// Make sure to leave a space between "name" and "{" // and between "contents" and "}". // Names are limited to 16 characters // Max of 64 infoParms // name { clearsolid, surfaceflags, contents } water { 1 0 32 } slime { 1 0 16 } // mildly damaging lava { 1 0 8 } // very damaging playerclip { 1 0 65536 } monsterclip { 1 0 131072 } nodrop { 1 0 2147483648 } // don't drop items or leave bodies (death fog, lava, etc) nonsolid { 1 16384 0 } // clears the solid flag // utility relevant attributes origin { 1 0 16777216 } // center of rotating brushes trans { 0 0 536870912 } // don't eat contained surfaces detail { 0 0 134217728 } // don't include in structural bsp structural { 0 0 268435456 } // force into structural bsp even if trnas areaportal { 1 0 32768 } // divides areas clusterportal { 1 0 1048576 } // for bots donotenter { 1 0 2097152 } // for bots botclipn { 1 0 4194304 } // for bots fog { 1 0 64 } // carves surfaces entering sky { 0 4 0 } // emit light from an environment map lightfilter { 0 32768 0 } // filter light going through it alphashadow { 0 65536 0 } // test light on a per-pixel basis hint { 0 256 0 } // use as a primary splitter // server attributes slick { 0 2 0 } // ice in q3rally noimpact { 0 16 0 } // don't make impact explosions or marks nomarks { 0 32 0 } // don't make impact marks, but still explode ladder { 0 8 0 } nodamage { 0 1 0 } metalsteps { 0 4096 0 } flesh { 0 64 0 } nosteps { 0 8192 0 } // drawsurf attributes nodraw { 0 128 0 } // don't generate a drawsurface (or a lightmap) pointlight { 0 2048 0 } // sample lighting at vertexes nolightmap { 0 1024 0 } // don't generate a lightmap nodlight { 0 131072 0 } // don't ever add dynamic lights dust { 0 262144 0 } // leave dust trail when walking on this surface // extra q3rally attributes grass { 0 524288 0 } asphalt { 0 1048576 0 } wet { 0 2097152 0 } metal { 0 4096 0 } // metal ice { 0 2 0 } // same as slick dirt { 0 262144 0 }