/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Q3Rally Team (Per Thormann - perle@q3rally.com) This file is part of q3rally source code. q3rally source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. q3rally source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with q3rally; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // /***************************************************************************** * name: ai_dmq3.h * * desc: Quake3 bot AI * * $Archive: /source/code/botai/ai_chat.c $ * *****************************************************************************/ //setup the deathmatch AI void BotSetupDeathmatchAI(void); //shutdown the deathmatch AI void BotShutdownDeathmatchAI(void); //let the bot live within its deathmatch AI net void BotDeathmatchAI(bot_state_t *bs, float thinktime); //free waypoints void BotFreeWaypoints(bot_waypoint_t *wp); //choose a weapon void BotChooseWeapon(bot_state_t *bs); //setup movement stuff void BotSetupForMovement(bot_state_t *bs); //update the inventory void BotUpdateInventory(bot_state_t *bs); //update the inventory during battle void BotUpdateBattleInventory(bot_state_t *bs, int enemy); //use holdable items during battle void BotBattleUseItems(bot_state_t *bs); //return true if the bot is dead qboolean BotIsDead(bot_state_t *bs); //returns true if the bot is in observer mode qboolean BotIsObserver(bot_state_t *bs); //returns true if the bot is in the intermission qboolean BotIntermission(bot_state_t *bs); //returns true if the bot is in lava or slime qboolean BotInLavaOrSlime(bot_state_t *bs); //returns true if the entity is dead qboolean EntityIsDead(aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo); //returns true if the entity is invisible qboolean EntityIsInvisible(aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo); //returns true if the entity is shooting qboolean EntityIsShooting(aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo); #ifdef MISSIONPACK //returns true if this entity has the kamikaze qboolean EntityHasKamikaze(aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo); #endif // set a user info key/value pair void BotSetUserInfo(bot_state_t *bs, char *key, char *value); // set the team status (offense, defense etc.) void BotSetTeamStatus(bot_state_t *bs); //returns the name of the client char *ClientName(int client, char *name, int size); //returns a simplified client name char *EasyClientName(int client, char *name, int size); //returns the skin used by the client char *ClientSkin(int client, char *skin, int size); // returns the appropriate synonym context for the current game type and situation int BotSynonymContext(bot_state_t *bs); // set last ordered task int BotSetLastOrderedTask(bot_state_t *bs); // selection of goals for teamplay void BotTeamGoals(bot_state_t *bs, int retreat); //returns the aggression of the bot in the range [0, 100] float BotAggression(bot_state_t *bs); //returns how bad the bot feels float BotFeelingBad(bot_state_t *bs); //returns true if the bot wants to retreat int BotWantsToRetreat(bot_state_t *bs); //returns true if the bot wants to chase int BotWantsToChase(bot_state_t *bs); //returns true if the bot wants to help int BotWantsToHelp(bot_state_t *bs); //returns true if the bot can and wants to rocketjump int BotCanAndWantsToRocketJump(bot_state_t *bs); // returns true if the bot has a persistant powerup and a weapon int BotHasPersistantPowerupAndWeapon(bot_state_t *bs); //returns true if the bot wants to and goes camping int BotWantsToCamp(bot_state_t *bs); //the bot will perform attack movements bot_moveresult_t BotAttackMove(bot_state_t *bs, int tfl); //returns true if the bot and the entity are in the same team int BotSameTeam(bot_state_t *bs, int entnum); //returns true if teamplay is on int TeamPlayIsOn(void); // returns the client number of the team mate flag carrier (-1 if none) int BotTeamFlagCarrier(bot_state_t *bs); //returns visible team mate flag carrier if available int BotTeamFlagCarrierVisible(bot_state_t *bs); //returns visible enemy flag carrier if available int BotEnemyFlagCarrierVisible(bot_state_t *bs); //get the number of visible teammates and enemies void BotVisibleTeamMatesAndEnemies(bot_state_t *bs, int *teammates, int *enemies, float range); //returns true if within the field of vision for the given angles qboolean InFieldOfVision(vec3_t viewangles, float fov, vec3_t angles); //returns true and sets the .enemy field when an enemy is found int BotFindEnemy(bot_state_t *bs, int curenemy); //returns a roam goal void BotRoamGoal(bot_state_t *bs, vec3_t goal); //returns entity visibility in the range [0, 1] float BotEntityVisible(int viewer, vec3_t eye, vec3_t viewangles, float fov, int ent); //the bot will aim at the current enemy void BotAimAtEnemy(bot_state_t *bs); //check if the bot should attack void BotCheckAttack(bot_state_t *bs); //AI when the bot is blocked void BotAIBlocked(bot_state_t *bs, bot_moveresult_t *moveresult, int activate); //AI to predict obstacles int BotAIPredictObstacles(bot_state_t *bs, bot_goal_t *goal); //enable or disable the areas the blocking entity is in void BotEnableActivateGoalAreas(bot_activategoal_t *activategoal, int enable); //pop an activate goal from the stack int BotPopFromActivateGoalStack(bot_state_t *bs); //clear the activate goal stack void BotClearActivateGoalStack(bot_state_t *bs); //returns the team the bot is in int BotTeam(bot_state_t *bs); //retuns the opposite team of the bot int BotOppositeTeam(bot_state_t *bs); //returns the flag the bot is carrying (CTFFLAG_?) int BotCTFCarryingFlag(bot_state_t *bs); //remember the last ordered task void BotRememberLastOrderedTask(bot_state_t *bs); //set ctf goals (defend base, get enemy flag) during seek void BotCTFSeekGoals(bot_state_t *bs); //set ctf goals (defend base, get enemy flag) during retreat void BotCTFRetreatGoals(bot_state_t *bs); // #ifdef MISSIONPACK int Bot1FCTFCarryingFlag(bot_state_t *bs); int BotHarvesterCarryingCubes(bot_state_t *bs); void Bot1FCTFSeekGoals(bot_state_t *bs); void Bot1FCTFRetreatGoals(bot_state_t *bs); void BotObeliskSeekGoals(bot_state_t *bs); void BotObeliskRetreatGoals(bot_state_t *bs); void BotGoHarvest(bot_state_t *bs); void BotHarvesterSeekGoals(bot_state_t *bs); void BotHarvesterRetreatGoals(bot_state_t *bs); int BotTeamCubeCarrierVisible(bot_state_t *bs); int BotEnemyCubeCarrierVisible(bot_state_t *bs); #endif //get a random alternate route goal towards the given base int BotGetAlternateRouteGoal(bot_state_t *bs, int base); //returns either the alternate route goal or the given goal bot_goal_t *BotAlternateRoute(bot_state_t *bs, bot_goal_t *goal); //create a new waypoint bot_waypoint_t *BotCreateWayPoint(char *name, vec3_t origin, int areanum); //find a waypoint with the given name bot_waypoint_t *BotFindWayPoint(bot_waypoint_t *waypoints, char *name); //strstr but case insensitive char *stristr(char *str, char *charset); //returns the number of the client with the given name int ClientFromName(char *name); int ClientOnSameTeamFromName(bot_state_t *bs, char *name); // int BotPointAreaNum(vec3_t origin); // void BotMapScripts(bot_state_t *bs); //ctf flags #define CTF_FLAG_NONE 0 #define CTF_FLAG_RED 1 #define CTF_FLAG_BLUE 2 //CTF skins #define CTF_SKIN_REDTEAM "red" #define CTF_SKIN_BLUETEAM "blue" extern int gametype; //game type extern int maxclients; //maximum number of clients extern vmCvar_t bot_grapple; extern vmCvar_t bot_rocketjump; extern vmCvar_t bot_fastchat; extern vmCvar_t bot_nochat; extern vmCvar_t bot_testrchat; extern vmCvar_t bot_challenge; extern bot_goal_t ctf_redflag; extern bot_goal_t ctf_blueflag; #ifdef MISSIONPACK extern bot_goal_t ctf_neutralflag; extern bot_goal_t redobelisk; extern bot_goal_t blueobelisk; extern bot_goal_t neutralobelisk; #endif