/* client/hud.qc HUD Drawing Code Copyright (C) 2021-2022 NZ:P Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ // vid_ultrawide_limiter #define ULTRAWIDE_OFFSET 250 float() GetUltraWideOffset = { if (cvar("vid_ultrawide_limiter")) return ULTRAWIDE_OFFSET; return 0; } //return hud images, makes drawpic slightly cleaner.. string(string img) getImage = { return strcat(huddir, img); } /******************* * HUD_Health * *******************/ void(float width, float height) HUD_Health = { float health; float max_health; float alpha; health = getstatf(STAT_HEALTH); max_health = getstatf(STAT_MAXHEALTH); if (health < max_health) { alpha = 255 - ((health/max_health))*255; if (alpha <= 0.0) return; float modifier = (sin(time * 10) * 20) - 20;//always negative if(modifier < -35.0) modifier = -35.0; alpha += modifier; if(alpha < 0.0) return; float color = 255.0 + modifier; drawpic([0,0,0], "gfx/hud/blood.tga", [width, height, 0], [10,0,0], alpha/2000); // naievil -- alpha factor division here makes it easy to use legacy code } } /******************* * HUD_Ammo * *******************/ void(float width, float height) HUD_Ammo = { local float ammo, curmag, benis, benis2; string ammostring, ammostring_1, ammostring_2; vector color; curmag = getstatf(STAT_CURRENTMAG); ammo = getstatf(STAT_AMMO); benis = strlen(ftos(ammo)); benis2 = strlen(ftos(curmag)); benis = benis + benis2; if (W_IsLowAmmo(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_CURRENTMAG), true)) color = [215/255, 0, 0]; else color = [1, 1, 1]; if (W_IsLowAmmo(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_AMMO), false)) vector color_2 = [215/255, 0, 0]; else color_2 = [1, 1, 1]; if (IsDualWeapon(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON))) { float curmag2 = getstatf(STAT_CURRENTMAG2); ammostring = strcat(ftos(curmag2), " ", ftos(curmag), "/", ftos(ammo)); float x2 = (g_width - GetUltraWideOffset()) - 62 - stringwidth(ammostring, 0, [12, 12]); drawstring([x2, g_height - 29], ammostring, [12, 12], [1,1,1], 1, 0); } else { ammostring_1 = ftos(curmag); ammostring_2 = strcat("/", ftos(ammo)); string weapon_ammo_string = strcat(ftos(curmag), "/", ftos(ammo)); float x = (g_width - GetUltraWideOffset()) - 62 - stringwidth(weapon_ammo_string, 0, [12, 12]); drawstring([x, g_height - 29], ammostring_1, [12, 12], color, 1, 0); drawstring([x + stringwidth(ammostring_1, 0, [12, 12]), g_height - 29], ammostring_2, [12, 12], color_2, 1, 0); } } // // HUD_AmmoString() // Draws the "LOW AMMO", "Reload", etc. text // float ammoopac, ammoloop; void() HUD_AmmoString = { vector textcolor = [1, 1, 1]; string message = ""; float reserve_is_low; float mag_is_low; // Is the Reserve low? if (W_IsLowAmmo(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_AMMO), false)) { reserve_is_low = true; } else { reserve_is_low = false; } // Is the Magazine low? if (W_IsLowAmmo(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_CURRENTMAG), true)) { mag_is_low = true; } else { mag_is_low = false; } // Nothing to do. if (mag_is_low == false && reserve_is_low == false) { ammoopac = 1; ammoloop = 0; return; } else { // Display Reload text if the mag is low but reserve is not. if (mag_is_low == true && reserve_is_low == false) { message = "Reload"; textcolor = [1, 1, 1]; } // Report NO AMMO if both are empty else if (getstatf(STAT_CURRENTMAG) <= 0 && getstatf(STAT_AMMO) <= 0) { message = "NO AMMO"; textcolor = [215/255, 0, 0]; } // Display LOW AMMO if mag is low and reserve is empty else if (mag_is_low == true && getstatf(STAT_AMMO) <= 0) { message = "LOW AMMO"; textcolor = [219/255, 203/255, 19/255]; } } // Blink the text and draw it. if (ammoloop == 0) { ammoopac -= frametime; if (ammoopac < 0.5) { ammoopac = 0.5; ammoloop = 1; } } else { ammoopac += frametime; if (ammoopac >= 1) { ammoopac = 1; ammoloop = 0; } } float x = (g_width/2) - (stringwidth(message, 0, [12, 12])/2); drawstring([x, g_height/2 + 40, 0], message, [12, 12, 0], textcolor, ammoopac, 0); } /******************* * HUD_Points * *******************/ #define MAX_POINT_ELEMENTS 64 // the maximum amount of point differential elements that can be spawned before // we iterate back from 0 float active_point_elements; var struct { float difference; // the difference of points float x_position; // current x position float y_position; // current y position float x_velocity; // how fast the element moves on the x axis float y_velocity; // how fast the element moves on the y axis float opacity; // the opacity of the text_string as it progresses float string_width; // the width of text_string float occupied; // is this array being used/occupied? float playerid; // who does this element belong to? string text_string; // either '+(difference)' or '-(difference)' } point_elements[MAX_POINT_ELEMENTS]; float last_point_element_index; void(float amount, float playernum) RegisterPointChange = { if (last_point_element_index >= MAX_POINT_ELEMENTS) last_point_element_index = 0; float index = last_point_element_index; // set the difference amount point_elements[index].difference = amount; // assign it to the player point_elements[index].playerid = playernum; // fill our text string if (point_elements[index].difference > 0) { point_elements[index].text_string = strcat("+", ftos(point_elements[index].difference)); } else { point_elements[index].text_string = ftos(point_elements[index].difference); } // determine the width of the text string point_elements[index].string_width = stringwidth(point_elements[index].text_string, 0, [12, 12]); // generate a velocity point_elements[index].y_velocity = random()/4; while (point_elements[index].x_velocity < 0.33) { point_elements[index].x_velocity = random(); } if (point_elements[index].x_velocity > 0.70) point_elements[index].x_velocity -= 0.2; // should the vertical velocity be positive or negative? float rng = random(); // negative if (rng < 0.5) { point_elements[index].y_velocity = -point_elements[index].y_velocity; } // set our x and y positions point_elements[index].x_position = 0; point_elements[index].y_position = (g_height - 90) - (25*(playernum - 1)); // start with an opacity of 1 point_elements[index].opacity = 1; // the element is being used point_elements[index].occupied = true; // iterate last_point_element_index++; active_point_elements++; } void(float pwidth, float width, float height, float playernum) PointUpdate = { if (active_point_elements == 0) return; vector POINT_DIFF_COLOR; for (float i = 0; i < MAX_POINT_ELEMENTS; i++) { if (point_elements[i].playerid != playernum) continue; if (point_elements[i].opacity <= 0 && point_elements[i].occupied == true) { point_elements[i].occupied = false; active_point_elements--; continue; } // should the text be red or orange? if (point_elements[i].difference > 0) { POINT_DIFF_COLOR = TEXT_ORANGE; } else { POINT_DIFF_COLOR = TEXT_RED; } if (point_elements[i].difference != 0 && point_elements[i].opacity > 0) { drawstring([pwidth - point_elements[i].string_width - point_elements[i].x_position, point_elements[i].y_position], point_elements[i].text_string, [12, 12], POINT_DIFF_COLOR, point_elements[i].opacity, 0); } point_elements[i].x_position -= point_elements[i].x_velocity * (frametime*375); point_elements[i].y_position += point_elements[i].y_velocity * (frametime*375); point_elements[i].opacity -= (frametime*4); } } void(float width, float height) HUD_Points = { float pointlength = 0, increm = 10, pointwidth = 0, x = 0; float backwidth = 0.8*width; vector TEXTCOLOR = '0 0 0'; for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i = i - 1) { float player_number = getplayerkeyfloat(i, "viewentity"); entity client = findfloat(world, playernum, player_number); if (client == world || client.movetype == MOVETYPE_TOSS) continue; switch(i) { case 1: TEXTCOLOR = TEXT_LIGHTBLUE; break; case 2: TEXTCOLOR = TEXT_ORANGE; break; case 3: TEXTCOLOR = TEXT_GREEN; break; default: TEXTCOLOR = [1, 1, 1]; break; } pointwidth = stringwidth(ftos(client.points), 0, [12, 12]); x = (99 - pointwidth)/2 + GetUltraWideOffset(); if ((i + 1) == getstatf(STAT_PLAYERNUM)) { drawpic([3 + GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 97 - (i * 25)], "gfx/hud/moneyback.tga", [96, 24], [1,1,1], 1); drawstring([x, g_height - 92 - (i * 25)], ftos(client.points), [12, 12], TEXTCOLOR, 1, 0); } else { drawpic([-7 + GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 97 - (i * 25)], "gfx/hud/moneyback_condensed.tga", [96, 24], [1,1,1], 1); drawstring([x - 9, g_height - 92 - (i * 25)], ftos(client.points), [12, 12], TEXTCOLOR, 1, 0); } PointUpdate(x + 70, width, height, i + 1); } } /************************ * HUD_CharacterName * ************************/ void(float width, float height) HUD_CharacterName = { float x = 100 + GetUltraWideOffset(); float alpha = 1; if (nameprint_time - 1 < time) { alpha = (nameprint_time - time); } drawstring([x, height - 92 - ((getstatf(STAT_PLAYERNUM) - 1) * 25)], getstats(STAT_PLAYERNAME), [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], alpha, 0); } /******************* * HUD_Grenades * *******************/ void(float width, float height) HUD_Grenades = { float grenades; float betties; vector grenade_text_color; vector betties_text_color; grenades = getstatf(STAT_GRENADES); betties = getstatf(STAT_SECGRENADES); if (grenades == 0) grenade_text_color = [1, 0, 0]; else grenade_text_color = [1, 1, 1]; if (betties == 0) betties_text_color = [1, 0, 0]; else betties_text_color = [1, 1, 1]; drawpic([g_width - 3 - 56 - GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 50], "gfx/hud/frag.tga", [32, 32], [1, 1, 1], 1); drawstring([g_width - 3 - 38 - GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 29], ftos(grenades), [12, 12], grenade_text_color, 1, 0); if (betties != -1) { drawpic([g_width - 3 - 28 - GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 50], "gfx/hud/betty.tga", [32, 32], [1, 1, 1], 1); drawstring([g_width - 3 - 10 - GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 29], ftos(betties), [12, 12], betties_text_color, 1, 0); } } /******************* * HUD_Rounds * *******************/ float color_shift[3]; float color_shift_end[3]; float color_shift_steps[3]; int color_shift_init; int blinking; string sb_round[5]; string sb_round_num[10]; int alphabling; float endroundchange; float round_center_x; float round_center_y; //motolegacy -- 'round' text float pwidth; float rcolor, rinit, ralpha, localpha; void(float width, float height) HUD_Rounds = { float roundheight = 65; float roundwidth = 15; float roundwidth_4 = 81; float roundheight_4 = 65; float roundheight_num = 65; float roundwidth_num = 43; // naievil -- was 32, but more square makes it look better int i, x_offset, icon_num, savex; int num[3]; x_offset = 0; savex = 0; for (float j = 0; j < 10; j++) { if (j < 5) { sb_round[j] = getImage(strcat("r", ftos(j+1), ".tga")); } sb_round_num[j] = getImage(strcat("r_num", ftos(j), ".tga")); } if (rounds_change == 1 || rounds_change == 2) { if (!rinit) { rcolor = rinit = 1; ralpha = 1; } pwidth = stringwidth("Round", 0, [24, 24])/2; drawstring([(g_width/2) - pwidth, g_height/2 - 70], "Round", [24, 24], [1, rcolor, rcolor], ralpha, 0); rcolor -= frametime/2.5; if (rcolor < 0) { rcolor = 0; ralpha -= frametime/2.5; if (ralpha > 0) { localpha += frametime*0.4; if (localpha > 1) localpha = 1; } if (ralpha < 0) { ralpha = 0; localpha -= frametime*0.4; if (localpha < 0) localpha = 0; } } drawstring([3 + GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height/2 + 24], chaptertitle, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], localpha, 0); drawstring([3 + GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height/2 + 36], location, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], localpha, 0); drawstring([3 + GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height/2 + 48], date, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], localpha, 0); drawstring([3 + GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height/2 + 60], person, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], localpha, 0); } if (rounds_change == 1)//this is the rounds icon at the middle of the screen { alphabling = alphabling + (frametime*500); if (alphabling < 0) alphabling = 0; else if (alphabling > 255) alphabling = 255; round_center_x = g_width/2 - 6; round_center_y = g_height/2 - 36; drawpic([round_center_x,round_center_y,0], sb_round[0], [roundwidth, roundheight], [107/255,1/255], alphabling/255); } else if (rounds_change == 2)//this is the rounds icon moving from middle { stopwatch_round_isactive = true; float round_center_y_offset = 0; float round_center_x_offset = 0; drawpic([round_center_x + round_center_x_offset,round_center_y + round_center_y_offset,0], sb_round[0], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [107/255,(1/255),0], 1); round_center_x = round_center_x - (((229/108)*2 - 0.2)*((width - GetUltraWideOffset())/480)/8) * (frametime*250); round_center_y = round_center_y + ((2*(height/272))/8) * (frametime*250); if (round_center_x <= 3 + GetUltraWideOffset()) round_center_x = 3 + GetUltraWideOffset(); if (round_center_y >= g_height - 1 - roundheight) round_center_y = g_height - 1 - roundheight; } else if (rounds_change == 3)//shift to white { stopwatch_round_isactive = false; if (!color_shift_init) { color_shift[0] = 107; color_shift[1] = 1; color_shift[2] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) { color_shift_end[i] = 255; color_shift_steps[i] = (color_shift_end[i] - color_shift[i])/60; } color_shift_init = 1; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) { if (color_shift[i] < color_shift_end[i]) color_shift[i] = color_shift[i] + color_shift_steps[i]*(frametime*100); if (color_shift[i] >= color_shift_end[i]) color_shift[i] = color_shift_end[i]; } if (rounds > 0 && rounds < 11) { for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1) { if (i == 4) { drawpic([5 + GetUltraWideOffset(),height - roundheight, 0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1); savex = x_offset + (10*width/480); x_offset = x_offset + (10*width/480); continue; } if (i == 9) { drawpic([5 + savex + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1); continue; } if (i > 4) icon_num = i - 5; else icon_num = i; drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[icon_num], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth + (3*width/480); } } else { if (rounds >= 100) { num[2] = (int)(rounds/100); drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[2]], [roundwidth_num, roundheight_num, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } else num[2] = 0; if (rounds >= 10) { num[1] = (int)((rounds - num[2]*100)/10); drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[1]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } else num[1] = 0; num[0] = rounds - num[2]*100 - num[1]*10; drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[0]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } } else if (rounds_change == 4)//blink white { if (endroundchange > time) { blinking = ((int)(time*475)&510) - 255; blinking = fabs(blinking); } else { if (blinking) blinking = blinking - 1; else blinking = 0; } if (rounds > 0 && rounds < 11) { for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1) { if (i == 4) { drawpic([5 + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); savex = x_offset + (10*width/480); x_offset = x_offset + (10*width/480); continue; } if (i == 9) { drawpic([5 + savex + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); continue; } if (i > 4) icon_num = i - 5; else icon_num = i; drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[icon_num], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth + (3*width/480); } } else { if (rounds >= 100) { num[2] = (int)(rounds/100); drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[2]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } else num[2] = 0; if (rounds >= 10) { num[1] = (int)((rounds - num[2]*100)/10); drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[1]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } else num[1] = 0; num[0] = rounds - num[2]*100 - num[1]*10; drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[0]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } if (endroundchange == 0) { endroundchange = time + 7.5; blinking = 0; } } else if (rounds_change == 5)//blink white { if (blinking > 0) blinking = blinking - (frametime*5000); if (blinking < 0) blinking = 0; if (rounds > 0 && rounds < 11) { for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1) { if (i == 4) { drawpic([5 + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); savex = x_offset + (10*width/480); x_offset = x_offset + (10*width/480); continue; } if (i == 9) { drawpic([5 + savex + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); continue; } if (i > 4) icon_num = i - 5; else icon_num = i; drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[icon_num], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth + (3*width/480); } } else { if (rounds >= 100) { num[2] = (int)(rounds/100); drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[2]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } else num[2] = 0; if (rounds >= 10) { num[1] = (int)((rounds - num[2]*100)/10); drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[1]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } else num[1] = 0; num[0] = rounds - num[2]*100 - num[1]*10; drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[0]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } } else if (rounds_change == 6)//blink white while fading back { endroundchange = 0; color_shift_init = 0; blinking += frametime*500; if (blinking > 255) blinking = 255; if (rounds > 0 && rounds < 11) { for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1) { if (i == 4) { drawpic([5 + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); savex = x_offset + (10*width/480); x_offset = x_offset + (10*width/480); continue; } if (i == 9) { drawpic([5 + savex + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); continue; } if (i > 4) icon_num = i - 5; else icon_num = i; drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[icon_num], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth + (3*width/480); } } else { if (rounds >= 100) { num[2] = (int)(rounds/100); drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[2]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } else num[2] = 0; if (rounds >= 10) { num[1] = (int)((rounds - num[2]*100)/10); drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[1]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } else num[1] = 0; num[0] = rounds - num[2]*100 - num[1]*10; drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[0]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [1,1,1], blinking/255); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } } else if (rounds_change == 7)//blink white while fading back { stopwatch_round_isactive = true; if (!color_shift_init) { color_shift_end[0] = 107; color_shift_end[1] = 1; color_shift_end[2] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) { color_shift[i] = 255; color_shift_steps[i] = (color_shift[i] - color_shift_end[i])*(frametime*1.5); } color_shift_init = 1; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) { if (color_shift[i] > color_shift_end[i]) color_shift[i] = color_shift[i] - color_shift_steps[i]; if (color_shift[i] < color_shift_end[i]) color_shift[i] = color_shift_end[i]; } if (rounds > 0 && rounds < 11) { for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1) { if (i == 4) { drawpic([5 + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1); savex = x_offset + (10*width/480); x_offset = x_offset + (10*width/480); continue; } if (i == 9) { drawpic([5 + savex + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1); continue; } if (i > 4) icon_num = i - 5; else icon_num = i; drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[icon_num], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth + (3*width/480); } } else { if (rounds >= 100) { num[2] = (int)(rounds/100); drawpic([2+x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[2]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } else num[2] = 0; if (rounds >= 10) { num[1] = (int)((rounds - num[2]*100)/10); drawpic([2+x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[1]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } else num[1] = 0; num[0] = rounds - num[2]*100 - num[1]*10; drawpic([2+x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[0]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [color_shift[0]/255,color_shift[1]/255,color_shift[2]/255], 1); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } } else { color_shift[0] = 107; color_shift[1] = 1; color_shift[2] = 0; color_shift_init = 0; alphabling = 0; if (rounds > 0 && rounds < 11) { for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1) { if (i == 4) { drawpic([5 + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [107/255,1/255,0], 1); savex = x_offset + (10*width/480); x_offset = x_offset + (10*width/480); continue; } if (i == 9) { drawpic([5 + savex + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[4], [roundwidth_4,roundheight_4, 1], [107/255,1/255,0], 1); continue; } if (i > 4) icon_num = i - 5; else icon_num = i; drawpic([5 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round[icon_num], [roundwidth,roundheight, 1], [107/255,1/255,0], 1); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth + (3*width/480); } } else { if (rounds >= 100) { num[2] = (int)(rounds/100); drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[2]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [107/255,1/255,0], 1); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } else num[2] = 0; if (rounds >= 10) { num[1] = (int)((rounds - num[2]*100)/10); drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[1]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [107/255,1/255,0], 1); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } else num[1] = 0; num[0] = rounds - num[2]*100 - num[1]*10; if(rounds == 0) return; drawpic([2 + x_offset + GetUltraWideOffset(), height - roundheight - (4*height/272),0], sb_round_num[num[0]], [roundwidth_num,roundheight_num, 1], [107/255,1/255,0], 1); x_offset = x_offset + roundwidth_num - (8*width/480); } } } /******************* * HUD_Useprint * *******************/ void(float width, float height) HUD_Useprint = { string usestring, usebutton, usespace; string usecost; float print_width, x, button_width; usestring = ""; usespace = ""; usecost = ""; tokenize(findkeysforcommand("+button7")); usebutton = strtoupper(keynumtostring(stof(argv(0)))); for(float i = 0; i < strlen(usebutton); i++) { usespace = strcat(usespace, " "); } switch (useprint_type) { case 0://clear usestring = ""; break; case 1://door usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to open Door"); usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]"); break; case 2://debris usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to remove Debris"); usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]"); break; case 3://ammo usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to buy Ammo for ", GetWeaponName(useprint_weapon)); usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]"); break; case 4://weapon usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to buy ", GetWeaponName(useprint_weapon)); usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]"); break; case 5://window usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to Rebuild Barrier"); break; case 6://box usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " for Mystery Box"); usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]"); break; case 7://box take usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " for ", GetWeaponName(useprint_weapon)); break; case 8://power usestring = "The Power must be Activated first"; break; case 9://perk usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to buy ", GetPerkName(useprint_weapon)); usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]"); break; case 10://turn on power usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to Turn On the Power"); break; case 11://turn on trap usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to Activate the Trap"); usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]"); break; case 12://packapunch usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to Pack-a-Punch"); usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]"); break; case 13://revive usestring = strcat("Hold ",usespace, " to Revive Player"); break; case 14://use teleporter (free) usestring = strcat("Hold ", usespace, " to use Teleporter"); break; case 15://use teleporter (cost) usestring = strcat("Hold ", usespace, " to use Teleporter"); usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]"); break; case 16://tp cooldown usestring = "Teleporter is cooling down"; break; case 17://link usestring = strcat("Hold ", usespace, " to initate link to pad"); break; case 18://no link usestring = "Link not active"; break; case 19://finish link usestring = strcat("Hold ", usespace, " to link pad with core"); break; case 20://buyable ending usestring = strcat("Hold ", usespace, " to End the Game"); usecost = strcat("[Cost:", ftos(useprint_cost), "]"); break; default: usestring = "This should not happen you dum fuck"; //yikes break; } print_width = stringwidth (usestring, 0, [12, 12]); x = (width - print_width)/2; drawstring([x, g_height/2 + 65, 0], usestring, [12, 12, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); // Draw "Cost" text. if (usecost != "") { float cost_width = stringwidth(usecost, 0, [12, 12]); float x3 = (width - cost_width)/2; drawstring([x3, g_height/2 + 78, 0], usecost, [12, 12, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); } // Draw highlighted usebutton (or button icon in the future) if (substring(usestring, 0, 4) == "Hold") { button_width = x + stringwidth ("Hold ", 0, [12, 12, 0]); drawstring([button_width, g_height/2 + 65, 0], usebutton, [12, 12, 0], [1, 1, 0], 1, 0); } } /******************* * HUD_Perks * *******************/ int perk_order[9]; int current_perk_order; void(float width, float height) HUD_Perks = { float scale; float x, y; scale = 32; x = 20; y = 6; if (cvar("vid_ultrawide_limiter")) x += ULTRAWIDE_OFFSET; // Double-Tap can have 2 icons depending on // machine-specified version. string double_tap_icon; if (double_tap_version == 1) // damage buffed double_tap_icon = "gfx/hud/double2.tga"; else // just rof double_tap_icon = "gfx/hud/double.tga"; // Draw second column first -- these need to be // overlayed below the first column. for (float i = 4; i < 8; i++) { if (perk_order[i]) { if (perk_order[i] == P_JUG) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/jug.tga", [scale, scale], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_DOUBLE) {drawpic([x, y], double_tap_icon, [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_SPEED) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/speed.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_REVIVE) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/revive.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_FLOP) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/flopper.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_STAMIN) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/stamin.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_DEAD) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/dead.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_MULE) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/mule.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} } y += scale; } x = 3; y = 6; if (cvar("vid_ultrawide_limiter")) x += ULTRAWIDE_OFFSET; // Now the first column. for (float i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (perk_order[i]) { if (perk_order[i] == P_JUG) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/jug.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_DOUBLE) {drawpic([x, y], double_tap_icon, [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_SPEED) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/speed.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_REVIVE) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/revive.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_FLOP) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/flopper.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_STAMIN) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/stamin.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_DEAD) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/dead.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} if (perk_order[i] == P_MULE) {drawpic([x, y], "gfx/hud/mule.tga", [scale, scale, 1], [1,1,1], 1);} } y += scale; } } /******************* * HUD Weapons * *******************/ void(float width, float height) HUD_Weaponstring = { string weaponstring; weaponstring = GetWeaponName(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON)); float x = g_width - 62 - stringwidth(weaponstring, 0, [12, 12]); drawstring([x - GetUltraWideOffset(), g_height - 49], weaponstring, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); } /********************* * HUD Bouncing Betty * *********************/ void(float width, float height) HUD_BouncingBetty = { float top_x, bot_x, but_x; string betty_key; string betty_space; string activate_string, activate_string2; tokenize(findkeysforcommand("impulse 33")); betty_key = strtoupper(keynumtostring(stof(argv(0)))); betty_space = ""; for(float i = 0; i < strlen(betty_key); i++) { betty_space = strcat(betty_space, " "); } activate_string = strcat("Press ", betty_space, " to place a"); activate_string2 = "Bouncing Betty"; top_x = (g_width/2) - (stringwidth(activate_string, 0, [12, 12])/2); bot_x = (g_width/2) - (stringwidth(activate_string2, 0, [12, 12])/2); drawstring([top_x, g_height - 303], activate_string, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); drawstring([bot_x, g_height - 289], activate_string2, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); // Draw the highlighted button but_x = top_x + stringwidth("Press ", 0, [12, 12, 0]); drawstring([but_x, g_height - 303], betty_key, [12, 12], [1, 1, 0], 1, 0); } /******************* * HUD Progress Bar * *******************/ void(float width, float height) HUD_Progressbar = { float percent = getstatf(STAT_PROGRESSBAR); if (!percent) return; string progress; local float ws_offset; progress = ftos(percent); ws_offset = (strlen(progress) - 1); float bar_width = 200; float bar_height = 12; float bar_x = (width - bar_width)/2; float bar_y = height*0.75; drawfill ([bar_x - 1, bar_y - 1, 0], [bar_width+2, bar_height, 0], [0, 0, 0], 0.4, 0); drawfill ([bar_x, bar_y, 0], [bar_width * percent, bar_height-2, 0], [1, 1, 1], 0.4, 0); float x = (g_width/2) - (stringwidth("Reviving...", 0, [12, 12])/2); drawstring([x, g_height - 105], "Reviving...", [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); } /******************* * HUD Hitmark * *******************/ void() HUD_Hitmark = { drawpic([g_width/2 - 12, g_height/2 - 12], "gfx/hud/hit_marker.tga", [24, 24], [1,1,1], 1); } /******************* * HUD Crosshair * *******************/ float croshhairmoving; // naievil --used t o see if we are moving or not float cur_spread; float crosshair_offset_step; float crosshair_opacity; vector crosshair_color; void() Draw_Crosshair = { if (cvar("cl_crosshair_debug")) { drawline(2, [g_width/2, g_height/2, 0], [0, g_height, 0], [1, 0, 0], 0.5); drawline(2, [g_width/2, g_height/2, 0], [g_width, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1], 0.5); drawline(2, [g_width, g_height, 0], [g_width/2, g_height/2, 0], [0, 1, 0], 0.5); drawline(2, [0, 0, 0], [g_width/2, g_height/2, 0], [0, 0, 1], 0.5); } hide_viewmodel = false; if (getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) == 2 && zoom_2_time < time) { hide_viewmodel = true; drawfill('0 0 0', [g_width/2 - g_height/2, g_height, 0], '0 0 0', 1, 0); drawpic([(g_width/2 - g_height/2),0,0], "gfx/hud/scope_nb.tga", [g_height, g_height, 1], [1,1,1], 1); drawfill([(g_width/2 + g_height/2),0,0], [g_width, g_height, 0], '0 0 0', 1, 0); return; } float crosshair_value = cvar("crosshair"); if (!crosshair_value || getstatf(STAT_WEAPONZOOM) == 1) return; if (!crosshair_opacity) crosshair_opacity = 1; if ((K_BACKDOWN || K_FORWARDDOWN || K_LEFTDOWN || K_RIGHTDOWN || input_buttons == 2) && crosshair_value == 1) { croshhairmoving = 1; crosshair_opacity -= frametime; if (crosshair_opacity < 0.5) crosshair_opacity = 0.5; if (cur_spread >= CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE))) { cur_spread = CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE)); } else { cur_spread += (frametime*160); } } else { croshhairmoving = 0; if (cur_spread > 0) cur_spread -= (frametime*160); else cur_spread = 0; crosshair_opacity += frametime; if (crosshair_opacity > 1) crosshair_opacity = 1; } // Update values to be red if we're facing an enemy if (getstatf(STAT_FACINGENEMY)) crosshair_color = TEXT_RED; else crosshair_color = [1, 1, 1]; if (getstatf(STAT_HEALTH) < 1) return; if (crosshair_spread_time > time && crosshair_spread_time) { cur_spread = cur_spread + 10; if (cur_spread >= CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE))) cur_spread = CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE)); if (!croshhairmoving) cur_spread *= 1/2; } else if (crosshair_spread_time < time && crosshair_spread_time) { cur_spread = cur_spread - 0.25; if (cur_spread <= 0) { cur_spread = 0; crosshair_spread_time = 0; } } // Standard crosshair (+) if (crosshair_value == 1) { int x_value, y_value; int crosshair_offset; crosshair_offset = CrossHairWeapon(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE)) + cur_spread; if (CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE)) < crosshair_offset) crosshair_offset = CrossHairMaxSpread(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), getstatf(STAT_PLAYERSTANCE)); if (perks & P_DEAD) crosshair_offset *= 0.65; crosshair_offset_step += (crosshair_offset - crosshair_offset_step) * 0.5; // Creds to heartologic for some actually good crosshair position stuff. vector crossSize = [1, 5]; vector screenSize = [g_width, g_height]; drawfill(screenSize / 2 - [crossSize.x, +crossSize.y * 2 + crosshair_offset_step], crossSize, crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // top drawfill(screenSize / 2 - [crossSize.x, -crossSize.y * 1 - crosshair_offset_step + 2], crossSize, crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // bottom drawfill(screenSize / 2 - [+crossSize.y * 2 + crosshair_offset_step, crossSize.x], [crossSize.y, crossSize.x], crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // right drawfill(screenSize / 2 - [-crossSize.y * 1 - crosshair_offset_step, crossSize.x], [crossSize.y, crossSize.x], crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // left } // Area of Effect (o) else if (crosshair_value == 2) { float circle_offset = stringwidth("O", 0, [14, 14])/2; drawstring([g_width/2 - circle_offset, g_height/2 - circle_offset], "O", [14, 14], crosshair_color, 1, 0); } // Dot crosshair (.) else if (crosshair_value == 3) { vector screenSize2 = [g_width, g_height]; drawfill(screenSize2 / 2 - [2, 2], [4, 4], crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // dot } // Grenade crosshair else if (crosshair_value == 4) { if (crosshair_pulse_grenade) { crosshair_offset_step = 0; cur_spread = 12; } crosshair_pulse_grenade = false; int crosshair_offset2; crosshair_offset2 = 3 + cur_spread; crosshair_offset_step += (crosshair_offset2 - crosshair_offset_step) * 0.05; // Creds to heartologic for some actually good crosshair position stuff. vector crossSize2 = [1, 5]; vector screenSize3 = [g_width, g_height]; drawfill(screenSize3 / 2 - [crossSize2.x, +crossSize2.y * 2 + crosshair_offset_step], crossSize2, crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // top drawfill(screenSize3 / 2 - [crossSize2.x, -crossSize2.y * 1 - crosshair_offset_step + 2], crossSize2, crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // bottom drawfill(screenSize3 / 2 - [+crossSize2.y * 2 + crosshair_offset_step, crossSize2.x], [crossSize2.y, crossSize2.x], crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // right drawfill(screenSize3 / 2 - [-crossSize2.y * 1 - crosshair_offset_step, crossSize2.x], [crossSize2.y, crossSize2.x], crosshair_color, crosshair_opacity, 0); // left } } void() HUD_Powerups = { float count = 0; // horrible way to offset check :)))))))))))))))))) :DDDDDDDD XOXO if (getstatf(STAT_X2)) count++; if (getstatf(STAT_INSTA)) count++; // both are avail draw fixed order if (count == 2) { drawpic([g_width/2 - (2 + 32), g_height - 38], "gfx/hud/2x.tga", [32, 32], [1, 1, 1], 1); drawpic([g_width/2 + 2, g_height - 38], "gfx/hud/in_kill.tga", [32, 32], [1, 1, 1], 1); } else { if (getstatf(STAT_X2)) drawpic([g_width/2 - 16, g_height - 38], "gfx/hud/2x.tga", [32, 32], [1, 1, 1], 1); else if (getstatf(STAT_INSTA)) drawpic([g_width/2 - 16, g_height - 38], "gfx/hud/in_kill.tga", [32, 32], [1, 1, 1], 1); } } void() HUD_Broadcast = { string broadcast_msg = ""; float health = getstatf(STAT_HEALTH); switch(broadcast_type) { case 2: broadcast_msg = strcat(broadcast_string, " needs to be revived"); break; case 3: broadcast_msg = strcat(broadcast_string, " is reviving you"); break; default: break; } float print_width = stringwidth (broadcast_msg, 0, [0.015*g_width, 0.015*g_width, 0]); float x = (g_width - print_width)/2; if (broadcast_msg != "") drawstring([x, g_height/2, 0], broadcast_msg, [0.015*g_width, 0.015*g_width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); } void() HUD_Scores = { int j; vector TEXTCOLOR = [1, 1, 1]; if(serverkey("constate") != "disconnected") { // Headers drawstring([g_width/2 + 15, 175], "Points", [12, 12], TEXTCOLOR, 1, 0); drawstring([g_width/2 + 170, 175], "Kills", [12, 12], TEXTCOLOR, 1, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) { float player_number = getplayerkeyfloat(i, "viewentity"); entity client = findfloat(world, playernum, player_number); if (client == world || client.movetype == MOVETYPE_TOSS) break; switch(i) { case 1: TEXTCOLOR = TEXT_LIGHTBLUE; break; case 2: TEXTCOLOR = TEXT_ORANGE; break; case 3: TEXTCOLOR = TEXT_GREEN; break; default: TEXTCOLOR = [1, 1, 1]; break; } // // Since positioning is center-aligned, we need to be careful how we do our X and Y // pos. to keep things looking nicely centered and even with different aspect ratios. // // Center moneyback drawpic([g_width/2 - 48, 195 + (30 * i)], "gfx/hud/moneyback.tga", [96, 24], [1,1,1], 1); // Left for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { drawpic([(g_width/2 - 48) - (70 * (j+1)), 195 + (30 * i)], "gfx/hud/moneyback.tga", [96, 24], [1,1,1], 1); } // Right for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { drawpic([(g_width/2 - 48) + (70 * (j+1)), 195 + (30 * i)], "gfx/hud/moneyback.tga", [96, 24], [1,1,1], 1); } // Name string player_name = getplayerkeyvalue(i, "name"); drawstring([g_width/2 - 245, 200 + (30 * i)], player_name, [12, 12], TEXTCOLOR, 1, 0); // Points float point_width = stringwidth(ftos(client.points), 0, [12, 12]); float point_x = ((g_width/2) - (point_width)/2) + 52; drawstring([point_x, 200 + (30 * i)], ftos(client.points), [12, 12], TEXTCOLOR, 1, 0); // Kills float kill_width = stringwidth(ftos(client.points), 0, [12, 12]); float kill_x = ((g_width/2) - (kill_width)/2) + 210; drawstring([kill_x, 200 + (30 * i)], ftos(client.kills), [12, 12], TEXTCOLOR, 1, 0); } } } void() HUD_Endgame = { string game_over = "GAME OVER"; string survive; string round; if (rounds == 1) round = " Round"; else round = " Rounds"; survive = strcat("You Survived ", ftos(rounds), round); float game_over_width = stringwidth(game_over, 0, [24, 24]); drawstring([g_width/2 - game_over_width/2, 100], game_over, [24, 24], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); float survive_width = stringwidth(survive, 0, [18, 18]); drawstring([g_width/2 - survive_width/2, 135], survive, [18, 18], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); HUD_Scores(); } float oldfade_alpha; void() HUD_Fade = { float alpha; if (fade_type == 1) { alpha = cos(fade_time - time); if (oldfade_alpha > 0.95) alpha = 1; alpha = invertfloat(alpha); drawfill ([0, 0, 0], [g_width, g_height, 0], [0, 0, 0], alpha, 0); // background oldfade_alpha = alpha; } else if (fade_type == 2) { alpha = sin(((fade_time - time) * 2)); if (oldfade_alpha > 0.95) alpha = 1; drawfill ([0, 0, 0], [g_width, g_height, 0], [0, 0, 0], alpha, 0); // background oldfade_alpha = alpha; } } void(float width, float height) HUD_ScrollText = { float print_width = stringwidth (scrolltext, 0, [12, 12, 0]); float x = (width - print_width)/2; drawstring([x, scrollheight*height, 0], scrolltext, [12, 12, 0], [1, 1, 1], scrollopacity, 0); //low if (scrollheight > 0.70) { scrollheight -= frametime/10; if (scrollopacity > 0) scrollopacity -= frametime; } else { stext = 0; } } float achievement_init; float achievement_ypos; float achievement_desc_ypos; float achievement_img_ypos; float achievement_time; void(float width, float height) HUD_Achievements = { if (active_achievement == -1) return; if (!achievement_init) { achievement_time = 0; achievement_ypos = -0.16; achievement_desc_ypos = -0.13; achievement_img_ypos = -0.164; achievement_init = true; } drawstring([0.2*width, achievement_ypos*height, 0], "ACHIEVEMENT GET!", [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 0], 1, 0); drawstring([0.2*width, achievement_desc_ypos*height, 0], achievements[active_achievement].name, [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); drawpic([0.005*width, achievement_img_ypos*height,0], achievements[active_achievement].img, [0.16*width, 0.08*width, 0], [1,1,1], 1); if (achievement_time <= 120) { achievement_ypos += (frametime*0.15); achievement_desc_ypos += (frametime*0.15); achievement_img_ypos += (frametime*0.15); } else { achievement_ypos -= (frametime*0.15); achievement_desc_ypos -= (frametime*0.15); achievement_img_ypos -= (frametime*0.15); if (achievement_desc_ypos <= -0.13) { achievement_init = 0; active_achievement = -1; } } if (achievement_desc_ypos > 0.045) { if (achievement_time <= 120) { achievement_ypos = 0.015; achievement_desc_ypos = 0.045; achievement_img_ypos = 0.01; } achievement_time += (frametime*25); } } string(float index) GetButtonString = { // place holder if (index == 100) return "LMOUSE"; else if (index == 101) return "RMOUSE"; tokenize(findkeysforcommand(buttonBind[index])); string temps = strtoupper(keynumtostring(stof(argv(0)))); return temps; } void(float width, float height) HUD_Waypoint = { drawstring([0.015*width, 0.015*height, 0], "WAYPOINT MODE", [0.030*width, 0.030*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); drawfill([0.015*width, 0.035*height + height*0.035, 0], [strlen("WAYPOINT MODE")*0.030*width, 0.005*width, 0], [1, 1,1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.015*width, 0.095*height, 0], strcat("Press ", GetButtonString(100), " to Create a Waypoint"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.015*width, 0.125*height, 0], strcat("Press ", GetButtonString(9), " to Select a Waypoint"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.015*width, 0.155*height, 0], strcat("Press ", GetButtonString(101), " to Link a Waypoint"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.015*width, 0.185*height, 0], strcat("Press ", GetButtonString(11), " to Remove a Waypoint"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.015*width, 0.215*height, 0], strcat("Press ", GetButtonString(7), " to Move a Waypoint Here"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.015*width, 0.245*height, 0], strcat("Press ", GetButtonString(10), " to Create a Special Waypoint"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.015*width, 0.275*height, 0], strcat("Press ", "=", " to load map waypoints"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); drawstring([0.015*width, 0.305*height, 0], strcat("Press ", "-", " to save current waypoints"), [0.015*width, 0.015*width, 0], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); } void(float width, float height) HUD_PlayerNames = { for (float i = 3; i >= 0; i = i - 1) { if ((i+1) == getstatf(STAT_PLAYERNUM)) continue; float player_number = getplayerkeyfloat(i, "viewentity"); string text = getplayerkeyvalue(i, "name"); entity plr = findfloat(world, playernum, player_number); vector player_origin = plr.origin + '0 0 48'; vector screen_position = project(player_origin); vector text_color = '1 1 1'; if (player_origin == '0 0 48') continue; screen_position_x -= stringwidth(text, 0, [8, 8])/2; switch(i) { case 1: text_color = TEXT_LIGHTBLUE; break; case 2: text_color = TEXT_ORANGE; break; case 3: text_color = TEXT_GREEN; break; default: break; } if (screen_position_z > 0) drawstring(screen_position, text, [8, 8], text_color, 1, 0); } } void(float width, float height) HUD_ReviveIcons = { for (float i = 0; i < active_revive_icons; i++) { if (revive_icons[i].draw == true) { revive_icons[i].timer += frametime; vector revive_origin; revive_origin_x = revive_icons[i].org[0]; revive_origin_y = revive_icons[i].org[1]; revive_origin_z = revive_icons[i].org[2]; vector screen_position = project(revive_origin); screen_position_x -= (32)/2; if (screen_position_z > 0) { // being revived if (revive_icons[i].state == 2) drawpic(screen_position, "gfx/hud/revive_icon.tga", [32, 32, 1], [1,1,1], 1); else { drawpic(screen_position, "gfx/hud/revive_icon.tga", [32, 32, 1], [1,1 - (revive_icons[i].timer/30),0], 1); } } } } } void(float width, float height) HUD_StopWatch = { string sec, min, hr; string stopwatch; if (stopwatch_sec < 10) { sec = strcat("0", substring(ftos(stopwatch_sec), 0, 3)); } else { sec = substring(ftos(stopwatch_sec), 0, 4); } if (stopwatch_min < 10) min = strcat("0", ftos(stopwatch_min)); else min = ftos(stopwatch_min); if (stopwatch_hr < 10) hr = strcat("0", ftos(stopwatch_hr)); else hr = ftos(stopwatch_hr); stopwatch = strcat(hr, ":", min, ":", sec); drawstring([width - (strlen(stopwatch) * 12) - 2, 2], stopwatch, [12, 12], TEXT_ORANGE, 1, 0); } void(float width, float height) HUD_RoundStopWatch = { string sec, min, hr; string stopwatch; if (stopwatch_round_sec < 10) { sec = strcat("0", substring(ftos(stopwatch_round_sec), 0, 3)); } else { sec = substring(ftos(stopwatch_round_sec), 0, 4); } if (sec == "00") sec = "00.0"; if (stopwatch_round_min < 10) min = strcat("0", ftos(stopwatch_round_min)); else min = ftos(stopwatch_round_min); if (stopwatch_round_hr < 10) hr = strcat("0", ftos(stopwatch_round_hr)); else hr = ftos(stopwatch_round_hr); stopwatch = strcat(hr, ":", min, ":", sec); drawstring([width - (strlen(stopwatch) * 12) - 2, 16], stopwatch, [12, 12], [1, 1, 1], 1, 0); } /******************* * HUD Draw * *******************/ void(float width, float height) HUD_Draw = { if (cvar("cl_cinematic")) return; HUD_Achievements(width, height); if (!getstatf(STAT_SPECTATING) && (getstatf(STAT_HEALTH) > 1) && !score_show) { Draw_Crosshair(); if (!cvar("waypoint_mode")) { HUD_Health(width, height); HUD_Points(width, height); HUD_Rounds(width, height); HUD_Perks(width, height); HUD_Progressbar(width, height); HUD_Powerups(); if (vmodel.model == GetWeaponModel(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), FALSE) && vmodel.model != "") HUD_AmmoString(); if (nameprint_time > time) HUD_CharacterName(width, height); if (bettyprompt_time > time) HUD_BouncingBetty(width, height); if (HUD_Change_time > time) { HUD_Grenades(width, height); if (vmodel.model == GetWeaponModel(getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON), FALSE) && vmodel.model != "") { HUD_Ammo(width, height); HUD_Weaponstring(width, height); } } if (useprint_time > time) HUD_Useprint(width, height); if (Hitmark_time > time) HUD_Hitmark(); if (stext) { HUD_ScrollText(width, height); } else { scrollopacity = 1; scrollheight = 0.80; } HUD_PlayerNames(width, height); HUD_ReviveIcons(width, height); if (cvar("scr_serverstopwatch")) { HUD_StopWatch(width, height); } if (cvar("scr_serverstopwatch") >= 2) { HUD_RoundStopWatch(width, height); } } else { HUD_Waypoint(width, height); } } // Only keep broadcast messages outside in case they are important if (broadcast_time > time) HUD_Broadcast(); if (getstatf(STAT_HEALTH) <= 10 && getstatf(STAT_SPECTATING) && !find(world, classname, "ai_zombie")) HUD_Endgame(); if (score_show) HUD_Scores(); if (fade_time > time) HUD_Fade(); } void UpdatePerks(float newperks) { float s; // avoids out of bounds err - moto if (newperks == 0) current_perk_order = 0; for(float i = 1; i < 129; i *= 2) { if (newperks & i && !(perks & i)) { perk_order[current_perk_order] = i; current_perk_order += 1; } } for(float i = 1; i < 129; i *= 2) { if (perks & i && !(newperks & i)) { for(s = 0; s < 8; s++) { if (perk_order[s] == i) { perk_order[s] = 0; while (perk_order[s+1]) { perk_order[s] = perk_order[s+1]; perk_order[s+1] = 0; } break; } } } } perks = newperks; }