/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Q3Rally Team (Per Thormann - q3rally@gmail.com) This file is part of q3rally source code. q3rally source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. q3rally source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with q3rally; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // damage stuff #define DAMAGE_RADIUS 0x00000001 // damage was indirect #define DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR 0x00000002 // armour does not protect from this damage #define DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK 0x00000004 // do not affect velocity, just view angles #define DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION 0x00000008 // armor, shields, invulnerability, and godmode have no effect #ifdef MISSIONPACK #define DAMAGE_NO_TEAM_PROTECTION 0x00000010 // armor, shields, invulnerability, and godmode have no effect #endif #define DAMAGE_WEAPON 0x00000020 // SKWID( car movement code ) //========================================================================================= #define WHEEL_FORWARD 31.0f #define WHEEL_RIGHT 18.0f #define WHEEL_UP -10.0f // END #define BODY_RADIUS 13.0f #define WHEEL_RADIUS 8.0f #define WHEEL_CIRC 2.0f * M_PI * WHEEL_RADIUS #define CAR_WIDTH 50.0f #define CAR_HEIGHT 44.0f #define CAR_LENGTH 100.0f extern float CP_CURRENT_GRAVITY; #define CP_GRAVITY_FTPS 32.2f // gravity in feet per second #define CP_GRAVITY 350.0f // gravity in qunits per second #define CP_FT_2_QU (CP_GRAVITY / CP_GRAVITY_FTPS) // 10.87 #define CP_FT_2_M 0.3048f extern float CP_M_2_QU; //static float CP_M_2_QU = CP_FT_2_QU / 0.3048f; // 35.66 #define CP_FRAME_MASS 300.0f // 350 #define CP_WHEEL_MASS 50.0f // 100 #define CP_CAR_MASS ( CP_FRAME_MASS * 4 + CP_WHEEL_MASS * 4 ) #define CP_BODY_ELASTICITY 0.05f #define CP_WHEEL_ELASTICITY 0.05f #define CP_SPRING_MINLEN 5.0f // #define CP_SPRING_MAXLEN 10.0f #define CP_SPRING_MAXLEN 15.0f #define CP_MAX_SHOCK_FORCE 400000.0f // Used to fit the spring lengths into the 8 bit numbers that // are used to transfer them over the net. // Should be less than 255 / ( CP_SPRING_MAXLEN - CP_SPRING_MINLEN ) #define CP_SPRING_SCALE 24.0f // strength of the fake spring that returns the wheel to perpendicular extern float CP_WR_STRENGTH; extern float CP_SPRING_STRENGTH; extern float CP_SHOCK_STRENGTH; extern float CP_SWAYBAR_STRENGTH; /* extern float CP_TORQUE_SLOPE; extern float CP_GEAR_RATIOS[]; */ #define CP_AIR_COF 0.31f #define CP_FRAC_TO_DF 0.50f #define CP_ENGINE_TIRE_COF 1000.0f #define CP_SCOF 1.5f // dry asphalt #define CP_KCOF 1.0f #define CP_ICE_SCOF 0.3f // ice #define CP_ICE_KCOF 0.2f #define CP_DIRT_SCOF 1.2f // loose dirt #define CP_DIRT_KCOF 0.8f #define CP_GRASS_SCOF 1.05f // short grass #define CP_GRASS_KCOF 0.7f #define CP_GRAVEL_SCOF 1.22f // gravel #define CP_GRAVEL_KCOF 0.85f #define CP_SNOW_SCOF 0.4f // packed snow #define CP_SNOW_KCOF 0.27f //#define CP_SNOW_SCOF 0.7f // packed snow //#define CP_SNOW_KCOF 0.5f #define CP_OIL_SCOF 0.3f // oil #define CP_OIL_KCOF 0.2f #define CP_WET_SCALE 0.75f #define CP_AIR_DENSITY 1.185f // 1.288075f #define CP_WATER_DENSITY 1000.0f #define CP_LAVA_DENSITY 60000.0f #define CP_SLIME_DENSITY 20000.0f #define CP_AXLEGEAR 3.07f #define CP_GEARR -2.80f #define CP_GEARN 0.00f /* #define CP_GEAR1 2.82f #define CP_GEAR2 1.78f #define CP_GEAR3 1.27f #define CP_GEAR4 0.92f #define CP_GEAR5 0.60f #define CP_GEAR1 3.02f #define CP_GEAR2 2.01f #define CP_GEAR3 1.34f #define CP_GEAR4 0.89f #define CP_GEAR5 0.60f */ #define CP_GEAR1 2.75f #define CP_GEAR2 1.67f #define CP_GEAR3 1.19f #define CP_GEAR4 0.82f #define CP_GEAR5 0.49f #define CP_RPM_MAX 6250 #define CP_RPM_MIN 1000 // #define CP_HP_PEAK 191.0f // #define CP_RPM_HP_PEAK 4600.0f #define CP_HP_PEAK 320.0f #define CP_RPM_HP_PEAK 5000.0f // #define CP_TORQUE_PEAK 230.0f // #define CP_RPM_TORQUE_PEAK 3800.0f #define CP_TORQUE_PEAK 400.0f #define CP_RPM_TORQUE_PEAK 2800.0f #define HTYPE_NO_HIT 0 #define HTYPE_BOTTOMED_OUT 1 #define HTYPE_MAXED_OUT 2 #define CF_REVERSE 1 #define CF_BRAKE 2 // assign sign bit of b to a, floats only // #define SetSign(a,b) (*(DWORD *)&(a)) = ((*(DWORD *)&(b)) & 0x80000000) | ((*(DWORD *)&(a)) & 0x7FFFFFFF) typedef enum { GRAVITY, NORMAL, SHOCK, SPRING, SWAY_BAR, ROAD, INTERNAL, AIR_FRICTION, NUM_CAR_FORCES } carForces_t; #define FIRST_FW_POINT 0 #define LAST_FW_POINT 2 #define FIRST_RW_POINT 2 #define LAST_RW_POINT 4 #define FIRST_FRAME_POINT 4 #define LAST_FRAME_POINT 8 typedef enum { // these are the points that store wheel info FL_WHEEL, FR_WHEEL, RL_WHEEL, RR_WHEEL, // these points hold position info of the suspension used in suspension force calculations FL_FRAME, FR_FRAME, RL_FRAME, RR_FRAME, // these are used for collision detection of the body of the car FL_BODY, FR_BODY, ML_BODY, MR_BODY, RL_BODY, RR_BODY, ML_ROOF, MR_ROOF, NUM_CAR_POINTS } carPointNumbers_t; typedef struct { vec3_t r; vec3_t v; // vec3_t lastNoZeroVelocity; float w; vec3_t forces[NUM_CAR_FORCES]; vec3_t netForce; float netMoment; vec3_t normals[3]; float mass; float elasticity; float radius; float kcof; float scof; float fluidDensity; int onGroundTime; int offGroundTime; qboolean onGround; qboolean slipping; } carPoint_t; typedef struct { float damage; int mod; int dflags; int otherEnt; vec3_t origin; vec3_t dir; } collisionDamage_t; typedef struct { float inverseWorldInertiaTensor[3][3]; vec3_t r; vec3_t v; // vec4_t q; float t[3][3]; vec3_t w; vec3_t L; vec3_t netForce; vec3_t netMoment; // vec3_t normalForce; vec3_t CoM; // FIXME: use the t components instead of these vec3_t forward; vec3_t right; vec3_t up; float curSpringLengths[FIRST_FRAME_POINT]; float mass; float elasticity; } carBody_t; typedef struct { vec3_t v; vec3_t netForce; float netMoment; } pointHistory_t; typedef struct { vec3_t v; vec3_t w; vec3_t netForce; vec3_t netMoment; } bodyHistory_t; typedef struct { float inverseBodyInertiaTensor[3][3]; carPoint_t sPoints[NUM_CAR_POINTS]; carBody_t sBody; carPoint_t tPoints[NUM_CAR_POINTS]; carBody_t tBody; // pointHistory_t oldPoints[3][LAST_RW_POINT]; // bodyHistory_t oldBodies[3]; // FIXME: remove these to save memory if i can float springStrength; float springMaxLength; float springMinLength; // float shockStrength; // float swayBarStrength; float wheelAngle; float throttle; int wheelOnGroundTime; int onGroundTime; int wheelsOffGroundTime; int offGroundTime; int gear; // -1 reverse, 0 neutral, 1+ forward gears float rpm; qboolean initializeOnNextMove; // float aCOF; // float dfCOF; // float ewCOF; } car_t; // internal functions that are in different files void PM_AddRoadForces(car_t *car, carBody_t *body, carPoint_t *points, float sec); void PM_CalculateNetForce( carPoint_t *point, int pointIndex ); void PM_DriveMove( car_t *car, float time, qboolean includeBodies ); // used externally void PM_ApplyForce( carBody_t *body, vec3_t force, vec3_t at ); void PM_InitializeVehicle( car_t *car, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, vec3_t velocity ); void PM_CalculateSecondaryQuantities( car_t *car, carBody_t *body, carPoint_t *points ); void PM_SetCoM( carBody_t *body, carPoint_t *points );