mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 01:11:13 +00:00
Adds proper gun recoil to FTE, as well as moves spread calculation to be relative to crosshairs. CSQC's crosshair values are now accurate to World at War as well. Weapons are also much more precise ADS, so the Kar is more viable. Shotguns also no longer reduce spread when ADS, in parity with World at War :^)
1627 lines
49 KiB
1627 lines
49 KiB
HUD Drawing Code
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 NZ:P Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
// vid_ultrawide_limiter
float() GetUltraWideOffset =
if (cvar("vid_ultrawide_limiter"))
return 0;
//return hud images, makes drawpic slightly cleaner..
string(string img) getImage = {
return strcat(huddir, img);
* HUD_Health *
void(float width, float height) HUD_Health =
local float health;
float alpha;
health = getstatf(STAT_HEALTH);
if (health < 100)
alpha = (100.0 - ((1.25 * health) - 25))/100*255;
if (alpha <= 0.0)
float modifier = (sin(time * 10) * 20) - 20;//always negative
if(modifier < -35.0)
modifier = -35.0;
alpha += modifier;
if(alpha < 0.0)
float color = 255.0 + modifier;
drawpic([0,0,0], "gfx/hud/blood.tga", [width, height, 0], [10,0,0], alpha/2000); // naievil -- alpha factor division here makes it easy to use legacy code
* HUD_Ammo *
void(float width, float height) HUD_Ammo =
local float ammo, curmag, benis, benis2;
string ammostring, ammostring_1, ammostring_2;
vector color;
curmag = getstatf(STAT_CURRENTMAG);
ammo = getstatf(STAT_AMMO);
benis = strlen(ftos(ammo));
benis2 = strlen(ftos(curmag));
benis = benis + benis2;
if (W_IsLowAmmo(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_CURRENTMAG), true))
color = [215/255, 0, 0];
color = [1, 1, 1];
if (W_IsLowAmmo(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_AMMO), false))
vector color_2 = [215/255, 0, 0];
color_2 = [1, 1, 1];
if (IsDualWeapon(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON))) {
float curmag2 = getstatf(STAT_CURRENTMAG2);
ammostring = strcat(ftos(curmag2), " ", ftos(curmag), "/", ftos(ammo));
float x2 = (g_width - GetUltraWideOffset()) - 62 - stringwidth(ammostring, 0, [12, 12]);
drawstring([x2, g_height - 29], ammostring, [12, 12], [1,1,1], 1, 0);
} else {
ammostring_1 = ftos(curmag);
ammostring_2 = strcat("/", ftos(ammo));
string weapon_ammo_string = strcat(ftos(curmag), "/", ftos(ammo));
float x = (g_width - GetUltraWideOffset()) - 62 - stringwidth(weapon_ammo_string, 0, [12, 12]);
drawstring([x, g_height - 29], ammostring_1, [12, 12], color, 1, 0);
drawstring([x + stringwidth(ammostring_1, 0, [12, 12]), g_height - 29], ammostring_2, [12, 12], color_2, 1, 0);
// HUD_AmmoString()
// Draws the "LOW AMMO", "Reload", etc. text
float ammoopac, ammoloop;
void() HUD_AmmoString =
vector textcolor = [1, 1, 1];
string message = "";
float reserve_is_low;
float mag_is_low;
// Is the Reserve low?
if (W_IsLowAmmo(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_AMMO), false)) {
reserve_is_low = true;
} else {
reserve_is_low = false;
// Is the Magazine low?
if (W_IsLowAmmo(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_CURRENTMAG), true)) {
mag_is_low = true;
} else {
mag_is_low = false;
// Nothing to do.
if (mag_is_low == false && reserve_is_low == false) {
ammoopac = 1;
ammoloop = 0;
} else {
// Display Reload text if the mag is low but reserve is not.
if (mag_is_low == true && reserve_is_low == false) {
message = "Reload";
textcolor = [1, 1, 1];
// Report NO AMMO if both are empty
else if (getstatf(STAT_CURRENTMAG) <= 0 && getstatf(STAT_AMMO) <= 0)
message = "NO AMMO";
textcolor = [215/255, 0, 0];
// Display LOW AMMO if both are low.
else if (reserve_is_low == true && mag_is_low == true)
message = "LOW AMMO";
textcolor = [219/255, 203/255, 19/255];
// Blink the text and draw it.
if (ammoloop == 0) {
ammoopac -= frametime;
if (ammoopac < 0.5) {
ammoopac = 0.5;
ammoloop = 1;
} else {
ammoopac += frametime;
if (ammoopac >= 1) {
ammoopac = 1;
ammoloop = 0;
float x = (g_width/2) - (stringwidth(message, 0, [12, 12])/2);
drawstring([x, g_height/2 + 40, 0], message, [12, 12, 0], textcolor, ammoopac, 0);
* HUD_Points *
#define MAX_POINT_ELEMENTS 64 // the maximum amount of point differential elements that can be spawned before
// we iterate back from 0
float active_point_elements;
var struct
float difference; // the difference of points
float x_position; // current x position
float y_position; // current y position
float x_velocity; // how fast the element moves on the x axis
float y_velocity; // how fast the element moves on the y axis
float opacity; // the opacity of the text_string as it progresses
float string_width; // the width of text_string
float occupied; // is this array being used/occupied?
float playerid; // who does this element belong to?
string text_string; // either '+(difference)' or '-(difference)'
} point_elements[MAX_POINT_ELEMENTS];
float last_point_element_index;
void(float amount, float playernum) RegisterPointChange =
if (last_point_element_index >= MAX_POINT_ELEMENTS)
last_point_element_index = 0;
float index = last_point_element_index;
// set the difference amount
point_elements[index].difference = amount;
// assign it to the player
point_elements[index].playerid = playernum;
// fill our text string
if (point_elements[index].difference > 0) {
point_elements[index].text_string = strcat("+", ftos(point_elements[index].difference));
} else {
point_elements[index].text_string = ftos(point_elements[index].difference);
// determine the width of the text string
point_elements[index].string_width = stringwidth(point_elements[index].text_string, 0, [12, 12]);
// generate a velocity
point_elements[index].y_velocity = random()/4;
while (point_elements[index].x_velocity < 0.33) {
point_elements[index].x_velocity = random();
if (point_elements[index].x_velocity > 0.70)
point_elements[index].x_velocity -= 0.2;
// should the vertical velocity be positive or negative?
float rng = random();
// negative
if (rng < 0.5) {
point_elements[index].y_velocity = -point_elements[index].y_velocity;
// set our x and y positions
point_elements[index].x_position = 0;
point_elements[index].y_position = (g_height - 90) - (25*(playernum - 1));
// start with an opacity of 1
point_elements[index].opacity = 1;
// the element is being used
point_elements[index].occupied = true;
// iterate
void(float pwidth, float width, float height, float playernum) PointUpdate =
if (active_point_elements == 0)
for (float i = 0; i < MAX_POINT_ELEMENTS; i++) {
if (point_elements[i].playerid != playernum)
if (point_elements[i].opacity <= 0 && point_elements[i].occupied == true) {
point_elements[i].occupied = false;
// should the text be red or orange?
if (point_elements[i].difference > 0) {
} else {
if (point_elements[i].difference != 0 && point_elements[i].opacity > 0) {
drawstring([pwidth - point_elements[i].string_width - point_elements[i].x_position,
point_elements[i].y_position], point_elements[i].text_string, [12, 12],
POINT_DIFF_COLOR, point_elements[i].opacity, 0);
point_elements[i].x_position -= point_elements[i].x_velocity * (frametime*375);
point_elements[i].y_position += point_elements[i].y_velocity * (frametime*375);
point_elements[i].opacity -= (frametime*4);
void(float width, float height) HUD_Points =
local float pointlength = 0, increm = 10, i = 0, pointwidth = 0, x = 0;
local float backwidth = 0.8*width;
vector TEXTCOLOR = '0 0 0';
for (i = 3; i >= 0; i = i - 1)
if (playerpoints[i] == -1)
switch(i) {
case 2: TEXTCOLOR = TEXT_ORANGE; break;
case 3: TEXTCOLOR = TEXT_GREEN; break;
default: TEXTCOLOR = [1, 1, 1]; break;
if ((i+1) == getstatf(STAT_PLAYERNUM)) {
pointwidth = stringwidth(ftos(playerpoints[i]), 0, [12, 12]);
x = (99 - pointwidth)/2 + GetUltraWideOffset();
drawpic([3 + GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 95], "gfx/hud/moneyback.tga", [96, 24], [1,1,1], 1);
drawstring([x, g_height - 90], ftos(playerpoints[i]), [12, 12], TEXTCOLOR, 1, 0);
PointUpdate(x + 70, width, height, i + 1);
} else {
pointwidth = stringwidth(ftos(playerpoints[i]), 0, [12, 12]);
x = (85 - pointwidth)/2 + GetUltraWideOffset();
drawpic([-7 + GetUltraWideOffset(), (g_height - 95) - (25*i)], "gfx/hud/moneyback_condensed.tga", [96, 24], [1,1,1], 1);
drawstring([x, (g_height - 90) - (25*i)], ftos(playerpoints[i]), [12, 12], TEXTCOLOR, 1, 0);
PointUpdate(x + 70, width, height, i + 1);
* HUD_Grenades *
void(float width, float height) HUD_Grenades =
float grenades;
float betties;
vector grenade_text_color;
vector betties_text_color;
grenades = getstatf(STAT_GRENADES);
betties = getstatf(STAT_SECGRENADES);
if (grenades == 0)
grenade_text_color = [1, 0, 0];
grenade_text_color = [1, 1, 1];
if (betties == 0)
betties_text_color = [1, 0, 0];
betties_text_color = [1, 1, 1];
drawpic([g_width - 3 - 56 - GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 50], "gfx/hud/frag.tga", [32, 32], [1, 1, 1], 1);
drawstring([g_width - 3 - 38 - GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 29], ftos(grenades), [12, 12], grenade_text_color, 1, 0);
if (betties != -1) {
drawpic([g_width - 3 - 28 - GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 50], "gfx/hud/betty.tga", [32, 32], [1, 1, 1], 1);
drawstring([g_width - 3 - 10 - GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 29], ftos(betties), [12, 12], betties_text_color, 1, 0);
* HUD_Rounds *
float color_shift[3];
float color_shift_end[3];
float color_shift_steps[3];
int color_shift_init;
int blinking;
string sb_round[5];
string sb_round_num[10];
int alphabling;
float endroundchange;
float round_center_x;
float round_center_y;
//motolegacy -- 'round' text
float pwidth;
float rcolor, rinit, ralpha, localpha;
void(float width, float height) HUD_Rounds =
float roundheight = 65;
float roundwidth = 15;
float roundwidth_4 = 81;
float roundheight_4 = 65;
float roundheight_num = 65;
float roundwidth_num = 43; // naievil -- was 32, but more square makes it look better
int i, x_offset, icon_num, savex;
int num[3];
x_offset = 0;
savex = 0;
for (float j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
if (j < 5) {
sb_round[j] = getImage(strcat("r", ftos(j+1), ".tga"));
sb_round_num[j] = getImage(strcat("r_num", ftos(j), ".tga"));
if (rounds_change == 1 || rounds_change == 2) {
if (!rinit) {
rcolor = rinit = 1;
ralpha = 1;
pwidth = stringwidth("Round", 0, [24, 24])/2;
drawstring([(g_width/2) - pwidth, g_height/2 - 70], "Round", [24, 24], [1, rcolor, rcolor], ralpha, 0);
rcolor -= frametime/2.5;
if (rcolor < 0) {
rcolor = 0;
ralpha -= frametime/2.5;
if (ralpha > 0) {
localpha += frametime*0.4;
if (localpha > 1)
localpha = 1;
if (ralpha < 0) {
ralpha = 0;
localpha -= frametime*0.4;
if (localpha < 0)
localpha = 0;
drawstring([3 + GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height/2 + 24], chaptertitle, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], localpha, 0);
drawstring([3 + GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height/2 + 36], location, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], localpha, 0);
drawstring([3 + GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height/2 + 48], date, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], localpha, 0);
drawstring([3 + GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height/2 + 60], person, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], localpha, 0);
if (rounds_change == 1)//this is the rounds icon at the middle of the screen
alphabling = alphabling + (frametime*500);
if (alphabling < 0)
alphabling = 0;
else if (alphabling > 255)
alphabling = 255;
round_center_x = g_width/2 - 6;
round_center_y = g_height/2 - 36;
drawpic([round_center_x,round_center_y,0], sb_round[0], [roundwidth, roundheight], [107/255,1/255], alphabling/255);
else if (rounds_change == 2)//this is the rounds icon moving from middle
float round_center_y_offset = 0;
float round_center_x_offset = 0;
drawpic([round_center_x + round_center_x_offset,round_center_y + round_center_y_offset,0], sb_round[0], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [107/255,(1/255),0], 1);
round_center_x = round_center_x - (((229/108)*2 - 0.2)*((width - GetUltraWideOffset())/480)/8) * (frametime*250);
round_center_y = round_center_y + ((2*(height/272))/8) * (frametime*250);
if (round_center_x <= 3 + GetUltraWideOffset())
round_center_x = 3 + GetUltraWideOffset();
if (round_center_y >= g_height - 1 - roundheight)
round_center_y = g_height - 1 - roundheight;
else if (rounds_change == 3)//shift to white
if (!color_shift_init)
color_shift[0] = 107;
color_shift[1] = 1;
color_shift[2] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1)
color_shift_end[i] = 255;
color_shift_steps[i] = (color_shift_end[i] - color_shift[i])/60;
color_shift_init = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1)
if (color_shift[i] < color_shift_end[i])
color_shift[i] = color_shift[i] + color_shift_steps[i]*(frametime*100);
if (color_shift[i] >= color_shift_end[i])
color_shift[i] = color_shift_end[i];
if (rounds > 0 && rounds < 11)
for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1)
if (i == 4)
drawpic([5 + GetUltraWideOffset(),height - roundheight, 0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1);
savex = x_offset + (10*width/480);
x_offset = x_offset + (10*width/480);
if (i == 9)
drawpic([5 + savex + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1);
if (i > 4)
icon_num = i - 5;
icon_num = i;
drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[icon_num], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth + (3*width/480);
if (rounds >= 100)
num[2] = (int)(rounds/100);
drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[2]], [roundwidth_num, roundheight_num, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
num[2] = 0;
if (rounds >= 10)
num[1] = (int)((rounds - num[2]*100)/10);
drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[1]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
num[1] = 0;
num[0] = rounds - num[2]*100 - num[1]*10;
drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[0]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
else if (rounds_change == 4)//blink white
if (endroundchange > time)
blinking = ((int)(time*1000)&510) - 255;
blinking = fabs(blinking);
if (blinking)
blinking = blinking - 1;
blinking = 0;
if (rounds > 0 && rounds < 11)
for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1)
if (i == 4)
drawpic([5 + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
savex = x_offset + (10*width/480);
x_offset = x_offset + (10*width/480);
if (i == 9)
drawpic([5 + savex + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
if (i > 4)
icon_num = i - 5;
icon_num = i;
drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[icon_num], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth + (3*width/480);
if (rounds >= 100)
num[2] = (int)(rounds/100);
drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[2]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
num[2] = 0;
if (rounds >= 10)
num[1] = (int)((rounds - num[2]*100)/10);
drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[1]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
num[1] = 0;
num[0] = rounds - num[2]*100 - num[1]*10;
drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[0]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
if (endroundchange == 0)
endroundchange = time + 2;
else if (rounds_change == 5)//blink white
if (blinking > 0)
blinking = blinking - (frametime*5000);
if (blinking < 0)
blinking = 0;
if (rounds > 0 && rounds < 11)
for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1)
if (i == 4)
drawpic([5 + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
savex = x_offset + (10*width/480);
x_offset = x_offset + (10*width/480);
if (i == 9)
drawpic([5 + savex + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
if (i > 4)
icon_num = i - 5;
icon_num = i;
drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[icon_num], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth + (3*width/480);
if (rounds >= 100)
num[2] = (int)(rounds/100);
drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[2]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
num[2] = 0;
if (rounds >= 10)
num[1] = (int)((rounds - num[2]*100)/10);
drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[1]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
num[1] = 0;
num[0] = rounds - num[2]*100 - num[1]*10;
drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[0]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
else if (rounds_change == 6)//blink white while fading back
endroundchange = 0;
color_shift_init = 0;
blinking = ((int)(time*1000)&510) - 255;
blinking = fabs(blinking);
if (rounds > 0 && rounds < 11)
for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1)
if (i == 4)
drawpic([5 + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
savex = x_offset + (10*width/480);
x_offset = x_offset + (10*width/480);
if (i == 9)
drawpic([5 + savex + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
if (i > 4)
icon_num = i - 5;
icon_num = i;
drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[icon_num], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth + (3*width/480);
if (rounds >= 100)
num[2] = (int)(rounds/100);
drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[2]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
num[2] = 0;
if (rounds >= 10)
num[1] = (int)((rounds - num[2]*100)/10);
drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[1]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
num[1] = 0;
num[0] = rounds - num[2]*100 - num[1]*10;
drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[0]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
else if (rounds_change == 7)//blink white while fading back
if (!color_shift_init)
color_shift_end[0] = 107;
color_shift_end[1] = 1;
color_shift_end[2] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1)
color_shift[i] = 255;
color_shift_steps[i] = (color_shift[i] - color_shift_end[i])*(frametime*1.5);
color_shift_init = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1)
if (color_shift[i] > color_shift_end[i])
color_shift[i] = color_shift[i] - color_shift_steps[i];
if (color_shift[i] < color_shift_end[i])
color_shift[i] = color_shift_end[i];
if (rounds > 0 && rounds < 11)
for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1)
if (i == 4)
drawpic([5 + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1);
savex = x_offset + (10*width/480);
x_offset = x_offset + (10*width/480);
if (i == 9)
drawpic([5 + savex + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1);
if (i > 4)
icon_num = i - 5;
icon_num = i;
drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[icon_num], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth + (3*width/480);
if (rounds >= 100)
num[2] = (int)(rounds/100);
drawpic([2+x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[2]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
num[2] = 0;
if (rounds >= 10)
num[1] = (int)((rounds - num[2]*100)/10);
drawpic([2+x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[1]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
num[1] = 0;
num[0] = rounds - num[2]*100 - num[1]*10;
drawpic([2+x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[0]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
color_shift[0] = 107;
color_shift[1] = 1;
color_shift[2] = 0;
color_shift_init = 0;
alphabling = 0;
if (rounds > 0 && rounds < 11)
for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1)
if (i == 4)
drawpic([5 + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [107/255,1/255,0], 1);
savex = x_offset + (10*width/480);
x_offset = x_offset + (10*width/480);
if (i == 9)
drawpic([5 + savex + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [107/255,1/255,0], 1);
if (i > 4)
icon_num = i - 5;
icon_num = i;
drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[icon_num], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [107/255,1/255,0], 1);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth + (3*width/480);
if (rounds >= 100)
num[2] = (int)(rounds/100);
drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[2]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [107/255,1/255,0], 1);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
num[2] = 0;
if (rounds >= 10)
num[1] = (int)((rounds - num[2]*100)/10);
drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[1]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [107/255,1/255,0], 1);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
num[1] = 0;
num[0] = rounds - num[2]*100 - num[1]*10;
if(rounds == 0)
drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[0]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [107/255,1/255,0], 1);
x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480);
* HUD_Useprint *
void(float width, float height) HUD_Useprint =
string usestring, usebutton, usespace;
string usecost;
float print_width, x, button_width;
usestring = "";
usespace = "";
usecost = "";
usebutton = strtoupper(keynumtostring(stof(argv(0))));
for(float i = 0; i < strlen(usebutton); i++) {
usespace = strcat(usespace, " ");
switch (useprint_type) {
case 0://clear
usestring = "";
case 1://door
usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to open Door");
usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]");
case 2://debris
usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to remove Debris");
usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]");
case 3://ammo
usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to buy Ammo for ", GetWeaponName(useprint_weapon));
usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]");
case 4://weapon
usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to buy ", GetWeaponName(useprint_weapon));
usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]");
case 5://window
usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to Rebuild Barrier");
case 6://box
usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to buy a Random Weapon");
usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]");
case 7://box take
usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to take Weapon");
case 8://power
usestring = "The Power must be Activated first";
case 9://perk
usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to buy ", GetPerkName(useprint_weapon));
usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]");
case 10://turn on power
usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to Turn On the Power");
case 11://turn on trap
usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to Activate the Trap");
usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]");
case 12://packapunch
usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to Pack-a-Punch");
usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]");
case 13://revive
usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to Revive Player");
case 14://use teleporter (free)
usestring = strcat("Hold ", usespace, " to use Teleporter");
case 15://use teleporter (cost)
usestring = strcat("Hold ", usespace, " to use Teleporter");
usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]");
case 16://tp cooldown
usestring = "Teleporter is cooling down";
case 17://link
usestring = strcat("Hold ", usespace, " to initate link to pad");
case 18://no link
usestring = "Link not active";
case 19://finish link
usestring = strcat("Hold ", usespace, " to link pad with core");
case 20://buyable ending
usestring = strcat("Hold ", usespace, " to End the Game");
usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]");
usestring = "This should not happen you dum fuck"; //yikes
print_width = stringwidth (usestring, 0, [12, 12]);
x = (width - print_width)/2;
drawstring([x, g_height/2 + 65, 0], usestring, [12, 12, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
// Draw "Cost" text.
if (usecost != "") {
float cost_width = stringwidth(usecost, 0, [12, 12]);
float x3 = (width - cost_width)/2;
drawstring([x3, g_height/2 + 78, 0], usecost, [12, 12, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
// Draw highlighted usebutton (or button icon in the future)
if (substring(usestring, 0, 4) == "Hold") {
button_width = x + stringwidth ("Hold ", 0, [12, 12, 0]);
drawstring([button_width, g_height/2 + 65, 0], usebutton, [12, 12, 0], [1, 1, 0], 1, 0);
* HUD_Perks *
int perk_order[9];
int current_perk_order;
void(float width, float height) HUD_Perks =
float scale;
float x, y;
scale = 32;
x = 20;
y = 6;
if (cvar("vid_ultrawide_limiter"))
// Draw second column first -- these need to be
// overlayed below the first column.
for (float i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
if (perk_order[i]) {
if (perk_order[i] == P_JUG) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/jug.tga", [scale, scale], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_DOUBLE) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/double.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_SPEED) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/speed.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_REVIVE) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/revive.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_FLOP) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/flopper.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_STAMIN) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/stamin.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_DEAD) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/dead.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_MULE) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/mule.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
y += scale;
x = 3;
y = 6;
if (cvar("vid_ultrawide_limiter"))
// Now the first column.
for (float i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (perk_order[i]) {
if (perk_order[i] == P_JUG) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/jug.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_DOUBLE) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/double.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_SPEED) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/speed.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_REVIVE) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/revive.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_FLOP) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/flopper.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_STAMIN) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/stamin.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_DEAD) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/dead.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
if (perk_order[i] == P_MULE) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/mule.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);}
y += scale;
* HUD Weapons *
void(float width, float height) HUD_Weaponstring =
string weaponstring;
weaponstring = GetWeaponName(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON));
float x = g_width - 62 - stringwidth(weaponstring, 0, [12, 12]);
drawstring([x - GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 49], weaponstring, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
* HUD Progress Bar *
void(float width, float height) HUD_Progressbar =
float percent = getstatf(STAT_PROGRESSBAR);
if (!percent)
string progress;
local float ws_offset;
progress = ftos(percent);
ws_offset = (strlen(progress) - 1);
float bar_width = 200;
float bar_height = 12;
float bar_x = (width - bar_width)/2;
float bar_y = height*0.75;
drawfill ([bar_x - 1, bar_y - 1, 0], [bar_width+2, bar_height, 0], [0, 0, 0], 0.4, 0);
drawfill ([bar_x, bar_y, 0], [bar_width * percent, bar_height-2, 0], [1, 1, 1], 0.4, 0);
float x = (g_width/2) - (stringwidth("Reviving...", 0, [12, 12])/2);
drawstring([x, g_height - 105], "Reviving...", [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
* HUD Hitmark *
void() HUD_Hitmark =
drawpic([g_width/2 - 12, g_height/2 - 12], "gfx/hud/hit_marker.tga", [24, 24], [1,1,1], 1);
* HUD Crosshair *
float croshhairmoving; // naievil --used t o see if we are moving or not
float cur_spread;
float crosshair_offset_step;
float crosshair_opacity;
vector crosshair_color;
void() Draw_Crosshair =
//void(float width, vector pos1, vector pos2, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float drawflag) drawline
if (cvar("cl_crosshair_debug")) {
drawline(2, [g_width/2, g_height/2, 0], [0, g_height, 0], [1, 0, 0], 0.5);
drawline(2, [g_width/2, g_height/2, 0], [g_width, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1], 0.5);
drawline(2, [g_width, g_height, 0], [g_width/2, g_height/2, 0], [0, 1, 0], 0.5);
drawline(2, [0, 0, 0], [g_width/2, g_height/2, 0], [0, 0, 1], 0.5);
if (!crosshair_opacity)
crosshair_opacity = 1;
if (K_BACKDOWN || K_FORWARDDOWN || K_LEFTDOWN || K_RIGHTDOWN || input_buttons == 2) {
croshhairmoving = 1;
crosshair_opacity -= frametime;
if (crosshair_opacity < 0.5)
crosshair_opacity = 0.5;
if (cur_spread >= CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE))) {
cur_spread = CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE));
} else {
cur_spread += (frametime*160);
} else {
croshhairmoving = 0;
if (cur_spread > 0)
cur_spread -= (frametime*160);
cur_spread = 0;
crosshair_opacity += frametime;
if (crosshair_opacity > 1)
crosshair_opacity = 1;
// Update values to be red if we're facing an enemy
if (getstatf(STAT_FACINGENEMY))
crosshair_color = TEXT_RED;
crosshair_color = [1, 1, 1];
if (getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) == 2 && zoom_2_time < time)
setmodel(vmodel, "");
setmodel(v2model, "");
drawfill('0 0 0', [g_width/2 - g_height/2, g_height, 0], '0 0 0', 1, 0);
drawpic([(g_width/2 - g_height/2),0,0], "gfx/hud/scope_nb.tga", [g_height, g_height, 1], [1,1,1], 1);
drawfill([(g_width/2 + g_height/2),0,0], [g_width, g_height, 0], '0 0 0', 1, 0);
if (getstatf(STAT_HEALTH) < 11)
if (crosshair_spread_time > time && crosshair_spread_time)
cur_spread = cur_spread + 10;
if (cur_spread >= CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE)))
cur_spread = CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE));
if (!croshhairmoving)
cur_spread *= 1/2;
else if (crosshair_spread_time < time && crosshair_spread_time)
cur_spread = cur_spread - 0.25;
if (cur_spread <= 0)
cur_spread = 0;
crosshair_spread_time = 0;
if (getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == W_M2 || getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == W_TESLA || getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == W_DG3)
float circle_offset = stringwidth("O", 0, [12, 12])/2;
drawstring([g_width/2 - circle_offset, g_height/2 - circle_offset], "O", [12, 12], crosshair_color, 1, 0);
else if (getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) != 1 && getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) != 2 && getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) != W_PANZER && getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) != W_LONGINUS) // naievil (FIXME) crosshair cvar
int x_value, y_value;
int crosshair_offset;
crosshair_offset = CrossHairWeapon(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE)) + cur_spread;
if (CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE)) < crosshair_offset)
crosshair_offset = CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE));
if (perks & P_DEAD)
crosshair_offset *= 0.65;
crosshair_offset_step += (crosshair_offset - crosshair_offset_step) * 0.5;
// Creds to heartologic for some actually good crosshair position stuff.
vector crossSize = [1, 5];
vector screenSize = [g_width, g_height];
drawfill(screenSize / 2 - [crossSize.x, +crossSize.y * 2 + crosshair_offset_step], crossSize, crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // top
drawfill(screenSize / 2 - [crossSize.x, -crossSize.y * 1 - crosshair_offset_step], crossSize, crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // bottom
drawfill(screenSize / 2 - [+crossSize.y * 2 + crosshair_offset_step, crossSize.x], [crossSize.y, crossSize.x], crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // right
drawfill(screenSize / 2 - [-crossSize.y * 1 - crosshair_offset_step, crossSize.x], [crossSize.y, crossSize.x], crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // left
else if (getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) != 1 && getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) != 2) {
vector screenSize2 = [g_width, g_height];
drawfill(screenSize2 / 2 - [2, 2], [4, 4], crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // dot
void() HUD_Powerups =
float count = 0;
// horrible way to offset check :)))))))))))))))))) :DDDDDDDD XOXO
if (getstatf(STAT_X2))
if (getstatf(STAT_INSTA))
// both are avail draw fixed order
if (count == 2) {
drawpic([g_width/2 - (2 + 32), g_height - 38], "gfx/hud/2x.tga", [32, 32], [1, 1, 1], 1);
drawpic([g_width/2 + 2, g_height - 38], "gfx/hud/in_kill.tga", [32, 32], [1, 1, 1], 1);
} else {
if (getstatf(STAT_X2))
drawpic([g_width/2 - 16, g_height - 38], "gfx/hud/2x.tga", [32, 32], [1, 1, 1], 1);
else if (getstatf(STAT_INSTA))
drawpic([g_width/2 - 16, g_height - 38], "gfx/hud/in_kill.tga", [32, 32], [1, 1, 1], 1);
void() HUD_Broadcast = {
string broadcast_msg = "";
float health = getstatf(STAT_HEALTH);
switch(broadcast_type) {
case 2: broadcast_msg = strcat(broadcast_string, " needs to be revived"); break;
case 3: broadcast_msg = strcat(broadcast_string, " is reviving you"); break;
default: break;
float print_width = stringwidth (broadcast_msg, 0, [0.015*g_width, 0.015*g_width, 0]);
float x = (g_width - print_width)/2;
if (broadcast_msg != "")
drawstring([x, g_height/2, 0], broadcast_msg, [0.015*g_width, 0.015*g_width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
void() HUD_Scores =
string subtext = "Name Kills Score";
float xback, i, x;
vector TEXTCOLOR = [1, 1, 1];
if(serverkey("constate") != "disconnected")
float print_width = stringwidth(subtext, 0, [0.015*g_width, 0.015*g_width, 0]);
x = (g_width - print_width)/2;
drawstring([x,g_height*(5/12), 0], subtext, [0.015*g_width, 0.015*g_width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
xback = x;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1)
if (playerpoints[i] == -1)
switch(i) {
case 2: TEXTCOLOR = TEXT_ORANGE; break;
case 3: TEXTCOLOR = TEXT_GREEN; break;
default: TEXTCOLOR = [1, 1, 1]; break;
print_width = stringwidth(ftos(playerpoints[i]), 0, [0.015*g_width, 0.015*g_width, 0]);
x = (g_width + (0.5*g_width) - print_width)/2;
drawstring([x,g_height*(5.75/12)+(i*g_width*0.03), 0], ftos(playerpoints[i]), [0.015*g_width, 0.015*g_width, 0], TEXTCOLOR, 1, 0);
drawstring([x/1.36,g_height*(5.75/12)+(i*g_width*0.03), 0], ftos(playerkills[i]), [0.015*g_width, 0.015*g_width, 0], TEXTCOLOR, 1, 0);
drawstring([xback,g_height*(5.75/12)+(i*g_width*0.03), 0], playernames[i], [0.015*g_width, 0.015*g_width, 0], TEXTCOLOR, 1, 0);
void() HUD_Endgame = {
string message = "GAME OVER";
string rnd = " rounds";
if (rounds == 1)
rnd = " round";
string survive = strcat("You survived ", ftos(rounds), rnd);
// first message
float print_width = stringwidth(message, 0, [(1/30)*g_width, (1/30)*g_width, 0]);
float x = (g_width - print_width)/2;
drawstring([x, g_height*(1/4), 0], message, [(1/30)*g_width, (1/30)*g_width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
// second message
print_width = stringwidth(survive, 0, [0.025*g_width, 0.025*g_width, 0]);
x = (g_width - print_width)/2;
drawstring([x,g_height*(1/3), 0], survive, [0.025*g_width, 0.025*g_width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
// we can reuse our tab scores for the endgame
float oldfade_alpha;
void() HUD_Fade =
float alpha;
if (fade_type == 1) {
alpha = cos(fade_time - time);
if (oldfade_alpha > 0.95)
alpha = 1;
alpha = invertfloat(alpha);
drawfill ([0, 0, 0], [g_width, g_height, 0], [0, 0, 0], alpha, 0); // background
oldfade_alpha = alpha;
else if (fade_type == 2) {
alpha = sin(((fade_time - time) * 2));
if (oldfade_alpha > 0.95)
alpha = 1;
drawfill ([0, 0, 0], [g_width, g_height, 0], [0, 0, 0], alpha, 0); // background
oldfade_alpha = alpha;
void(float width, float height) HUD_ScrollText = {
float print_width = stringwidth (scrolltext, 0, [12, 12, 0]);
float x = (width - print_width)/2;
drawstring([x, scrollheight*height, 0], scrolltext, [12, 12, 0], [1, 1, 1], scrollopacity, 0); //low
if (scrollheight > 0.70) {
scrollheight -= frametime/10;
if (scrollopacity > 0)
scrollopacity -= frametime;
} else {
stext = 0;
float achievement_init;
float achievement_ypos;
float achievement_desc_ypos;
float achievement_img_ypos;
float achievement_time;
void(float width, float height) HUD_Achievements = {
if (active_achievement == -1)
if (!achievement_init) {
achievement_time = 0;
achievement_ypos = -0.16;
achievement_desc_ypos = -0.13;
achievement_img_ypos = -0.164;
achievement_init = true;
drawstring([0.2*width, achievement_ypos*height, 0], "ACHIEVEMENT GET!", [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 0], 1, 0);
drawstring([0.2*width, achievement_desc_ypos*height, 0], achievements[active_achievement].name, [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
drawpic([0.005*width, achievement_img_ypos*height,0], achievements[active_achievement].img, [0.16*width, 0.08*width, 0], [1,1,1], 1);
if (achievement_time <= 120) {
achievement_ypos += (frametime*0.15);
achievement_desc_ypos += (frametime*0.15);
achievement_img_ypos += (frametime*0.15);
} else {
achievement_ypos -= (frametime*0.15);
achievement_desc_ypos -= (frametime*0.15);
achievement_img_ypos -= (frametime*0.15);
if (achievement_desc_ypos <= -0.13) {
achievement_init = 0;
active_achievement = -1;
if (achievement_desc_ypos > 0.045) {
if (achievement_time <= 120) {
achievement_ypos = 0.015;
achievement_desc_ypos = 0.045;
achievement_img_ypos = 0.01;
achievement_time += (frametime*25);
string(float index) GetButtonString =
// place holder
if (index == 100)
return "LMOUSE";
else if (index == 101)
return "RMOUSE";
string temps = strtoupper(keynumtostring(stof(argv(0))));
return temps;
void(float width, float height) HUD_Waypoint =
drawstring([0.015*width, 0.015*height, 0], "WAYPOINT MODE", [0.030*width, 0.030*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
drawfill([0.015*width, 0.035*height + height*0.035, 0], [strlen("WAYPOINT MODE")*0.030*width, 0.005*width, 0], [1, 1,1], 1, 0);
drawstring([0.015*width, 0.095*height, 0], strcat("Press ", GetButtonString(100), " to Create a Waypoint"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
drawstring([0.015*width, 0.125*height, 0], strcat("Press ", GetButtonString(9), " to Select a Waypoint"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
drawstring([0.015*width, 0.155*height, 0], strcat("Press ", GetButtonString(101), " to Link a Waypoint"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
drawstring([0.015*width, 0.185*height, 0], strcat("Press ", GetButtonString(11), " to Remove a Waypoint"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
drawstring([0.015*width, 0.215*height, 0], strcat("Press ", GetButtonString(7), " to Move a Waypoint Here"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
drawstring([0.015*width, 0.245*height, 0], strcat("Press ", GetButtonString(10), " to Create a Special Waypoint"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
drawstring([0.015*width, 0.275*height, 0], strcat("Press ", "=", " to load map waypoints"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
drawstring([0.015*width, 0.305*height, 0], strcat("Press ", "-", " to save current waypoints"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0);
void(float width, float height) HUD_PlayerNames =
for (float i = 3; i >= 0; i = i - 1) {
if ((i+1) == getstatf(STAT_PLAYERNUM))
float player_number = getplayerkeyfloat(i, "viewentity");
string text = getplayerkeyvalue(i, "name");
vector player_origin = getentity(player_number, GE_ORIGIN) + '0 0 48';
vector screen_position = project(player_origin);
vector text_color = '1 1 1';
if (player_origin == '0 0 48')
screen_position_x -= stringwidth(text, 0, [8, 8])/2;
switch(i) {
case 1: text_color = TEXT_LIGHTBLUE; break;
case 2: text_color = TEXT_ORANGE; break;
case 3: text_color = TEXT_GREEN; break;
default: break;
if (screen_position_z > 0)
drawstring(screen_position, text, [8, 8], text_color, 1, 0);
void(float width, float height) HUD_ReviveIcons =
for (float i = 0; i < active_revive_icons; i++) {
if (revive_icons[i].draw == true) {
revive_icons[i].timer += frametime;
vector revive_origin;
revive_origin_x = revive_icons[i].org[0];
revive_origin_y = revive_icons[i].org[1];
revive_origin_z = revive_icons[i].org[2];
vector screen_position = project(revive_origin);
screen_position_x -= (32)/2;
if (screen_position_z > 0) {
// being revived
if (revive_icons[i].state == 2)
drawpic(screen_position, "gfx/hud/revive_icon.tga", [32, 32, 1], [1,1,1], 1);
else {
drawpic(screen_position, "gfx/hud/revive_icon.tga", [32, 32, 1], [1,1 - (revive_icons[i].timer/30),0], 1);
* HUD Draw *
void(float width, float height) HUD_Draw =
if (cvar("cl_cinematic"))
HUD_Achievements(width, height);
if (!getstatf(STAT_SPECTATING) && (getstatf(STAT_HEALTH) > 10) && !score_show)
if (vmodel.model == GetWeaponModel(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), FALSE) && vmodel.model != "" || getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) == 2)
if (!cvar("waypoint_mode")) {
HUD_Health(width, height);
HUD_Points(width, height);
HUD_Rounds(width, height);
HUD_Perks(width, height);
HUD_Progressbar(width, height);
if (vmodel.model == GetWeaponModel(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), FALSE) && vmodel.model != "")
if (HUD_Change_time > time)
HUD_Grenades(width, height);
if (vmodel.model == GetWeaponModel(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), FALSE) && vmodel.model != "") {
HUD_Ammo(width, height);
HUD_Weaponstring(width, height);
if (useprint_time > time)
HUD_Useprint(width, height);
if (Hitmark_time > time)
if (stext) {
HUD_ScrollText(width, height);
} else {
scrollopacity = 1;
scrollheight = 0.80;
HUD_PlayerNames(width, height);
HUD_ReviveIcons(width, height);
} else {
HUD_Waypoint(width, height);
// Only keep broadcast messages outside in case they are important
if (broadcast_time > time)
if (getstatf(STAT_HEALTH) <= 10 && getstatf(STAT_SPECTATING) && !find(world, classname, "ai_zombie"))
if (score_show)
if (fade_time > time)
void UpdatePerks(float newperks) {
float s;
// avoids out of bounds err - moto
if (newperks == 0)
current_perk_order = 0;
for(float i = 1; i < 129; i *= 2) {
if (newperks & i && !(perks & i)) {
perk_order[current_perk_order] = i;
current_perk_order += 1;
for(float i = 1; i < 129; i *= 2) {
if (perks & i && !(newperks & i))
for(s = 0; s < 8; s++)
if (perk_order[s] == i)
perk_order[s] = 0;
while (perk_order[s+1])
perk_order[s] = perk_order[s+1];
perk_order[s+1] = 0;
perks = newperks;