mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 09:31:00 +00:00
Upgrade to build and run from VS2019 Upgrades to Xcode project and Apple Silicon support Update SDL2 to 2.0.14 Updated SDL2 include files to fix Mac build in GitHub Actions Added another mention of arm64 to command line help Restored original opus sse files, excluded from Xcode Added arm64 to the post-build symlinking step Merge branch 'main' into xcode Merge branch 'main' into vs2019 Added shell script to compile Universal 2 binary (x86_64+arm64) Reverting alert style to deprecated methods Upgrades to Xcode project and Apple Silicon support Update SDL2 to 2.0.14 Added another mention of arm64 to command line help Restored original opus sse files, excluded from Xcode Added arm64 to the post-build symlinking step Added shell script to compile Universal 2 binary (x86_64+arm64) Reverting alert style to deprecated methods Merge branch 'xcode' of https://github.com/tomkidd/ioq3 into xcode Removed signature from SDL dylib, enabled dark mode on macOS. spaces > tabs Ad-hoc signed libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib Fix compiling against SDL 2.0.17 UB2 now signs and notarizes, upgraded to SDL 2.0.16 Architectures in libSDL2 restored for ppc and i386 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into vs2019 Update SDL2 to 2.0.16 Added rudimentary support for automatically finding Microsoft Store version of Quake 3 GHA deprecated Ubuntu 16.04 - update to 18.04 qsort cannot be called with NULL Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into vs2019 Addressed string concatenation issue and added dummy method for Mac/Linux Added missing variable. Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into xcode Updated SDL 2.0.16 headers and Mac version of libraries to fix GitHub actions Addressed PR suggestions Modified MS Store path handling to better follow the pattern of Steam/GOG Merge pull request #481 from tomkidd/xcode Merge pull request #482 from tomkidd/vs2019 OpenGL2: Fix r_grayscale 1 making everything solid black Print full GL_EXTENSIONS list for OpenGL contexts before 3.0 Fix being unable to enter Team Arena CD key OpenGL2: GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE was removed from OpenGL 3.0/Core Improve setting Microsoft Store path Update building for macOS in README Make macOS arm64 default to target macOS 11 in Makefile Fix error when cross-compiling for macOS arm64 using Makefile Fix passing arguments to VM dylib on Apple M1 Fix compiling on older macOS Fix memory corruption in S_TransferPaintBuffer Fix memset Fix hex digit Fix uninitialized variable some old URL and doc updates Update README.md Update FUNDING.yml code/curl: update ifdef condition for MCST-LCC compiler in mcst-lcc compiler => 1.25 added a new macro definition to determine compiler Revert "code/curl: update ifdef condition for MCST-LCC compiler" Revert "E2K: fixed build by MCST lcc compiler when using USE_CURL=1 option" More predictable mesh normals generation vm_x86.c: Add `defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64)` (fix for VS2019) Add keys for SDL 2.0.14's new gamepad buttons Fix in_availableJoysticks cvar not updating Fix (disabled) Wavelet sound decompression Update to SDL 2.24.0 and add separate macOS UB2 dylib Update macOS UB1 to SDL 2.0.22 Fix running make-macosx{,-ub2}.sh on Linux Update MSVC .lib files to SDL 2.24.0
978 lines
19 KiB
978 lines
19 KiB
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "../qcommon/q_shared.h"
#include "../qcommon/qcommon.h"
#include "sys_local.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fenv.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
qboolean stdinIsATTY;
// Used to determine where to store user-specific files
static char homePath[ MAX_OSPATH ] = { 0 };
// Used to store the Steam Quake 3 installation path
static char steamPath[ MAX_OSPATH ] = { 0 };
// Used to store the GOG Quake 3 installation path
static char gogPath[ MAX_OSPATH ] = { 0 };
// Used to store the Microsoft Store Quake 3 installation path
static char microsoftStorePath[MAX_OSPATH] = { 0 };
char *Sys_DefaultHomePath(void)
char *p;
if( !*homePath && com_homepath != NULL )
if( ( p = getenv( "HOME" ) ) != NULL )
Com_sprintf(homePath, sizeof(homePath), "%s%c", p, PATH_SEP);
#ifdef __APPLE__
Q_strcat(homePath, sizeof(homePath),
"Library/Application Support/");
Q_strcat(homePath, sizeof(homePath), com_homepath->string);
Q_strcat(homePath, sizeof(homePath), HOMEPATH_NAME_MACOSX);
Q_strcat(homePath, sizeof(homePath), com_homepath->string);
Q_strcat(homePath, sizeof(homePath), HOMEPATH_NAME_UNIX);
return homePath;
char *Sys_SteamPath( void )
// Disabled since Steam doesn't let you install Quake 3 on Mac/Linux
#if 0 //#ifdef STEAMPATH_NAME
char *p;
if( ( p = getenv( "HOME" ) ) != NULL )
#ifdef __APPLE__
char *steamPathEnd = "/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/" STEAMPATH_NAME;
char *steamPathEnd = "/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/" STEAMPATH_NAME;
Com_sprintf(steamPath, sizeof(steamPath), "%s%s", p, steamPathEnd);
return steamPath;
char *Sys_GogPath( void )
// GOG also doesn't let you install Quake 3 on Mac/Linux
return gogPath;
char* Sys_MicrosoftStorePath(void)
// Microsoft Store doesn't exist on Mac/Linux
return microsoftStorePath;
/* base time in seconds, that's our origin
timeval:tv_sec is an int:
assuming this wraps every 0x7fffffff - ~68 years since the Epoch (1970) - we're safe till 2038 */
unsigned long sys_timeBase = 0;
/* current time in ms, using sys_timeBase as origin
NOTE: sys_timeBase*1000 + curtime -> ms since the Epoch
0x7fffffff ms - ~24 days
although timeval:tv_usec is an int, I'm not sure wether it is actually used as an unsigned int
(which would affect the wrap period) */
int curtime;
int Sys_Milliseconds (void)
struct timeval tp;
gettimeofday(&tp, NULL);
if (!sys_timeBase)
sys_timeBase = tp.tv_sec;
return tp.tv_usec/1000;
curtime = (tp.tv_sec - sys_timeBase)*1000 + tp.tv_usec/1000;
return curtime;
qboolean Sys_RandomBytes( byte *string, int len )
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen( "/dev/urandom", "r" );
if( !fp )
return qfalse;
setvbuf( fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ); // don't buffer reads from /dev/urandom
if( fread( string, sizeof( byte ), len, fp ) != len )
fclose( fp );
return qfalse;
fclose( fp );
return qtrue;
char *Sys_GetCurrentUser( void )
struct passwd *p;
if ( (p = getpwuid( getuid() )) == NULL ) {
return "player";
return p->pw_name;
#define MEM_THRESHOLD 96*1024*1024
qboolean Sys_LowPhysicalMemory( void )
return qfalse;
const char *Sys_Basename( char *path )
return basename( path );
const char *Sys_Dirname( char *path )
return dirname( path );
FILE *Sys_FOpen( const char *ospath, const char *mode ) {
struct stat buf;
// check if path exists and is a directory
if ( !stat( ospath, &buf ) && S_ISDIR( buf.st_mode ) )
return NULL;
return fopen( ospath, mode );
qboolean Sys_Mkdir( const char *path )
int result = mkdir( path, 0750 );
if( result != 0 )
return errno == EEXIST;
return qtrue;
FILE *Sys_Mkfifo( const char *ospath )
FILE *fifo;
int result;
int fn;
struct stat buf;
// if file already exists AND is a pipefile, remove it
if( !stat( ospath, &buf ) && S_ISFIFO( buf.st_mode ) )
FS_Remove( ospath );
result = mkfifo( ospath, 0600 );
if( result != 0 )
return NULL;
fifo = fopen( ospath, "w+" );
if( fifo )
fn = fileno( fifo );
fcntl( fn, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK );
return fifo;
char *Sys_Cwd( void )
static char cwd[MAX_OSPATH];
char *result = getcwd( cwd, sizeof( cwd ) - 1 );
if( result != cwd )
return NULL;
cwd[MAX_OSPATH-1] = 0;
return cwd;
#define MAX_FOUND_FILES 0x1000
void Sys_ListFilteredFiles( const char *basedir, char *subdirs, char *filter, char **list, int *numfiles )
char search[MAX_OSPATH], newsubdirs[MAX_OSPATH];
char filename[MAX_OSPATH];
DIR *fdir;
struct dirent *d;
struct stat st;
if ( *numfiles >= MAX_FOUND_FILES - 1 ) {
if (strlen(subdirs)) {
Com_sprintf( search, sizeof(search), "%s/%s", basedir, subdirs );
else {
Com_sprintf( search, sizeof(search), "%s", basedir );
if ((fdir = opendir(search)) == NULL) {
while ((d = readdir(fdir)) != NULL) {
Com_sprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", search, d->d_name);
if (stat(filename, &st) == -1)
if (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) {
if (Q_stricmp(d->d_name, ".") && Q_stricmp(d->d_name, "..")) {
if (strlen(subdirs)) {
Com_sprintf( newsubdirs, sizeof(newsubdirs), "%s/%s", subdirs, d->d_name);
else {
Com_sprintf( newsubdirs, sizeof(newsubdirs), "%s", d->d_name);
Sys_ListFilteredFiles( basedir, newsubdirs, filter, list, numfiles );
if ( *numfiles >= MAX_FOUND_FILES - 1 ) {
Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", subdirs, d->d_name );
if (!Com_FilterPath( filter, filename, qfalse ))
list[ *numfiles ] = CopyString( filename );
char **Sys_ListFiles( const char *directory, const char *extension, char *filter, int *numfiles, qboolean wantsubs )
struct dirent *d;
DIR *fdir;
qboolean dironly = wantsubs;
char search[MAX_OSPATH];
int nfiles;
char **listCopy;
char *list[MAX_FOUND_FILES];
int i;
struct stat st;
int extLen;
if (filter) {
nfiles = 0;
Sys_ListFilteredFiles( directory, "", filter, list, &nfiles );
list[ nfiles ] = NULL;
*numfiles = nfiles;
if (!nfiles)
return NULL;
listCopy = Z_Malloc( ( nfiles + 1 ) * sizeof( *listCopy ) );
for ( i = 0 ; i < nfiles ; i++ ) {
listCopy[i] = list[i];
listCopy[i] = NULL;
return listCopy;
if ( !extension)
extension = "";
if ( extension[0] == '/' && extension[1] == 0 ) {
extension = "";
dironly = qtrue;
extLen = strlen( extension );
// search
nfiles = 0;
if ((fdir = opendir(directory)) == NULL) {
*numfiles = 0;
return NULL;
while ((d = readdir(fdir)) != NULL) {
Com_sprintf(search, sizeof(search), "%s/%s", directory, d->d_name);
if (stat(search, &st) == -1)
if ((dironly && !(st.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) ||
(!dironly && (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR)))
if (*extension) {
if ( strlen( d->d_name ) < extLen ||
d->d_name + strlen( d->d_name ) - extLen,
extension ) ) {
continue; // didn't match
if ( nfiles == MAX_FOUND_FILES - 1 )
list[ nfiles ] = CopyString( d->d_name );
list[ nfiles ] = NULL;
// return a copy of the list
*numfiles = nfiles;
if ( !nfiles ) {
return NULL;
listCopy = Z_Malloc( ( nfiles + 1 ) * sizeof( *listCopy ) );
for ( i = 0 ; i < nfiles ; i++ ) {
listCopy[i] = list[i];
listCopy[i] = NULL;
return listCopy;
void Sys_FreeFileList( char **list )
int i;
if ( !list ) {
for ( i = 0 ; list[i] ; i++ ) {
Z_Free( list[i] );
Z_Free( list );
Block execution for msec or until input is received.
void Sys_Sleep( int msec )
if( msec == 0 )
if( stdinIsATTY )
fd_set fdset;
if( msec < 0 )
select(STDIN_FILENO + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, NULL);
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = msec/1000;
timeout.tv_usec = (msec%1000)*1000;
select(STDIN_FILENO + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
// With nothing to select() on, we can't wait indefinitely
if( msec < 0 )
msec = 10;
usleep( msec * 1000 );
Display an error message
void Sys_ErrorDialog( const char *error )
char buffer[ 1024 ];
unsigned int size;
int f = -1;
const char *homepath = Cvar_VariableString( "fs_homepath" );
const char *gamedir = Cvar_VariableString( "fs_game" );
const char *fileName = "crashlog.txt";
char *dirpath = FS_BuildOSPath( homepath, gamedir, "");
char *ospath = FS_BuildOSPath( homepath, gamedir, fileName );
Sys_Print( va( "%s\n", error ) );
Sys_Dialog( DT_ERROR, va( "%s. See \"%s\" for details.", error, ospath ), "Error" );
// Make sure the write path for the crashlog exists...
Com_Printf("ERROR: couldn't create path '%s' for crash log.\n", homepath);
Com_Printf("ERROR: couldn't create path '%s' for crash log.\n", dirpath);
// We might be crashing because we maxed out the Quake MAX_FILE_HANDLES,
// which will come through here, so we don't want to recurse forever by
// calling FS_FOpenFileWrite()...use the Unix system APIs instead.
f = open( ospath, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0640 );
if( f == -1 )
Com_Printf( "ERROR: couldn't open %s\n", fileName );
// We're crashing, so we don't care much if write() or close() fails.
while( ( size = CON_LogRead( buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ) ) > 0 ) {
if( write( f, buffer, size ) != size ) {
Com_Printf( "ERROR: couldn't fully write to %s\n", fileName );
close( f );
#ifndef __APPLE__
static char execBuffer[ 1024 ];
static char *execBufferPointer;
static char *execArgv[ 16 ];
static int execArgc;
static void Sys_ClearExecBuffer( void )
execBufferPointer = execBuffer;
Com_Memset( execArgv, 0, sizeof( execArgv ) );
execArgc = 0;
static void Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( const char *text )
size_t size = sizeof( execBuffer ) - ( execBufferPointer - execBuffer );
int length = strlen( text ) + 1;
if( length > size || execArgc >= ARRAY_LEN( execArgv ) )
Q_strncpyz( execBufferPointer, text, size );
execArgv[ execArgc++ ] = execBufferPointer;
execBufferPointer += length;
static int Sys_Exec( void )
pid_t pid = fork( );
if( pid < 0 )
return -1;
if( pid )
// Parent
int exitCode;
wait( &exitCode );
return WEXITSTATUS( exitCode );
// Child
execvp( execArgv[ 0 ], execArgv );
// Failed to execute
exit( -1 );
return -1;
static void Sys_ZenityCommand( dialogType_t type, const char *message, const char *title )
Sys_ClearExecBuffer( );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "zenity" );
switch( type )
case DT_INFO: Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--info" ); break;
case DT_WARNING: Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--warning" ); break;
case DT_ERROR: Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--error" ); break;
case DT_YES_NO:
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--question" );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--ok-label=Yes" );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--cancel-label=No" );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--question" );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--ok-label=OK" );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--cancel-label=Cancel" );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( va( "--text=%s", message ) );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( va( "--title=%s", title ) );
static void Sys_KdialogCommand( dialogType_t type, const char *message, const char *title )
Sys_ClearExecBuffer( );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "kdialog" );
switch( type )
case DT_INFO: Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--msgbox" ); break;
case DT_WARNING: Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--sorry" ); break;
case DT_ERROR: Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--error" ); break;
case DT_YES_NO: Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--warningyesno" ); break;
case DT_OK_CANCEL: Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "--warningcontinuecancel" ); break;
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( message );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( va( "--title=%s", title ) );
static void Sys_XmessageCommand( dialogType_t type, const char *message, const char *title )
Sys_ClearExecBuffer( );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "xmessage" );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "-buttons" );
switch( type )
default: Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "OK:0" ); break;
case DT_YES_NO: Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "Yes:0,No:1" ); break;
case DT_OK_CANCEL: Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "OK:0,Cancel:1" ); break;
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( "-center" );
Sys_AppendToExecBuffer( message );
Display a *nix dialog box
dialogResult_t Sys_Dialog( dialogType_t type, const char *message, const char *title )
typedef enum
NONE = 0,
} dialogCommandType_t;
typedef void (*dialogCommandBuilder_t)( dialogType_t, const char *, const char * );
const char *session = getenv( "DESKTOP_SESSION" );
qboolean tried[ NUM_DIALOG_PROGRAMS ] = { qfalse };
dialogCommandBuilder_t commands[ NUM_DIALOG_PROGRAMS ] = { NULL };
dialogCommandType_t preferredCommandType = NONE;
int i;
commands[ ZENITY ] = &Sys_ZenityCommand;
commands[ KDIALOG ] = &Sys_KdialogCommand;
commands[ XMESSAGE ] = &Sys_XmessageCommand;
// This may not be the best way
if( !Q_stricmp( session, "gnome" ) )
preferredCommandType = ZENITY;
else if( !Q_stricmp( session, "kde" ) )
preferredCommandType = KDIALOG;
for( i = NONE + 1; i < NUM_DIALOG_PROGRAMS; i++ )
if( preferredCommandType != NONE && preferredCommandType != i )
if( !tried[ i ] )
int exitCode;
commands[ i ]( type, message, title );
exitCode = Sys_Exec( );
if( exitCode >= 0 )
switch( type )
case DT_YES_NO: return exitCode ? DR_NO : DR_YES;
case DT_OK_CANCEL: return exitCode ? DR_CANCEL : DR_OK;
default: return DR_OK;
tried[ i ] = qtrue;
// The preference failed, so start again in order
if( preferredCommandType != NONE )
preferredCommandType = NONE;
i = NONE + 1;
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: failed to show a dialog\n" );
return DR_OK;
Unix specific "safe" GL implementation initialisation
void Sys_GLimpSafeInit( void )
// NOP
Unix specific GL implementation initialisation
void Sys_GLimpInit( void )
// NOP
void Sys_SetFloatEnv(void)
// rounding toward nearest
Unix specific initialisation
void Sys_PlatformInit( void )
const char* term = getenv( "TERM" );
signal( SIGHUP, Sys_SigHandler );
signal( SIGQUIT, Sys_SigHandler );
signal( SIGTRAP, Sys_SigHandler );
signal( SIGABRT, Sys_SigHandler );
signal( SIGBUS, Sys_SigHandler );
stdinIsATTY = isatty( STDIN_FILENO ) &&
!( term && ( !strcmp( term, "raw" ) || !strcmp( term, "dumb" ) ) );
Unix specific deinitialisation
void Sys_PlatformExit( void )
set/unset environment variables (empty value removes it)
void Sys_SetEnv(const char *name, const char *value)
if(value && *value)
setenv(name, value, 1);
int Sys_PID( void )
return getpid( );
qboolean Sys_PIDIsRunning( int pid )
return kill( pid, 0 ) == 0;
Check if filename should be allowed to be loaded as a DLL.
qboolean Sys_DllExtension( const char *name ) {
const char *p;
char c = 0;
if ( COM_CompareExtension( name, DLL_EXT ) ) {
return qtrue;
#ifdef __APPLE__
// Allow system frameworks without dylib extensions
// i.e., /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenAL.framework/OpenAL
if ( strncmp( name, "/System/Library/Frameworks/", 27 ) == 0 ) {
return qtrue;
// Check for format of filename.so.1.2.3
p = strstr( name, DLL_EXT "." );
if ( p ) {
p += strlen( DLL_EXT );
// Check if .so is only followed for periods and numbers.
while ( *p ) {
c = *p;
if ( !isdigit( c ) && c != '.' ) {
return qfalse;
// Don't allow filename to end in a period. file.so., file.so.0., etc
if ( c != '.' ) {
return qtrue;
return qfalse;