/* client/main.qc main csqc code Copyright (C) 2021-2023 NZ:P Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ void() ToggleMenu = { if(serverkey("constate") != "disconnected") { if (player_count == 0) localcmd("cmd pause\n"); if(in_menu == MENU_NONE) { in_menu = MENU_PAUSE; time_in_menu = 0; local float i; for(i = 0; i < BUTTONS_COUNT; i++) { buttons[i].active = 1; } setcursormode(TRUE, cvar_string("cl_cursor"), __NULL__, cvar("cl_cursor_scale")); } else { in_menu = MENU_NONE; setcursormode(FALSE); } } else { in_menu = MENU_MAIN; time_in_menu = 0; setcursormode(TRUE, cvar_string("cl_cursor"), __NULL__, cvar("cl_cursor_scale")); } } noref void(float apiver, string enginename, float enginever) CSQC_Init = { setwindowcaption("Nazi Zombies: Portable"); precache_sound("sounds/menu/enter.wav"); precache_sound("sounds/menu/navigate.wav"); precache_model("models/player.mdl"); registercommand("togglemenu"); registercommand("startwalk"); registercommand("stopwalk"); registercommand("promptjoin"); registercommand("showscores"); cvar_set("sv_cheats", ftos(1)); cvar_set("r_fb_models", ftos(0)); autocvar(r_viewmodel_default_fov, 70); // Runtime check if we're running this in WebASM/WebGL. if (cvar_string("sys_platform") == "Web") platform_is_web = true; else platform_is_web = false; //print("CSQC Started\n"); dummy = spawn(); if(serverkey("constate") == "disconnected") ToggleMenu(); //bgpos = 0; // default button binds buttonBind[0] = "+forward"; buttonBind[1] = "+back"; buttonBind[2] = "+moveleft"; buttonBind[3] = "+moveright"; buttonBind[4] = "impulse 10"; buttonBind[5] = "+sprint"; buttonBind[6] = "impulse 30"; buttonBind[7] = "impulse 110"; buttonBind[8] = "impulse 111"; buttonBind[9] = "+button7"; buttonBind[10] = "+button5"; buttonBind[11] = "+button6"; buttonBind[12] = "+button3"; buttonBind[13] = "impulse 33"; // intialize screen resolutions // default/current width and height active_swidth = cvar("vid_width"); active_sheight = cvar("vid_height"); fullscreenval = cvar("vid_fullscreen"); // 5:4 screen_width_54[0] = 1280; screen_height_54[0] = 1024; //4:3 screen_width_43[0] = 640; screen_height_43[0] = 480; screen_width_43[1] = 800; screen_height_43[1] = 600; screen_width_43[2] = 1024; screen_height_43[2] = 768; //16:10 screen_width_1610[0] = 1280; screen_height_1610[0] = 800; screen_width_1610[1] = 1440; screen_height_1610[1] = 900; screen_width_1610[2] = 1680; screen_height_1610[2] = 1050; screen_width_1610[3] = 1920; screen_height_1610[3] = 1200; screen_width_1610[4] = 2560; screen_height_1610[4] = 1600; //16:9 screen_width_169[0] = 640; screen_height_169[0] = 360; screen_width_169[1] = 1280; screen_height_169[1] = 720; screen_width_169[2] = 1360; screen_height_169[2] = 768; screen_width_169[3] = 1366; screen_height_169[3] = 768; screen_width_169[4] = 1536; screen_height_169[4] = 864; screen_width_169[5] = 1600; screen_height_169[5] = 900; screen_width_169[6] = 1920; screen_height_169[6] = 1080; screen_width_169[7] = 2048; screen_height_169[7] = 1152; screen_width_169[8] = 2560; screen_height_169[8] = 1440; screen_width_169[9] = 3840; screen_height_169[9] = 2160; //21:9 screen_width_219[0] = 2560; screen_height_219[0] = 1080; screen_width_219[1] = 3440; screen_height_219[1] = 1440; // cvars for custom settings autocvar(cl_adsmode, 0); autocvar(cl_cinematic, 0); autocvar(nzp_particles, 1); autocvar(nzp_decals, 1); autocvar(vid_ultrawide_limiter, 0); // per-channel volume autocvar(snd_channel1volume, 1); autocvar(snd_channel2volume, 1); autocvar(snd_channel3volume, 1); autocvar(snd_channel4volume, 1); autocvar(snd_channel5volume, 1); autocvar(snd_channel6volume, 1); // force nearest filtering for hud elements to avoid blur cvar_set("gl_texturemode2d", "gl_nearest"); cvar_set("r_font_linear", "0"); // force build date text in menu cvar_set("cl_showbuildtime", "1"); // in-game stopwatch autocvar(scr_serverstopwatch, 0); stopwatch_sec = stopwatch_min = stopwatch_hr = 0; // retrieve custom maps Customs_Get(); // // get the build date // float file = fopen("version.txt", FILE_READ); if (file != -1) { build_datetime = fgets(file); fclose(file); } }; // // Init_Particles() // Spawns a dummy particle for each effect // so it loads. (FIXME - is there a better // way?) // void() Init_Particles = { for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { pointparticles(particleeffectnum(strcat("muzzle.muzzle_pap_part", itos(i))), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0); pointparticles(particleeffectnum(strcat("muzzle.muzzle_part", itos(i))), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0); } pointparticles(particleeffectnum("weapons.impact"), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0); pointparticles(particleeffectnum("weapons.impact_decal"), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0); pointparticles(particleeffectnum("weapons.explode"), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0); pointparticles(particleeffectnum("blood.blood_particle"), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0); } noref void() CSQC_WorldLoaded = { //precache_model("models/weapons/mg/mzl.iqm"); //precache_model("models/blood.iqm"); if(!player) player = edict_num(player_localnum); if(!vmodel) vmodel = spawn(); if(!v2model) v2model = spawn(); if(!mzlflash) mzlflash = spawn(); v2model.renderflags = vmodel.renderflags = RF_VIEWMODEL; v2model.origin = vmodel.origin = '24 -12 -18'; v2model_targetpos = v2model_currentpos = v2model.origin = vmodel_targetpos = vmodel_currentpos = vmodel.origin; v2model_velocity = vmodel_velocity = '0 0 0'; //v2model_muzzleoffset = vmodel_muzzleoffset = '48 -1 2'; setmodel(vmodel,""); setmodel(v2model,""); mzlflash.renderflags = vmodel.renderflags; mzlflash.origin = vmodel.origin + vmodel_muzzleoffset; playerpoints[1] = -1; playerpoints[2] = -1; playerpoints[3] = -1; Achievement_Init(); Init_Particles(); nameprint_time = time + 12; huddir = "gfx/hud/"; }; // This is from COW lol! #define ADS_THOMPSON '-3 +5.80 +4.52' /*vector adsOffset; float adsAmount; float adsDir;*/ vector weapon_bob_factor; float weapon_bob_factor_z_coef; vector dampening_factor; float vaccel; float vzaccel; void() Update_Vmodel = { local vector offset, adsoffset; local vector dir; local float ads; if (cvar("r_drawviewmodel") == FALSE || hide_viewmodel == true) { vmodel.origin = '-10000 -10000 -10000'; return; } // // View Bobbing Factors. // // PAUSED, NO BOB if (serverkey(SERVERKEY_PAUSESTATE) == "1") { weapon_bob_factor = '0 0 0'; dampening_factor = weapon_bob_factor; weapon_bob_factor_z_coef = 0; } // ADS else if (getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) && getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) != 3) { weapon_bob_factor = '0 0 0'; dampening_factor = weapon_bob_factor; weapon_bob_factor_z_coef = 0; } // SPRINT else if (getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) == 3) { weapon_bob_factor_x = 2; weapon_bob_factor_y = 8; weapon_bob_factor_z = 12; weapon_bob_factor_z_coef = 1; dampening_factor_x = sin(cltime*weapon_bob_factor_x); dampening_factor_y = 9*cos(cltime*weapon_bob_factor_y); dampening_factor_z = 0.1*sin(cltime*weapon_bob_factor_z); } // WALK else if (K_FORWARDDOWN || K_BACKDOWN || K_LEFTDOWN || K_RIGHTDOWN && !getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM)) { weapon_bob_factor_x = 8; weapon_bob_factor_y = 8; weapon_bob_factor_z = 13.4; weapon_bob_factor_z_coef = 0.2; dampening_factor_x = 0.2*sin(cltime*weapon_bob_factor_x); dampening_factor_y = 0.2*cos(cltime*weapon_bob_factor_y); dampening_factor_z = 0.2*sin(cltime*weapon_bob_factor_z); } // STILL else if (!getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM)) { // HACK HACK if (weapon_bob_factor_z == 12) { weapon_bob_factor_x = 8; weapon_bob_factor_y = 8; weapon_bob_factor_z = 13.4; weapon_bob_factor_z_coef = 0.2; dampening_factor_x = 0.2*sin(cltime*weapon_bob_factor_x); dampening_factor_y = 0.2*cos(cltime*weapon_bob_factor_y); dampening_factor_z = 0.2*sin(cltime*weapon_bob_factor_z); } // Naievil -- stupid ass calcs... // Basically we have a dampening factor per offset and we have to decrease it back down to zero // Problem is that we may be going in postive OR negative direction? // Better solution: use fabs() lol if (dampening_factor_x > 0 && sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_x) > 0) { if ((dampening_factor_x - 0.00000068* sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_x)) < 0) dampening_factor_x -= (0.00000068 - dampening_factor_x*sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_x)); else dampening_factor_x -= 0.00000068* sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_x); } else if (dampening_factor_x < 0 && sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_x) < 0) { if ((dampening_factor_x + 0.00000068* sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_x)) > 0) dampening_factor_x += (0.00000068 - dampening_factor_x*sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_x)); else dampening_factor_x += 0.00000068* sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_x); } else { weapon_bob_factor_x = 1.2; } if (weapon_bob_factor_x - 0.00000068 < 1.2) weapon_bob_factor_x = 1.2; else weapon_bob_factor_x -= 0.00000068; if (dampening_factor_y > 0 && cos(time*weapon_bob_factor_y) > 0) { if ((dampening_factor_y - 0.00000065* cos(time*weapon_bob_factor_y)) < 0) dampening_factor_y -= (0.00000065 - dampening_factor_y*cos(time*weapon_bob_factor_y)); else dampening_factor_y -= 0.00000065* cos(time*weapon_bob_factor_y); } else if (dampening_factor_y < 0 && cos(time*weapon_bob_factor_y) < 0) { if ((dampening_factor_y + 0.00000065* cos(time*weapon_bob_factor_y)) > 0) dampening_factor_y += (0.00000065 - dampening_factor_y*cos(time*weapon_bob_factor_y)); else dampening_factor_y += 0.00000065* cos(time*weapon_bob_factor_y); } else { weapon_bob_factor_y = 1.5; } if (weapon_bob_factor_y - 0.00000065 < 1.5) weapon_bob_factor_y = 1.5; else weapon_bob_factor_y -= 0.00000065; if (dampening_factor_z > 0 && sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_z) > 0) { if ((dampening_factor_z - 0.00000123* sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_z)) < 0) dampening_factor_z -= (0.00000123 - dampening_factor_z*sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_z)); else dampening_factor_z -= 0.00000123* sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_z); } else if (dampening_factor_z <= 0 && sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_z) < 0) { if ((dampening_factor_z + 0.00000123* sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_z)) > 0) dampening_factor_z += (0.00000123 - dampening_factor_z*sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_z)); else dampening_factor_z += 0.00000123* sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_z); } else { weapon_bob_factor_z = 1.1; } if (weapon_bob_factor_z - 0.00000123 < 1.1) weapon_bob_factor_z = 1.1; else weapon_bob_factor_z -= 0.00000123; if (weapon_bob_factor_z_coef <= 0.1) weapon_bob_factor_z_coef = 0.1; else weapon_bob_factor_z_coef -= 0.0000001*sin(time*weapon_bob_factor_z); } offset_x = 0.2 * (sin(cltime * weapon_bob_factor_x) + dampening_factor_x); offset_y = 0.2 * (cos(cltime * weapon_bob_factor_y) + dampening_factor_y); offset_z = weapon_bob_factor_z_coef * (sin(weapon_bob_factor_z*cltime + 0.5) + dampening_factor_z); vector tempv; tempv_x = 0.2 * (sin(cltime * weapon_bob_factor_x)); tempv_y = 0.2 * (cos(cltime * weapon_bob_factor_y)); tempv_z = weapon_bob_factor_z_coef * (sin(weapon_bob_factor_z*cltime + 0.5)); dir = vmodel_targetpos - vmodel_currentpos; if(vlen(dir) < (0.15 * 128 * frametime)) vmodel_currentpos = vmodel_targetpos; else vmodel_currentpos += (dir * 0.15 * 128) * frametime; if(vlen(vmodel.angles) < (0.1 * 128 * frametime)) vmodel.angles = '0 0 0'; else vmodel.angles += (-vmodel.angles * 0.2 * 128) * frametime; vmodel_currentpos += (vmodel_velocity * 128) * frametime; vmodel_velocity *= 1 - frametime * 30; vmodel.angles += (vmodel_avelocity * 128) * frametime; vmodel_avelocity *= 1 - frametime * 30; adsoffset = GetWeaponADSPos(weapon); ads = getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM); //get the zoomtoggle value if(ads == 1 || ads == 2 && serverkey(SERVERKEY_PAUSESTATE) == "0") { vmodel_currentpos += (adsoffset * 0.15 * 128) * frametime; vmodel.origin = vmodel_currentpos + adsoffset; } else { switch(getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE)) { case 2: break; case 1: vmodel_currentpos = '0 0.6 -0.3'; break; case 0: vmodel_currentpos = '1.5 0.6 -0.3'; break; default: break; } vmodel.origin = vmodel_currentpos + offset; vmodel.origin_y += vaccel; vmodel.origin_z += vzaccel; if (in_menu != MENU_NONE) return; if (K_LEFTDOWN) { vaccel -= 0.01; if (vaccel < -0.8) vaccel = -0.8; } else if (K_RIGHTDOWN) { vaccel += 0.01; if (vaccel > 0.8) vaccel = 0.8; } else if (vaccel != 0) { if (vaccel > 0) vaccel -= 0.01; else vaccel += 0.01; } //black ops -0.01 till -0.6 (looks better) if (K_BACKDOWN || K_FORWARDDOWN) { if (ads == 3) { vzaccel -= 0.1; if (vzaccel < -1.2) vzaccel = -1.2; } else { vzaccel -= 0.01; if (vzaccel < -0.6) vzaccel = -0.6; } } else if (vzaccel != 0) { if (vzaccel > 0) vzaccel -= 0.02; else vzaccel += 0.02; } } if(weapon == 1) { if(mzlflash.scale < 1) mzlflash.scale += (10 * random()) * frametime; } else if(weapon == 2) { if(mzlflash.scale < 1.5) mzlflash.scale += (20 * random()) * frametime; } mzlflash.origin = vmodel.origin + vmodel_muzzleoffset; mzlflash.alpha -= (0.15 * 100) * frametime; if(mzlflash.alpha < 0.1) mzlflash.alpha = 0.01; } float Player_PreDraw() = { if (self.entnum == player_localentnum) { self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; // Prepare rollback vector vOldOrigin = self.origin; vector vOldVelocity = self.velocity; float fOldPMoveFlags = self.pmove_flags; // Apply physics for every single input-frame that has not yet been // acknowledged by the server (servercommandframe = last acknowledged frame) for (int i = servercommandframe + 1; i <= clientcommandframe; i++) { float flSuccess = getinputstate(i); if (flSuccess == FALSE) { continue; } // Partial frames are the worst if (input_timelength == 0) { break; } runstandardplayerphysics(self); } // Smooth stair stepping, this has to be done manually! playerOriginOld = playerOrigin; if ((self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) && (self.origin_z - playerOriginOld_z > 0)) { playerOriginOld_z += frametime * 150; if (playerOriginOld_z > self.origin_z) { playerOriginOld_z = self.origin_z; } if (self.origin_z - playerOriginOld_z > 18) { playerOriginOld_z = self.origin_z - 18; } playerOrigin_z += playerOriginOld_z - self.origin_z; } else { playerOriginOld_z = self.origin_z; } playerOrigin = [self.origin_x, self.origin_y, playerOriginOld_z]; playerVelocity = self.velocity; addentity(self); // Time to roll back self.origin = vOldOrigin; setorigin(self, self.origin); self.velocity = vOldVelocity; self.pmove_flags = fOldPMoveFlags; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; // Set renderflag for mirrors! self.renderflags = RF_EXTERNALMODEL; } else { addentity(self); } return PREDRAW_NEXT; } noref void(float isnew) CSQC_Ent_Update = { float ent_type = readbyte(); if (ent_type == 1) { if (isnew == TRUE) { self.classname = "player"; self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; self.predraw = Player_PreDraw; self.drawmask = MASK_ENGINE; setmodel(self, "models/player.mdl"); } self.origin_x = readcoord(); self.origin_y = readcoord(); self.origin_z = readcoord(); self.angles_x = readcoord(); self.angles_y = readcoord(); self.angles_z = readcoord(); self.velocity_x = readshort(); self.velocity_y = readshort(); self.velocity_z = readshort(); self.playernum = readfloat(); self.model = readstring(); self.frame = readbyte(); self.movetype = readshort(); self.flags = readfloat(); self.stance = readbyte(); self.scale = 1.4; setmodel(self, self.model); if (self.stance == 2) setsize(self, [-16, -16, -32], [16, 16, 40]); else setsize(self, [-16, -16, -32], [16, 16, 4]); setorigin(self, self.origin); } else { if(isnew) addentity(self); } } float(__inout vector v) VectorNormalize = { float length = sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]); if (length) { float ilength = 1 / length; v[0] *= ilength; v[1] *= ilength; v[2] *= ilength; } return length; } void() DropRecoilKick = { float len; if (crosshair_spread_time > time) return; len = VectorNormalize(gun_kick); len = len - frametime*5; if (len < 0) len = 0; gun_kick[0] *= len; gun_kick[1] *= len; gun_kick[2] *= len; } string() LoadScreen_GiveTip = { float index = rint((random() * (80 - 1))) + 1; switch(index) { case 1: return "Released in 1996, Quake is over 25 years old!"; break; case 2: return "Use the Kar98k to be the hero we need!"; break; case 3: return "Lots of modern engines are based on Quake!"; break; case 4: return "NZ:P began development on September 27 2009!"; break; case 5: return "NZ:P was first released on December 25, 2010!"; break; case 6: return "NZ:P Beta 1.1 has over 300,000 downloads!"; break; case 7: return "NZ:P has been downloaded over 500,000 times!"; break; case 8: return "A lot of people have worked on NZ:P!"; break; case 9: return "Blubswillrule, or \"blubs\", is from the US."; break; case 10: return "Jukki is from Finland."; break; case 11: return "Ju[s]tice, or \"tom\" is from Lithuania."; break; case 12: return "This game has given us bad sleeping habits!"; break; case 13: return "We had a lot of fun making this game!"; break; case 14: return "Pro Tip: you can make your own custom map!"; break; case 15: return "Try Retro Mode, it's in the Graphics Settings!"; break; case 16: return "Tired of our maps? Go make your own!"; break; case 17: return "Slay zombies & be grateful."; break; case 18: return "Custom maps, CUSTOM MAPS!"; break; case 19: return "Go outside & build a snowman!"; break; case 20: return "Please surround yourself with zombies!"; break; case 21: return "Don't play for too long.. zombies may eat you."; break; case 22: return "That was epic... EPIC FOR THE WIIIN!"; //why break; case 23: return "FTEQW is an awesome Quake Engine!"; break; case 24: return "You dead yet?"; break; case 25: return "Now 21% cooler!"; break; case 26: return "your lg is nothink on the lan!"; //what break; case 27: return "I'm not your chaotic on dm6!"; break; case 28: return "Shoot or knife zombies to kill them, up to you!"; break; case 29: return "How many people forgot to Compile today?"; break; case 30: return "ggnore"; break; case 31: return "NZ:P is also on PC, Switch, Vita, and PSP!"; break; case 32: return "Submerge your device in water for godmode!"; break; case 33: return "10/10/10 was a good day."; break; case 34: return "Also check out \"FreeCS\" by eukara!"; break; case 35: return "CypressImplex, or \"Ivy\", is from the USA."; break; case 36: return "Zombies don't like bullets."; break; case 37: return "Thanks for being an awesome fan!"; break; case 38: return "Removed Herobrine"; break; case 39: return "Pack-a-Punch the Kar98k to get to round 100000."; break; case 40: return "I feel like I'm being gaslit."; break; case 41: return "Heads up! You will die if you are killed!"; break; case 42: return "Zombies legally can't kill you if you say no!"; break; case 43: return "Please help me find the meaning of . Thanks."; break; case 44: return "Discord is ONLY for Thomas the Tank Engine RP!"; break; case 45: return "\"Get rid of the 21% tip, it's an MLP reference.\""; break; case 46: return "You're playing on FTE!"; break; case 47: return "Don't leak the beta!"; break; case 48: return "Jugger-Nog increases your health!"; break; case 49: return "greg was here"; break; case 50: return "Where the hell is the Mystery Box?!"; break; case 51: return "Zombies like getting shot.. I think."; break; case 52: return "pro tip: aiming helps"; break; case 53: return "\"my mom gave me plunger money\""; break; case 54: return "dolphin dive on top of your friend for god mode"; break; case 55: return "no free rides. ass, grass, or cash!"; break; case 56: return "https://nzp.gay/"; break; case 57: return "im an mlg gamer girl so its pretty guaranteed"; break; case 58: return "this is a w because you cant have enough fnaf"; break; case 59: return "i hope santa drops bombs on the uk"; break; case 60: return "Hoyl shit, bro! You fucking ported fortnite!"; break; case 61: return "icarly feet futtishist."; break; case 62: return "Well, it's impossible to play, I'm disgusted."; break; case 63: return "I like my women to not be cartoons"; break; case 64: return "Plot twist: NZP was always broken"; break; case 65: return "testing some think."; break; case 66: return "fnaf is older than gay marriage in the us"; break; case 67: return "i want that twink Obliterated"; break; case 68: return "i think he started the femboy transition process"; break; case 69: return "nice"; break; case 70: return "He's FUCKING annoying"; break; case 71: return "yeah pog female bikers"; break; case 72: return "Its either a stroke of genius or just a stroke"; break; case 73: return "Play some Custom Maps!"; break; case 74: return "Real OGs play on Win9X Machines!"; break; case 75: return "Adding this tip improved framerate by 39%!"; break; case 76: return "The NZ in NZP stands for New Zealand!"; break; case 77: return "The P in NZP stands for Professional!"; break; case 78: return "Remember to stay hydrated!"; break; case 79: return "cofe"; break; } return "wut wut"; }; noref void(float width, float height, float notmenu) CSQC_UpdateViewLoading = { if (loadscreen_mapname != "") { drawpic([0, 0], strcat("gfx/lscreen/", loadscreen_mapname), [width, height], [1, 1, 1], 1); } drawfill ([0, 0], [width, 32, 1], [0, 0, 0], 0.68, 0); drawfill ([0, height - 32], [width, 32, 1], [0, 0, 0], 0.68, 0); drawstring([width/2 - (stringwidth(loadscreen_tip, 0, [12, 12])/2), height - 16, 0], loadscreen_tip, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); drawstring([6, 6], loadscreen_maptitle, [24, 24], TEXT_ORANGE, 1, 0); drawfill ([width/2 - 160, height - 42], [320, 18, 1], [0.27, 0.27, 0.27], 1, 0); drawfill ([width/2 - 164, height - 46], [328, 26, 1], [0, 0, 0], 0.77, 0); drawstring([width/2 - (stringwidth("Loading...", 0, [14, 14])/2), height - 40, 0], "Loading...", [14, 14], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); }; #define SCALE_CONSTANT 8 // CALLED EVERY CLIENT RENDER FRAME float pap_flash_alternate; noref void(float width, float height, float menushown) CSQC_UpdateView = { //clear and update our global screen resolution vars clearscene(); g_width = width; g_height = height; // camang is controlled by our punchangles camang = getproperty(VF_ANGLES); //disable quake status bar and quake crosshair setviewprop(VF_DRAWENGINESBAR, 0); setviewprop(VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR, 0); setsensitivityscaler((1 + SCALE_CONSTANT * getstatf(STAT_VIEWZOOM)) / (1 + SCALE_CONSTANT)); setviewprop(VF_AFOV, autocvar(fov,90)*getstatf(STAT_VIEWZOOM)); cvar_set("r_viewmodel_fov", ftos(cvar("r_viewmodel_default_fov")*getstatf(STAT_VIEWZOOM))); // Increment the stopwatch // FIXME: I don't really liket his being in UpdateView.. this has nothing to do with rendering. stopwatch_sec = time - (stopwatch_min * 60 + (stopwatch_hr * 3600)); if (stopwatch_sec >= 60) { stopwatch_min += stopwatch_sec/60; } if (stopwatch_min >= 60) { stopwatch_hr += stopwatch_min/60; stopwatch_min = 0; } //autoadd entities received from servers for drawing addentities(MASK_ENGINE); setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, playerOrigin + [ 0, 0, getstatf(STAT_VIEWHEIGHT)]); //setproperty(VF_ANGLES, view_angles); //do viewmodel manipulation, purely cosmetic stuff if(vmodel) { Update_Vmodel(); local vector vorg; local vector vang; vorg = getviewprop(VF_ORIGIN); vang = getviewprop(VF_ANGLES); //vmodel.origin += vorg; //vmodel.angles += vang; addentity(vmodel); addentity(v2model); //vmodel.origin -= vorg; //vmodel.angles -= vang; //addentity(vmodel); float weaponframe, weapon2frame; weaponframe = getstatf(STAT_WEAPONFRAME); float duration = getstatf(STAT_WEAPONDURATION); if (!duration) { duration = 0.1; } if (curweaponframe != weaponframe) { interpolating = TRUE; vmodel.lerpfrac = 0; oldweaponframe = curweaponframe; curweaponframe = weaponframe; } if (interpolating == TRUE) { vmodel.lerpfrac += frametime * (1/duration); if (vmodel.lerpfrac >= 1.0) { oldweaponframe = curweaponframe; vmodel.lerpfrac = 0; interpolating = FALSE; } } vmodel.frame = oldweaponframe; vmodel.frame2 = curweaponframe; if (IsDualWeapon(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON))) { float duration2 = getstatf(STAT_WEAPON2DURATION); if (!duration2) { duration2 = 0.1; } weapon2frame = getstatf(STAT_WEAPON2FRAME); if (curweapon2frame != weapon2frame) { interpolating2 = TRUE; v2model.lerpfrac = 0; oldweapon2frame = curweapon2frame; curweapon2frame = weapon2frame; } if (interpolating2 == TRUE) { v2model.lerpfrac += frametime * (1/duration2); if (v2model.lerpfrac >= 1.0) { oldweapon2frame = curweapon2frame; v2model.lerpfrac = 0; interpolating2 = FALSE; } } v2model.frame = oldweapon2frame; v2model.frame2 = curweapon2frame; } else { //v2model.frame = getstatf(STAT_WEAPON2FRAME); v2model.lerpfrac = vmodel.lerpfrac; v2model.frame = oldweaponframe; v2model.frame2 = curweaponframe; } v2model.angles = vmodel.angles; v2model.origin = vmodel.origin; if(mzlflash.alpha > 0.09) { makevectors(view_angles); local vector offset = vmodel.origin + vmodel_muzzleoffset; local vector muzzlepos; muzzlepos = getviewprop(VF_ORIGIN); muzzlepos += v_forward * offset_x; muzzlepos -= v_right * offset_y; muzzlepos += v_up * (offset_z + 6); if (cvar("r_drawviewmodel")) { if (IsPapWeapon(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON))) { if (pap_flash_alternate) dynamiclight_add(muzzlepos, 128 * mzlflash.alpha, '0.7 0 0' * mzlflash.alpha); else dynamiclight_add(muzzlepos, 128 * mzlflash.alpha, '0 0 0.7' * mzlflash.alpha); pap_flash_alternate = !pap_flash_alternate; } else dynamiclight_add(muzzlepos, 128 * mzlflash.alpha, '1.2 0.7 0.2' * mzlflash.alpha); addentity(mzlflash); } } } //deltalisten makes engine call the "add_outline" func for each entity with the set model every frame /*deltalisten("models/mg_ammo.iqm", add_outline, 0); deltalisten("models/weapons/mg/mg.iqm", add_outline, 0); deltalisten("models/weapons/pistol/pistol.iqm", add_outline, 0);*/ //deltalisten("models/humanoid_simplerig.iqm", add_outline, 0); DropRecoilKick(); camang[0] += gun_kick[0]; camang[1] += gun_kick[1]; camang[2] += gun_kick[2]; setviewprop(VF_ANGLES, camang); //does what you think it does renderscene(); if (in_loadscreen) { in_loadscreen = false; localcmd(strcat("map ", loadscreen_mapname, "\n")); } if(in_menu) { //in menu.qc Draw_Menu(); } else { HUD_Draw(g_width, g_height); Chat_Draw(); } }; noref float(string cmd) CSQC_ConsoleCommand = { //self = theplayer; //if (!self) // return FALSE; tokenize(cmd); switch(argv(0)) { case "togglemenu": ToggleMenu(); return TRUE; case "map": return FALSE; case "startwalk": walk = TRUE; return FALSE; case "stopwalk": walk = FALSE; return FALSE; case "promptjoin": menu_join(); return TRUE; case "showscores": if (score_show) score_show = FALSE; else score_show = TRUE; return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } return FALSE; }; //**********************************************************************// // Input_Movecheck // // // // Called at InputEvent and allows to set var if key is at that state // // NOTE: ALL movekeys are called in order to prevent unsetting keys // //**********************************************************************// void(float scanx, float setval) Input_Movecheck = { tokenize(findkeysforcommand("+moveleft")); if (scanx == stof(argv(0))) K_LEFTDOWN = setval; tokenize(findkeysforcommand("+moveright")); if (scanx == stof(argv(0))) K_RIGHTDOWN = setval; tokenize(findkeysforcommand("+forward")); if (scanx == stof(argv(0))) K_FORWARDDOWN = setval; tokenize(findkeysforcommand("+back")); if (scanx == stof(argv(0))) K_BACKDOWN = setval; } void(float button, string key) setToBind = { local string fullbind, unbind, oldkey; local string btn; editBind[button] = FALSE; btn = buttonBind[button]; tokenize(findkeysforcommand(btn)); oldkey = keynumtostring(stof(argv(0))); unbind = strcat("bind ", oldkey, " null\n"); fullbind = strcat("bind ", key, " \"", btn, "\"\n"); localcmd(unbind); localcmd(fullbind); } noref float(float evtype, float scanx, float chary, float devid) CSQC_InputEvent = { switch(evtype) { case IE_KEYDOWN: if(in_menu != MENU_NONE) { if(scanx == K_MOUSE1) { Menu_Click(0); if (in_menu == MENU_CUSTOMS) Menu_Click_Custom(); return TRUE; } else if (scanx == K_MOUSE2) { Menu_Click(1); return TRUE; } if (in_menu == MENU_CSETTINGS) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BINDS; i += 1) { if (editBind[i] == TRUE) setToBind(i, keynumtostring(scanx)); } } if (in_menu == MENU_MULTI) { // GO AWAY! if (scanx == K_ENTER || scanx == K_ESCAPE) { editing_player_name = editing_server_id = editing_password = false; return FALSE; } if (editing_player_name == true) { // Update the temp string. temp_player_name = GetUserInput(temp_player_name, scanx, chary, 18); // Always append. cvar_set("name", temp_player_name); // No, I don't want to read binds. Thanks. return TRUE; } } else if (in_menu == MENU_CREATE || in_menu == MENU_JOIN) { // GO AWAY! if (scanx == K_ENTER || scanx == K_ESCAPE) { editing_player_name = editing_server_id = editing_password = false; return FALSE; } // Server IP if (editing_server_id == true) { // Update the temp string. temp_server_name = GetUserInput(temp_server_name, scanx, chary, 18); // No, I don't want to read binds. Thanks. return TRUE; } // Password if (editing_password == true) { // Update the temp string. temp_password = GetUserInput(temp_password, scanx, chary, 18); // Always append. cvar_set("password", temp_password); // No, I don't want to read binds. Thanks. return TRUE; } } // Controller Menu Navigation if (scanx == K_JOY2) { GPActive[0] = TRUE; } if (scanx == K_JOY4) { GPActive[1] = TRUE; } if (scanx == K_JOY1) { GPActive[2] = TRUE; } } Input_Movecheck(scanx, 1); return FALSE; case IE_KEYUP: // Controller Menu Navigation if(in_menu != MENU_NONE) { if (scanx == K_JOY2) { GPActive[0] = FALSE; } if (scanx == K_JOY4) { GPActive[1] = FALSE; } if (scanx == K_JOY1) { GPActive[2] = FALSE; } } Input_Movecheck(scanx, 0); return FALSE; case IE_MOUSEDELTA: return FALSE; case IE_MOUSEABS: //if(devid != 0 && devid != 1) // return FALSE; cursor_pos_x = scanx; cursor_pos_y = chary; return FALSE; } return FALSE; }; noref void() CSQC_Input_Frame = { if(walk) { input_movevalues *= 0.5; } input_angles = getproperty(VF_ANGLES); } #define DEG2RAD(x) (x * M_PI / 180.f) noref void() CSQC_Parse_Event = { local float first = readbyte(); switch (first) { case EVENT_PISTOLFIRE: local float entnum, traceent, side; local vector pos, norm; entnum = readentitynum(); side = readfloat(); pos_x = readcoord(); pos_y = readcoord(); pos_z = readcoord(); norm_x = readcoord(); norm_y = readcoord(); norm_z = readcoord(); traceent = readentitynum(); if(entnum == player_localentnum) { // originally was view_angles, but thats only what is reported // to the server, weapon kick is NOT reported, so offset continued // to grow. makevectors(getproperty(VF_ANGLES)); local vector offset = vmodel.origin + vmodel_muzzleoffset; local vector muzzlepos, muzzle_offset; muzzlepos = getviewprop(VF_ORIGIN); muzzle_offset = GetWeaponFlash_Offset(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON))/1000; // Firing from the left? Use the other position instead if (side == 0 && IsDualWeapon(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON))) muzzle_offset = WepDef_GetLeftFlashOffset(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON))/1000; // ADS offset if(getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) == 1) { muzzle_offset += GetWeaponADSOfs_PSP(weapon)/1000; } muzzlepos += v_forward * muzzle_offset_z; muzzlepos += v_right * muzzle_offset_x; muzzlepos += v_up * muzzle_offset_y; mzlflash.alpha = 1; // Scale the muzzleflash to meet viewmodel FOV // FTE doesnt support vector scaling :( // float afov = cvar("fov"); // float vfov = cvar("r_viewmodel_default_fov"); // float ascale = 1.0 / tan(DEG2RAD(afov/2.0)) * vfov / 90.0; // mzlflash.scale = ascale; if (cvar("nzp_particles") && cvar("r_drawviewmodel")) { float index = rint(random() * 2); if (IsPapWeapon(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON))) pointparticles(particleeffectnum(strcat("muzzle.muzzle_pap_part", ftos(index))), muzzlepos, norm*24, 1); else pointparticles(particleeffectnum(strcat("muzzle.muzzle_part", ftos(index))), muzzlepos, norm*24, 1); } } if (GetFiretype(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON)) == FIRETYPE_GRENADE) return; if(traceent == 0) { if (cvar("nzp_particles")) pointparticles(particleeffectnum("weapons.impact"), pos, norm*24, 1); if (cvar("nzp_decals")) pointparticles(particleeffectnum("weapons.impact_decal"), pos, '0 0 0', 1); } break; case EVENT_WEAPONRECOIL: local vector rec; rec_x = readcoord()/5; rec_y = readcoord()/5; rec_z = readcoord()/5; gun_kick += rec; break; case EVENT_EXPLOSION: local vector org; org_x = readcoord(); org_y = readcoord(); org_z = readcoord(); if (cvar("nzp_decals")) pointparticles(particleeffectnum("weapons.explode"), org, '0 0 0', 1); break; case EVENT_BLOOD: vector loc; loc_x = readcoord(); loc_y = readcoord(); loc_z = readcoord(); if (cvar("nzp_particles")) pointparticles(particleeffectnum("blood.blood_particle"), loc, '0 0 0', 1); break; case EVENT_FLAME: vector floc; floc_x = readcoord(); floc_y = readcoord(); floc_z = readcoord(); if (cvar("nzp_particles")) { pointparticles(particleeffectnum("flames.flame_particle"), floc, '0 0 0', 1); } break; case EVENT_LIMBGIB: vector gloc; gloc_x = readcoord(); gloc_y = readcoord(); gloc_z = readcoord(); if (cvar("nzp_particles")) { pointparticles(particleeffectnum("blood.blood_particle"), gloc, '0 0 0', 1); pointparticles(particleeffectnum("blood.gibs"), gloc, '0 0 0', 1); } break; case EVENT_CHATMESSAGE: int sender = readbyte(); int player_id = readbyte(); string message = readstring(); Chat_Register(sender, player_id, message); break; case EVENT_WEAPONCHANGE: local float to; to = readbyte(); setmodel(vmodel,GetWeaponModel(to, FALSE)); if (to == W_KAR_SCOPE && vmodel.model == "models/weapons/kar/v_kar.mdl") { setmodel(v2model,"models/weapons/kar/v_karscope.mdl"); } else { setmodel(v2model,""); } v2model.origin = vmodel.origin = '0 0 0'; v2model.angles = vmodel.angles = '-60 0 0'; v2model_currentpos = vmodel_currentpos = vmodel.origin + '0 0 -24'; v2model_targetpos = vmodel_targetpos = vmodel.origin; v2model_muzzleoffset = vmodel_muzzleoffset = '12 0 1'; weapon = to; HUD_Change_time = time + 6; break; case EVENT_UPDATEVMODEL: local string new; local float skin2; new = readstring(); setmodel(vmodel,new); vmodel.skin = readbyte(); break; case EVENT_UPDATEV2MODEL: local string new2; new2 = readstring(); setmodel(v2model,new2); v2model.skin = readbyte(); break; case EVENT_USEPRINT: useprint_type = readbyte(); useprint_cost = readshort(); useprint_weapon = readbyte(); useprint_time = time + 0.1; break; case EVENT_NEWROUND: rounds = readbyte(); HUD_Change_time = time + 6; break; case EVENT_SETROUND: rounds = readbyte(); break; case EVENT_PERK: float newperks; newperks = readlong(); UpdatePerks(newperks); break; case EVENT_DOUBLETAPUPDATE: double_tap_version = readbyte(); break; case EVENT_UPDATE: float updatetype = readbyte(); float var_1 = readbyte(); float var_2 = readbyte(); float var_3 = readbyte(); switch (updatetype) { case 1: HUD_Change_time = time + var_1; break; case 2: rounds_change = var_1; break; case 3: if (Hitmark_time < time) Hitmark_time = time + 0.2; break; case 4: zoom_2_time = time + 0.05; break; case 5: crosshair_spread_time = time + 70/getWeaponRecoilReturn(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON)); break; default: break; } break; case EVENT_BROADCAST: broadcast_time = readbyte(); broadcast_type = readbyte(); broadcast_string = readstring(); break; case EVENT_REVIVECHANGE: float revivechange_id = readbyte(); float state = readbyte(); revive_icons[revivechange_id].state = state; break; case EVENT_REVIVEON: float reviveon_id = readbyte(); revive_icons[reviveon_id].org[0] = readcoord(); revive_icons[reviveon_id].org[1] = readcoord(); revive_icons[reviveon_id].org[2] = readcoord(); revive_icons[reviveon_id].state = 1; revive_icons[reviveon_id].draw = true; active_revive_icons++; break; case EVENT_REVIVEOFF: float reviveoff_id = readbyte(); revive_icons[reviveoff_id].org[0] = 0; revive_icons[reviveoff_id].org[1] = 0; revive_icons[reviveoff_id].org[2] = 0; revive_icons[reviveoff_id].state = 0; revive_icons[reviveoff_id].timer = 0; revive_icons[reviveoff_id].draw = false; active_revive_icons--; break; case EVENT_POINTUPDATE: float playernum = readbyte(); float temppoints = readlong(); RegisterPointChange(readlong(), playernum); float tempkills = readlong(); string tempname = readstring(); switch(playernum) { case 1: playerpoints[0] = temppoints; playerkills[0] = tempkills; playernames[0] = tempname; break; case 2: playerpoints[1] = temppoints; playerkills[1] = tempkills; playernames[1] = tempname; break; case 3: playerpoints[2] = temppoints; playerkills[2] = tempkills; playernames[2] = tempname; break; case 4: playerpoints[3] = temppoints; playerkills[3] = tempkills; playernames[3] = tempname; break; } break; case EVENT_BLACKOUT: fade_time = readbyte(); fade_type = readbyte(); break; case EVENT_PUNCHANGLE: vector changetest; changetest_x = readcoord(); changetest_y = readcoord(); changetest_z = readcoord(); break; case EVENT_SCROLLTEXT: scrolltext = readstring(); stext = TRUE; break; case EVENT_WORLDDATA: chaptertitle = readstring(); location = readstring(); date = readstring(); person = readstring(); if (chaptertitle == "") chaptertitle = "'Nazi Zombies'"; break; case EVENT_SONGPLAY: string track_name = readstring(); localsound_enhanced(strcat("tracks/", track_name, ".ogg"), CHAN_MUSIC, 1); break; case EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT: float ach = readbyte(); if (achievements[ach].unlocked == true) return; Achievement_Unlock(ach); break; case EVENT_ACHIEVEMENTPROGRESS: float id = readbyte(); float pg = readfloat(); if (achievements[id].unlocked == true) return; Achievement_UpdateProgress(id, pg); break; case EVENT_PLAYERUPDATE: player_count = readbyte(); break; case EVENT_GRENADEPULSE: crosshair_pulse_grenade = true; break; case EVENT_BETTYPROMPT: bettyprompt_time = time + 4; break; case EVENT_WEAPONUPDATE: float wepnum = readbyte(); string wepname = readstring(); string wvmodel = readstring(); float mag = readbyte(); float reserve = readbyte(); vector cads = stov(readstring()); float cmin = readbyte(); float cmax = readbyte(); vector flash = stov(readstring()); float flashsize = readbyte(); string v2 = readstring(); float isd = readbyte(); /*W_CUSTOMNAME[wepnum] = wepname; W_CVMODEL[wepnum] = wvmodel; W_CMAG[wepnum] = mag; W_CRESERVE[wepnum] = reserve; W_CCROSSMIN[wepnum] = cmin; W_CCROSSMAX[wepnum] = cmax; W_CADS[wepnum] = cads; W_CFLASHSIZE[wepnum] = flashsize; W_CVMODEL2[wepnum] = v2; W_CDUAL[wepnum] = isd;*/ break; case EVENT_HUDUPDATE: /*string temps; float tempf; G_HUD = readstring(); G_HUDHOR = readbyte(); if (G_HUD != "") huddir = strcat("gfx/hud/", G_HUD, "/");*/ break; } }