/* server/entities/teleporter.qc all logic for teleporters of every form. Copyright (C) 2021-2024 NZ:P Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ /* ============ Teleporter ============ Teleporters have 3 different modes 0: Default Patch 1.0.4 Mode - Interact with teleporter and go to pad (credit: Naievil and PerikiyoXD) 1: Linked Mode - One-Time-Link teleporter with pad, teleport to pad 2: Timed Mode - Link teleporter with pad, teleport to other destination for a set amount of time, then return to pad. Link every time. TODO: - Sounds - Keep track of whether player is touching instead of locking movement */ void(vector where, float time_alive) SpawnSpark; void() teleporter_cooldown = { self.activated = false; if (self.mode == 2) { self.isLinked = false; } self.cooldown = false; } void() start_cooldown = { self.cooldown = true; self.think = teleporter_cooldown; self.nextthink = time + 5; } void() teleport_entities_back = { entity en, player; en = find(world, targetname, self.target2); SUB_UseTargets(); self.iszomb = 0; sound(self.entities[0], CHAN_WEAPON, "sounds/machines/elec_shock.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); for(float i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (self.entities[i].classname == "player") { player = self.entities[i]; setorigin(player, en.origin); if (self.isTimed || en.classname == "func_teleporter_pad") { setorigin(player, player.origin + '0 0 40'); } switch(self.iszomb) { case 0: player.origin += '20 0 0'; break; case 1: player.origin -= '20 0 0'; break; case 2: player.origin += '0 20 0'; break; case 3: player.origin -= '0 20 0'; break; default: break; } player.fire_delay = player.fire_delay2 = player.reload_delay = player.reload_delay2 = 2.0 + time; player.speed_penalty = 0.75; player.speed_penalty_time = time + 2; player.zoom = 0; player.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; player.oldz = player.origin_z; player.flags = player.flags & FL_ONGROUND; player.velocity = '0 0 0'; if (self.mode == 0) self.activated = false; self.iszomb++; } } SpawnSpark(en.origin + '0 0 32', 1); self.iszomb = 0; start_cooldown(); self.isTimed = false; } void(entity who) teleport_entity = { entity en; en = find(world, targetname, self.target2); SUB_UseTargets (); setorigin (who, who.tele_target.origin); if (self.isTimed || en.classname == "func_teleporter_pad") { setorigin(who, who.origin + '0 0 40'); } // Prohibit taking fall damage who.oldz = who.origin_z; switch(self.iszomb) { case 0: who.origin += '20 0 0'; break; case 1: who.origin -= '20 0 0'; break; case 2: who.origin += '0 20 0'; break; case 3: who.origin -= '0 20 0'; break; default: bprint(PRINT_HIGH, "cheater!!\n"); break; } who.fire_delay = who.fire_delay2 = who.reload_delay = who.reload_delay2 = 2.0 + time; who.speed_penalty = 0.75; who.speed_penalty_time = time + 2; who.zoom = 0; who.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; who.flags = who.flags & FL_ONGROUND; who.velocity = '0 0 0'; } void() teleport_entities = { // Store all of the players entity people = findradius(self.origin, self.stance); float i = 0; self.entities[0] = world; self.entities[1] = world; self.entities[2] = world; self.entities[3] = world; while(people != world) { if (people.classname == "player") { self.entities[i] = people; i++; teleport_entity(people); self.iszomb++; } people = people.chain; } self.iszomb = 0; if (self.mode == 0) { self.activated = false; } else if (self.mode == 2 && !self.isTimed) { self.nextthink = time + self.tpTimer; self.think = teleport_entities_back; self.isTimed = true; } else { start_cooldown(); self.isTimed = false; } } void() teleport_pad_touch = { if (other.classname != "player" || self.host.isLinked) return; if (!isPowerOn) { useprint(other, 8, 0, 0); return; } if (self.host.waitLink) { useprint(other, 19, 0, 0); if (other.button7) { self.host.isLinked = true; self.host.waitLink = false; sound(self, CHAN_WEAPON, "sounds/weapons/tesla/switchon.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } } else { if (self.host.mode == 2) { useprint(other, 18, 0, 0); } } } void() teleporter_link_touch = { if (!self.waitLink) useprint(other, 17, 0, 0); if (other.button7) { local entity en; en = find(world, targetname, self.target2); sound(self, CHAN_WEAPON, "sounds/weapons/tesla/switchoff.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.waitLink = true; en.host = self; } } void() teleport_touch = { entity tempe; if (self.cooldown) { useprint(other, 16, 0, 0); return; } if (other.classname != "player" || self.activated) return; if (!isPowerOn) { useprint(other, 8, 0, 0); return; } if (self.mode != 0 && !self.isLinked) { teleporter_link_touch(); return; } if (!self.cost) useprint(other, 14, 0, 0); else useprint(other, 15, self.cost, 0); if (other.button7 && !other.semiuse) { other.semiuse = true; if (other.points < self.cost) { centerprint(other, STR_NOTENOUGHPOINTS); sound(other, 0, "sounds/misc/denybuy.wav", 1, 1); return; } addmoney(other, -self.cost, 0); SUB_UseTargets(); self.activated = true; entity people = findradius(self.origin, self.stance); while (people != world) { if (people.classname == "player") { people.tele_target = find(world, targetname, self.target); people.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; } else if (people.classname == "ai_dog" && !people.electro_targeted) { sound(self, CHAN_WEAPON, "sounds/machines/elec_shock.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); tempe = self; self = people; self.electro_targeted = true; self.th_die(); self = tempe; } else if (people.aistatus == "1" && !people.electro_targeted) { tempe = self; self = people; Z_ElectroShock(); self = tempe; } people = people.chain; } if (!other.tele_target) objerror("Couldn't find target!"); self.think = teleport_entities; self.nextthink = time + 1; SpawnSpark(self.origin + '0 0 32', 1.5); sound(self, CHAN_WEAPON, "sounds/machines/elec_shock.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } if (other.button1) { if (self.targetname) { if (self.nextthink < time) return; // not fired yet } } } void() teleport_use = { self.nextthink = time + 2; force_retouch = 2; // make sure even still objects get hit self.think = SUB_Null; } // // func_teleporter_entrance() // Spawn function for the main teleporter. // void() func_teleporter_entrance = { // // Set Default Stats for Compatibility // // Model if (!self.model) { self.model = "models/props/teleporter.mdl"; } // Radius if (!self.stance) { self.stance = 75; } precache_model(self.model); precache_model("models/sprites/lightning.spr"); precache_sound("sounds/machines/elec_shock.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/weapons/tesla/switchoff.wav"); self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; self.classname = "func_teleporter_entrance"; setmodel(self, self.model); setsize(self, VEC_HULL2_MIN, VEC_HULL2_MAX); self.touch = teleport_touch; // Verify the User has teleporter targets set. if (!self.target) objerror("No target!"); if (self.mode != 0) { if (!self.target2) objerror("No mainframe!"); if (self.mode == 2) { entity tempe; tempe = find(world, targetname, self.target2); tempe.host = self; } } self.use = teleport_use; } // // func_teleporter_destination() // Empty Entity to use as a destination for standard // teleporter modes. // void() func_teleporter_destination = { // this does nothing, just serves as a target spot self.origin = self.origin + '0 0 40'; self.classname = "func_teleporter_destination"; } // // func_teleporter_timed() // Empty Entity to use as a destination for time-based // teleporter modes. // void() func_teleporter_timed = { self.origin = self.origin + '0 0 40'; self.classname = "func_teleporter_timed"; } // // func_teleporter_pad() // Teleporter Pad that's often used as a Link Point // or Return Point. // void() func_teleporter_pad = { precache_model ("models/props/mainframe_pad.mdl"); precache_sound("sounds/weapons/tesla/switchon.wav"); self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; self.classname = "func_teleporter_pad"; setmodel(self, "models/props/mainframe_pad.mdl"); setsize(self, VEC_HULL2_MIN, VEC_HULL2_MAX); self.touch = teleport_pad_touch; }