SERVER: Revamp Pack-A-Punch

This commit is contained in:
cypress 2023-11-23 11:42:08 -05:00
parent 152ccb40dd
commit f9479abb3d
5 changed files with 516 additions and 209 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
perks, pap, power
perks, power
Copyright (C) 2021-2023 NZ:P Team
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
float backupWepSkin;
float sound_perk_delay;
void() W_PutOutHack;
void(entity person) W_HideCrosshair;
@ -1005,7 +1004,8 @@ void() Turn_Lights =
entity tempe = findfloat(world, requirespower, 1);
while (tempe)
if (tempe.classname != "perk_pap")
tempe = findfloat (tempe, requirespower, 1);
@ -1078,6 +1078,16 @@ void() touch_power_Switch =
tempe = find (tempe, classname, "door_nzp");// trigger all paired doors
tempe = find(world, classname, "perk_pap");
while(tempe != world) {
entity tempe2 = self;
self = tempe;
self = tempe2;
tempe = find(tempe, classname, "perk_pap");
@ -1112,212 +1122,6 @@ void() power_switch =
isPowerOn = false;
// --------------------
// Pack-a-Punch
// --------------------
// cypress 19 OCT 2023 -- Changed storage from .owner to .usedent,
// as .owner causes issues with entity relinking, subsequently breaking
// PlayerIsLooking().
void removeinpap() {
//Self = floating gun
void velocity_reduce_output() {
self.velocity = [0,0,0];
setorigin(self, self.usedent.origin + v_forward*25);
//start floating back into pap
self.velocity = v_forward*-1.5;
//Self = floating gun
void velocity_reduce_output_in() {
self.velocity = [0,0,0];
setorigin(self, self.usedent.origin);
void() reset_pap =
self.weapon = 0;
self.usedent = 0;
if (self.goaldummy) {
self.goaldummy = 0;
self.papState = 0;
//Self = pap
void PapSendOut() {
setorigin(self.goaldummy, self.origin);
self.goaldummy.velocity = v_forward*25;
self.goaldummy.think = velocity_reduce_output;
self.goaldummy.nextthink = time + 1;
self.papState = 2;
self.nextthink = time + 15;
self.think = reset_pap;
void() W_PlayTakeOut;
void PapUpgrade(entity pap, entity buyer) {
entity tempe;
string modelname;
tempe = self;
self = buyer;
addmoney (self, -5000, 0);
//////////WepModel IN Floating test////////
entity floatmodelin;
modelname = GetWeaponModel(self.weapon, 1);
floatmodelin = spawn ();
//model goes in
setorigin (floatmodelin, pap.origin + v_forward*25);
setmodel (floatmodelin, modelname);
setsize (floatmodelin, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
floatmodelin.angles = pap.angles;
floatmodelin.angles_y = 90 + pap.angles_y;
floatmodelin.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
floatmodelin.solid = SOLID_NOT;
floatmodelin.usedent = pap;
floatmodelin.velocity = v_forward*-25;
floatmodelin.think = velocity_reduce_output_in;
floatmodelin.nextthink = time + 1;
//model goes velocity_reduce_output
pap.usedent = self;
pap.goaldummy = floatmodelin;
pap.think = PapSendOut;
pap.nextthink = time + 3.5;
self.fire_delay = self.reload_delay = 2.0 + time;
pap.weapon = self.weapon;
Set_W_Frame (0, 39, 2.0, 0, 0, W_PutOutHack, "models/machines/v_pap.mdl", true, S_BOTH);
self.weapon2model = "";
UpdateV2model(self.weapon2model, 0);
#ifndef FTE
self.Weapon_Name = "";
#endif // FTE
self = tempe;
self.papState = 1;
void touch_pap() {
if (other.classname != "player" || other.downed || !PlayerIsLooking(other, self)) {
if (other.reload_delay > time || other.reload_delay2 > time ||
other.fire_delay > time || other.fire_delay2 > time)
if (self.requirespower == true && !isPowerOn) {
useprint (other, 8, 0, 0);
if (!self.papState) {
if (IsPapWeapon(other.weapon) == 1) {
useprint (other, 12, 5000, 5);
if (other.points >= 5000 && other.button7 && other.weapon)
PapUpgrade(self, other);
else if (other.button7 && other.weapon && !other.semiuse) {
other.semiuse = true;
centerprint (other, STR_NOTENOUGHPOINTS);
sound(other, 0, "sounds/misc/denybuy.wav", 1, 1);
} else if (self.papState == 2) {
#ifndef FTE
other.Weapon_Name_Touch = GetWeaponName(EqualPapWeapon(self.weapon));
#endif // FTE
useprint (other, 7, 0, EqualPapWeapon(self.weapon));
if (other.button7) {
entity tempe = self;
self = other;
Weapon_GiveWeapon(EqualPapWeapon(tempe.weapon), 0, 0);
self = tempe;
// because PaP broke itself
self.think = reset_pap;
self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
void() perk_pap =
entity tempe;
tempe = find (world, classname, "power_switch");// trigger all paired doors
self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
if (tempe) {
self.requirespower = true;
} else {
self.requirespower = false;
// Only cache the dual wield pap weapons if we have pap..
precache_model ("models/machines/quake_scale/pap.mdl");
precache_model ("models/machines/v_pap.mdl");
precache_sound ("sounds/machines/papsound.wav");
setorigin(self, self.origin);
setmodel (self, "models/machines/quake_scale/pap.mdl");
setsize (self, VEC_HULL2_MIN, VEC_HULL2_MAX);
self.classname = "perk_pap";
self.touch = touch_pap;
// Sorta ugly function but whatever
void() perk_random =

View file

@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
Pack-A-Punch Entity Logic
Copyright (C) 2021-2023 NZ:P Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
void() W_PutOutHack;
void(vector where, float time_alive) SpawnSpark;
// PAP_FlagStopMoving()
// Resets flag's angular velocity.
void() PAP_FlagStopMoving =
self.avelocity = '0 0 0';
if (self.ltime)
self.angles_z = 180;
self.angles_z = 0;
self.think = SUB_Null;
// PAP_FlagMoveDown()
// Moves the Flag Downwards
void() PAP_FlagMoveDown =
// Make a note that we're moving "down"
self.ltime = 1;
self.avelocity = '0 0 500';
self.think = PAP_FlagStopMoving;
self.nextthink = time + 0.35;
// PAP_FlagMoveUp()
// Moves the Flag upwards
void() PAP_FlagMoveUp =
// Make a note that we're moving "up"
self.ltime = 0;
self.avelocity = '0 0 -500';
self.think = PAP_FlagStopMoving;
self.nextthink = time + 0.35;
// PAP_WeaponFallIntoMachine()
// Slowy reel the Upgraded Weapon back into
// the Pack-A-Punch.
void() PAP_WeaponFallIntoMachine =
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
setorigin(self, self.usedent.oldorigin + v_forward*self.usedent.oldz);
self.velocity = v_forward*-1.5;
// PAP_WeaponStopMoving()
// Stop all velocity on the floating Weapon
// and let it sit in the machine.
void() PAP_WeaponStopMoving =
self.velocity = [0,0,0];
setorigin(self, self.usedent.oldorigin);
// PAP_Reset()
// Allow the Pack-A-Punch to Upgrade another Weapon.
void() PAP_Reset =
self.weapon = 0;
self.usedent = 0;
if (self.goaldummy) {
self.goaldummy = 0;
self.papState = 0;
// PAP_Tick()
// Weapon is slowly going back to machine, tick for
// anxiety.
void() PAP_Tick =
// Time is up, Weapon is gone.
if (self.ltime < time)
else {
sound(self, CHAN_BODY, "sounds/machines/packapunch/tick.wav", 1, 1);
self.nextthink = time + 0.87;
// PAP_SendWeaponOut()
// Spits out the floating Weapon for pick-up.
void() PAP_SendWeaponOut =
self.goaldummy.origin = self.oldorigin;
setorigin(self.goaldummy, self.goaldummy.origin);
self.goaldummy.velocity = v_forward*self.oldz;
// Reel the Weapon in
self.goaldummy.think = PAP_WeaponFallIntoMachine;
self.goaldummy.nextthink = time + 1;
self.papState = 2;
self.nextthink = time + 0.05;
self.ltime = time + 15;
self.think = PAP_Tick;
if ((self.spawnflags & PAP_SPAWNFLAG_USEFLAG)) {
self.boxweapon.think = PAP_FlagMoveDown;
self.boxweapon.nextthink = time + 0.05;
// PAP_UpgradeWeapon(pap, buyer)
// Prepares a weapon for Upgrade and initiates Player
// animation.
void(entity pap, entity buyer) PAP_UpgradeWeapon =
entity tempe;
tempe = self;
self = buyer;
addmoney (self, -pap.cost, 0);
// Spawn Upgrade Spark if permitted
if (!(pap.spawnflags & PAP_SPAWNFLAG_NOSPARK))
SpawnSpark(pap.box2, 3.5);
// Machine is using the flag, so spawn it in.
if ((pap.spawnflags & PAP_SPAWNFLAG_USEFLAG)) {
pap.boxweapon.think = PAP_FlagMoveUp;
pap.boxweapon.nextthink = time + 0.05;
// Give a nice blue glow and play upgrade sound
Light_Cyan(pap, false);
sound(pap, CHAN_ITEM, pap.oldmodel, 0.8, 1);
// Mapper-provided musical sting.
if (pap.powerup_vo)
sound(pap, CHAN_AUTO, pap.powerup_vo, 1, ATTN_IDLE);
// Spawn and prepare the floating Weapon
entity floating_weapon = spawn();
string floating_weapon_model = GetWeaponModel(self.weapon, 1);
setmodel(floating_weapon, floating_weapon_model);
setsize(floating_weapon, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
floating_weapon.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
floating_weapon.solid = SOLID_NOT;
// Send the model into the Machine
floating_weapon.origin = pap.oldorigin;
setorigin(floating_weapon, floating_weapon.origin + v_forward * pap.oldz);
floating_weapon.angles = pap.angles;
floating_weapon.angles_y = 90 + pap.angles_y;
floating_weapon.velocity = v_forward*-pap.oldz;
floating_weapon.think = PAP_WeaponStopMoving;
floating_weapon.nextthink = time + 1;
// Link the Weapon with the Machine
floating_weapon.usedent = pap;
pap.usedent = self;
pap.goaldummy = floating_weapon;
// Upgrade Timer
pap.think = PAP_SendWeaponOut;
pap.nextthink = time + 3.5;
// Play Player's view model animation and sound.
self.fire_delay = self.reload_delay = 2.0 + time;
pap.weapon = self.weapon;
Set_W_Frame (0, 39, 2.0, 0, 0, W_PutOutHack, "models/machines/v_pap.mdl", true, S_BOTH);
self.weapon2model = "";
UpdateV2model(self.weapon2model, 0);
#ifndef FTE
self.Weapon_Name = "";
#endif // FTE
self = tempe;
// Notify that the Machine is currently Upgrading.
self.papState = 1;
// PAP_Touch()
// Touch/Interaction function for Clients + Pack-A-Punch.
void() PAP_Touch =
if (other.classname != "player" || other.downed || !PlayerIsLooking(other, self)) {
if (other.reload_delay > time || other.reload_delay2 > time ||
other.fire_delay > time || other.fire_delay2 > time)
// Power is not turned on.
if (self.requirespower == true && !isPowerOn) {
useprint (other, 8, 0, 0);
// Purchasing Machine + putting Weapon in
if (!self.papState) {
if (IsPapWeapon(other.weapon) == 1) {
useprint (other, 12, self.cost, 5);
// Player has enough points, begin Upgrade process
if (other.points >= self.cost && other.button7 && other.weapon) {
PAP_UpgradeWeapon(self, other);
// They're broke! Notify.
else if (other.button7 && other.weapon && !other.semiuse) {
other.semiuse = true;
centerprint (other, STR_NOTENOUGHPOINTS);
sound(other, 0, "sounds/misc/denybuy.wav", 1, 1);
// Claiming upgraded Weapon
else if (self.papState == 2) {
#ifndef FTE
other.Weapon_Name_Touch = GetWeaponName(EqualPapWeapon(self.weapon));
#endif // FTE
useprint (other, 7, 0, EqualPapWeapon(self.weapon));
if (other.button7) {
entity tempe = self;
self = other;
Weapon_GiveWeapon(EqualPapWeapon(tempe.weapon), 0, 0);
self = tempe;
// Prep Pack-A-Punch to Upgrade again
self.think = PAP_Reset;
self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
// PAP_RotateRoller()
// Think function for the Rollers - rotate indefinitely.
void() PAP_Click =
if (!self.active_door.papState)
sound(self, CHAN_ITEM, "sounds/machines/packapunch/gear_shift.wav", 1, 1);
self.nextthink = time + 0.75;
// PAP_TurnOn()
// Turns on the Pack-A-Punch machine.
void() PAP_TurnOn =
if (self.active_door != world) {
self.active_door.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
self.active_door.avelocity = '-200 0 0';
self.active_door.think = PAP_Click;
self.active_door.nextthink = time + 0.75;
// PAP_Initialize()
// Turns the Pack-A-Punch On if the Power is on.
void() PAP_Initalize =
// Start on if there's no Power Switch
entity tempe = find (world, classname, "power_switch");
if (tempe) self.requirespower = true;
else PAP_TurnOn();
// perk_pap()
// QuakeC Spawn Function for Pack-A-Punch Machine
void() perk_pap =
// Set Default Stats for Compatibility
// Model
if (!self.model) {
self.model = "models/machines/quake_scale/pap.mdl";
// Floating Weapon Offset
if (!self.oldorigin) {
self.oldorigin = '0 0 -1';
// Floating model forward velocity
if (!self.oldz) {
self.oldz = 20;
// Roller Model
if (!self.weapon2model) {
self.weapon2model = "models/machines/hl_scale/packapunch/p_roller.mdl";
// Roller Offset
if (!self.box1) {
self.box1 = '7.5 0.1 6.0';
// Flag Model
if (!self.door_model_name) {
self.door_model_name = "models/machines/hl_scale/packapunch/p_flag.mdl";
// Flag Offset
if (!self.box3) {
self.box3 = '-18 -31.7 18';
// Spark Offset
if (!self.box2) {
self.box2 = '8 0 2';
// Cost
if (!self.cost) {
self.cost = 5000;
// Upgrade Sound
if (!self.oldmodel) {
self.oldmodel = "sounds/machines/packapunch/upgrade.wav";
// Precaches
// FIXME: Don't hardcode weapon precaches here.
precache_model (self.model);
precache_model ("models/machines/v_pap.mdl");
if (!(self.spawnflags & PAP_SPAWNFLAG_NOSPARK))
if (self.powerup_vo)
precache_sound ("sounds/machines/papsound.wav");
// Lock its Pitch and Roll (sorry!)
self.angles_x = 0;
self.angles_z = 0;
// Spawn the Roller
if (self.spawnflags & PAP_SPAWNFLAG_USEROLLER) {
entity roller = spawn();
setmodel(roller, self.weapon2model);
roller.origin = self.origin;
roller.origin += v_right * self.box1_y;
roller.origin += v_forward * self.box1_x;
roller.origin += v_up * self.box1_z;
roller.angles = self.angles;
setorigin(roller, roller.origin);
self.active_door = roller;
roller.active_door = self;
// Spawn the Flag
if (self.spawnflags & PAP_SPAWNFLAG_USEFLAG) {
entity flag = spawn();
setmodel(flag, self.door_model_name);
flag.origin = self.origin;
flag.origin += v_right * self.box3_y;
flag.origin += v_forward * self.box3_x;
flag.origin += v_up * self.box3_z;
flag.angles = self.angles;
setorigin(flag, flag.origin);
flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
self.boxweapon = flag;
// Start down
flag.angles_z = 180;
vector tempv;
// Calculate the Spark offset if permitted
if (!(self.spawnflags & PAP_SPAWNFLAG_NOSPARK)) {
tempv = self.origin;
tempv += v_right * self.box2_y;
tempv += v_forward * self.box2_x;
tempv += v_up * self.box2_z;
self.box2 = tempv;
// Calculate the floating weapon offset
tempv = self.origin;
tempv += v_right * self.oldorigin_y;
tempv += v_forward * self.oldorigin_x;
tempv += v_up * self.oldorigin_z;
self.oldorigin = tempv;
self.classname = "perk_pap";
self.touch = PAP_Touch;
self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
setorigin(self, self.origin);
setmodel(self, self.model);
setsize(self, '-44 -44 -24', '44 44 64');
self.think = PAP_Initalize;
self.nextthink = time + 0.2;

View file

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
void() W_PlayTakeOut;
// =================================
// Wall Chalk Functionality
// =================================