/* Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2002-2009 John Fitzgibbons and others Copyright (C) 2010-2014 QuakeSpasm developers This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" #define STRINGTEMP_BUFFERS 64 #define STRINGTEMP_LENGTH 1024 static char pr_string_temp[STRINGTEMP_BUFFERS][STRINGTEMP_LENGTH]; static byte pr_string_tempindex = 0; static char *PR_GetTempString (void) { return pr_string_temp[(STRINGTEMP_BUFFERS-1) & ++pr_string_tempindex]; } #define RETURN_EDICT(e) (((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = EDICT_TO_PROG(e)) #define MSG_BROADCAST 0 // unreliable to all #define MSG_ONE 1 // reliable to one (msg_entity) #define MSG_ALL 2 // reliable to all #define MSG_INIT 3 // write to the init string extern char *pr_strings; /* =============================================================================== BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS =============================================================================== */ static char *PF_VarString (int first) { int i; static char out[1024]; size_t s; out[0] = 0; s = 0; for (i = first; i < pr_argc; i++) { s = q_strlcat(out, G_STRING((OFS_PARM0+i*3)), sizeof(out)); if (s >= sizeof(out)) { Con_Warning("PF_VarString: overflow (string truncated)\n"); return out; } } if (s > 255) { if (!dev_overflows.varstring || dev_overflows.varstring + CONSOLE_RESPAM_TIME < realtime) { Con_DWarning("PF_VarString: %i characters exceeds standard limit of 255 (max = %d).\n", (int) s, (int)(sizeof(out) - 1)); dev_overflows.varstring = realtime; } } return out; } /* ================= PF_error This is a TERMINAL error, which will kill off the entire server. Dumps self. error(value) ================= */ static void PF_error (void) { char *s; edict_t *ed; s = PF_VarString(0); Con_Printf ("======SERVER ERROR in %s:\n%s\n", PR_GetString(pr_xfunction->s_name), s); ed = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->self); ED_Print (ed); Host_Error ("Program error"); } /* ================= PF_objerror Dumps out self, then an error message. The program is aborted and self is removed, but the level can continue. objerror(value) ================= */ static void PF_objerror (void) { char *s; edict_t *ed; s = PF_VarString(0); Con_Printf ("======OBJECT ERROR in %s:\n%s\n", PR_GetString(pr_xfunction->s_name), s); ed = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->self); ED_Print (ed); ED_Free (ed); //Host_Error ("Program error"); //johnfitz -- by design, this should not be fatal } /* ============== PF_makevectors Writes new values for v_forward, v_up, and v_right based on angles makevectors(vector) ============== */ static void PF_makevectors (void) { AngleVectors (G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), pr_global_struct->v_forward, pr_global_struct->v_right, pr_global_struct->v_up); } /* ================= PF_setorigin This is the only valid way to move an object without using the physics of the world (setting velocity and waiting). Directly changing origin will not set internal links correctly, so clipping would be messed up. This should be called when an object is spawned, and then only if it is teleported. setorigin (entity, origin) ================= */ static void PF_setorigin (void) { edict_t *e; float *org; e = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0); org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); VectorCopy (org, e->v.origin); SV_LinkEdict (e, false); } static void SetMinMaxSize (edict_t *e, float *minvec, float *maxvec, qboolean rotate) { float *angles; vec3_t rmin, rmax; float bounds[2][3]; float xvector[2], yvector[2]; float a; vec3_t base, transformed; int i, j, k, l; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (minvec[i] > maxvec[i]) PR_RunError ("backwards mins/maxs"); rotate = false; // FIXME: implement rotation properly again if (!rotate) { VectorCopy (minvec, rmin); VectorCopy (maxvec, rmax); } else { // find min / max for rotations angles = e->v.angles; a = angles[1]/180 * M_PI; xvector[0] = cos(a); xvector[1] = sin(a); yvector[0] = -sin(a); yvector[1] = cos(a); VectorCopy (minvec, bounds[0]); VectorCopy (maxvec, bounds[1]); rmin[0] = rmin[1] = rmin[2] = 9999; rmax[0] = rmax[1] = rmax[2] = -9999; for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { base[0] = bounds[i][0]; for (j = 0; j <= 1; j++) { base[1] = bounds[j][1]; for (k = 0; k <= 1; k++) { base[2] = bounds[k][2]; // transform the point transformed[0] = xvector[0]*base[0] + yvector[0]*base[1]; transformed[1] = xvector[1]*base[0] + yvector[1]*base[1]; transformed[2] = base[2]; for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) { if (transformed[l] < rmin[l]) rmin[l] = transformed[l]; if (transformed[l] > rmax[l]) rmax[l] = transformed[l]; } } } } } // set derived values VectorCopy (rmin, e->v.mins); VectorCopy (rmax, e->v.maxs); VectorSubtract (maxvec, minvec, e->v.size); SV_LinkEdict (e, false); } /* ================= PF_setsize the size box is rotated by the current angle setsize (entity, minvector, maxvector) ================= */ static void PF_setsize (void) { edict_t *e; float *minvec, *maxvec; e = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0); minvec = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); maxvec = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); SetMinMaxSize (e, minvec, maxvec, false); } /* ================= PF_setmodel setmodel(entity, model) ================= */ static void PF_setmodel (void) { int i; const char *m, **check; qmodel_t *mod; edict_t *e; e = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0); m = G_STRING(OFS_PARM1); // check to see if model was properly precached for (i = 0, check = sv.model_precache; *check; i++, check++) { if (!strcmp(*check, m)) break; } if (!*check) { PR_RunError ("no precache: %s", m); } e->v.model = PR_SetEngineString(*check); e->v.modelindex = i; //SV_ModelIndex (m); mod = sv.models[ (int)e->v.modelindex]; // Mod_ForName (m, true); if (mod) //johnfitz -- correct physics cullboxes for bmodels { if (mod->type == mod_brush) SetMinMaxSize (e, mod->clipmins, mod->clipmaxs, true); else SetMinMaxSize (e, mod->mins, mod->maxs, true); } //johnfitz else SetMinMaxSize (e, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, true); } /* ================= PF_bprint broadcast print to everyone on server bprint(value) ================= */ static void PF_bprint (void) { char *s; s = PF_VarString(0); SV_BroadcastPrintf ("%s", s); } /* ================= PF_sprint single print to a specific client sprint(clientent, value) ================= */ static void PF_sprint (void) { char *s; client_t *client; int entnum; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); s = PF_VarString(1); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > svs.maxclients) { Con_Printf ("tried to sprint to a non-client\n"); return; } client = &svs.clients[entnum-1]; MSG_WriteChar (&client->message,svc_print); MSG_WriteString (&client->message, s ); } /* ================= PF_centerprint single print to a specific client centerprint(clientent, value) ================= */ static void PF_centerprint (void) { char *s; client_t *client; int entnum; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); s = PF_VarString(1); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > svs.maxclients) { Con_Printf ("tried to sprint to a non-client\n"); return; } client = &svs.clients[entnum-1]; MSG_WriteChar (&client->message,svc_centerprint); MSG_WriteString (&client->message, s); } /* ================= PF_useprint Print a text depending on what it is fed with useprint(entity client, float type, float cost, float weapon) ================= */ void PF_useprint (void) { client_t *client; int entnum, type, cost, weapon; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); type = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); cost = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); weapon = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > svs.maxclients) { Con_Printf ("tried to sprint to a non-client\n"); return; } client = &svs.clients[entnum-1]; MSG_WriteByte (&client->message,svc_useprint); MSG_WriteByte (&client->message,type); MSG_WriteShort (&client->message,cost); MSG_WriteByte (&client->message,weapon); } /* ================= PF_normalize vector normalize(vector) ================= */ static void PF_normalize (void) { float *value1; vec3_t newvalue; double new_temp; value1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); new_temp = (double)value1[0] * value1[0] + (double)value1[1] * value1[1] + (double)value1[2]*value1[2]; new_temp = sqrt (new_temp); if (new_temp == 0) newvalue[0] = newvalue[1] = newvalue[2] = 0; else { new_temp = 1 / new_temp; newvalue[0] = value1[0] * new_temp; newvalue[1] = value1[1] * new_temp; newvalue[2] = value1[2] * new_temp; } VectorCopy (newvalue, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } /* ================= PF_vlen scalar vlen(vector) ================= */ static void PF_vlen (void) { float *value1; double new_temp; value1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); new_temp = (double)value1[0] * value1[0] + (double)value1[1] * value1[1] + (double)value1[2]*value1[2]; new_temp = sqrt(new_temp); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = new_temp; } /* ================= PF_vectoyaw float vectoyaw(vector) ================= */ static void PF_vectoyaw (void) { float *value1; float yaw; value1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); if (value1[1] == 0 && value1[0] == 0) yaw = 0; else { yaw = (int) (atan2(value1[1], value1[0]) * 180 / M_PI); if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = yaw; } /* ================= PF_vectoangles vector vectoangles(vector) ================= */ static void PF_vectoangles (void) { float *value1; float forward; float yaw, pitch; value1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); if (value1[1] == 0 && value1[0] == 0) { yaw = 0; if (value1[2] > 0) pitch = 90; else pitch = 270; } else { yaw = (int) (atan2(value1[1], value1[0]) * 180 / M_PI); if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360; forward = sqrt (value1[0]*value1[0] + value1[1]*value1[1]); pitch = (int) (atan2(value1[2], forward) * 180 / M_PI); if (pitch < 0) pitch += 360; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = pitch; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = yaw; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = 0; } /* ================= PF_Random Returns a number from 0 <= num < 1 random() ================= */ static void PF_random (void) { float num; num = (rand() & 0x7fff) / ((float)0x7fff); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = num; } /* ================= PF_particle particle(origin, color, count) ================= */ static void PF_particle (void) { float *org, *dir; float color; float count; org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); color = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); SV_StartParticle (org, dir, color, count); } /* ================= PF_ambientsound ================= */ static void PF_ambientsound (void) { const char *samp, **check; float *pos; float vol, attenuation; int i, soundnum; int large = false; //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE pos = G_VECTOR (OFS_PARM0); samp = G_STRING(OFS_PARM1); vol = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); attenuation = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); // check to see if samp was properly precached for (soundnum = 0, check = sv.sound_precache; *check; check++, soundnum++) { if (!strcmp(*check, samp)) break; } if (!*check) { Con_Printf ("no precache: %s\n", samp); return; } //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE if (soundnum > 255) { if (sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_NETQUAKE) return; //don't send any info protocol can't support else large = true; } //johnfitz // add an svc_spawnambient command to the level signon packet //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE if (large) MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon,svc_spawnstaticsound2); else MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon,svc_spawnstaticsound); //johnfitz for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.signon, pos[i], sv.protocolflags); //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE if (large) MSG_WriteShort(&sv.signon, soundnum); else MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, soundnum); //johnfitz MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, vol*255); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, attenuation*64); } /* ================= PF_sound Each entity can have eight independant sound sources, like voice, weapon, feet, etc. Channel 0 is an auto-allocate channel, the others override anything already running on that entity/channel pair. An attenuation of 0 will play full volume everywhere in the level. Larger attenuations will drop off. ================= */ static void PF_sound (void) { const char *sample; int channel; edict_t *entity; int volume; float attenuation; entity = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0); channel = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); sample = G_STRING(OFS_PARM2); volume = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3) * 255; attenuation = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); if (volume < 0 || volume > 255) Host_Error ("SV_StartSound: volume = %i", volume); if (attenuation < 0 || attenuation > 4) Host_Error ("SV_StartSound: attenuation = %f", attenuation); if (channel < 0 || channel > 7) Host_Error ("SV_StartSound: channel = %i", channel); SV_StartSound (entity, channel, sample, volume, attenuation); } /* ================= PF_break break() ================= */ static void PF_break (void) { Con_Printf ("break statement\n"); *(int *)-4 = 0; // dump to debugger // PR_RunError ("break statement"); } /* ================= PF_traceline Used for use tracing and shot targeting Traces are blocked by bbox and exact bsp entityes, and also slide box entities if the tryents flag is set. traceline (vector1, vector2, tryents) ================= */ static void PF_traceline (void) { float *v1, *v2; trace_t trace; int nomonsters; edict_t *ent; v1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); v2 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); nomonsters = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); ent = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM3); /* FIXME FIXME FIXME: Why do we hit this with certain progs.dat ?? */ if (developer.value) { if (IS_NAN(v1[0]) || IS_NAN(v1[1]) || IS_NAN(v1[2]) || IS_NAN(v2[0]) || IS_NAN(v2[1]) || IS_NAN(v2[2])) { Con_Warning ("NAN in traceline:\nv1(%f %f %f) v2(%f %f %f)\nentity %d\n", v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], NUM_FOR_EDICT(ent)); } } if (IS_NAN(v1[0]) || IS_NAN(v1[1]) || IS_NAN(v1[2])) v1[0] = v1[1] = v1[2] = 0; if (IS_NAN(v2[0]) || IS_NAN(v2[1]) || IS_NAN(v2[2])) v2[0] = v2[1] = v2[2] = 0; trace = SV_Move (v1, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, v2, nomonsters, ent); pr_global_struct->trace_allsolid = trace.allsolid; pr_global_struct->trace_startsolid = trace.startsolid; pr_global_struct->trace_fraction = trace.fraction; pr_global_struct->trace_inwater = trace.inwater; pr_global_struct->trace_inopen = trace.inopen; VectorCopy (trace.endpos, pr_global_struct->trace_endpos); VectorCopy (trace.plane.normal, pr_global_struct->trace_plane_normal); pr_global_struct->trace_plane_dist = trace.plane.dist; if (trace.ent) pr_global_struct->trace_ent = EDICT_TO_PROG(trace.ent); else pr_global_struct->trace_ent = EDICT_TO_PROG(sv.edicts); } int TraceMove(vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int type, edict_t *ent)//engine-sides { if(start[0] == end[0] && start[1] == end[1] && start[2] == end[2]) { return 1; } vec3_t forward, up; float HorDist; vec3_t HorGoal; vec3_t tempHorGoal; up[0] = 0; up[1] = 0; up[2] = 1; HorGoal[0] = end[0]; HorGoal[1] = end[1]; HorGoal[2] = start[2]; VectorSubtract(HorGoal,start,forward); HorDist = VectorLength(forward); VectorNormalize(forward); vec3_t CurrentPos; VectorCopy(start,CurrentPos); VectorCopy(HorGoal,tempHorGoal); float CurrentDist = 0;//2d distance from initial 3d positionvector trace_t trace1, trace2; float tempDist; vec3_t tempVec; vec3_t tempVec2; float i; int STEPSIZEB = 18;//other declaration isn't declared yet float SLOPELEN = 10.4;//18/tan(60) = 10.4, the the length of the triangle formed by the max walkable slope of 60 degrees. int skip = 0; int LoopBreak = 0; while(CurrentDist < HorDist) { if(LoopBreak > 20)//was 50, decreased this quite a bit. now it's 260 meters { //Con_Printf("AI Warning: There is a ledge that is greater than 650 meters.\n"); return -1; } trace1 = SV_Move(CurrentPos, mins, maxs, tempHorGoal, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent); VectorSubtract(tempHorGoal,CurrentPos,tempVec); tempDist = trace1.fraction * VectorLength(tempVec); //Check if we fell along the path for(i = (maxs[0] * 1); i < tempDist; i += (maxs[0] * 1)) { VectorScale(forward,i,tempVec); VectorAdd(tempVec,CurrentPos,tempVec); VectorScale(up,-500,tempVec2);//500 inches is about 13 meters VectorAdd(tempVec,tempVec2,tempVec2); trace2 = SV_Move(tempVec, mins, maxs, tempVec2, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent); if(trace2.fraction > 0) { VectorScale(up,trace2.fraction * -100,tempVec2); VectorAdd(tempVec,tempVec2,CurrentPos); VectorAdd(tempHorGoal,tempVec2,tempHorGoal); skip = 1; CurrentDist += i; if(trace2.fraction == 1) { //We fell the full 13 meters!, we need to be careful here, //because if we're checking over the void, then we could be stuck in an infinite loop and crash the game //So we're going to keep track of how many times we fall 13 meters LoopBreak++; } else { LoopBreak = 0; } break; } } //If we fell at any location along path, then we don't try to step up if(skip == 1) { trace2.fraction = 0; skip = 0; continue; } //We need to advance it as much as possible along path before step up if(trace1.fraction > 0 && trace1.fraction < 1) { VectorCopy(trace1.endpos,CurrentPos); trace1.fraction = 0; } //Check step up if(trace1.fraction < 1) { VectorScale(up,STEPSIZEB,tempVec2); VectorAdd(CurrentPos,tempVec2,tempVec); VectorAdd(tempHorGoal,tempVec2,tempVec2); trace2 = SV_Move(tempVec, mins, maxs, tempVec2, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent); //10.4 is minimum length for a slope of 60 degrees, we need to at least advance this much to know the surface is walkable VectorSubtract(tempVec2,tempVec,tempVec2); if(trace2.fraction > (trace1.fraction + (SLOPELEN/VectorLength(tempVec2))) || trace2.fraction == 1) { VectorCopy(tempVec,CurrentPos); tempHorGoal[2] = CurrentPos[2]; continue; } else { return 0;//stepping up didn't advance so we've hit a wall, we failed } } if(trace1.fraction == 1)//we've made it horizontally to our goal... so check if we've made it vertically... { if((end[2] - tempHorGoal[2] < STEPSIZEB) && (end[2] - tempHorGoal[2]) > -1 * STEPSIZEB) return 1; else return 0; } } return 0; } void PF_tracemove(void)//progs side { float *start, *end, *mins, *maxs; int nomonsters; edict_t *ent; start = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); mins = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); maxs = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); end = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3); nomonsters = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); ent = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM5); Con_DPrintf ("TraceMove start, "); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = TraceMove(start, mins, maxs, end,nomonsters,ent); Con_DPrintf ("TM end\n"); return; } void PF_tracebox (void) { float *v1, *v2, *mins, *maxs; trace_t trace; int nomonsters; edict_t *ent; v1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); mins = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); maxs = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); v2 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3); nomonsters = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); ent = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM5); trace = SV_Move (v1, mins, maxs, v2, nomonsters, ent); pr_global_struct->trace_allsolid = trace.allsolid; pr_global_struct->trace_startsolid = trace.startsolid; pr_global_struct->trace_fraction = trace.fraction; pr_global_struct->trace_inwater = trace.inwater; pr_global_struct->trace_inopen = trace.inopen; VectorCopy (trace.endpos, pr_global_struct->trace_endpos); VectorCopy (trace.plane.normal, pr_global_struct->trace_plane_normal); pr_global_struct->trace_plane_dist = trace.plane.dist; if (trace.ent) pr_global_struct->trace_ent = EDICT_TO_PROG(trace.ent); else pr_global_struct->trace_ent = EDICT_TO_PROG(sv.edicts); } /* ================= PF_checkpos Returns true if the given entity can move to the given position from it's current position by walking or rolling. FIXME: make work... scalar checkpos (entity, vector) ================= */ #if 0 static void PF_checkpos (void) { } #endif //============================================================================ static byte *checkpvs; //ericw -- changed to malloc static int checkpvs_capacity; static int PF_newcheckclient (int check) { int i; byte *pvs; edict_t *ent; mleaf_t *leaf; vec3_t org; int pvsbytes; // cycle to the next one if (check < 1) check = 1; if (check > svs.maxclients) check = svs.maxclients; if (check == svs.maxclients) i = 1; else i = check + 1; for ( ; ; i++) { if (i == svs.maxclients+1) i = 1; ent = EDICT_NUM(i); if (i == check) break; // didn't find anything else if (ent->free) continue; if (ent->v.health <= 0) continue; if ((int)ent->v.flags & FL_NOTARGET) continue; // anything that is a client, or has a client as an enemy break; } // get the PVS for the entity VectorAdd (ent->v.origin, ent->v.view_ofs, org); leaf = Mod_PointInLeaf (org, sv.worldmodel); pvs = Mod_LeafPVS (leaf, sv.worldmodel); pvsbytes = (sv.worldmodel->numleafs+7)>>3; if (checkpvs == NULL || pvsbytes > checkpvs_capacity) { checkpvs_capacity = pvsbytes; checkpvs = (byte *) realloc (checkpvs, checkpvs_capacity); if (!checkpvs) Sys_Error ("PF_newcheckclient: realloc() failed on %d bytes", checkpvs_capacity); } memcpy (checkpvs, pvs, pvsbytes); return i; } /* ================= PF_checkclient Returns a client (or object that has a client enemy) that would be a valid target. If there are more than one valid options, they are cycled each frame If (self.origin + self.viewofs) is not in the PVS of the current target, it is not returned at all. name checkclient () ================= */ #define MAX_CHECK 16 static int c_invis, c_notvis; static void PF_checkclient (void) { edict_t *ent, *self; mleaf_t *leaf; int l; vec3_t view; // find a new check if on a new frame if (sv.time - sv.lastchecktime >= 0.1) { sv.lastcheck = PF_newcheckclient (sv.lastcheck); sv.lastchecktime = sv.time; } // return check if it might be visible ent = EDICT_NUM(sv.lastcheck); if (ent->free || ent->v.health <= 0) { RETURN_EDICT(sv.edicts); return; } // if current entity can't possibly see the check entity, return 0 self = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->self); VectorAdd (self->v.origin, self->v.view_ofs, view); leaf = Mod_PointInLeaf (view, sv.worldmodel); l = (leaf - sv.worldmodel->leafs) - 1; if ( (l < 0) || !(checkpvs[l>>3] & (1 << (l & 7))) ) { c_notvis++; RETURN_EDICT(sv.edicts); return; } // might be able to see it c_invis++; RETURN_EDICT(ent); } //============================================================================ /* ================= PF_stuffcmd Sends text over to the client's execution buffer stuffcmd (clientent, value) ================= */ static void PF_stuffcmd (void) { int entnum; const char *str; client_t *old; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > svs.maxclients) PR_RunError ("Parm 0 not a client"); str = G_STRING(OFS_PARM1); old = host_client; host_client = &svs.clients[entnum-1]; Host_ClientCommands ("%s", str); host_client = old; } /* ================= PF_localcmd Sends text over to the client's execution buffer localcmd (string) ================= */ static void PF_localcmd (void) { const char *str; str = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); Cbuf_AddText (str); } /* ================= PF_cvar float cvar (string) ================= */ static void PF_cvar (void) { const char *str; str = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Cvar_VariableValue (str); } /* ================= PF_cvar_set float cvar (string) ================= */ static void PF_cvar_set (void) { const char *var, *val; var = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); val = G_STRING(OFS_PARM1); Cvar_Set (var, val); } /* ================= PF_findradius Returns a chain of entities that have origins within a spherical area findradius (origin, radius) ================= */ static void PF_findradius (void) { edict_t *ent, *chain; float rad; float *org; vec3_t eorg; int i, j; chain = (edict_t *)sv.edicts; org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); rad = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); ent = NEXT_EDICT(sv.edicts); for (i = 1; i < sv.num_edicts; i++, ent = NEXT_EDICT(ent)) { if (ent->free) continue; if (ent->v.solid == SOLID_NOT) continue; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) eorg[j] = org[j] - (ent->v.origin[j] + (ent->v.mins[j] + ent->v.maxs[j]) * 0.5); if (VectorLength(eorg) > rad) continue; ent->v.chain = EDICT_TO_PROG(chain); chain = ent; } RETURN_EDICT(chain); } /* ========= PF_dprint ========= */ static void PF_dprint (void) { Con_DPrintf ("%s",PF_VarString(0)); } static void PF_ftos (void) { float v; char *s; v = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); s = PR_GetTempString(); if (v == (int)v) sprintf (s, "%d",(int)v); else sprintf (s, "%5.1f",v); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_SetEngineString(s); } static void PF_fabs (void) { float v; v = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = fabs(v); } static void PF_vtos (void) { char *s; s = PR_GetTempString(); sprintf (s, "'%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f'", G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[0], G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[1], G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[2]); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_SetEngineString(s); } void PF_etos (void) { //sprintf (pr_string_temp, "entity %i", G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0)); //G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = pr_string_temp - pr_strings; } static void PF_Spawn (void) { edict_t *ed; ed = ED_Alloc(); RETURN_EDICT(ed); } static void PF_Remove (void) { edict_t *ed; ed = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0); ED_Free (ed); } /* ================= PF_achievement unlocks the achievement number for entity achievement(clientent, value) ================= */ void PF_achievement (void) { int ach; client_t *client; int entnum; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); ach = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > svs.maxclients) { Con_DPrintf ("tried to unlock ach to a non-client\n"); return; } //Con_Printf (va("Achievement? %i\n", ach)); // JPG client = &svs.clients[entnum-1]; MSG_WriteByte (&client->message,svc_achievement); MSG_WriteByte (&client->message, ach); } /* ================= PF_updateLimb updates zombies limb PF_updateLimb(zombieent, value. limbent) ================= */ void PF_updateLimb (void) { int limb; int zombieent, limbent; zombieent = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); limb = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); limbent = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM2); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, svc_limbupdate); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, limb); MSG_WriteShort (&sv.reliable_datagram, zombieent); MSG_WriteShort (&sv.reliable_datagram, limbent); } // entity (entity start, .string field, string match) find = #5; static void PF_Find (void) { int e; int f; const char *s, *t; edict_t *ed; e = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); f = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); s = G_STRING(OFS_PARM2); if (!s) PR_RunError ("PF_Find: bad search string"); for (e++ ; e < sv.num_edicts ; e++) { ed = EDICT_NUM(e); if (ed->free) continue; t = E_STRING(ed,f); if (!t) continue; if (!strcmp(t,s)) { RETURN_EDICT(ed); return; } } RETURN_EDICT(sv.edicts); } // entity (entity start, .float field, float match) findfloat = #98; void PF_FindFloat (void) { int e; int f; float s, t; edict_t *ed; e = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); f = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); s = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); if (!s) PR_RunError ("PF_FindFloat: bad search float"); for (e++ ; e < sv.num_edicts ; e++) { ed = EDICT_NUM(e); if (ed->free) continue; t = E_FLOAT(ed,f); if (!t) continue; if (t == s) { RETURN_EDICT(ed); return; } } RETURN_EDICT(sv.edicts); } static void PR_CheckEmptyString (const char *s) { if (s[0] <= ' ') PR_RunError ("Bad string"); } static void PF_precache_file (void) { // precache_file is only used to copy files with qcc, it does nothing G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); } static void PF_precache_sound (void) { const char *s; int i; if (sv.state != ss_loading) PR_RunError ("PF_Precache_*: Precache can only be done in spawn functions"); s = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); PR_CheckEmptyString (s); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SOUNDS; i++) { if (!sv.sound_precache[i]) { sv.sound_precache[i] = s; return; } if (!strcmp(sv.sound_precache[i], s)) return; } PR_RunError ("PF_precache_sound: overflow"); } static void PF_precache_model (void) { const char *s; int i; if (sv.state != ss_loading) PR_RunError ("PF_Precache_*: Precache can only be done in spawn functions"); s = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); PR_CheckEmptyString (s); for (i = 0; i < MAX_MODELS; i++) { if (!sv.model_precache[i]) { sv.model_precache[i] = s; sv.models[i] = Mod_ForName (s, true); return; } if (!strcmp(sv.model_precache[i], s)) return; } PR_RunError ("PF_precache_model: overflow"); } static void PF_coredump (void) { ED_PrintEdicts (); } static void PF_traceon (void) { pr_trace = true; } static void PF_traceoff (void) { pr_trace = false; } static void PF_eprint (void) { ED_PrintNum (G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0)); } /* =============== PF_walkmove float(float yaw, float dist) walkmove =============== */ static void PF_walkmove (void) { edict_t *ent; float yaw, dist; vec3_t move; dfunction_t *oldf; int oldself; ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->self); yaw = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); dist = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if ( !( (int)ent->v.flags & (FL_ONGROUND|FL_FLY|FL_SWIM) ) ) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } yaw = yaw * M_PI * 2 / 360; move[0] = cos(yaw) * dist; move[1] = sin(yaw) * dist; move[2] = 0; // save program state, because SV_movestep may call other progs oldf = pr_xfunction; oldself = pr_global_struct->self; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = SV_movestep(ent, move, true); // restore program state pr_xfunction = oldf; pr_global_struct->self = oldself; } /* =============== PF_droptofloor void() droptofloor =============== */ static void PF_droptofloor (void) { edict_t *ent; vec3_t end; trace_t trace; ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->self); VectorCopy (ent->v.origin, end); end[2] -= 256; trace = SV_Move (ent->v.origin, ent->v.mins, ent->v.maxs, end, false, ent); if (trace.fraction == 1 || trace.allsolid) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; else { VectorCopy (trace.endpos, ent->v.origin); SV_LinkEdict (ent, false); ent->v.flags = (int)ent->v.flags | FL_ONGROUND; ent->v.groundentity = EDICT_TO_PROG(trace.ent); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 1; } } /* =============== PF_lightstyle void(float style, string value) lightstyle =============== */ static void PF_lightstyle (void) { int style; const char *val; client_t *client; int j; style = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); val = G_STRING(OFS_PARM1); // bounds check to avoid clobbering sv struct if (style < 0 || style >= MAX_LIGHTSTYLES) { Con_DWarning("PF_lightstyle: invalid style %d\n", style); return; } // change the string in sv sv.lightstyles[style] = val; // send message to all clients on this server if (sv.state != ss_active) return; for (j = 0, client = svs.clients; j < svs.maxclients; j++, client++) { if (client->active || client->spawned) { MSG_WriteChar (&client->message, svc_lightstyle); MSG_WriteChar (&client->message, style); MSG_WriteString (&client->message, val); } } } static void PF_rint (void) { float f; f = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); if (f > 0) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (int)(f + 0.5); else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (int)(f - 0.5); } static void PF_floor (void) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = floor(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } static void PF_ceil (void) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = ceil(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } /* ============= PF_checkbottom ============= */ static void PF_checkbottom (void) { edict_t *ent; ent = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = SV_CheckBottom (ent); } /* ============= PF_pointcontents ============= */ static void PF_pointcontents (void) { float *v; v = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = SV_PointContents (v); } /* ============= PF_nextent entity nextent(entity) ============= */ static void PF_nextent (void) { int i; edict_t *ent; i = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); while (1) { i++; if (i == sv.num_edicts) { RETURN_EDICT(sv.edicts); return; } ent = EDICT_NUM(i); if (!ent->free) { RETURN_EDICT(ent); return; } } } /* ============= PF_aim Pick a vector for the player to shoot along vector aim(entity, missilespeed) ============= */ cvar_t sv_aim = {"sv_aim", "1", CVAR_NONE}; // ericw -- turn autoaim off by default. was 0.93 static void PF_aim (void) { edict_t *ent, *check, *bestent; vec3_t start, dir, end, bestdir; int i, j; trace_t tr; float dist, bestdist; float speed; ent = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0); speed = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); (void) speed; /* variable set but not used */ VectorCopy (ent->v.origin, start); start[2] += 20; // try sending a trace straight VectorCopy (pr_global_struct->v_forward, dir); VectorMA (start, 2048, dir, end); tr = SV_Move (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, false, ent); if (tr.ent && tr.ent->v.takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM && (!teamplay.value || ent->v.team <= 0 || ent->v.team != tr.ent->v.team) ) { VectorCopy (pr_global_struct->v_forward, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); return; } // try all possible entities VectorCopy (dir, bestdir); bestdist = sv_aim.value; bestent = NULL; check = NEXT_EDICT(sv.edicts); for (i = 1; i < sv.num_edicts; i++, check = NEXT_EDICT(check) ) { if (check->v.takedamage != DAMAGE_AIM) continue; if (check == ent) continue; if (teamplay.value && ent->v.team > 0 && ent->v.team == check->v.team) continue; // don't aim at teammate for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) end[j] = check->v.origin[j] + 0.5 * (check->v.mins[j] + check->v.maxs[j]); VectorSubtract (end, start, dir); VectorNormalize (dir); dist = DotProduct (dir, pr_global_struct->v_forward); if (dist < bestdist) continue; // to far to turn tr = SV_Move (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, false, ent); if (tr.ent == check) { // can shoot at this one bestdist = dist; bestent = check; } } if (bestent) { VectorSubtract (bestent->v.origin, ent->v.origin, dir); dist = DotProduct (dir, pr_global_struct->v_forward); VectorScale (pr_global_struct->v_forward, dist, end); end[2] = dir[2]; VectorNormalize (end); VectorCopy (end, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } else { VectorCopy (bestdir, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } } /* ============== PF_changeyaw This was a major timewaster in progs, so it was converted to C ============== */ void PF_changeyaw (void) { edict_t *ent; float ideal, current, move, speed; ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->self); current = anglemod( ent->v.angles[1] ); ideal = ent->v.ideal_yaw; speed = ent->v.yaw_speed; if (current == ideal) return; move = ideal - current; if (ideal > current) { if (move >= 180) move = move - 360; } else { if (move <= -180) move = move + 360; } if (move > 0) { if (move > speed) move = speed; } else { if (move < -speed) move = -speed; } ent->v.angles[1] = anglemod (current + move); } /* ============== PF_GetSoundLen Get the lenght of the sound (useful for things like radio) ============== */ void PF_GetSoundLen (void) { char *name; name = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); char namebuffer[256]; byte *data; wavinfo_t info; byte stackbuf[1*1024]; // avoid dirtying the cache heap //Con_Printf ("S_LoadSound: %x\n", (int)stackbuf); // load it in Q_strcpy(namebuffer, ""); Q_strcat(namebuffer, name); data = COM_LoadStackFile(namebuffer, stackbuf, sizeof(stackbuf), NULL); if (!data) { Con_Printf ("Couldn't load %s\n", namebuffer); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } info = GetWavinfo (name, data, com_filesize); if (info.channels != 1) { Con_Printf ("%s is a stereo sample\n",name); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (float)info.samples/(float)info.rate; } /* =============================================================================== MESSAGE WRITING =============================================================================== */ static sizebuf_t *WriteDest (void) { int entnum; int dest; edict_t *ent; dest = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); switch (dest) { case MSG_BROADCAST: return &sv.datagram; case MSG_ONE: ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->msg_entity); entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT(ent); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > svs.maxclients) PR_RunError ("WriteDest: not a client"); return &svs.clients[entnum-1].message; case MSG_ALL: return &sv.reliable_datagram; case MSG_INIT: return &sv.signon; default: PR_RunError ("WriteDest: bad destination"); break; } return NULL; } static void PF_WriteByte (void) { MSG_WriteByte (WriteDest(), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } static void PF_WriteChar (void) { MSG_WriteChar (WriteDest(), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } static void PF_WriteShort (void) { MSG_WriteShort (WriteDest(), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } static void PF_WriteLong (void) { MSG_WriteLong (WriteDest(), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } static void PF_WriteAngle (void) { MSG_WriteAngle (WriteDest(), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1), sv.protocolflags); } static void PF_WriteCoord (void) { MSG_WriteCoord (WriteDest(), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1), sv.protocolflags); } static void PF_WriteString (void) { MSG_WriteString (WriteDest(), G_STRING(OFS_PARM1)); } static void PF_WriteEntity (void) { MSG_WriteShort (WriteDest(), G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM1)); } //============================================================================= static void PF_makestatic (void) { edict_t *ent; int i; int bits = 0; //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE ent = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0); //johnfitz -- don't send invisible static entities if (ent->alpha == ENTALPHA_ZERO) { ED_Free (ent); return; } //johnfitz //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE if (sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_NETQUAKE) { if (SV_ModelIndex(PR_GetString(ent->v.model)) & 0xFF00 || (int)(ent->v.frame) & 0xFF00) { ED_Free (ent); return; //can't display the correct model & frame, so don't show it at all } } else { if (SV_ModelIndex(PR_GetString(ent->v.model)) & 0xFF00) bits |= B_LARGEMODEL; if ((int)(ent->v.frame) & 0xFF00) bits |= B_LARGEFRAME; if (ent->alpha != ENTALPHA_DEFAULT) bits |= B_ALPHA; //if (ent->light_lev != 0) // bits |= B_LIGHTLEVEL; } if (bits) { MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, svc_spawnstatic2); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, bits); } else MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, svc_spawnstatic); if (bits & B_LARGEMODEL) MSG_WriteShort (&sv.signon, SV_ModelIndex(PR_GetString(ent->v.model))); else MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, SV_ModelIndex(PR_GetString(ent->v.model))); if (bits & B_LARGEFRAME) MSG_WriteShort (&sv.signon, ent->v.frame); else MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, ent->v.frame); //johnfitz MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, ent->v.colormap); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, ent->v.skin); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.signon, ent->v.origin[i], sv.protocolflags); MSG_WriteAngle(&sv.signon, ent->v.angles[i], sv.protocolflags); } //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE if (bits & B_ALPHA) MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, ent->alpha); //johnfitz // NZP START //if (bits & B_LIGHTLEVEL) // MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, ent->light_lev); // NZP END // throw the entity away now ED_Free (ent); } //============================================================================= /* ============== PF_setspawnparms ============== */ static void PF_setspawnparms (void) { edict_t *ent; int i; client_t *client; ent = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0); i = NUM_FOR_EDICT(ent); if (i < 1 || i > svs.maxclients) PR_RunError ("Entity is not a client"); // copy spawn parms out of the client_t client = svs.clients + (i-1); for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPAWN_PARMS; i++) (&pr_global_struct->parm1)[i] = client->spawn_parms[i]; } /* ============== PF_changelevel ============== */ static void PF_changelevel (void) { const char *s; // make sure we don't issue two changelevels if (svs.changelevel_issued) return; svs.changelevel_issued = true; s = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); Cbuf_AddText (va("changelevel %s\n",s)); } static void PF_Fixme (void) { PR_RunError ("unimplemented builtin"); } /* ================= Main_Waypoint functin This is where the magic happens ================= */ int closedset[MAX_WAYPOINTS]; // The set of nodes already evaluated. int openset[MAX_WAYPOINTS];//Actual sorted open list int opensetRef[MAX_WAYPOINTS];//Reference values of open list int opensetLength;//equivalent of javaScript's array[].length; #define MaxZombies 16 zombie_ai zombie_list[MaxZombies]; //Debug// void printSortedOpenSet() { Con_Printf("Sorted!: "); int qr; for(qr = 0; qr < opensetLength; qr++) { Con_Printf("%i, ",(int)waypoints[openset[qr]].f_score); } Con_Printf("\n"); } //------// void RemoveWayFromList (int listnumber, int waynum) { if(listnumber == 1) { //Con_DPrintf ("RemoveWayFromList: closedset[%i] = %i\n", waynum, 0); closedset[waynum] = 0; return; } int i; int s; if(listnumber == 2) { for(i = 0; i < opensetLength; i++) { if(openset[i] == waynum) { openset[i] = 0; opensetRef[waynum] = 0; for(s = i; s < opensetLength; s++) { openset[s] = openset[s+1]; } opensetLength -= 1; return; } } } } void CompareOpenLists() { int refCount, count; refCount = 0; count = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_WAYPOINTS; i++) { if(openset[i]) count++; if(opensetRef[i]) refCount++; } if(count != refCount || count != opensetLength || refCount != opensetLength) Con_Printf("%i%i%i\n",count, refCount,opensetLength); } int AddWayToList (int listnumber, int waynum)//blubs binary sorting { if(listnumber == 1)//closed list { //Con_DPrintf ("AddWayToList: closedset[%i] = %i\n", waynum, 1); closedset[waynum] = 1; return 1; } if(listnumber == 2)//openlist { int min, max, test; min = -1; max = opensetLength; float wayVal = waypoints[waynum].f_score; while(max > min) { if(max - min == 1) { int i; for(i = opensetLength; i > max ; i--) { openset[i] = openset[i-1]; } openset[max] = waynum; opensetLength += 1; opensetRef[waynum] = 1; //printSortedOpenSet(); for debug only return max; } test = (int)((min + max)/2); if(wayVal > waypoints[openset[test]].f_score) { min = test; } else if(wayVal < waypoints[openset[test]].f_score) { max = test; } if(wayVal == waypoints[openset[test]].f_score) { max = test; min = test - 1; } } } return -1; } int GetLowestFromOpenSet() { return openset[0]; } int CheckIfEmptyList (int listnumber) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_WAYPOINTS; i++) { if (listnumber == 1) { if (closedset[i]) { //Con_DPrintf ("CheckIfEmptyList: closedset[%i]\n", i); return 0; } } else if (listnumber == 2) { if (openset[i]) { //Con_DPrintf ("CheckIfEmptyList: openset[%i]\n", i); return 0; } } } return 1; } int CheckIfWayInList (int listnumber, int waynum) { if(listnumber == 1) { if(closedset[waynum]) { //Con_DPrintf ("CheckIfWayInList: closedset[%i] = %i\n", waynum, 1); return 1; } } if(listnumber == 2) { if(opensetRef[waynum]) { //Con_DPrintf ("CheckIfWayInList: openset[%i] = %i\n", waynum, 1); return 1; } } return 0; } float heuristic_cost_estimate (int start_way, int end_way) { //for now we will just look the distance between. return VecLength2(waypoints[start_way].origin, waypoints[end_way].origin); } int proces_list[MAX_WAYPOINTS]; void reconstruct_path(int start_node, int current_node) { int i, s, current; current = current_node; s = 0; Con_DPrintf ("\n"); Con_DPrintf ("reconstruct_path: start_node = %i, current_node = %i\n\n", start_node, current_node); for (i = 0;i < MAX_WAYPOINTS; i++) { //if (closedset[i]) // Con_DPrintf ("reconstruct_path: closedset[%i] = %i\n", i, closedset[i]); proces_list[i] = 0; } proces_list[s] = -1;//-1 means the enemy is the last waypoint s = 1; while (1) { //Con_DPrintf("\nreconstruct_path: current = %i, waypoints[current].came_from = %i\n", current, waypoints[current].came_from); proces_list[s] = current;//blubs, we now add the first waypoint to the path list if (current == start_node) { Con_DPrintf("reconstruct_path: path done!\n"); break; } if (CheckIfWayInList (1, waypoints[current].came_from)) { //Con_DPrintf("reconstruct_path: waypoints[current].came_from %i is in list!\n", waypoints[current].came_from); for (i = 0;i < 8; i++) { //Con_DPrintf("reconstruct_path for loop: waypoints[waypoints[current].came_from].target_id[i] = %i, current = %i\n", waypoints[waypoints[current].came_from].target_id[i], current) if (waypoints[waypoints[current].came_from].target_id[i] == current) { //Con_DPrintf("reconstruct_path: current %i is viable target!\n", current); current = waypoints[current].came_from;//woohoo, this waypoint is viable. So set it now as the current one break; } } } else { //Con_DPrintf("reconstruct_path: skipped waypoint %i\n", waypoints[current].came_from); break; } s++; } Con_DPrintf("\nreconstruct_path: dumping the final list\n"); for (s = MAX_WAYPOINTS - 1; s > -1; s--) { //if (proces_list[s]) //Con_DPrintf("reconstruct_path final: s = %i, proces_list[s] = %i\n", s, proces_list[s]); } } int Pathfind (int start_way, int end_way)//note thease 2 are ARRAY locations. Not the waypoints names. { int current, last_way;//current is for the waypoint array, last_way is a way that was used last float tentative_g_score, tentative_f_score; int i; last_way = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_WAYPOINTS;i++)// clear all the waypoints { openset[i] = 0; opensetRef[i] = 0; closedset[i] = 0; waypoints[i].f_score = 0; waypoints[i].g_score = 0; waypoints[i].came_from = 0; } opensetLength = 0; waypoints[start_way].g_score = 0; // Cost from start along best known path. // Estimated total cost from start to goal through y. waypoints[start_way].f_score = waypoints[start_way].g_score + heuristic_cost_estimate(start_way, end_way); AddWayToList (2, start_way);// The set of tentative nodes to be evaluated, initially containing the start node while (!CheckIfEmptyList (2)) { //Con_DPrintf("\n"); current = GetLowestFromOpenSet(); //Con_DPrintf("Pathfind current: %i, f_score: %f, g_score: %f\n", current, waypoints[current].f_score, waypoints[current].g_score); if (current == end_way) { Con_DPrintf("Pathfind goal reached\n"); reconstruct_path(start_way, end_way); return 1; } AddWayToList (1, current); RemoveWayFromList (2, current); for (i = 0;i < 8; i++) { //Con_DPrintf("Pathfind for start\n"); if (!waypoints[waypoints[current].target_id[i]].open) { //if (waypoints[current].target_id[i]) //Con_DPrintf("Pathfind for: %i, waypoints[waypoints[current].target_id[i]].open = %i, current = %i\n", waypoints[current].target_id[i], waypoints[waypoints[current].target_id[i]].open, current); continue; } tentative_g_score = waypoints[current].g_score + waypoints[current].dist[i]; tentative_f_score = tentative_g_score + heuristic_cost_estimate(waypoints[current].target_id[i], end_way); //Con_DPrintf("Pathfind for: %i, t_f_score: %f, t_g_score: %f\n", waypoints[current].target_id[i], tentative_f_score, tentative_g_score); //if (CheckIfWayInList (1, waypoints[current].target_id[i]) && tentative_f_score >= waypoints[waypoints[current].target_id[i]].f_score) if (CheckIfWayInList (1, waypoints[current].target_id[i]))//it was the above, but why do we care about this waypoint if it's already in the closed list? we never check 2 waypoints twice m8, the first iteration that we reach this waypoint is also the fastest way, so lets not EVER check it again. { //if (CheckIfWayInList (1, waypoints[current].target_id[i])) //Con_DPrintf("Pathfind: waypoint %i in closed list\n", waypoints[current].target_id[i]); continue; } if(tentative_f_score < waypoints[waypoints[current].target_id[i]].f_score) { //Con_DPrintf("Pathfind waypoint is better\n"); waypoints[waypoints[current].target_id[i]].g_score = tentative_g_score; waypoints[waypoints[current].target_id[i]].f_score = tentative_f_score; } if (!CheckIfWayInList (2, waypoints[current].target_id[i])) { //Con_DPrintf("Pathfind waypoint not in list\n"); waypoints[waypoints[current].target_id[i]].g_score = tentative_g_score; waypoints[waypoints[current].target_id[i]].f_score = tentative_f_score; waypoints[waypoints[current].target_id[i]].came_from = current; AddWayToList (2, waypoints[current].target_id[i]); //Con_DPrintf("Pathfind: %i added to the openset with waypoints[current].came_from = %i, current = %i\n", waypoints[current].target_id[i], waypoints[current].came_from, current); } } last_way = current; } return 0; } /* ================= Do_Pathfind float Do_Pathfind (entity zombie, entity target) ================= */ void Do_Pathfind (void) { float best_dist; float dist; int i, s, best, best_target; trace_t trace; edict_t *ent; edict_t *zombie; int entnum; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); best = 0; Con_DPrintf("Starting Do_Pathfind\n"); //we first need to look for closest point for both zombie and the player zombie = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0); ent = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM1); best_dist = 1000000000; dist = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_WAYPOINTS; i++) { if (waypoints[i].used && waypoints[i].open) { trace = SV_Move (zombie->v.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, waypoints[i].origin, 1, zombie); if (trace.fraction >= 1) { dist = VecLength2(waypoints[i].origin, zombie->v.origin); if(dist < best_dist) { best_dist = dist; best = i; } } } } best_dist = 1000000000; dist = 0; best_target = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_WAYPOINTS; i++) { if (waypoints[i].used && waypoints[i].open) { trace = SV_Move (ent->v.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, waypoints[i].origin, 1, ent); if (trace.fraction >= 1) { dist = VecLength2(waypoints[i].origin, ent->v.origin); if(dist < best_dist) { best_dist = dist; best_target = i; } } } } Con_DPrintf("Starting waypoint: %i, Ending waypoint: %i\n", best, best_target); if (Pathfind(best, best_target)) { for (i = 0; i < MaxZombies; i++) { if (entnum == zombie_list[i].zombienum) { for (s = 0; s < MAX_WAYPOINTS; s++) { zombie_list[i].pathlist[s] = proces_list[s]; } break; } if (i == MaxZombies - 1)//zombie was not in list { for (i = 0; i < MaxZombies; i++) { if (!zombie_list[i].zombienum) { zombie_list[i].zombienum = entnum; for (s = 0; s < MAX_WAYPOINTS; s++) { zombie_list[i].pathlist[s] = proces_list[s]; } break; } } break; } } if(zombie_list[i].pathlist[2] == 0 && zombie_list[i].pathlist[1] != 0)//then we are at player's waypoint! { Con_DPrintf("We are at player's waypoint already!\n"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } Con_DPrintf("Path found!\n"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 1; } else { Con_DPrintf("Path not found!\n"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } } /* ================= Open_Waypoint void Open_Waypoint (string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string) ================= */ void Open_Waypoint (void) { int i, t; char *p = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); //Con_DPrintf("Open_Waypoint\n"); for (i = 1; i < MAX_WAYPOINTS; i++) { if (waypoints[i].special[0])//no need to open without tag { if (!strcmp(p, waypoints[i].special)) { waypoints[i].open = 1; //Con_DPrintf("Open_Waypoint: %i, opened\n", i); t = 1; } else continue; } } //if (t == 0) //{ //Con_DPrintf("Open_Waypoint: no waypoints opened\n"); //} } /* ================= Close_Waypoint void Close_Waypoint (string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string) moto - basically a carbon copy of open_waypoint lol ================= */ void Close_Waypoint (void) { int i, t; char *p = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); for (i = 1; i < MAX_WAYPOINTS; i++) { if (waypoints[i].special[0])//no need to open without tag { if (!strcmp(p, waypoints[i].special)) { waypoints[i].open = 0; t = 1; } else continue; } } } /* ================= Get_Waypoint_Near vector Get_Waypoint_Near (entity) ================= */ void Get_Waypoint_Near (void) { float best_dist; float dist; int i, best; trace_t trace; edict_t *ent; best = 0; Con_DPrintf("Starting Get_Waypoint_Near\n"); ent = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0); best_dist = 1000000000; dist = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_WAYPOINTS; i++) { if (waypoints[i].open) { trace = SV_Move (ent->v.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, waypoints[i].origin, 1, ent); dist = VecLength2(waypoints[i].origin, ent->v.origin); //Con_DPrintf("Waypoint: %i, distance: %f, fraction: %f\n", i, dist, trace.fraction); if (trace.fraction >= 1) { if(dist < best_dist) { best_dist = dist; best = i; } } } } Con_DPrintf("'%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f', %f is %f, (%i, %i)\n", waypoints[best].origin[0],waypoints[best].origin[1], waypoints[best].origin[2], best_dist, dist, i, best); VectorCopy (waypoints[best].origin, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } /* ================= Get_Next_Waypoint This function will return the next waypoint in zombies path and then remove it from the list vector Get_Next_Waypoint (entity) ================= */ void Get_Next_Waypoint (void) { int i, s; s = 0;//useless initialize, because compiler likes to yell at me int entnum; edict_t *ent;//blubs added vec3_t move; float *start,*mins, *maxs; int currentWay = 0; //int zomb = 0; int skippedWays = 0; move [0] = 0; move [1] = 0; move [2] = 0; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); ent = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0);//blubsadded start = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); mins = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); maxs = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3); mins[0] -= 2; mins[1] -= 2; maxs[0] += 2; maxs[1] += 2; for (i = 0; i < MaxZombies; i++) { if (entnum == zombie_list[i].zombienum) { for (s = MAX_WAYPOINTS - 1; s > -1; s--) { if (zombie_list[i].pathlist[s]) { zombie_list[i].pathlist[s] = 0;//This is get_next, so remove our current waypoint from the list. if(s == 1) { VectorCopy (move, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN));//we are at our last waypoint, so just return 0,0,0, this should never happen anyways, because we'll make pathfind return something else Con_Printf("Warning, only one waypoint in path!\n"); return; } s-= 1; currentWay = s;//We want the next waypoint break; } } break; } } //s is the index in our path, so if s == 1 if(s == -1 || s == 0) { //-1? //then that means only player was in path, this is just in case... //we are at our last waypoint, so just return 0,0,0, this should never happen anyways, because we'll make pathfind return something else //0? //only 1 waypoint left in path, we can't possibly smooth the path in this scenario. //next waypoint in any case is going to be player, so.... VectorCopy (move, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); return; } int iterations = 5;//that's how many segments per waypoint, pretty important number float Scale = 0.5; float curScale = 1; float Scalar = Scale; float TraceResult; vec3_t toAdd; vec3_t curStart; vec3_t temp; int q; VectorCopy(waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin,temp); VectorCopy(temp,move); while(1) { //Con_Printf("Main Vector Start: %f, %f, %f Vector End: %f, %f, %f\n",start[0],start[1],start[2],waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin[0],waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin[1],waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin[2]); TraceResult = TraceMove(start,mins,maxs,waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin,MOVE_NOMONSTERS,ent); if(TraceResult == 1) { VectorCopy(waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin,move); if(currentWay == 1)//we're at the end of the list, we better not go out of bounds, was 0, now 1, since 0 is for player index { break; } currentWay -= 1; skippedWays += 1; } else { if(skippedWays > 0) { VectorCopy(waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay + 1]].origin,temp); VectorCopy(temp,curStart); VectorSubtract(waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin,curStart,toAdd); for(q = 0;q < iterations; q++) { curScale *= Scalar; VectorScale(toAdd,curScale,temp); VectorAdd(temp,curStart,temp); TraceResult = TraceMove(start,mins,maxs,temp,MOVE_NOMONSTERS,ent); if(TraceResult ==1) { Scalar = Scale + 1; VectorCopy(temp,move); } else { Scalar = Scale; } } } break; } } Con_DPrintf("Get Next Way returns: list[%i], waypoint:%i\n",s,waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[s]]); //VectorCopy(waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[s]].origin,move); //for old get_next_way zombie_list[i].pathlist[s] = 0; //Con_Printf("Skipped %i waypoints, we're moving to the %f percentage in between 2 waypoints\n",skippedWays,curScale); //Con_DPrintf("'%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f'\n", move[0], move[1], move[2]); VectorCopy (move, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } /* ================= Get_First_Waypoint This function will return the waypoint waypoint in zombies path and then remove it from the list vector Get_First_Waypoint (entity) ================= */ void Get_First_Waypoint (void) { int i, s; s = 0;//useless initialize, because compiler likes to yell at me int entnum; edict_t *ent;//blubs added vec3_t move; float *start,*mins, *maxs; int currentWay = 0; //int zomb = 0; int skippedWays = 0; move [0] = 0; move [1] = 0; move [2] = 0; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); ent = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0);//blubsadded start = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); mins = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); maxs = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3); mins[0] -= 2; mins[1] -= 2; maxs[0] += 2; maxs[1] += 2; for (i = 0; i < MaxZombies; i++) { if (entnum == zombie_list[i].zombienum) { for (s = MAX_WAYPOINTS - 1; s > -1; s--) { if (zombie_list[i].pathlist[s]) { currentWay = s; break; } } break; } } if(s == 0) { //0? //currentway is player, just return world VectorCopy (move, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); return; } //1? only one way in list, we can't possibly smooth list when we only have one... int iterations = 5;//that's how many segments per waypoint, pretty important number float Scale = 0.5; float curScale = 1; float Scalar = Scale; float TraceResult; vec3_t toAdd; vec3_t curStart; vec3_t temp; int q; VectorCopy(waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin,temp); VectorCopy(temp,move); while(1) { //Con_Printf("Main Vector Start: %f, %f, %f Vector End: %f, %f, %f\n",start[0],start[1],start[2],waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin[0],waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin[1],waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin[2]); TraceResult = TraceMove(start,mins,maxs,waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin,MOVE_NOMONSTERS,ent); if(TraceResult == 1) { VectorCopy(waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin,move); if(currentWay == 1)//we're at the end of the list, we better not go out of bounds//was 0, now 1 since 0 is for enemy { break; } currentWay -= 1; skippedWays += 1; } else { if(skippedWays > 0) { VectorCopy(waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay + 1]].origin,temp); VectorCopy(temp,curStart); VectorSubtract(waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[currentWay]].origin,curStart,toAdd); for(q = 0;q < iterations; q++) { curScale *= Scalar; VectorScale(toAdd,curScale,temp); VectorAdd(temp,curStart,temp); //Con_Printf("subVector Start: %f, %f, %f Vector End: %f, %f, %f\n",start[0],start[1],start[2],temp[0],temp[1],temp[2]); TraceResult = TraceMove(start,mins,maxs,temp,MOVE_NOMONSTERS,ent); if(TraceResult ==1) { Scalar = Scale + 1; VectorCopy(temp,move); } else { Scalar = Scale; }//we need a way to go back to the other value if it doesn't work!, so lets work with temp, but RETURN a different value other than temp! } } break; } } Con_DPrintf("Get First Way returns: %i\n",s); //VectorCopy(waypoints[zombie_list[i].pathlist[s]].origin,move);//for old get_first_way zombie_list[i].pathlist[s] = 0; //Con_Printf("Skipped %i waypoints, we're moving to the %f percentage in between 2 waypoints\n",skippedWays,curScale); //Con_DPrintf("'%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f'\n", move[0], move[1], move[2]); VectorCopy (move, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } // 2001-09-20 QuakeC file access by FrikaC/Maddes start /* ================= PF_fopen float fopen (string,float) ================= */ void PF_fopen (void) { char *p = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); char *ftemp; int fmode = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); int h = 0, fsize = 0; switch (fmode) { case 0: // read Sys_FileOpenRead (va("%s/%s",com_gamedir, p), &h); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (float) h; return; case 1: // append -- this is nasty // copy whole file into the zone fsize = Sys_FileOpenRead(va("%s/%s",com_gamedir, p), &h); if (h == -1) { h = Sys_FileOpenWrite(va("%s/%s",com_gamedir, p)); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (float) h; return; } ftemp = Z_Malloc(fsize + 1); Sys_FileRead(h, ftemp, fsize); Sys_FileClose(h); // spit it back out h = Sys_FileOpenWrite(va("%s/%s",com_gamedir, p)); Sys_FileWrite(h, ftemp, fsize); Z_Free(ftemp); // free it from memory G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (float) h; // return still open handle return; default: // write h = Sys_FileOpenWrite (va("%s/%s", com_gamedir, p)); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (float) h; return; } } /* ================= PF_fclose void fclose (float) ================= */ void PF_fclose (void) { int h = (int)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); Sys_FileClose(h); } /* ================= PF_fgets string fgets (float) ================= */ void PF_fgets (void) { // reads one line (up to a \n) into a string int h; int i; int count; char buffer; char *s; s = PR_GetTempString(); h = (int)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); count = Sys_FileRead(h, &buffer, 1); if (count && buffer == '\r') // carriage return { count = Sys_FileRead(h, &buffer, 1); // skip } if (!count) // EndOfFile { Sys_FileClose(h); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = OFS_NULL; // void string return; } i = 0; while (count && buffer != '\n') { if (i < STRINGTEMP_LENGTH-1) // no place for character in temp string { s[i++] = buffer; } // read next character count = Sys_FileRead(h, &buffer, 1); if (count && buffer == '\r') // carriage return { count = Sys_FileRead(h, &buffer, 1); // skip } }; G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_SetEngineString(s); } /* ================= PF_fputs void fputs (float,string) ================= */ void PF_fputs (void) { // writes to file, like bprint float handle = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); char *str = PF_VarString(1); Sys_FileWrite (handle, str, strlen(str)); } // 2001-09-20 QuakeC file access by FrikaC/Maddes end /* ================= PF_strzone string strzone (string) ================= */ void PF_strzone (void) { char *m, *p; char *s; s = PR_GetTempString(); m = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); p = Z_Malloc(strlen(m) + 1); strcpy(p, m); strcpy(s, p); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_SetEngineString(s); } /* ================= PF_strunzone string strunzone (string) ================= */ void PF_strunzone (void) { // naievil -- no more. //Z_Free(G_STRING(OFS_PARM0)); pr_string_tempindex--; G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = OFS_NULL; // empty the def }; /* ================= PF_strtrim string strtrim (string) ================= */ void PF_strtrim (void) { char *m; m = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); char *c; char *s; c = m; while (c != '\0' && *c == ' ') c++; m = c; c = m + strlen (m) - 1; while (c >= m) { if (*c == ' ') *c = '\0'; else break; c--; } s = PR_GetTempString(); strcpy(s, m); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_SetEngineString(s); }; /* ================= PF_strlen float strlen (string) ================= */ void PF_strlen (void) { char *p = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = strlen(p); } /* ================= PF_substring string substring (string, float, float) ================= */ void PF_substring (void) { int offset, length; int maxoffset; char *p; char *s; s = PR_GetTempString(); p = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); offset = (int)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); // for some reason, Quake doesn't like G_INT length = (int)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); // cap values maxoffset = strlen(p); if (offset > maxoffset) { offset = maxoffset; } if (offset < 0) offset = 0; if (length >= STRINGTEMP_LENGTH) length = STRINGTEMP_LENGTH-1; if (length < 0) length = 0; p += offset; strncpy(s, p, length); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_SetEngineString(s); } /* ================= PF_strcat string strcat (string, string) ================= */ char M_pr_string_temp[STRINGTEMP_LENGTH]; // 2001-10-25 Enhanced temp string handling by Maddes static void PF_strcat (void) { char *s1, *s2, *s; int maxlen; // 2001-10-25 Enhanced temp string handling by Maddes s1 = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); s2 = G_STRING(OFS_PARM1); s = PR_GetTempString(); // 2001-10-25 Enhanced temp string handling by Maddes start M_pr_string_temp[0] = 0; if (strlen(s1) < STRINGTEMP_LENGTH) { strcpy(M_pr_string_temp, s1); } else { strncpy(M_pr_string_temp, s1, STRINGTEMP_LENGTH); M_pr_string_temp[STRINGTEMP_LENGTH-1] = 0; } maxlen = STRINGTEMP_LENGTH - strlen(M_pr_string_temp) - 1; // -1 is EndOfString if (maxlen > 0) { if (maxlen > strlen(s2)) { strcat (M_pr_string_temp, s2); } else { strncat (M_pr_string_temp, s2, maxlen); M_pr_string_temp[STRINGTEMP_LENGTH-1] = 0; } } strcpy(s, M_pr_string_temp); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_SetEngineString(s); } /* ================= PF_stof float stof (string) ================= */ // thanks Zoid, taken from QuakeWorld void PF_stof (void) { char *s; s = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = atof(s); } /* ================= PF_stov vector stov (string) ================= */ void PF_stov (void) { char *v; int i; vec3_t d; v = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); for (i=0; i<3; i++) { while(v && (v[0] == ' ' || v[0] == '\'')) //skip unneeded data v++; d[i] = atof(v); while (v && v[0] != ' ') // skip to next space v++; } VectorCopy (d, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } /* ================= PF_tokenize float tokenize (string) = #441 ================= */ //KRIMZON_SV_PARSECLIENTCOMMAND added both of these // refined to work on psp on 2017-DEC-09 // ...and then again on switch on 2019-MAY-03 void PF_tokenize (void) { char *m = G_STRING(OFS_PARM0); Cmd_TokenizeString(m); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Cmd_Argc(); }; /* ================= PF_argv string argv (float num) = #442 ================= */ void PF_ArgV (void) { char tempc[256]; char *s; s = PR_GetTempString(); strcpy(tempc, Cmd_Argv(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0))); strcpy(s, tempc); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_SetEngineString(s); } #ifdef VITA /* ================= PF_rumble void rumble (float,float) ================= */ void PF_rumble (void) { // writes to file, like bprint float intensity_small = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); float intensity_large = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); float duration = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); IN_StartRumble(intensity_small, intensity_large, duration); } #endif static builtin_t pr_builtin[] = { PF_Fixme, PF_makevectors, // void(entity e) makevectors = #1 PF_setorigin, // void(entity e, vector o) setorigin = #2 PF_setmodel, // void(entity e, string m) setmodel = #3 PF_setsize, // void(entity e, vector min, vector max) setsize = #4 PF_Fixme, // void(entity e, vector min, vector max) setabssize = #5 PF_break, // void() break = #6 PF_random, // float() random = #7 PF_sound, // void(entity e, float chan, string samp) sound = #8 PF_normalize, // vector(vector v) normalize = #9 PF_error, // void(string e) error = #10 PF_objerror, // void(string e) objerror = #11 PF_vlen, // float(vector v) vlen = #12 PF_vectoyaw, // float(vector v) vectoyaw = #13 PF_Spawn, // entity() spawn = #14 PF_Remove, // void(entity e) remove = #15 PF_traceline, // float(vector v1, vector v2, float tryents) traceline = #16 PF_checkclient, // entity() clientlist = #17 PF_Find, // entity(entity start, .string fld, string match) find = #18 PF_precache_sound, // void(string s) precache_sound = #19 PF_precache_model, // void(string s) precache_model = #20 PF_stuffcmd, // void(entity client, string s)stuffcmd = #21 PF_findradius, // entity(vector org, float rad) findradius = #22 PF_bprint, // void(string s) bprint = #23 PF_sprint, // void(entity client, string s) sprint = #24 PF_dprint, // void(string s) dprint = #25 PF_ftos, // void(string s) ftos = #26 PF_vtos, // void(string s) vtos = #27 PF_coredump, PF_traceon, PF_traceoff, PF_eprint, // void(entity e) debug print an entire entity PF_walkmove, // float(float yaw, float dist) walkmove PF_updateLimb, // #33 PF_droptofloor, // #34 PF_lightstyle, // #35 PF_rint, // #36 PF_floor, // #37 PF_ceil, // #38 PF_Fixme, // #39 PF_checkbottom, // #40 PF_pointcontents, // #41 PF_Fixme, // #42 PF_fabs, // #43 PF_aim, // #44 PF_cvar, // #45 PF_localcmd, // #46 PF_nextent, // #47 PF_particle, // #48 PF_changeyaw, // #49 PF_GetSoundLen, // #50 sB fixed :) PF_vectoangles, // #51 PF_WriteByte, // #52 PF_WriteChar, // #53 PF_WriteShort, // #54 PF_WriteLong, // #55 PF_WriteCoord, // #56 PF_WriteAngle, // #57 PF_WriteString, // #58 PF_WriteEntity, // #59 PF_Fixme, // #60 PF_Fixme, // #61 PF_Fixme, // #62 PF_Fixme, // #63 PF_Fixme, // #64 PF_etos, // #65 PF_Fixme, // #66 SV_MoveToGoal, // #67 PF_precache_file, // #68 PF_makestatic, // #69 PF_changelevel, // #70 SV_MoveToOrigin, // #71 PF_cvar_set, // #72 PF_centerprint, // #73 PF_ambientsound, // #74 PF_precache_model, // #75 PF_precache_sound, // #76 precache_sound2 is different only for qcc PF_precache_file, // #77 PF_setspawnparms, // #78 PF_achievement, // #79 NULL, // #80 PF_stof, // #81 NULL, // #82 Get_Waypoint_Near, // #83 Do_Pathfind, // #84 Open_Waypoint, // #85 Get_Next_Waypoint, // #86 PF_useprint, // #87 Get_First_Waypoint, // #88 Close_Waypoint, // #89 PF_tracebox, // #90 NULL, // #91 NULL, // #92 NULL, // #93 NULL, // #94 NULL, // #95 NULL, // #96 NULL, // #97 PF_FindFloat, // #98 PF_tracemove, // #99 sB reenabled NULL, // #100 NULL, // #101 NULL, // #102 NULL, // #103 NULL, // #104 NULL, // #105 NULL, // #106 NULL, // #107 NULL, // #108 NULL, // #109 PF_fopen, // #110 PF_fclose, // #111 PF_fgets, // #112 PF_fputs, // #113 PF_strlen, // #114 PF_strcat, // #115 PF_substring, // #116 PF_stov, // #117 PF_strzone, // #118 PF_strunzone, // #119 PF_strtrim, // #120 NULL, // #121 NULL, // #122 NULL, // #123 NULL, // #124 NULL, // #125 NULL, // #126 NULL, // #127 NULL, // #128 NULL, // #129 PF_tokenize, // #130 PF_ArgV, // #131 #ifdef VITA PF_rumble // #132 #endif }; builtin_t *pr_builtins = pr_builtin; int pr_numbuiltins = sizeof(pr_builtin)/sizeof(pr_builtin[0]);