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Core logic for the Wunderwaffe special weapon.
Copyright (C) 2021-2024 NZ:P Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// Think function for tesla spark sprite spawned at zombie torso
void() tesla_spark_think =
float prev_frame = self.frame;
while(self.frame == prev_frame) {
self.frame = rint(random()*3);
if(self.ltime < time) {
self.nextthink = time + 0.05;
// Tesla spark sprite spawned at zombie torso
void(vector pos) tesla_spark = {
local entity lightning = spawn();
setmodel(lightning, "models/sprites/lightning.spr");
setorigin(lightning, pos);
lightning.effects = EF_FULLBRIGHT;
lightning.think = tesla_spark_think;
lightning.nextthink = time + 0.05;
lightning.ltime = time + 1;
void(entity hit_ent, entity arc_parent, entity arc_owner, float arc_num, float do_arc) tesla_damage = {
// set lib models to null
// (if we remove them RelinkZombies will cry)
if (!hit_ent.th_diewunder)
if (hit_ent.head)
setmodel(hit_ent.head, "");
if (hit_ent.larm)
setmodel(hit_ent.larm, "");
if (hit_ent.rarm)
setmodel(hit_ent.rarm, "");
hit_ent.velocity.x = 0;
hit_ent.velocity.y = 0;
// window hop fix
if (self.state == 1 || self.hop_step != 0) {
self.state = self.hop_step = 0;
if(arc_owner != world && hit_ent.aistatus == "1") {
arc_owner.tesla_n_kills += 1;
// 50 points for waffe kills
if(arc_owner.classname == "player") {
arc_owner.kills += 1;
Player_AddScore(arc_owner, DMG_SCORE_TESLA, true);
if(do_arc == true) {
// float wait_time = lerp(0.2,0.6, random()) * arc_num;
// The first zombie does not wait, every arc thereafter does
float wait_time = arc_num == 1 ? 0 : lerp(0.2,0.6, random()) * arc_num;
hit_ent.tesla_next_arc_time = time + wait_time;
// print("Entity ", hit_ent.classname, " set to arc after ",ftos(wait_time)," (t=", ftos(hit_ent.tesla_next_arc_time), ")\n");
else {
// print("Entity ", hit_ent.classname, " NOT set to arc at.\n");
hit_ent.tesla_next_arc_time = -1;
hit_ent.tesla_arc_parent = arc_parent;
hit_ent.tesla_arc_owner = arc_owner;
hit_ent.tesla_arc_num = arc_num;
// play our wunder-ful anim
entity oself = self;
self = hit_ent;
self = oself;
vector(entity ent) tesla_arc_ofs_for_ent = {
if(ent.classname == "ai_zombie") {
if(ent.crawling == true) {
return '0 0 -18';
else {
return '0 0 20';
else if(ent.classname == "ai_dog") {
return '0 0 0';
return '0 0 0';
// entity cur_ent, entity prev_ent, entity player
void() tesla_arc = {
if(self.tesla_next_arc_time < 0) {
if(self.tesla_next_arc_time > time) {
// print("\"",self.classname,"\" arcing ( arcs:",ftos(self.tesla_arc_num)," kills: ",ftos(self.tesla_arc_owner.tesla_n_kills),") for arctime: ");
// print(ftos(self.tesla_next_arc_time),"\n");
self.tesla_next_arc_time = -1;
if(self.tesla_arc_owner.tesla_n_kills >= 10) {
// print("\tAt max kills. Stopping.\n");
self.iszomb = 0;
// If we can't arc any further, tell parent to keep trying
if(self.tesla_arc_num >= 5) {
// We already waited, do it immediately
self.tesla_arc_parent.tesla_next_arc_time = 0;
// print("\tAt max arc-counts, keep arcing from parent.\n");
// Maximum arcing distance for this zombie
float max_dist = 300 - (20 * self.tesla_arc_num);
// print("\tZombie arc to max dist: ", ftos(max_dist), "\n");
entity best_ent = world;
if(max_dist > 0) {
// If arcing, find the closest zombie to current zombie:
entity ent = findfloat(world, iszomb, 1);
float dist;
float best_dist = max_dist;
while(ent != world) {
if(ent != self && ent.aistatus == "1") {
dist = vlen(self.origin - ent.origin);
if(dist < best_dist) {
// Check traceline to make sure is visible
vector trace_start = self.origin + tesla_arc_ofs_for_ent(self);
vector trace_end = ent.origin + tesla_arc_ofs_for_ent(self);
traceline(trace_start, trace_end, 1, world); // MOVE_NOMONSTERS=1
if(trace_fraction >= 1.0) {
best_dist = dist;
best_ent = ent;
ent = findfloat(ent, iszomb, 1);
// print("\tZombie arcing to entity: \"", best_ent.classname, "\" dist: ", ftos(best_dist), "\n");
// We found a zombie to arc to, continue arc from there
if(best_ent != world) {
tesla_damage(best_ent, self, self.tesla_arc_owner, self.tesla_arc_num + 1, true);
vector source_pos = self.origin + tesla_arc_ofs_for_ent(self);
vector target_pos = best_ent.origin + tesla_arc_ofs_for_ent(best_ent);
#ifdef FTE
te_lightning1(self, source_pos, target_pos);
WriteEntity(MSG_BROADCAST, self);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, source_pos.x);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, source_pos.y);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, source_pos.z);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, target_pos.x);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, target_pos.y);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, target_pos.z);
#endif // FTE
// No ent to arc to, tell arc parent to resume its search
// else if(self.tesla_arc_parent != world) {
// // Don't wait, start immediately
// self.tesla_arc_parent.tesla_next_arc_time = 0;
// }
// Have self immediately arc again next frame
self.tesla_next_arc_time = 0;
// Fire lightning out of the gun
void() W_FireTesla =
vector source;
entity tempe = spawn();
source = self.origin + self.view_ofs;
vector barrel_ofs = GetWeaponFlash_Offset(self.weapon);
source += v_right * (barrel_ofs.x/1000);
source += v_up * (barrel_ofs.y/1000);
source += v_forward * (barrel_ofs.z/1000);
#ifdef FTE
#endif // FTE
FireTrace(1, 0, 0, 0);
#ifdef FTE
self.dimension_hit = HITBOX_DIM_ZOMBIES;
#endif // FTE
// Initial Lightning is Red when Pack-A-Punched
if (IsPapWeapon(self.weapon)) {
#ifdef FTE
te_lightning2(world, source, trace_endpos);
WriteEntity(MSG_BROADCAST, tempe);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, source_x);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, source_y);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, source_z);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, trace_endpos_x);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, trace_endpos_y);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, trace_endpos_z);
#endif // FTE
} else {
#ifdef FTE
te_lightning1(world, source, trace_endpos);
WriteEntity(MSG_BROADCAST, tempe);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, source_x);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, source_y);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, source_z);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, trace_endpos_x);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, trace_endpos_y);
WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, trace_endpos_z);
#endif // FTE
self.tesla_n_kills = 0;
entity hit_ent = trace_ent;
if(hit_ent.classname == "ai_zombie_head" || hit_ent.classname == "ai_zombie_larm" || hit_ent.classname == "ai_zombie_rarm")
hit_ent = hit_ent.owner;
// print("W_FireTesla hit ent: ", hit_ent.classname, "\n");
if(trace_ent != world && trace_ent.takedamage) {
tesla_damage(hit_ent, world, self, 1, true);
// Not a direct-hit, do splash damage:
else {
// TODO - Search for proximity to players and damage players
// TODO - Electric overlay player HUD
// ------- Find zombie closest to splash damage pos ---------
// Damage any players within splash damage radius along the way
float inner_radius = 30;
float splash_radius = 110;
entity ent = findradius(trace_endpos, splash_radius);
float dist;
entity best_ent = world;
float best_dist = splash_radius;
while(ent != world) {
if(ent == self) {
// ----------------------------------------
// Player logic:
// ----------------------------------------
// - Same damage with or without jug
// - Deal 75 damage at `inner_radius` qu
// - Deal 0 damage at `splash_radius` qu
// - Linearly interpolate damage in-between
dist = vlen(ent.origin - trace_endpos);
// lerp_frac: 1 at inner_radius, 0 at splash_radius
float lerp_frac = (dist - splash_radius) / (inner_radius - splash_radius);
float damage = lerp(0, 75, lerp_frac);
// print("Giving player ",ftos(damage), " damage.\n");
DamageHandler(ent, self, damage, DMG_TYPE_ELECTRICTRAP);
// ----------------------------------------
if(ent.aistatus == "1") {
dist = vlen(ent.origin - trace_endpos);
if(dist < best_dist) {
best_dist = dist;
best_ent = ent;
ent = ent.chain;
if(best_ent != world) {
tesla_damage(best_ent, world, self, 1, true);
} |