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synced 2025-03-10 03:51:48 +00:00
Adds proper gun recoil to FTE, as well as moves spread calculation to be relative to crosshairs. CSQC's crosshair values are now accurate to World at War as well. Weapons are also much more precise ADS, so the Kar is more viable. Shotguns also no longer reduce spread when ADS, in parity with World at War :^)
327 lines
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327 lines
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Functionality pertaining to Player's Last Stand mode and the act
of getting out of it.
Copyright (C) 2021-2023 NZ:P Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
float() PollPlayersAlive;
void() EndGameSetup;
void() SpectatorSpawn;
#define LAST_STAND_DURATION_SEC 100 // Seconds in Last Stand.
// when dead and other players exist and are alive, throw user into spectate mode
void(entity deceased) Player_BecomeSpectator =
if (!deceased.downed)
/*if (self.beingrevived)
self.think = startspectate;
self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
deceased.downedloop = 0;
deceased.beingrevived = false;
deceased.model = "";
setmodel(deceased, deceased.model);
deceased.health = 100;
deceased.weaponmodel = "";
deceased.weapon2model = "";
deceased.weapon = 0;
deceased.downed = 0;
deceased.frame = 0;
UpdateVmodel(deceased.weaponmodel, GetWepSkin(deceased.weapon));
UpdateV2model(deceased.weapon2model, GetWepSkin(deceased.weapon));
entity tempe;
tempe = self;
self = deceased;
self = tempe;
void() ReviveTracker_Update =
// Add to the die timer..
self.ltime += 0.1;
// Bleed Out Timer
if (self.ltime >= LAST_STAND_DURATION_SEC) {
// Get rid of the Revive Icon from HUDs and make them a spectator.
// Prevent any leakage
} else {
self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
void(entity deceased) SpawnReviveTracker =
entity revive_tracker = spawn();
revive_tracker.owner = deceased;
revive_tracker.think = ReviveTracker_Update;
revive_tracker.nextthink = time + 0.1;
void() Player_ReviveTrigger =
if (other.classname != "player" || (self.beingrevived == true && self.firer != other))
// perform a trace to make sure they're always facing the revivee
vector source;
source = other.origin - '0 0 12';
traceline(source, source + v_forward*50, 0, other);
other.active_door = trace_ent;
centerprint(other, other.active_door.classname);
if (self.beingrevived == false && other.active_door == self)
useprint(other, 13, 0, 0);
void() Player_EnterLastStand =
// 'Pro Gamer Move' achievement.
if (rounds <= 1 && self.currentmag == 0 &&
self.currentmag2 == 0 && self.currentammo == 0 &&
self.secondarymag == 0 && self.secondarymag2 == 0 &&
self.secondaryammo == 0) {
GiveAchievement(9, self);
// Play Last Stand Animation
// Force the player to prone.
if (self.stance == 2) self.new_ofs_z = self.view_ofs_z - 42;
if (self.stance == 1) self.new_ofs_z = self.view_ofs_z - 24;
self.stance = 0;
// Get Rid of Mule Kick Weapon (FIXME -- this just obliterates the third slot)
self.thirdweapon = 0;
// Calculate the loss in points, take away points from downed Player.
float point_difference;
point_difference = self.points;
point_difference -= 10*rint((self.points*0.95)/10);
addmoney(self, point_difference * -1, false);
self.requirespower = point_difference;
// Broadcast that the player has downed.
BroadcastMessage(time + 3, 2, self.netname);
// Different hitbox for Last Stand
setsize(self, '-16 -16 -32', '16 16 40');
// Reset state
self.velocity = self.zoom = 0;
self.downed = true;
self.dive_delay = 0;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
// Determine if we should End the Game.
float players_still_alive = PollPlayersAlive();
if ((coop && !players_still_alive) || (!coop && !(self.perks & P_REVIVE))) {
} else {
self.health = 19;
// Initiate Self-Revive on Solo
if ((self.perks & P_REVIVE) && !coop) {
self.progress_bar = 10 + time;
self.progress_bar_time = 10;
self.progress_bar_percent = 1;
// Take away weapons and Perks
self.perks = 0;
SetPerk(self, self.perks);
self.weaponbk = self.weapon;
self.currentammobk = self.currentammo;
self.currentmagbk = self.currentmag;
self.currentmagbk2 = self.currentmag2;
if(Util_PlayerHasWeapon(self, W_BIATCH, false) ||
Util_PlayerHasWeapon(self, W_RAY, true) ||
Util_PlayerHasWeapon(self, W_357, true)) {
float weapon_slot;
float total_ammo;
total_ammo = 0;
weapon_slot = Util_PlayerHasWeapon(self, W_RAY, true);
if (weapon_slot == 0) weapon_slot = Util_PlayerHasWeapon(self, W_BIATCH, false);
if (weapon_slot == 0) weapon_slot = Util_PlayerHasWeapon(self, W_357, true);
switch(weapon_slot) {
case 1:
total_ammo = self.currentmag + self.currentmag2 + self.currentammo;
case 2:
total_ammo = self.secondarymag + self.secondarymag2 + self.secondaryammo;
self.weapon = self.secondaryweapon;
// If it's greater than the mag size, we can fill the magazine.
if (total_ammo > getWeaponMag(self.weapon)) {
self.currentmag = getWeaponMag(self.weapon);
// subtract it from the total ammo
total_ammo -= self.currentmag;
} else {
self.currentmag = total_ammo;
total_ammo = 0;
// Check for dual wield mag too
if (IsDualWeapon(self.weapon)) {
if (total_ammo > getWeaponMag(self.weapon)) {
self.currentmag2 = getWeaponMag(self.weapon);
// subtract it from the total ammo
total_ammo -= self.currentmag2;
} else {
self.currentmag2 = total_ammo;
total_ammo = 0;
// Ray Gun has a special case where we DON'T fill its reserve
if (self.weapon != W_RAY && self.weapon != W_PORTER) {
// Now see if the reserve ammo is more than max downed capacity
if (total_ammo > getWeaponMag(self.weapon)*2) {
self.currentammo = getWeaponMag(self.weapon)*2;
} else {
// It's not so just fill it
self.currentammo = total_ammo;
} else {
self.currentammo = 0;
} else {
if (!coop) {
self.weapon = W_BIATCH;
self.currentammo = 12;
self.currentmag = self.currentmag2 = 6;
} else {
self.weapon = W_COLT;
self.currentmag = 8;
self.currentammo = 16;
// Play Switch Animation
self.weaponmodel = GetWeaponModel(self.weapon, 0);
float startframe = GetFrame(self.weapon,TAKE_OUT_START);
float endframe = GetFrame(self.weapon,TAKE_OUT_END);
Set_W_Frame (startframe, endframe, 0, 0, 0, SUB_Null, self.weaponmodel, false, S_BOTH);
// Spawn Revive Sprite and Revive Tracker in Co-Op
if (coop) {
EnableReviveIcon(revive_index, self.origin + VEC_VIEW_OFS);
self.touch = Player_ReviveTrigger;
self.electro_targeted = revive_index;
//self.think = rec_downed;
//self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
void() Player_LeaveLastStand =
local string modelname;
float startframe;
float endframe;
playgetup(); // animation
self.new_ofs_z = self.view_ofs_z + 42;
self.stance = 2;
self.health = 100;
self.downedloop = 0; // used for death timing vs endgame
self.downed = 0;
self.classname = "player";
// Revert Hitbox
setsize(self, '-16 -16 -32', '16 16 40');
// Take away the ammo that was fired while in last stand.
if (self.weapon != W_COLT) {
if (self.weapon == self.weaponbk) {
self.currentammobk -= self.teslacount;
// Take from the mag if the reserve is empty now
if (self.currentammobk < 0)
self.currentmagbk += self.currentammobk;
self.currentammobk = 0;
} else if (self.weapon == self.secondaryweapon) {
self.secondaryammo -= self.teslacount;
// Take from the mag if the reserve is empty now
if (self.secondaryammo < 0)
self.secondarymag += self.secondaryammo;
self.secondaryammo = 0;
self.teslacount = 0;
if (!coop) {
addmoney(self, self.requirespower, false);
if (self.weaponbk)
self.weapon = self.weaponbk;
self.currentammo = self.currentammobk;
self.currentmag = self.currentmagbk;
self.currentmag2 = self.currentmagbk2;
modelname = GetWeaponModel(self.weapon, 0);
self.weaponmodel = modelname;
self.weapon2model = GetWeapon2Model(self.weapon);
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
startframe = GetFrame(self.weapon,TAKE_OUT_START);
endframe = GetFrame(self.weapon,TAKE_OUT_END);
Set_W_Frame (startframe, endframe, 0, 0, 0, SUB_Null, modelname, false, S_BOTH);
}; |