
	Power-Up Spawn and Use Logic

	Copyright (C) 2021-2022 NZ:P Team

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

	See the GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this program; if not, write to:

		Free Software Foundation, Inc.
		59 Temple Place - Suite 330
		Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA


#define MAX_POWERUPS	8

#define PU_NUKE			0
#define PU_INSTAKILL	1
#define PU_DOUBLEPTS	2
#define PU_CARPENTER	3
#define PU_MAXAMMO		4

var struct powerup_struct
	float 	id;
	float 	occupied;
	float	flash_screen;
	string	model_path;
	string 	voiceover_path;
	void()	function;
	float() requirement_function;
} powerup_array[MAX_POWERUPS] = {};

float 	powerup_count;
float	powerup_index;

.float 	zombie_drop_id;

// PU_AddToStruct(id, model_path, voiceover_path)
// Adds the Power-Up and info to the powerup struct
void(float id, float flash_screen, string model_path, string voiceover_path, void() function, float() requirement_function) 
PU_AddToStruct =
	if (id > MAX_POWERUPS - 1)

	// Precache Model and VO

	// Populate the Struct at Index
	powerup_array[powerup_count].id = id;
	powerup_array[powerup_count].occupied = true;
	powerup_array[powerup_count].flash_screen = flash_screen;
	powerup_array[powerup_count].model_path = model_path;
	powerup_array[powerup_count].voiceover_path = voiceover_path;
	powerup_array[powerup_count].function = function;
	powerup_array[powerup_count].requirement_function = requirement_function;

	// Increment Index

// PU_CopyStruct(to, from)
// Copies a powerup_struct from to.
powerup_struct(powerup_struct to, powerup_struct from) PU_CopyStruct =
	to.id = from.id;
	to.occupied = from.occupied;
	to.flash_screen = from.flash_screen;
	to.model_path = from.model_path;
	to.voiceover_path = from.voiceover_path;
	to.function = from.function;
	to.requirement_function = from.requirement_function;

	return to;

// PU_PopulateArray()
// Generates a Power-Up array with the Fisher-Yates shuffle
void() PU_PopulateArray =
	float amount = powerup_count;

	while(amount > 0) {
		float i = floor(random() * amount);
		amount -= 1;

		powerup_struct temp;

		PU_CopyStruct(temp, powerup_array[i]);
		PU_CopyStruct(powerup_array[i], powerup_array[amount]);
		PU_CopyStruct(powerup_array[amount], temp);

// PU_GetNextPowerUp()
// Returns the next valid Power-Up, and refreshes array if needbe.
float() PU_GetNextPowerUp =
	float id;
	float found;
	id = -1;
	found = false;

	while(found == false) {
		// Refresh the Array if we're at the end
		if (powerup_index >= MAX_POWERUPS - 1) {
			powerup_index = 0;

		// Grab a Power-Up
		powerup_struct pu = powerup_array[powerup_index];

		// Found a valid Power-Up
		if (pu.occupied == true) {
			// Check if we meet the requirements
			if (pu.requirement_function() == true) {
				id = pu.id;
				found = true;

	return id;

// PU_ShouldFlashScreen(id)
// Returns flash_screen from Power-Up struct.
float(float id) PU_ShouldFlashScreen =
	if (id == -1)
		return false;

	for(float i = 0; i < MAX_POWERUPS - 1; i++) {
		if (powerup_array[i].id == id)
			return powerup_array[i].flash_screen;
	return false;

// PU_ModelPath(id)
// Returns model_path from Power-Up struct.
string(float id) PU_ModelPath =
	if (id == -1)
		return "";
	for(float i = 0; i < MAX_POWERUPS - 1; i++) {
		if (powerup_array[i].id == id)
			return powerup_array[i].model_path;
	return "";

// PU_VoiceoverPath(id)
// Returns model_path from Power-Up struct.
string(float id) PU_VoiceoverPath =
	if (id == -1)
		return "";

	for(float i = 0; i < MAX_POWERUPS - 1; i++) {
		if (powerup_array[i].id == id)
			return powerup_array[i].voiceover_path;
	return "";

// PU_LogicFunction(id)
// Returns function() from Power-Up struct.
void(float id) PU_LogicFunction =
	if (id == -1)

	for(float i = 0; i < MAX_POWERUPS - 1; i++) {
		if (powerup_array[i].id == id)

// PU_NukeFinalize
// Wrap Nuke stuff up.
void() PU_NukeFinalize =
	entity players;

	// give 'The F Bomb'
	#ifndef NX
	if (self.kills == 1) {
	// award points
	players = find(world,classname,"player");
		addmoney(players, 400*nuke_powerups_activated, 1);
		players = find(players,classname,"player");

	nuke_powerup_active = false;

// PU_NukeExplosionThink()
// Think function for Nuke explosions.
void() PU_NukeExplosionThink =

	if (self.frame >= 5)

	self.nextthink = time + 0.10;

// PU_NukeExplode()
// Spawns an explosion sprite.
void(vector org) PU_NukeExplode =
	entity explosion = spawn();
	setmodel(explosion, "models/sprites/explosion.spr");
	setorigin(explosion, org);
	explosion.think = PU_NukeExplosionThink;
	explosion.nextthink = time + 0.10;

// PU_NukeKill()
// Kills Targets when Nuke is active.
void() PU_NukeKill =
	// back up ourselves
	entity oldself;
	oldself = self;

	// switch to goaldummy, is goaldummy world?
	if (self.goaldummy == world) {
	} else {
		self = self.goaldummy;

	// play explosion effects
	PU_NukeExplode(self.origin + '0 0 13');

	// kill a target

	// restore self
	self = oldself;

	// increment kills

	// find new target
	self.goaldummy = findfloat(self.goaldummy, iszomb, 1);

	self.nextthink = (rint((random() * 6) + 1)/10) + time; // random number from 0.1 to 0.7

// PU_Nuke()
// Nuke Power-Up Function
void() PU_Nuke =
	// if there's already one active, just increment the point multiplier
	if (nuke_powerup_active == true) {

	// mark nuke as being active, to prevent zombie damage and spawning.
	nuke_powerup_active = true;
	nuke_powerup_spawndelay = time + 3;
	nuke_powerups_activated = 1;

	// create our watcher entity
	entity nuke_watcher;
	nuke_watcher = spawn();
	nuke_watcher.goaldummy = findfloat(world, iszomb, 1);

	nuke_watcher.think = PU_NukeKill;
	nuke_watcher.nextthink = (rint((random() * 6) + 1)/10) + time; // random number from 0.1 to 0.7

// PU_InstaKill()
// Insta-Kill Power-Up Fuction
void() PU_InstaKill =
	instakill_finished = time + 30;
	other.insta_icon = true;

// PU_DoublePoints()
// Double Points Power-Up Function
void() PU_DoublePoints =
	x2_finished = time + 30;
	other.x2_icon = true;

// PU_Carpenter()
// Carpenter Power-Up Function
void() PU_Carpenter =
	entity tempe;
	entity tempe2;
	tempe2 = self;

	tempe = find(world, classname, "window");

	// Repair Barricades
	while(tempe != world) {
		// Target non-full and board-able Barricades
		if (tempe.health < 6 && tempe.health != -10) {
			self = tempe;
			self.health = 6;
			self = tempe2;

		tempe = find(tempe, classname, "window");

	tempe = find(world, classname, "player");

	// Reward Players with Points
	while(tempe) {
		addmoney(tempe, 200, 1);

		tempe = find(tempe, classname, "player");

// PU_CarpenterRequirement()
// Requirements for Carpenter Power-Up.
float() PU_CarpenterRequirement =
	if (total_windows_down >= 5)
		return true;
	return false;

// PU_MaxAmmo()
// Max Ammo Power-Up Function
void() PU_MaxAmmo =
	entity tempe;
	tempe = find(world, classname, "player");

	while(tempe) {
		// Fill Primary Weapon
		if (tempe.weapon) tempe.currentammo = getWeaponAmmo(tempe.weapon);
		// Fill Secondary Weapon
		if (tempe.secondaryweapon) tempe.secondaryammo = getWeaponAmmo(tempe.secondaryweapon);
		// Fill Third Weapon
		if (tempe.thirdweapon) tempe.thirdammo = getWeaponAmmo(tempe.thirdweapon);
		// Give Grenades
		tempe.primary_grenades = 4;
		// Give Betties
		if (tempe.grenades & 2) tempe.secondary_grenades = 2;

		// MAX AMMO! text
		#ifdef PC
		ScrollText("MAX AMMO!", tempe);
		#ifdef HANDHELD
		tempe = find(tempe, classname, "player");

// PU_NullRequirement()
// Power-Up has no requirements. Always return true.
float() PU_NullRequirement =
	return true;

// PU_Init()
// Fill the Power-Up array for the first time and 
// define used Power-Ups
void() PU_Init =
	// Start with 0 Power-Ups accessible
	powerup_count = 0;

	// Set the Power-Up array IDs to empty
	for(float i = 0; i < MAX_POWERUPS; i++) {
		powerup_array[i].id = -1;

	// Just add all of them for now
	PU_AddToStruct(PU_NUKE, 		true,	"models/pu/nuke!.mdl",		"sounds/pu/nuke.wav",			PU_Nuke,			
					PU_NullRequirement		);
	PU_AddToStruct(PU_INSTAKILL, 	false,	"models/pu/instakill!.mdl",	"sounds/pu/insta_kill.wav", 	PU_InstaKill,	
					PU_NullRequirement		);
	PU_AddToStruct(PU_DOUBLEPTS, 	false,	"models/pu/x2!.mdl",		"sounds/pu/double_points.wav",	PU_DoublePoints,	
					PU_NullRequirement		);
	PU_AddToStruct(PU_CARPENTER,	false,	"models/pu/carpenter!.mdl",	"sounds/pu/carpenter.wav",		PU_Carpenter,	
					PU_CarpenterRequirement	);
	PU_AddToStruct(PU_MAXAMMO,		false,	"models/pu/maxammo!.mdl",	"sounds/pu/maxammo.wav", 		PU_MaxAmmo,		
					PU_NullRequirement		);

	// Fill the array

// PU_Flash()
// Flash Power-Up model in and out
void() PU_Flash =
	// Toggle the Power-Up model on and off
	if (self.hitcount % 2) {
		// Disappear
		setmodel(self, "");
	else {
		// Reappear
		setmodel(self, self.oldmodel);

	if (self.hitcount < 15)
		self.nextthink = time + 0.5;
	else if (self.hitcount < 25)
		self.nextthink = time + 0.25;
		self.nextthink = time + 0.1;


	// Too late, delete the Power-Up
	if (self.hitcount >= 40) {

// PU_PlayVO()
// Play the assigned Voiceover clip before destroying ourself.
void() PU_PlayVO =
	sound(self, CHAN_VOICE, self.powerup_vo, 1, ATTN_NONE);

// PU_Touch()
// Run assigned functions and prep for Deletion
void() PU_Touch =
	if (other.classname == "player")
		// Acquire sound
		sound(self.owner, CHAN_VOICE, "sounds/pu/pickup.wav", 1, ATTN_NONE);

		// Prepare for VO and destruction
		self.think = PU_PlayVO;
		self.nextthink = time + 1;

		// Hide the Power-Up
		setmodel(self, "");
		self.touch = SUB_Null;

		// Flash the Screen if permitted
		if (PU_ShouldFlashScreen(self.walktype) == true)
			stuffcmd(other, "bf\n");

		// Run Power-Up function

// PU_SparkleThink()
// Increment Frames for the Power-Up Sparkle.
void() PU_SparkleThink =
	float f;
	float r;

	f = self.frame;

	while(f == self.frame)
		r = random();
		r = ((r > 0.2) ? 1 : 0) + ((r > 0.4) ? 1 : 0) + ((r > 0.6) ? 1 : 0) + ((r > 0.8) ? 1 : 0);
		f = r;
	self.frame = f;
	self.think = PU_SparkleThink;
	self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
	if(self.calc_time <= time)
		self.calc_time = time + 2.998;

// Spawn_Powerup(where, type)
// Power-Up spawning function. Use type to force what spawns.
void(vector where, float type) Spawn_Powerup =
	entity 	powerup;
	entity	sparkle;

	// Set Up Power-Up
	powerup = spawn();

	powerup.origin = where;
	setorigin(powerup, powerup.origin);

	powerup.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
	powerup.classname = "item_powerup";

	setsize(powerup, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX);
	powerup.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;


	// Set Up Sparkle Effect
	sparkle = spawn();
	powerup.owner = sparkle;

	sparkle.origin = where;
	setorigin(sparkle, sparkle.origin);


	sparkle.think = PU_SparkleThink;
	sparkle.nextthink = time + 0.1;

	// Drop Sounds
	sound(sparkle, CHAN_VOICE, "sounds/pu/powerup.wav", 0.6, ATTN_NORM);
	sound(powerup, CHAN_AUTO, "sounds/pu/drop.wav", 1, ATTN_NONE);

	// Check if we were forcefully assigned an ID
	if (type != -1) {
		powerup.walktype = type;
	// No, so let's grab one from the array.
	else {
		powerup.walktype = PU_GetNextPowerUp();

	// Assign the Power-Up model and sound
	powerup.model = powerup.oldmodel = PU_ModelPath(powerup.walktype);
	setmodel(powerup, powerup.model);
	powerup.powerup_vo = PU_VoiceoverPath(powerup.walktype);

	// Time out
	powerup.think = PU_Flash;
	powerup.nextthink = time + 15;

	// Finally assign collision function
	powerup.touch = PU_Touch;
