/* server/clientfuncs.qc used for any sort of down, hit, etc that the player or entity experiences Copyright (C) 2021-2023 NZ:P Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ void (float achievement_id, optional entity who) GiveAchievement; void() Barrel_Hit; void() teddy_react; void() EndGame_Restart = { localcmd("restart"); } // Fade to black function, creates another think for restart void() EndGame_FadePrompt = { PromptLevelChange(time + 6, 2, self); #ifdef FTE self.think = EndGame_Restart; #else self.think = Soft_Restart; #endif // FTE self.nextthink = time + 5; } //Actual endgame function, all zombies die, music plays void() EndGame = { local entity oldself; local entity who; self.health = 0; self.origin = '0 0 0'; setorigin (self, self.origin); self.velocity = '0 0 0'; sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "sounds/music/end.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); oldself = self; who = find(world,classname,"ai_zombie"); while(who != world) { if(who.health) { self = who; self.th_die(); self = oldself; } who = find(who,classname,"ai_zombie"); } self.think = EndGame_FadePrompt; self.nextthink = time + 33; } // when dead and other players exist and are alive, throw user into spectate mode void() startspectate = { if (!self.downed) return; if (self.beingrevived) { self.think = startspectate; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; return; } self.downedloop = 0; self.beingrevived = false; self.model = ""; setmodel(self, self.model); self.health = 100; self.weaponmodel = ""; self.weapon2model = ""; self.downed = 0; self.frame = 0; UpdateVmodel(self.weaponmodel, GetWepSkin(self.weapon)); UpdateV2model(self.weapon2model, GetWepSkin(self.weapon)); SpectatorSpawn(); } // searches for players that are alive given which clients have which playernumbers // Returns 1 if there IS someone in the world that's not downed float() PollPlayersAlive = { entity players = find(world, classname, "player"); while(players != world) { if (!players.downed) return 1; players = find(players, classname, "player"); } return 0; } // Endgamesetup -- think function for setting up the death of everyone void() EndGameSetup = { game_over = true; self.health = 10; self.think = EndGame; self.nextthink = time + 5; self.weapon = 0; self.currentammo = 0; self.currentmag = 0; self.weaponmodel = ""; self.weapon2model = ""; self.animend = SUB_Null; self.perks = 0; self.isspec = true; SetPerk(self, self.perks); SwitchWeapon(0); addmoney(self, -self.points, 0); addmoney(self, self.score, 0); return; } // rec_downed is used as a recursive loop where we consistently check to see if ALL players are downed // if they aren't dead, we keep looping until our OWN death (45 seconds, so 300 loops) void() rec_downed = { if (!self.beingrevived) self.downedloop += 1; if (self.downedloop >= 30) { DisableReviveIcon(self.electro_targeted); revive_index--; startspectate(); return; } float gotalive = PollPlayersAlive(); if (!gotalive && !self.progress_bar) { EndGameSetup(); return; } self.think = rec_downed; self.nextthink = time + 1; } float() push_away_zombies; void() GetDown = { // 'Pro Gamer Move' achievement. if (rounds <= 1 && self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine == 0 && self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine_left == 0 && self.weapons[0].weapon_reserve == 0 && self.weapons[1].weapon_magazine == 0 && self.weapons[1].weapon_magazine_left == 0 && self.weapons[1].weapon_reserve == 0) { GiveAchievement(9, self); } // Make any zombies inside of the player's bounding box leave push_away_zombies(); // Force the player to prone. if (self.stance == 2) self.new_ofs_z = self.view_ofs_z - (PLAYER_CROUCH_HEIGHT + PLAYER_PRONE_HEIGHT); if (self.stance == 1) self.new_ofs_z = self.view_ofs_z - PLAYER_CROUCH_HEIGHT; self.stance = 0; setsize(self, PLAYER_MINS_CROUCHING, PLAYER_MAXS_CROUCHING); // Get rid of Mule Kick Weapon for(float i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYER_WEAPONS; i++) { if (self.weapons[i].is_mulekick_weapon == true) { Weapon_RemoveWeapon(i); Weapon_SetActiveInSlot(0, false); } } // Calculate the loss in points, take away points from downed Player. float point_difference; point_difference = self.points; point_difference -= 10*rint((self.points*0.95)/10); addmoney(self, point_difference * -1, false); self.requirespower = point_difference; // Broadcast that the player has downed. BroadcastMessage(time + 3, 2, self.netname); // Reset state self.velocity = self.zoom = 0; self.downed = true; self.dive_delay = 0; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; float players_still_alive = PollPlayersAlive(); if ((player_count && !players_still_alive) || (!player_count && !(self.perks & P_REVIVE))) { EndGameSetup(); return; } else { self.health = 19; } // Initiate Self-Revive on Solo if ((self.perks & P_REVIVE) && !player_count) { self.progress_bar = 10 + time; self.progress_bar_time = 10; self.progress_bar_percent = 1; } // Take away weapons and Perks self.perks = 0; SetPerk(self, self.perks); self.weaponbk = self.weapon; self.currentammobk = self.weapons[0].weapon_reserve; self.currentmagbk = self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine; self.currentmagbk2 = self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine_left; // Reset Juggernog health self.max_health = self.health = PLAYER_START_HEALTH; if(Weapon_PlayerHasWeapon(self, W_BIATCH, false) || Weapon_PlayerHasWeapon(self, W_RAY, true) || Weapon_PlayerHasWeapon(self, W_357, true)) { float weapon_slot; float total_ammo; total_ammo = 0; weapon_slot = Weapon_PlayerHasWeapon(self, W_RAY, true); if (weapon_slot == 0) weapon_slot = Weapon_PlayerHasWeapon(self, W_BIATCH, false); if (weapon_slot == 0) weapon_slot = Weapon_PlayerHasWeapon(self, W_357, true); switch(weapon_slot) { case 1: total_ammo = self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine + self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine_left + self.weapons[0].weapon_reserve; break; case 2: total_ammo = self.weapons[1].weapon_magazine + self.weapons[1].weapon_magazine_left + self.weapons[1].weapon_reserve; Weapon_SwapWeapons(true); break; } self.weaponbk = self.weapon; self.currentammobk = self.weapons[0].weapon_reserve; self.currentmagbk = self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine; self.currentmagbk2 = self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine_left; // If it's greater than the mag size, we can fill the magazine. if (total_ammo > getWeaponMag(self.weapon) || total_ammo == 0) { self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine = getWeaponMag(self.weapon); // subtract it from the total ammo if (total_ammo != 0) total_ammo -= self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine; } else { self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine = total_ammo; total_ammo = 0; } // Check for dual wield mag too if (IsDualWeapon(self.weapon)) { if (total_ammo > getWeaponMag(self.weapon) || total_ammo == 0) { self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine_left = getWeaponMag(self.weapon); // subtract it from the total ammo if (total_ammo != 0) total_ammo -= self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine_left; } else { self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine_left = total_ammo; total_ammo = 0; } } // Ray Gun has a special case where we DON'T fill its reserve if (self.weapon != W_RAY && self.weapon != W_PORTER) { // Now see if the reserve ammo is more than max downed capacity if (total_ammo > getWeaponMag(self.weapon)*2) { self.weapons[0].weapon_reserve = getWeaponMag(self.weapon)*2; } else { // It's not so just fill it self.weapons[0].weapon_reserve = total_ammo; } } else { self.weapons[0].weapon_reserve = 0; } } else { if (!player_count) { Weapon_AssignWeapon(0, W_BIATCH, 6, 12); } else { Weapon_AssignWeapon(0, W_COLT, 8, 16); } } // Play Switch Animation self.weaponmodel = GetWeaponModel(self.weapon, 0); SwitchWeapon(self.weapon); float startframe = GetFrame(self.weapon,TAKE_OUT_START); float endframe = GetFrame(self.weapon,TAKE_OUT_END); Set_W_Frame (startframe, endframe, 0, 0, 0, SUB_Null, self.weaponmodel, false, S_BOTH); // Spawn Revive Sprite in Co-Op if (player_count) { EnableReviveIcon(revive_index, self.origin + VEC_VIEW_OFS); self.electro_targeted = revive_index; revive_index++; } // Play Last Stand Animation PAnim_GetDown(); } void () GetUp = { // Play Getting Up Animation PAnim_GetUp(); // Player is able to get up from here if (Player_CanStandHere(self)) { self.new_ofs_z = self.view_ofs_z + PLAYER_CROUCH_HEIGHT + PLAYER_PRONE_HEIGHT; self.stance = 2; setsize(self, PLAYER_MINS_STANDING, PLAYER_MAXS_STANDING); } // They can't, so make them crouch instead else { self.new_ofs_z = self.view_ofs_z + PLAYER_PRONE_HEIGHT; self.stance = 1; PAnim_CrouchWalk7(); // bad hack so they dont just end up fucking standing in a wall. } self.health = 100; self.downedloop = 0; // used for death timing vs endgame self.downed = 0; self.classname = "player"; // Take away the ammo that was fired while in last stand. if (self.weapon != W_COLT) { if (self.weapon == self.weaponbk) { self.currentammobk -= self.teslacount; // Take from the mag if the reserve is empty now if (self.currentammobk < 0) { self.currentmagbk += self.currentammobk; self.currentammobk = 0; } } else if (self.weapon == self.weapons[1].weapon_id) { self.weapons[1].weapon_reserve -= self.teslacount; // Take from the mag if the reserve is empty now if (self.weapons[1].weapon_reserve < 0) { self.weapons[0].weapon_magazine += self.weapons[1].weapon_reserve; self.weapons[1].weapon_reserve = 0; } } } self.teslacount = 0; if (!player_count) { addmoney(self, self.requirespower, false); } self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; Weapon_AssignWeapon(0, self.weaponbk, self.currentmagbk, self.currentammobk); }; // poll checking whether to see if our revive invoke is active void(entity ent) CheckRevive = { if (self.invoke_revive) { GetUp(); DisableReviveIcon(self.electro_targeted); revive_index--; self.invoke_revive = 0; self.firer = world; } } void(entity attacker, float d_style) DieHandler = { float t; t = random(); if (self.classname == "ai_zombie" || self.classname == "ai_dog") { self.th_die(); } if (attacker.classname == "player") { attacker.kills++; if (d_style == S_HEADSHOT) { addmoney(attacker, 100, true); attacker.headshots++; } else if (d_style == S_NORMAL) { addmoney(attacker, 60, true); } else if (d_style == S_KNIFE){ addmoney(attacker, 130, true); } else if (d_style == S_TESLA) { addmoney(attacker, 50, true); } } } void(entity victim,entity attacker, float damage, float d_style) DamageHandler = { // don't do any attacking during nuke delay if (d_style == S_ZOMBIE && nuke_powerup_active > time) return; entity old_self; if (victim.classname == "ai_zombie" || victim.classname == "ai_dog") { if (attacker.classname == "player" && (victim.health - damage)> 0) { addmoney(attacker, 10, 1); } victim.health = victim.health - damage; if (d_style == S_EXPLOSIVE && damage != 0) { if (victim.health > 0 && victim.crawling == 2) { makeCrawler(victim); GiveAchievement(3, attacker); } if (victim.health <= 0) addmoney(attacker, 60, 1); else addmoney(attacker, 10, 1); } if (victim.health <= 0 || instakill_finished) { old_self = self; self = victim; DieHandler(attacker, d_style); self = old_self; } } else if (victim.classname == "player" && !victim.downed) { if (victim.flags & FL_GODMODE) { return; } // Abstinence Program victim.ach_tracker_abst = 1; victim.health -= damage; // Determine how long to wait before regenerating based on our Health ratio float ratio = victim.health / victim.max_health; // Badly hurt = longer delay. if (ratio <= 0.2) { victim.health_delay = time + 5; // We're really low, so let's regen REALLY slow. victim.health_was_very_low = true; } else { victim.health_delay = time + 2.4; } // shake the camera on impact vector distance; distance = attacker.angles - victim.angles; // just to prevent radical punchangles while(distance_x > 10 || distance_x < -10) { distance_x /= 2; } while(distance_y > 10 || distance_y < -10) { distance_y /= 2; } // apply victim.punchangle_x = distance_x; victim.punchangle_y = distance_y; // Play pain noise if this isn't done by an electric barrier. if (d_style != S_ZAPPER) sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "sounds/player/pain4.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); else sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "sounds/machines/elec_shock.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); if (victim.sprinting) { old_self = self; self = victim; W_SprintStop(); self = old_self; } victim.sprint_delay = time + 0.75; // Was 20 for.. some reason. if (victim.health <= 1) { old_self = self; self = victim; GetDown(); self = old_self; } } } /* ============ CanDamage Returns true if the inflictor can directly damage the target. Used for explosions and melee attacks. ============ */ float(entity targ, entity inflictor) CanDamage = { if (targ.flags == FL_GODMODE) return FALSE; // bmodels need special checking because their origin is 0,0,0 if (targ.movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH) { traceline(inflictor.origin, 0.5 * (targ.absmin + targ.absmax), TRUE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1) return TRUE; if (trace_ent == targ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } traceline(inflictor.origin, targ.origin, TRUE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1) return TRUE; traceline(inflictor.origin, targ.origin + '15 15 0', TRUE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1) return TRUE; traceline(inflictor.origin, targ.origin + '-15 -15 0', TRUE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1) return TRUE; traceline(inflictor.origin, targ.origin + '-15 15 0', TRUE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1) return TRUE; traceline(inflictor.origin, targ.origin + '15 -15 0', TRUE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1) return TRUE; return FALSE; }; float(float min, float max, vector org1, vector org2, float radius) calculate_proximity_value = { float proximity_value; float distance = fabs(vlen(org1 - org2)); if (distance <= radius) { float normalized_distance = distance / radius; proximity_value = min + (max - min) * (1 - normalized_distance); } else { proximity_value = min; } return proximity_value; }; void(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage2, float mindamage, float radius) DamgageExplode = { float final_damage = 0; entity ent; float multi, r; ent = findradius(inflictor.origin, radius); while (ent != world) { if(ent.classname == "player") { if (ent.perks & P_FLOP) // PhD Flopper makes us immune to any explosive damage final_damage = 0; else if (inflictor.classname == "betty") // Self-inflicted betties don't do damage either. final_damage = 0; else if (inflictor.owner != ent) // we don't want OUR explosives to harm other players.. final_damage = 0; else { final_damage = (radius - vlen(inflictor.origin - ent.origin))*1.5; if(final_damage < 0) { ent = ent.chain; continue; } if (final_damage > radius * 0.75) final_damage = 100; if (final_damage < other.health) { addmoney(self, 10, 0); } else if (final_damage > other.health) { addmoney(self, 60, 0); } else { final_damage /= radius; final_damage *= 60; } } // shake the camera on impact vector distance; distance = inflictor.angles - ent.angles; // just to prevent radical punchangles while(distance_x > 10 || distance_x < -10) { distance_x /= 2; } while(distance_y > 10 || distance_y < -10) { distance_y /= 2; } // apply ent.punchangle_x = distance_x; ent.punchangle_y = distance_y; } else if (ent.classname == "explosive_barrel") { final_damage = radius - vlen(inflictor.origin - ent.origin); final_damage *= 4; if (final_damage < 0) { ent = ent.chain; continue; } ent.health -= final_damage; entity oldself; oldself = self; self = ent; Barrel_Hit(); self = oldself; } else if (ent.classname == "teddy_spawn") { entity oldself2; oldself2 = self; self = ent; teddy_react(); self = oldself2; } else if (ent.takedamage && ent.classname != "ai_zombie_head" && ent.classname != "ai_zombie_larm" && ent.classname != "ai_zombie_rarm") { // verify we aren't doin anything with a bmodel if (ent.solid == SOLID_BSP || ent.movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH) return; if (mapname == "ndu" && ent.classname == "ai_zombie" && inflictor.classname == "explosive_barrel") { ach_tracker_barr++; if (ach_tracker_barr >= 15) { GiveAchievement(13); } } // cypress -- accurate explosive damage // cod likes to override the damage to ai with // explosives (yay!). if (inflictor.classname == "grenade") { // grenades follow the logic of (rounds + (rand 150-500)) // rounds is basically meaningless though.. wtf? final_damage = rounds + rint(random() * 350) + 150; } else if (inflictor.classname == "projectile_grenade") { // projectile-based grenades (mustang & sally) seem to do // more damage than standard grenades. // (rounds + (rand 1200-5000)) final_damage = rounds + rint(random() * 3800) + 1200; } else if (inflictor.classname == "rocket") { // rockets were kinda tricky to figure out, this is as close // as i can get and i'm not super confident.. // (rounds * (rand 0-100) * weapon_damage/500). final_damage = (rounds * rint(random() * 100)) * damage2/500; } else if (inflictor.classname == "projectile_raybeam") { //final_damage = calculate_proximity_value(mindamage, damage2, inflictor.origin, ent.origin, radius); //bprint(PRINT_HIGH, strcat("damage: ", ftos(final_damage), "\n")); final_damage = damage2; } else if (inflictor.classname == "player") { // phd flopper. final_damage = calculate_proximity_value(mindamage, damage2, inflictor.origin, ent.origin, radius); } else { r = rounds; multi = 1.07; while(r > 0) { multi *= 1.05; r --; } if (mindamage == 75) { final_damage = (200 * multi) + 185; } else { final_damage = (mindamage + damage2)/2; } } // to decide if this should make a crawler, check if we've done 10% or more damage if (final_damage / ent.health > 0.10 && ent.crawling != true && ent.classname != "ai_dog") { ent.crawling = 2; } } if (final_damage > 0) { if (CanDamage (ent, inflictor)) DamageHandler (ent, attacker, final_damage, S_EXPLOSIVE); } ent = ent.chain; } };