/* ** Copyright (C) 2004 by the Q3Rally Development team ** All rights reserved. ** ** cg_rally_hud.c ** ** Components for the common HUD elements. ** ** Author: STONELANCE */ #include "cg_local.h" float colors[4][4] = { // { 0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0 } , { 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0 }, {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1} }; { 1.0f, 0.69f, 0.0f, 1.0f } , // normal { 1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f }, // low health { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f }, // weapon firing { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f } // health > 100 }; /* ===================== CG_DrawRearviewMirror ===================== */ void CG_DrawRearviewMirror( float x, float y, float w, float h) { // static int lastLowFPSTime; int i; // int fps; float mx, my, mw, mh; int tmp; if ( !cg_drawRearView.integer ) return; if (cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION) return; if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR) return; /* if (cg_fpsLimit.integer >= 100) return; if (cg_fpsLimit.integer > 0){ fps = 0; if (cg.frametime){ fps = 1000 / cg.frametime; } if (lastLowFPSTime + 3000 >= cg.time){ return; } if (fps < cg_fpsLimit.integer){ lastLowFPSTime = cg.time; return; } } */ mx = x - 8; my = y - 7; mw = w * 1.0534F; mh = h * 1.2F; CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h ); cg.mirrorRefdef.x = x; cg.mirrorRefdef.y = y; cg.mirrorRefdef.width = w; cg.mirrorRefdef.height = h; cg.mirrorRefdef.fov_x = 70; tmp = cg.mirrorRefdef.width / tan( cg.mirrorRefdef.fov_x / 360 * M_PI ); cg.mirrorRefdef.fov_y = atan2( cg.mirrorRefdef.height, tmp ); cg.mirrorRefdef.fov_y = cg.mirrorRefdef.fov_y * 360 / M_PI; cg.mirrorRefdef.time = cg.time; cg.mirrorRefdef.rdflags = 0; /* AnglesToAxis( cg.predictedPlayerState.viewangles, mirrorRefdef.viewaxis ); VectorInverse( mirrorRefdef.viewaxis[0] ); VectorInverse( mirrorRefdef.viewaxis[1] ); VectorCopy( cg.predictedPlayerState.origin, mirrorRefdef.vieworg ); VectorMA( mirrorRefdef.vieworg, 16, mirrorRefdef.viewaxis[2], mirrorRefdef.vieworg ); */ // add entities and graphics to rearview scene if (cg_rearViewRenderLevel.integer & RL_MARKS){ CG_AddMarks(); } if (cg_rearViewRenderLevel.integer & RL_SMOKE){ CG_AddLocalEntities(); } if (cg_rearViewRenderLevel.integer & RL_PLAYERS || cg_rearViewRenderLevel.integer & RL_OBJECTS){ for (i = 0; i < cg.snap->numEntities; i++){ if (!(cg_rearViewRenderLevel.integer & RL_OBJECTS)){ // skip non-players if ( cg.snap->entities[i].eType != ET_PLAYER ) continue; } if (!(cg_rearViewRenderLevel.integer & RL_PLAYERS)){ // skip players if ( cg.snap->entities[i].eType == ET_PLAYER ) continue; } // FIXME: dont re-lerp entity CG_AddCEntity( &cg_entities[ cg.snap->entities[ i ].number ] ); } } trap_R_RenderScene( &cg.mirrorRefdef ); CG_DrawPic( mx, my, mw, mh, cgs.media.rearviewMirrorShader ); } /* =========== CG_DrawMMap =========== */ void CG_DrawMMap( float x, float y, float w, float h ) { int i; float mx, my, mw, mh; int tmp; if ( !cg_drawMMap.integer ) return; if (cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION) return; if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR) return; /* minimap to show for only racing and team racing no weapons (for now) if ( cgs.gametype != GT_RACING ) return; if ( (cgs.gametype != GT_RACING) || (cgs.gametype != GT_TEAM_RACING) ) return; */ mx = x ; my = y ; mw = w; mh = h; CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h ); cg.mmapRefdef.x = x - cg_wideoffset.integer * 1.6; cg.mmapRefdef.y = y; cg.mmapRefdef.width = w; cg.mmapRefdef.height = h; cg.mmapRefdef.fov_x = 70; tmp = cg.mmapRefdef.width / tan( cg.mmapRefdef.fov_x / 360 * M_PI ); cg.mmapRefdef.fov_y = atan2( cg.mmapRefdef.height, tmp ); cg.mmapRefdef.fov_y = cg.mmapRefdef.fov_y * 360 / M_PI; cg.mmapRefdef.time = cg.time; cg.mmapRefdef.rdflags = 0; // AnglesToAxis( cg.predictedPlayerState.viewangles, mirrorRefdef.viewaxis ); // VectorInverse( mirrorRefdef.viewaxis[0] ); // VectorInverse( mirrorRefdef.viewaxis[1] ); // VectorCopy( cg.predictedPlayerState.origin, mirrorRefdef.vieworg ); // VectorMA( mirrorRefdef.vieworg, 16, mirrorRefdef.viewaxis[2], mirrorRefdef.vieworg ); /*only add players to minimap scene add ctf flag entities later*/ if (cg_rearViewRenderLevel.integer & RL_MARKS){ CG_AddMarks(); } if (cg_rearViewRenderLevel.integer & RL_SMOKE){ CG_AddLocalEntities(); } if (cg_rearViewRenderLevel.integer & RL_PLAYERS || cg_rearViewRenderLevel.integer & RL_OBJECTS){ for (i = 0; i < cg.snap->numEntities; i++){ if (!(cg_rearViewRenderLevel.integer & RL_OBJECTS)){ // skip non-players if ( cg.snap->entities[i].eType != ET_PLAYER ) continue; } if (!(cg_rearViewRenderLevel.integer & RL_PLAYERS)){ // skip players if ( cg.snap->entities[i].eType == ET_PLAYER ) continue; } // FIXME: dont re-lerp entity CG_AddCEntity( &cg_entities[ cg.snap->entities[ i ].number ] ); } } //trap_R_RenderScene( &cg.mirrorRefdef ); trap_R_RenderScene( &cg.mmapRefdef ); CG_DrawPic( mx - cg_wideoffset.integer, my, mw, mh, cgs.media.MMapShader ); } /* ======================== CG_DrawArrowToCheckpoint ======================== */ static float CG_DrawArrowToCheckpoint( float y ) { centity_t *cent; //vec3_t dir; vec3_t forward, origin, angles; int i; float angle1, angle2, angleDiff; int x, w; float fx, fy, fw, fh; float *color; refdef_t refdef; refEntity_t ent; vec3_t mins, maxs, v; if (cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].finishRaceTime) return y; for (i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++){ cent = &cg_entities[i]; if (cent->currentState.eType != ET_CHECKPOINT) continue; if (cent->currentState.weapon != cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_NEXT_CHECKPOINT]) continue; break; } if (i == MAX_GENTITIES) return y; // no checkpoints found // VectorSubtract(cent->currentState.origin, cg.predictedPlayerState.origin, dir); // angle2 = vectoyaw(dir); // find the distance from the edge of the bounding box trap_R_ModelBounds( cgs.inlineDrawModel[cent->currentState.modelindex], mins, maxs ); // if the checkpoint was one with no target then mins and maxs are relative to the origin if( cent->currentState.frame == 0 ) { VectorAdd( mins, cent->currentState.origin, mins ); VectorAdd( maxs, cent->currentState.origin, maxs ); } for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.origin[i] < mins[i] ) { v[i] = mins[i] - cg.predictedPlayerState.origin[i]; } else if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.origin[i] > maxs[i] ) { v[i] = maxs[i] - cg.predictedPlayerState.origin[i]; } else { v[i] = 0; } } if( v[0] == 0 && v[1] == 0 && v[2] == 0 ) angle2 = cg.predictedPlayerState.viewangles[YAW]; else angle2 = vectoyaw(v); if (cg_checkpointArrowMode.integer == 1){ AngleVectors(cg.refdefViewAngles, forward, NULL, NULL); angle1 = vectoyaw(forward); angleDiff = AngleDifference(angle1, angle2); // draw arrow: VectorSet(origin, 80, 0, 20); VectorClear(angles); angles[YAW] = -angleDiff; fx = 320 - 64; fy = 16; fw = 128; fh = 96; CG_AdjustFrom640( &fx, &fy, &fw, &fh ); memset( &refdef, 0, sizeof( refdef ) ); memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) ); AnglesToAxis( angles, ent.axis ); VectorCopy( origin, ent.origin ); VectorCopy( origin, ent.lightingOrigin ); ent.hModel = cgs.media.checkpointArrow; // ent.customSkin = trap_R_RegisterShader("gfx/hud/arrow"); ent.renderfx = RF_NOSHADOW; // no stencil shadows refdef.rdflags = RDF_NOWORLDMODEL; vectoangles( origin, angles ); AnglesToAxis( angles, refdef.viewaxis ); refdef.fov_x = 40; refdef.fov_y = 30; refdef.x = fx; refdef.y = fy; refdef.width = fw; refdef.height = fh; refdef.time = cg.time; trap_R_ClearScene(); trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent ); trap_R_RenderScene( &refdef ); } //end draw arrow AngleVectors(cg.predictedPlayerEntity.lerpAngles, forward, NULL, NULL); angle1 = vectoyaw(forward); angleDiff = AngleDifference(angle1, angle2); // if (VectorLength(dir) < 20.0f) // return y; if (fabs(angleDiff) > 100){ cg.wrongWayTime = cg.time; if( !cg.wrongWayStartTime ) cg.wrongWayStartTime = cg.time; } else cg.wrongWayStartTime = 0; if( !cg.wrongWayStartTime || cg.wrongWayStartTime > cg.time - 2000 ) return y; w = BIGCHAR_WIDTH * CG_DrawStrlen( "WRONG WAY!" ); x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; color = CG_FadeColor( cg.wrongWayTime, 300 ); if ( !color ) { return y; } trap_R_SetColor( color ); /* Developer Mode for Racing Bots if (cg_developer.integer) CG_Draw3DLine( cent->currentState.origin, cg.snap->ps.origin ); */ CG_DrawStringExt( x, SCREEN_HEIGHT * .30, "WRONG WAY!", color, qfalse, qtrue, BIGCHAR_WIDTH, (int)(BIGCHAR_WIDTH * 1.5), 0 ); return y; } // takes a 3d coord and change it to screen coords /* // Thanks to Golliwog who implemented this bit of code in q3f static float CG_SFK_AngleToCoord( float angle, int coordRange, float fov, qboolean reverseCoord ){ // Take an angle and return the coord it maps to (may be out of visible range) // The conversion is: correct fov to degrees: (90.0 / fov), convert to radians: M_PI / 180, // obtain tangent (results in -1 - 1, at least in visible coords). The first two steps can // be combined, hence the M_PI * 0.5f / fov. angle = tan( angle * M_PI * 0.5f / fov ); angle = coordRange * (reverseCoord ? (1.0f - angle) : (1.0f + angle)); return( angle ); } code: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- angles[PITCH] = AngleNormalize180( angles[PITCH] - cg.refdefViewAngles[PITCH] ); adjustedY = CG_SFK_AngleToCoord( angles[PITCH], 240, cg.refdef.fov_y, qfalse ); angles[YAW] = AngleNormalize180( angles[YAW] - cg.refdefViewAngles[YAW] ); adjustedX = CG_SFK_AngleToCoord( angles[YAW], 320, cg.refdef.fov_x, qtrue ); */ /* ================ CG_DrawTimes ================ */ static float CG_DrawTimes( float y ) { centity_t *cent; int lapTime; int totalTime; int x; char s[128]; char *time; //ps = &cg.snap->ps; cent = &cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum]; if ( cent->finishRaceTime ){ lapTime = cent->finishRaceTime - cent->startLapTime; totalTime = cent->finishRaceTime - cent->startRaceTime; } else if ( cent->startRaceTime ){ lapTime = cg.time - cent->startLapTime; totalTime = cg.time - cent->startRaceTime; } else { lapTime = 0; totalTime = 0; } // // Best Time // if ( cgs.gametype != GT_DERBY ){ time = getStringForTime( cent->bestLapTime ); Com_sprintf(s, sizeof(s), "B: %s", time); // x = 600 - CG_DrawStrlen(s) * TINYCHAR_WIDTH; x = 636 - 80; CG_FillRect ( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, 90, 18, bgColor ); x+= 10; y+= 4; CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, s, colorWhite); y += TINYCHAR_HEIGHT + 4; } // // Lap Time // if (cgs.gametype != GT_DERBY){ time = getStringForTime(lapTime); Com_sprintf(s, sizeof(s), "L: %s", time); // x = 600 - CG_DrawStrlen(s) * TINYCHAR_WIDTH; x = 636 - 80; CG_FillRect( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, 90, 18, bgColor ); x+= 10; y+= 4; CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, s, colorWhite); y += TINYCHAR_HEIGHT + 4; } // // Total Time // time = getStringForTime(totalTime); /* Com_sprintf(s, sizeof(s), "TOTAL TIME: %s", time); x = 630 - CG_DrawStrlen(s) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; CG_DrawSmallStringColor( x, y, s, colors[0]); y += SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; */ Com_sprintf(s, sizeof(s), "T: %s", time); x = 636 - 80; CG_FillRect( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, 90, 18, bgColor ); x += 10; y += 4; CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, s, colorWhite); y += TINYCHAR_HEIGHT + 4; return y; } /* ================ CG_DrawLaps ================ */ static float CG_DrawLaps( float y ) { centity_t *cent; //playerState_t *ps; int curLap; int numLaps; char s[64]; int x; //ps = &cg.snap->ps; cent = &cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum]; curLap = cent->currentLap; numLaps = cgs.laplimit; Com_sprintf(s, sizeof(s), "LAP: %i/%i", curLap, numLaps); x = 636 - 80; CG_FillRect( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, 90, 18, bgColor ); x += 10; y += 4; CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, s, colorWhite); y += TINYCHAR_HEIGHT + 4; return y; } /* ====================== CG_DrawCurrentPosition ====================== */ static float CG_DrawCurrentPosition( float y ) { centity_t *cent; //playerState_t *ps; int pos; char s[64]; float x, width, height; //float foreground[4] = { 0, 0, 0.75, 1.0 }; //ps = &cg.snap->ps; cent = &cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum]; pos = cent->currentPosition; Com_sprintf(s, sizeof(s), "POS: "); x = 636 - 80; width = 90; height = 18; CG_FillRect( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, width, height, bgColor ); x += 10; y += 4; CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, s, colorWhite); x += TINYCHAR_WIDTH * 5; CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, va("%i/%i", pos, cgs.numRacers), colorWhite); y += 20; return y; } /* ======================== CG_DrawCarAheadAndBehind ======================== */ static float CG_DrawCarAheadAndBehind( float y ) { centity_t *cent, *other; char player[64]; int i, j, num; float x, width, height; int startPos, endPos; char s[64]; float background[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0.5 }; float selected[4] = { 0.75, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5 }; //ps = &cg.snap->ps; cent = &cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum]; startPos = cent->currentPosition - 4 < 1 ? 1 : cent->currentPosition - 4; endPos = startPos + 8 > cgs.numRacers ? cgs.numRacers : startPos + 8; startPos = endPos - 8 < 1 ? 1 : endPos - 8; x = 636 - 80; width = 90; height = TINYCHAR_HEIGHT; for (i = startPos; i <= endPos; i++){ num = -1; for (j = 0; j < cgs.maxclients; j++){ other = &cg_entities[j]; if (!other) continue; if (other->currentPosition == i){ num = other->currentState.clientNum; } } if (num < 0 || num > cgs.maxclients) continue; if (num == cent->currentState.clientNum){ CG_FillRect( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, width, height, selected ); } else { CG_FillRect( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, width, height, background ); } Q_strncpyz(player, cgs.clientinfo[num].name, 16 ); Com_sprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%i-%s", cg_entities[num].currentPosition, player); CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, s, colorWhite); y += TINYCHAR_HEIGHT; } return y; } #if 0 /* ==================== CG_DrawHUD_DerbyList ==================== void CG_DrawHUD_DerbyList(float x, float y){ int i; vec4_t color; centity_t *cent; char *time; float playTime; // draw heading CG_FillRect(x, y, 536, 18, bgColor); // name CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x + 42, y, "PLAYER:", colorWhite); // time CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x + 206, y, "TIME:", colorWhite); // dmg dealt CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x + 294, y, "DMG DEALT:", colorWhite); // dmg taken CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x + 442, y, "DMG TAKEN:", colorWhite); y += 20; // draw top 8 players for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){ if (cg.scores[i].scoreFlags < 0) continue; // score is not valid so skip it cent = &cg_entities[cg.scores[i].client]; if (!cent) continue; CG_FillRect(x, y, 536, 18, bgColor); Vector4Copy(colorWhite, color); if (cg.scores[i].client == cg.snap->ps.clientNum){ if (cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 || cgs.clientinfo[cg.scores[i].client].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR) Vector4Copy(colorMdGrey, color); } else if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD || cgs.clientinfo[cg.scores[i].client].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR){ Vector4Copy(colorMdGrey, color); } playTime = 0; if (cent->finishRaceTime){ playTime = cent->finishRaceTime - cent->startLapTime; } else if (cent->startRaceTime){ playTime = cg.time - cent->startLapTime; } time = getStringForTime(playTime); // num CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x + 6, y, va("0%i", (i+1)), color); // name CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x + 42, y, cgs.clientinfo[cg.scores[i].client].name, color); // time CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x + 192, y, time, color); // dmg dealt CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x + 326, y, va("%i", cg.scores[i].damageDealt), color); // dmg taken CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x + 474, y, va("%i", cg.scores[i].damageTaken), color); y += 20; } } */ #endif /* ============ CG_DrawSpeed ============ */ static float CG_DrawSpeed( float y ) { playerState_t *ps; int vel_speed; vec3_t forward, origin, angles, mins, maxs; int x, yorg; float x2, y2, w, h; refdef_t refdef; refEntity_t ent; x = 630; yorg = y; ps = &cg.predictedPlayerState; AngleVectors( ps->viewangles, forward, NULL, NULL ); // use actual speed vel_speed = (int)fabs( Q3VelocityToRL( DotProduct(ps->velocity, forward) ) ); /* #ifdef Q3_VM if (ps->stats[STAT_GEAR] == -1) vel_speed = (int)fabs(10.0f * Q3UnitsToRL(WHEEL_RADIUS * min(cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].wheelSpeeds[0], cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].wheelSpeeds[1]))); else vel_speed = (int)fabs(10.0f * Q3UnitsToRL(WHEEL_RADIUS * max(cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].wheelSpeeds[0], cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].wheelSpeeds[1]))); #else if (ps->stats[STAT_GEAR] == -1) vel_speed = (int)fabs(Q3UnitsToRL(WHEEL_RADIUS * min(cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].wheelSpeeds[0], cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].wheelSpeeds[1]))); else vel_speed = (int)fabs(Q3UnitsToRL(WHEEL_RADIUS * max(cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].wheelSpeeds[0], cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].wheelSpeeds[1]))); #endif */ // draw speedometer here x2 = x - 96; y2 = y - 96; CG_DrawPic( x2 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y2, 96, 96, trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("gfx/hud/gauge01")); // draw digital speed x -= 48 + (CG_DrawStrlen(va("%i", vel_speed)) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH) / 2; y -= 28; CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, va("%i", vel_speed), colorWhite); // draw needle w = h = 96; CG_AdjustFrom640( &x2, &y2, &w, &h ); memset( &refdef, 0, sizeof( refdef ) ); memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) ); ent.hModel = trap_R_RegisterModel("gfx/hud/needle.md3"); ent.customShader = trap_R_RegisterShader("gfx/hud/needle01"); ent.renderfx = RF_NOSHADOW; // no stencil shadows trap_R_ModelBounds(ent.hModel, mins, maxs); // origin[2] = -0.5 * ( mins[2] + maxs[2] ); origin[2] = 0; origin[1] = 0.5 * ( mins[1] + maxs[1] ); origin[0] = ( maxs[2] - mins[2] ) / 0.268; VectorClear(angles); angles[YAW] -= 90; angles[PITCH] = -150.0f + (300.0f * vel_speed / 200.0f); AnglesToAxis( angles, ent.axis ); VectorCopy(origin, ent.origin); refdef.rdflags = RDF_NOWORLDMODEL; AxisClear( refdef.viewaxis ); refdef.fov_x = 30; refdef.fov_y = 30; refdef.x = x2 + cg_wideoffset.integer * 1.6; refdef.y = y2; refdef.width = w; refdef.height = h; refdef.time = cg.time; trap_R_ClearScene(); trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent ); trap_R_RenderScene( &refdef ); // draw center here x = 630; y = yorg; x -= 60; y -= 60; CG_DrawPic( x + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, 24, 24, trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("gfx/hud/center01")); // draw gear over center of gauge if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_GEAR] == -1 ) CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor( x+10 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y+4, "R", colorWhite); else if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_GEAR] == 0 ) CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor( x+10 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y+4, "N", colorWhite); else CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor( x+10 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y+4, va("%i", cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_GEAR]), colorWhite); y -= 39; y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; return y; } /* static float CG_DrawSDKMessage( float y ) { int x, w; vec4_t bg_color; switch (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team){ case TEAM_RED: Vector4Copy(colorRed, bg_color); bg_color[3] = 0.5; break; case TEAM_BLUE: Vector4Copy(colorBlue, bg_color); bg_color[3] = 0.5; break; case TEAM_GREEN: Vector4Copy(colorGreen, bg_color); bg_color[3] = 0.5; break; case TEAM_YELLOW: Vector4Copy(colorYellow, bg_color); bg_color[3] = 0.5; break; default: Vector4Copy(bgColor, bg_color); } x = 4; w = (CG_DrawStrlen("Not the finished game.") * TINYCHAR_WIDTH); y -= 3*TINYCHAR_HEIGHT+2; CG_FillRect( x, y, w, 3*TINYCHAR_HEIGHT+2, bg_color ); CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x, y, Q3_VERSION, colorWhite); y += TINYCHAR_HEIGHT; CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x, y, "Beta Version", colorWhite); y += TINYCHAR_HEIGHT; CG_DrawTinyStringColor( x, y, "Not the finished game.", colorWhite); y += TINYCHAR_HEIGHT; y -= 3*TINYCHAR_HEIGHT+2; return y; } */ #if 0 /* =========== CG_DrawGear =========== */ static float CG_DrawGear( float y ) { CG_DrawSmallDigitalStringColor( 560 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, va("Gear: %d", cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_GEAR]), colors[0]); y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; CG_DrawTinyDigitalStringColor( 560 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y, va("RPM: %d", cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_RPM]), colorWhite); y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; return y; } #endif /* // for translating a 3d point to the screen ? planeCameraDist = 50; VectorSubtract(targetv, cg.refdef.viewaxis, dir); viewdist = DotProduct(dir, cg.refdef.viewaxis[0]); planedist = viewdist - planeCameraDist; VectorMA(targetv, -planedist, cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], pointOnPlane); VectorMA(pointOnPlane, -(planedist / viewdist) * DotProduct(dir, cg.refdef.viewaxis[1]), cg.refdef.viewaxis[1], pointOnPlane); VectorMA(pointOnPlane, -(planedist / viewdist) * DotProduct(dir, cg.refdef.viewaxis[2]), cg.refdef.viewaxis[2], pointOnPlane); */ float CG_DrawUpperRightHUD( float y ) { int i; // FIXME: this should be moved somewhere else cgs.numRacers = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < cgs.maxclients ; i++ ) { if (!cgs.clientinfo[i].infoValid) continue; if (cgs.clientinfo[i].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue; if (cg.scores[i].ping == -1) continue; cgs.numRacers++; } if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team != TEAM_SPECTATOR){ if (isRallyRace()){ y = CG_DrawArrowToCheckpoint( y ); y = CG_DrawTimes( y ); y = CG_DrawLaps( y ); y = CG_DrawCurrentPosition( y ); y = CG_DrawCarAheadAndBehind( y ); } else if (cgs.gametype == GT_DERBY) y = CG_DrawTimes( y ); // // CG_DrawHUD_DerbyList(44, 130); } if (!isRallyNonDMRace() && cgs.gametype != GT_DERBY){ y = CG_DrawScores( 636 + cg_wideoffset.integer, y ); } return y; } float CG_DrawLowerRightHUD( float y ) { if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team != TEAM_SPECTATOR){ y = CG_DrawSpeed( y ); // y = CG_DrawGear( y ); } return y; } float CG_DrawLowerLeftHUD( float y ) { // check if there is rear ammo being displayed int i; y += 36; for (i = RWP_SMOKE; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; i++){ if (cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & ( 1 << i )){ if (cg.snap->ps.ammo[ i ]){ y -= 36; break; } } } // Comment this out in the full release Version // y = CG_DrawSDKMessage( y ); return y; }