from server
glconfig_t glconfig; // rendering configuration
float screenXScale; // derived from glconfig
float screenYScale;
float screenXBias;
int serverCommandSequence; // reliable command stream counter
int processedSnapshotNum;// the number of snapshots cgame has requested
qboolean localServer; // detected on startup by checking sv_running
// parsed from serverinfo
gametype_t gametype;
int dmflags;
int teamflags;
int fraglimit;
// Q3Rally Code Start
int laplimit;
// Q3Rally Code END
int capturelimit;
int timelimit;
int maxclients;
char mapname[MAX_QPATH];
char redTeam[MAX_QPATH];
char blueTeam[MAX_QPATH];
int voteTime;
int voteYes;
int voteNo;
qboolean voteModified; // beep whenever changed
char voteString[MAX_STRING_TOKENS];
int teamVoteTime[2];
int teamVoteYes[2];
int teamVoteNo[2];
qboolean teamVoteModified[2]; // beep whenever changed
char teamVoteString[2][MAX_STRING_TOKENS];
int levelStartTime;
int scores1, scores2; // from configstrings
// Q3Rally Code Start
int scores3, scores4; // from configstrings
// Q3Rally Code END
int redflag, blueflag; // flag status from configstrings
int flagStatus;
qboolean newHud;
// locally derived information from gamestate
qhandle_t gameModels[MAX_MODELS];
sfxHandle_t gameSounds[MAX_SOUNDS];
int numInlineModels;
qhandle_t inlineDrawModel[MAX_MODELS];
vec3_t inlineModelMidpoints[MAX_MODELS];
clientInfo_t clientinfo[MAX_CLIENTS];
// teamchat width is *3 because of embedded color codes
int teamChatMsgTimes[TEAMCHAT_HEIGHT];
int teamChatPos;
int teamLastChatPos;
int cursorX;
int cursorY;
qboolean eventHandling;
qboolean mouseCaptured;
qboolean sizingHud;
void *capturedItem;
qhandle_t activeCursor;
// orders
int currentOrder;
qboolean orderPending;
int orderTime;
int currentVoiceClient;
int acceptOrderTime;
int acceptTask;
int acceptLeader;
char acceptVoice[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
// media
cgMedia_t media;
// Q3Rally Code Start
int numRacers;
// Q3Rally Code END
} cgs_t;
extern cgs_t cgs;
extern cg_t cg;
extern centity_t cg_entities[MAX_GENTITIES];
extern weaponInfo_t cg_weapons[MAX_WEAPONS];
extern itemInfo_t cg_items[MAX_ITEMS];
extern markPoly_t cg_markPolys[MAX_MARK_POLYS];
extern vmCvar_t cg_centertime;
extern vmCvar_t cg_runpitch;
extern vmCvar_t cg_runroll;
extern vmCvar_t cg_bobup;
extern vmCvar_t cg_bobpitch;
extern vmCvar_t cg_bobroll;
extern vmCvar_t cg_swingSpeed;
extern vmCvar_t cg_shadows;
extern vmCvar_t cg_gibs;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawTimer;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawFPS;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawSnapshot;
extern vmCvar_t cg_draw3dIcons;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawIcons;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawAmmoWarning;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawCrosshair;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawCrosshairNames;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawRewards;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawTeamOverlay;
extern vmCvar_t cg_teamOverlayUserinfo;
extern vmCvar_t cg_crosshairX;
extern vmCvar_t cg_crosshairY;
extern vmCvar_t cg_crosshairSize;
extern vmCvar_t cg_crosshairHealth;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawStatus;
extern vmCvar_t cg_draw2D;
extern vmCvar_t cg_animSpeed;
extern vmCvar_t cg_debugAnim;
extern vmCvar_t cg_debugPosition;
extern vmCvar_t cg_debugEvents;
extern vmCvar_t cg_railTrailTime;
extern vmCvar_t cg_errorDecay;
extern vmCvar_t cg_nopredict;
extern vmCvar_t cg_noPlayerAnims;
extern vmCvar_t cg_showmiss;
extern vmCvar_t cg_footsteps;
extern vmCvar_t cg_addMarks;
extern vmCvar_t cg_brassTime;
extern vmCvar_t cg_gun_frame;
extern vmCvar_t cg_gun_x;
extern vmCvar_t cg_gun_y;
extern vmCvar_t cg_gun_z;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawGun;
extern vmCvar_t cg_viewsize;
extern vmCvar_t cg_tracerChance;
extern vmCvar_t cg_tracerWidth;
extern vmCvar_t cg_tracerLength;
extern vmCvar_t cg_autoswitch;
extern vmCvar_t cg_ignore;
extern vmCvar_t cg_simpleItems;
extern vmCvar_t cg_fov;
extern vmCvar_t cg_zoomFov;
extern vmCvar_t cg_thirdPersonRange;
// Q3Rally Code Start
extern vmCvar_t cg_thirdPersonHeight;
// Q3Rally Code END
extern vmCvar_t cg_thirdPersonAngle;
extern vmCvar_t cg_thirdPerson;
extern vmCvar_t cg_lagometer;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawAttacker;
extern vmCvar_t cg_synchronousClients;
extern vmCvar_t cg_teamChatTime;
extern vmCvar_t cg_teamChatHeight;
extern vmCvar_t cg_stats;
extern vmCvar_t cg_forceModel;
extern vmCvar_t cg_buildScript;
extern vmCvar_t cg_paused;
extern vmCvar_t cg_blood;
extern vmCvar_t cg_predictItems;
extern vmCvar_t cg_deferPlayers;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawFriend;
extern vmCvar_t cg_teamChatsOnly;
extern vmCvar_t cg_noVoiceChats;
extern vmCvar_t cg_noVoiceText;
extern vmCvar_t cg_scorePlum;
extern vmCvar_t cg_smoothClients;
extern vmCvar_t pmove_fixed;
extern vmCvar_t pmove_msec;
//extern vmCvar_t cg_pmove_fixed;
extern vmCvar_t cg_cameraOrbit;
extern vmCvar_t cg_cameraOrbitDelay;
extern vmCvar_t cg_timescaleFadeEnd;
extern vmCvar_t cg_timescaleFadeSpeed;
extern vmCvar_t cg_timescale;
extern vmCvar_t cg_cameraMode;
extern vmCvar_t cg_smallFont;
extern vmCvar_t cg_bigFont;
extern vmCvar_t cg_noTaunt;
extern vmCvar_t cg_noProjectileTrail;
extern vmCvar_t cg_oldRail;
extern vmCvar_t cg_oldRocket;
extern vmCvar_t cg_oldPlasma;
extern vmCvar_t cg_trueLightning;
extern vmCvar_t cg_redTeamName;
extern vmCvar_t cg_blueTeamName;
extern vmCvar_t cg_currentSelectedPlayer;
extern vmCvar_t cg_currentSelectedPlayerName;
extern vmCvar_t cg_singlePlayer;
extern vmCvar_t cg_enableDust;
extern vmCvar_t cg_enableBreath;
extern vmCvar_t cg_singlePlayerActive;
extern vmCvar_t cg_recordSPDemo;
extern vmCvar_t cg_recordSPDemoName;
extern vmCvar_t cg_obeliskRespawnDelay;
// Q3Rally Code Start
extern vmCvar_t cg_metricUnits;
extern vmCvar_t cg_minSkidLength;
extern vmCvar_t cg_controlMode;
extern vmCvar_t cg_manualShift;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawRearView;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawMMap; //TBB - minimap
extern vmCvar_t cg_checkpointArrowMode;
extern vmCvar_t cg_atmosphericLevel;
extern vmCvar_t cg_developer;
// extern vmCvar_t cg_fpsLimit;
extern vmCvar_t cg_autodrop;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawPositionSprites;
extern vmCvar_t cg_tightCamTracking;
extern vmCvar_t cg_rearViewRenderLevel;
extern vmCvar_t cg_mainViewRenderLevel;
extern vmCvar_t cg_debugpredict;
extern vmCvar_t cg_engineSounds;
extern vmCvar_t cg_engineSoundDelay;
extern vmCvar_t cg_drawBotPaths;
// Q3Rally Code END
// cg_main.c
const char *CG_ConfigString( int index );
const char *CG_Argv( int arg );
void QDECL CG_Printf( const char *msg, ... ) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
void QDECL CG_Error( const char *msg, ... ) __attribute__ ((noreturn, format (printf, 1, 2)));
// Q3Rally Code Start
void QDECL CG_DebugLogPrintf( const char *fmt, ... ) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
// Q3Rally Code END
void CG_StartMusic( void );
void CG_UpdateCvars( void );
int CG_CrosshairPlayer( void );
int CG_LastAttacker( void );
void CG_LoadMenus(const char *menuFile);
void CG_KeyEvent(int key, qboolean down);
void CG_MouseEvent(int x, int y);
void CG_EventHandling(int type);
void CG_RankRunFrame( void );
void CG_SetScoreSelection(void *menu);
score_t *CG_GetSelectedScore( void );
void CG_BuildSpectatorString( void );
// cg_view.c
void CG_TestModel_f (void);
void CG_TestGun_f (void);
void CG_TestModelNextFrame_f (void);
void CG_TestModelPrevFrame_f (void);
void CG_TestModelNextSkin_f (void);
void CG_TestModelPrevSkin_f (void);
void CG_ZoomDown_f( void );
void CG_ZoomUp_f( void );
void CG_AddBufferedSound( sfxHandle_t sfx);
void CG_DrawActiveFrame( int serverTime, stereoFrame_t stereoView, qboolean demoPlayback );
// cg_drawtools.c
void CG_AdjustFrom640( float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h );
void CG_FillRect( float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color );
void CG_DrawPic( float x, float y, float width, float height, qhandle_t hShader );
void CG_DrawString( float x, float y, const char *string,
float charWidth, float charHeight, const float *modulate );
void CG_DrawStringExt( int x, int y, const char *string, const float *setColor,
qboolean forceColor, qboolean shadow, int charWidth, int charHeight, int maxChars );
void CG_DrawBigString( int x, int y, const char *s, float alpha );
void CG_DrawBigStringColor( int x, int y, const char *s, vec4_t color );
void CG_DrawSmallString( int x, int y, const char *s, float alpha );
void CG_DrawSmallStringColor( int x, int y, const char *s, vec4_t color );
int CG_DrawStrlen( const char *str );
float *CG_FadeColor( int startMsec, int totalMsec );
float *CG_TeamColor( int team );
void CG_TileClear( void );
void CG_ColorForHealth( vec4_t hcolor );
void CG_GetColorForHealth( int health, int armor, vec4_t hcolor );
void UI_DrawProportionalString( int x, int y, const char* str, int style, vec4_t color );
void CG_DrawRect( float x, float y, float width, float height, float size, const float *color );
void CG_DrawSides(float x, float y, float w, float h, float size);
void CG_DrawTopBottom(float x, float y, float w, float h, float size);
// cg_draw.c, cg_newDraw.c
extern int sortedTeamPlayers[TEAM_MAXOVERLAY];
extern int numSortedTeamPlayers;
extern int drawTeamOverlayModificationCount;
extern char systemChat[256];
extern char teamChat1[256];
extern char teamChat2[256];
// Q3Rally Code Start
float CG_DrawScores( float x, float y );
// Q3Rally Code END
void CG_AddLagometerFrameInfo( void );
void CG_AddLagometerSnapshotInfo( snapshot_t *snap );
void CG_CenterPrint( const char *str, int y, int charWidth );
// Q3Rally Code (removed function)
// void CG_DrawHead( float x, float y, float w, float h, int clientNum, vec3_t headAngles );
// Q3Rally Code END
void CG_DrawActive( stereoFrame_t stereoView );
void CG_DrawFlagModel( float x, float y, float w, float h, int team, qboolean force2D );
void CG_DrawTeamBackground( int x, int y, int w, int h, float alpha, int team );
void CG_OwnerDraw(float x, float y, float w, float h, float text_x, float text_y, int ownerDraw, int ownerDrawFlags, int align, float special, float scale, vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader, int textStyle);
void CG_Text_Paint(float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, float adjust, int limit, int style);
int CG_Text_Width(const char *text, float scale, int limit);
int CG_Text_Height(const char *text, float scale, int limit);
void CG_SelectPrevPlayer( void );
void CG_SelectNextPlayer( void );
float CG_GetValue(int ownerDraw);
qboolean CG_OwnerDrawVisible(int flags);
void CG_RunMenuScript(char **args);
void CG_ShowResponseHead( void );
void CG_SetPrintString(int type, const char *p);
void CG_InitTeamChat( void );
void CG_GetTeamColor(vec4_t *color);
const char *CG_GetGameStatusText( void );
const char *CG_GetKillerText( void );
void CG_Draw3DModel(float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t model, qhandle_t skin, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles);
void CG_Text_PaintChar(float x, float y, float width, float height, float scale, float s, float t, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t hShader);
void CG_CheckOrderPending( void );
const char *CG_GameTypeString( void );
qboolean CG_YourTeamHasFlag( void );
qboolean CG_OtherTeamHasFlag( void );
qhandle_t CG_StatusHandle(int task);
// cg_player.c
void CG_Player( centity_t *cent );
void CG_ResetPlayerEntity( centity_t *cent );
void CG_AddRefEntityWithPowerups( refEntity_t *ent, entityState_t *state, int team );
void CG_NewClientInfo( int clientNum );
sfxHandle_t CG_CustomSound( int clientNum, const char *soundName );
// cg_predict.c
// Q3Rally Code Start
void QDECL Com_LogPrintf( const char *fmt, ... ) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
void CG_UpdateCarFromPS ( playerState_t *ps );
// Q3Rally Code END
void CG_BuildSolidList( void );
int CG_PointContents( const vec3_t point, int passEntityNum );
void CG_Trace( trace_t *result, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end,
int skipNumber, int mask );
void CG_PredictPlayerState( void );
void CG_LoadDeferredPlayers( void );
// cg_events.c
void CG_CheckEvents( centity_t *cent );
const char *CG_PlaceString( int rank );
void CG_EntityEvent( centity_t *cent, vec3_t position );
void CG_PainEvent( centity_t *cent, int health );
// cg_ents.c
// Q3Rally Code Start
void CG_AddCEntity( centity_t *cent );
// Q3Rally Code END
void CG_SetEntitySoundPosition( centity_t *cent );
void CG_AddPacketEntities( void );
void CG_Beam( centity_t *cent );
void CG_AdjustPositionForMover(const vec3_t in, int moverNum, int fromTime, int toTime, vec3_t out, vec3_t angles_in, vec3_t angles_out);
// Q3Rally Code Start
qboolean CG_TagExists( qhandle_t parentModel, char *tagName );
void CG_GetTagPosition( const refEntity_t *parent, qhandle_t parentModel, char *tagName, vec3_t origin );
// Q3Rally Code END
void CG_PositionEntityOnTag( refEntity_t *entity, const refEntity_t *parent,
qhandle_t parentModel, char *tagName );
void CG_PositionRotatedEntityOnTag( refEntity_t *entity, const refEntity_t *parent,
qhandle_t parentModel, char *tagName );
// cg_weapons.c
void CG_NextWeapon_f( void );
void CG_PrevWeapon_f( void );
void CG_Weapon_f( void );
void CG_RegisterWeapon( int weaponNum );
void CG_RegisterItemVisuals( int itemNum );
void CG_FireWeapon( centity_t *cent );
void CG_FireAltWeapon( centity_t *cent );
void CG_MissileHitWall( int weapon, int clientNum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, impactSound_t soundType );
void CG_MissileHitPlayer( int weapon, vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, int entityNum );
void CG_ShotgunFire( entityState_t *es );
void CG_Bullet( vec3_t origin, int sourceEntityNum, vec3_t normal, qboolean flesh, int fleshEntityNum );
void CG_RailTrail( clientInfo_t *ci, vec3_t start, vec3_t end );
void CG_GrappleTrail( centity_t *ent, const weaponInfo_t *wi );
void CG_AddViewWeapon (playerState_t *ps);
void CG_AddPlayerWeapon( refEntity_t *parent, playerState_t *ps, centity_t *cent, int team );
void CG_DrawWeaponSelect( void );
void CG_OutOfAmmoChange( void ); // should this be in pmove?
// cg_marks.c
void CG_InitMarkPolys( void );
void CG_AddMarks( void );
void CG_ImpactMark( qhandle_t markShader,
const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t dir,
float orientation,
float r, float g, float b, float a,
qboolean alphaFade,
float radius, qboolean temporary );
// Q3Rally Code Start
void CG_ImpactMark2( qhandle_t markShader,
const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t up,
const vec3_t forward,
float red, float green, float blue, float alpha,
qboolean alphaFade,
float radius, qboolean temporary );
void CG_SkidMark( qhandle_t markShader,
const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t up,
const vec3_t forward,
float red, float green, float blue, float alpha,
qboolean alphaFade,
float width, float length, qboolean temporary );
// Q3Rally Code END
// cg_localents.c
void CG_InitLocalEntities( void );
localEntity_t *CG_AllocLocalEntity( void );
void CG_AddLocalEntities( void );
// cg_effects.c
localEntity_t *CG_SmokePuff( const vec3_t p,
const vec3_t vel,
float radius,
float r, float g, float b, float a,
float duration,
int startTime,
int fadeInTime,
int leFlags,
qhandle_t hShader );
void CG_BubbleTrail( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float spacing );
void CG_SpawnEffect( vec3_t org );
void CG_KamikazeEffect( vec3_t org );
void CG_ObeliskExplode( vec3_t org, int entityNum );
void CG_ObeliskPain( vec3_t org );
void CG_InvulnerabilityImpact( vec3_t org, vec3_t angles );
void CG_InvulnerabilityJuiced( vec3_t org );
void CG_LightningBoltBeam( vec3_t start, vec3_t end );
void CG_ScorePlum( int client, vec3_t org, int score );
void CG_ShowDebris( vec3_t srcOrigin, int count, int evType );
void CG_StartEarthquake(int intensity, int duration);
void CG_Earthquake(void);
void CG_ParticlesFromEntityState( vec3_t origin, int type, entityState_t *es);
// Q3Rally Code Start
// void CG_GibPlayer( vec3_t playerOrigin );
void CG_GibPlayer( vec3_t playerOrigin, vec3_t playerVelocity, int client );
// Q3Rally Code END
void CG_BigExplode( vec3_t playerOrigin );
void CG_LightningArc( vec3_t start, vec3_t end );
void CG_BreakGlass( vec3_t playerOrigin );
void CG_BREAKWOOD( vec3_t playerOrigin );
void CG_BREAKMETAL( vec3_t playerOrigin );
void CG_Bleed( vec3_t origin, int entityNum );
localEntity_t *CG_MakeExplosion( vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir,
qhandle_t hModel, qhandle_t shader, int msec,
qboolean isSprite );
// cg_snapshot.c
void CG_ProcessSnapshots( void );
// cg_info.c
void CG_LoadingString( const char *s );
void CG_LoadingItem( int itemNum );
void CG_LoadingClient( int clientNum );
void CG_DrawInformation( void );
// cg_scoreboard.c
qboolean CG_DrawOldScoreboard( void );
// Q3Rally Code Start - removed
// void CG_DrawTourneyScoreboard( void );
// Q3Rally Code END
// cg_consolecmds.c
qboolean CG_ConsoleCommand( void );
void CG_InitConsoleCommands( void );
// cg_servercmds.c
void CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands( int latestSequence );
void CG_ParseServerinfo( void );
void CG_SetConfigValues( void );
void CG_ShaderStateChanged(void);
void CG_LoadVoiceChats( void );
void CG_VoiceChatLocal( int mode, qboolean voiceOnly, int clientNum, int color, const char *cmd );
void CG_PlayBufferedVoiceChats( void );
// cg_playerstate.c
void CG_Respawn( void );
void CG_TransitionPlayerState( playerState_t *ps, playerState_t *ops );
void CG_CheckChangedPredictableEvents( playerState_t *ps );
// Q3Rally Code Start
// cg_atmospheric.c
void CG_AddAtmosphericEffects( void );
void CG_Atmospheric_SetParticles( int type, int numParticles, qboolean diableSplashes );
// cg_rally_scripted_objects.c
void CG_Scripted_Object( centity_t *cent );
// cg_rally_drawtools.c
void CG_DrawGiantDigitalString( int x, int y, const char *s, float alpha );
void CG_DrawGiantDigitalStringColor( int x, int y, const char *s, vec4_t color );
void CG_DrawSmallDigitalString( int x, int y, const char *s, float alpha );
void CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor( int x, int y, const char *s, vec4_t color );
void CG_DrawTinyDigitalString( int x, int y, const char *s, float alpha );
void CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( int x, int y, const char *s, vec4_t color );
void CG_DrawTinyString( int x, int y, const char *s, float alpha );
void CG_DrawTinyStringColor( int x, int y, const char *s, vec4_t color );
// cg_rally_tools.c
void CG_DrawCheckpointLinks(void);
void CG_Sparks( const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t normal, const vec3_t direction, const float speed );
qboolean CG_FrictionCalc( const carPoint_t *point, float *sCOF, float *kCOF );
void CG_Hazard( int barrel, vec3_t origin, int radius );
localEntity_t *CreateFireEntity( vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir,
qhandle_t hModel, qhandle_t shader,
int msec );
void CreateSmokeCloudEntity(vec3_t origin, vec3_t vel, float speed, int radius, int duration, float r, float g, float b, float a, qhandle_t hShader );
team_t TeamCount( int ignoreClientNum, int team );
int GetTeamAtRank(int rank);
qboolean TiedWinner( void );
qboolean CG_CopyLevelReflectionImage( const char *filename );
void CG_DrawModel( vec3_t start, qhandle_t model );
void CG_Draw3DLine( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float r, float g, float b, float a );
void CG_Draw3DBezierCurve( vec3_t start, vec3_t startDir, vec3_t end, vec3_t endDir, int numDivisions, float r, float g, float b, float a );
float Q3VelocityToRL(float length);
float Q3DistanceToRL(float length);
qboolean isRallyRace( void );
qboolean isRallyNonDMRace( void );
qboolean isRaceObserver( int clientNum );
qboolean CG_InsideBox( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t pos );
// cg_rally_race_tools.c
void CG_NewLapTime( int lap, int time );
void CG_FinishedRace( int client, int time );
void CG_StartRace( int time );
void CG_DrawRaceCountDown( void );
void CG_RaceCountDown( const char *str, int secondsLeft );
// cg_rally_hud.c
extern float colors[4][4];
void CG_DrawRearviewMirror( float x, float y, float w, float h);
float CG_DrawUpperRightHUD( float y );
float CG_DrawLowerRightHUD( float y );
float CG_DrawLowerLeftHUD( float y );
/*TBB - minimap EXPERIMENTAL -
modified rearview but only render stuff from +8192(Z) from
center of bsp, pitched downward, and render only players (flags for ctf).
this will probably drop fps, hopefully not too much and ,
might have to make a cvar for displaying it plus opacity
trying to get this to work like the minimap from UrT
from scratch. must try to make it 2d bitmap
void CG_DrawMMap( float x, float y, float w, float h );
// cg_rally_hud2.c
qboolean CG_DrawHUD( void );
// cg_rally_platetools.c
extern int propMap[128][3];
void CreateLicensePlateImage(const char *input, const char *output, const char *name, int maxChars);
// cg_rally_rearweapons.c
void CG_FireRearWeapon( centity_t *cent, int weapon );
void CG_StartSmokeScreen( centity_t *cent );
void CG_DropOil( centity_t *cent );
void CG_StartFlameTrail( centity_t *cent );
void CG_DropBio( centity_t *cent );
// Q3Rally Code END
// system traps
// These functions are how the cgame communicates with the main game system
// print message on the local console
void trap_Print( const char *fmt );
// abort the game
void trap_Error(const char *fmt) __attribute__((noreturn));
// milliseconds should only be used for performance tuning, never
// for anything game related. Get time from the CG_DrawActiveFrame parameter
int trap_Milliseconds( void );
// console variable interaction
void trap_Cvar_Register( vmCvar_t *vmCvar, const char *varName, const char *defaultValue, int flags );
void trap_Cvar_Update( vmCvar_t *vmCvar );
void trap_Cvar_Set( const char *var_name, const char *value );
void trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( const char *var_name, char *buffer, int bufsize );
// ServerCommand and ConsoleCommand parameter access
int trap_Argc( void );
void trap_Argv( int n, char *buffer, int bufferLength );
void trap_Args( char *buffer, int bufferLength );
// filesystem access
// returns length of file
int trap_FS_FOpenFile( const char *qpath, fileHandle_t *f, fsMode_t mode );
void trap_FS_Read( void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
void trap_FS_Write( const void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
void trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle_t f );
int trap_FS_Seek( fileHandle_t f, long offset, int origin ); // fsOrigin_t
// add commands to the local console as if they were typed in
// for map changing, etc. The command is not executed immediately,
// but will be executed in order the next time console commands
// are processed
void trap_SendConsoleCommand( const char *text );
// register a command name so the console can perform command completion.
// FIXME: replace this with a normal console command "defineCommand"?
void trap_AddCommand( const char *cmdName );
void trap_RemoveCommand( const char *cmdName );
// send a string to the server over the network
void trap_SendClientCommand( const char *s );
// force a screen update, only used during gamestate load
void trap_UpdateScreen( void );
// model collision
void trap_CM_LoadMap( const char *mapname );
int trap_CM_NumInlineModels( void );
clipHandle_t trap_CM_InlineModel( int index ); // 0 = world, 1+ = bmodels
clipHandle_t trap_CM_TempBoxModel( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs );
int trap_CM_PointContents( const vec3_t p, clipHandle_t model );
int trap_CM_TransformedPointContents( const vec3_t p, clipHandle_t model, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t angles );
void trap_CM_BoxTrace( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs,
clipHandle_t model, int brushmask );
void trap_CM_CapsuleTrace( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs,
clipHandle_t model, int brushmask );
void trap_CM_TransformedBoxTrace( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs,
clipHandle_t model, int brushmask,
const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t angles );
void trap_CM_TransformedCapsuleTrace( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs,
clipHandle_t model, int brushmask,
const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t angles );
// Returns the projection of a polygon onto the solid brushes in the world
int trap_CM_MarkFragments( int numPoints, const vec3_t *points,
const vec3_t projection,
int maxPoints, vec3_t pointBuffer,
int maxFragments, markFragment_t *fragmentBuffer );
// normal sounds will have their volume dynamically changed as their entity
// moves and the listener moves
void trap_S_StartSound( vec3_t origin, int entityNum, int entchannel, sfxHandle_t sfx );
void trap_S_StopLoopingSound(int entnum);
// a local sound is always played full volume
void trap_S_StartLocalSound( sfxHandle_t sfx, int channelNum );
void trap_S_ClearLoopingSounds( qboolean killall );
void trap_S_AddLoopingSound( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, sfxHandle_t sfx );
void trap_S_AddRealLoopingSound( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, sfxHandle_t sfx );
void trap_S_UpdateEntityPosition( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin );
// respatialize recalculates the volumes of sound as they should be heard by the
// given entityNum and position
void trap_S_Respatialize( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, vec3_t axis[3], int inwater );
sfxHandle_t trap_S_RegisterSound( const char *sample, qboolean compressed ); // returns buzz if not found
void trap_S_StartBackgroundTrack( const char *intro, const char *loop ); // empty name stops music
void trap_S_StopBackgroundTrack( void );
void trap_R_LoadWorldMap( const char *mapname );
// all media should be registered during level startup to prevent
// hitches during gameplay
qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterModel( const char *name ); // returns rgb axis if not found
qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterSkin( const char *name ); // returns all white if not found
qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterShader( const char *name ); // returns all white if not found
qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( const char *name ); // returns all white if not found
// a scene is built up by calls to R_ClearScene and the various R_Add functions.
// Nothing is drawn until R_RenderScene is called.
void trap_R_ClearScene( void );
void trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( const refEntity_t *re );
// polys are intended for simple wall marks, not really for doing
// significant construction
void trap_R_AddPolyToScene( qhandle_t hShader , int numVerts, const polyVert_t *verts );
void trap_R_AddPolysToScene( qhandle_t hShader , int numVerts, const polyVert_t *verts, int numPolys );
void trap_R_AddLightToScene( const vec3_t org, float intensity, float r, float g, float b );
void trap_R_AddAdditiveLightToScene( const vec3_t org, float intensity, float r, float g, float b );
int trap_R_LightForPoint( vec3_t point, vec3_t ambientLight, vec3_t directedLight, vec3_t lightDir );
void trap_R_RenderScene( const refdef_t *fd );
void trap_R_SetColor( const float *rgba ); // NULL = 1,1,1,1
void trap_R_DrawStretchPic( float x, float y, float w, float h,
float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t hShader );
void trap_R_ModelBounds( clipHandle_t model, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
int trap_R_LerpTag( orientation_t *tag, clipHandle_t mod, int startFrame, int endFrame,
float frac, const char *tagName );
void trap_R_RemapShader( const char *oldShader, const char *newShader, const char *timeOffset );
qboolean trap_R_inPVS( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 );
// The glconfig_t will not change during the life of a cgame.
// If it needs to change, the entire cgame will be restarted, because
// all the qhandle_t are then invalid.
void trap_GetGlconfig( glconfig_t *glconfig );
// the gamestate should be grabbed at startup, and whenever a
// configstring changes
void trap_GetGameState( gameState_t *gamestate );
// cgame will poll each frame to see if a newer snapshot has arrived
// that it is interested in. The time is returned seperately so that
// snapshot latency can be calculated.
void trap_GetCurrentSnapshotNumber( int *snapshotNumber, int *serverTime );
// a snapshot get can fail if the snapshot (or the entties it holds) is so
// old that it has fallen out of the client system queue
qboolean trap_GetSnapshot( int snapshotNumber, snapshot_t *snapshot );
// retrieve a text command from the server stream
// the current snapshot will hold the number of the most recent command
// qfalse can be returned if the client system handled the command
// argc() / argv() can be used to examine the parameters of the command
qboolean trap_GetServerCommand( int serverCommandNumber );
// returns the most recent command number that can be passed to GetUserCmd
// this will always be at least one higher than the number in the current
// snapshot, and it may be quite a few higher if it is a fast computer on
// a lagged connection
int trap_GetCurrentCmdNumber( void );
qboolean trap_GetUserCmd( int cmdNumber, usercmd_t *ucmd );
// used for the weapon select and zoom
void trap_SetUserCmdValue( int stateValue, float sensitivityScale );
// aids for VM testing
void testPrintInt( char *string, int i );
void testPrintFloat( char *string, float f );
int trap_MemoryRemaining( void );
void trap_R_RegisterFont(const char *fontName, int pointSize, fontInfo_t *font);
qboolean trap_Key_IsDown( int keynum );
int trap_Key_GetCatcher( void );
void trap_Key_SetCatcher( int catcher );
int trap_Key_GetKey( const char *binding );
typedef enum {
} q3print_t;
int trap_CIN_PlayCinematic( const char *arg0, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height, int bits);
e_status trap_CIN_StopCinematic(int handle);
e_status trap_CIN_RunCinematic (int handle);
void trap_CIN_DrawCinematic (int handle);
void trap_CIN_SetExtents (int handle, int x, int y, int w, int h);
int trap_RealTime(qtime_t *qtime);
void trap_SnapVector( float *v );
qboolean trap_loadCamera(const char *name);
void trap_startCamera(int time);
qboolean trap_getCameraInfo(int time, vec3_t *origin, vec3_t *angles);
qboolean trap_GetEntityToken( char *buffer, int bufferSize );
void CG_ClearParticles (void);
void CG_AddParticles (void);
void CG_ParticleSnow (qhandle_t pshader, vec3_t origin, vec3_t origin2, int turb, float range, int snum);
void CG_ParticleSmoke (qhandle_t pshader, centity_t *cent);
void CG_AddParticleShrapnel (localEntity_t *le);
void CG_ParticleSnowFlurry (qhandle_t pshader, centity_t *cent);
void CG_ParticleBulletDebris (vec3_t org, vec3_t vel, int duration);
void CG_ParticleSparks (vec3_t org, vec3_t vel, int duration, float x, float y, float speed);
void CG_ParticleDust (centity_t *cent, vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir);
void CG_ParticleMisc (qhandle_t pshader, vec3_t origin, int size, int duration, float alpha);
void CG_ParticleExplosion (char *animStr, vec3_t origin, vec3_t vel, int duration, int sizeStart, int sizeEnd);
extern qboolean initparticles;
int CG_NewParticleArea ( int num );