Credits goes to the Old Q3Rally Team who made a good way for this with creating an releasing this great mod and also releasing the source after giving the mod up.

Also this people help me with Q3Rally:

ZTurtleMan for code an compiling help with the standalone
TheBigBoo for some code and a lot of maps
To-Mos for models and mapmodels
ThePanic for Website help and document design
Toxicity for textures and design help
SteelPainter for many cars and skins

and many other people who will be talked about here when the game comes out...

Also much Thanks to Nexuiz team,,
modDB, Quake3World, id software, Tr3b, Pappy-R from, The guys from and so many others around the whole wide world.

a BIG HUGE THANKS goes to John Carmack and
id software for Quake III Arena and its source
code. Without them, Q3Rally obviously would
not exist :o)