/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Q3Rally Team (Per Thormann - q3rally@gmail.com) This file is part of q3rally source code. q3rally source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. q3rally source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with q3rally; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include "cg_local.h" /* ================= CG_DrawHUD_Times ================= */ void CG_DrawHUD_Times(float x, float y){ centity_t *cent; int lapTime, lastTime, totalTime, teamTime; //int bestTime; char *time; int i, count = 0; cent = &cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum]; if (cent->finishRaceTime){ lapTime = cent->finishRaceTime - cent->startLapTime; totalTime = cent->finishRaceTime - cent->startRaceTime; } else if (cent->startRaceTime){ lapTime = cg.time - cent->startLapTime; totalTime = cg.time - cent->startRaceTime; } else { lapTime = 0; totalTime = 0; } if (cent->lastStartLapTime) lastTime = cent->startLapTime - cent->lastStartLapTime; else lastTime = 0; //bestTime = cent->bestLapTime; // draw heading CG_FillRect(x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, 170, 18, bgColor); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 12, y, "TIMES", colorWhite); y += 20; // draw lap time CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 12 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "LAP:", colorWhite); time = getStringForTime( lapTime ); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 102 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, time, colorWhite); y += 20; // draw last lap time CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 12 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "LAST:", colorWhite); if ( lastTime ){ time = getStringForTime( lastTime ); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 102 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, time, colorWhite); } else { CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 102 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "N/A", colorWhite); } y += 20; // draw total time CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 12 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "TOTAL:", colorWhite); time = getStringForTime( totalTime ); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 102 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, time, colorWhite); y += 20; // draw team time if (cgs.gametype == GT_TEAM_RACING || cgs.gametype == GT_TEAM_RACING_DM){ // get new scores for accurate team dm times if (cg.scoresRequestTime + 2000 < cg.time){ cg.scoresRequestTime = cg.time; trap_SendClientCommand( "score" ); } // add up times for team members teamTime = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < cgs.maxclients ; i++ ) { if ( !cgs.clientinfo[i].infoValid ) continue; if ( cgs.clientinfo[i].team == cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team ) { count++; cent = &cg_entities[i]; if (cent->finishRaceTime) teamTime += cent->finishRaceTime - cent->startLapTime; else if (cent->startRaceTime) teamTime += cg.time - cent->startRaceTime; } } // subtract team frag times if (cgs.gametype == GT_TEAM_RACING_DM){ switch(cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team){ case TEAM_RED: if (cgs.scores1 > 0) teamTime -= cgs.scores1 * TIME_BONUS_PER_FRAG; break; case TEAM_BLUE: if (cgs.scores2 > 0) teamTime -= cgs.scores2 * TIME_BONUS_PER_FRAG; break; case TEAM_GREEN: if (cgs.scores3 > 0) teamTime -= cgs.scores3 * TIME_BONUS_PER_FRAG; break; case TEAM_YELLOW: if (cgs.scores4 > 0) teamTime -= cgs.scores4 * TIME_BONUS_PER_FRAG; break; default: break; } } // average team time teamTime /= count; CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 12 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "TEAM:", colorWhite); time = getStringForTime(teamTime); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 102 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, time, colorWhite); } } /* ================= CG_DrawHUD_Positions ================= */ void CG_DrawHUD_Positions(float x, float y){ int i, num_teams, team_rank; num_teams = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) { if (!TeamCount(-1, TEAM_RED + i)) continue; num_teams++; } team_rank = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) { if (GetTeamAtRank(i + 1) == cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team) team_rank = i+1; } // draw heading CG_FillRect(x, y, 170, 18, bgColor); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 12 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "POSITION", colorWhite); y += 20; // draw your position CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 12 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "YOU:", colorWhite); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 102 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, va("%i/%i", cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].currentPosition, cgs.numRacers), colorWhite); y += 20; // draw team position if (cgs.gametype == GT_TEAM_RACING || cgs.gametype == GT_TEAM_RACING_DM){ CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 12 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "TEAM:", colorWhite); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 102 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, va("%i/%i", team_rank, num_teams), colorWhite); } } /* ================= CG_DrawHUD_Laps ================= */ void CG_DrawHUD_Laps(float x, float y){ // draw heading CG_FillRect(x, y, 170, 18, bgColor); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 12 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "LAP:", colorWhite); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 102 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, va("%i/%i", cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].currentLap, cgs.laplimit), colorWhite); } /* ================= CG_DrawHUD_OpponentList ================= */ void CG_DrawHUD_OpponentList(float x, float y){ centity_t *cent, *other; char player[64]; int i, j, num; float width, height; int startPos, endPos; char s[64]; vec4_t color; //ps = &cg.snap->ps; cent = &cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum]; startPos = cent->currentPosition - 4 < 1 ? 1 : cent->currentPosition - 4; endPos = startPos + 8 > cgs.numRacers ? cgs.numRacers : startPos + 8; startPos = endPos - 8 < 1 ? 1 : endPos - 8; width = 198; height = 18; // draw your position CG_FillRect(x, y, width, height, bgColor); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "POS:", colorWhite); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor(x + 82 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, va("%i/%i", cent->currentPosition, cgs.numRacers), colorWhite); y += 20; for (i = startPos; i <= endPos; i++){ num = -1; for (j = 0; j < cgs.maxclients; j++){ other = &cg_entities[j]; if ( !other ) continue; // if ( isRaceObserver(other->currentState.clientNum) ) continue; if ( cgs.clientinfo[other->currentState.clientNum].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) continue; if ( cgs.clientinfo[other->currentState.clientNum].position == i ) { num = other->currentState.clientNum; break; } } if (num < 0 || num >= cgs.maxclients) { #if 0 if( (cg.time / 1000)%2 == 0 && (cg.time / 100)%2 == 0 ) { Com_Printf( "DEBUG: Could not find player for position %i. Num %i.\n", i, num ); } #endif continue; } if (cgs.clientinfo[num].team == TEAM_RED){ Vector4Copy(colorRed, color); color[3] = 0.5f; } else if (cgs.clientinfo[num].team == TEAM_BLUE){ Vector4Copy(colorBlue, color); color[3] = 0.5f; } else if (cgs.clientinfo[num].team == TEAM_GREEN){ Vector4Copy(colorGreen, color); color[3] = 0.5f; } else if (cgs.clientinfo[num].team == TEAM_YELLOW){ Vector4Copy(colorYellow, color); color[3] = 0.5f; } else { Vector4Copy(bgColor, color); } CG_FillRect(x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, width, height, color); Q_strncpyz(player, cgs.clientinfo[num].name, 16 ); Com_sprintf(s, sizeof(s), " %i: %s", cgs.clientinfo[num].position, player); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, s, colorWhite); y += 20; } } /* ================= CG_DrawHUD_Scores ================= */ void CG_DrawHUD_Scores(float x, float y){ int score, w; char *s; // frags // FIXME: cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].score doesnt seem to update? // always zero even when player has frags s = va("%i", cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].score); w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * GIANTCHAR_WIDTH; CG_FillRect(x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, 96, 72, bgColor); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor( x + 20 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y + 6, "FRAGS:", colorWhite); CG_DrawGiantDigitalStringColor( x + 48 - w/2 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y + 26, s, colorWhite); y += 72; // team frags // UPDATE: fix this so it displays the proper score if (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM){ switch( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] ){ default: case TEAM_RED: score = cgs.scores1; break; case TEAM_BLUE: score = cgs.scores2; break; case TEAM_GREEN: score = cgs.scores3; break; case TEAM_YELLOW: score = cgs.scores4; break; } s = va( "%i", score ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * GIANTCHAR_WIDTH; CG_FillRect(x, y, 96, 78, bgColor); CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor( x + 24 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y + 6, "TEAM:", colorWhite); CG_DrawGiantDigitalStringColor( x + 48 - w/2 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y + 26, s, colorWhite); y += 78; } // draw scores from cg_draw CG_DrawScores(x + 96 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y); } /* ================= CG_DrawHUD_DerbyList ================= */ void CG_DrawHUD_DerbyList(float x, float y){ int i; vec4_t color; centity_t *cent; char *time; float playTime; // draw heading x = 636 - 120; CG_FillRect(x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, 120, 18, bgColor); // name CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + 16 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "P:", colorWhite); // time // CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x + 70, y, "TIME:", colorWhite); // dmg dealt CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + 70 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "DD:", colorWhite); // dmg taken CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + 100 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, "DT:", colorWhite); y += 20; // draw top 8 players for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){ if (cg.scores[i].scoreFlags < 0) continue; // score is not valid so skip it cent = &cg_entities[cg.scores[i].client]; if (!cent) continue; CG_FillRect(x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, 120, 18, bgColor); Vector4Copy(colorWhite, color); if (cg.scores[i].client == cg.snap->ps.clientNum){ if (cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 || cgs.clientinfo[cg.scores[i].client].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR) Vector4Copy(colorMdGrey, color); } else if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD || cgs.clientinfo[cg.scores[i].client].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR){ Vector4Copy(colorMdGrey, color); } playTime = 0; if (cent->finishRaceTime){ playTime = cent->finishRaceTime - cent->startLapTime; } else if (cent->startRaceTime){ playTime = cg.time - cent->startLapTime; } time = getStringForTime(playTime); // num CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + 2 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, va("%i", (i+1)), color); // name CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + 16 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, cgs.clientinfo[cg.scores[i].client].name, color); // time // CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x + 70, y, time, color); // dmg dealt CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + 75 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, va("%i", cg.scores[i].damageDealt), color); // dmg taken CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + 105 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, va("%i", cg.scores[i].damageTaken), color); y += 20; } } /* ================= CG_DrawHUD Draws the extra HUD ================= */ qboolean CG_DrawHUD( void ) { // don't draw anything if the menu or console is up if ( cg_paused.integer ) { return qfalse; } if ( !cg.showHUD ) { return qfalse; } // get new scores for accurate team dm times if ( cg.scoresRequestTime + 2000 < cg.time ){ cg.scoresRequestTime = cg.time; trap_SendClientCommand( "score" ); } switch(cgs.gametype){ default: case GT_RACING: case GT_TEAM_RACING: CG_DrawHUD_Times(0, 112); CG_DrawHUD_Positions(0, 228); CG_DrawHUD_Laps(0, 304); CG_DrawHUD_OpponentList(440, 130); break; case GT_RACING_DM: case GT_TEAM_RACING_DM: CG_DrawHUD_Times(0, 112); CG_DrawHUD_Positions(0, 228); CG_DrawHUD_Laps(0, 304); CG_DrawHUD_OpponentList(440, 130); CG_DrawHUD_Scores(264, 130); break; case GT_DEATHMATCH: case GT_TEAM: case GT_CTF: case GT_DOMINATION: CG_DrawHUD_Scores(264, 130); break; case GT_DERBY: CG_DrawHUD_DerbyList(44, 130); break; } return qtrue; }