
136 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2016-09-20 21:07:53 +00:00
#include "messages.h"
// AJM: because these are repeated, they use up redundant memory.
// consequently ive made them into const strings which each occurance can point to.
// Common descriptions
const char* const internallimit = "The compiler tool hit an internal limit";
const char* const internalerror = "The compiler tool had an internal error";
const char* const maperror = "The map has a problem which must be fixed";
// Common explanations
#define contact contactvluzacn //"contact zoner@gearboxsoftware.com immidiately"
const char* const selfexplanitory = "self explanitory";
const char* const reference = "Check the file http://www.zhlt.info/common-mapping-problems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem";
const char* const simplify = "The map is too complex for the game engine/compile tools to handle. Simplify";
const char* const contactmerl = "contact amckern@yahoo.com concerning this issue.";
const char* const contactvluzacn = "contact vluzacn@163.com concerning this issue.";
static const MessageTable_t assumes[assume_last] = {
{"invalid assume message", "This is a message should never be printed.", contact},
// generic
{"Memory allocation failure", "The program failled to allocate a block of memory.",
#ifdef ZHLT_64BIT_FIX
#ifdef HLRAD
sizeof (intptr_t) <= 4? "The map is too complex for the compile tools to handle. Switch to the 64-bit version of hlrad if possible." :
"Likely causes are (in order of likeliness) : the partition holding the swapfile is full; swapfile size is smaller than required; memory fragmentation; heap corruption"
"Likely causes are (in order of likeliness) : the partition holding the swapfile is full; swapfile size is smaller than required; memory fragmentation; heap corruption"
{"NULL Pointer", internalerror, contact},
{"Bad Thread Workcount", internalerror, contact},
// qcsg
{"Missing '[' in texturedef (U)", maperror, reference},
{"plane with no normal", maperror, reference},
{"brush with coplanar faces", maperror, reference},
{"brush outside world", maperror, reference},
{"mixed face contents", maperror, reference},
{"Brush type not allowed in world", maperror, reference},
{"Brush type not allowed in entity", maperror, reference},
{"No visibile brushes", "All brushes are CLIP or ORIGIN (at least one must be normal/visible)", selfexplanitory},
{"Entity with ONLY an ORIGIN brush", "All entities need at least one visible brush to function properly. CLIP, HINT, ORIGIN, do not count as visible brushes.", selfexplanitory},
{"Could not find WAD file", "The compile tools could not locate a wad file that the map was referencing.", "Make sure the wad's listed in the level editor actually all exist"},
{"Exceeded MAX_TRIANGLES", internallimit, contact},
{"Exceeded MAX_SWITCHED_LIGHTS", "The maximum number of switchable light entities has been reached", selfexplanitory},
{"Exceeded MAX_TEXFILES", internallimit, contact},
// qbsp
{"LEAK in the map", maperror, reference},
{"Exceeded MAX_LEAF_FACES", "This error is almost always caused by an invalid brush, by having huge rooms, or scaling a texture down to extremely small values (between -1 and 1)",
"Find the invalid brush. Any imported prefabs, carved brushes, or vertex manipulated brushes should be suspect"},
{"Exceeded MAX_WEDGES", internallimit, contact},
{"Exceeded MAX_WVERTS", internallimit, contact},
{"Exceeded MAX_SUPERFACEEDGES", internallimit, contact},
{"Empty Solid Entity", "A solid entity in the map (func_wall for example) has no brushes.", "If using Worldcraft, do a check for problems and fix any occurences of 'Empty solid'"},
// vis
{"Leaf portal saw into leaf", maperror, reference},
{"Exceeded MAX_PORTALS_ON_LEAF", maperror, reference},
{"Invalid client/server state", internalerror, contact},
// qrad
{"Exceeded MAX_TEXLIGHTS", "The maximum number of texture lights in use by a single map has been reached",
"Use fewer texture lights."},
{"Exceeded MAX_PATCHES", maperror, reference},
{"Transfer < 0", internalerror, contact},
{"Bad Surface Extents", maperror, reference},
{"Malformed face normal", "The texture alignment of a visible face is unusable", "If using Worldcraft, do a check for problems and fix any occurences of 'Texture axis perpindicular to face'"},
{"No Lights!", "lighting of map halted (I assume you do not want a pitch black map!)", "Put some lights in the map."},
{"Bad Light Type", internalerror, contact},
{"Exceeded MAX_SINGLEMAP", internallimit, contact},
// common
{"Unable to create thread", internalerror, contact},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_PLANES", "The maximum number of plane definitions has been reached",
"The map has grown too complex"},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_TEXTURES", "The maximum number of textures for a map has been reached", selfexplanitory},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_MIPTEX", "Texture memory usage on the map has exceeded the limit",
"Merge similar textures, remove unused textures from the map"},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_TEXINFO", internallimit, contact},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_SIDES", internallimit, contact},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_BRUSHES", "The maximum number of brushes for a map has been reached", selfexplanitory},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_ENTITIES", "The maximum number of entities for the compile tools has been reached", selfexplanitory},
{"Exceeded MAX_ENGINE_ENTITIES", "The maximum number of entities for the half-life engine has been reached", selfexplanitory},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_MODELS", "The maximum number of brush based entities has been reached",
"Remove unnecessary brush entities, consolidate similar entities into a single entity"},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_VERTS", "The maximum number of vertices for a map has been reached", simplify}, // internallimit, contact //--vluzacn
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_EDGES", internallimit, contact},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES", maperror, reference},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_MARKSURFACES", internallimit, contact},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_FACES", "The maximum number of faces for a map has been reached", "This error is typically caused by having a large face with a small texture scale on it, or overly complex maps."},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES", internallimit, contact},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_NODES", "The maximum number of nodes for a map has been reached", simplify},
{"CompressVis Overflow", internalerror, contact},
{"DecompressVis Overflow", internalerror, contact},
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_LEAFS", "The maximum number of leaves for a map has been reached", simplify},
{"Execution Cancelled", "Tool execution was cancelled either by the user or due to a fatal compile setting", selfexplanitory},
{"Internal Error", internalerror, contact},
//KGP added
{"Exceeded MAX_MAP_LIGHTING","You have run out of light data memory" ,"Use the -lightdata <#> command line option to increase your maximum light memory. The default is 32768 (KB)."}, // 6144 (KB) //--vluzacn
{"Exceeded MAX_INTERNAL_MAP_PLANES", "The maximum number of plane definitions has been reached", "The map has grown too complex"},
{"Could not locate WAD file", "The compile tools could not locate a wad file that the map was referencing.",
"Make sure the file '<mapname>.wa_' exists. This is a file generated by hlcsg and you should not delete it. If you have to run hlrad without this file, use '-waddir' to specify folders where hlrad can find all the wad files."
"Configure game directory pathes for hlrad in file '<tool path>\\settings.txt', and make sure this wad file either has been included into bsp by hlcsg or exists in one of the game directories."
#ifdef ZHLT_64BIT_FIX
{"Couldn't open extent file", "<mapname>.ext doesn't exist. This file is required by the " PLATFORM_VERSIONSTRING " version of hlrad.", "Make sure hlbsp has run correctly. Alternatively, run 'ripent.exe -writeextentfile <mapname>' to create the extent file."},
const MessageTable_t* GetAssume(assume_msgs id)
if (!(id > assume_first && id < assume_last))//(!(id > assume_first) && (id < assume_last)) --vluzacn
id = assume_first;
return &assumes[id];