/* client/main.qc main csqc code Copyright (C) 2021-2024 NZ:P Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ float need_vid_reload; void() ToggleMenu = { if (serverkey("constate") != "disconnected") { if (player_count == 1) localcmd("cmd pause\n"); if(current_menu == MENU_NONE) { current_menu = MENU_PAUSE; setcursormode(TRUE, cvar_string("cl_cursor"), __NULL__, cvar("cl_cursor_scale")); } else { menu_paus_submenu = 0; current_menu = MENU_NONE; setcursormode(FALSE); } } } float(float isnew) SetZombieSkinning = { self.drawmask = MASK_ENGINE; setcustomskin(self, __NULL__, sprintf("replace \"\" \"models/ai/zfull.mdl_%d.pcx\"\n", self.skin)); return PREDRAW_NEXT; }; // // GenerateAlphaTransparencyQ3Shaders() // What a mouth-full! Anyway, NZ:P supports // alpha transparency via a pseudo-hack where // if the last character of a model is "$" // we render with special blend modes. To // do the same on FTE, we need to generate // Quake III "shader" files. Returns TRUE // if we had shader modifications. // float() GenerateAlphaTransparencyQ3Shaders = { searchhandle alias_models; float amod_count; float need_reload = false; alias_models = search_begin("*.mdl:*/*.mdl:*/*/*.mdl:*/*/*/*.mdl:*/*/*/*/*.mdl:*/*/*/*/*/*.mdl", SB_CASEINSENSITIVE | SB_MULTISEARCH, true); // gross. amod_count = search_getsize(alias_models); for (float i = 0; i < amod_count; i++) { string full_path = search_getfilename(alias_models, i); // Single out character before ".mdl" extension. string special_character = substring(full_path, strlen(full_path) - 5, 1); // Early out, not a special guy. if (special_character != "$") continue; // Isolate its basename.. manually :( string basename = ""; for (float j = strlen(full_path); j > 0; j--) { if (str2chr(full_path, j) == str2chr("/", 0)) { // Strip path basename = substring(full_path, j + 1, strlen(full_path) - (j + 1)); // Strip extension basename = substring(basename, 0, strlen(basename) - 4); break; } } if (basename == "") { print(sprintf("[ERROR]: Unable to calculate basename for [%s]!\n", full_path)); continue; } float shader_file; string shader_path = sprintf("scripts/%s.shader", basename); // Check if the shader already exists. shader_file = fopen(shader_path, FILE_READ); if (shader_file != -1) { fclose(shader_file); continue; } // Begin to write. shader_file = fopen(shader_path, FILE_WRITE); if (shader_file == -1) { print(sprintf("[ERROR]: Unable to generate Q3 shader for [%s]!\n", full_path)); continue; } // Body of our shader file we're writing. string shader_content = sprintf( "//\n" "// Quake III Shader generated automatically by Nazi Zombies: Portable. Do not modify.\n" "//\n" "\n" "%s_0.lmp\n" // full_path "{\n" " program defaultskin\n" " progblendfunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA\n" " diffusemap %s_0.tga\n" // full_path " alphafunc ge128\n" "}\n" , full_path, full_path); fputs(shader_file, shader_content); fclose(shader_file); need_reload = true; } search_end(alias_models); return need_reload; }; noref void(float apiver, string enginename, float enginever) CSQC_Init = { setwindowcaption("Nazi Zombies: Portable"); precache_sound("sounds/menu/enter.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/menu/navigate.wav"); precache_model("models/player.mdl"); registercommand("togglemenu"); registercommand("promptjoin"); registercommand("showscores"); cvar_set("r_fb_models", ftos(0)); autocvar(r_viewmodel_default_fov, 70); autocvar(cl_controllerglyphs, "xbox"); autocvar(in_rumbleenabled, 1); autocvar(in_aimassist, 0); autocvar(cl_hitmarkers, 1); autocvar(cl_textopacity, 0.20); autocvar(scr_playerdebuginfo, 0); autocvar(scr_playerdebuginfo_x, 64); autocvar(scr_playerdebuginfo_y, 6); // Runtime check if we're running this in WebASM/WebGL. if (cvar_string("sys_platform") == "Web") platform_is_web = true; else platform_is_web = false; if (platform_is_web) { cvar_set("com_protocolname", "NZP-REBOOT-WEB"); } // cvars for custom settings autocvar(cl_cinematic, 0); autocvar(nzp_particles, 1); autocvar(nzp_decals, 1); autocvar(vid_ultrawide_limiter, 0); autocvar(cl_bobside, 0.02); // per-channel volume autocvar(snd_channel1volume, 1); autocvar(snd_channel2volume, 1); autocvar(snd_channel3volume, 1); autocvar(snd_channel4volume, 1); autocvar(snd_channel5volume, 1); autocvar(snd_channel6volume, 1); // FTE is overriding cl_bobup values.. so be evil // and force it to 0.02. cvar_set("cl_bobup", "0.02"); // force nearest filtering for hud elements to avoid blur cvar_set("gl_texturemode2d", "gl_nearest"); cvar_set("r_font_linear", "0"); // force build date text in menu cvar_set("cl_showbuildtime", "1"); // in-game stopwatch autocvar(scr_serverstopwatch, 0); stopwatch_sec = stopwatch_min = stopwatch_hr = 0; stopwatch_round_sec = stopwatch_round_min = stopwatch_round_hr = 0; stopwatch_round_starttime = time; // FTE via emscripten (for the fault of the browser?) bugs out // when using mousewheel. So as a hack, just unbind the mouse // wheel. :/ if (platform_is_web) { localcmd("unbind MWHEELUP; unbind MWHEELDOWN\n"); localcmd("bind 1 +button4; bind 2 +button4\n"); } // // get the build date // float file = fopen("version.txt", FILE_READ); if (file != -1) { build_datetime = fgets(file); fclose(file); } // Intercept every Zombie mesh to apply custom skinning for(float i = 0; i < zombie_skins.length; i++) { deltalisten(zombie_skins[i], SetZombieSkinning, 0); } InitKerningMap(); // If we've made shader changes, we should perform // a vid_reload at a reasonable time. need_vid_reload = GenerateAlphaTransparencyQ3Shaders(); }; noref void() CSQC_WorldLoaded = { if (need_vid_reload == true) { need_vid_reload = false; localcmd("vid_reload\n"); } Achievement_Init(); Particles_Init(); nameprint_time = time + 8; huddir = "gfx/hud/"; }; vector weapon_bob_factor; float weapon_bob_factor_z_coef; vector dampening_factor; float vaccel; float vzaccel; // FIXME: Move Power-Up CSQC drawing to separate file :) float mdlflag_poweruprotate_duration; float mdlflag_poweruprotate_starttime; vector mdlflag_poweruprotate_startangles; vector mdlflag_poweruprotate_differenceangles; vector mdlflag_poweruprotate_currentangles; float last_puframetime; void() PU_UpdateAngles = { // Don't update more than once per frame. if (last_puframetime != frametime) { // New cycle, dictate new rotation time and target angle. if (mdlflag_poweruprotate_duration <= time) { mdlflag_poweruprotate_starttime = time; mdlflag_poweruprotate_duration = time + (random() * 25 + 25)/10; // Take between 2.5 and 5 seconds. mdlflag_poweruprotate_startangles[0] = mdlflag_poweruprotate_currentangles[0]; mdlflag_poweruprotate_startangles[1] = mdlflag_poweruprotate_currentangles[1]; mdlflag_poweruprotate_startangles[2] = mdlflag_poweruprotate_currentangles[2]; float target_pitch = (random() * 120) - 60; float target_yaw = (random() * 240) + 60; float target_roll = (random() * 90) - 45; vector target_angles; target_angles[0] = target_pitch; target_angles[1] = target_yaw; target_angles[2] = target_roll; // Calculate the difference from our start to our target. for(float i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (mdlflag_poweruprotate_currentangles[i] > target_angles[i]) mdlflag_poweruprotate_differenceangles[i] = (mdlflag_poweruprotate_currentangles[i] - target_angles[i]) * -1; else mdlflag_poweruprotate_differenceangles[i] = fabs(mdlflag_poweruprotate_currentangles[i] - target_angles[i]); } } float percentage_complete = (time - mdlflag_poweruprotate_starttime) / (mdlflag_poweruprotate_duration - mdlflag_poweruprotate_starttime); for(float j = 0; j < 2; j++) { mdlflag_poweruprotate_currentangles[j] = mdlflag_poweruprotate_startangles[j] + (mdlflag_poweruprotate_differenceangles[j] * percentage_complete); } last_puframetime = frametime; } }; float() PU_PreDraw = { PU_UpdateAngles(); self.angles = mdlflag_poweruprotate_currentangles; addentity(self); return PREDRAW_NEXT; }; float Player_PreDraw() = { self.lerpfrac -= frametime*10; while(self.lerpfrac < 0) { self.frame2 = self.frame; self.lerpfrac += 1; } if (self.entnum == player_localentnum) { self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; // Prepare rollback vector vOldOrigin = self.origin; vector vOldVelocity = self.velocity; float fOldPMoveFlags = self.pmove_flags; // Apply physics for every single input-frame that has not yet been // acknowledged by the server (servercommandframe = last acknowledged frame) for (int i = servercommandframe + 1; i <= clientcommandframe; i++) { float flSuccess = getinputstate(i); if (flSuccess == FALSE) { continue; } // Partial frames are the worst if (input_timelength == 0) { break; } runstandardplayerphysics(self); } // Smooth stair stepping, this has to be done manually! playerOriginOld = playerOrigin; if ((self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) && (self.origin_z - playerOriginOld_z > 0)) { playerOriginOld_z += frametime * 150; if (playerOriginOld_z > self.origin_z) { playerOriginOld_z = self.origin_z; } if (self.origin_z - playerOriginOld_z > 18) { playerOriginOld_z = self.origin_z - 18; } playerOrigin_z += playerOriginOld_z - self.origin_z; } else { playerOriginOld_z = self.origin_z; } playerOrigin = [self.origin_x, self.origin_y, playerOriginOld_z]; playerVelocity = self.velocity; addentity(self); // Time to roll back self.origin = vOldOrigin; setorigin(self, self.origin); self.velocity = vOldVelocity; self.pmove_flags = fOldPMoveFlags; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; // Set renderflag for mirrors! self.renderflags = RF_EXTERNALMODEL; } else { addentity(self); } return PREDRAW_NEXT; } noref void(float isnew) CSQC_Ent_Update = { float ent_type = readbyte(); // Player if (ent_type == 1) { if (isnew == TRUE) { self.classname = "player"; self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; self.predraw = Player_PreDraw; self.drawmask = MASK_ENGINE; setmodel(self, "models/player.mdl"); } float old_points = self.points; self.origin_x = readcoord(); self.origin_y = readcoord(); self.origin_z = readcoord(); self.angles_x = readangle(); self.angles_y = readangle(); self.angles_z = readangle(); self.velocity_x = readshort(); self.velocity_y = readshort(); self.velocity_z = readshort(); self.playernum = readbyte(); self.modelindex = readshort(); self.frame = readbyte(); self.movetype = readshort(); self.flags = readshort(); self.stance = readbyte(); self.points = readfloat(); // FIXME: this should be made a short, but I know we use price of 1 for some test maps, so I can't do /10 *10 shenanigans. self.kills = readshort(); self.headshots = readshort(); self.downs = readshort(); self.revives = readshort(); self.is_in_menu = readbyte(); self.is_spectator = readbyte(); self.ping = readshort(); // set for HUD_PlayerDebugInfo player_velocity = self.velocity; setmodelindex(self, self.modelindex); if (self.is_spectator) self.solid = SOLID_NOT; else self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; RegisterPointChange(self.points - old_points, self.playernum); if (map_compatibility_mode != MAP_COMPAT_BETA) { if (self.stance == 2) setsize(self, PLAYER_MINS_STANDING, PLAYER_MAXS_STANDING); else setsize(self, PLAYER_MINS_CROUCHING, PLAYER_MAXS_CROUCHING); } else { setsize(self, PLAYER_MINS_QUAKE, PLAYER_MAXS_QUAKE); } if (self.modelindex == getmodelindex("models/sprites/null.spr") && !self.playernum) { self.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.classname = ""; } else { self.classname = "player"; } } // Power-Up else if (ent_type == 2) { if (isnew == TRUE) { self.classname = "item_powerup"; self.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.predraw = PU_PreDraw; self.drawmask = MASK_ENGINE; } self.origin_x = readcoord(); self.origin_y = readcoord(); self.origin_z = readcoord(); self.modelindex = readshort(); setmodelindex(self, self.modelindex); } else { if(isnew) addentity(self); } } float(__inout vector v) VectorNormalize = { float length = sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]); if (length) { float ilength = 1 / length; v[0] *= ilength; v[1] *= ilength; v[2] *= ilength; } return length; } void() DropRecoilKick = { float len; if (recoil_kick_time > time) return; len = VectorNormalize(gun_kick); len = len - frametime*5; if (len < 0) len = 0; gun_kick[0] *= len; gun_kick[1] *= len; gun_kick[2] *= len; } // // Key_IsControllerGlyph(bind) // Returns TRUE if the string provided belongs to // a gamepad/controller. // float(string bind) Key_IsControllerGlyph = { switch(bind) { case "GP_A": case "GP_B": case "GP_X": case "GP_Y": case "GP_LSHOULDER": case "GP_RSHOULDER": case "GP_LTRIGGER": case "GP_RTRIGGER": case "GP_BACK": case "GP_START": case "GP_LTHUMB": case "GP_RTHUMB": case "GP_DPAD_UP": case "GP_DPAD_DOWN": case "GP_DPAD_LEFT": case "GP_DPAD_RIGHT": return true; } return false; }; // // Key_DrawControllerGlyph(position, bind, scale) // Draws the associated glyph for the bind name from the // Glyph tilemap at the provided position, with the // provided scale. // void(vector position, string bind, vector scale) Key_DrawControllerGlyph = { vector tilemap_position = [0, 0]; // The coordinates in 0-1 range of each button in the glyph tilemap. switch(bind) { case "GP_A": tilemap_position = [0, 0]; break; case "GP_B": tilemap_position = [0.125, 0]; break; case "GP_X": tilemap_position = [0.250, 0]; break; case "GP_Y": tilemap_position = [0.375, 0]; break; case "GP_LSHOULDER": tilemap_position = [0.250, 0.125]; break; case "GP_RSHOULDER": tilemap_position = [0.375, 0.125]; break; case "GP_LTRIGGER": tilemap_position = [0.500, 0.125]; break; case "GP_RTRIGGER": tilemap_position = [0.625, 0.125]; break; case "GP_BACK": tilemap_position = [0.875, 0.125]; break; case "GP_START": tilemap_position = [0.750, 0.125]; break; case "GP_LTHUMB": tilemap_position = [0, 0.125]; break; case "GP_RTHUMB": tilemap_position = [0.125, 0.125]; break; case "GP_DPAD_UP": tilemap_position = [0.500, 0]; break; case "GP_DPAD_DOWN": tilemap_position = [0.625, 0]; break; case "GP_DPAD_LEFT": tilemap_position = [0.750, 0]; break; case "GP_DPAD_RIGHT": tilemap_position = [0.875, 0]; break; } drawsubpic([position_x, position_y], [scale_x, scale_y], sprintf("gfx/controller_glyphs/%s.tga", cvar_string("cl_controllerglyphs")), [tilemap_position_x, tilemap_position_y], [0.125, 0.125], [1, 1, 1], 1); }; #define SCALE_CONSTANT 8 //MOVEME float(float a) angledelta = { a = anglemod(a); if (a > 180) a -= 360; return a; } //MOVEME vector current_sway; float current_intensity; float target_intensity; vector sniper_sway; float sniper_breath_starttime; float sniper_breath_endtime; float sniper_breath_counter; float sniper_breath_exhaustion_starttime; float sniper_breath_exhaustion_endtime; float sniper_breath_delay; float sniper_hold_breath; #define SNIPER_SWAY_INTENSITY_FOCUSED 0.05 #define SNIPER_SWAY_INTENSITY_NORMAL 0.5 #define SNIPER_SWAY_INTENSITY_EXHAUSTION 2 void(float inhale) Sniper_HoldBreath = { if (sniper_breath_delay > time) return; if (getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) != 2 || (getstatf(STAT_PERKS) & P_DEAD)) { return; } if (inhale) { if (sniper_hold_breath == true) return; sniper_breath_starttime = time; sniper_breath_endtime = time + 4; sniper_hold_breath = true; localsound("sounds/player/inhale.wav", 0, 1); } else { if (sniper_hold_breath == false) return; sniper_breath_endtime = sniper_breath_starttime = 0; sniper_hold_breath = false; sniper_breath_delay = time + 1; localsound("sounds/player/exhale.wav", 0, 1); } }; void() Camera_SniperSway = { // Determine target intensity based on state target_intensity = SNIPER_SWAY_INTENSITY_NORMAL; if (getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) != 2 || (getstatf(STAT_PERKS) & P_DEAD)) { current_intensity = 0; current_sway = '0 0 0'; target_intensity = 0; sniper_breath_counter = 0; } else { // We are focused. if (sniper_breath_endtime > time) { target_intensity = SNIPER_SWAY_INTENSITY_FOCUSED; float breath_duration = floor(time - sniper_breath_starttime); // Play heartbeat sfx at every second interval. if (breath_duration != sniper_breath_counter) { sniper_breath_counter = breath_duration; localsound("sounds/player/heart.wav", 0, 5); } } // Time has expired and we're out of breath, begin exhaustion. else if (sniper_breath_endtime < time && sniper_hold_breath == true) { Sniper_HoldBreath(false); sniper_breath_exhaustion_starttime = time; sniper_breath_exhaustion_endtime = time + 4; sniper_breath_delay = time + 4; } // Slowly decrease in intensity from fully exhausted to normal. if (sniper_breath_exhaustion_endtime > time) { float progress = (time - sniper_breath_exhaustion_starttime) / (sniper_breath_exhaustion_endtime - sniper_breath_exhaustion_starttime); target_intensity = SNIPER_SWAY_INTENSITY_EXHAUSTION + progress * (SNIPER_SWAY_INTENSITY_NORMAL - SNIPER_SWAY_INTENSITY_EXHAUSTION); } } // Smoothly interpolate intensity towards target current_intensity += (target_intensity - current_intensity) * (clframetime * 5); // Adjust 0.1 for smoother/faster transitions // Calculate sway deltas based on cltime and intensity float sway_pitch = (cos(cltime / 0.7) + cos(cltime) + sin(cltime / 1.1)); float sway_yaw = (sin(cltime / 0.4) + cos(cltime / 0.56) + sin(cltime)); // Update current sway using the smoothly interpolated intensity current_sway[0] = sway_pitch * current_intensity; current_sway[1] = sway_yaw * current_intensity; // Apply the smooth sway to sniper_sway sniper_sway[0] = angledelta(current_sway[0]); sniper_sway[1] = angledelta(current_sway[1]); }; float gamepad_enabled; // CALLED EVERY CLIENT RENDER FRAME float pap_flash_alternate; noref void(float width, float height, float menushown) CSQC_UpdateView = { //clear and update our global screen resolution vars clearscene(); g_width = width; g_height = height; // camang is controlled by our punchangles camang = getproperty(VF_ANGLES); //disable quake status bar and quake crosshair setviewprop(VF_DRAWENGINESBAR, 0); setviewprop(VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR, 0); float sensitivity_factor; if (current_menu != MENU_NONE) sensitivity_factor = 0; else sensitivity_factor = (1 + SCALE_CONSTANT * getstatf(STAT_VIEWZOOM)) / (1 + SCALE_CONSTANT); if (gamepad_enabled && getstatf(STAT_FACINGENEMY) && cvar("in_aimassist") == 1) sensitivity_factor *= 0.5; setsensitivityscaler(sensitivity_factor); setviewprop(VF_AFOV, autocvar(fov,90)*getstatf(STAT_VIEWZOOM)); cvar_set("r_viewmodel_fov", ftos(cvar("r_viewmodel_default_fov")*getstatf(STAT_VIEWZOOM))); // Increment the stopwatch // FIXME: I don't really liket his being in UpdateView.. this has nothing to do with rendering. stopwatch_sec = time - (stopwatch_min * 60 + (stopwatch_hr * 3600)); if (stopwatch_sec >= 60) { stopwatch_min += stopwatch_sec/60; } if (stopwatch_min >= 60) { stopwatch_hr += stopwatch_min/60; stopwatch_min = 0; } if (stopwatch_round_isactive) { stopwatch_round_sec = (time - stopwatch_round_starttime) - (stopwatch_round_min * 60 + (stopwatch_round_hr * 3600)); if (stopwatch_round_sec >= 60) { stopwatch_round_min += stopwatch_round_sec/60; } if (stopwatch_round_min >= 60) { stopwatch_round_hr += stopwatch_round_min/60; stopwatch_round_min = 0; } } else { stopwatch_round_starttime = time; } //autoadd entities received from servers for drawing addentities(MASK_ENGINE); setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, playerOrigin + [ 0, 0, getstatf(STAT_VIEWHEIGHT)]); //setproperty(VF_ANGLES, view_angles); // Draw the client's viewmodels. ViewModel_Draw(); DropRecoilKick(); Camera_SniperSway(); camang[0] += gun_kick[0]; camang[1] += gun_kick[1]; camang[2] += gun_kick[2]; camang[0] += sniper_sway[0]; camang[1] += sniper_sway[1]; camang[2] += sniper_sway[2]; setviewprop(VF_ANGLES, camang); if (cvar("chase_active")) { Chase_Update(); } //does what you think it does renderscene(); if (current_menu != MENU_NONE) { // sorta-nasty hack: flashes should still draw if we're // drawing the menu. HUD_Screenflash(); setlocaluserinfo(0, "in_menu", "1"); sui_begin(g_width, g_height); root_menu([g_width, g_height]); sui_end(); } else { setcursormode(FALSE); HUD_DrawElements(); Chat_Draw(); setlocaluserinfo(0, "in_menu", "0"); } }; noref float(string cmd) CSQC_ConsoleCommand = { //self = theplayer; //if (!self) // return FALSE; tokenize(cmd); switch(argv(0)) { case "togglemenu": ToggleMenu(); return TRUE; case "map": return FALSE; case "showscores": if (score_show) score_show = FALSE; else score_show = TRUE; return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } return FALSE; }; //**********************************************************************// // Input_Movecheck // // // // Called at InputEvent and allows to set var if key is at that state // // NOTE: ALL movekeys are called in order to prevent unsetting keys // //**********************************************************************// void(float scanx, float setval) Input_Movecheck = { tokenize(findkeysforcommand("+moveleft")); if (scanx == stof(argv(0))) K_LEFTDOWN = setval; tokenize(findkeysforcommand("+moveright")); if (scanx == stof(argv(0))) K_RIGHTDOWN = setval; tokenize(findkeysforcommand("+forward")); if (scanx == stof(argv(0))) K_FORWARDDOWN = setval; tokenize(findkeysforcommand("+back")); if (scanx == stof(argv(0))) K_BACKDOWN = setval; float argc = tokenize(findkeysforcommand("impulse 23")); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (scanx == stof(argv(i))) { Sniper_HoldBreath(setval); } } } noref float(float evtype, float scanx, float chary, float devid) CSQC_InputEvent = { if (evtype == IE_GYROSCOPE || evtype == IE_ACCELEROMETER) return FALSE; // Ignore subtle (drift-y) joystick axes if (evtype == IE_JOYAXIS && devid > 0 && fabs(chary) < 0.1) { return FALSE; } last_input_deviceid = devid; float last_input_storage = last_input_was_gamepad; if (last_input_deviceid > 0) { last_input_was_gamepad = TRUE; setlocaluserinfo(0, "using_gamepad", "1"); } else { last_input_was_gamepad = FALSE; setlocaluserinfo(0, "using_gamepad", "0"); } if (current_menu != MENU_NONE) { return sui_input_event(evtype, scanx, chary, devid); } if (evtype == IE_KEYDOWN) { switch (scanx) { case K_GP_A: case K_GP_B: case K_GP_X: case K_GP_Y: case K_GP_LSHOULDER: case K_GP_RSHOULDER: case K_GP_LTRIGGER: case K_GP_RTRIGGER: case K_GP_BACK: case K_GP_START: case K_GP_LTHUMB: case K_GP_RTHUMB: case K_GP_DPAD_UP: case K_GP_DPAD_DOWN: case K_GP_DPAD_LEFT: case K_GP_DPAD_RIGHT: case K_GP_LTHUMB_UP: case K_GP_LTHUMB_DOWN: case K_GP_LTHUMB_LEFT: case K_GP_LTHUMB_RIGHT: case K_GP_RTHUMB_UP: case K_GP_RTHUMB_DOWN: case K_GP_RTHUMB_LEFT: case K_GP_RTHUMB_RIGHT: if (!GPButtonHeldBeginTime[scanx-816]) GPButtonHeldBeginTime[scanx-816] = cltime; break; } } if (evtype == IE_KEYUP) { switch (scanx) { case K_GP_A: case K_GP_B: case K_GP_X: case K_GP_Y: case K_GP_LSHOULDER: case K_GP_RSHOULDER: case K_GP_LTRIGGER: case K_GP_RTRIGGER: case K_GP_BACK: case K_GP_START: case K_GP_LTHUMB: case K_GP_RTHUMB: case K_GP_DPAD_UP: case K_GP_DPAD_DOWN: case K_GP_DPAD_LEFT: case K_GP_DPAD_RIGHT: case K_GP_LTHUMB_UP: case K_GP_LTHUMB_DOWN: case K_GP_LTHUMB_LEFT: case K_GP_LTHUMB_RIGHT: case K_GP_RTHUMB_UP: case K_GP_RTHUMB_DOWN: case K_GP_RTHUMB_LEFT: case K_GP_RTHUMB_RIGHT: //print(sprintf("Key: %f Duration: %f\n", scanx, cltime-GPButtonHeldBeginTime[scanx-816])); GPButtonHeldBeginTime[scanx-816] = 0; break; } } switch(evtype) { case IE_KEYDOWN: Input_Movecheck(scanx, 1); return FALSE; case IE_KEYUP: Input_Movecheck(scanx, 0); return FALSE; case IE_MOUSEDELTA: return FALSE; case IE_MOUSEABS: return FALSE; } return FALSE; }; noref void() CSQC_Input_Frame = { input_angles += gun_kick; input_angles += sniper_sway; } #define DEG2RAD(x) (x * M_PI / 180.f) noref void() CSQC_Parse_Event = { float event_type = readbyte(); switch (event_type) { case CSQC_EVENT_PARTICLE: float particle_type = readbyte(); float part_pos_x = readcoord(); float part_pos_y = readcoord(); float part_pos_z = readcoord(); float part_optional = readbyte(); float part_entity = readentitynum(); vector particle_pos = [part_pos_x, part_pos_y, part_pos_z]; Particles_RunParticle(particle_type, particle_pos, part_optional, part_entity); break; case CSQC_EVENT_USEPRINT: useprint_type = readbyte(); useprint_cost = readshort(); useprint_weapon = readbyte(); useprint_time = time + 0.1; break; case CSQC_EVENT_ROUNDCHANGE: rounds = readbyte(); break; case CSQC_EVENT_BROADCASTMESSAGE: broadcast_type = readbyte(); broadcast_time = time + readbyte(); broadcast_num = readbyte(); break; case CSQC_EVENT_MAXAMMOTEXT: hud_maxammo_endtime = time + 2; hud_maxammo_starttime = time; break; case CSQC_EVENT_MUSICSTREAM: string track_name = readstring(); string track_extension; if (platform_is_web) track_extension = ".wav"; else track_extension = ".ogg"; localsound_enhanced(strcat("tracks/", track_name, track_extension), CHAN_MUSIC, 0.85); break; case CSQC_EVENT_GIVEACHIEVEMENT: float achievement_id = readbyte(); // Don't unlock an existing achievement or any if on emscripten. if (achievements[achievement_id].unlocked || platform_is_web) return; Achievement_Unlock(achievement_id); break; case CSQC_EVENT_PLAYERNAME: character_name = readstring(); break; case CSQC_EVENT_SCREENFLASH: screenflash_color = readbyte(); screenflash_duration = time + readbyte(); screenflash_type = readbyte(); screenflash_worktime = 0; screenflash_starttime = time; break; case CSQC_EVENT_RUMBLE: float low_frequency = readshort(); float high_frequency = readshort(); float duration = readshort(); if (cvar("in_rumbleenabled")) gp_rumble(last_input_deviceid, low_frequency, high_frequency, duration); break; case EVENT_WEAPONRECOIL: local vector rec; rec_x = readcoord()/5; rec_y = readcoord()/5; rec_z = readcoord()/5; gun_kick += rec; break; case EVENT_CHATMESSAGE: int sender = readbyte(); int player_id = readbyte(); string message = readstring(); Chat_Register(sender, player_id, message); break; case EVENT_ENDGAME: in_endgame_sequence = true; break; case EVENT_DOUBLETAPUPDATE: double_tap_version = readbyte(); break; case EVENT_UPDATE: float updatetype = readbyte(); float var_1 = readbyte(); float var_2 = readbyte(); float var_3 = readbyte(); switch (updatetype) { case 1: HUD_Change_time = time + var_1; break; case 2: rounds_change = var_1; break; case 3: if (hitmark_ignore_time > time) return; hitmark_type = var_1; // Red if (hitmark_type == 1) { hitmark_time = time + 0.2; hitmark_ignore_time = time + 0.2; } else { hitmark_time = time + 0.3; } break; case 5: recoil_kick_time = time + 70/getWeaponRecoilReturn(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON)); cur_spread = CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE)); break; default: break; } break; case EVENT_REVIVECHANGE: float revivechange_player_index = readbyte() - 1; // playernum starts at one. float state = readbyte(); revive_icons[revivechange_player_index].state = state; break; case EVENT_REVIVEON: float reviveon_player_index = readbyte() - 1; // playernum starts at one. if (reviveon_player_index < 0) return; revive_icons[reviveon_player_index].state = 1; revive_icons[reviveon_player_index].draw = true; break; case EVENT_REVIVEOFF: float reviveoff_player_index = readbyte() - 1; // playernum starts at one. if (reviveoff_player_index < 0) return; revive_icons[reviveoff_player_index].state = 0; revive_icons[reviveoff_player_index].timer = 0; revive_icons[reviveoff_player_index].draw = false; break; case EVENT_MAPTYPE: map_compatibility_mode = readbyte(); break; case EVENT_WORLDDATA: chaptertitle = readstring(); location = readstring(); date = readstring(); person = readstring(); if (chaptertitle == "") chaptertitle = "'Nazi Zombies'"; break; case EVENT_PLAYERUPDATE: player_count = readbyte(); break; case EVENT_GRENADEPULSE: crosshair_pulse_grenade = true; break; case EVENT_BETTYPROMPT: bettyprompt_time = time + 4; break; } }