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A utility for re-starting the game without going through the
server unload procedure.
Copyright (C) 2021-2023 NZ:P Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
void() PutClientInServer;
void() InitRounds;
void() func_door_nzp;
void(entity e) Light_None;
void() setup_perk;
void() touch_perk;
void(entity ent) MBOX_FreeEnt;
entity() MBOX_GetFreeEnt;
void() MBOX_Touch;
// GameRestart_CleanPowerUps()
// Cleans Power-Ups thrown about on the map,
// as well as a sanity check for their state.
void() GameRestart_CleanPowerUps =
entity tempe;
// Delete lingering PU entities
tempe = find(world, classname, "item_powerup");
while(tempe != world) {
// Kill their sounds
sound(tempe.owner, CHAN_VOICE, "sounds/null.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
sound(tempe, CHAN_AUTO, "sounds/null.wav", 1, ATTN_NONE);
// Delete em
remove(tempe.owner); // Sparkle
// Iterate to the next
tempe = find(tempe, classname, "item_powerup");
// Turn off HUD icons
tempe = find(world, classname, "player");
while (tempe != world) {
tempe.insta_icon = false;
tempe.x2_icon = false;
tempe = find(tempe, classname, "player");
// They're finished, stop doing the effects.
instakill_finished = time;
x2_finished = time;
// GameRestart_CleanWallSummons()
// Removes World models summoned from
// weapon_wall.
void() GameRestart_CleanWallSummons =
entity tempe;
tempe = find(world, classname, "weapon_wall");
while (tempe != world) {
// Check if it's model has been set, if it is undo the damage.
if (tempe.enemy.model != "") {
setmodel(tempe.enemy, "");
tempe.enemy.boxstatus = 0;
setorigin(tempe.enemy, tempe.origin + v_right*-4);
tempe = find(tempe, classname, "weapon_wall");
// GameRestart_RepairBarricades()
// Resets the barricade health state.
void() GameRestart_RepairBarricades =
entity tempe;
tempe = find(world, classname, "window");
while (tempe != world) {
if (tempe.health != -10) {
tempe.health = 6;
tempe.frame = 0;
tempe = find(tempe, classname, "window");
// GameRestart_TurnPerkOff()
// Wrapper for turning off Perk lights.
void(string perk_classname) GameRestart_TurnPerkOff =
entity tempe;
tempe = find(world, classname, perk_classname);
while(tempe != world) {
setmodel(tempe, tempe.door_model_name);
setorigin(tempe, tempe.oldorigin);
tempe.velocity = '0 0 0';
tempe.angles = tempe.finalangle;
tempe.touch = touch_perk;
tempe.revivesoda = 0;
// Run our initial setup function
tempe.think = setup_perk;
tempe.nextthink = time + 0.1;
tempe = find(tempe, classname, perk_classname);
// GameRestart_ResetPerkaColas()
// Make sure Perk-a-Colas are in their
// right states.
void() GameRestart_ResetPerkaColas =
// Go on a reset spree!
GameRestart_TurnPerkOff("perk_revive"); // Quick Revive
GameRestart_TurnPerkOff("perk_juggernog"); // Jugger-Nog
GameRestart_TurnPerkOff("perk_speed"); // Speed Cola
GameRestart_TurnPerkOff("perk_double"); // Double Tap Root Beer
GameRestart_TurnPerkOff("perk_flopper"); // PhD Flopper
GameRestart_TurnPerkOff("perk_staminup"); // Stamin-Up
GameRestart_TurnPerkOff("perk_deadshot"); // Deadshot Daiquiri
GameRestart_TurnPerkOff("perk_mule"); // Mule Kick
// GameRestart_ResetMysteryBox
// Clean-Up the Mystery Box.
void() GameRestart_ResetMysteryBox =
// Check if there is a Mystery Box in the map
entity mystery_box = find(world, classname, "mystery");
if (mystery_box != world) {
mystery_box.boxstatus = 0;
mystery_box.frame = 0;
mystery_box.spins = 0;
if (mystery_box.goaldummy != world)
mystery_box.goaldummy.frame = 0;
if (mystery_box.boxweapon)
// If the Mystery Box is not in its original
// location.
if (mystery_box.origin != mystery_box_start_origin) {
mystery_box.model = "models/props/teddy.mdl";
mystery_box.frame = 2;
mystery_box.classname = "mystery_box_tp_spot";
mystery_box.touch = SUB_Null;
mystery_box.angles_y -= 90;
if (mystery_box.goaldummy != world)
// This isn't the normal spawn position
if (mystery_box.origin != mystery_box_start_origin) {
// Find the original spot
entity original_box = find(world, classname, "mystery_box_tp_spot");
while (original_box != world) {
if (original_box.origin == mystery_box_start_origin)
original_box = find(original_box, classname, "mystery_box_tp_spot");
// Spawn the Box Glow if permitted
if (!(mystery_box.spawnflags & MBOX_SPAWNFLAG_NOLIGHT)) {
entity light = MBOX_GetFreeEnt();
light.classname = "mystery_glow";
original_box.goaldummy = light;
setmodel(light, mystery_box_glow_model);
setorigin(light, original_box.origin);
light.angles = original_box.angles;
#ifdef FTE
light.alpha = 0.5;
#endif // FTE
original_box.touch = MBOX_Touch;
original_box.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
original_box.classname = "mystery";
setorigin(original_box, original_box.origin);
setmodel(original_box, mystery_box_model);
setsize (original_box, VEC_HULL2_MIN, VEC_HULL2_MAX);
setmodel(mystery_box, mystery_box.model);
void() GameRestart_RestoreFakeRemovals =
entity ent = findfloat(world, entity_removed, true);
while(ent != world) {
ent.entity_removed = false;
ent.model = ent.oldmodel;
ent.origin = ent.oldorigin;
ent.mins = ent.bbmins;
ent.maxs = ent.bbmaxs;
ent.solid = ent.sprintflag;
setsize(ent, ent.mins, ent.maxs);
setmodel(ent, ent.model);
ent = findfloat(ent, entity_removed, true);
//moto -- put this here because it keeps soft_restart somewhat clean..
void(entity door) reclose_door = {
entity oldself;
oldself = self;
self = door;
setmodel(self, self.oldmodel);
self.solid = SOLID_BSP;
setorigin(self, self.oldorigin);
self.isopen = 0;
self = oldself;
void() Soft_Restart = {
entity who, oldself, doors, endgame;
self = find(world,classname,"player");
oldself = self;
//remove all zombies
who = find(world,classname,"ai_zombie");
while(who != world)
self = who;
// hide bodies
setmodel(self, "");
if (self.head)
setmodel(self.head, "");
if (self.larm)
setmodel(self.larm, "");
if (self.rarm)
setmodel(self.rarm, "");
self = oldself;
who = find(who,classname,"ai_zombie");
GameRestart_CleanPowerUps(); // Get rid of any Power-Ups that were spawned and left.
GameRestart_CleanWallSummons(); // Delete residual wall weapon spawns from our last game.
GameRestart_RepairBarricades(); // Make sure all barricades are fully repaired.
GameRestart_ResetPerkaColas(); // Turn all of the Perk-a-Cola lights off, reset states.
GameRestart_ResetMysteryBox(); // Clean up the Mystery Box, delete floating weapon, etc.
GameRestart_RestoreFakeRemovals(); // Puts back everything "removed" using Ent_FakeRemove().
//close doors
doors = findfloat(world, isopen, 1);
while (doors) {
if (doors.isopen)
doors = findfloat(world, isopen, 1);
//reset buyable ending
endgame = find(world, classname, "func_ending");
if (endgame) {
endgame.activated = false;
//reset teleporters
local entity tp;
tp = find(world, classname, "func_teleporter_entrance");
if (tp) {
tp.activated = false;
tp.isLinked = false;
tp.cooldown = false;
tp.waitLink = false;
tp.think = SUB_Null;
local entity power;
power = find(world, classname, "power_switch");
if(power) {
isPowerOn = false;
power.frame = 0;
self = oldself;
self.downed = 0;
self.progress_bar = 0;
self.progress_bar_time = 0;
self.progress_bar_percent = 0;
game_over = false;
rounds = 0;
self.score = 0;
self.points = 0;
self.secondaryweapon = 0;
// naievil -- clear betty
self.secondary_grenades = 0;
self.grenades = 1;
self.pri_grenade_state = 0;
self.isspec = false;