/* server/main.qc mostly functions that will be called from the engine and are expected to exist Copyright (C) 2021-2024 NZ:P Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ void() LS_Setup; void() PU_Init; void() Compat_Init; void() SUB_Remove = {remove(self);} //called when starting server/loading the map void() main = { cheats_have_been_activated = false; global_trace_damage_multiplier = 1; } float ai_delay_time; float time_before_gamestart; // // Way_SetBrushEntNonSolid(ent_name) // FIXME: Move this elsewhere.. // Wrapper for finding brush ents of classname // and making them non-solid. For use only // with Waypoint Mode. // void(string ent_name) Way_SetBrushEntNonSolid = { entity ent = find(world, classname, ent_name); while(ent != world) { ent.solid = SOLID_NOT; ent.touch = SUB_Null; ent = find(ent, classname, ent_name); } } //called for each frame that QC runs float zombie_cleaned_w; void() StartFrame = { framecount = framecount + 1; if (waypoint_mode) { if (!zombie_cleaned_w) { entity zent; zent = find (world, classname, "ai_zombie"); while (zent) { remove (zent); zent = find (zent, classname, "ai_zombie"); } zombie_cleaned_w = true; zent = find (world, classname, "waypoint"); while (zent) { if (zent.targetname) setmodel(zent, "models/way/normal_way_door.spr"); else setmodel(zent, "models/way/normal_way.spr"); zent = find (zent, classname, "waypoint"); } Way_SetBrushEntNonSolid("door_nzp_cost"); Way_SetBrushEntNonSolid("door_nzp"); Way_SetBrushEntNonSolid("door"); } return; } // Start completely blacked out //if (time < 5) if (roundinit) { Round_Core(); if (ai_delay_time < time) { Do_Zombie_AI (); // This determines the delay between each AI's update sequence. // It needs to be variable -- the more AI, the smaller this number // should end up being, or else you'll have AI completely stall // waiting for it's chance in the spotlight. // ----- #ifdef FTE // On FTE, resources are available to make this super short (0.01s, // meaning all 24 ai update 4 times a second). ai_delay_time = time + 0.01; #else // On other platforms, have this be 0.03 / ai factor / 12. // This means that: // AI Updates at ~30Hz with 12 Zombies // AI Updates at ~45Hz with 18 Zombies // AI Updates at ~60Hz with 24 Zombies ai_delay_time = time + (0.03 / (nzp_maxai()/12)); #endif // FTE } } else { if (!time_before_gamestart) { entity SpawnedIn; SpawnedIn = find(world, classname, "player"); if (SpawnedIn) { entity hellhound = find(world, classname, "spawn_dog"); if (hellhound != world) gotdog = true; Compat_Init(); updateDogRound(); time_before_gamestart = time + 3; } return; } else if (time_before_gamestart < time) { InitRounds(); nzp_screenflash(world, SCREENFLASH_COLOR_BLACK, 1, SCREENFLASH_FADE_OUT); Rounds_PlayTransition("sounds/rounds/splash.wav"); entity players = find(world, classname, "player"); while(players != world) { if (players.name != "") nzp_setplayername(players, players.name); players = find(players, classname, "player"); } } else { nzp_screenflash(world, SCREENFLASH_COLOR_BLACK, 90, SCREENFLASH_FADE_OUT); } } } string(string s) precache_model = #20; void() precaches = { precache_model ("models/player.mdl"); // // Models // // sprites precache_model ("models/sprites/sprkle.spr"); precache_model ("models/sprites/explosion.spr"); precache_model ("models/sprites/null.spr"); precache_model ("models/sprites/lightning.spr"); if (cvar("waypoint_mode")) { precache_model ("models/way/current_way.spr"); precache_model ("models/way/current_way_door.spr"); precache_model ("models/way/last_way.spr"); precache_model ("models/way/last_way_door.spr"); precache_model ("models/way/normal_way.spr"); precache_model ("models/way/normal_way_door.spr"); precache_model ("models/way/way_jump.spr"); precache_model ("models/way/way_land.spr"); } // zombie precache_model ("models/ai/zfull.mdl"); precache_model ("models/ai/zal(.mdl"); precache_model ("models/ai/zar(.mdl"); precache_model ("models/ai/zb%.mdl"); precache_model ("models/ai/zh^.mdl"); // For debugging zombie AI if (cvar("developer")) { precache_model ("models/way/normal_way.spr"); } // zombie crawler precache_model ("models/ai/zcfull.mdl"); precache_model ("models/ai/zbc%.mdl"); precache_model ("models/ai/zalc(.mdl"); precache_model ("models/ai/zarc(.mdl"); precache_model ("models/ai/zhc^.mdl"); // start weapons precache_model ("models/weapons/m1911/v_colt.mdl"); precache_model ("models/weapons/m1911/g_colt.mdl"); precache_model ("models/weapons/knife/v_knife.mdl"); precache_model ("models/weapons/grenade/v_grenade.mdl"); precache_model ("models/weapons/grenade/g_grenade.mdl"); precache_extra (W_BIATCH); #ifdef FTE // FTE only has co-op, so don't precache morphine elsewhere. precache_model ("models/weapons/morphine/v_morphine.mdl"); #endif // FTE // // Sounds // // player-made #ifdef FTE precache_sound("sounds/player/footstep1.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/player/footstep2.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/player/footstep3.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/player/footstep4.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/player/footstep5.wav"); #endif // FTE precache_sound("sounds/player/jump.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/player/land.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/player/pain4.wav"); // weapons precache_sound("sounds/weapons/colt/magin.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/weapons/colt/magout.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/weapons/colt/shoot.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/weapons/colt/slide.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/weapons/papfire.wav"); // grenade precache_sound("sounds/weapons/grenade/prime.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/weapons/grenade/throw.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/weapons/grenade/explode.wav"); // melee precache_sound("sounds/weapons/knife/knife_hitbod.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/weapons/knife/knife.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/weapons/knife/knife_hit.wav"); // tunes precache_sound("sounds/rounds/eround.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/rounds/nround.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/rounds/splash.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/music/end.wav"); // purchasing precache_sound("sounds/misc/ching.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/misc/buy.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/misc/denybuy.wav"); // power-ups precache_sound("sounds/pu/pickup.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/pu/powerup.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/pu/drop.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/pu/byebye.wav"); // zombie walk precache_sound("sounds/zombie/w0.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/w1.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/w2.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/w3.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/w4.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/w5.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/w6.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/w7.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/w8.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/w9.wav"); // zombie run precache_sound("sounds/zombie/r0.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/r1.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/r2.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/r3.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/r4.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/r5.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/r6.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/r7.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/r8.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/r9.wav"); // zombie swipe precache_sound("sounds/zombie/a0.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/a1.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/a2.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/a3.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/a4.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/a5.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/a6.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/a7.wav"); // zombie death precache_sound("sounds/zombie/d0.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/d1.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/d2.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/d3.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/d4.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/d5.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/d6.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/d7.wav"); // zombie taunt precache_sound("sounds/zombie/t0.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/t1.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/t2.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/t3.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/t4.wav"); // zombie footsteps precache_sound("sounds/zombie/s0.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/s1.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/sc0.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/zombie/sc1.wav"); // null precache_sound("sounds/null.wav"); } //called when map loaded void() worldspawn = { precaches(); // Define all of our Light Styles LS_Setup(); // Init Power-Ups PU_Init(); #ifdef FTE clientstat(STAT_CURRENTMAG, EV_FLOAT, weapons[0].weapon_magazine); clientstat(STAT_CURRENTMAG2, EV_FLOAT, weapons[0].weapon_magazine_left); clientstat(STAT_POINTS, EV_FLOAT, points); clientstat(STAT_WEAPON2FRAME, EV_FLOAT, weapon2frame); clientstat(STAT_WEAPON2MODELI, EV_FLOAT, weapon2modelindex); clientstat(STAT_WEAPONSKIN, EV_FLOAT, weaponskin); clientstat(STAT_GRENADES, EV_FLOAT, primary_grenades); clientstat(STAT_SECGRENADES, EV_FLOAT, secondary_grenades); clientstat(STAT_PROGRESSBAR, EV_FLOAT, progress_bar_percent); clientstat(STAT_WEAPONDURATION, EV_FLOAT, weapon_animduration); clientstat(STAT_WEAPON2DURATION, EV_FLOAT, weapon2_animduration); clientstat(STAT_WEAPONZOOM, EV_FLOAT, zoom); clientstat(STAT_INSTA, EV_FLOAT, insta_icon); clientstat(STAT_X2, EV_FLOAT, x2_icon); clientstat(STAT_SPECTATING, EV_FLOAT, is_spectator); clientstat(STAT_PLAYERNUM, EV_FLOAT, playernum); clientstat(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE, EV_FLOAT, stance); clientstat(STAT_FACINGENEMY, EV_FLOAT, facingenemy); clientstat(STAT_VIEWZOOM, EV_FLOAT, viewzoom); clientstat(STAT_MAXHEALTH, EV_FLOAT, max_health); clientstat(STAT_PERKS, EV_FLOAT, perks); autocvar(sv_enablechatplugins, 0); autocvar(sv_maprotationbasename, "map_rotation"); autocvar(sv_maprotationmode, 0); #endif // FTE mappath = strcat("maps/", mapname); mappath = strzone(mappath); LoadWaypointData(); //set game elements G_STARTROUND = 1; G_PRONEPOINTS = 0; G_STARTWEAPON[0] = W_COLT; G_STARTWEAPON[1] = 8; G_STARTWEAPON[2] = 32; G_WORLDTEXT = 1; G_PERKS = 0; G_PERKPOWER = 0; // // World Gravity Multiplier // // FIXME: This should technically poll sv_gravity but // we do not currently enforce a default that resets // on a new server. float sv_gravity = 800; // worldspawn "gravity" field is a multiplier to be applied // to sv_gravity. if (!world.gravity) world.gravity = 1; world.gravity = clamp(world.gravity, 0.1, 2); // Update the cvar for the server. cvar_set("sv_gravity", ftos(sv_gravity * world.gravity)); } void() SpectatorConnect = { bprint(PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, " has joined the spectators.\n"); } void() RelinkZombies = { entity ent,ent2; local float i; local vector min, max; //warn ent = ent2 = world; while ((ent = find (ent, classname, "ai_zombie"))) { if(ent.currentHitBoxSetup == 0)//empty bbox, we don't care to update continue; #ifdef FTE // This is just a weird hack we do to avoid spamming other clients in co-op with // the update positions for limbs. Brings bandwidth from 90kbps->30kbps without // a tick rate limit. 30kbps->12kbps with a tickrate of 20Hz. Basically, like we // do other platforms for render speedups, if a zombie has all of its limbs dont // bother drawing them all separately. draw one full mesh instead, then when it // has been gibbed, then begin drawing separately -- cypress if (ent.larm.deadflag && ent.rarm.deadflag && ent.head.deadflag) { setmodel(ent.larm, ""); setmodel(ent.rarm, ""); setmodel(ent.head, ""); if (ent.crawling == 1) setmodel(ent, "models/ai/zcfull.mdl"); else setmodel(ent, "models/ai/zfull.mdl"); } else if (!(ent.crawling == 1 && ent.model == "models/ai/zbc%.mdl") || !(ent.model == "models/ai/zb%.mdl")) { if (ent.crawling == 1) setmodel(ent, "models/ai/zbc%.mdl"); else setmodel(ent, "models/ai/zb%.mdl"); if (ent.larm.deadflag) { if (ent.crawling == 1) setmodel(ent.larm, "models/ai/zalc(.mdl"); else setmodel(ent.larm, "models/ai/zal(.mdl"); } if (ent.rarm.deadflag) { if (ent.crawling == 1) setmodel(ent.rarm, "models/ai/zarc(.mdl"); else setmodel(ent.rarm, "models/ai/zar(.mdl"); } if (ent.head.deadflag) { if (ent.crawling == 1) setmodel(ent.head, "models/ai/zhc^.mdl"); else setmodel(ent.head, "models/ai/zh^.mdl"); } } #endif // FTE makevectors (ent.angles); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(i == 0) ent2 = ent.head; if(i == 1) ent2 = ent.larm; if(i == 2) ent2 = ent.rarm; if (ent2) { //setorigin (ent.head, ent.origin + v_right * ent.head.view_ofs_x + v_forward * ent.head.view_ofs_y + v_up * ent.head.view_ofs_z); setorigin (ent2, ent.origin); //fixme, move angles set and frame set to below the continue, we only want to update origin (maybe angles too?) ent2.angles = ent.angles; if(ent2.deadflag) ent2.frame = ent.frame; //if(OnlyOrigin) // continue; min = ent2.bbmins + (v_right * ent2.view_ofs_x) + (v_forward * ent2.view_ofs_y) + (v_up * ent2.view_ofs_z); max = ent2.bbmaxs + (v_right * ent2.view_ofs_x) + (v_forward * ent2.view_ofs_y) + (v_up * ent2.view_ofs_z); if(min_x > max_x) { min_x += max_x; max_x = min_x - max_x; min_x -= max_x; } if(min_y > max_y) { min_y += max_y; max_y = min_y - max_y; min_y -= max_y; } if(min_z > max_z) { min_z += max_z; max_z = min_z - max_z; min_z -= max_z; } setsize(ent2,min,max); } } } } void() LinkZombiesHitbox = { entity ent,ent2; local float i; local vector min, max; //warn ent = ent2 = world; while ((ent = find (ent, classname, "ai_zombie"))) { if(ent.currentHitBoxSetup == 0)//empty bbox, we don't care to update continue; makevectors (ent.angles); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(i == 0) ent2 = ent.head; if(i == 1) ent2 = ent.larm; if(i == 2) ent2 = ent.rarm; if (ent2) { ent2.angles = ent.angles; if(ent2.deadflag) ent2.frame = ent.frame; //if(OnlyOrigin) // continue; min = ent2.bbmins + (v_right * ent2.view_ofs_x) + (v_forward * ent2.view_ofs_y) + (v_up * ent2.view_ofs_z); max = ent2.bbmaxs + (v_right * ent2.view_ofs_x) + (v_forward * ent2.view_ofs_y) + (v_up * ent2.view_ofs_z); if(min_x > max_x) { min_x += max_x; max_x = min_x - max_x; min_x -= max_x; } if(min_y > max_y) { min_y += max_y; max_y = min_y - max_y; min_y -= max_y; } if(min_z > max_z) { min_z += max_z; max_z = min_z - max_z; min_z -= max_z; } setsize(ent2,min,max); } } } } void() EndFrame = { RelinkZombies(); if (cheats_have_been_activated == false && cvar("sv_cheats") == 1) { cheats_have_been_activated = true; } };