/* client/menu.qc menu stuff (very ugly) Copyright (C) 2021 NZ:P Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ float current_custom_map_page; float custom_map_pages; float last_active_custom_select; float active_custom_select; void() menu_single = { in_menu = MENU_SINGLE; time_in_menu = 0; }; void() menu_restart = { in_menu = MENU_RES; }; void() menu_resy = { localcmd("restart\n"); }; void() menu_resn = { in_menu = MENU_PAUSE; }; void() menu_multi = { in_menu = MENU_MULTI; time_in_menu = 0; }; void() menu_settings = { if (in_menu == MENU_PAUSE) in_menu = MENU_IGS; else in_menu = MENU_SETTINGS; }; void() menu_about = { in_menu = MENU_ABOUT; time_in_menu = 0; }; void() menu_quit = { localcmd("quit\n"); }; void() menu_back = { if (in_menu == MENU_GSETTINGS || in_menu == MENU_CSETTINGS) { if (wasigs == TRUE) in_menu = MENU_IGS; else in_menu = MENU_SETTINGS; wasigs = FALSE; } else if (in_menu == MENU_IGS) { in_menu = MENU_PAUSE; } else if (in_menu == MENU_CUSTOMS) { in_menu = MENU_SINGLE; } else in_menu = MENU_MAIN; }; void() menu_loadndu = { localcmd("map ndu\n"); }; void() menu_loadwh = { localcmd("map warehouse\n"); }; void() menu_loadch = { localcmd("map christmas_special\n"); }; void() menu_loadwn = { localcmd("map wahnsinn\n"); }; void() menu_loadkn = { localcmd("map kino\n"); }; void() menu_join = { setcursormode(TRUE, cvar_string("cl_cursor"), __NULL__, cvar("cl_cursor_scale")); in_menu = MENU_JOIN; }; void() game_join = { localcmd("cmd joingame\n"); in_menu = MENU_NONE; setcursormode(FALSE); }; void() game_spec = { localcmd("cmd specgame\n"); in_menu = MENU_NONE; setcursormode(FALSE); }; void() menu_resume = { if (player_count == 0) localcmd("pause"); in_menu = MENU_NONE; setcursormode(FALSE); }; void() menu_main = { in_menu = MENU_MAIN; localcmd("disconnect\n"); }; void() menu_graphics = { if (in_menu == MENU_IGS) wasigs = TRUE; else wasigs = FALSE; in_menu = MENU_GSETTINGS; }; void() menu_consettings = { if (in_menu == MENU_IGS) wasigs = TRUE; else wasigs = FALSE; in_menu = MENU_CONSETTINGS; } void() menu_audsettings = { if (in_menu == MENU_IGS) wasigs = TRUE; else wasigs = FALSE; in_menu = MENU_AUDSETTINGS; } void() menu_controls = { if (in_menu == MENU_IGS) wasigs = TRUE; else wasigs = FALSE; in_menu = MENU_CSETTINGS; } void() menu_customs = { in_menu = MENU_CUSTOMS; customs_interact = FALSE; } void() menu_achievements = { in_menu = MENU_ACHIEVEMENTS; } void() menu_waypoint = { localcmd("waypoint_mode 1"); }; // //settings adjustments // void() settings_fps = { local float fps = cvar("show_fps"); if (fps == 0) fps = 1; else fps = 0; cvar_set("show_fps", ftos(fps)); } void() settings_brite = { local float br = cvar("gamma"); br += 0.1; if (br > 2) { br = 2; } cvar_set("gamma", ftos(br)); } void() settings_brite2 = { local float br = cvar("gamma"); br -= 0.1; if (br < 0.5) { br = 0.5; } cvar_set("gamma", ftos(br)); } void() settings_fov = { // Increase FOV by 5 local float fov = cvar("fov"); if (fov < 120) fov += 5; cvar_set("fov", ftos(fov)); } void() settings_fov2 = { // Decrease FOV by 5 local float fov = cvar("fov"); if (fov > 50) fov -= 5; cvar_set("fov", ftos(fov)); } void() settings_mfps = { // Increase max fps by 5 if (cvar("vid_vsync")) return; local float fps = cvar("cl_maxfps"); if (fps < 500) fps += 5; cvar_set("cl_maxfps", ftos(fps)); } void() settings_mfps2 = { // Decrease max fps by 5 if (cvar("vid_vsync")) return; local float fps = cvar("cl_maxfps"); if (fps > 20) fps -= 5; cvar_set("cl_maxfps", ftos(fps)); } void() settings_vs = { local float vs = cvar("vid_vsync"); if (vs == 0) vs = 1; else vs = 0; cvar_set("vid_vsync", ftos(vs)); } void() settings_fs = { if (fullscreenval == 0) fullscreenval = 1; else fullscreenval = 0; } void() settings_dc = { local float dc = cvar("nzp_decals"); if (dc == 0) dc = 1; else dc = 0; cvar_set("nzp_decals", ftos(dc)); } void() settings_pt = { local float pt = cvar("nzp_particles"); if (pt == 0) pt = 1; else pt = 0; cvar_set("nzp_particles", ftos(pt)); } void() settings_fb = { local float fb = cvar("r_fullbright"); if (fb == 0) fb = 1; else fb = 0; cvar_set("r_fullbright", ftos(fb)); } void() settings_ro = { if (cvar_string("gl_texturemode") == "gl_nearest") cvar_set("gl_texturemode", "gl_linear_mipmap_linear"); else cvar_set("gl_texturemode", "gl_nearest"); } void() UpdateResolutions = { switch(aspectratio) { case 0: active_swidth = screen_width_43[0]; active_sheight = screen_height_43[0]; break; case 1: active_swidth = screen_width_54[0]; active_sheight = screen_height_54[0]; break; case 2: active_swidth = screen_width_169[0]; active_sheight = screen_height_169[0]; break; case 3: active_swidth = screen_width_1610[0]; active_sheight = screen_height_1610[0]; break; case 4: active_swidth = screen_width_219[0]; active_sheight = screen_height_219[0]; break; } } void() settings_ar = { // aspect ratio up // 0 - 4:3 // 1 - 5:4 // 2 - 16:9 // 3 - 16:10 // 4 - 21:9 aspectratio++; if (aspectratio > 4) aspectratio = 0; UpdateResolutions(); } void() settings_ar2 = { // aspect ratio down // 0 - 4:3 // 1 - 5:4 // 2 - 16:9 // 3 - 16:10 // 4 - 21:9 aspectratio--; if (aspectratio < 0) aspectratio = 4; UpdateResolutions(); } void() settings_re = { float neww, newh; neww = 0; newh = 0; switch(aspectratio) { case 0: if (active_swidth == screen_width_43[MAX_43-1]) { neww = screen_width_43[0]; newh = screen_height_43[0]; } else { for(float i = 0; i < MAX_43; i++) { if (active_swidth == screen_width_43[i]) { neww = screen_width_43[i+1]; newh = screen_height_43[i+1]; } } // if still 0, different aspect ratio if (neww == 0) { neww = screen_width_43[0]; newh = screen_height_43[0]; } } break; case 1: if (active_swidth == screen_width_43[MAX_54-1]) { neww = screen_width_54[0]; newh = screen_height_54[0]; } else { for(float i = 0; i < MAX_54; i++) { if (active_swidth == screen_width_54[i]) { neww = screen_width_54[i+1]; newh = screen_height_54[i+1]; } } // if still 0, different aspect ratio if (neww == 0) { neww = screen_width_54[0]; newh = screen_height_54[0]; } } break; case 2: if (active_swidth == screen_width_169[MAX_169-1]) { neww = screen_width_169[0]; newh = screen_height_169[0]; } else { for(float i = 0; i < MAX_169; i++) { if (active_swidth == screen_width_169[i]) { neww = screen_width_169[i+1]; newh = screen_height_169[i+1]; } } // if still 0, different aspect ratio if (neww == 0) { neww = screen_width_169[0]; newh = screen_height_169[0]; } } break; case 3: if (active_swidth == screen_width_1610[MAX_1610-1]) { neww = screen_width_1610[0]; newh = screen_height_1610[0]; } else { for(float i = 0; i < MAX_1610; i++) { if (active_swidth == screen_width_1610[i]) { neww = screen_width_1610[i+1]; newh = screen_height_1610[i+1]; } } // if still 0, different aspect ratio if (neww == 0) { neww = screen_width_1610[0]; newh = screen_height_1610[0]; } } break; case 4: if (active_swidth == screen_width_219[MAX_219-1]) { neww = screen_width_219[0]; newh = screen_height_219[0]; } else { for(float i = 0; i < MAX_219; i++) { if (active_swidth == screen_width_219[i]) { neww = screen_width_219[i+1]; newh = screen_height_219[i+1]; } } // if still 0, different aspect ratio if (neww == 0) { neww = screen_width_219[0]; newh = screen_height_219[0]; } } break; default: break; } active_swidth = neww; active_sheight = newh; } void() settings_apply = { if (in_menu == MENU_GSETTINGS) { localcmd(strcat("vid_width ", ftos(active_swidth), "\n")); localcmd(strcat("vid_height ", ftos(active_sheight), "\n")); localcmd(strcat("vid_fullscreen ", ftos(fullscreenval), "\n")); localcmd("vid_restart\n"); } } void() bind_walkf = { if (editBind[0] == FALSE) editBind[0] = TRUE; else editBind[0] = FALSE; } void() bind_walkb = { if (editBind[1] == FALSE) editBind[1] = TRUE; else editBind[1] = FALSE; } void() bind_walkl = { if (editBind[2] == FALSE) editBind[2] = TRUE; else editBind[2] = FALSE; } void() bind_walkr = { if (editBind[3] == FALSE) editBind[3] = TRUE; else editBind[3] = FALSE; } void() bind_jump = { if (editBind[4] == FALSE) editBind[4] = TRUE; else editBind[4] = FALSE; } void() bind_sprint = { if (editBind[5] == FALSE) editBind[5] = TRUE; else editBind[5] = FALSE; } void() bind_stance = { if (editBind[6] == FALSE) editBind[6] = TRUE; else editBind[6] = FALSE; } void() bind_wpnn = { if (editBind[7] == FALSE) editBind[7] = TRUE; else editBind[7] = FALSE; } void() bind_wpnp = { if (editBind[8] == FALSE) editBind[8] = TRUE; else editBind[8] = FALSE; } void() bind_interact = { if (editBind[9] == FALSE) editBind[9] = TRUE; else editBind[9] = FALSE; } void() bind_reload = { if (editBind[10] == FALSE) editBind[10] = TRUE; else editBind[10] = FALSE; } void() bind_knife = { if (editBind[11] == FALSE) editBind[11] = TRUE; else editBind[11] = FALSE; } void() bind_nade = { if (editBind[12] == FALSE) editBind[12] = TRUE; else editBind[12] = FALSE; } void() bind_switchnade = { if (editBind[13] == FALSE) editBind[13] = TRUE; else editBind[13] = FALSE; } float next_gray_out; float back_gray_out; void() menu_custom_next = { if (in_menu == MENU_CUSTOMS) { if (current_custom_map_page < custom_map_pages) { current_custom_map_page++; back_gray_out = 0; if (current_custom_map_page == custom_map_pages) next_gray_out = 1; } } else { if (current_achievement_page < achievement_pages) { current_achievement_page++; back_gray_out = 0; if (current_achievement_page == achievement_pages) next_gray_out = 1; } } } void() menu_custom_back = { if (in_menu == MENU_CUSTOMS) { if (current_custom_map_page > 1) { current_custom_map_page--; next_gray_out = 0; if (current_custom_map_page == 1) back_gray_out = 1; } } else { if (current_achievement_page > 1) { current_achievement_page--; next_gray_out = 0; if (current_achievement_page == 1) back_gray_out = 1; } } } void() settings_sens = { float sens = cvar("sensitivity"); sens += 0.5; cvar_set("sensitivity", ftos(sens)); } void() settings_sens2 = { float sens = cvar("sensitivity"); sens -= 0.5; cvar_set("sensitivity", ftos(sens)); } void() settings_adsmode = { float adsmode = cvar("cl_adsmode"); if (adsmode == 0) cvar_set("cl_adsmode", ftos(1)); else cvar_set("cl_adsmode", ftos(0)); } void() setting_mastervol = { float vol = cvar("volume"); vol += 0.1; if (vol > 1) vol = 1; cvar_set("volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_mastervol2 = { float vol = cvar("volume"); vol -= 0.1; if (vol < 0) vol = 0; cvar_set("volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_chann1vol = { float vol = cvar("snd_channel1volume"); vol += 0.1; if (vol > 1) vol = 1; cvar_set("snd_channel1volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_chann1vol2 = { float vol = cvar("snd_channel1volume"); vol -= 0.1; if (vol < 0) vol = 0; cvar_set("snd_channel1volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_chann2vol = { float vol = cvar("snd_channel2volume"); vol += 0.1; if (vol > 1) vol = 1; cvar_set("snd_channel2volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_chann2vol2 = { float vol = cvar("snd_channel2volume"); vol -= 0.1; if (vol < 0) vol = 0; cvar_set("snd_channel2volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_chann3vol = { float vol = cvar("snd_channel3volume"); vol += 0.1; if (vol > 1) vol = 1; cvar_set("snd_channel3volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_chann3vol2 = { float vol = cvar("snd_channel3volume"); vol -= 0.1; if (vol < 0) vol = 0; cvar_set("snd_channel3volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_chann4vol = { float vol = cvar("snd_channel4volume"); vol += 0.1; if (vol > 1) vol = 1; cvar_set("snd_channel4volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_chann4vol2 = { float vol = cvar("snd_channel4volume"); vol -= 0.1; if (vol < 0) vol = 0; cvar_set("snd_channel4volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_chann5vol = { float vol = cvar("snd_channel5volume"); vol += 0.1; if (vol > 1) vol = 1; cvar_set("snd_channel5volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_chann5vol2 = { float vol = cvar("snd_channel5volume"); vol -= 0.1; if (vol < 0) vol = 0; cvar_set("snd_channel5volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_chann6vol = { float vol = cvar("snd_channel6volume"); vol += 0.1; if (vol > 1) vol = 1; cvar_set("snd_channel6volume", ftos(vol)); } void() setting_chann6vol2 = { float vol = cvar("snd_channel6volume"); vol -= 0.1; if (vol < 0) vol = 0; cvar_set("snd_channel6volume", ftos(vol)); } //rmb null void() null = { return; } /* MENU GUIDELINES (to preserve consistency) * Buttons that belong to the same category should have a spacing difference of 0.05. * Buttons that do not belong to the same category should have a spacing difference of 0.075. */ //struct for all buttons, note scale is going to be multiplied w/ width/height in draw step, keep between 0 and 1 var struct { vector pos; string text; float active; //used for mouseover hilight (positive values) and alpha (negative values) void() action; //function that is called when the button is pressed with lmb void() action2; //rmb function float group; //a bit field, button will be usable/visible when these bits are active float gray_out; // if not to be accessed } buttons[] = { //Main {[0.025, 0.175, 0], "Solo", -1, menu_single, null, MENU_MAIN, 0}, //{[0.025, 0.225, 0], "Cooperative", -1, menu_multi, null, MENU_MAIN}, {[0.025, 0.300, 0], "Settings", -1, menu_settings, null, MENU_MAIN, 0}, {[0.025, 0.350, 0], "Achievements", -1, menu_achievements, null, MENU_MAIN, 0}, {[0.025, 0.425, 0], "Credits", -1, menu_about, null, MENU_MAIN, 0}, {[0.025, 0.500, 0], "Exit", -1, menu_quit, null, MENU_MAIN, 0}, //Solo {[0.025, 0.175, 0], "Nacht der Untoten", -1, menu_loadndu, null, MENU_SINGLE, 0}, {[0.025, 0.275, 0], "Warehouse", -1, menu_loadwh, null, MENU_SINGLE, 0}, {[0.025, 0.450, 0], "Custom Maps", -1, menu_customs, null, MENU_SINGLE, 0}, //Pause {[0.025, 0.500, 0], "Resume", -1, menu_resume, null, MENU_PAUSE, 0}, {[0.025, 0.550, 0], "Restart", -1, menu_restart, null, MENU_PAUSE, 0}, {[0.025, 0.600, 0], "Settings", -1, menu_settings, null, MENU_PAUSE, 0}, {[0.025, 0.650, 0], "Main Menu", -1, menu_main, null, MENU_PAUSE, 0}, {[0.025, 0.850, 0], "Waypoint Menu", -1, menu_waypoint, null, MENU_PAUSE, 0}, //Restart {[0.025, 0.500, 0], "Yes", -1, menu_resy, null, MENU_RES, 0}, {[0.025, 0.550, 0], "No", -1, menu_resn, null, MENU_RES, 0}, //Settings {[0.025, 0.175, 0], "Graphics Settings", -1, menu_graphics, null, MENU_SETTINGS + MENU_IGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.350, 0], "Controls", -1, menu_controls, null, MENU_SETTINGS + MENU_IGS, 0}, //Graphics {[0.025, 0.175, 0], "Resolution", -1, settings_re, settings_re, MENU_GSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.225, 0], "Aspect Ratio", -1, settings_ar, settings_ar2, MENU_GSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.275, 0], "Fullscreen", -1, settings_fs, settings_fs, MENU_GSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.325, 0], "Show FPS", -1, settings_fps, settings_fps, MENU_GSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.375, 0], "Max FPS", -1, settings_mfps, settings_mfps2, MENU_GSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.425, 0], "VSync", -1, settings_vs, settings_vs, MENU_GSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.475, 0], "Field of View", -1, settings_fov, settings_fov2, MENU_GSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.525, 0], "Brightness", -1, settings_brite, settings_brite2, MENU_GSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.575, 0], "Decals", -1, settings_dc, settings_dc, MENU_GSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.625, 0], "Particles", -1, settings_pt, settings_pt, MENU_GSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.675, 0], "Fullbright", -1, settings_fb, settings_fb, MENU_GSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.725, 0], "Retro", -1, settings_ro, settings_ro, MENU_GSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.800, 0], "Save & Apply", -1, settings_apply, settings_apply, MENU_GSETTINGS + MENU_CONSETTINGS + MENU_AUDSETTINGS, 0}, //Controls {[0.025, 0.175, 0], "Walk Forward", -1, bind_walkf, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.225, 0], "Walk Backward", -1, bind_walkb, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.275, 0], "Walk Left", -1, bind_walkl, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.325, 0], "Walk Right", -1, bind_walkr, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.375, 0], "Jump", -1, bind_jump, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.425, 0], "Sprint", -1, bind_sprint, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.475, 0], "Change Stance", -1, bind_stance, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.525, 0], "Weapon Next", -1, bind_wpnn, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.575, 0], "Weapon Previous", -1, bind_wpnp, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.625, 0], "Interact", -1, bind_interact, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.675, 0], "Reload", -1, bind_reload, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.725, 0], "Melee", -1, bind_knife, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.775, 0], "Grenade", -1, bind_nade, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.825, 0], "Secondary Grenade", -1, bind_switchnade, null, MENU_CSETTINGS, 0}, // Custom Maps {[0.025, 0.825, 0], "Next Page", -1, menu_custom_next, null, MENU_CUSTOMS + MENU_ACHIEVEMENTS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.875, 0], "Previous Page", -1, menu_custom_back, null, MENU_CUSTOMS + MENU_ACHIEVEMENTS, 0}, //Everything, pretty much {[0.025, 0.925, 0], "Back", -1, menu_back, null, MENU_SINGLE + MENU_MULTI + MENU_SETTINGS + MENU_ABOUT + MENU_IGS + MENU_GSETTINGS + MENU_CSETTINGS + MENU_CUSTOMS + MENU_ACHIEVEMENTS + MENU_CONSETTINGS + MENU_AUDSETTINGS, 0}, {[0.025, 0.275, 0], "Control Settings", -1, menu_consettings, null, MENU_SETTINGS + MENU_IGS, 0}, // 47 {[0.025, 0.175, 0], "ADS Mode", -1, settings_adsmode, null, MENU_CONSETTINGS, 0}, // 48 {[0.025, 0.225, 0], "Look Sensitivity", -1, settings_sens, settings_sens2, MENU_CONSETTINGS, 0}, // 49 {[0.025, 0.325, 0], "Wahnsinn", -1, menu_loadwn, null, MENU_SINGLE, 1}, // 50 {[0.025, 0.375, 0], "Christmas Special", -1, menu_loadch, null, MENU_SINGLE, 0}, // 51 {[0.025, 0.225, 0], "Kino der Toten", -1, menu_loadch, null, MENU_SINGLE, 1}, // 52 {[0.025, 0.225, 0], "Audio Settings", -1, menu_audsettings, null, MENU_SETTINGS + MENU_IGS, 0}, // 53 {[0.025, 0.175, 0], "Master Volume", -1, setting_mastervol, setting_mastervol2, MENU_AUDSETTINGS, 0}, // 54 {[0.025, 0.225, 0], "Music Volume", -1, setting_chann1vol, setting_chann1vol2, MENU_AUDSETTINGS, 0}, // 55 {[0.025, 0.275, 0], "SFX Volume", -1, setting_chann2vol, setting_chann2vol2, MENU_AUDSETTINGS, 0}, // 56 {[0.025, 0.325, 0], "Channel 3 Volume", -1, setting_chann3vol, setting_chann3vol2, MENU_AUDSETTINGS, 0}, // 57 {[0.025, 0.375, 0], "Channel 4 Volume", -1, setting_chann4vol, setting_chann4vol2, MENU_AUDSETTINGS, 0}, // 58 {[0.025, 0.425, 0], "Channel 5 Volume", -1, setting_chann5vol, setting_chann5vol2, MENU_AUDSETTINGS, 0}, // 59 {[0.025, 0.475, 0], "Channel 6 Volume", -1, setting_chann6vol, setting_chann6vol2, MENU_AUDSETTINGS, 0}, // 60 }; //REMEMBER TO UPDATE THIS CONST IF YOU ADD BUTTONS const float BUTTONS_COUNT = 61; float lastActive; //this function handles drawing the buttons and checking if they should be active/hilighted void(float index) Update_Button = { float btnscale = 0.030*g_height; if(in_menu != in_menu & buttons[index].group) buttons[index].active = -1; if(buttons[index].active == -1) { if(in_menu == in_menu & buttons[index].group) buttons[index].active = 1; else return; } local vector pos = buttons[index].pos; pos_x *= g_width; pos_y *= g_height; if (next_gray_out == 1) buttons[44].gray_out = 1; else buttons[44].gray_out = 0; if (back_gray_out == 1) buttons[45].gray_out = 1; else buttons[45].gray_out = 0; if (buttons[index].gray_out == 0) { if(buttons[index].active > 0) { drawstring(pos, buttons[index].text, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,0,0], 1, 0); } else { drawstring(pos, buttons[index].text, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); } } else { drawstring(pos, buttons[index].text, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.5,0.5,0.5], 1, 0); } if (cursor_pos_x > pos_x && cursor_pos_x < pos_x + (g_height * 0.6) && cursor_pos_y > pos_y && cursor_pos_y < pos_y + btnscale && buttons[index].gray_out == 0) { if (index != lastActive) localsound_enhanced("sounds/menu/navigate.wav", CHAN_SFX, 1); buttons[index].active = 1; lastActive = index; last_active_custom_select = active_custom_select = -1; } if (lastActive == -1) { buttons[index].active = 0; } else { buttons[lastActive].active = 1; } if(buttons[index].active > 0) { buttons[index].active = 0; } }; float xd; void() Controller_UpdateButton = { /*if (GPActive[0]) { }*/ drawstring([0.025*g_width, 0.375*g_height, 0], ftos(GPActive[2]), [g_height * 0.020, g_height * 0.020, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); } void(float index, float type) Button_Click = { float btnscale = 0.030*g_height; //don't click if not active if(buttons[index].active == -1) return; local vector pos = buttons[index].pos; pos_x *= g_width; pos_y *= g_height; if (cursor_pos_x > pos_x && cursor_pos_x < pos_x + (g_height * 0.6) && cursor_pos_y > pos_y && cursor_pos_y < pos_y + btnscale) { if (type == 0) { //left click buttons[index].action(); } else { //right click buttons[index].action2(); } lastActive = -1; localsound_enhanced("sounds/menu/enter.wav", CHAN_SFX, 1); } if (in_menu == MENU_CUSTOMS) customs_interact = FALSE; }; void(float type) Menu_Click = { float i; for(i = 0; i < BUTTONS_COUNT; i++) { Button_Click(i, type); } }; void() Menu_Click_Custom = { customs_interact = TRUE; }; void() Draw_Extra_Main = { local string main_desc = ""; // Draw darkened co-op button drawstring([0.025*g_width, 0.225*g_height, 0], "Co-Op (Coming Soon!)", [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 1, 0); // Division lines drawfill ([0.025*g_width, 0.275*g_height, 0], [g_height * 0.600, g_height * 0.005, 1], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4], 1, 0); drawfill ([0.025*g_width, 0.400*g_height, 0], [g_height * 0.600, g_height * 0.005, 1], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4], 1, 0); drawfill ([0.025*g_width, 0.475*g_height, 0], [g_height * 0.600, g_height * 0.005, 1], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4], 1, 0); // Get description for menu option switch(lastActive) { case 0: main_desc = "Take on the Hordes by yourself."; break; case 1: main_desc = "Adjust your Settings to Optimize your Experience."; break; case 2: main_desc = "View locked or unlocked Achievements."; break; case 3: main_desc = "See who made NZ:P possible."; break; case 4: main_desc = "Return to System."; break; default: main_desc = ""; break; } // Draw desc drawstring([0.025*g_width, 0.865*g_height, 0], main_desc, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } void() Draw_Extra_Solo = { local string solo_desc = ""; local string solo_desc2 = ""; local string solo_desc3 = ""; local string solo_img = ""; // Division lines drawfill ([0.025*g_width, 0.425*g_height, 0], [g_height * 0.600, g_height * 0.005, 1], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4], 1, 0); // Map descriptions switch(lastActive) { case 5: solo_desc = "Lock and Load; Crashed Plane."; solo_desc2 = "Divided. Thousands of Undead."; solo_desc3 = "This is the Night of the Dead."; solo_img = "gfx/menu/nacht_der_untoten.png"; break; case 6: solo_desc = "Old Warehouse full of Zombies!"; solo_desc2 = "Fight your way to the Power"; solo_desc3 = "Switch through the Hordes!"; solo_img = "gfx/menu/warehouse.png"; break; case 50: solo_desc = "An abandoned and bleak mental house"; solo_desc2 = "surrounded by debris and fog. Teddy"; solo_desc3 = "is deceitful, find him."; solo_img = "gfx/menu/wahnsinn.png"; break; case 51: solo_desc = "No Santa this year. Though we're"; solo_desc2 = "sure you will get presents from"; solo_desc3 = "the undead! Will you accept them?"; solo_img = "gfx/menu/christmas_special.png"; break; case 52: solo_desc = "A WW2-era theatre left to rot in"; solo_desc2 = "West Berlin. See what secrets await"; solo_desc3 = "in this Theatre of the Damned."; solo_img = "gfx/menu/kino_der_toten.png"; break; case 7: solo_desc = "Custom Maps made by Community on"; solo_desc2 = "the Forum and Discord!"; solo_img = "gfx/menu/custom.png"; break; default: solo_desc = ""; solo_img = ""; break; } // Map img if (solo_img != "") drawpic([0.490*g_width, 0.115*g_height, 0], solo_img, [0.425*g_width, 0.385*g_height, 0], [1,1,1], 1); // Draw desc drawstring([0.425*g_width, 0.540*g_height, 0], solo_desc, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.425*g_width, 0.580*g_height, 0], solo_desc2, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.425*g_width, 0.620*g_height, 0], solo_desc3, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } void() Draw_Extra_Settings = { // Division lines drawfill ([0.025*g_width, 0.325*g_height, 0], [g_height * 0.600, g_height * 0.005, 1], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4], 1, 0); local string set_desc = ""; // Descriptions switch(lastActive) { case 15: set_desc = "Adjust settings relating to Graphical Fidelity."; break; case 16: set_desc = "Customize your Control Scheme."; break; case 47: set_desc = "Adjust settings in relation to how NZ:P Controls."; break; case 53: set_desc = "Adjust Audio Levels."; break; default: set_desc = ""; break; } // Draw desc drawstring([0.025*g_width, 0.865*g_height, 0], set_desc, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } //FIXME -- credits look ugly, font scaling & such void() Draw_Extra_Credits = { drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.15*g_height, 0], "Blubswillrule: Coding, Models, GFX, Sounds, Music", [g_height * 0.025, g_height * 0.025, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawfill ([.03*g_width, 0.15*g_height + g_height*0.025 + 3, 0], [strlen("Blubswillrule")*12.5, 0.0025*g_height, 0], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.20*g_height, 0], "Ju[s]tice: Maps, Models, GFX", [g_height * 0.025, g_height * 0.025, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawfill ([.03*g_width, 0.20*g_height + g_height*0.025 + 3, 0], [strlen("Ju[s]tice")*12.5, 0.0025*g_height, 0], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.25*g_height, 0], "Jukki: Coding", [g_height * 0.025, g_height * 0.025, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawfill ([.03*g_width, 0.25*g_height + g_height*0.025 + 3, 0], [strlen("Jukki")*12.5, 0.0025*g_height, 0], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.30*g_height, 0], "Biodude: Sounds", [g_height * 0.025, g_height * 0.025, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawfill ([.03*g_width, 0.30*g_height + g_height*0.025 + 3, 0], [strlen("Biodude")*12.5, 0.0025*g_height, 0], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.35*g_height, 0], "Dr_Mabuse1981: Coding", [g_height * 0.025, g_height * 0.025, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawfill ([.03*g_width, 0.35*g_height + g_height*0.025 + 3, 0], [strlen("Dr_Mabuse1981")*12.5, 0.0025*g_height, 0], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.40*g_height, 0], "Naievil: Coding, NX Maintaining", [g_height * 0.025, g_height * 0.025, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawfill ([.03*g_width, 0.40*g_height + g_height*0.025 + 3, 0], [strlen("Naievil")*12.5, 0.0025*g_height, 0], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.45*g_height, 0], "MotoLegacy: Coding, GFX, Music", [g_height * 0.025, g_height * 0.025, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawfill ([.03*g_width, 0.45*g_height + g_height*0.025 + 3, 0], [strlen("MotoLegacy")*12.5, 0.0025*g_height, 0], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.50*g_height, 0], "Derped_Crusader: Models, GFX", [g_height * 0.025, g_height * 0.025, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawfill ([.03*g_width, 0.50*g_height + g_height*0.025 + 3, 0], [strlen("Derped_Crusader")*12.5, 0.0025*g_height, 0], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.60*g_height, 0], "Special Thanks:", [g_height * 0.025, g_height * 0.025, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawfill ([.03*g_width, 0.60*g_height + g_height*0.025 + 3, 0], [strlen("Special Thanks")*12.5, 0.0025*g_height, 0], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.640*g_height, 0], "- Spike: FTEQW", [g_height * 0.020, g_height * 0.020, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.660*g_height, 0], "- Shpuld: Clean-CSQC", [g_height * 0.020, g_height * 0.020, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.680*g_height, 0], "- Crow_Bar: DQuake", [g_height * 0.020, g_height * 0.020, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.700*g_height, 0], "- st1x51: DQuakePlus", [g_height * 0.020, g_height * 0.020, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.720*g_height, 0], "- fgsfdsfgs: QuakespasmNX", [g_height * 0.020, g_height * 0.020, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.740*g_height, 0], "- Azenn: GFX help", [g_height * 0.020, g_height * 0.020, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.760*g_height, 0], "- tavo: Music help", [g_height * 0.020, g_height * 0.020, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.03*g_width, 0.780*g_height, 0], "- BCDeshiG: Heavy bug testing", [g_height * 0.020, g_height * 0.020, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } void() Draw_Extra_Restart = { drawstring([0.025*g_width, 0.375*g_height, 0], "Are you sure you want to restart?", [g_height * 0.020, g_height * 0.020, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); drawstring([0.02*g_width, 0.425*g_height, 0], "Your current progress will be lost!", [g_height * 0.020, g_height * 0.020, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); } void() Draw_Extra_CSettings = { string cset_desc; cset_desc = ""; // ADS Mode if (cvar("cl_adsmode") == 0) drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.175*g_height, 0], "HOLD", [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); else drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.175*g_height, 0], "TOGGLE", [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); // Look Sensitivity drawfill ([0.475*g_width, 0.2255*g_height, 0], [g_height * (cvar("sensitivity")/6), g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 0, 0); // Descriptions switch(lastActive) { case 48: cset_desc = "Switch between Toggle/Hold to Aim Down Sight."; break; case 49: cset_desc = "Change Look Sensitivity to change Cursor Responsiveness."; break; default: cset_desc = ""; break; } // Division lines drawfill ([0.025*g_width, 0.775*g_height, 0], [g_height * 0.600, g_height * 0.005, 1], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4], 1, 0); // Draw desc drawstring([0.025*g_width, 0.865*g_height, 0], cset_desc, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } void() Draw_Extra_GSettings = { local string fpsval; local string vsyncval; local string decalval; local string partval; local string fullval; local string retroval; local string sval; local string arval = ""; local string resval; local string gset_desc = ""; // Resolution resval = strcat(ftos(active_swidth), "x", ftos(active_sheight)); drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.175*g_height, 0], resval, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); // Aspect Ratio switch(aspectratio) { case 0: arval = "4:3"; break; case 1: arval = "5:4"; break; case 2: arval = "16:9"; break; case 3: arval = "16:10"; break; case 4: arval = "21:9"; break; default: arval = "ERR"; break; } drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.225*g_height, 0], arval, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); // Fullscreen if (fullscreenval == 0) sval = S_DISABLED; else sval = S_ENABLED; drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.275*g_height, 0], sval, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); // Show FPS if (cvar("show_fps") == 0) fpsval = S_DISABLED; else fpsval = S_ENABLED; drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.325*g_height, 0], fpsval, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); // Max FPS // can't adjust when vsync is enabled, so grey out if (!cvar("vid_vsync")) drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.375*g_height, 0], ftos(cvar("cl_maxfps")), [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); else drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.375*g_height, 0], ftos(cvar("cl_maxfps")), [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.4,0.4,0.4], 1, 0); // VSync if (cvar("vid_vsync") == 0) vsyncval = S_DISABLED; else vsyncval = S_ENABLED; drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.425*g_height, 0], vsyncval, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); // Field of View drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.475*g_height, 0], ftos(cvar("fov")), [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); // Brightness // have to use a drawfill because of how gamma values are subtracted.. for some reason drawfill ([0.475*g_width, 0.5255*g_height, 0], [g_height * (cvar("gamma")/3), g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); // Decals if (cvar("nzp_decals") == 0) decalval = S_DISABLED; else decalval = S_ENABLED; drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.575*g_height, 0], decalval, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); // Particles if (cvar("nzp_particles") == 0) partval = S_DISABLED; else partval = S_ENABLED; drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.625*g_height, 0], partval, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); // Fullbright if (cvar("r_fullbright") == 0) fullval = S_DISABLED; else fullval = S_ENABLED; drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.675*g_height, 0], fullval, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); // Retro if (cvar_string("gl_texturemode") == "gl_nearest") retroval = S_ENABLED; else retroval = S_DISABLED; drawstring([0.475*g_width, 0.725*g_height, 0], retroval, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); // Descriptions switch(lastActive) { case 17: gset_desc = "Adjust Window Resolution."; break; case 18: gset_desc = "Change Window Aspect Ratio."; break; case 19: gset_desc = "Toggle Fullscreen (May fail depending on GPU)."; break; case 20: gset_desc = "Toggle Framerate Overlay."; break; case 21: gset_desc = "Increase of Decrease Max Frames per Second."; break; case 22: gset_desc = "Toggle Vertical Sync."; break; case 23: gset_desc = "Adjust Game Field of View."; break; case 24: gset_desc = "Increase or Decrease Game Brightness."; break; case 25: gset_desc = "Toggle Bullet and Explosive Decals."; break; case 26: gset_desc = "Toggle Appearence of (most) Particles."; break; case 27: gset_desc = "Toggle all non-realtime lights (Requires Map Restart)."; break; case 28: gset_desc = "Toggle texture filtering."; break; default: gset_desc = ""; break; } // Division lines drawfill ([0.025*g_width, 0.775*g_height, 0], [g_height * 0.600, g_height * 0.005, 1], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4], 1, 0); // Draw desc drawstring([0.025*g_width, 0.865*g_height, 0], gset_desc, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } void() Draw_Extra_Controls = { local string buttoncon[MAX_BINDS]; local string binding = "_"; //prevent warning buttoncon[0] = ""; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BINDS; i += 1) { tokenize(findkeysforcommand(buttonBind[i])); if (editBind[i] == FALSE) buttoncon[i] = strtoupper(keynumtostring(stof(argv(0)))); else buttoncon[i] = binding; if (buttoncon[i] == "01") buttoncon[i] = "UNBOUND"; drawstring([0.475*g_width, (0.175+(0.05*i))*g_height, 0], buttoncon[i], [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); } } // remove prefix and suffix from custom map line // (maps/) & (.bsp) string(string s) strip_custominfo = { string s2; s2 = substring(s, 5, strlen(s)); // maps/ s2 = substring(s2, 0, strlen(s2) - 4); // .bsp return s2; } var struct { float occupied; float map_allow_game_settings; float map_use_thumbnail; string map_name; string map_name_pretty; string map_desc_1; string map_desc_2; string map_desc_3; string map_desc_4; string map_desc_5; string map_desc_6; string map_desc_7; string map_desc_8; string map_author; } custom_maps[500]; void() Customs_Get = { searchhandle maps; float map_count; maps = search_begin("maps/*.bsp", 0, 0); map_count = search_getsize(maps); custom_map_pages = ceil(map_count/10); for (float i = 0; i < map_count; i++) { custom_maps[i].occupied = TRUE; custom_maps[i].map_name = strip_custominfo(search_getfilename(maps, i)); float settings = fopen(strcat("maps/", custom_maps[i].map_name, ".txt"), FILE_READ); if (settings != -1) { custom_maps[i].map_name_pretty = fgets(settings); custom_maps[i].map_desc_1 = fgets(settings); custom_maps[i].map_desc_2 = fgets(settings); custom_maps[i].map_desc_3 = fgets(settings); custom_maps[i].map_desc_4 = fgets(settings); custom_maps[i].map_desc_5 = fgets(settings); custom_maps[i].map_desc_6 = fgets(settings); custom_maps[i].map_desc_7 = fgets(settings); custom_maps[i].map_desc_8 = fgets(settings); custom_maps[i].map_author = fgets(settings); custom_maps[i].map_use_thumbnail = stof(fgets(settings)); custom_maps[i].map_allow_game_settings = stof(fgets(settings)); fclose(settings); } } current_custom_map_page = 1; search_end(maps); } void() Draw_Extra_Customs = { string custom_map_names[10]; float custom_map_active[10]; float multiplier; if (current_custom_map_page > 1) multiplier = (current_custom_map_page - 1) * 10; else multiplier = 0; for (float i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].occupied) { custom_map_names[i] = custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_name; } } for (float i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (cursor_pos_x > 0.025*g_width && cursor_pos_x < (0.025*g_width + g_height * 0.6) && cursor_pos_y > (0.175 + (0.05 * i))*g_height && cursor_pos_y < (0.175 + (0.05 * i))*g_height + (0.030*g_height)) { if (i != last_active_custom_select) localsound_enhanced("sounds/menu/navigate.wav", CHAN_SFX, 1); if (customs_interact) localcmd(strcat("map "), custom_map_names[i]); if (last_active_custom_select != -1) custom_map_active[last_active_custom_select] = FALSE; custom_map_active[i] = TRUE; last_active_custom_select = i; lastActive = -1; } } for (float i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (custom_map_active[i] == TRUE || last_active_custom_select == i) { if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_name_pretty) drawstring([0.025*g_width, (0.175 + (0.05 * i))*g_height, 0], custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_name_pretty, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,0,0], 1, 0); else drawstring([0.025*g_width, (0.175 + (0.05 * i))*g_height, 0], custom_map_names[i], [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,0,0], 1, 0); float line_increment; line_increment = 0; if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_1 != "" && custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_1 != " ") { drawstring([0.425*g_width, 0.540*g_height, 0], custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_1, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_2 != "" && custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_2 != " ") { line_increment++; drawstring([0.425*g_width, (0.540 + (0.040*line_increment))*g_height, 0], custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_2, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_3 != "" && custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_3 != " ") { line_increment++; drawstring([0.425*g_width, (0.540 + (0.040*line_increment))*g_height, 0], custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_3, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_4 != "" && custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_4 != " ") { line_increment++; drawstring([0.425*g_width, (0.540 + (0.040*line_increment))*g_height, 0], custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_4, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_5 != "" && custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_5 != " ") { line_increment++; drawstring([0.425*g_width, (0.540 + (0.040*line_increment))*g_height, 0], custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_5, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_6 != "" && custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_6 != " ") { line_increment++; drawstring([0.425*g_width, (0.540 + (0.040*line_increment))*g_height, 0], custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_6, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_7 != "" && custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_7 != " ") { line_increment++; drawstring([0.425*g_width, (0.540 + (0.040*line_increment))*g_height, 0], custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_7, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_8 != "" && custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_8 != " ") { line_increment++; drawstring([0.425*g_width, (0.540 + (0.040*line_increment))*g_height, 0], custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_desc_8, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_author != "" && custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_author != " ") { line_increment++; drawstring([0.425*g_width, (0.560 + (0.040*line_increment))*g_height, 0], custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_author, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0], 1, 0); } if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_use_thumbnail) { drawpic([0.490*g_width, 0.115*g_height, 0], strcat("menu/custom/", custom_map_names[i], ".png"), [0.425*g_width, 0.385*g_height, 0], [1,1,1], 1); } } else { if (custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_name_pretty) drawstring([0.025*g_width, (0.175 + (0.05 * i))*g_height, 0], custom_maps[i + multiplier].map_name_pretty, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); else drawstring([0.025*g_width, (0.175 + (0.05 * i))*g_height, 0], custom_map_names[i], [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8,0.8,0.8], 1, 0); } } customs_interact = FALSE; } void() Draw_Extra_Achievements = { float multiplier; if (current_achievement_page > 1) { multiplier = (current_achievement_page - 1) * 3; } else { multiplier = 0; back_gray_out = true; } for (float i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i + multiplier > MAX_ACHIEVEMENTS - 1) continue; string name1, name2; string desc1, desc2, desc3, desc4; name2 = ""; desc2 = ""; desc3 = ""; desc4 = ""; if (strlen(achievements[i + multiplier].name) >= 33) { name1 = substring(achievements[i + multiplier].name, 0, 33); name2 = substring(achievements[i + multiplier].name, 33, strlen(achievements[i + multiplier].name)); } else { name1 = achievements[i + multiplier].name; } if (substring(name2, 0, 1) == " ") name2 = substring(name2, 1, strlen(name2)); desc1 = substring(achievements[i + multiplier].description, 0, 36); desc2 = substring(achievements[i + multiplier].description, 36, 34); desc3 = substring(achievements[i + multiplier].description, 70, 35); desc4 = substring(achievements[i + multiplier].description, 105, strlen(achievements[i + multiplier].description)); if (substring(desc2, 0, 1) == " ") desc2 = substring(desc2, 1, strlen(desc2)); if (substring(desc3, 0, 1) == " ") desc3 = substring(desc3, 1, strlen(desc3)); if (substring(desc4, 0, 1) == " ") desc4 = substring(desc4, 1, strlen(desc4)); if (achievements[i + multiplier].unlocked == false) { int lock_width_pos; drawstring([0.450*g_height, (0.150 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], name1, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.5,0.5,0.5], 1, 0); drawstring([0.450*g_height, (0.180 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], name2, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.5,0.5,0.5], 1, 0); if (name2 == "") { lock_width_pos = stringwidth(name1, 0, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1]); drawstring([0.450*g_height + lock_width_pos, (0.150 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], " (LOCKED)", [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,0,0], 1, 0); } else { lock_width_pos = stringwidth(name2, 0, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1]); drawstring([0.450*g_height + lock_width_pos, (0.180 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], " (LOCKED)", [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,0,0], 1, 0); } drawstring([0.450*g_height, (0.210 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], desc1, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,1,1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.450*g_height, (0.240 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], desc2, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,1,1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.450*g_height, (0.270 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], desc3, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,1,1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.450*g_height, (0.300 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], desc4, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,1,1], 1, 0); drawpic([0.025*g_width, (0.150 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], "gfx/achievement/achievement_locked.tga", [0.38*g_height, 0.19*g_height, 0], [1,1,1], 1); } else { drawstring([0.450*g_height, (0.150 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], name1, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,1,0], 1, 0); drawstring([0.450*g_height, (0.180 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], name2, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,1,0], 1, 0); drawstring([0.450*g_height, (0.210 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], desc1, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,1,1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.450*g_height, (0.240 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], desc2, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,1,1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.450*g_height, (0.270 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], desc3, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,1,1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.450*g_height, (0.300 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], desc4, [g_height * 0.030, g_height * 0.030, 1], [1,1,1], 1, 0); drawpic([0.025*g_width, (0.150 + (0.212 * i))*g_height, 0], achievements[i + multiplier].img, [0.38*g_height, 0.19*g_height, 0], [1,1,1], 1); } } } void() Draw_Extra_ASettings = { string aset_desc = ""; float master_volume = cvar("volume"); float chann1_volume = cvar("snd_channel1volume"); float chann2_volume = cvar("snd_channel2volume"); float chann3_volume = cvar("snd_channel3volume"); float chann4_volume = cvar("snd_channel4volume"); float chann5_volume = cvar("snd_channel5volume"); float chann6_volume = cvar("snd_channel6volume"); // Master Volume drawfill ([0.475*g_width, 0.1755*g_height, 0], [g_height * (master_volume/3), g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); // Music Volume drawfill ([0.475*g_width, 0.2255*g_height, 0], [g_height * (chann1_volume/3), g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); // SFX Volume drawfill ([0.475*g_width, 0.2755*g_height, 0], [g_height * (chann2_volume/3), g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); // Channel 3 Volume drawfill ([0.475*g_width, 0.3255*g_height, 0], [g_height * (chann3_volume/3), g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); // Channel 4 Volume drawfill ([0.475*g_width, 0.3755*g_height, 0], [g_height * (chann4_volume/3), g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); // Channel 5 Volume drawfill ([0.475*g_width, 0.4255*g_height, 0], [g_height * (chann5_volume/3), g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); // Channel 6 Volume drawfill ([0.475*g_width, 0.4755*g_height, 0], [g_height * (chann6_volume/3), g_height * 0.030, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); // Descriptions switch(lastActive) { case 54: aset_desc = "Adjusts the overall volume of the game."; break; case 55: aset_desc = "Adjusts the volume of the music in the game."; break; case 56: aset_desc = "Adjusts the volume of sound effects in the game."; break; case 57: aset_desc = "Audio Level for Channel 3."; break; case 58: aset_desc = "Audio Level for Channel 4."; break; case 59: aset_desc = "Audio Level for Channel 5."; break; case 60: aset_desc = "Audio Level for Channel 6."; break; default: aset_desc = ""; break; } // Division lines drawfill ([0.025*g_width, 0.775*g_height, 0], [g_height * 0.600, g_height * 0.005, 1], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4], 1, 0); // Draw desc drawstring([0.025*g_width, 0.865*g_height, 0], aset_desc, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } float menu_sound_length; float menu_sound_time; void() Draw_Menu = { // main menu theme iterating if (menu_initialized == false && in_menu == MENU_MAIN) { localsound_enhanced("tracks/tensioned_by_the_damned.mp3", CHAN_MUSIC, 1); menu_sound_length = 490; // have to hard code because soundlength() doesn't like MP3 media it seems.. menu_sound_time = 0; menu_initialized = true; } // restart the track if it has ended if (menu_initialized == true && (menu_sound_time >= menu_sound_length - 1)) { localsound_enhanced("tracks/tensioned_by_the_damned.mp3", CHAN_MUSIC, 1); menu_sound_time = 0; } menu_sound_time += frametime; // background if(serverkey("constate") == "disconnected") { if(g_width <= g_height * 1.77778) drawpic([0,0,0], "menu/bg", [g_height * 1.77778, g_height, 1], [1, 1, 1], 1); else drawpic([0,0,0], "menu/bg", [g_width, g_height, 1], [1, 1, 1], 1); } // Darken the BG drawfill ([0, 0, 0], [g_width, g_height, 1], [0, 0, 0], 0.4, 0); // version string if (in_menu == MENU_MAIN || in_menu == MENU_ABOUT || in_menu == MENU_SINGLE || in_menu == MENU_ACHIEVEMENTS || in_menu == MENU_CUSTOMS || in_menu == MENU_SETTINGS) { string vers_string; vers_string = build_datetime; drawstring([(0.975*g_width - stringwidth(vers_string, 0, [0.03*g_height, 0.03*g_height, 0])), 0.025*g_height, 0], vers_string, [g_height * 0.03, g_height * 0.03, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); } //menu title local string title = ""; switch(in_menu) { case MENU_MAIN: title = "MAIN MENU"; Draw_Extra_Main(); break; case MENU_SINGLE: title = "SOLO"; Draw_Extra_Solo(); break; case MENU_MULTI: title = "COOP"; break; case MENU_ABOUT: title = "CREDITS"; Draw_Extra_Credits(); break; case MENU_PAUSE: title = "PAUSED"; break; case MENU_IGS: case MENU_SETTINGS: title = "SETTINGS"; Draw_Extra_Settings(); break; case MENU_GSETTINGS: title = "GRAPHICS SETTINGS"; Draw_Extra_GSettings(); break; case MENU_CSETTINGS: title = "CONTROLS"; Draw_Extra_Controls(); break; case MENU_RES: title = "RESTART"; Draw_Extra_Restart(); break; case MENU_CUSTOMS: title = "CUSTOM MAPS"; Draw_Extra_Customs(); break; case MENU_ACHIEVEMENTS: title = "ACHIEVEMENTS"; Draw_Extra_Achievements(); break; case MENU_CONSETTINGS: title = "CONTROL SETTINGS"; Draw_Extra_CSettings(); break; case MENU_AUDSETTINGS: title = "AUDIO SETTINGS"; Draw_Extra_ASettings(); break; default: title = "Nazi Zombies: Portable"; } drawstring([0.025*g_width, 0.025*g_width, 0], title, [g_height * 0.045, g_height * 0.045, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], 1, 0); //Update buttons local float i; for(i = 0; i < BUTTONS_COUNT; i++) { Update_Button(i); } // TODO - Controller Support /*if (cvar("in_xinput")) { Controller_UpdateButton(); }*/ };