mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 20:51:22 +00:00
Adds bezier vector lerp util function Adds drawing of test ent in traversal editor Adds framedefs for zombie lerp anim Updates framedefs for zombie from removing frame 160
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3712 lines
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// ============================================================================
// Navmesh editing functions
// ============================================================================
int *selected_verts;
float selected_vert_count;
navmesh_vertex *cl_navmesh_verts;
float cl_navmesh_vert_count;
navmesh_poly *cl_navmesh_polies;
float cl_navmesh_poly_count;
navmesh_traversal *cl_navmesh_traversals;
float cl_navmesh_traversal_count;
float cl_navmesh_selected_traversal;
float cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode;
float cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point;
// float selected_verts[NAV_MAX_SELECTED_VERTS];
// float selected_vert_count;
// navmesh_vertex cl_navmesh_verts[NAV_MAX_VERTS];
// float cl_navmesh_vert_count;
// navmesh_poly cl_navmesh_polies[NAV_MAX_POLIES];
// float cl_navmesh_poly_count;
float cl_navmesh_place_corner_state;
// Declarations
void(vector pos, vector scale, vector color, float alpha) cl_navmesh_draw_test_ent;
float(vector pos, float poly_index) cl_navmesh_is_inside_poly;
void() cl_navmesh_delete_verts;
void(float poly_index) cl_navmesh_delete_poly_at_index;
float(vector pos) cl_navmesh_get_containing_poly;
//This is for placing a temp entity to test the pathfinding
vector goalent_pos;
float goalent_set;
vector startent_pos;
float startent_set;
void cl_navmesh_draw_box(vector pos,vector size, vector color, float alpha) {
//Assigning the shader as something else so that fte doesn't batch the calls (leading to colors not changing between draw calls)
// Size is radius:
size = size * 0.5;
//bottom face
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [-size.x,size.y,-size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [size.x,size.y,-size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [size.x,-size.y,-size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [-size.x,-size.y,-size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
//Top face
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [-size.x,size.y,size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [size.x,size.y,size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [size.x,-size.y,size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [-size.x,-size.y,size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
//Front face
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [-size.x,-size.y,-size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [size.x,-size.y,-size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [size.x,-size.y,size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [-size.x,-size.y,size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
//Back face
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [-size.x,size.y,-size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [size.x,size.y,-size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [size.x,size.y,size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [-size.x,size.y,size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
//Left face
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [-size.x,-size.y,-size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [-size.x,size.y,-size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [-size.x,size.y,size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [-size.x,-size.y,size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
//Right face
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [size.x,-size.y,-size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [size.x,size.y,-size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [size.x,size.y,size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [size.x,-size.y,size.z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
void cl_navmesh_draw_vert(vector pos,vector color, float alpha) {
cl_navmesh_draw_box(pos, [4,4,4], color, alpha);
void cl_navmesh_draw_plane(vector pos, vector nor, float size, vector color, float alpha) {
//Assigning the shader as something else so that fte doesn't batch the calls (leading to colors not changing between draw calls)
vector nor_angles = vectoangles(nor);
vector tl = pos + (-v_right + v_up) * size;
vector tr = pos + ( v_right + v_up) * size;
vector bl = pos + (-v_right - v_up) * size;
vector br = pos + ( v_right - v_up) * size;
// Front face
R_PolygonVertex(bl, [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(br, [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(tr, [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(tl, [0,0,0], color,alpha);
// Back face -- not needed when backface culling is disabled
// R_PolygonVertex(bl, [0,0,0], color,alpha);
// R_PolygonVertex(tl, [0,0,0], color,alpha);
// R_PolygonVertex(tr, [0,0,0], color,alpha);
// R_PolygonVertex(br, [0,0,0], color,alpha);
// R_EndPolygon();
void cl_navmesh_draw_line(vector start, vector end, float edge_width, vector color, float alpha) {
R_PolygonVertex(end + [0,0,-edge_width], [0,0,0], color, alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(end + [0,0,edge_width], [0,0,0], color, alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(start + [0,0,edge_width], [0,0,0], color, alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(start + [0,0,-edge_width], [0,0,0], color, alpha);
void cl_navmesh_draw_edge(vector start, vector end, vector color, float alpha) {
void cl_navmesh_draw_quad(vector a, vector b, vector c, vector d, vector color, float alpha, int draw_edges) {
//Assigning the shader as something else so that fte doesn't batch the calls (leading to colors not changing between draw calls)
R_PolygonVertex(a, [0,0,0], color, alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(b, [0,0,0], color, alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(c, [0,0,0], color, alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(d, [0,0,0], color, alpha);
//Drawing polygon border
if(draw_edges == TRUE) {
vector border_color = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5];
float border_alpha = 0.2;
cl_navmesh_draw_edge(a,b, border_color, border_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_edge(b,c, border_color, border_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_edge(c,d, border_color, border_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_edge(d,a, border_color, border_alpha);
// Draws a 3D line using a box
void cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(vector start, vector end, float edge_width, vector color, float alpha) {
// drawline(edge_width, start, end, color, alpha, drawflag???);
// return;
vector v_f = normalize(end - start);
vector v_r = normalize(crossproduct(v_f, '0 0 1'));
vector v_u = normalize(crossproduct(v_r, v_f));
// Special degenerate case: v_f is straight up
if(end.x == start.x && end.y == start.y) {
v_f = '0 0 1';
v_r = '1 0 0';
v_u = '0 1 0';
// 4 corners around start
vector start_bl = start + edge_width * (-v_r - v_u);
vector start_br = start + edge_width * ( v_r - v_u);
vector start_tr = start + edge_width * ( v_r + v_u);
vector start_tl = start + edge_width * (-v_r + v_u);
// 4 corners around end
vector end_bl = end + edge_width * (-v_r - v_u);
vector end_br = end + edge_width * ( v_r - v_u);
vector end_tr = end + edge_width * ( v_r + v_u);
vector end_tl = end + edge_width * (-v_r + v_u);
cl_navmesh_draw_quad(start_bl, start_br, start_tr, start_tl, color, alpha, false); // Start quad
cl_navmesh_draw_quad(start_tr, end_tr, end_tl, start_tl, color, alpha, false); // Top quad
cl_navmesh_draw_quad(start_br, end_br, end_bl, start_bl, color, alpha, false); // Bottom quad
cl_navmesh_draw_quad(start_br, end_br, end_tr, start_tr, color, alpha, false); // Right quad
cl_navmesh_draw_quad(start_bl, end_bl, end_tl, start_tl, color, alpha, false); // Left quad
cl_navmesh_draw_quad(end_bl, end_tl, end_tr, end_br, color, alpha, false); // End quad
void cl_navmesh_draw_tri(vector a, vector b, vector c, vector color, float alpha, int draw_edges) {
//Assigning the shader as something else so that fte doesn't batch the calls (leading to colors not changing between draw calls)
R_PolygonVertex(a, [0,0,0], color, alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(b, [0,0,0], color, alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(c, [0,0,0], color, alpha);
//Drawing polygon border
if(draw_edges == TRUE)
vector border_color = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5];
float border_alpha = 0.2;
cl_navmesh_draw_edge(a,b, border_color, border_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_edge(b,c, border_color, border_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_edge(c,a, border_color, border_alpha);
void cl_navmesh_draw_poly(float poly_index) {
vector face_color = [0.2,0.8,0.2];
float face_alpha = 0.1;
vector a = cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].verts[0]].pos;
vector b = cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].verts[1]].pos;
vector c = cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].verts[2]].pos;
// Draw door polygons as red
if(cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].doortarget != "") {
face_color = [0.8,0.2,0.2];
if(cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].vert_count == 3) {
else {
vector d = cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].verts[3]].pos;
// Calculates world-space coordinate of traversal endpoint
vector cl_navmesh_get_traversal_midpoint_pos(float traversal_index) {
vector start_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].start_pos;
vector midpoint_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].midpoint_pos;
// vector end_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].end_pos;
float angle = cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].angle;
// Midpoint / endpoint pos are relative to start_pos:
makevectors([0, angle, 0]);
midpoint_pos = start_pos + (v_right * midpoint_pos.x) + (v_forward * midpoint_pos.y) + (v_up * midpoint_pos.z);
// end_pos = start_pos + (v_right * end_pos.x) + (v_forward * end_pos.y) + (v_up * end_pos.z);
return midpoint_pos;
// Calculates world-space coordinate of traversal midpoint
vector cl_navmesh_get_traversal_end_pos(float traversal_index) {
vector start_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].start_pos;
// vector midpoint_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].midpoint_pos;
vector end_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].end_pos;
float angle = cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].angle;
// Midpoint / endpoint pos are relative to start_pos:
makevectors([0, angle, 0]);
// midpoint_pos = start_pos + (v_right * midpoint_pos.x) + (v_forward * midpoint_pos.y) + (v_up * midpoint_pos.z);
end_pos = start_pos + (v_right * end_pos.x) + (v_forward * end_pos.y) + (v_up * end_pos.z);
return end_pos;
void cl_navmesh_draw_traversal(float traversal_index) {
vector start_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].start_pos;
vector midpoint_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].midpoint_pos;
vector end_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].end_pos;
float angle = cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].angle;
// Midpoint / endpoint pos are relative to start_pos:
makevectors([0, angle, 0]);
midpoint_pos = start_pos + (v_right * midpoint_pos.x) + (v_forward * midpoint_pos.y) + (v_up * midpoint_pos.z);
end_pos = start_pos + (v_right * end_pos.x) + (v_forward * end_pos.y) + (v_up * end_pos.z);
vector active_color = '0 1 1';
vector inactive_color = '0.5 0 0';
vector edge_color = '0.8 0.8 0.8';
float active_alpha = 0.4;
float inactive_alpha = 0.2;
float edge_alpha = 0.3;
float edge_width = 0.1;
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal != traversal_index) {
active_alpha = 0.4;
inactive_alpha = 0.0;
edge_alpha = 0.4;
edge_color = '0 0.2 0.5';
active_color = '0 0.2 0.5';
cl_navmesh_draw_box(start_pos, [4,4,4], active_color, 0.8);
cl_navmesh_draw_box(end_pos, [4,4,4], active_color, 0.8);
if(cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].use_midpoint) {
cl_navmesh_draw_box(midpoint_pos, [4,4,4], active_color, active_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(start_pos, midpoint_pos, edge_width, edge_color, active_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(midpoint_pos, end_pos, edge_width, edge_color, edge_alpha);
else {
cl_navmesh_draw_box(midpoint_pos, [4,4,4], inactive_color, inactive_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(start_pos, end_pos, edge_width, edge_color, edge_alpha);
// Draw arrows along edge:
vector arrow_pos;
float arrowhead_length = 2;
vector v_f;
vector v_r;
vector v_u;
float inc = 0.09;
float start = inc * (time % 1.0);
for(float t = start; t <= 1.0; t += inc) {
if(cl_navmesh_traversals[traversal_index].use_midpoint) {
if(t < 0.5) {
arrow_pos = start_pos + 2.0 * t * (midpoint_pos - start_pos);
v_f = normalize(midpoint_pos - start_pos);
v_r = normalize(crossproduct(v_f, '0 0 1'));
v_u = normalize(crossproduct(v_r, v_f));
else {
arrow_pos = midpoint_pos + 2.0 * (t - 0.5) * (end_pos - midpoint_pos);
v_f = normalize(end_pos - midpoint_pos);
v_r = normalize(crossproduct(v_f, '0 0 1'));
v_u = normalize(crossproduct(v_r, v_f));
else {
arrow_pos = start_pos + t * (end_pos - start_pos);
v_f = normalize(end_pos - start_pos);
v_r = normalize(crossproduct(v_f, '0 0 1'));
v_u = normalize(crossproduct(v_r, v_f));
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(arrow_pos, arrow_pos + arrowhead_length * (-v_f - v_r), edge_width, edge_color, edge_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(arrow_pos, arrow_pos + arrowhead_length * (-v_f + v_r), edge_width, edge_color, edge_alpha);
// Traversal edit mode modifications:
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal == traversal_index) {
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode) {
vector pos = '0 0 0';
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point == 0) {
pos = start_pos;
else if(cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point == 1) {
pos = midpoint_pos;
else if(cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point == 2) {
pos = end_pos;
float g = 2; // gap from center
float l = 1.5; // line length
vector select_color = '1 1 0';
float select_width = 0.1; // line width
float select_alpha = 0.8;
// FTL
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [-g, -g, g], pos + [-g, -g, g] + [l,0,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [-g, -g, g], pos + [-g, -g, g] + [0,l,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [-g, -g, g], pos + [-g, -g, g] + [0,0,-l] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
// FTR
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [g, -g, g], pos + [g, -g, g] + [-l,0,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [g, -g, g], pos + [g, -g, g] + [0,l,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [g, -g, g], pos + [g, -g, g] + [0,0,-l] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
// BTL
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [-g, g, g], pos + [-g, g, g] + [l,0,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [-g, g, g], pos + [-g, g, g] + [0,-l,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [-g, g, g], pos + [-g, g, g] + [0,0,-l] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
// BTR
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [g, g, g], pos + [g, g, g] + [-l,0,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [g, g, g], pos + [g, g, g] + [0,-l,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [g, g, g], pos + [g, g, g] + [0,0,-l] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
// FBL
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [-g, -g, -g], pos + [-g, -g, -g] + [l,0,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [-g, -g, -g], pos + [-g, -g, -g] + [0,l,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [-g, -g, -g], pos + [-g, -g, -g] + [0,0,l] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
// FBR
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [g, -g, -g], pos + [g, -g, -g] + [-l,0,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [g, -g, -g], pos + [g, -g, -g] + [0,l,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [g, -g, -g], pos + [g, -g, -g] + [0,0,l] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
// BBL
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [-g, g, -g], pos + [-g, g, -g] + [l,0,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [-g, g, -g], pos + [-g, g, -g] + [0,-l,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [-g, g, -g], pos + [-g, g, -g] + [0,0,l] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
// BBR
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [g, g, -g], pos + [g, g, -g] + [-l,0,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [g, g, -g], pos + [g, g, -g] + [0,-l,0] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line_3d(pos + [g, g, -g], pos + [g, g, -g] + [0,0,l] , select_width, select_color, select_alpha);
float cl_navmesh_is_vert_selected(float vert_index)
for(float i = 0; i < selected_vert_count; i++)
if(selected_verts[i] == vert_index)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void() cl_navmesh_pathfind_draw_result_path;
void() cl_navmesh_pathfind_draw_result_portals;
void() cl_navmesh_pathfind_draw_result_point_path;
entity cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent;
void cl_navmesh_draw_traversal_test_ent() {
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal == -1) {
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent == world) {
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent = spawn();
setmodel(cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent, "models/ai/zfull.mdl");
float traversal_speed_scale = 1.0; // 4x slower
float lerp_frac = (time * traversal_speed_scale) % 1.0;
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.angles.y = cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].angle;
makevectors([0, cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].angle, 0]);
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.drawmask = MASK_ENGINE;
vector start_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].start_pos;
vector end_pos = cl_navmesh_get_traversal_end_pos(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal);
// cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.origin = start_pos + lerp_frac * (end_pos - start_pos);
float trav_state_a_dur;
float trav_state_b_dur;
float trav_state_c_dur;
float lerp_subfrac;
float ent_framenum;
float ent_frametime = 0.1;
// TODO - Detect traversal type
// string traversal_type = "ledge";
string traversal_type = "leap";
if(traversal_type == "ledge") {
vector ledge_pos;
float traversal_height = end_pos.z - start_pos.z;
if(traversal_height < 0) {
trav_state_a_dur = min(-traversal_height * (0.35 / 100.0), 2.0);
trav_state_b_dur = 6*ent_frametime * 0.5; // double-speed
lerp_frac *= (trav_state_a_dur + trav_state_b_dur);
if(lerp_frac < trav_state_a_dur) {
lerp_subfrac = lerp_frac / (trav_state_a_dur);
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.origin = lerp_vector(start_pos, end_pos, lerp_subfrac * lerp_subfrac);
ent_framenum = 150 + lerp_subfrac*4;
else {
lerp_subfrac = (lerp_frac - (trav_state_a_dur)) / trav_state_b_dur;
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.origin = end_pos;
ent_framenum = 154 + lerp_subfrac*6;
else if(traversal_height < 98) {
ledge_pos = end_pos - '0 0 85' - v_forward * 28;
trav_state_a_dur = 3*ent_frametime;
trav_state_b_dur = 11*ent_frametime;
lerp_frac *= trav_state_a_dur + trav_state_b_dur;
// Play low jump anim (frames 163-165)
if(lerp_frac < trav_state_a_dur) {
lerp_subfrac = lerp_frac / (trav_state_a_dur);
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.origin = lerp_vector(start_pos, ledge_pos, lerp_subfrac);
ent_framenum = 163 + lerp_subfrac * 6;
// Lerp to endpos, play low climb anim (frames 170-180)
else {
lerp_subfrac = (lerp_frac - (trav_state_a_dur)) / trav_state_b_dur;
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.origin = lerp_vector(ledge_pos, end_pos, lerp_subfrac);
ent_framenum = 170 + lerp_subfrac * 10;
else {
// Traversal states:
ledge_pos = end_pos - '0 0 98' - v_forward * 28;
trav_state_a_dur = 6*ent_frametime;
trav_state_b_dur = 0.15;
trav_state_c_dur = 14*ent_frametime;
lerp_frac *= trav_state_a_dur + trav_state_b_dur + trav_state_c_dur;
// Play jump anim (frames 160-166)
if(lerp_frac < trav_state_a_dur) {
lerp_subfrac = lerp_frac / (trav_state_a_dur);
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.origin = start_pos;
ent_framenum = 160 + lerp_subfrac * 6;
// Lerp to ledge pos
else if(lerp_frac < trav_state_a_dur + trav_state_b_dur) {
lerp_subfrac = (lerp_frac - (trav_state_a_dur)) / trav_state_b_dur;
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.origin = lerp_vector(start_pos, ledge_pos, lerp_subfrac);
ent_framenum = 166 + lerp_subfrac * 1;
// Lerp to endpos, play climb anim (frames 167-180)
else {
lerp_subfrac = (lerp_frac - (trav_state_a_dur + trav_state_b_dur)) / trav_state_c_dur;
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.origin = lerp_vector(ledge_pos, end_pos, lerp_subfrac);
ent_framenum = 167 + lerp_subfrac * 14;
else if(traversal_type == "leap") {
trav_state_a_dur = 5*ent_frametime; // Play anim (218-233)
trav_state_b_dur = 8*ent_frametime; // Play anim (233-241), lerp across gap
trav_state_c_dur = 5*ent_frametime; // Play anim (242-247)
lerp_frac *= (trav_state_a_dur + trav_state_b_dur + trav_state_c_dur);
lerp_subfrac = lerp_frac;
if(lerp_frac < trav_state_a_dur) {
lerp_subfrac = lerp_frac / (trav_state_a_dur);
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.origin = start_pos;
ent_framenum = 228 + lerp_subfrac * 5;
else if(lerp_frac < trav_state_a_dur + trav_state_b_dur) {
lerp_subfrac = (lerp_frac - (trav_state_a_dur)) / trav_state_b_dur;
vector midpoint_pos = cl_navmesh_get_traversal_midpoint_pos(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal);
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.origin = lerp_vector_bezier(start_pos, midpoint_pos, end_pos, lerp_subfrac);
ent_framenum = 233 + lerp_subfrac * 8;
else {
lerp_subfrac = (lerp_frac - (trav_state_a_dur + trav_state_b_dur)) / trav_state_c_dur;
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.origin = end_pos;
ent_framenum = 242 + lerp_subfrac * 5;
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.frame = floor(ent_framenum);
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.frame2 = floor(ent_framenum+ 1);
cl_navmesh_traversal_test_ent.lerpfrac = ent_framenum % 1.0;
void cl_navmesh_editor_draw() {
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_vert_count; i++) {
vector color = [0,0,1];
if(cl_navmesh_is_vert_selected(i)) {
color = [1,1,0];
cl_navmesh_draw_vert(cl_navmesh_verts[i].pos,color,0.4 );
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count; i++) {
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_traversal_count; i++) {
cl_navmesh_draw_test_ent(startent_pos, [1,1,1], [0,1,0], 0.4);
cl_navmesh_draw_test_ent(goalent_pos, [1,1,1], [1,0,0], 0.4);
// If a traversal is selected, draw a zombie being animated
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal != -1) {
//The following code block is for detecting and placing waypoints at bsp map corners
if(cl_navmesh_place_corner_state == NAVMESH_PLACE_CORNER_PLACING || cl_navmesh_place_corner_state == NAVMESH_PLACE_CORNER_CONFIRM) {
//vector vorg = getentity(player_localentnum, GE_ORIGIN);
//vector vorg = getviewprop(VF_ORIGIN) - VEC_VIEW_OFS;
vector vorg = getviewprop(VF_ORIGIN);
vector vang = getviewprop(VF_ANGLES);
vector vang_left1 = vang + [0,6,0];//Two degrees to the left
vector vang_left2 = vang + [0,5,0];//Three degrees to the left
vector vang_right1 = vang + [0,-6,0];//Two degrees to the right
vector vang_right2 = vang + [0,-5,0];//Three degrees to the right
vector vang_fwd = v_forward;
vector vang_left1_fwd = v_forward;
//Trace out to wall
tracebox(vorg,VEC_HULL_MIN,VEC_HULL_MAX,vorg+(vang_left1_fwd * 2000),1,self);
vector wall_hit_left1 = vorg+(vang_left1_fwd * 2000)*trace_fraction;
//Trace down to ground
tracebox(wall_hit_left1,VEC_HULL_MIN,VEC_HULL_MAX,wall_hit_left1+([0,0,-1] * 2000),1,self);
vector hit_left1 = wall_hit_left1 + (([0,0,-1] * 2000) * trace_fraction);
vector vang_left2_fwd = v_forward;
//Trace out to wall
tracebox(vorg,VEC_HULL_MIN,VEC_HULL_MAX,vorg+(vang_left2_fwd * 2000),1,self);
vector wall_hit_left2 = vorg+(vang_left2_fwd * 2000)*trace_fraction;
//Trace down to ground
tracebox(wall_hit_left2,VEC_HULL_MIN,VEC_HULL_MAX,wall_hit_left2+([0,0,-1] * 2000),1,self);
vector hit_left2 = wall_hit_left2 + (([0,0,-1] * 2000) * trace_fraction);
vector vang_right1_fwd = v_forward;
//Trace out to wall
tracebox(vorg,VEC_HULL_MIN,VEC_HULL_MAX,vorg+(vang_right1_fwd * 2000),1,self);
vector wall_hit_right1 = vorg+(vang_right1_fwd * 2000)*trace_fraction;
//Trace down to ground
tracebox(wall_hit_right1,VEC_HULL_MIN,VEC_HULL_MAX,wall_hit_right1+([0,0,-1] * 2000),1,self);
vector hit_right1 = wall_hit_right1 + (([0,0,-1] * 2000) * trace_fraction);
vector vang_right2_fwd = v_forward;
//Trace out to wall
tracebox(vorg,VEC_HULL_MIN,VEC_HULL_MAX,vorg+(vang_right2_fwd * 2000),1,self);
vector wall_hit_right2 = vorg+(vang_right2_fwd * 2000)*trace_fraction;
//Trace down to ground
tracebox(wall_hit_right2,VEC_HULL_MIN,VEC_HULL_MAX,wall_hit_right2+([0,0,-1] * 2000),1,self);
vector hit_right2 = wall_hit_right2 + (([0,0,-1] * 2000) * trace_fraction);
cl_navmesh_draw_vert(hit_left1, [0,0,1],0.4 );
cl_navmesh_draw_vert(hit_left2, [0,0,1],0.4 );
cl_navmesh_draw_vert(hit_right1, [0,0,1],0.4 );
cl_navmesh_draw_vert(hit_right2, [0,0,1],0.4 );
// Draw walls that we have hit (2 flat planes on the walls we hit)
vector up = [0,0,1];
vector left_wall_pos = (hit_left1 + hit_left2) * 0.5;
vector left_wall_nor = -1 * crossproduct(hit_left1 - hit_left2, up);
vector right_wall_pos = (hit_right1 + hit_right2) * 0.5;
vector right_wall_nor = -1 * crossproduct(hit_right1 - hit_right2, up);
cl_navmesh_draw_plane(left_wall_pos, left_wall_nor, 50, [0,1,1], 0.1);
cl_navmesh_draw_plane(right_wall_pos, right_wall_nor, 50, [1,0,1], 0.1);
//===================== Calculate the resolved vertex pos =======================
//This solution only works for 90 degree corners
//Line 1 extends from l1a in direction l1_dir
/*vector l1a;
l1a = hit_left2;
vector l1_dir = normalize(hit_left1 - l1a);
//The third point
vector p2 = hit_right1;
//Considering only l1_dir in the 2d plane of z=0
vector vert_loc;
vert_loc.z = l1a.z;
//Is the line vertical?
if(l1_dir.x == 0)//Is the line vertical?
vert_loc.x = l1a.x;
vert_loc.y = p2.y;
else if(l1_dir.y == 0)//Is the line horizontal?
vert_loc.x = p2.x;
vert_loc.y = l1a.y;
//Getting slope of line 1
float m = (hit_left1.y - hit_left2.y) / (hit_left1.x - hit_left2.x);
float x1 = p2.x - l1a.x;
float y1 = p2.y - l1a.y;
vert_loc.x = (x1 + m*y1)/(m*m + 1);
vert_loc.y = (-1/m) * (vert_loc.x-x1) + y1;
vert_loc.x += l1a.x;
vert_loc.y += l1a.y;*/
//This solution should work with any corner
//Line 1: hit_left1 -> hit_left2
//Line 2: hit_right1 -> hit_right2
vector vert_loc;
float skew = 0;
float horizontal = 1;
float vertical = 2;
float line_1_orient = skew;
float line_2_orient = skew;
//Check left wall is horizontal
if(hit_left1.y == hit_left2.y)
line_1_orient = horizontal;
//Check if the left wall is vertical
else if(hit_left1.x == hit_left2.x)
line_1_orient = vertical;
//Check if the right wall is horizontal
if(hit_right1.y == hit_right2.y)
line_2_orient = horizontal;
//Check if the right wall is vertical
else if(hit_right1.x == hit_right2.x)
line_2_orient = vertical;
//Checking if the lines are parallel and not skew
if(line_1_orient == line_2_orient && line_1_orient != skew)
if(cl_navmesh_place_corner_state == NAVMESH_PLACE_CORNER_CONFIRM)
print("Cannot place corner for parallel walls (there is no corner).\n");
cl_navmesh_place_corner_state = NAVMESH_PLACE_CORNER_PLACING;
//Checking other special cases
else if(line_1_orient == horizontal && line_2_orient == vertical)
vert_loc.x = hit_right1.x;
vert_loc.y = hit_left1.y;
else if(line_1_orient == vertical && line_2_orient == horizontal)
vert_loc.x = hit_left1.x;
vert_loc.y = hit_right1.y;
else if(line_1_orient == vertical)//line 2 is skew
vert_loc.x = hit_left1.x;
//Plugging in vert_loc.x into equation of line 2 to get vert_loc.y
//Slope of line 2
float m2_a = (hit_right2.y - hit_right1.y)/(hit_right2.x - hit_right1.x);
vert_loc.y = m2_a*(vert_loc.x - hit_right1.x) + hit_right1.y;
else if(line_2_orient == vertical)//line 1 is skew
vert_loc.x = hit_right1.x;
//P;ugging in vert_loc.x into equation of line 1 to get vert_loc.y
//Slope of line 1
float m1_a = (hit_left2.y - hit_left1.y)/(hit_left2.x - hit_left1.x);
vert_loc.y = m1_a*(vert_loc.x - hit_left1.x) + hit_left1.y;
else//Both lines are skew or horizontal
//Slope of line 1
float m1 = (hit_left2.y - hit_left1.y)/(hit_left2.x - hit_left1.x);
//Slope of line 2
float m2 = (hit_right2.y - hit_right1.y)/(hit_right2.x - hit_right1.x);
//Checking if the walls are parallel
if(m1 == m2)
if(cl_navmesh_place_corner_state == NAVMESH_PLACE_CORNER_CONFIRM)
print("Cannot place corner for skew parallel walls (there is no corner).\n");
cl_navmesh_place_corner_state = NAVMESH_PLACE_CORNER_PLACING;
//Resolving the corner vertex location (this is derived from the solution of the two lines)
vert_loc.x = ((m1 * hit_left1.x) - (m2 * hit_right1.x) + hit_right1.y - hit_left1.y) / (m1 - m2);
//Plugging in vert_loc.x to the equation of the first line to get vert_loc.y
vert_loc.y = m1*(vert_loc.x - hit_left1.x) + hit_left1.y;
//Placing the vert as the highest z-value
float highest_z = hit_left1.z;
if(hit_left2.z > highest_z)
highest_z = hit_left2.z;
if(hit_right1.z > highest_z)
highest_z = hit_right1.z;
if(hit_right2.z > highest_z)
highest_z = hit_right2.z;
vert_loc.z = highest_z;
//Traceboxing down from that vert position to get actual height
tracebox(vert_loc,VEC_HULL_MIN,VEC_HULL_MAX,vert_loc+([0,0,-1] * 2000),1,self);
vert_loc.z = vert_loc.z + (-2000 * trace_fraction);
//Render the resolved vertex pos
cl_navmesh_draw_vert(vert_loc, [1,1,0],0.4 );
// Draw a vertical line at the resolved vert pos:
cl_navmesh_draw_box(vert_loc, [0.5, 0.5, 120], [1,1,1], 0.05);
if(cl_navmesh_place_corner_state == NAVMESH_PLACE_CORNER_CONFIRM)
cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_vert_count].pos.x = vert_loc.x;
cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_vert_count].pos.y = vert_loc.y;
cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_vert_count].pos.z = vert_loc.z;
cl_navmesh_place_corner_state = 0;
//For using tracebox to place vertices
/*vector vorg = getviewprop(VF_ORIGIN);
vector vang = getviewprop(VF_ANGLES);
//v_forward, v_right, v_up
//Tracebox out from there
//Zombie dimensions
tracebox(vorg,[-8,-8,-32],[8,8,30],vorg+(v_forward * 2000),1,self);
//Tracebox down from there
vector vpos1 = vorg+(v_forward*2000)*trace_fraction;
cl_navmesh_draw_vert(vpos1, [0,0,1],0.4 );
tracebox(vpos1,[-8,-8,-32],[8,8,30],vpos1+([0,0,-1] * 2000),1,self);
vector vpos2 = vpos1+(([0,0,-1] * 2000) * trace_fraction);
cl_navmesh_draw_vert(vpos2, [1,1,0],0.4 );*/
//Tracebox down from there
//Places a vertex at player position
void cl_navmesh_place_vert()
if(cl_navmesh_vert_count >= NAV_MAX_VERTS)
print("Can't add vertex, max vert count has been reached.\n");
//Placing the vert at player origin
vector vert_pos = getentity(player_localentnum, GE_ORIGIN);
cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_vert_count].pos.x = vert_pos.x;
cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_vert_count].pos.y = vert_pos.y;
cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_vert_count].pos.z = vert_pos.z;
print("Vertex ");
print(" created at ", vtos(vert_pos),"\n");
//Deletes all selected vertices
void cl_navmesh_delete_verts()
if(selected_vert_count <= 0)
print("No vertices selected.\n");
for(float i = 0; i < selected_vert_count; i++)
float vert = selected_verts[i];
print("Deleting vert: ");
//Check if vertex is in any polygons, if so delete that polygon
for(float j = 0; j < cl_navmesh_poly_count; j++)
for(float k = 0; k < cl_navmesh_polies[j].vert_count; k++)
if(cl_navmesh_polies[j].verts[k] == vert)
j -= 1;
//Bringing all vertices down to not leave any holes in the array
//Moving down every index to the right of what we deselected to not leave any holes
for(float j = vert; j < cl_navmesh_vert_count - 1; j++)
cl_navmesh_verts[j].pos.x = cl_navmesh_verts[j+1].pos.x;
cl_navmesh_verts[j].pos.y = cl_navmesh_verts[j+1].pos.y;
cl_navmesh_verts[j].pos.z = cl_navmesh_verts[j+1].pos.z;
//Clearing the last one
cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_vert_count-1].pos = [0,0,0];
//Fixing references to verts in all polygons
for(float j = 0; j < cl_navmesh_poly_count; j++)
for(float k = 0; k < cl_navmesh_polies[j].vert_count; k++)
if(cl_navmesh_polies[j].verts[k] >= vert)
//Fixing references of selected verts
for(float j = i; j < selected_vert_count; j++)
if(selected_verts[j] >= vert)
selected_vert_count = 0;
for(float i = 0; i < NAV_MAX_SELECTED_VERTS; i++)
selected_verts[i] = -1;
//=================================== Navmesh vertex selection functions ===================================
//Returns index of the vertex that is nearest to the player
float cl_navmesh_get_nearest_vert()
if(cl_navmesh_vert_count <= 0)
return -1;
vector player_pos = getentity(player_localentnum, GE_ORIGIN);
float closest_dist = vlen(player_pos - cl_navmesh_verts[0].pos);
float closest_index = 0;
float temp_dist;
for(float i = 1; i < cl_navmesh_vert_count; i++)
temp_dist = vlen(player_pos - cl_navmesh_verts[i].pos);
if(temp_dist < closest_dist)
closest_dist = temp_dist;
closest_index = i;
return closest_index;
//Selects the nearest vertex
void cl_navmesh_select_vert()
if(selected_vert_count >= NAV_MAX_SELECTED_VERTS)
print("Can't select another vertex, max vertices selected.\n");
float vert = cl_navmesh_get_nearest_vert();
if(vert == -1)
print("No vertices to select");
print("Vert is already selected.\n");
print("Vertex ");
print(" selected.\n");
selected_verts[selected_vert_count++] = vert;
//Deselects the nearest vertex
void cl_navmesh_deselect_vert()
float vert = cl_navmesh_get_nearest_vert();
if(vert == -1)
print("No vertices to select.\n");
for(float i = 0; i < selected_vert_count; i++)
if(selected_verts[i] == vert)
print("Vertex ");
print(" deselected.\n");
// Clear selected vert
selected_verts[i] = -1;
//Moving down every index to the right of what we deselected to not leave any holes
for(float j = i; j < selected_vert_count - 1; j++)
selected_verts[j] = selected_verts[j+1];
selected_verts[selected_vert_count - 1] = -1;
print("Vertex is not selected.\n");
//Deselects all vertices
void cl_navmesh_deselect_all()
for(float i = 0; i < NAV_MAX_SELECTED_VERTS; i++)
selected_verts[i] = -1;
selected_vert_count = 0;
cl_navmesh_selected_traversal = -1;
cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode = false;
cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point = 0;
//print("All vertices deselected.\n");
// Returns the index of the currently selected polygon
// Otherwise, returns -1
int cl_navmesh_get_selected_poly()
//Check if this polygon already exists
float verts_selected[4];
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count; i++)
verts_selected[0] = FALSE;
verts_selected[1] = FALSE;
verts_selected[2] = FALSE;
verts_selected[3] = FALSE;
//Check each of the poly's verts
for(float j = 0; j < cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count; j++)
//Check each of our selected verts to see if they are in this polygon
for(float k = 0; k < selected_vert_count; k++)
if(cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[j] == selected_verts[k])
verts_selected[j] = TRUE;
//This poly vert was not selected
if(verts_selected[j] == FALSE)
if(cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count == 3)
if(verts_selected[0] == TRUE && verts_selected[1] == TRUE && verts_selected[2] == TRUE)
return i;
else if(cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count == 4)
if(verts_selected[0] == TRUE && verts_selected[1] == TRUE && verts_selected[2] == TRUE && verts_selected[3] == TRUE)
return i;
return -1;
void cl_navmesh_make_poly()
if(selected_vert_count < 3)
print("Not enough selected vertices to make a polygon (need 3).\n");
if(cl_navmesh_poly_count >= NAV_MAX_POLIES)
print("Max polygon count reached.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_get_selected_poly() != -1) {
print("This polygon already exists.\n");
//Sorting the verts so the polygon is build consecutively (i.e. vert 0 -> vert 1 is an edge, 1->2, 2->3, and 3->0 are all edges)
//Furthermore, this sorting will ensure the verts are sorted in a counter clockwise order, so we also apply it to tris
//Printing all polygon vertices
print("Selected Verts: [");
for(float j = 0; j < selected_vert_count; j++)
print("(",ftos(j),", ",ftos(selected_verts[j]),", ",vtos(cl_navmesh_verts[selected_verts[j]].pos),") , ");
//Calculating center of the polygon
local vector center = [0,0,0];
for(float j = 0; j < selected_vert_count; j++)
center += cl_navmesh_verts[selected_verts[j]].pos;
center /= selected_vert_count;
print("Center of selected polygon: ",vtos(center),".\n\n");
float vert_angle[NAV_MAX_SELECTED_VERTS];
//For suppressing uninitialised vert_angle compiler warning
vert_angle[0] = 0;
//Calculating vertex angles:
for(float j = 0; j < selected_vert_count; j++) {
//Calculating angle of vert
vert_angle[j] = atan2(cl_navmesh_verts[selected_verts[j]].pos.y - center.y,cl_navmesh_verts[selected_verts[j]].pos.x - center.x);
//Sorting from least to greatest
for(float j = 0; j < selected_vert_count; j++) {
//Finding lowest value from j to selected_vert_count
float lowest_value = vert_angle[j];
float lowest_index = j;
for(float k = j; k < selected_vert_count; k++) {
if(vert_angle[k] < lowest_value) {
lowest_value = vert_angle[k];
lowest_index = k;
//Swapping the lowest value with index j
float temp_angle = vert_angle[j];
vert_angle[j] = vert_angle[lowest_index];
vert_angle[lowest_index] = temp_angle;
float temp_vert = selected_verts[j];
selected_verts[j] = selected_verts[lowest_index];
selected_verts[lowest_index] = temp_vert;
//Vert angles
print("Sorted Verts: [");
for(float j = 0; j < selected_vert_count; j++) {
print("(",ftos(j),", ",ftos(selected_verts[j]),", ",vtos(cl_navmesh_verts[selected_verts[j]].pos),") ,");
print("Sorted Vert angles: [");
for(float j = 0; j < selected_vert_count; j++) {
print(", ",ftos(vert_angle[j]));
// Verify that the polygon is concave.
for(int i = 0; i < selected_vert_count; i++) {
vector prev_vert_pos = cl_navmesh_verts[selected_verts[(i + selected_vert_count - 1) % selected_vert_count]].pos;
vector vert_pos = cl_navmesh_verts[selected_verts[i]].pos;
vector next_vert_pos = cl_navmesh_verts[selected_verts[(i + 1) % selected_vert_count]].pos;
// For the polygon to be concave, next_vert _must_ be to the left of the line prev_vert -> vert
if(pathfind_point_is_to_left(prev_vert_pos, vert_pos, next_vert_pos) <= 0) {
print("Specified polygon is not concave.\n");
print("\tprev vert: ", ftos(selected_verts[(i + selected_vert_count - 1) % selected_vert_count]), "\n");
print("\tvert: ", ftos(selected_verts[(i) % selected_vert_count]), "\n");
print("\tnext vert: ", ftos(selected_verts[(i + 1) % selected_vert_count]), "\n");
for(float i = 0; i < selected_vert_count; i++)
cl_navmesh_polies[cl_navmesh_poly_count].verts[i] = selected_verts[i];
cl_navmesh_polies[cl_navmesh_poly_count].vert_count = selected_vert_count;
void cl_navmesh_delete_poly_at_index(float poly_index)
//Starting at this polygon, move every polygon after in the array down one (leave no holes in the array)
//Moving down every index to the right of what we deselected to not leave any holes
for(float i = poly_index; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count - 1; i++)
// Copy down the verts
cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count = cl_navmesh_polies[i+1].vert_count;
for(float j = 0; j < cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts.length; j++)
cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[j] = cl_navmesh_polies[i+1].verts[j];
// Copy down other fields:
cl_navmesh_polies[i].doortarget = cl_navmesh_polies[i+1].doortarget;
//Clear the last polygon in the list
cl_navmesh_polies[cl_navmesh_poly_count-1].vert_count = 0;
for(float j = 0; j < cl_navmesh_polies[cl_navmesh_poly_count-1].verts.length; j++)
cl_navmesh_polies[cl_navmesh_poly_count-1].verts[j] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[cl_navmesh_poly_count-1].doortarget = "";
void cl_navmesh_delete_poly()
float verts_selected[4];
float poly_index = -1;
//Find index of the polygon whose vertices are all selected
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count; i++)
verts_selected[0] = FALSE;
verts_selected[1] = FALSE;
verts_selected[2] = FALSE;
verts_selected[3] = FALSE;
//Check each of the poly's verts
for(float j = 0; j < cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count; j++)
//Check each of our selected verts to see if they are in this polygon
for(float k = 0; k < selected_vert_count; k++)
if(cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[j] == selected_verts[k])
verts_selected[j] = TRUE;
//This poly vert was not selected
if(verts_selected[j] == FALSE)
if(cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count == 3)
if(verts_selected[0] == TRUE && verts_selected[1] == TRUE && verts_selected[2] == TRUE)
poly_index = i;
else if(cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count == 4)
if(verts_selected[0] == TRUE && verts_selected[1] == TRUE && verts_selected[2] == TRUE && verts_selected[3] == TRUE)
poly_index = i;
if(poly_index == -1)
print("A polygon is not selected.\n");
print("Deleted polygon.\n");
//Treats 1st and 2nd selected verts as line 1, 3rd and 4th verts as line 2, places a new vertex at the intersection of these lines
void cl_navmesh_resolve_corner()
if(selected_vert_count < 3)
print("You need to select at least 3 vertices to resolve a corner.\n");
//Line 1 extends from l1a in direction l1_dir
vector l1a;
l1a = cl_navmesh_verts[selected_verts[0]].pos;
vector l1_dir = normalize(cl_navmesh_verts[selected_verts[1]].pos - l1a);
//The third point
vector p2 = cl_navmesh_verts[selected_verts[2]].pos;
//Considering only l1_dir in the 2d plane of z=0
vector vert_loc;
vert_loc.z = l1a.z;
//Is the line vertical?
if(l1_dir.x == 0)//Is the line vertical?
vert_loc.x = l1a.x;
vert_loc.y = p2.y;
else if(l1_dir.y == 0)//Is the line horizontal?
vert_loc.x = p2.x;
vert_loc.y = l1a.y;
//Getting slope of line 1
float m = l1_dir.y / l1_dir.x;
float x1 = p2.x - l1a.x;
float y1 = p2.y - l1a.y;
vert_loc.x = (x1 + m*y1)/(m*m + 1);
vert_loc.y = (-1/m) * (vert_loc.x-x1) + y1;
vert_loc.x += l1a.x;
vert_loc.y += l1a.y;
//Place a new vert at the location
cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_vert_count].pos.x = vert_loc.x;
cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_vert_count].pos.y = vert_loc.y;
cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_vert_count].pos.z = vert_loc.z;
print("Resolved corner with vertex ");
print(" at (");
print(" , ");
print(" , ");
void cl_navmesh_place_corner()
cl_navmesh_place_corner_state = NAVMESH_PLACE_CORNER_PLACING;
void cl_navmesh_cancel_corner()
cl_navmesh_place_corner_state = 0;
void cl_navmesh_confirm_corner()
if(cl_navmesh_place_corner_state == NAVMESH_PLACE_CORNER_PLACING)
cl_navmesh_place_corner_state = NAVMESH_PLACE_CORNER_CONFIRM;
void cl_navmesh_clear_connected_polies()
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count; i++)
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_count = 0;
for(float j = 0; j < 4; j++)
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies[j] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_left_vert[j] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_right_vert[j] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_neighbor_edge_index[j] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_traversals_count = 0;
for(float j = 0; j < NAV_MAX_POLY_TRAVERSALS; j++) {
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_traversals[j] = -1;
void cl_navmesh_calc_connected_polies() {
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count; i++) {
for(float j = i + 1; j < cl_navmesh_poly_count; j++) {
//Check if poly j shares an edge with poly i
//Edge case: where two opposite corners (two corners not on the same edge) of a quad are shared with another poly
//but this edge case is a result of terrible topology, so I will not consider it
//Check if poly j shares at least 2 vertices with poly i
//I'm not sure what sharing more than 2 verts means... but it's a result of bad topology, so I will not consider it
// if two quads share 4: they are the same -> bad topology
// if two quads share 3: one of them is convex, one is concave -> bad topology
// if a quad shares 3 with a tri: the tri is within the quad -> bad topology
// if two tris share 3: they are the same -> bad topology
float shared_vert_ids[2];
shared_vert_ids[0] = -1;
shared_vert_ids[1] = -1;
float poly_i_shared_verts_index[2]; // The index of the vert in the ith polygon's vertex list
float poly_j_shared_verts_index[2]; // The index of the vert in the ith polygon's vertex list
poly_i_shared_verts_index[0] = -1;
poly_i_shared_verts_index[1] = -1;
poly_j_shared_verts_index[0] = -1;
poly_j_shared_verts_index[1] = -1;
float verts_found = 0;
for(float k = 0; k < cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count; k++) {
for(float l = 0; l < cl_navmesh_polies[j].vert_count; l++) {
if(cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[k] == cl_navmesh_polies[j].verts[l]) {
//If we have found more verts than should be allowed, count them for error print
if(verts_found >= 2) {
shared_vert_ids[verts_found] = cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[k];
poly_i_shared_verts_index[verts_found] = k;
poly_j_shared_verts_index[verts_found] = l;
//Print a warning if more than 2, should be impossible
if(verts_found > 2) {
print("Warning: polygon ");
print(" shares ");
print(" vertices with polygon ");
print(". There is an issue somewhere.\n");
else if(verts_found == 2) {
//Setting the polygons as connected to each other
if(cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_count >= 4) {
print("Warning: polygon ");
print(" shares an edge with more than 4 other polygons.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_polies[j].connected_polies_count >= 4) {
print("Warning: polygon ");
print(" shares an edge with more than 4 other polygons.\n");
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies[cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_count] = j;
cl_navmesh_polies[j].connected_polies[cl_navmesh_polies[j].connected_polies_count] = i;
//Calculating shared edge left / right vertices
//Calculating from the perspective of moving from poly[i] to poly[j]
//Because polygon's vertices are stored in a ccw winding order:
//connected polygons must share two consecutive verts.
//the CCW winding of the triangle dictates that the next shared vertex is to the left of, and in the index after the first shared vertex
//i.e. of the two consecutive verts shard, the former is to the right, the latter is to the left
//if first one is a quad: shared edge must be, where the first index is right and second index is left
//3-0, 0-1, 1-2, 2-3
//if first one is a tri: shared edge must be, where the first index is right and second index is left
//2-0, 0-1, 1-2
//Two distinct cases:
//The index of second is one greater than the index of the first
//The index of the first is 0, and index of second is 2 or 3
// Sort the vertices to be from left to right when crossing from polygon i to j
// let a,b = poly_i_shared_verts_index
// 0 ---------- 3
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// 1 ---------- 2
// Possible Values:
// b = 0 b = 1 b = 2 b = 3
// a = 0 X B F F
// a = 1 F X B X
// a = 2 B F X B
// a = 3 B X F X
// F -- Forward (a is left vert, b is right vert)
// B -- Backward (a is right vert, b is left vert)
// X -- Can't happen
// if(a == (b + 1) % poly_i_vert_count)
if(poly_i_shared_verts_index[0] == (poly_i_shared_verts_index[1] + 1) % cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count) {
// poly_i_shared_verts_index[0] denotes the left vertex when crossing from i to j
// poly_i_shared_verts_index[1] denotes the right vertex when crossing from i to j
// Do nothing
else {
// Flip the vert lists so the above is true.
float temp;
temp = shared_vert_ids[0];
shared_vert_ids[0] = shared_vert_ids[1];
shared_vert_ids[1] = temp;
temp = poly_i_shared_verts_index[0];
poly_i_shared_verts_index[0] = poly_i_shared_verts_index[1];
poly_i_shared_verts_index[1] = temp;
temp = poly_j_shared_verts_index[0];
poly_j_shared_verts_index[0] = poly_j_shared_verts_index[1];
poly_j_shared_verts_index[1] = temp;
//Assigning the link's left/right edges
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_left_vert[cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_count] = shared_vert_ids[0];
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_right_vert[cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_count] = shared_vert_ids[1];
//From j to i, left vert is on the right, and right vert is on the left
cl_navmesh_polies[j].connected_polies_left_vert[cl_navmesh_polies[j].connected_polies_count] = shared_vert_ids[1];
cl_navmesh_polies[j].connected_polies_right_vert[cl_navmesh_polies[j].connected_polies_count] = shared_vert_ids[0];
// When crossing from polygon i to polygon j, the right-hand vertex index is the edge index for polygon i
float poly_i_edge_index = poly_i_shared_verts_index[1];
// When crossing from polygon j to polygon i, the left-hand vertex index is the edge index for polygon j
float poly_j_edge_index = poly_j_shared_verts_index[0];
// For polygon i, record which of polygon's j edges we are crossing to get into polygon j
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_neighbor_edge_index[cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_count] = poly_j_edge_index;
// For polygon j, record which of polygon's i edges we are crossing to get into polygon i
cl_navmesh_polies[j].connected_polies_neighbor_edge_index[cl_navmesh_polies[j].connected_polies_count] = poly_i_edge_index;
// print("Poly ");
// print(ftos(i));
// print(" is connected to ");
// print(ftos(j));
// print(" and poly ");
// print(ftos(j));
// print(" is connected to ");
// print(ftos(i));
// print(".\n");
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_traversal_count; i++) {
print("Checking traversal for connected polies\n");
makevectors([0, cl_navmesh_traversals[i].angle, 0]);
// Get start_pos and end_pos in world-space
vector start_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[i].start_pos;
vector end_pos = start_pos + (v_right * cl_navmesh_traversals[i].end_pos.x) + (v_forward * cl_navmesh_traversals[i].end_pos.y) + (v_up * cl_navmesh_traversals[i].end_pos.z);
float start_pos_poly = -1;
float end_pos_poly = -1;
for(float j = 0; j < cl_navmesh_poly_count; j++) {
if(start_pos_poly == -1 && cl_navmesh_is_inside_poly(start_pos, j)) {
start_pos_poly = j;
if(end_pos_poly == -1 && cl_navmesh_is_inside_poly(end_pos, j)) {
end_pos_poly = j;
if(start_pos_poly != -1 && end_pos_poly != -1) {
print("Traversal ");
print(" starts in poly ");
print(" and ends in poly ");
if(start_pos_poly == -1) {
print("Warning: Traversal ");
print(" does not start inside of a navmesh polygon. This traversal will not be used.\n");
else if(end_pos_poly == -1) {
print("Warning: Traversal ");
print(" does not end inside of a navmesh polygon. This traversal will not be used.\n");
else if(start_pos_poly == end_pos_poly) {
print("Warning: Traversal ");
print(" starts and ends inside of the same navmesh polygon. This traversal will not be used.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_polies[start_pos_poly].connected_traversals_count >= NAV_MAX_POLY_TRAVERSALS) {
print("Warning: Traversal ");
print(" starts inside of a polygon that is already connected to the maximum number of traversals allowed (");
print("). This traversal will not be used.\n");
// Add to polygon's list of connected traversals
cl_navmesh_polies[start_pos_poly].connected_traversals[cl_navmesh_polies[start_pos_poly].connected_traversals_count] = i;
cl_navmesh_polies[start_pos_poly].connected_traversals_count += 1;
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].end_poly = end_pos_poly;
// TODO - Add traversal to end polygon list of traversals?
print("Connected polygons calculated.\n");
//We calculate this outside of polygon creation / editing because the polygon centers are not important to creation, only to actually using in pathfinding
void cl_navmesh_calc_polies_centers()
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count; i++)
local vector cen = [0,0,0];
for(float j = 0; j < cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count; j++)
cen += cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[j]].pos;
cen /= cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].center.x = cen.x;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].center.y = cen.y;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].center.z = cen.z;
print("Centers calculated.\n");
//Navmesh file specification for v0.0.0:
//Vertex count
//For each vert:
//Vertex position vector
//Polygon count
//For each polygon:
//vertex count (must be 3 or 4)
//vertex 0 index
//vertex 1 index
//vertex 2 index
//vertex 3 index (will be -1 for a tri)
//center (vector)
//link count
//link 0 index (will be set or -1 for a tri)
//link 1 index (will be set or -1 for a tri)
//link 2 index (will be set or -1 for a tri)
//link 3 index (will be set or -1 for a tri)
//link 0 left vert index (will be set or -1 for a tri)
//link 1 left vert index (will be set or -1 for a tri)
//link 2 left vert index (will be set or -1 for a tri)
//link 3 left vert index (will be set or -1 for a tri)
//link 0 right vert index (will be set or -1 for a tri)
//link 1 right vert index (will be set or -1 for a tri)
//link 2 right vert index (will be set or -1 for a tri)
//link 3 right vert index (will be set or -1 for a tri)
//Saves the current cl_navmesh to a file
void cl_navmesh_editor_save_navmesh() {
int v_major = 0;
int v_minor = 1;
int v_patch = 0;
float file;
string h;
h = strcat(mappath, ".nav");
file = fopen(h,FILE_WRITE);
if(file == -1) {
print("Error: unable to write to file \"",h,"\".\n");
// Write version number:
fputs( file, itos(v_major), ".", itos(v_minor), ".", itos(v_patch),"\n");
//Calculating all links and polygon centers
//Write vertex count
//Write all vertex positions
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_vert_count; i++) {
//Write polygon count
//Write all polygon data to file
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count; i++) {
// Write vert count
// Write vertices
// Write link count
// Write links
// Write left vertices of the links
// Write right vertices of the links
// Write the neighbor edge indices
// Write connected traversals
for(float j = 0; j < cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_traversals_count; j++) {
// Write polygon doortarget
if(cl_navmesh_polies[i].doortarget != "") {
print("CLSAVENAVMESH - Polygon at index ",ftos(i)," has doortarget: \"", cl_navmesh_polies[i].doortarget, "\"" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write Traversals
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
print("Writing ");
print(" traversals.\n");
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_traversal_count; i++) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
print("Navmesh saved to file \"",h,"\".\n");
//Overwrites current navmesh with an empty navmesh
void cl_navmesh_editor_clear_navmesh()
cl_navmesh_vert_count = 0;
for(float i = 0; i < NAV_MAX_VERTS; i++)
cl_navmesh_verts[i].pos.x = 0;
cl_navmesh_verts[i].pos.y = 0;
cl_navmesh_verts[i].pos.z = 0;
cl_navmesh_poly_count = 0;
for(float i = 0; i < NAV_MAX_POLIES; i++)
cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count = 0;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[0] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[1] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[2] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[3] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].center.x = 0;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].center.y = 0;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].center.z = 0;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_count = 0;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies[0] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies[1] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies[2] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies[3] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_left_vert[0] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_left_vert[1] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_left_vert[2] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_left_vert[3] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_right_vert[0] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_right_vert[1] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_right_vert[2] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_right_vert[3] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_neighbor_edge_index[0] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_neighbor_edge_index[1] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_neighbor_edge_index[2] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_polies_neighbor_edge_index[3] = -1;
for(float j = 0; j < NAV_MAX_POLY_TRAVERSALS; j++) {
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_traversals[j] = -1;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].connected_traversals_count = 0;
cl_navmesh_polies[i].doortarget = "";
cl_navmesh_traversal_count = 0;
for(float i = 0; i < NAV_MAX_TRAVERSALS; i++) {
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].start_pos.x = 0;
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].start_pos.y = 0;
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].start_pos.z = 0;
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].midpoint_pos.x = 0;
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].midpoint_pos.y = 0;
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].midpoint_pos.z = 0;
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].end_pos.x = 0;
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].end_pos.y = 0;
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].end_pos.z = 0;
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].angle = 0;
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].use_midpoint = false;
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].end_poly = -1;
//Overwrites currently loaded navmesh with navmesh stored in fail
void cl_navmesh_editor_load_navmesh() {
string filepath;
float file;
filepath = strcat(mappath, ".nav");
file = fopen(filepath,FILE_READ);
if(file == -1) {
print("Error: file \"",filepath,"\" not found.\n");
// First line contains navmesh file semver
string nav_file_version = fgets(file);
print("Loading v", nav_file_version, " navmesh file \"", filepath, "\"...\n");
// TODO - Add backwards compatibility for older navmesh file versions.
// Next line contains vertex count
float vert_count = stof(fgets(file));
if(vert_count > NAV_MAX_VERTS) {
print("Error: navmesh file \"",filepath,"\" has an invalid vert count. (" , vert_count, " > ", ftos(NAV_MAX_VERTS),").\n");
//It appears to be valid, so clear the current navmesh before continuing.
cl_navmesh_vert_count = vert_count;
print("Vert count: ",vert_count,"\n");
//Reading all of the vertex positions
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_vert_count; i++) {
cl_navmesh_verts[i].pos = stov(fgets(file));
//Next line contains the number of polygons
cl_navmesh_poly_count = stof(fgets(file));
//The next lines are each polygon
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count; i++) {
//Getting vertex count
cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count = stof(fgets(file));
//Getting vertices
cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[0] = stof(fgets(file));
cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[1] = stof(fgets(file));
cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[2] = stof(fgets(file));
cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[3] = stof(fgets(file));
//Don't care about polygon center
//Don't care about link count
//Don't care about links for now FIXME HANDLE DIRECTIONAL LINKS
//Don't care about link's left vertices
//Don't care about link's right vertices
// Don't care about neighbor entrance edge indices
// If navmesh file version 0.0.0, no traversals
// FIXME - Need a better way to do this..
if(nav_file_version != "0.0.0") {
// Don't care about connected traversals
float n_traversals = stof(fgets(file));
for(float j = 0; j < n_traversals; j++) {
fgets(file); // discard the j-th traversal index
// Load doortarget field
cl_navmesh_polies[i].doortarget = fgets(file);
if(cl_navmesh_polies[i].doortarget != "") {
print("CLLOADNAVMESH - Polygon at index ",ftos(i)," has doortarget: \"", cl_navmesh_polies[i].doortarget, "\"\n" );
// cl_navmesh_polies[i].doortarget = ""; // Temp fix to load old files
// If v0.0.0, discard entrance edge (no longer used)
if(nav_file_version == "0.0.0") {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load Traversals
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// If navmesh file version 0.0.0, no traversals
if(nav_file_version != "0.0.0") {
// Next line contains the number of traverals
cl_navmesh_traversal_count = stof(fgets(file));
// Next lines are each traversal
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_traversal_count; i++) {
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].start_pos = stov(fgets(file));
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].midpoint_pos = stov(fgets(file));
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].end_pos = stov(fgets(file));
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].angle = stof(fgets(file));
cl_navmesh_traversals[i].use_midpoint = stof(fgets(file));
// Don't care about traversal end polygon index
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//============================ The following methods are methods required in the pathfinding code ==========================
float(float start, float goal, vector start_pos, vector end_pos) cl_navmesh_pathfind_start;
void cl_navmesh_draw_test_ent(vector pos, vector scale, vector color, float alpha)
//Assigning the shader as something else so that fte doesn't batch the calls (leading to colors not changing between draw calls)
//vector VEC_HULL_MIN = '-16 -16 -32';
//vector VEC_HULL_MAX = '16 16 40';
float min_x = -16 * scale_x;
float min_y = -16 * scale_y;
float min_z = -32 * scale_z;
float max_x = 16 * scale_x;
float max_y = 16 * scale_y;
float max_z = 40 * scale_z;
//bottom face
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [min_x,max_y,min_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [max_x,max_y,min_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [max_x,min_y,min_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [min_x,min_y,min_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
//Top face
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [min_x,max_y,max_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [max_x,max_y,max_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [max_x,min_y,max_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [min_x,min_y,max_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
//Front face
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [min_x,min_y,min_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [max_x,min_y,min_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [max_x,min_y,max_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [min_x,min_y,max_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
//Back face
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [min_x,max_y,min_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [max_x,max_y,min_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [max_x,max_y,max_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [min_x,max_y,max_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
//Left face
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [min_x,min_y,min_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [min_x,max_y,min_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [min_x,max_y,max_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [min_x,min_y,max_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
//Right face
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [max_x,min_y,min_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [max_x,max_y,min_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [max_x,max_y,max_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
R_PolygonVertex(pos + [max_x,min_y,max_z], [0,0,0], color,alpha);
void cl_navmesh_place_test_goalent() {
goalent_pos = getentity(player_localentnum, GE_ORIGIN);
goalent_set = TRUE;
//Calculate data that the navmesh exporer will calculate
if(goalent_set == TRUE && startent_set == TRUE) {
print("Getting start poly: ");
float start = cl_navmesh_get_containing_poly(startent_pos);
print("Getting goal poly: ");
float goal = cl_navmesh_get_containing_poly(goalent_pos);
void cl_navmesh_place_test_startent() {
startent_pos = getentity(player_localentnum, GE_ORIGIN);
startent_set = TRUE;
//Calculate data that the navmesh exporer will calculate
if(goalent_set == TRUE && startent_set == TRUE) {
print("Getting start poly: ");
float start = cl_navmesh_get_containing_poly(startent_pos);
print("Getting goal poly: ");
float goal = cl_navmesh_get_containing_poly(goalent_pos);
//Returns 1 if pos is inside poly at index poly_index, 0 otherwise
float cl_navmesh_is_inside_poly(vector pos, float poly_index) {
//TODO: check if z coord is close enough to poly
local vector vert_to_pos;//points from vert to pos
local vector vert_to_next;//points from vert to the next vertex
local vector vert;
local vector next_vert;
float vert_count = cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].vert_count;
//We are considered to be in the polygon, if pos is on the left of all edges of the polygon (if verts are ordered in CW order)
for(float i = 0; i < vert_count; i++) {
vert = cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].verts[i]].pos;
next_vert = cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].verts[(i + 1) % vert_count]].pos;
vert_to_pos = pos - vert;
vert_to_next = next_vert - vert;
//Check if vert_to_pos is to the left of vert_to_next
if(vert_to_next.x * vert_to_pos.y - vert_to_next.y * vert_to_pos.x < 0)
return 0;
//FOR DEBUG: select that polygon if succesfull
selected_vert_count = cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].vert_count;
for(float i = 0; i < selected_vert_count; i++) {
selected_verts[i] = cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].verts[i];
return 1;
//Returns distance from pos to an edge of the poly if pos is very close to an edge of the poly at index poly_index, -1 otherwise
float cl_navmesh_dist_to_poly(vector pos, float poly_index)
float leeway = 30;//Must be within 30 qu of edge to be considered close
//TODO: check if close enough on z-axis
local vector vert_to_pos;//points from vert to pos
local vector vert_to_next;//points from vert to the next vertex
local vector vert;
local vector next_vert;
float vert_count = cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].vert_count;
float shortest_dist = 100000;
//Only considering 2D
//pos.z = 0;
//We are considered to be in the polygon, if pos is on the left of all edges of the polygon (if verts are ordered in CW order)
for(float i = 0; i < vert_count; i++)
vert = cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].verts[i]].pos;
next_vert = cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[poly_index].verts[(i + 1) % vert_count]].pos;
//Calculating in 2D:
//vert.z = 0;
//next_vert.z = 0;
float temp_dist = navmesh_2D_line_point_dist(vert, next_vert, pos);
if(temp_dist < shortest_dist)
shortest_dist = temp_dist;
if(shortest_dist < leeway)
return shortest_dist;
return -1;
//Returns polygon that pos is inside of.
//If we are in no polygon, returns a polygon whose edge we are sufficiently close to (might be in but are not due to a small error)
//Otherwise, returns -1
float cl_navmesh_get_containing_poly(vector pos)
//Get nearest polygon, and check if pos is in that polygon
float closest_poly = -1;
float closest_poly_dist = 1000000;
//In reality, there's no need to try ALL polygons, the one we are in should be within the nearest 10 or so, but checking all to be safe
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count; i++)
//Check if we are sufficiently close enough to polygon i in the z-axis
//Current method of checking: if pos is within 30 qu of polygon z-axis bounds
float poly_min_z = cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[0]].pos.z;
float poly_max_z = poly_min_z;
for(float j = 0; j < cl_navmesh_polies[i].vert_count; j++)
float vert_z = cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[i].verts[j]].pos.z;
poly_min_z = min(poly_min_z, vert_z);
poly_max_z = max(poly_max_z, vert_z);
// If we NOT between [min - 30, max + 30], skip this polygon
// if(fabs(sv_navmesh_polies[0].center.z - pos.z) >= 30)
if(pos.z < poly_min_z - 30 || pos.z > poly_max_z + 30)
//Check if we are in the 2d plane of polygon i
// NOTE - Because is_inside_poly only checks if we are in it on X & Y axes,
// NOTE we may have found a polygon on a floor below us or above us.
// NOTE However, this may not be an issue. A polygon on a floor below
// NOTE us would be at least about 80-ish qu away, and the checks done for
// NOTE z proximity might be enough to stop us from choosing polygons on
// NOTE different floors. I shall assume this works fine, and wait for a
// NOTE counter-example that shows we'll need a more sophisticated strategy.
print("Ent pos is inside poly: ");
return i;
//If we are not in polygon i, check if we are very close to one of its edges
float dist = cl_navmesh_dist_to_poly(pos,i);
if(dist >= 0)
if(dist < closest_poly_dist)
closest_poly = i;
closest_poly_dist = dist;
//FOR DEBUG: select that polygon if successful
if(closest_poly != -1)
selected_vert_count = cl_navmesh_polies[closest_poly].vert_count;
for(float i = 0; i < selected_vert_count; i++)
selected_verts[i] = cl_navmesh_polies[closest_poly].verts[i];
if(closest_poly == -1)
print("Ent pos is not in or near any polygons.\n");
print("Ent pos is near but not in poly: closest_poly.\n");
return closest_poly;
//=============================================== Actual A* functions ============================================
//Calculates the heuristic h score value for a navmesh polygon (Our best guess for how far this node is from the goal node)
float cl_pathfind_calc_poly_h_score(float current_poly_idx, float goal_poly_idx) {
//FIXME: we could just as easily return vlen()^2 for comparisons... (saves a sqrt operation)
return vlen(cl_navmesh_polies[goal_poly_idx].center - cl_navmesh_polies[current_poly_idx].center);
//Calculates the heuristic h score value for a navmesh traversal (Our best guess for how far this node is from the goal node)
float cl_pathfind_calc_traversal_h_score(float current_traversal_idx, float goal_poly_idx) {
//FIXME: we could just as easily return vlen()^2 for comparisons... (saves a sqrt operation)
vector traversal_end_pos = cl_navmesh_get_traversal_end_pos(current_traversal_idx);
return vlen(cl_navmesh_polies[goal_poly_idx].center - traversal_end_pos);
//Struct containing all arrays that the pathfind code requires to operate
navmesh_pathfind_result *cl_test_pathfind_result;
//Returns the polygon with the lowest f score from polygons the open set
float cl_pathfind_get_lowest_f_score_poly() {
//TODO: implement a better algorithm for finding the lowest score
float best_score = 100000;
float best_score_index = -1;
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count; i++) {
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_set[i] == PATHFIND_POLY_SET_OPEN) {
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_f_score[i] < best_score) {
best_score = cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_f_score[i];
best_score_index = i;
return best_score_index;
//Returns the traversal with the lowest f score from traversals the open set
float cl_pathfind_get_lowest_f_score_traversal() {
//TODO: implement a better algorithm for finding the lowest score
float best_score = 100000;
float best_score_index = -1;
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_traversal_count; i++) {
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_set[i] == PATHFIND_POLY_SET_OPEN) {
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_f_score[i] < best_score) {
best_score = cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_f_score[i];
best_score_index = i;
return best_score_index;
void cl_pathfind_clear_result_data() {
//Technically we only need to iterate over navmesh_poly_count...
for(float i = 0; i < NAV_MAX_POLIES; i++) {
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_set[i] = PATHFIND_POLY_SET_NONE;
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_prev_poly[i] = -1;
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_prev_traversal[i] = -1;
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_g_score[i] = 0;
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_f_score[i] = 0;
cl_test_pathfind_result->path_polygons[i] = -1;
cl_test_pathfind_result->path_traversals[i] = -1;
cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_left_pos[i] = '0 0 0';
cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_right_pos[i] = '0 0 0';
cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_traversal[i] = -1;
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_points[i] = '0 0 0';
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_traversals[i] = -1;
for(float i = 0;i < NAV_MAX_TRAVERSALS; i++) {
cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_set[i] = PATHFIND_POLY_SET_NONE;
cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_prev_poly[i] = -1;
cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_g_score[i] = 0;
cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_f_score[i] = 0;
cl_test_pathfind_result->path_length = 0;
cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_length = 0;
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length = 0;
// vector cl_pathfind_get_left_portal_corner(navmesh_pathfind_result *res, int portal_idx) {
// // return cl_navmesh_verts[res->portals_left_vert[portal_idx]].pos;
// // Find the vertex opposite this portal edge
// vector corner = cl_navmesh_verts[res->portals_left_vert[portal_idx]].pos;
// vector opposite_corner = cl_navmesh_verts[res->portals_right_vert[portal_idx]].pos;
// // Move 20 qu or 20% of the edge length, whichever is smaller:
// float edge_len = vlen(opposite_corner - corner);
// vector edge_dir = normalize(opposite_corner - corner);
// return corner + edge_dir * min(edge_len * 0.2, 20);
// }
// vector cl_pathfind_get_right_portal_corner(navmesh_pathfind_result *res, int portal_idx) {
// // return cl_navmesh_verts[res->portals_right_vert[portal_idx]].pos;
// // Find the vertex opposite this portal edge
// vector corner = cl_navmesh_verts[res->portals_right_vert[portal_idx]].pos;
// vector opposite_corner = cl_navmesh_verts[res->portals_left_vert[portal_idx]].pos;
// // Move 20 qu or 20% of the edge length, whichever is smaller:
// float edge_len = vlen(opposite_corner - corner);
// vector edge_dir = normalize(opposite_corner - corner);
// return corner + edge_dir * min(edge_len * 0.2, 20);
// }
//Applies a funnel algorithm to the path defined by the array cl_test_pathfind_result->result_node_path
// and populates pathfind result path
void cl_pathfind_smooth_path(vector start_point, vector goal_point) {
float cur_poly;
float cur_traversal;
float prev_poly;
float prev_traversal;
vector cur_portal_left_pos = '0 0 0';
vector cur_portal_right_pos = '0 0 0';
float cur_portal_traversal = -1;
vector traversal_start_pos;
vector traversal_end_pos;
// Build the list of portals
for(float i = 1; i < cl_test_pathfind_result->path_length; i++) {
cur_poly = cl_test_pathfind_result->path_polygons[i];
cur_traversal = cl_test_pathfind_result->path_traversals[i];
prev_poly = cl_test_pathfind_result->path_polygons[i-1];
prev_traversal = cl_test_pathfind_result->path_traversals[i-1];
// If polygon and came from polygon, portal = shared edge
if(cur_poly != -1 && prev_poly != -1) {
// Find which of prev_poly's edges connects to cur_poly
float prev_poly_edge_index = -1;
for(float j = 0; j < cl_navmesh_polies[prev_poly].connected_polies_count; j++) {
if(cl_navmesh_polies[prev_poly].connected_polies[j] == cur_poly) {
prev_poly_edge_index = j;
cur_portal_left_pos = cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[prev_poly].connected_polies_left_vert[prev_poly_edge_index]].pos;
cur_portal_right_pos = cl_navmesh_verts[cl_navmesh_polies[prev_poly].connected_polies_right_vert[prev_poly_edge_index]].pos;
cur_portal_traversal = -1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Narrow the portal from each side by 20% or 20qu, whichever is smaller
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
float edge_len = vlen(cur_portal_right_pos - cur_portal_left_pos);
vector edge_dir = normalize(cur_portal_right_pos - cur_portal_left_pos);
float ofs = min(edge_len * 0.2, 20);
cur_portal_left_pos = cur_portal_left_pos + edge_dir * ofs;
cur_portal_right_pos = cur_portal_right_pos - edge_dir * ofs;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// If polygon and came from traversal, portal = traversal exit
else if(cur_poly != -1 && prev_traversal != -1) {
traversal_end_pos = cl_navmesh_get_traversal_end_pos(prev_traversal);
cur_portal_left_pos = traversal_end_pos;
cur_portal_right_pos = traversal_end_pos;
cur_portal_traversal = -1;
// TODO - Denote that it came from traversal? maybe we don't care?
// If traversal and came from polygon, portal = traversal start
else if(cur_traversal != -1 && prev_poly != -1) {
traversal_start_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[cur_traversal].start_pos;
cur_portal_left_pos = traversal_start_pos;
cur_portal_right_pos = traversal_start_pos;
cur_portal_traversal = cur_traversal;
cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_left_pos[cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_length] = cur_portal_left_pos;
cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_right_pos[cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_length] = cur_portal_right_pos;
cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_traversal[cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_length] = cur_portal_traversal;
// TODO - Should I add goal_pos as the final portal?
cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_left_pos[cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_length] = goal_point;
cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_right_pos[cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_length] = goal_point;
cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_traversal[cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_length] = -1;
vector cur_funnel_corner = start_point;
vector cur_funnel_left = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_left_pos[0];
vector cur_funnel_right = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_right_pos[0];
float cur_funnel_left_portal_idx = 0;
float cur_funnel_right_portal_idx = 0;
// Loop through all portals, adding necessary funnel corners to final path
for(float i = 0; i < cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_length; i++) {
cur_portal_left_pos = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_left_pos[i];
cur_portal_right_pos = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_right_pos[i];
cur_portal_traversal = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_traversal[i];
// TODO - Project portal points to axis made by cur funnel points
// Then we can check
// TODO - Compute value for a point:
// TODO 0: On funnel center
// TODO < -1 outside of funnel to the left
// TODO > 1 outside of funnel to the right
float cur_portal_left_in_funnel = pathfind_point_in_funnel( cur_portal_left_pos, cur_funnel_corner, cur_funnel_left, cur_funnel_right);
float cur_portal_right_in_funnel = pathfind_point_in_funnel(cur_portal_right_pos, cur_funnel_corner, cur_funnel_left, cur_funnel_right);
print("{'portal_idx': ", ftos(i), ", 'portal': ");
print(" [(", ftos(cur_portal_left_pos.x), ",", ftos(cur_portal_left_pos.y), "), (", ftos(cur_portal_right_pos.x), ",", ftos(cur_portal_right_pos.y));
print(")], 'traversal': ", ftos(cur_portal_traversal), ", ");
print("'funnel_result': (", ftos(cur_portal_left_in_funnel), ",", ftos(cur_portal_right_in_funnel), "), ");
print("'funnel': [");
print("(", ftos(cur_funnel_left.x), ",", ftos(cur_funnel_left.y), "), ");
print("(", ftos(cur_funnel_corner.x), ",", ftos(cur_funnel_corner.y), "), ");
print("(", ftos(cur_funnel_right.x), ",", ftos(cur_funnel_right.y), ")");
// print(vtos(cur_funnel_left));
// If cur portal left point is in cur funnel, narrow the cur funnel
if(cur_portal_left_in_funnel >= -1 && cur_portal_left_in_funnel <= 1) {
cur_funnel_left = cur_portal_left_pos;
cur_funnel_left_portal_idx = i;
// If cur portal right point is in cur funnel, narrow the cur funnel
if(cur_portal_right_in_funnel >= -1 && cur_portal_right_in_funnel <= 1) {
cur_funnel_right = cur_portal_right_pos;
cur_funnel_right_portal_idx = i;
// If cur portal is completely outside (to left of) current funnel
if(cur_portal_left_in_funnel < -1 && cur_portal_right_in_funnel < -1) {
// Add cur funnel left point to final path:
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_points[cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length] = cur_funnel_left;
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_traversals[cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length] = -1;
// Update funnel to start at the current funnel left endpoint, pointing to the next portal in the list
// Set next funnel to start at cur funnel left point
cur_funnel_corner = cur_funnel_left;
// Advance the funnel's left point to the next portal
cur_funnel_left_portal_idx += 1;
cur_funnel_right = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_right_pos[cur_funnel_left_portal_idx];
cur_funnel_left = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_left_pos[cur_funnel_left_portal_idx];
cur_funnel_right_portal_idx = cur_funnel_left_portal_idx;
// Restart funnel algorithm from the funnel's endpoint
i = cur_funnel_left_portal_idx - 1;
// If cur portal is completely outside (to right of) current funnel
else if(cur_portal_left_in_funnel > 1 && cur_portal_right_in_funnel > 1) {
// Add cur funnel right point to final path:
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_points[cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length] = cur_funnel_right;
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_traversals[cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length] = -1;
// Update funnel to start at the current funnel right endpoint, pointing to the next portal in the list
// Set next funnel to start at cur funnel right point
cur_funnel_corner = cur_funnel_right;
// Advance the funnel's right point to the next portal
cur_funnel_right_portal_idx += 1;
cur_funnel_right = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_right_pos[cur_funnel_right_portal_idx];
cur_funnel_left = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_left_pos[cur_funnel_right_portal_idx];
cur_funnel_left_portal_idx = cur_funnel_right_portal_idx;
// Restart funnel algorithm from the funnel's endpoint
i = cur_funnel_right_portal_idx - 1;
// If cur portal is a traversal
if(cur_portal_traversal != -1) {
vector start_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[cur_portal_traversal].start_pos;
vector end_pos = cl_navmesh_get_traversal_end_pos(cur_portal_traversal);
// Add traversal start point to final path:
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_points[cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length] = start_pos;
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_traversals[cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length] = cur_portal_traversal;
// Add traversal end point to final path:
// FIXME - Should I remove this?
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_points[cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length] = end_pos;
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_traversals[cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length] = -1;
// Set funnel to start at traversal endpoint and use the next portal
cur_funnel_corner = end_pos;
cur_funnel_left = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_left_pos[i+1];
cur_funnel_right = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_right_pos[i+1];
cur_funnel_left_portal_idx = i+1;
cur_funnel_right_portal_idx = i+1;
// Always add goal point to the path
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_points[cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length] = goal_point;
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_traversals[cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length] = -1;
//Evaluates the path that is found in the pathfinding algorithm and populates an array with the nodes in the path from start to goal
void cl_pathfind_trace_path(float start_poly, float goal_poly) {
// print("Polygon from poly: ");
// for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count; i++) {
// print(ftos(i));
// print(": ");
// print(ftos(cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_prev_poly[i]));
// print(", ");
// }
// print("\n");
// print("Polygon from traversal: ");
// for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_poly_count; i++) {
// print(ftos(i));
// print(": ");
// print(ftos(cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_prev_traversal[i]));
// print(", ");
// }
// print("\n");
// print("Traversal from polygon:");
// for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_traversal_count; i++) {
// print(ftos(i));
// print(": ");
// print(ftos(cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_prev_poly[i]));
// print(", ");
// }
// print("\n");
//Count the length of the path (how many polygons the path traverses)
float current_poly = goal_poly;
float current_traversal = -1;
cl_test_pathfind_result->path_length = 1;
do {
// Current node is a polygon
if(current_poly != -1) {
current_traversal = cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_prev_traversal[current_poly];
current_poly = cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_prev_poly[current_poly];
// Current node is a traversal
else if(current_traversal != -1) {
current_poly = cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_prev_poly[current_traversal];
current_traversal = -1;
} while(current_poly != start_poly);
// Starting at goal_poly, add the traversed polygons / traversals to the result path in reverse order
current_poly = goal_poly;
current_traversal = -1;
for(float i = 0; i < cl_test_pathfind_result->path_length; i++) {
// print("Current node (P=");
// print(ftos(current_poly));
// print(",T=");
// print(ftos(current_traversal));
// print(") came from ");
cl_test_pathfind_result->path_polygons[cl_test_pathfind_result->path_length - 1 - i] = current_poly;
cl_test_pathfind_result->path_traversals[cl_test_pathfind_result->path_length - 1 - i] = current_traversal;
// Current node is a polygon
if(current_poly != -1) {
current_traversal = cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_prev_traversal[current_poly];
current_poly = cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_prev_poly[current_poly];
// Current node is a traversal
else if(current_traversal != -1) {
current_poly = cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_prev_poly[current_traversal];
current_traversal = -1;
// print(" (P=");
// print(ftos(current_poly));
// print(",T=");
// print(ftos(current_traversal));
// print(")\n");
print("Pathfind success, path length: ");
print("Path: ");
for(float i = 0; i < cl_test_pathfind_result->path_length; i++) {
if(i > 0) {
print(" , ");
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->path_polygons[i] != -1) {
else if(cl_test_pathfind_result->path_traversals[i] != -1) {
print(" .\n");
//Accepts start polygon and goal polygon
//Returns 1 on success.
//Returns 0 on fail.
float cl_navmesh_pathfind_start(float start_poly, float goal_poly, vector start_pos, vector end_pos) {
//Clearing previous data
if(start_poly == -1) {
print("Error: pathfind start node invalid.\n");
return 0;
if(goal_poly == -1) {
print("Error: pathfind goal node invalid.\n");
return 0;
if(start_poly == goal_poly) {
//Calculating node path
cl_test_pathfind_result->path_polygons[0] = start_poly;
cl_test_pathfind_result->path_traversals[0] = -1;
cl_test_pathfind_result->path_length = 1;
print("Pathind success: trivial case (start = goal).\n");
//Calculating vector based path (go directly to goal)
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_points[0].x = end_pos.x;
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_points[0].y = end_pos.y;
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_points[0].z = end_pos.z;
// Indicate non-traversal
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_traversals[0] = -1;
cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length = 1;
return 1;
//Adding start polygon to the open set
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_set[start_poly] = PATHFIND_POLY_SET_OPEN;
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_g_score[start_poly] = 0;
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_f_score[start_poly] = 0 + cl_pathfind_calc_poly_h_score(start_poly , goal_poly);
// print("Pathfind init. Start: ");
// print(ftos(start_poly));
// print(" , Goal: ");
// print(ftos(goal_poly));
// print(".\n");
float current_poly = start_poly;
float current_traversal = -1;
float pathfind_success = FALSE;
// While we have a traversal OR a polygon
while(current_poly != -1 || current_traversal != -1) {
// If we are currently evaluating a polygon:
if(current_poly != -1) {
if(current_poly == goal_poly) {
//print("Current is now goal. Breaking.\n");
pathfind_success = TRUE;
//Add current node to the closed set
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_set[current_poly] = PATHFIND_POLY_SET_CLOSED;
//Add connected neighbor polygons to the open set
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_polies[current_poly].connected_polies_count; i++) {
float neighbor_poly = cl_navmesh_polies[current_poly].connected_polies[i];
// print("Checking poly ");
// print(ftos(current_poly));
// print("'s neighbor poly ");
// print(ftos(neighbor_poly));
// print(".\n");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Door check
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE - If polygon's door hasn't been opened, don't consider it.
// NOTE - This check isn't done in the navmesh editor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_set[neighbor_poly] != PATHFIND_POLY_SET_CLOSED) {
//print("Neighbor is not in closed list.\n");
//Calculate tentative f score
//Calculate tentative g score (distance from start to current + distance from current to neighbor)
float tentative_g_score = cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_g_score[current_poly] + vlen(cl_navmesh_polies[neighbor_poly].center - cl_navmesh_polies[current_poly].center);
// If not in open-set, or this is a better score, set score for this polygon
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_set[neighbor_poly] != PATHFIND_POLY_SET_OPEN || tentative_g_score < cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_g_score[neighbor_poly]) {
//print("Neighbor is not in open list, or a better g score has been found.\n");
//Adding neighbor to open set
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_set[neighbor_poly] = PATHFIND_POLY_SET_OPEN;
//Updating scores for neighbor node
float tentative_f_score = tentative_g_score + cl_pathfind_calc_poly_h_score(neighbor_poly , goal_poly);
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_g_score[neighbor_poly] = tentative_g_score;
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_f_score[neighbor_poly] = tentative_f_score;
//Linking neighbor node to current node (for tracing path)
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_prev_poly[neighbor_poly] = current_poly;
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_prev_traversal[neighbor_poly] = -1;
// print("Assigning Poly ");
// print(ftos(neighbor_poly));
// print(" came from poly ");
// print(ftos(current_poly));
// print(".\n");
//Add connected neighbor traversals to the open set
for(float i = 0; i < cl_navmesh_polies[current_poly].connected_traversals_count; i++) {
float neighbor_traversal = cl_navmesh_polies[current_poly].connected_traversals[i];
// print("Checking poly ");
// print(ftos(current_poly));
// print("'s neighbor traversal ");
// print(ftos(neighbor_traversal));
// print(".\n");
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_set[neighbor_traversal] != PATHFIND_POLY_SET_CLOSED) {
//Calculate tentative f score
//Calculate tentative g score (distance from start to current + distance from current to neighbor)
// vector traversal_start_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[neighbor].start_pos;
vector traversal_end_pos = cl_navmesh_get_traversal_end_pos(neighbor_traversal);
// TODO - Should I cache traversal length?
float tentative_g_score = cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_g_score[current_poly] + vlen(traversal_end_pos - cl_navmesh_polies[current_poly].center);
// If not in open-set, or this is a better score, set score for this traversal
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_set[neighbor_traversal] != PATHFIND_POLY_SET_OPEN || tentative_g_score < cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_g_score[neighbor_traversal]) {
//print("Neighbor is not in open list, or a better g score has been found.\n");
//Adding neighbor to open set
cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_set[neighbor_traversal] = PATHFIND_POLY_SET_OPEN;
//Updating scores for neighbor node
float tentative_f_score = tentative_g_score + cl_pathfind_calc_traversal_h_score(neighbor_traversal, goal_poly);
cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_g_score[neighbor_traversal] = tentative_g_score;
cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_f_score[neighbor_traversal] = tentative_f_score;
//Linking neighbor node to current node (for tracing path)
cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_prev_poly[neighbor_traversal] = current_poly;
// print("Assigning traversal ");
// print(ftos(neighbor_traversal));
// print(" came from poly ");
// print(ftos(current_poly));
// print(".\n");
else if(current_traversal != -1) {
// print("Checking traversal: ");
// print(ftos(current_traversal));
// print(" with end polygon: ");
// print(ftos(cl_navmesh_traversals[current_traversal].end_poly));
// print("\n");
//Add current traversal to the closed set
cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_set[current_traversal] = PATHFIND_POLY_SET_CLOSED;
// Traversals have single neighbor polygons (at the traversal endpoint)
float neighbor_poly = cl_navmesh_traversals[current_traversal].end_poly;
if(neighbor_poly != -1) {
// print("Checking traversal ");
// print(ftos(current_traversal));
// print("'s neighbor poly ");
// print(ftos(neighbor_poly));
// print(".\n");
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_set[neighbor_poly] != PATHFIND_POLY_SET_CLOSED) {
//print("Neighbor is not in closed list.\n");
//Calculate tentative f score
//Calculate tentative g score (distance from start to current + distance from current to neighbor)
vector traversal_end_pos = cl_navmesh_get_traversal_end_pos(current_traversal);
float tentative_g_score = cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_g_score[current_traversal] + vlen(cl_navmesh_polies[neighbor_poly].center - traversal_end_pos);
// If not in open-set, or this is a better score, set score for this polygon
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_set[neighbor_poly] != PATHFIND_POLY_SET_OPEN || tentative_g_score < cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_g_score[neighbor_poly]) {
//print("Neighbor is not in open list, or a better g score has been found.\n");
//Adding neighbor to open set
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_set[neighbor_poly] = PATHFIND_POLY_SET_OPEN;
//Updating scores for neighbor node
float tentative_f_score = tentative_g_score + cl_pathfind_calc_poly_h_score(neighbor_poly , goal_poly);
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_g_score[neighbor_poly] = tentative_g_score;
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_f_score[neighbor_poly] = tentative_f_score;
//Linking neighbor node to current node (for tracing path)
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_prev_poly[neighbor_poly] = -1;
cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_prev_traversal[neighbor_poly] = current_traversal;
// print("Assigning Poly ");
// print(ftos(neighbor_poly));
// print(" came from traversal ");
// print(ftos(current_traversal));
// print(".\n");
float best_openset_poly = cl_pathfind_get_lowest_f_score_poly();
float best_openset_traversal = cl_pathfind_get_lowest_f_score_traversal();
// print("Best openset poly: ");
// print(ftos(best_openset_poly));
// print("\n");
// print("Best openset traversal: ");
// print(ftos(best_openset_traversal));
// print("\n");
// If we have both, compare their f-scores
if(best_openset_poly != -1 && best_openset_traversal != -1) {
// If traversal score is better, don't consider polygon
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->traversal_f_score[best_openset_poly] < cl_test_pathfind_result->poly_f_score[best_openset_poly]) {
best_openset_poly = -1;
// If polygon score is better, don't consider traversal
else {
best_openset_traversal = -1;
// Assign what we found, loop will terminate if we have neither
current_traversal = best_openset_traversal;
current_poly = best_openset_poly;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
//Tracing the pathfind results
if(pathfind_success == TRUE) {
cl_pathfind_trace_path(start_poly, goal_poly);
cl_pathfind_smooth_path(start_pos, end_pos);
return 1;
print("Pathfind fail");
return 0;
//This renders the raw pathfind results (polygon center to polygon center)
void cl_navmesh_pathfind_draw_result_path() {
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->path_length < 1)
//================= Drawing Polygon Center ======================
//Assigning the shader as something else so that fte doesn't batch the calls (leading to colors not changing between draw calls)
vector ofs = [0,0,-5];
vector size = [5,5,5];
vector color = [1,0.1,0.5];
float alpha = 0.2;//0.3
float edge_width = 2;
float edge_alpha = 0.2;//0.3
vector cur_point = '0 0 0';
vector cur_end_point = '0 0 0';
vector prev_point = '0 0 0';
for(float i = 0; i < cl_test_pathfind_result->path_length; i++) {
// Current path entry is a polygon, draw box at polygon center
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->path_polygons[i] != -1) {
cur_point = cl_navmesh_polies[cl_test_pathfind_result->path_polygons[i]].center + ofs;
cur_end_point = cur_point;
cl_navmesh_draw_box(cur_point, size, color, alpha);
// Current path entry is a traversal, draw box at start and end
else if(cl_test_pathfind_result->path_traversals[i] != -1) {
cur_point = cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_test_pathfind_result->path_traversals[i]].start_pos + ofs;
cur_end_point = cl_navmesh_get_traversal_end_pos(cl_test_pathfind_result->path_traversals[i]) + ofs;
cl_navmesh_draw_box(cur_point, size, color, alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_box(cur_end_point, size, color, alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line(cur_end_point, cur_point, edge_width, color, edge_alpha);
// Draw an edge connecting i-th node to previous node
if(i > 0) {
cl_navmesh_draw_line(prev_point, cur_point, edge_width, color, edge_alpha);
prev_point = cur_end_point;
void cl_navmesh_pathfind_draw_result_portals() {
// TODO - Update this to account for traversals (at least once I implement funnel algorithm for traversals)
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_length < 1)
vector color;
color = [0.5,0.5,1.0];
float edge_width = 4;
float edge_alpha = 0.2;//0.3
vector portal_left;
vector portal_right;
for(float i = 0; i < cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_length; i++) {
portal_left = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_left_pos[i];
portal_right = cl_test_pathfind_result->portals_right_pos[i];
cl_navmesh_draw_vert(portal_left + [0,0,-10],[0.5,0.5,1],0.4);
cl_navmesh_draw_vert(portal_right + [0,0,-8],[0.5,1,0.5],0.4);
//Draw an edge connecting portals
cl_navmesh_draw_line(portal_left + [0,0,-10], portal_right + [0,0,-8], edge_width, color, edge_alpha);
void cl_navmesh_pathfind_draw_result_point_path() {
// TODO - Update this to account for traversals
if(cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length < 1)
vector color;
color = [1.0,0.0,0.0];
float edge_width = 4;
float alpha = 0.4;
float edge_alpha = 0.2;//0.3
vector ofs = [0,0,10];
//Drawing the a line connecting the start and first path node
cl_navmesh_draw_vert(startent_pos + ofs, color, alpha);
cl_navmesh_draw_line(startent_pos + ofs, cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_points[0] + ofs, edge_width, color, edge_alpha);
vector cur_point = '0 0 0';
vector prev_point = '0 0 0';
for(float i = 0; i < cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_length; i++) {
cur_point = cl_test_pathfind_result->point_path_points[i];
cl_navmesh_draw_vert(cur_point + ofs, color, alpha);
// TODO - if traversal, draw endpoint and line?
if(i > 0) {
//Draw an edge connecting path points
cl_navmesh_draw_line(cur_point + ofs, prev_point + ofs, edge_width, color, edge_alpha);
prev_point = cur_point;
void cl_toggle_navmesh_editor() {
if(cvar("navmesh_edit_mode")) {
cvar_set("navmesh_edit_mode", "0");
print("cl_navmesh editor: 0\n");
else {
print("cl_navmesh editor: 1\n");
cvar_set("navmesh_edit_mode", "1");
if(selected_verts == 0) {
selected_verts = memalloc(sizeof(float) * NAV_MAX_SELECTED_VERTS);
if(cl_navmesh_verts == 0) {
cl_navmesh_verts = memalloc(sizeof(navmesh_vertex) * NAV_MAX_VERTS);
if(cl_navmesh_polies == 0) {
cl_navmesh_polies = memalloc(sizeof(navmesh_poly) * NAV_MAX_POLIES);
if(cl_navmesh_traversals == 0) {
cl_navmesh_traversals = memalloc(sizeof(navmesh_traversal) * NAV_MAX_TRAVERSALS);
// Allocate memory for pathfind result
if(cl_test_pathfind_result == 0) {
cl_test_pathfind_result = memalloc(sizeof(navmesh_pathfind_result));
cl_navmesh_selected_traversal = -1;
cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode = false;
cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point = 0;
void cl_register_navmesh_commands() {
// --- Traversal Commands ---
// --- Traversal Edit Mode Commands ---
float cl_confirm_clear_navmesh;
void cl_navmesh_editor_toggle_poly_door() {
int selected_polygon = cl_navmesh_get_selected_poly();
if(selected_polygon == -1) {
print("Can't make door polygon. No polygon selected.\n");
// strcat will copy the string
string editor_active_door = strcat(cvar_string("nav_editor_active_door"));
// If current polygon doortarget isn't set to the editor's currently active door, set it
// if(strcmp(cl_navmesh_polies[selected_polygon].doortarget, editor_active_door) != 0) {
if(cl_navmesh_polies[selected_polygon].doortarget != editor_active_door) {
cl_navmesh_polies[selected_polygon].doortarget = editor_active_door;
// Otherwise, clear it.
else {
cl_navmesh_polies[selected_polygon].doortarget = "";
print("Selected Polygon doortarget set to: \"");
// Print the currently selected polygon's doortarget field
void cl_navmesh_editor_print_poly_door() {
int selected_polygon = cl_navmesh_get_selected_poly();
if(selected_polygon == -1) {
print("Can't print door polygon. No polygon selected.\n");
print("Current selected polygon (");
print(") doortarget: \"");
void cl_navmesh_editor_place_traversal() {
cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode = false;
cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point = 0;
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_count >= NAV_MAX_TRAVERSALS) {
print("Can't add traversal, max traversal count has been reached.\n");
// Place the traversal at the player origin
vector player_pos = getentity(player_localentnum, GE_ORIGIN);
vector player_angles = getentity(player_localentnum, GE_ANGLES);
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_traversal_count].start_pos.x = player_pos.x;
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_traversal_count].start_pos.y = player_pos.y;
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_traversal_count].start_pos.z = player_pos.z;
// Make traversal face same direction as player
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_traversal_count].angle = player_angles.y;
// -------------------------------
// Set up default traversal (teleport)
// TODO - Move this to a separate function
// -------------------------------
// X - Right, Y - Forward, Z - up
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_traversal_count].midpoint_pos = '0 24 24';
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_traversal_count].use_midpoint = false;
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_traversal_count].use_midpoint = true;
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_traversal_count].end_pos = '0 48 0';
// TODO - somehow set traversal type ID?
// -------------------------------
print("Traveral ");
print(" created at ", vtos(player_pos),"\n");
// Immediately select it
cl_navmesh_selected_traversal = cl_navmesh_traversal_count;
float cl_navmesh_get_nearest_traversal() {
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_count <= 0) {
return -1;
vector player_pos = getentity(player_localentnum, GE_ORIGIN);
float closest_dist = vlen(player_pos - cl_navmesh_traversals[0].start_pos);
float closest_index = 0;
float temp_dist;
for(float i = 1; i < cl_navmesh_traversal_count; i++) {
// Check traversal start position
temp_dist = vlen(player_pos - cl_navmesh_traversals[i].start_pos);
if(temp_dist < closest_dist) {
closest_dist = temp_dist;
closest_index = i;
// Also check traversal end position
temp_dist = vlen(player_pos - cl_navmesh_get_traversal_end_pos(i));
if(temp_dist < closest_dist) {
closest_dist = temp_dist;
closest_index = i;
return closest_index;
// Copies a traversal from index src to index dest
void cl_navmesh_editor_copy_traversal(float src, float dest, float copy_pos, float copy_angle) {
if(copy_pos) {
cl_navmesh_traversals[dest].start_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[src].start_pos;
if(copy_angle) {
cl_navmesh_traversals[dest].angle = cl_navmesh_traversals[src].angle;
cl_navmesh_traversals[dest].end_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[src].end_pos;
cl_navmesh_traversals[dest].midpoint_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[src].midpoint_pos;
cl_navmesh_traversals[dest].use_midpoint = cl_navmesh_traversals[src].use_midpoint;
// Selects the nearest traversal (if nearest traversal is selcted, deselects it)
void cl_navmesh_editor_select_traversal() {
cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode = false;
cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point = 0;
int trav_idx = cl_navmesh_get_nearest_traversal();
if(trav_idx == -1) {
print("No traversals to select");
if(trav_idx == cl_navmesh_selected_traversal) {
print("Travseral deselected.\n");
cl_navmesh_selected_traversal = -1;
print("Traversal ");
print(" selected.\n");
cl_navmesh_selected_traversal = trav_idx;
void cl_navmesh_editor_clone_traversal() {
cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode = false;
cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point = 0;
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_count >= NAV_MAX_TRAVERSALS) {
print("Can't clone traversal, max traversal count has been reached.\n");
float prev_trav = cl_navmesh_selected_traversal;
// place_traversal implicitly updates `cl_navmesh_selected_traversal` to the new one
cl_navmesh_editor_copy_traversal(prev_trav, cl_navmesh_selected_traversal, false, false);
void cl_navmesh_editor_delete_traversal() {
cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode = false;
cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point = 0;
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal == -1) {
print("No traversal selected.\n");
print("Deleting traversal: ");
//Bringing all traversals down to not leave any holes in the array
//Moving down every index to the right of what is selected to not leave any holes
for(float i = cl_navmesh_selected_traversal; i < cl_navmesh_traversal_count - 1; i++) {
// Copy traversal (i+1) to traversal (i)
cl_navmesh_editor_copy_traversal(i+1, i, true, true);
// TOOD - Clear the last one?
// TODO - Fix any references from polygons -> traversals?
cl_navmesh_selected_traversal = -1;
void cl_navmesh_editor_edit_traversal() {
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal == -1) {
print("No traversal selected.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode) {
cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode = false;
else {
cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode = true;
cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point = 0;
void cl_navmesh_editor_next_traversal_type() {
// TODO - Scroll through list once traversals are defined
void cl_navmesh_editor_prev_traversal_type() {
// TODO - Scroll through list once traversals are defined
void cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_next_point() {
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal == -1) {
print("No traversal selected.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode == false) {
print("Not in traversal edit mode.\n");
cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point = (cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point + 1) % 3;
void cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_toggle_point() {
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal == -1) {
print("No traversal selected.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode == false) {
print("Not in traversal edit mode.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point != 1){
print("Can only toggle midpoint.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].use_midpoint) {
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].use_midpoint = false;
else {
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].use_midpoint = true;
void cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_get_point_pos() {
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal == -1) {
print("No traversal selected.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode == false) {
print("Not in traversal edit mode.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point == 0) {
print("Traversal start point: ");
else if(cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point == 1) {
print("Traversal mid point: ");
print(". (relative to start point)\n");
else if(cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point == 2) {
print("Traversal end point: ");
print(". (relative to start point)\n");
void cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_set_point_pos(vector pos) {
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal == -1) {
print("No traversal selected.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode == false) {
print("Not in traversal edit mode.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point == 0) {
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].start_pos = pos;
print("Traversal start pos set to: ");
else if(cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point == 1) {
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].midpoint_pos = pos;
print("Traversal mid pos set to: ");
print(". (relative to start pos)\n");
else if(cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_cur_point == 2) {
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].end_pos = pos;
print("Traversal end pos set to: ");
print(". (relative to start pos)\n");
void cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_get_angle() {
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal == -1) {
print("No traversal selected.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode == false) {
print("Not in traversal edit mode.\n");
print("Traversal angle: ");
void cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_set_angle(float angle) {
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal == -1) {
print("No traversal selected.\n");
if(cl_navmesh_traversal_edit_mode == false) {
print("Not in traversal edit mode.\n");
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].angle = angle;
print("Traversal angle set to: ");
void cl_navmesh_traversal_editor_auto_adjust_traversal() {
if(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal == -1) {
vector start_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].start_pos;
vector midpoint_pos = cl_navmesh_get_traversal_midpoint_pos(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal);
vector end_pos = cl_navmesh_get_traversal_end_pos(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal);
vector ofs = '0 0 16';
tracebox(start_pos + ofs, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, start_pos - ofs, TRUE, player);
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].start_pos.z = trace_endpos.z;
tracebox(end_pos + ofs, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, end_pos - ofs, TRUE, player);
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].end_pos.z = trace_endpos.z - start_pos.z;
// FIXME - Pull from traversal struct
string traversal_type = "ledge";
// If "ledge" traversal,
if(traversal_type == "ledge") {
start_pos = cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].start_pos;
end_pos = cl_navmesh_get_traversal_end_pos(cl_navmesh_selected_traversal);
vector top_point;
vector bottom_point;
if(start_pos.z < end_pos.z) {
bottom_point = start_pos;
top_point = end_pos;
else {
top_point = start_pos;
bottom_point = end_pos;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Binary search to find the ledge location
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
vector search_start = top_point;
vector search_midpoint;
vector search_end = bottom_point;
search_end.z = search_start.z;
// What if there's a wall above the bottom point?
for(float i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
search_midpoint = (search_start + search_end) * 0.5;
tracebox(search_midpoint + ofs, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, search_midpoint - ofs, TRUE, player);
print("iter: ", ftos(i), " start: ", vtos(search_start), " end: ", vtos(search_end), " mid: ");
print(vtos(search_midpoint), " frac: ", ftos(trace_fraction), "\n");
if(trace_fraction >= 1.0 || trace_startsolid) {
search_end = search_midpoint;
else {
search_start = search_midpoint;
vector ledge_pos = (search_start + search_end) * 0.5;
// ledge_pos is the center of the bbox, offset to find the corner near the ledge
// Push 16 qu towards the top point
// NOTE: This won't be accurate for sloped ledges, but we're just
// trying to get close-enough so the animations look half-decent
ledge_pos += normalize(top_point - [bottom_point.x, bottom_point.y, top_point.z]) * 16;
// Lower by the bbox height to the center
ledge_pos.z += VEC_HULL_MIN.z;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Offset the traversal such that the top point is 10qu away from the ledge
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
float traversal_length = 50; // qu
float start_to_ledge = 10; // qu
// First, make sure the end_pos is exactly 50qu away from the start
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].end_pos.x = 0;
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].end_pos.y = traversal_length;
// Compute vector pointing from start towards ledge:
vector delta_pos = start_pos - ledge_pos;
delta_pos.z = 0;
float cur_dist = vlen(delta_pos);
delta_pos = normalize(delta_pos);
// If traversal start is at the bottom, move traversal start 40qu away from ledge
if(start_pos.z < end_pos.z) {
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].start_pos += delta_pos * ((traversal_length - start_to_ledge) - cur_dist);
// If traversal start is at the top, move traversal start 10qu away from ledge
else {
cl_navmesh_traversals[cl_navmesh_selected_traversal].start_pos += delta_pos * (start_to_ledge - cur_dist);
// Next, adjust distance between the traversal start and the ledge
// so that it's exactly 25 qu away.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
float(string cmd) cl_navmesh_console_commands =
case "nav_editor":
return TRUE;
//nav_clear_navmesh must be run twice consecutively to execute it (for safety)
case "nav_clear_navmesh":
cl_confirm_clear_navmesh = 1;
print("Are you sure you want to clear the navmesh? All unsaved changes will be lost.\n");
return TRUE;
case "y":
case "yes":
if(cl_confirm_clear_navmesh == 1)
print("Navmesh cleared.\n");
cl_confirm_clear_navmesh = 0;
return TRUE;
cl_confirm_clear_navmesh = 0;
return FALSE;
case "nav_place_vert":
return TRUE;
case "nav_delete_verts":
return TRUE;
case "nav_select_vert":
return TRUE;
case "nav_deselect_vert":
return TRUE;
case "nav_deselect_all":
print("All vertices deselected.\n");
return TRUE;
case "nav_make_poly":
return TRUE;
case "nav_delete_poly":
return TRUE;
case "nav_resolve_corner":
return TRUE;
case "nav_place_corner":
return TRUE;
case "nav_cancel_corner":
return TRUE;
case "nav_confirm_corner":
return TRUE;
case "nav_calc_connected_polies":
return TRUE;
case "nav_calc_poly_centers":
return TRUE;
case "navtest_place_goal":
return TRUE;
case "navtest_place_start":
return TRUE;
case "nav_save_navmesh":
return TRUE;
case "nav_load_navmesh":
return TRUE;
case "nav_toggle_poly_door":
return TRUE;
case "nav_print_poly_door":
return TRUE;
case "nav_place_traversal":
return TRUE;
case "nav_select_traversal":
return TRUE;
case "nav_clone_traversal":
return TRUE;
case "nav_delete_traversal":
return TRUE;
case "nav_edit_traversal":
return TRUE;
case "nav_next_traversal_type":
return TRUE;
case "nav_prev_traversal_type":
return TRUE;
case "nav_trav_next_point":
return TRUE;
case "nav_trav_toggle_point":
return TRUE;
case "nav_trav_get_point_pos":
return TRUE;
case "nav_trav_set_point_pos":
return TRUE;
case "nav_trav_get_angle":
return TRUE;
case "nav_trav_set_angle":
return TRUE;
case "nav_trav_auto_adjust":
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} |