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Copyright (C) 2006 Dmn_clown (aka: Bob Isaac (rjisaac@gmail.com))
This file is part of Open Arena and is based upon Mr. Elusive's fuzzy logic
system found in Quake 3 Arena.
Open Arena is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Open Arena is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
["politicians", "politician"] = 7
"People should realize that they can govern themselves without the need for elected representation.";
"I have no need for elected representation, I govern myself.";
"There is no need for leadership here";
"Politicians serve their own needs, not those they represent.";
"Do you really need someone telling you what you can or cannot do?";
"When people are honest there is no need for law or elected representation.";
"Elected representation is the basis for all manor of oppression.";
["no", "not", "Nada", "nope", !"no place", !"no feeling."] = 5
"are you sure about that?";
"You sound so sure of yourself";
"Don't be so certain";
["nigger", "nigr", "wop", "kyke", "sandnigger", "sand-nigger", "beanpicker", "wetback", "raghead", "macaca", "monkey", "irish pig", "redskin", "red-skin", "red skin", "diaper head", "bean picker", "cml-jky", "camel-jockey", "ngr", "niggers", "wops", "jews", "sandniggers", "sand-niggers", "beanpickers", "wetbacks", "camel jockeys", "cml jkys", "cml jocky", "dyke", "homo", "queer", "faggot", "fag", "kyke", "kike", "dike", "dyk", "kyk", "chink"] = 1
"shut the hell up you ", vicious_insult,".";
"There is no place for bigotry in the Arena";
"you are a ", vicious_insult, ", do us all a favor and die.";
"All colors explode the same, ", vicious_insult, ".";
"People are people, unfortunately you are an idiot, ", vicious_insult, ".";
"This is an equal opportunity frag fest, bigots are not welcome.";
"Who taught you to be ignorant?";
"Bigotry is learned behavior, please unlearn it.";
"Who taught you to hate?";
"Why do you hate?";
"Has anything you have ever done made your life better?";
["why", !"why not"] = 8
"why not?";
"because dmn_clown said!";
"My ", counselor, " said so.";
botnames, " said so.";
peeps, " said so.";
["what is happening?"] = 1
["ha", "LOL", "laugh", "funny"] = 6
"I'm not laughing.";
"What is so funny?";
"That wasn't funny...";
"Sorry, I forgot to laugh";
"That was amusing";
"Ok, that was funny";
["fishing", !"freak fishing"] = 3
"My ", family_member, " was eaten by a blue whale last ", month, ".";
"I like to use ", substance, " as bait, but only when it is ", weather, ".";
"I'd swear that asian carp can speak ", language, ".";
["humiliating", "shamed"] = 3
"Hehe... good";
"You deserve to be";
"Merry x-mas!";
["touch me there"] = 1
"That isn't what your ", family_member, " said last night.";
"why not?";
["why not"] = 6
"because ", peeps, " said.";
"because I said";
"because dmn_clown said so!";
"A ", profession, " said so.";
["yes", "sure", "certainly"] = 2
"You sound positive.";
"You've convinced me.";
["universal harmony"] = 1
"Do your work, then step back... the only path to serenity.";
"Practice not-doing, and everything will fall into place.";
"If you want to be in accord with the Tao, just do your job and then step back.";
"When there is no desire all things are at peace.";
"The more you know, the less you understand.";
["Pat Robertson", "Jack Thompson"] = 1
"I hear he has a ", substance, " addiction.";
"I hear that he was caught in bed with a ", animal, " after smoking ", substance, ".";
"Isn't there a video of him humping a ", animal, " on YouTube?";
"I got him hooked on ", substance, ".";
"I sold him ", food, " laced with ", substance, ".";
["Jesus"] = 1
"Jesus hates me.";
"Why do you need a human sacrifice to be saved, sounds cannibalistic to me...";
"Jesus loves you, but I don't.";
"I worship ", peeps, ".";
"I bow my head to the holy ", animal, " but only after smoking ", substance, ".";
"Religion is business and there is money in sin.";
"You want to talk about religion HERE?!?!? Some people...";
"Quite a few attrocities have been performed in his name.";
"I am an anti-christ.";
["addiction", "addicted to"] = 4
"I am addicted to ", peeps, ".";
"My ", animal, " likes to huff ", food, ".";
"Drugs like ", substance, " rot your brain.";
"That can be tough on the people around you.";
[(1, " is a ", 0) &name, !"Grism", !"Gargoyle", !"Dmo", !"Penguin", !"Sarge", !"Grunt"] = 4
"That is Mizz ", 0, " to you, ", fighter, ".";
"I'm only rude to ", fighter, "s like you.";
"You should see me out of the Arena...";
"That isn't what your ", family_member, " said last night";
["anarchy"] = 3
"Yo soy anarquista";
"Yo soy un anticristo";
"Yo quiero se anarquia";
"Quiero desplazar";
"While there is a lower class I am in it";
"while there is a criminal element I am of it";
"while there is a soul in prison, I am not free";
"I have no country to fight for, my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world.";
"The most heroic word in all languages is revolution.";
"Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization. Progress is born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation.";
"How pseudo revolutionary of you...";
["OI"] = 5
"OI! OI! OI!";
["fuck"] = 1
["shit"] = 1
"I hope you washed your hands...";
"Eeew... please flush.";
["ass"] = 1
["bots", "bot", !"stupid bot"] = 2
"Heh... right!";
"Bah! Humbug...";
"The politically correct term is 'human exterminator'";
"What is that about?";
"I frag, therefore I am.";
["stupid bot"] = 5
"Yeah, bots are stupid.";
"Man, why do they even bother with ai, it never works?";
"Hey! Blame the person that programmed me!";
"What are you trying to say, Dave?";
["sex", "coitis", "sexual intercourse"] = 2
"No thanks, I have a headache.";
"You want to talk about that here?";
"This is not a chat room!";
[(1, " is a ", 0) &name, !"Kyonshi", !"Major", !"Hnt", !"Dark", !"Tanisha", !"Rai", !"Slshish"] = 4
"That is Mr. ", 0, " to you, ", fighter, ".";
"I'm only rude to ", fighter, "s like you.";
"You should see me out of the Arena...";
"That isn't what your ", family_member, " said last night";
["meaning of it all"] = 5
"Only what you give it.";
"It? It has no meaning, it just is.";
"You think too much, shut up and frag.";
"Has anyone ever told you to shut the hell up?";
["Aardappel", "leileilol", "Multiplex", "crayon", "JK Makowka", "Democritus", "jzero", "Mancubus", "mewse", "div0", "MilesTeg", "evillair", "Shadowdragon", "mightypea", "Morphed", "toddd", "Psymong", "DarkThief", "slyus", "SavageX", "Kaz", "pixie", "Vondur", "Tyrann", "Ed", "Czestmyr", "kick52", "kit89", "lazureus", "sago007", "dmn_clown"] = 1
"Why do you think you have the right to utter that name, you ", fighter, "?";
"Speak that name with respect.";
"You would be wise to respect the name you just uttered.";
"Shh... The Arena Lords may be listening.";
"I am not worthy to even think that name.";
"Silence, Mortal! You are not worthy of uttering an Arena Lord's name.";
[("sing me a song ", 0) &name] = 5
"No, I am not in the mood.";
"There must be someway out of here, said the joker to the thief...";
"Hey, Mr. Tamberine man, play a song for me, I'm not sleepy and there ~ain't no place I'm going to...";
"She was a girl from Birmingham, she just had an abortion, she was a case of insanity, her name was Pauline, she lived in a tree...";
"...You've got to break the chains that hold you down, crush the tyrants to the ground...";
"...Put a bullet in my head, but you can't change a word I said, you've got the ~disease, I've got the solution...";
"Not right now, I'm kinda busy.";
"Sometimes I try to do things and it just don't turn out the way I want it to and I get real frustrated...";
"...as far I'm concerned I think you really suck, you're rotten, and you really blow... I hate your guts and I wish that you was dead...";
"... ~Don't go out tonight, it could be your life, ~there's a bathroom on the right...";
"No life 'till leather, we're going to kick some ~ass tonight! Oh yeah, yeah yeah!";
"Play some Skynard, Man!";
"...there's a lot of people sayin' we'd be better off dead, I ~don't feel like satan, but I am to them, so I try to forget it any way I can...";
"Sorry, my voice is shot... too much whiskey.";
"...now the sun has disappeared, all is darkness, anger, pain, and fear, twisted sightless wrecks of men go groping on their knees and cry in pain, and the sun has disappeared...";