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2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
var struct framegroup {
float start_frame;
float end_frame;
float duration;
// void(entity) start_callback; // Called at the first frame of the range
void(entity) frame_callback; // Called at every frame of the range (after start / finish callbacks)
// void(entity) end_callback; // Called at the last frame of the range
// FIXME - Increasing the size of this framegroup by one more function pointer causes chaos...
// I assume I run out of space to pass framegroups along as arguments at any point...
// It starts to write into weird memory locations, like overriding self / world... things just break down.
// TODO - How can I refactor this to work?
void(entity) think_callback; // Called at each think invocation
// -- Maybe I can get rid of start / end callbacks? idk
// I should think about how I actually plan on using these...
// TODO - Get rid of start / end callback, add fields to the AI_Chase class that denotes
// TODO - These callbacks will be executed at the same time as frame anyways.
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
// FIXME - This framegroup nonsense is causing chaos... the struct is too large apparently... what can I cut out?
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
framegroup make_empty_framegroup(__out framegroup fg) {
fg.start_frame = -1;
fg.end_frame = -1;
fg.duration = 1.0;
// fg.start_callback = SUB_Null;
fg.frame_callback = SUB_Null;
// fg.end_callback = SUB_Null;
fg.think_callback = SUB_Null;
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
void init_framegroup( float start_frame, float end_frame, float duration,
void(entity) frame_callback,
void(entity) think_callback,
__out framegroup fg) {
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
fg.start_frame = start_frame;
fg.end_frame = end_frame;
fg.duration = duration;
fg.frame_callback = frame_callback;
fg.think_callback = think_callback;
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
class AI_Chase : entity {
// framegroup_registry *th_reg;
entity path_target; // If specified, path towards entity
vector path_pos; // Otherwise, path towards location specified
float think_delta_time; // Delta time (seconds) between each `this.think();`
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
// ------------------------------
// Current Framegroup value vars
// ------------------------------
float cur_fg_start_time;
float cur_fg_start_frame;
float cur_fg_end_frame;
float cur_fg_duration;
// void() endanimfunc = SUB_Null;
// virtual void(entity) cur_fg_start_callback = SUB_Null;
virtual void(entity) cur_fg_frame_callback = SUB_Null;
// virtual void(entity) cur_fg_end_callback = SUB_Null;
virtual void(entity) cur_fg_think_callback = SUB_Null;
// ------------------------------
// Framegroup state vars
// ------------------------------
float cur_fg_idx; // Counter for checking when the framegroup has been changed
float cur_fg_frame_callback_next_frame;
float cur_fg_frame_callback_is_start_frame; // Is set to true when performing cur_fg_frame_callback for the first framegroup frame
float cur_fg_frame_callback_is_end_frame; // Is set to true when performing cur_fg_frame_callback for the final framegroup frame
// ------------------------------
// Constructor. Called when calling `spawn(AI_Chase);`
virtual void() AI_Chase = {
this.path_target = world;
this.path_pos = world.origin;
this.think_delta_time = 0.1; // Call `this.think();` 10x per second
this.cur_fg_idx = 0;
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
virtual void() think = {
if(this.cur_fg_start_time >= 0) {
float cur_framegroup_idx = this.cur_fg_idx;
float dt = time - this.cur_fg_start_time;
float lerp_frac = (dt / this.cur_fg_duration);
// Frame ranges are inclusive, do an un-clamped interpolation to include the final frame
float cur_frame = unclamped_lerp(this.cur_fg_start_frame, this.cur_fg_end_frame, lerp_frac);
// For rendering, keep frame number always within current animation
if(this.cur_fg_end_frame > this.cur_fg_start_frame) {
this.frame = clamp(cur_frame, this.cur_fg_start_frame, this.cur_fg_end_frame);
else {
this.frame = clamp(cur_frame, this.cur_fg_end_frame, this.cur_fg_start_frame);
// print("Cur frame: ");
// print(ftos(this.frame));
// print(", start_frame: ");
// print(ftos(this.cur_fg_start_frame));
// print(", end_frame: ");
// print(ftos(this.cur_fg_end_frame));
// print(", cur_frame: ");
// print(ftos(cur_frame));
// print(", next frame callback: ");
// print(ftos(this.cur_fg_frame_callback_next_frame));
// print(", duration: ");
// print(ftos(this.cur_fg_duration));
// print("\n");
// TODO - round frame to nearest frame?
// If the animation is playing forward (low frame num to high frame num)
if(this.cur_fg_end_frame > this.cur_fg_start_frame) {
if(cur_frame >= this.cur_fg_frame_callback_next_frame) {
if(cur_frame >= this.cur_fg_end_frame + 1) {
this.cur_fg_frame_callback_is_end_frame = true;
this.cur_fg_frame_callback(this); // FIXME - This can override and invoke new things, need to be careful
// Callback may have assigned new framegroup
if(this.cur_fg_idx == cur_framegroup_idx) {
this.cur_fg_frame_callback_is_start_frame = false;
this.cur_fg_frame_callback_is_end_frame = false;
this.cur_fg_frame_callback_next_frame = floor(cur_frame) + 1;
// print("\tSet next frame callback frame to: ");
// print(ftos(this.cur_fg_frame_callback_next_frame));
// print("\n");
// else the animation is playing in reverse (high frame num to low frame num)
else {
if(cur_frame <= this.cur_fg_frame_callback_next_frame) {
if(cur_frame <= this.cur_fg_end_frame - 1) {
this.cur_fg_frame_callback_is_end_frame = true;
// Callback may have assigned new framegroup
if(this.cur_fg_idx == cur_fg_idx) {
this.cur_fg_frame_callback_is_start_frame = false;
this.cur_fg_frame_callback_is_end_frame = false;
this.cur_fg_frame_callback_next_frame = ceil(cur_frame) - 1;
// Callback may have assigned new framegroup
// if(this.cur_fg_idx == cur_fg_idx) {
// }
this.nextthink = time + this.think_delta_time;
virtual void (float duration) set_framegroup_duration = {
// If no current framegroup, stop
if(this.cur_fg_start_time < 0) {
print("Warning: Attempted to set framegroup duration without an active framegroup.\n");
this.cur_fg_duration = duration;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adjust think_delta_time so no frames are skipped
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
float n_anim_frames = fabs(this.cur_fg_end_frame - this.cur_fg_start_frame);
float time_per_frame = duration / n_anim_frames;
// If faster than 10FPS, make thinks be called more often to not miss a frame callback
if(time_per_frame < 0.10) {
this.think_delta_time = time_per_frame * 0.5;
else {
this.think_delta_time = 0.1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
virtual void (framegroup fgroup) set_framegroup = {
// Increment framegroup counter. Reset every 100, we only use this to check when it has changed
this.cur_fg_idx = (this.cur_fg_idx + 1) % 100;
// FIXME - frame callback isn't guaranteed to be called for every frame because sometimes we skip over frames
// FIXME - I should modify the think delta time to run at 80% of the time between frames, or 0.10 seconds, whichever is greater.
// FIXME - That way, if are playing an animation really fast, it'll call think more often
this.cur_fg_start_frame = fgroup.start_frame;
this.cur_fg_end_frame = fgroup.end_frame;
this.cur_fg_frame_callback = fgroup.frame_callback;
this.cur_fg_think_callback = fgroup.think_callback;
// Start the animation now
this.cur_fg_frame_callback_is_start_frame = true;
this.cur_fg_frame_callback_is_end_frame = false;
this.frame = this.cur_fg_start_frame;
this.cur_fg_start_time = time;
this.cur_fg_frame_callback_next_frame = this.cur_fg_start_frame;
// print("Done setting framegroup! Start frame: ");
// print(ftos(fgroup.start_frame));
// print(", End frame: ");
// print(ftos(fgroup.end_frame));
// print("\n");
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
virtual void () fg_die = {};
virtual void () fg_walk = {};
virtual void () fg_attack = {};
virtual void () fg_idle = {};
virtual void (float dist) do_walk_to_goal = {
if(dist == 0) {
vector goal_pos = path_pos;
if(this.path_target != world) {
goal_pos = this.path_target.origin;
this.ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(goal_pos - this.origin);
vector new_velocity;
float dist_to_goal = vlen(goal_pos - this.origin);
if(dist > dist_to_goal) {
dist = dist_to_goal;
new_velocity = normalize(goal_pos - this.origin) * dist;
new_velocity_z = this.velocity_z;
this.velocity = new_velocity;
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
class AI_Zombie : AI_Chase {
entity enemy; // If near, attack
// Constructor. Called when calling `spawn(AI_Zombie);`
// virtual void() AI_Zombie = {};
// This should be called explicitly:
virtual void(vector org) init;
virtual void () fg_die;
virtual void () fg_walk;
virtual void () fg_attack;
virtual void () fg_idle;
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
framegroup fg_zombie_walk_0;
framegroup fg_zombie_walk_1;
framegroup fg_zombie_walk_2;
framegroup fg_zombie_jog_0;
framegroup fg_zombie_run_0;
// framegroup fg_zombie_run_1; // TODO - Either add new anims, or make new run FG with different speed?
// framegroup fg_zombie_run_2; // TODO - Either add new anims, or make new run FG with different speed?
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
framegroup fg_zombie_idle_0;
framegroup fg_zombie_attack_0;
framegroup fg_zombie_attack_1;
framegroup fg_zombie_die_0;
framegroup fg_zombie_die_1;
framegroup fg_zombie_die_2;
float get_zombie_walk_is_footstep(float frame) {
frame = floor(frame);
switch(frame) {
// ------------ Zombie Walk 1 --------------
case 39: // Right foot
case 44: // Left foot
case 47: // Right foot
case 51: // Left foot
return 1;
return 0;
float get_zombie_walk_dist_for_frame(float frame) {
frame = floor(frame);
switch(frame) {
// ------------ Zombie Walk 1 --------------
case 37:
return 8;
case 38:
case 39:
case 40:
case 41:
case 42:
return 3.5;
case 43:
return 8.8;
case 44:
return 9;
case 45:
case 46:
return 4;
case 47:
return 7.8;
case 48:
return 5.2;
case 49:
return 2.4;
case 50:
return 2.8;
case 51:
return 6.5;
case 52:
return 7.7;
return 0.0;
// Called at the first frame of the current animation
void zombie_walk_start_callback(entity ent) {
// print("start called\n");
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
// Called once per animation frame:
void zombie_walk_frame_callback(entity ent) {
AI_Zombie zombie_ent = (AI_Zombie) ent;
// print("frame called\n");
// print("frame called. At frame: ");
// print(ftos(ent.frame));
// // print(", is first frame? ");
// // print(ftos(zombie_ent.cur_fg_frame_callback_is_start_frame));
// // print(", is final frame? ");
// // print(ftos(zombie_ent.cur_fg_frame_callback_is_end_frame));
// print("\n");
if(get_zombie_walk_is_footstep(ent.frame)) {
if(random() < 0.5) {
sound(self, 5, "sounds/zombie/s0.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
else {
sound(self, 5, "sounds/zombie/s1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
if(zombie_ent.cur_fg_frame_callback_is_end_frame) {
// print("At final frame, restarting walk\n");
// TODO - If at final frame, call fg_walk again...
// AI_Zombie zombie_ent = (AI_Zombie) ent;
// zombie_ent.fg_walk();
// ent.fg_walk();
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
// Called once per ent.think invocation
void zombie_walk_think_callback(entity ent) {
// print("Think called\n");
// print("Think called for frame: ");
// print(ftos(ent.frame));
// print("\n");
AI_Zombie zombie_ent = (AI_Zombie) ent;
// zombie_ent.fg_walk();
// "::classname" denotes the global ".string classname" field.
entity player_ent = find( world, ::classname, "player");
if(player_ent != world) {
zombie_ent.path_target = player_ent;
ent.enemy = player_ent;
float n_anim_frames = fabs(zombie_ent.cur_fg_end_frame - zombie_ent.cur_fg_start_frame);
// float dist_per_frame = 5.23125; // qu
float dist_per_frame = get_zombie_walk_dist_for_frame(zombie_ent.frame);
float time_per_frame = zombie_ent.cur_fg_duration / n_anim_frames;
float speed = dist_per_frame / time_per_frame;
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
void create_framegroups() {
// walk0 37 52
// walk1 53 66
// walk3 67 82
// jog0 116 129
// run0 78 85
// idle0 0 12
// attack0 86 90
// attack1 91 96
// death0 123 133
// death1 134 138
// death2 139 148
// In blender, it's frames 38 to 53, inclusive
// make_empty_framegroup(fg_zombie_walk_0);
init_framegroup( 38, 53, 1.0, zombie_walk_frame_callback, zombie_walk_think_callback, fg_zombie_walk_0);
init_framegroup( 53, 66, 10.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, fg_zombie_walk_1);
init_framegroup( 67, 82, 10.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, fg_zombie_walk_2);
init_framegroup( 116, 129, 10.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, fg_zombie_jog_0);
init_framegroup( 78, 85, 10.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, fg_zombie_run_0);
init_framegroup( 0, 12, 10.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, fg_zombie_idle_0);
init_framegroup( 86, 90, 10.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, fg_zombie_attack_0);
init_framegroup( 91, 96, 10.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, fg_zombie_attack_1);
init_framegroup( 123, 133, 10.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, fg_zombie_die_0);
init_framegroup( 134, 138, 10.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, fg_zombie_die_1);
init_framegroup( 139, 148, 10.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, fg_zombie_die_2);
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
void(vector org) AI_Zombie::init = {
setmodel(this, "models/ai/zfull.mdl");
// ---------------------------------
// Usual zombie setup stuff
// ---------------------------------
this.solid = SOLID_CORPSE;
#ifdef PC
this.dimension_solid = HITBOX_DIM_ZOMBIES;
#endif // PC
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
// this.movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP;
this.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
setsize (this, '-8 -8 -32', '8 8 30');
this.origin = org;
setorigin(this, this.origin);
this.classname = "ai_zombie";
this.gravity = 1.0;
this.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
this.flags = this.flags | FL_PARTIALGROUND | FL_MONSTER;
this.health = 999999;
// SetUpHitBoxes(self);
// ---------------------------------
this.yaw_speed = 20;
// ---------------------------------
this.think_delta_time = 0.1; // 10x per second
this.nextthink = time + this.think_delta_time;
this.cur_fg_start_time = -1;
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
// void() AI_Zombie::think = {
// print("we do be thinkin!\n");
// // TODO - how to call superclass think?
// }
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
void () AI_Zombie::fg_walk = {
this.set_framegroup_duration(fg_zombie_walk_0.duration * (1.0 + 3.0 * random()));
// print("Set anim duration to: ");
// print(ftos(this.cur_fg_duration));
// print("\n");
void () AI_Zombie::fg_die = {
// TODO - Execute -- zombie_die_0
void () AI_Zombie::fg_attack = {
// TODO - Execute an attack framegroup
void () AI_Zombie::fg_idle = {
// TODO - Execute the idle framegroup
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
void() test_new_ent = {
// AI_Chase test_ent = spawn(AI_Chase);
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
AI_Zombie zombie = spawn(AI_Zombie);
zombie.init(self.origin + v_forward * 100);
// somefunc();
// framegroup_registry zombie_th_reg;
// // framegroup_registry crawler_th_reg;
// // framegroup_registry dog_th_reg;
// framegroup zombie_attack_0;
// // framegroup zombie_attack_1;
// // framegroup zombie_idle_0;
// // framegroup zombie_die_0;
// // framegroup zombie_die_1;
// // framegroup zombie_die_2;
// // framegroup zombie_walk_0;
// // framegroup zombie_walk_1;
// // framegroup zombie_walk_2;
// // framegroup zombie_jog_0;
// // framegroup zombie_run_1;
// // framegroup zombie_run_2;
// // framegroup zombie_run_3;
// create_framegroup( zombie_attack_0, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // create_framegroup( zombie_attack_1, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // create_framegroup( zombie_idle_0, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // create_framegroup( zombie_die_0, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // create_framegroup( zombie_die_1, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // create_framegroup( zombie_die_2, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // create_framegroup( zombie_walk_0, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // create_framegroup( zombie_walk_1, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // create_framegroup( zombie_walk_2, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // create_framegroup( zombie_jog_0, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // create_framegroup( zombie_run_1, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // create_framegroup( zombie_run_2, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // create_framegroup( zombie_run_3, 0, 10, 5.0, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null);
// // zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups = 2;
// print(strcat("Num before:",ftos(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups),"\n"));
// register_framegroup( zombie_th_reg.fg_attack, zombie_attack_0);
// print(strcat("Num after:",ftos(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups),"\n"));
// zombie_th_reg.fg_attack = register_framegroup( zombie_th_reg.fg_attack, zombie_attack_0);
// print(strcat("Num before:",ftos(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups)));
// zombie_th_reg.fg_attack = register_framegroup( zombie_th_reg.fg_attack, zombie_attack_0);
// print(strcat("Num after:",ftos(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups)));
// print(strcat("Num before:",ftos(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups)));
// zombie_th_reg.fg_attack = register_framegroup( zombie_th_reg.fg_attack, zombie_attack_0);
// print(strcat("Num after:",ftos(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups)));
// print(strcat("Num before:",ftos(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups)));
// zombie_th_reg.fg_attack = register_framegroup( zombie_th_reg.fg_attack, zombie_attack_0);
// print(strcat("Num after:",ftos(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups)));
// print(strcat("Num before:",ftos(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups)));
// zombie_th_reg.fg_attack = register_framegroup( zombie_th_reg.fg_attack, zombie_attack_0);
// print(strcat("Num after:",ftos(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups)));
// print(strcat("Num before:",ftos(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups)));
// zombie_th_reg.fg_attack = register_framegroup( zombie_th_reg.fg_attack, zombie_attack_0);
// print(strcat("Num after:",ftos(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack.num_framegroups)));
// print(ftos(result));
// print("\n");
// result = register_framegroup( &(zombie_th_reg.fg_attack), &zombie_attack_1);
// print(ftos(result));
// print("\n");
// result = register_framegroup( &(zombie_th_reg.fg_idle), &zombie_idle_0);
// print(ftos(result));
// print("\n");
// result = register_framegroup( &(zombie_th_reg.fg_die), &zombie_die_0);
// print(ftos(result));
// print("\n");
// result = register_framegroup( &(zombie_th_reg.fg_die), &zombie_die_1);
// print(ftos(result));
// print("\n");
2023-02-05 05:52:50 +00:00
// ========================================================================================================
// class Chase_AI : entity {
// float interval;
// // ------------------------------------------
// // Animation Control fields
// // ------------------------------------------
// float cur_anim_cur_frame; // Current frame index
// float cur_anim_end_frame; // Goal frame index
// float cur_anim_frame_lerp; // float 0->1 indicating current lerp progress between frames
// float cur_anim; // Some identifier for which type of animation to play
// float cur_anim_end_type; // Pause? Stop? float
// float counter;
// // ------------------------------------------
// nonvirtual void(vector org) init = {
// setmodel(this, "models/ai/zfull.mdl");
// // ---------------------------------
// // Usual zombie setup stuff
// // ---------------------------------
// this.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
// this.movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP;
// setsize (this, '-8 -8 -32', '8 8 30');
// this.origin = org;
// setorigin(this, this.origin);
// this.classname = "ai_zombie";
// this.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
// this.flags = this.flags | FL_PARTIALGROUND | FL_MONSTER;
// this.health = 999999;
// // SetUpHitBoxes(self);
// // ---------------------------------
// this.cur_anim_end_frame = 227; // Zombie last frame
// this.nextthink = time + this.interval;
// this.counter = 0;
// };
// virtual void() think = {
// print("test: ");
// print(ftos(time));
// print(", ");
// print(ftos(this.counter));
// print("\n");
// this.counter += 1;
// if(this.counter > 10) {
// this.frame = (this.frame + 20) % 227;
// this.counter = 0;
// }
// this.nextthink = time + this.interval;
// };
// // Example functions for classes
// nonvirtual void(entity e) set_enemy = {
// this.enemy = e;
// };
// void() foo = {
// this.nextthink = time + this.interval;
// };
// void(float x) test = {
// print(ftos(x[0]));
// print(ftos(x[1]));
// print(ftos(x[2]));
// print("\n");
// };
// };
// // foo myfoo = spawn(foo, message:"Hello World", interval:5);
// // myfoo.setEnemy(self);
// // };
// class Zombie : Chase_AI {
// };
// class Crawler : Chase_AI {
// };
// class Dog : Chase_AI {
// };
// void() test_new_ent = {
// makevectors(self.v_angle);
// Chase_AI zombie = spawn(Chase_AI, message:"thas a zomber", interval:0.1);
// zombie.init(self.origin + v_forward * 100);
// float x[3];
// x[0] = 1;
// // print(ftos(x[0]));
// // print(ftos(x[1]));
// // print(ftos(x[2]));
// // print("\n");
// float x[] = {
// 0, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20,
// };
// zombie.test(x);
// }
// framegroup1 = {
// 'start_frame': 0,
// 'end_frame': 10,
// 'duration': 10.0; // seconds
// 'start_callback': void(){}, // Called at the first frame of the range
// 'frame_callback': void(){}, // Called at every frame of the range (after start / finish callbacks)
// 'finish_callback': void(){}, // Called at the last frame of the range
// }
// void() th_die_dispatcher = {
// if(random() < 0.33) {
// framegroup1();
// }
// else if(random() < 0.5) {
// framegroup2();
// }
// else {
// framegroup3();
// }
// };
// framegroup_registry = {
// 'th_die': th_die_dispatcher,
// 'th_walk': ,
// 'th_run': ,
// 'th_attack': ,
// 'th_idle': ,
// 'th_chase_monkey': SUB_Null,
// }
// framegroup_registry = {
// 'th_die': {framegroup1, framegroup1, framegroup1, framegroup1, framegroup1, SUB_Null, SUB_Null, SUB_Null},
// 'th_walk': ,
// 'th_run': ,
// 'th_attack': ,
// 'th_idle': ,
// 'th_chase_monkey': SUB_Null,
// }
// typedef {
// }
// struct_t
// // For traversal
// traversal_registry = {
// 'traversal_hop_fence': SUB_Null,
// 'traversal_drop_down_ledge': ,
// 'traversal_jump_up_ledge': ,
// 'traversal_...': ,
// 'traversal_...': ,
// }
// void(float start_frame, float end_frame, float cur_frame) frame_callback = {
// if(cur_frame == end_frame) {
// // do something else
// }
// }
// //-----------------------------------------------------------------
// var struct powerup_struct
// {
// float id;
// float occupied;
// float flash_screen;
// string model_path;
// string voiceover_path;
// void() function;
// float() requirement_function;
// } powerup_array[MAX_POWERUPS] = {};
// float powerup_count;
// float powerup_index;
// .float zombie_drop_id;
// //
// // PU_AddToStruct(id, model_path, voiceover_path)
// // Adds the Power-Up and info to the powerup struct
// //
// void(float id, float flash_screen, string model_path, string voiceover_path, void() function, float() requirement_function)
// PU_AddToStruct =
// {
// if (id > MAX_POWERUPS - 1)
// return;
// // Precache Model and VO
// precache_model(model_path);
// precache_sound(voiceover_path);
// // Populate the Struct at Index
// powerup_array[powerup_count].id = id;
// powerup_array[powerup_count].occupied = true;
// powerup_array[powerup_count].flash_screen = flash_screen;
// powerup_array[powerup_count].model_path = model_path;
// powerup_array[powerup_count].voiceover_path = voiceover_path;
// powerup_array[powerup_count].function = function;
// powerup_array[powerup_count].requirement_function = requirement_function;
// // Increment Index
// powerup_count++;
// };
// PU_AddToStruct(PU_NUKE, true, "models/pu/nuke!.mdl", "sounds/pu/nuke.wav", PU_Nuke, PU_NullRequirement );
// PU_AddToStruct(PU_INSTAKILL, false, "models/pu/instakill!.mdl", "sounds/pu/insta_kill.wav", PU_InstaKill, PU_NullRequirement );
// PU_AddToStruct(PU_DOUBLEPTS, false, "models/pu/x2!.mdl", "sounds/pu/double_points.wav", PU_DoublePoints, PU_NullRequirement );
// PU_AddToStruct(PU_CARPENTER, false, "models/pu/carpenter!.mdl", "sounds/pu/carpenter.wav", PU_Carpenter, PU_CarpenterRequirement );
// PU_AddToStruct(PU_MAXAMMO, false, "models/pu/maxammo!.mdl", "sounds/pu/maxammo.wav", PU_MaxAmmo, PU_NullRequirement );