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synced 2025-03-04 16:01:35 +00:00
fix crash from qwplayers with invalid modelindexes rework allow_skybox a little. now applies immediately. try to fix the appears-outside-of-map bug, again. dir *.wav now shows a little extra info on mouse-over. try loading music file extensions that we expect to be able to play via ffmpeg, not just the ones that are directly supported. rework the hidden fps_presets, show them with tab completion. fix a possible crash with r_temporalscenecache fix lightmap updates on submodels not happening properly with the scenecache. fix the serious memory leak with scenecache. add r_glsl_pbr cvar to force use of pbr pathways in our glsl. fix bug in alsa output not supporting float output properly. preliminary work to have the mixer use floating point mixing. disabled for now. try to update sys_register_file_associations on linux, still needs work though. try to work around nquake's config quirks, so config files don't get overwritten. repackage quake's conchars in order to add padding. this should avoid extra junk on the outside of glyphs. give fteqcc(commandline version) some extra package extration/creation support. our paks should be more end-user-friendly, and our spanned pk3s are awesome. write rune state to legacy saved games, so we don't ever have the missing-runes bug ever again... git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5780 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
443 lines
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443 lines
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!!ver 100 450
!!permu TESS
!!permu DELUXE
!!permu FULLBRIGHT //lumas rather than no lightmaps
!!permu FOG
!!permu BUMP
!!permu SPECULAR
!!cvarf r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale
!!cvardf r_glsl_pcf
!!cvardf r_tessellation_level=5
!!samps diffuse
!!samps !EIGHTBIT =FULLBRIGHT fullbright
!!samps !EIGHTBIT =BUMP normalmap
!!samps !EIGHTBIT =REFLECTCUBEMASK reflectmask reflectcube
//diffuse gives us alpha, and prevents dlight from bugging out when there's no diffuse.
!!samps =EIGHTBIT paletted 1
!!samps =SPECULAR specular
!!samps !VERTEXLIT lightmap
!!samps =LIGHTSTYLED lightmap1 lightmap2 lightmap3
!!samps =DELUXE deluxemap
!!samps =LIGHTSTYLED =DELUXE deluxemap1 deluxemap2 deluxemap3
!!samps =FAKESHADOWS shadowmap
#if defined(ORM) || defined(SG)
#define PBR
#include "sys/defs.h"
//this is what normally draws all of your walls, even with rtlights disabled
//note that the '286' preset uses drawflat_walls instead.
#include "sys/fog.h"
#if defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(SPECULAR) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
varying vec3 eyevector;
varying mat3 invsurface;
varying vec2 tc;
varying vec4 vc;
//we could use an offset, but that would still need to be per-surface which would break batches
//fixme: merge attributes?
varying vec2 lm0, lm1, lm2, lm3;
varying vec2 lm0;
varying vec4 vtexprojcoord;
#ifdef TESS
varying vec3 vertex, normal;
void main ()
#if defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(SPECULAR) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
vec3 eyeminusvertex = e_eyepos - v_position.xyz;
eyevector.x = dot(eyeminusvertex, v_svector.xyz);
eyevector.y = dot(eyeminusvertex, v_tvector.xyz);
eyevector.z = dot(eyeminusvertex, v_normal.xyz);
invsurface = mat3(v_svector, v_tvector, v_normal);
tc = v_texcoord;
#ifdef FLOW
tc.s += e_time * -0.5;
//FIXME, only one colour.
vc = v_colour * e_lmscale[0];
vc = v_colour * e_lmscale;
lm0 = v_lmcoord;
lm1 = v_lmcoord2;
lm2 = v_lmcoord3;
lm3 = v_lmcoord4;
#ifdef TESS
vertex = v_position;
normal = v_normal;
gl_Position = ftetransform();
vtexprojcoord = (l_cubematrix*vec4(v_position.xyz, 1.0));
gl_Position = ftetransform();
layout(vertices = 3) out;
in vec3 vertex[];
out vec3 t_vertex[];
in vec3 normal[];
out vec3 t_normal[];
#if defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(SPECULAR) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
in vec3 eyevector[];
out vec3 t_eyevector[];
in mat3 invsurface[];
out mat3 t_invsurface[];
in vec2 tc[];
out vec2 t_tc[];
in vec4 vc[];
out vec4 t_vc[];
in vec2 lm0[];
out vec2 t_lm0[];
in vec2 lm1[], lm2[], lm3[];
out vec2 t_lm1[], t_lm2[], t_lm3[];
void main()
//the control shader needs to pass stuff through
#define id gl_InvocationID
t_vertex[id] = vertex[id];
t_normal[id] = normal[id];
t_invsurface[id] = invsurface[id];
t_tc[id] = tc[id];
t_vc[id] = vc[id];
t_lm0[id] = lm0[id];
t_lm1[id] = lm1[id];
t_lm2[id] = lm2[id];
t_lm3[id] = lm3[id];
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
t_eyevector[id] = eyevector[id];
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = float(r_tessellation_level);
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = float(r_tessellation_level);
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = float(r_tessellation_level);
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = float(r_tessellation_level);
layout(triangles) in;
in vec3 t_vertex[];
in vec3 t_normal[];
#if defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(SPECULAR) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
in vec3 t_eyevector[];
in mat3 t_invsurface[];
in vec2 t_tc[];
in vec4 t_vc[];
//we could use an offset, but that would still need to be per-surface which would break batches
//fixme: merge attributes?
in vec2 t_lm0[], t_lm1[], t_lm2[], t_lm3[];
in vec2 t_lm0[];
#define LERP(a) (gl_TessCoord.x*a[0] + gl_TessCoord.y*a[1] + gl_TessCoord.z*a[2])
void main()
#define factor 1.0
tc = LERP(t_tc);
vc = LERP(t_vc);
lm0 = LERP(t_lm0);
lm1 = LERP(t_lm1);
lm2 = LERP(t_lm2);
lm3 = LERP(t_lm3);
vec3 w = LERP(t_vertex);
vec3 t0 = w - dot(w-t_vertex[0],t_normal[0])*t_normal[0];
vec3 t1 = w - dot(w-t_vertex[1],t_normal[1])*t_normal[1];
vec3 t2 = w - dot(w-t_vertex[2],t_normal[2])*t_normal[2];
w = w*(1.0-factor) + factor*(gl_TessCoord.x*t0+gl_TessCoord.y*t1+gl_TessCoord.z*t2);
#if defined(PCF) || defined(SPOT) || defined(CUBE)
//for texture projections/shadowmapping on dlights
vtexprojcoord = (l_cubematrix*vec4(w.xyz, 1.0));
//FIXME: we should be recalcing these here, instead of just lerping them
invsurface = LERP(t_invsurface);
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
eyevector = LERP(t_eyevector);
gl_Position = m_modelviewprojection * vec4(w,1.0);
#define s_colourmap s_t0
#include "sys/pbr.h"
#include "sys/pcf.h"
#include "sys/offsetmapping.h"
void main ()
//adjust texture coords for offsetmapping
vec2 tcoffsetmap = offsetmap(s_normalmap, tc, eyevector);
#define tc tcoffsetmap
#if defined(EIGHTBIT) && !defined(LIGHTSTYLED)
//optional: round the lightmap coords to ensure all pixels within a texel have different lighting values either. it just looks wrong otherwise.
//don't bother if its lightstyled, such cases will have unpredictable correlations anyway.
//FIXME: this rounding is likely not correct with respect to software rendering. oh well.
#if __VERSION__ >= 130 && !defined(VERTEXLIT)
vec2 lmsize = vec2(textureSize(s_lightmap0, 0));
#define lmsize vec2(128.0,2048.0)
#define texelstolightmap (16.0)
vec2 lmcoord0 = floor(lm0 * lmsize*texelstolightmap)/(lmsize*texelstolightmap);
#define lm0 lmcoord0
//Read the base texture (with EIGHTBIT only alpha is needed)
vec4 col = texture2D(s_diffuse, tc);
#if defined(BUMP) && (defined(DELUXE) || defined(SPECULAR) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK))
vec3 norm = normalize(texture2D(s_normalmap, tc).rgb - 0.5);
#elif defined(PBR) || defined(SPECULAR) || defined(DELUXE) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK)
vec3 norm = vec3(0, 0, 1); //specular lighting expects this to exist.
//modulate that by the lightmap(s) including deluxemap(s)
vec3 lightmaps = vc.rgb;
vec3 lightmaps = vc.rgb;
#define deluxe vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0)
#define deluxe vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0)
vec3 lightmaps;
#ifdef DELUXE
lightmaps = texture2D(s_lightmap0, lm0).rgb * e_lmscale[0].rgb * dot(norm, 2.0*texture2D(s_deluxemap0, lm0).rgb-0.5);
lightmaps += texture2D(s_lightmap1, lm1).rgb * e_lmscale[1].rgb * dot(norm, 2.0*texture2D(s_deluxemap1, lm1).rgb-0.5);
lightmaps += texture2D(s_lightmap2, lm2).rgb * e_lmscale[2].rgb * dot(norm, 2.0*texture2D(s_deluxemap2, lm2).rgb-0.5);
lightmaps += texture2D(s_lightmap3, lm3).rgb * e_lmscale[3].rgb * dot(norm, 2.0*texture2D(s_deluxemap3, lm3).rgb-0.5);
lightmaps = texture2D(s_lightmap0, lm0).rgb * e_lmscale[0].rgb;
lightmaps += texture2D(s_lightmap1, lm1).rgb * e_lmscale[1].rgb;
lightmaps += texture2D(s_lightmap2, lm2).rgb * e_lmscale[2].rgb;
lightmaps += texture2D(s_lightmap3, lm3).rgb * e_lmscale[3].rgb;
vec3 lightmaps = (texture2D(s_lightmap, lm0) * e_lmscale).rgb;
//modulate by the bumpmap dot light
#ifdef DELUXE
vec3 deluxe = (texture2D(s_deluxemap, lm0).rgb-0.5);
deluxe = normalize(deluxe*invsurface);
deluxe = normalize(deluxe);
lightmaps *= 2.0 / max(0.25, deluxe.z); //counter the darkening from deluxemaps
lightmaps *= dot(norm, deluxe);
#define deluxe vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0)
// col *= factor_base;
#define dielectricSpecular 0.04
vec4 specs = texture2D(s_specular, tc);//*factor_spec;
#ifdef ORM
#define occlusion specs.r
#define roughness specs.g
#define metalness specs.b
#define gloss (1.0-roughness)
#define ambientrgb (specrgb+col.rgb)
vec3 specrgb = mix(vec3(dielectricSpecular), col.rgb, metalness);
vec3 albedorgb = col.rgb * (1.0 - dielectricSpecular) * (1.0-metalness);
#elif defined(SG) //pbr-style specular+glossiness
//occlusion needs to be baked in. :(
#define roughness (1.0-specs.a)
#define gloss specs.a
#define specrgb specs.rgb
#define ambientrgb (specs.rgb+col.rgb)
#define albedorgb col.rgb
#elif defined(PBR) //PBR using legacy texturemaps
#define gloss specs.a
#define roughness (1.0-gloss)
//metalness not relevant
//our pbr stuff doesn't much like our inputs.
vec3 specrgb, albedorgb;
//if (1==0)
//{ //metal
// specrgb = col.rgb;//+specs.rgb;
// albedorgb = vec3(0.0);
//{ //non-metal
specrgb = vec3(dielectricSpecular);
albedorgb = col.rgb;//+specs.rgb;
#define ambientrgb col.rgb
#else //blinn-phong
#define gloss specs.a
//occlusion not defined
#define specrgb specs.rgb
//no specular map specified. doesn't mean we shouldn't have any though, at least with pbr enabled.
#define roughness 0.3
#define specrgb 1.0 //vec3(dielectricSpecular)
#define albedorgb col.rgb
//add in specular, if applicable.
#ifdef PBR
col.rgb = DoPBR(norm, normalize(eyevector), deluxe, roughness, albedorgb, specrgb, vec3(0.0,1.0,1.0));//*e_light_mul + e_light_ambient*.25*ambientrgb;
#elif defined(gloss)
vec3 halfdir = normalize(normalize(eyevector) + deluxe); //this norm should be the deluxemap info instead
float spec = pow(max(dot(halfdir, norm), 0.0), FTE_SPECULAR_EXPONENT * gloss);
//NOTE: rtlights tend to have a *4 scaler here to over-emphasise the effect because it looks cool.
//As not all maps will have deluxemapping, and the double-cos from the light util makes everything far too dark anyway,
//we default to something that is not garish when the light value is directly infront of every single pixel.
//we can justify this difference due to the rtlight editor etc showing the *4.
col.rgb += spec * specrgb;
vec3 rtc = reflect(normalize(-eyevector), norm);
rtc = rtc.x*invsurface[0] + rtc.y*invsurface[1] + rtc.z*invsurface[2];
rtc = (m_model * vec4(rtc.xyz,0.0)).xyz;
col.rgb += texture2D(s_reflectmask, tc).rgb * textureCube(s_reflectcube, rtc).rgb;
#ifdef EIGHTBIT //FIXME: with this extra flag, half the permutations are redundant.
lightmaps *= 0.5; //counter the fact that the colourmap contains overbright values and logically ranges from 0 to 2 intead of to 1.
float pal = texture2D(s_paletted, tc).r; //the palette index. hopefully not interpolated.
lightmaps -= 1.0 / 128.0; //software rendering appears to round down, so make sure we favour the lower values instead of rounding to the nearest
col.r = texture2D(s_colourmap, vec2(pal, 1.0-lightmaps.r)).r; //do 3 lookups. this is to cope with lit files, would be a waste to not support those.
col.g = texture2D(s_colourmap, vec2(pal, 1.0-lightmaps.g)).g; //its not very softwarey, but re-palettizing is ugly.
col.b = texture2D(s_colourmap, vec2(pal, 1.0-lightmaps.b)).b; //without lits, it should be identical.
//now we have our diffuse+specular terms, modulate by lightmap values.
col.rgb *= lightmaps.rgb;
//add on the fullbright
col.rgb += texture2D(s_fullbright, tc).rgb;
//entity modifiers
col *= e_colourident;
/*filter the light by the shadowmap. logically a boolean, but we allow fractions for softer shadows*/
col.rgb *= ShadowmapFilter(s_shadowmap, vtexprojcoord);
//col.g = ShadowmapFilter(s_shadowmap, vtexprojcoord);
#if defined(MASK)
#if defined(MASKLT)
if (col.a < MASK)
if (col.a >= MASK)
col.a = 1.0; //alpha blending AND alpha testing usually looks stupid, plus it screws up our fog.
//and finally hide it all if we're fogged.
gl_FragColor = fog4(col);