mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:02:01 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@6176 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
1503 lines
57 KiB
1503 lines
57 KiB
#include "quakedef.h"
#include <ctype.h>
//ruleset validation:
//internal rulesets are taken at their word.
// we cannot verify the client build itself.
// its too easy to spoof replies from the client (eg by using a proxy) so there's not much point trying to sign things by hashing the engine binary etc
// and private keys in gpl software is not feasable.
//custom/external rulesets may get out of sync with the engine. or the file hand-edited, or poorly updated etc.
// we DO hash the rules and report them with the hash. this stops trivial text-editing cheaters.
// we sort the rules etc so comments or reordering does not affect anything, allowing for some maintainence of the files without functional changes.
// this ensures newcomers to a tournament do not have to worry about inadvertantly using a cheat, they just need to update their ruleset files (presumably alongside the rest of whatever mod(s) they're playing with).
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "winquake.h"
qboolean care_f_modified;
qboolean f_modified_particles;
typedef struct {
char *rulecond;
char *rulename;
char *rulevalue;
} rulesetrule_t;
typedef struct {
hashfunc_t *hashfunc;
char *filename;
char *hash;
size_t numhashes; //we may allow more than one hash.
} rulesetfilehashes_t;
typedef struct ruleset_s {
struct ruleset_s *next;
char *rulesetname;
size_t rules;
rulesetrule_t *rule;
size_t filehashes;
rulesetfilehashes_t *filehash;
qboolean flagged;
qbyte hash[20]; //sha1
qboolean external;
} ruleset_t;
static ruleset_t *ruleset_list;
static ruleset_t *ruleset_current;
static void RulesetLatch(cvar_t *cvar);
static void QDECL rulesetcallback(cvar_t *var, char *oldval)
cvar_t allow_f_version = CVAR("allow_f_version", "1");
cvar_t allow_f_server = CVAR("allow_f_server", "1");
cvar_t allow_f_skins = CVAR("allow_f_skins", "1");
cvar_t allow_f_ruleset = CVAR("allow_f_ruleset", "1");
cvar_t allow_f_scripts = CVAR("allow_f_scripts", "1");
cvar_t allow_f_modified = CVAR("allow_f_modified", "1");
cvar_t allow_f_fakeshaft = CVAR("allow_f_fakeshaft", "1");
cvar_t auth_validateclients = CVAR("auth_validateclients", "1");
cvar_t allow_f_system = CVAR("allow_f_system", "0");
cvar_t allow_f_cmdline = CVAR("allow_f_cmdline", "0");
cvar_t ruleset = CVARCD("ruleset", "none", rulesetcallback, "Known rulesets are:\nnone: no explicit rules, all 'minor cheats' are allowed.\nstrict: equivelent to the smackdown ruleset. Note that this will block certain graphical enhancements too.");
typedef struct signed_buffer_s {
qbyte *buf;
unsigned long size;
} signed_buffer_t;
typedef signed_buffer_t *(*Security_Verify_Response_t) (int playernum, unsigned char *, char *userinfo, char *serverinfo);
typedef int (*Security_Init_t) (char *);
typedef signed_buffer_t *(*Security_Generate_Crc_t) (int playernum, char *userinfo, char *serverinfo);
typedef signed_buffer_t *(*Security_IsModelModified_t) (char *, int, qbyte *, int);
typedef void (*Security_Supported_Binaries_t) (void *);
typedef void (*Security_Shutdown_t) (void);
static Security_Verify_Response_t Security_Verify_Response;
static Security_Init_t Security_Init;
static Security_Generate_Crc_t Security_Generate_Crc;
static Security_IsModelModified_t Security_IsModelModified;
static Security_Supported_Binaries_t Security_Supported_Binaries;
static Security_Shutdown_t Security_Shutdown;
#if 0//def _WIN32
static void *secmodule;
static void Validation_Version(void)
char sr[256];
char *s = sr;
char authbuf[256];
char *auth = authbuf;
extern cvar_t r_drawflat;
//print certain allowed 'cheat' options.
//realtime lighting (shadows can show around corners)
//drawflat is just lame
//24bits can be considered eeeevil, by some.
if (r_shadow_realtime_world.ival)
*s++ = 'W';
else if (r_shadow_realtime_dlight.ival)
*s++ = 'S';
if (r_drawflat.ival || r_lightmap.ival)
*s++ = 'F';
if (gl_load24bit.ival)
*s++ = 'H';
*s = '\0';
if (!allow_f_version.ival)
return; //suppress it
if (Security_Generate_Crc)
signed_buffer_t *resp;
resp = NULL;//Security_Generate_Crc(cl.playerview[0].playernum, cl.players[cl.playerview[0].playernum].userinfo, cl.serverinfo);
if (!resp || !resp->buf)
auth = "";
Q_snprintfz(auth, sizeof(authbuf), " crc: %s", resp->buf);
auth = "";
if (*sr)
Cbuf_AddText (va("say %s "PLATFORM"/%s/%s%s\n", version_string(), q_renderername, sr, auth), RESTRICT_RCON);
Cbuf_AddText (va("say %s "PLATFORM"/%s%s\n", version_string(), q_renderername, auth), RESTRICT_RCON);
void Validation_CheckIfResponse(char *text)
//client name, version type(os-renderer where it matters, os/renderer where renderer doesn't), 12 char hex crc
int f_query_client;
int i;
char *crc;
char *versionstring;
if (!Security_Verify_Response)
return; //valid or not, we can't check it.
if (!auth_validateclients.ival)
//do the parsing.
char *comp;
int namelen;
for (crc = text + strlen(text) - 1; crc > text; crc--)
if ((unsigned)*crc > ' ')
//find the crc.
for (i = 0; i < 29; i++)
if (crc <= text)
return; //not enough chars.
if ((unsigned)crc[-1] <= ' ')
//we now want 3 string seperated tokens, so the first starts at the fourth found ' ' + 1
i = 7;
for (comp = crc-1; ; comp--)
if (comp < text)
if (*comp == ' ')
if (!i)
versionstring = comp+1;
if (comp <= text)
return; //not enough space for the 'name:'
if (*(comp-1) != ':')
return; //whoops. not a say.
namelen = comp - text-1;
for (f_query_client = 0; f_query_client < cl.allocated_client_slots; f_query_client++)
if (strlen(cl.players[f_query_client].name) == namelen)
if (!strncmp(cl.players[f_query_client].name, text, namelen))
if (f_query_client == cl.allocated_client_slots)
return; //looks like a validation, but it's not from a known client.
char *match = DISTRIBUTION" v";
if (strncmp(versionstring, match, strlen(match)))
return; //this is not us
//now do the validation
signed_buffer_t *resp;
resp = NULL;//Security_Verify_Response(f_query_client, crc, cl.players[f_query_client].userinfo, cl.serverinfo);
if (resp && resp->size && *resp->buf)
Con_Printf(CON_NOTICE "Authentication Successful.\n");
else// if (!resp)
void InitValidation(void)
Cvar_Register(&allow_f_version, "Authentication");
Cvar_Register(&allow_f_server, "Authentication");
Cvar_Register(&allow_f_modified, "Authentication");
Cvar_Register(&allow_f_fakeshaft, "Authentication");
Cvar_Register(&allow_f_skins, "Authentication");
Cvar_Register(&allow_f_ruleset, "Authentication");
Cvar_Register(&allow_f_scripts, "Authentication");
Cvar_Register(&allow_f_system, "Authentication");
Cvar_Register(&allow_f_cmdline, "Authentication");
Cvar_Register(&ruleset, "Authentication");
#if 0//def _WIN32
secmodule = LoadLibrary("fteqw-security.dll");
if (secmodule)
Security_Verify_Response = (void*)GetProcAddress(secmodule, "Security_Verify_Response");
Security_Init = (void*)GetProcAddress(secmodule, "Security_Init");
Security_Generate_Crc = (void*)GetProcAddress(secmodule, "Security_Generate_Crc");
Security_IsModelModified = (void*)GetProcAddress(secmodule, "Security_IsModelModified");
Security_Supported_Binaries = (void*)GetProcAddress(secmodule, "Security_Supported_Binaries");
Security_Shutdown = (void*)GetProcAddress(secmodule, "Security_Shutdown");
if (Security_Init)
switch(Security_Init(va("%s %.2f %i", DISTRIBUTION, 2.57, version_number())))
Con_Printf("Checksum failed. Security module does not support this build. Go upgrade it.\n");
Con_Printf("Version failed. Security module does not support this version. Go upgrade.\n");
Con_Printf("'Generic' security error. Stop hacking.\n");
Con_Printf("/proc/* does not exist. You will need to upgrade/reconfigure your kernel.\n");
case 0:
Cvar_Register(&auth_validateclients, "Authentication");
#if 0//def _WIN32
Security_Verify_Response = NULL;
Security_Init = NULL;
Security_Generate_Crc = NULL;
Security_IsModelModified = NULL;
Security_Supported_Binaries = NULL;
Security_Shutdown = NULL;
#define FMOD_DM 1
#define FMOD_TF 2
static const struct {
const char *name;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int hashes;
const char *hash;
} modifiles[] =
/*Note: I don't know what that 'debug' package refers to, these are just the hashes from ezquake.*/
{"progs/armor.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 4, "\xef\xb8\xd1\x18\x73\xd9\x43\xfe\x13\x43\x10\xbb\x90\x90\x6a\xef\x96\x86\x04\x2b" //quake
"\xfc\x4f\x26\x8d\x7c\x1e\xbb\xfa\xbc\x28\x11\xc8\x32\x3d\x63\x21\x4f\x59\x0b\xfa" //debug
"\x2a\xc5\x72\x77\x13\x7c\xe3\xde\x23\x85\xbc\xbb\xba\x25\x85\x34\x49\xd6\x1b\x6e" //ruohis
{"progs/backpack.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\xeb\xda\xce\x80\x82\xd2\xf7\x18\xc2\xe7\x11\xa9\xaa\x09\xe6\xff\x05\x60\x0a\x05" //quake
{"progs/bolt2.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 1, "\xde\xa8\xfb\x14\xe4\x7a\x23\x99\x43\x60\x80\xc8\x54\xa4\xee\xeb\xa9\x99\x4a\x02"},//quake
{"progs/end1.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x9f\xd1\xfe\xd1\x32\xc6\x67\x5d\xe6\xa0\x72\x1d\xd7\x39\xab\x14\xc4\x35\xf4\x4b" //quake
{"progs/end2.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 3, "\x20\xe6\xee\x98\x79\xcd\x7a\x10\x0d\x62\x31\x83\x48\x18\x9a\x2a\x1a\x9e\xd2\x64" //quake
"\x10\xb9\xa1\xe3\x6a\xe3\xc4\x28\x21\x93\xf6\x1a\x99\xdf\x19\x9d\xcb\xbf\xce\x5b" //unknown
{"progs/end3.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 3, "\x6d\x33\x1e\x7f\xb0\x4b\x4f\xe0\x1a\x5a\xc2\x4a\xe7\xdd\xae\x2c\x19\x33\x97\x09" //quake
"\x10\xb9\xa1\xe3\x6a\xe3\xc4\x28\x21\x93\xf6\x1a\x99\xdf\x19\x9d\xcb\xbf\xce\x5b" //unknown
{"progs/end4.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 3, "\xaa\x72\xb5\xa4\x8d\xc3\x00\xdd\xa2\x8d\x0f\x13\x55\x0e\x7f\x79\x76\x2b\xa5\xcc" //quake
"\x10\xb9\xa1\xe3\x6a\xe3\xc4\x28\x21\x93\xf6\x1a\x99\xdf\x19\x9d\xcb\xbf\xce\x5b" //unkown
{"progs/eyes.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 1, "\xa8\x25\x6f\x27\x82\xf7\xb8\xc6\x52\x5d\xf7\x3e\x3e\x16\x1d\x91\x57\xe5\x79\x5d"},//quake
{"progs/g_light.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 4, "\x66\x93\x9b\xcb\x91\x4d\xd7\x1f\xf6\x82\x6a\x9a\x3e\x2e\x6b\x5d\xac\xf5\x58\xc4" //quake
"\x78\xb4\x78\x9d\x49\xc8\x44\xfb\x9d\x6d\x6b\xc5\x39\x78\x73\xab\x48\xd8\xcf\x1f" //debug
"\x92\xb8\x31\x62\x16\xd6\x39\x1f\x5d\x71\x42\x14\x26\x28\xfc\xfb\xd6\xd8\x66\xc8" //plague
{"progs/g_nail.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 5, "\x71\x9f\x20\x7b\x0f\xd0\x7c\xa7\x53\x49\xf2\x91\x4b\x26\x2f\x93\x40\x74\x0e\x35" //quake
"\x5d\x9f\x61\xc6\x85\x1a\x51\x55\x63\xcc\xe0\x6d\x1a\x17\x61\xef\x73\xb1\xb1\x36" //debug
"\xc6\x31\x2e\xcb\xab\x64\x10\x1f\x81\xe6\x0b\x5e\x42\x86\x65\x5e\xf4\x1e\x41\xd9" //plague
"\x7e\xa3\x7d\xbe\x2b\x27\x31\xb5\x9a\xe8\x7d\x0c\xbd\x87\xf3\x26\xee\x31\xdc\x20" //ruohis
{"progs/g_nail2.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 4, "\x99\x44\xcb\x97\x1a\xe1\xe3\x88\xca\x6e\xec\xec\x8f\x6c\x3f\x88\x0c\xcf\x7e\xac" //quake
"\x69\x83\xd5\x9c\x27\x85\x4c\xe5\xb4\x34\xa2\xce\x3e\xd9\x2b\x47\x55\x86\xfa\x7d" //debug
"\x01\xe4\x3f\x7d\x44\x43\x8a\x73\x39\x24\xb6\x4a\xeb\x13\x73\xba\x36\x85\x6f\x6a" //plague
{"progs/g_rock.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 5, "\x83\xdd\x17\x90\x4c\x95\x0d\x15\x44\x45\x5f\x9b\x72\x3b\x84\x10\x8e\x06\x97\x46" //quake
"\x53\x92\x4e\x33\x52\xa2\xa5\xa5\x56\xa8\xb9\x68\x47\x66\x22\x5e\xc7\xee\xba\xe4" //debug
"\xb0\xc7\x1f\xe3\x18\x06\x20\x35\x3c\x97\xa6\x8b\x55\xc5\x96\x12\xde\x1b\x54\xb2" //plague
"\x9a\xe2\xe3\xd2\xcf\x2a\x3a\x1e\x53\x1d\xf2\xa2\xdd\x2a\x45\x60\xfa\x2a\x73\xd8" //ruohis
{"progs/g_rock2.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 5, "\x20\xec\x47\x5a\xdc\x1c\x21\xd0\x60\xaf\xb8\xd6\xab\x3e\x81\xaf\x5b\x0b\x33\xba" //quake
"\xf9\x10\x4e\xe2\x41\xbc\x53\x0f\x2b\xee\x43\x60\xec\x7e\x57\x3d\x4c\x12\x75\xbc" //debug
"\xe9\xb3\x4e\x67\x27\x59\x32\xde\x37\x43\xbd\xda\x5c\x75\x7a\xc9\xf9\xf1\xf4\x97" //plagur
"\x58\x0c\x35\x54\x88\xfd\x09\x6a\x80\x4b\x21\xae\xde\x71\x1d\xc7\xe6\x0f\x9d\x10" //ruohis
{"progs/g_shot.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 5, "\xe1\x35\xa7\x35\x90\x60\xee\xc1\xb5\x40\x89\x9f\x1c\xfd\xde\x6c\x67\x1d\xec\x7e" //quake
"\x28\xa8\xbb\x7b\x98\x8f\x43\x99\x47\x37\x5e\x97\x2b\x8a\xbc\x6c\xb7\x4d\xa6\xd3" //debug
"\x58\x63\x48\xd3\x37\x3d\x3a\x4a\xe4\x43\xfc\x0e\x89\x2f\xa4\x55\x19\x85\x07\xf8" //plague
"\xd8\xaf\x4c\xc7\x02\xf9\x3a\xbc\x88\xb5\x52\xbb\x30\xca\x6f\x6f\x54\xb5\x2a\x5b" //ruohis
{"progs/gib1.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 3, "\xa4\x9e\xdc\x99\x4a\xf7\x9b\x6e\x1e\x0a\x71\x25\x7b\xc7\x1f\x70\x92\x70\x77\x09" //quake
"\xfd\x06\xee\x69\x83\x84\xac\x8b\x3e\xa4\xc5\xf9\x22\x37\x51\xd7\xff\xa4\xd5\x55" //debug
{"progs/gib2.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 3, "\x9b\xe2\xc3\x5a\xd9\x58\x63\xd6\x7a\xd2\x44\x10\xad\x48\xda\xb3\xbb\x9f\x1e\x5f" //quake
"\xdf\xa1\x51\x32\x08\x82\xe6\x50\x97\xf7\xf0\xef\x71\x4e\x89\x89\xe3\x5b\x50\x65" //debug
{"progs/gib3.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 3, "\x61\x8e\x55\xc6\x63\x4f\xea\x13\x45\xda\xc9\x20\x2e\x21\x40\x06\x50\xf3\x98\x7b" //quake
"\x46\x0b\x8f\x79\x50\x72\x5c\xe5\xf5\xf3\x2f\x88\x80\x5a\x49\x75\x99\xed\xa3\x19" //debug
{"progs/grenade.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 4, "\xb8\xff\xdf\x60\x0c\x1f\x87\xfc\x25\xc3\xf3\xd9\xaf\xdc\xaa\x61\xbf\x7c\xc3\x0e" //quake
"\x12\xdb\xf5\xda\x02\xfc\xd4\x41\x5a\xd3\x4d\x76\x88\x08\x49\xa4\xea\x6c\xd2\xd5" //debug
"\x10\xb9\xa1\xe3\x6a\xe3\xc4\x28\x21\x93\xf6\x1a\x99\xdf\x19\x9d\xcb\xbf\xce\x5b" //plague
{"progs/invisibl.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 3, "\x89\xf3\xe2\x23\x7f\x65\x79\x84\x25\x0d\x7e\x43\xae\x0b\x10\xee\x75\xa7\xd6\xba" //quake
"\x60\xae\xac\xe5\xfd\xe8\x2f\x8b\x78\x8e\xef\xb8\xe4\x6a\x23\x8d\xe3\x0b\xdb\xc3" //debug
{"progs/invulner.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 3, "\x75\xe1\x7e\x98\x35\x4f\x0d\xfd\x1c\x64\xd2\x06\xc8\x0d\x5c\x72\x7a\x53\x1f\x87" //quake
"\x3e\x0a\xb0\x57\x6d\xfa\x9a\x00\xcb\xc8\xc2\xa4\xcc\xec\xb0\xa7\x49\x70\xe5\xa9" //debug
{"progs/missile.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 4, "\xe8\xee\xdf\x9a\xc1\x72\x58\x18\xf8\x36\xbb\xb3\xab\x29\x6e\x99\xa9\xb2\x6a\xd4" //quake
"\x78\xa0\xe7\x2a\xd4\x93\x93\xc3\x88\x67\x57\x73\xd2\x99\x26\x24\xfd\x0b\x19\x8f" //debug
"\xec\xb3\x47\xe0\xe2\xd2\x03\xad\x07\x62\x14\x2a\xdf\xf2\xe1\x99\x42\x9f\x22\xfb" //plague
{"progs/quaddama.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 3, "\x63\xf6\x60\x27\x05\x84\xdc\x32\xdf\x63\x75\x05\xa7\xc3\x14\x96\x9b\x94\x25\x01" //quake
"\x56\xa1\x10\x90\xdb\xad\x63\x1b\xe3\xd9\x9b\xbc\x4e\x6e\x8d\xff\x60\x12\xcd\xce" //debug
{"progs/s_spike.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 4, "\xe5\xf8\x08\xf3\xe2\x42\xc2\xcd\x1f\xb0\x71\x4f\x0a\x88\xb9\xaf\x9f\x8e\x19\x52" //quake
"\xcc\xe4\x59\xb1\xf0\xcc\x5d\xbc\xab\x93\x6e\x65\x24\xdd\x72\x3e\xc6\x6f\x44\x10" //debug
"\x11\x1b\xc6\xe7\x30\x7f\x3a\x70\xda\xa5\x51\x00\xd1\x5b\x4a\xb8\xac\x45\x36\xe2" //plague
{"progs/spike.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 4, "\xaf\xad\xd9\xeb\x28\x2f\x3b\xfb\x34\x2c\xcc\x67\x1a\xc2\x6e\x92\x33\xa2\xe1\x09" //quake
"\x44\xb9\x8b\xe7\xe4\x53\xa7\x92\x6b\x22\x5c\x43\x5e\xa6\x21\x40\x6b\x8c\x38\xef" //debug
"\x95\xcb\xf1\x28\x91\xed\xb8\xaf\xff\x00\x83\x6a\x3f\xc0\x29\xeb\xcb\xbb\xa2\x28" //plague
{"progs/suit.mdl", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\xdd\xb9\xdc\xb7\x3b\xa0\x8d\xed\x5e\xfc\x6e\x41\x5a\x8d\xe3\x8e\x25\xbf\x63\x40" //quake
{"progs/player.mdl", FMOD_DM, 2, "\xb4\x0a\xca\x95\x2e\xe6\x1b\x02\xa5\xe9\x55\x66\x1c\xef\xa7\xd4\x2f\x58\x84\xb4" //quake
{"progs/player.mdl", FMOD_TF, 1, "\x58\xb6\xca\x8f\xef\x97\x7a\x02\x3d\xee\x6e\xa9\x46\x4f\xe4\xc1\xc9\x33\xa5\x18"},//tf
{"progs/tf_flag.mdl", FMOD_TF, 1, "\xf0\x9d\x96\x6e\xef\x9e\x1b\xc9\x40\x1a\xcb\x84\x2e\x12\xee\xca\x28\x3d\x1d\x1b"},//tf
{"progs/turrbase.mdl", FMOD_TF, 1, "\xd5\x73\xda\x0c\xcb\x03\x27\x82\x6b\xbe\x6c\x9e\xf7\x95\xfb\x94\xed\x4b\xc0\xc7"},//tf
{"progs/turrgun.mdl", FMOD_TF, 1, "\x6f\x12\x4b\x31\xb5\x7c\x8d\x7d\xc8\x85\xf1\x8d\xf7\x62\x36\x1f\x7b\x95\x72\xa2"},//tf
{"progs/disp.mdl", FMOD_TF, 1, "\x4a\xfa\x96\x55\x57\x24\x4e\xd9\xdf\x84\x0f\x14\xa8\xdd\x59\x58\xfc\x52\x67\xe9"},//tf
{"progs/tf_stan.mdl", FMOD_TF, 1, "\x1b\x2a\x73\x1b\xc2\x69\x30\x76\x70\xe2\x79\xe7\xaa\x9d\x2b\x25\x2a\xdb\xf7\xdd"},//tf
{"progs/hgren2.mdl", FMOD_TF, 1, "\x5f\x71\xc3\x1d\x0f\x3c\xc5\x58\xfc\x04\x15\xdb\xdf\x4b\x35\xab\x97\xee\xac\x6a"},//tf
{"progs/grenade2.mdl", FMOD_TF, 1, "\xef\x6c\x11\x4b\x74\xf0\xc6\xeb\x73\xea\xcd\x2a\x16\x87\x6a\x87\x9d\x40\xe7\xe5"},//tf
{"progs/detpack.mdl", FMOD_TF, 1, "\xe1\xd4\x73\xaf\x38\xdc\x98\x0c\xc0\x83\x39\x6d\x33\x00\xa7\xd7\x5e\x67\x6a\x61"},//tf
{"progs/s_bubble.spr", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 1, "\xf2\xfa\xbe\x3d\x54\x86\xb3\x73\x74\x07\x91\x70\xf3\x85\xe2\xdf\x0e\xd9\xb5\x4d"},//quake
{"progs/s_explod.spr", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 1, "\x06\x7b\x5a\x29\x88\x1f\xdf\xac\x94\x08\xa2\x50\x5f\x90\x75\x5c\x0b\x5d\xd9\xb9"},//quake
{"maps/b_bh100.bsp", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 4, "\x02\xe3\xe7\x65\x4d\x5b\xa8\x94\x74\xe6\x92\x80\xf0\xe5\x00\xf7\xcc\x7f\x66\xde" //quake
"\xb6\xd5\x7f\x52\x7f\x70\x90\xd4\x22\x96\xd6\xab\x69\x8a\xd1\xf3\xb9\x0e\xbc\xe9" //ruohis1
"\xc1\x35\x21\xb4\x9c\x42\x16\x68\x3e\xce\xe3\x21\xfc\xf8\xb9\xfa\xe1\x7a\x38\x09" //ruohis2
{"sound/buttons/airbut1.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x1e\x14\xd5\x47\xeb\xe8\x25\xc9\x3c\x58\xe5\x26\x21\xd0\xdf\xc8\xef\x92\x67\x22" //quake
{"sound/items/armor1.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\xb0\x8d\x48\x44\x1d\x0a\x0b\xef\xb4\xa8\xcd\x3a\x67\xb4\x87\x3d\xcc\x4f\xdd\xe4" //quake
{"sound/items/damage.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\xac\x78\x77\x19\xc5\x52\xa2\x92\x56\x02\xc3\x90\x64\xf2\xa6\x7b\x4f\x65\xab\x56" //quake
{"sound/items/damage2.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x4d\x9b\x9a\x71\x18\xb2\x76\x1c\x9f\x97\xbf\xfc\xfa\xe6\xa5\x5e\x0e\xda\xaf\x68" //quake
{"sound/items/damage3.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x6c\xde\x07\xfa\x39\x6d\x30\x6e\xed\xf3\x18\x7d\x58\x25\x27\x90\x7a\x1e\xd0\x63" //quake
{"sound/items/health1.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 1, "\xb2\x17\xdd\xeb\x80\x9b\x28\xa1\xf2\xe3\x10\x78\xbf\x01\x8d\xdb\x96\x5a\x49\x0b"},//quake
{"sound/items/inv1.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\xb8\x40\x12\xa0\x30\xd4\x88\xb5\xe0\x06\x24\xc6\xfd\x9d\xe5\x39\x98\x4b\x5a\xad" //quake
{"sound/items/inv2.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x5d\x02\xb6\x9a\xa2\x24\x9d\x2d\x7c\xb1\x27\xc1\x8a\x90\x9e\x01\xd3\xf7\x21\xa5" //quake
{"sound/items/inv3.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x77\x57\x78\xfb\x26\x28\x62\x9c\x5c\xd0\x21\x61\x61\x56\x2d\xf4\x29\x54\x4a\xa3" //quake
{"sound/items/itembk2.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x9b\x51\x8c\x17\x27\x05\x03\x3b\xd2\xae\x9a\x75\xd7\xa7\xdc\xf7\x36\x1e\x1a\xf0" //quake
{"sound/player/land.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 1, "\x41\x5e\xbb\xb8\x8e\xad\x87\xf0\xd5\x3c\x32\x13\x52\x20\x2d\x2e\x38\x9e\x8e\x33"},//quake
{"sound/player/land2.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 1, "\x5c\xb5\x13\x6c\x89\x15\x6c\xc4\x42\xac\xab\xee\x4e\xd2\x7c\x08\x86\x23\x55\xd9"},//quake
{"sound/misc/outwater.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x36\xfc\xb6\x9c\xba\xe9\x20\x9c\x18\x84\x5f\x59\x9f\x6d\xe7\x50\xfd\x3d\x50\xa7" //quake
{"sound/weapons/pkup.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x23\x35\xa4\x05\x60\xab\xbb\x09\xa0\x67\xce\x77\x3d\xe2\x2f\xb5\x01\x57\x71\xf2" //quake
{"sound/player/plyrjmp8.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x46\xe9\xe2\x75\xf2\x54\xad\xc9\x03\x7b\xd4\x6c\xd4\xc9\xf0\xee\xda\x86\x33\x5d" //quake
{"sound/items/protect.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x51\x13\xff\x38\xc7\x99\x67\x7d\x6d\x25\x77\x75\x92\x31\x23\xbf\xaa\x3b\x22\xb6" //quake
{"sound/items/protect2.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x59\xd1\x8d\x58\x2c\x9f\x48\xae\x8e\x11\xf7\x22\x4c\xeb\x7e\x48\x97\xc9\x54\x3c" //quake
{"sound/items/protect3.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x43\x11\x9a\x86\x04\xa4\xe6\xc9\x0e\xd9\xd5\xcb\x4c\x7e\xb5\xa1\x20\xdd\x77\xae" //quake
{"sound/items/r_item1.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x41\x29\xe1\xdd\x04\xb8\xb3\xfb\xfa\xf5\x6c\x77\xea\xf8\x1d\xe8\x63\x9f\x42\xa1" //quake
{"sound/items/r_item2.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 4, "\x47\x40\xda\xd9\x1a\x19\x7b\x5a\x0d\x86\x2d\xc0\xde\x79\xf6\x18\x3a\xd9\x7b\xc4" //quake
"\xd2\x00\x2a\xf6\xca\xaa\xce\x5f\x92\x16\xf9\x25\xb7\x2c\x60\xf7\x25\xa5\x0d\x23" //us
"\x46\xe6\xa8\x83\x13\xc3\x4c\xbc\x6e\xa9\x7a\xa0\xda\xea\x81\x9d\x10\xbd\x19\xf6" //ru
{"sound/misc/water1.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\xc7\xdb\x25\x86\xe6\x0a\xf3\xba\x65\x39\xb5\xfd\xd6\xb9\x7e\x2d\x04\x93\xfd\xf9" //quake
{"sound/misc/water2.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\xec\x75\xda\xcc\x80\xd7\x5c\xfb\x5b\x3b\xd7\xe2\xad\x60\x35\x9f\x85\x6b\x11\x4e" //quake
{"sound/misc/menu1.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x17\xb8\x19\x2e\x5f\x1c\x0e\x0c\xf8\xec\xa0\xd7\x7e\xc2\x78\xb2\x3c\x92\xe1\xb0" //quake
{"sound/misc/menu2.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\xb1\x9a\x71\xd6\x2b\x7e\x40\x0a\x3b\x05\x3a\xb0\xcb\xc2\x4b\x2a\xf3\x7f\xcd\x61" //quake
{"sound/misc/menu3.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x9a\x0b\x12\xae\x2e\x7d\x21\x3a\x90\x09\x4f\xc3\xed\x32\x43\x2d\x76\x8f\xc1\x97" //quake
{"sound/misc/talk.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x1c\x32\x15\x5b\x26\xd8\xf2\x1a\x9f\x8e\x22\xb0\x56\x6f\xc0\x49\x8b\x5e\x35\xa8" //quake
{"sound/misc/basekey.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\xce\x34\x61\x92\xd3\x6d\x80\x22\x4a\x62\x52\x19\xe9\xf7\x43\x8f\x64\xfe\xfd\xa6" //quake
{"sound/doors/runeuse.wav", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 2, "\x59\x6d\x1d\xf4\xe8\x93\x9b\xe9\x25\xfd\xed\x15\x9c\x49\x8a\x66\x72\x25\xc6\x1a" //quake
{"gfx/colormap.lmp", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 1, "\x95\x37\x3b\xa9\x97\x63\x01\x17\x38\x1d\x76\x0a\x7d\xe6\x66\x48\x75\x2a\x2a\x3c"},//quake
{"gfx/palette.lmp", FMOD_DM | FMOD_TF, 1, "\x42\xe2\xa2\xa6\xda\xf7\xd0\xba\x1f\x35\x63\xe2\xad\xf8\x51\x6d\x4a\x5d\xa4\x49"},//quake
static enum {
} modifiles_status[countof(modifiles)];
static qboolean modified_neednotify;
static double modified_timestamp; //so we don't spam reanouncements
static void Validation_FilesModified (void)
size_t i;
unsigned int flagmatch = cl.teamfortress?FMOD_TF:FMOD_DM;
char buf[512];
qboolean evilhaxxor = false;
modified_timestamp = 0;
modified_neednotify = true;
Q_strncpyz(buf, "modified:", sizeof(buf));
for (i = 0; i < countof(modifiles); i++)
if ((modifiles[i].flags & flagmatch) && modifiles_status[i] == FMOD_MODIFIED)
evilhaxxor = true;
if (strlen(buf)>240)
modified_neednotify = false;//just spam at this point
Q_strncatz(buf, " & more...", sizeof(buf));
Q_strncatz(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
Q_strncatz(buf, COM_SkipPath(modifiles[i].name), sizeof(buf));
if (!evilhaxxor)
Q_strncpyz(buf, "all models okay", sizeof(buf));
CL_SendClientCommand(true, "say %s", buf);
static qboolean Validation_IsModified(void)
unsigned int flagmatch = cl.teamfortress?FMOD_TF:FMOD_DM;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < countof(modifiles); i++)
if ((modifiles[i].flags & flagmatch) && modifiles_status[i] == FMOD_MODIFIED)
return true;
modified_timestamp = 0;
modified_neednotify = true;
return false;
static void Validation_WarnModified(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b)
if (modified_neednotify)
if (modified_timestamp && modified_timestamp > realtime)
CL_SendClientCommand(true, "say warning: stuff changed! Previous f_modified response is no longer valid.");
modified_timestamp = realtime+3.0; //mute further anouncements for a while.
qboolean Ruleset_FileLoaded(const char *filename, const qbyte *filedata, size_t filesize)
{ //usually called on worker threads
qbyte digest[20];
size_t i, j;
if (ruleset_current && ruleset_current->filehashes)
size_t filehashes = ruleset_current->filehashes;
rulesetfilehashes_t *filehash = ruleset_current->filehash;
for (i = 0; i < filehashes; i++, filehash++)
if (!strcmp(filename, filehash->filename))
CalcHash(filehash->hashfunc, digest, sizeof(digest), filedata, filesize);
for (j = 0; j < filehash->numhashes; j++)
if (!memcmp(digest, filehash->hash+j*filehash->hashfunc->digestsize, filehash->hashfunc->digestsize))
return true; //it matched one of the allowed hashes...
char base16[512+1];
//none of the hashes matched. bail. refuse usage of the file.
base16[Base16_EncodeBlock(digest, filehash->hashfunc->digestsize, base16, sizeof(base16)-1)] = 0;
Con_Printf(CON_ERROR"ERROR: File version \"%s\" \"%s\" is not permitted by ruleset %s\n", filename, base16, ruleset_current->rulesetname);
return false;
else for (i = 0; i < countof(modifiles); i++)
if (!strcmp(filename, modifiles[i].name) && (modifiles[i].flags & (cl.teamfortress?FMOD_TF:FMOD_DM)))
unsigned int status;
CalcHash(&hash_sha1, digest, sizeof(digest), filedata, filesize);
for (j = 0; j < modifiles[i].hashes; j++)
if (!memcmp(digest, modifiles[i].hash+j*20, 20))
status = (j==modifiles[i].hashes)?FMOD_MODIFIED:FMOD_UNMODIFIED;
if (status == FMOD_MODIFIED && modifiles_status[i] == FMOD_UNMODIFIED)
COM_AddWork(WG_MAIN, Validation_WarnModified, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); //make sure its the main thread that does the anouncing.
modifiles_status[i] = status;
return true;
return true; //nothing restricting it.
void Validation_FlushFileList(void)
//just wipe the lot, resetting it back to 'unchecked'
memset(modifiles_status, 0, sizeof(modifiles_status));
modified_neednotify = false;
modified_timestamp = 0;
//minor (codewise) responses
static void Validation_Server(void)
char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE];
#ifdef warningmsg
#pragma warningmsg("is allowing the user to turn this off practical?..")
if (!allow_f_server.ival)
Cbuf_AddText(va("say server is %s\n", NET_AdrToString(adr, sizeof(adr), &cls.netchan.remote_address)), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
static void Validation_Skins(void)
extern cvar_t r_fullbrightSkins, r_fb_models, ruleset_allow_fbmodels;
int percent = r_fullbrightSkins.value*100;
if (!allow_f_skins.ival)
if (percent < 0)
percent = 0;
if (percent > cls.allow_fbskins*100)
percent = cls.allow_fbskins*100;
if (percent)
Cbuf_AddText(va("say all player skins %i%% fullbright%s\n", percent, (r_fb_models.ival == 1 && ruleset_allow_fbmodels.ival)?" (non-player 100%%)":(r_fb_models.value?" (plus luma)":"")), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
else if (r_fb_models.ival == 1 && ruleset_allow_fbmodels.ival)
Cbuf_AddText("say non-player entities glow in the dark like a bright big cheat\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
else if (r_fb_models.ival)
Cbuf_AddText("say luma textures only\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("say Only cheaters use full bright skins\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
static void Validation_Scripts(void)
{ //subset of ruleset
if (!allow_f_scripts.ival)
if (ruleset_allow_frj.ival)
Cbuf_AddText("say scripts are allowed\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("say scripts are capped\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
static void Validation_FakeShaft(void)
extern cvar_t cl_truelightning;
if (!allow_f_fakeshaft.ival)
if (cl_truelightning.value > 0.999)
Cbuf_AddText("say fakeshaft on\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
else if (cl_truelightning.value > 0)
Cbuf_AddText(va("say fakeshaft %.1f%%\n", cl_truelightning.value), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("say fakeshaft off\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
static void Validation_System(void)
{ //subset of ruleset
if (!allow_f_system.ival)
Cbuf_AddText("say f_system not supported\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
static void Validation_CmdLine(void)
if (!allow_f_cmdline.ival)
Cbuf_AddText("say f_cmdline not supported\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
/*when a ruleset is activated, we flag its various cvars are applicable to rulesets, and notify the servers whenever they're changed after having been queried.
changing a cvar to something and then back MUST still warn, in case its a cvar that locks down a command before being switched back.
we used to latch cvars so they couldn't be changed after querying, but this results in potential race conditions with other reasons to latch cvars. changing a ruleset cvar is now equivelent to just changing ruleset midgame.
static ruleset_t *Ruleset_Find(const char *name) //finds a ruleset by name
ruleset_t *rs;
for (rs = ruleset_list; rs; rs = rs->next)
if (!Q_strcasecmp(name, rs->rulesetname))
return rs;
static int QDECL Ruleset_SortRuleCB (const void *v1, const void *v2)
const rulesetrule_t *r1 = v1;
const rulesetrule_t *r2 = v2;
int r = Q_strcmp(r1->rulename, r2->rulename);
if (!r)
r = Q_strcmp(r1->rulecond, r2->rulecond);
if (!r)
r = Q_strcmp(r1->rulevalue, r2->rulevalue);
return r;
static int QDECL Ruleset_SortFileCB (const void *v1, const void *v2)
const rulesetfilehashes_t *r1 = v1;
const rulesetfilehashes_t *r2 = v2;
return Q_strcmp(r1->filename, r2->filename);
static ruleset_t *Ruleset_Parse(const char *name, char *file)
ruleset_t *rs = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*rs) + strlen(name)+1);
char *line = file, *linestart, *eol; //evil non-const...
unsigned r, hashidx=~0, h;
hashfunc_t *hashfunc = &hash_sha1;
void *hctx;
char fname[MAX_QPATH];
*fname = 0;
rs->rulesetname = (char*)(rs+1);
strcpy(rs->rulesetname, name);
for (line = file; line; )
eol = strchr(line, '\n');
if (eol)
*eol = 0;
if (*line)
linestart = line;
line = COM_Parse(line);
if (!strcmp(com_token, "set"))
char *var, *val;
line = COM_Parse(line);
var = Z_StrDup(com_token);
line = COM_Parse(line);
val = Z_StrDup(com_token);
r = rs->rules;
Z_ReallocElements((void**)&rs->rule, &rs->rules, r+1, sizeof(*rs->rule));
rs->rule[r].rulecond = NULL;
rs->rule[r].rulename = var;
rs->rule[r].rulevalue = val;
hashidx = ~0;
else if (!strcmp(com_token, "if"))
char *var, *val, *cond = NULL;
line = COM_Parse(line);
if (*com_token)
Z_StrCat(&cond, com_token);
line = COM_Parse(line);
if (*com_token == '>' || *com_token == '<' || *com_token == '=' || *com_token == '!')
if (*com_token)
Z_StrCat(&cond, com_token);
line = COM_Parse(line);
if (*com_token)
Z_StrCat(&cond, com_token);
line = COM_Parse(line);
var = Z_StrDup(com_token);
line = COM_Parse(line);
val = Z_StrDup(com_token);
r = rs->rules;
Z_ReallocElements((void**)&rs->rule, &rs->rules, r+1, sizeof(*rs->rule));
rs->rule[r].rulecond = cond;
rs->rule[r].rulename = var;
rs->rule[r].rulevalue = val;
hashidx = ~0;
/*else if (!strcmp(com_token, "alias"))
line = COM_Parse(line);
//alias = Z_StrDup(com_token);
else if (!strcmp(com_token, "sha1file"))
hashfunc = &hash_sha1;
line = COM_ParseOut(line, fname, sizeof(fname));
line = COM_Parse(line);
for (hashidx = 0; hashidx < rs->filehashes; hashidx++)
if (!strcmp(rs->filehash[hashidx].filename, fname) && hashfunc == rs->filehash[hashidx].hashfunc)
goto extrafilehash;
Z_ReallocElements((void**)&rs->filehash, &rs->filehashes, hashidx+1, sizeof(*rs->filehash));
rs->filehash[hashidx].filename = Z_StrDup(fname);
rs->filehash[hashidx].numhashes = 0;
rs->filehash[hashidx].hash = NULL;
rs->filehash[hashidx].hashfunc = hashfunc;
if (!*com_token)
else if (strlen(com_token) != hashfunc->digestsize*2)
Con_Printf("Ruleset %s file %s is of incorrect length.\n", name, fname);
h = rs->filehash[hashidx].numhashes++;
rs->filehash[hashidx].hash = BZ_Realloc(rs->filehash[hashidx].hash, rs->filehash[hashidx].numhashes*hashfunc->digestsize);
if (hashfunc->digestsize != Base16_DecodeBlock(com_token, rs->filehash[hashidx].hash+h*hashfunc->digestsize, hashfunc->digestsize))
Con_Printf("Ruleset %s file %s is not base16.\n", name, fname);
else if (!strcmp(com_token, "+"))
line = COM_Parse(line);
if (hashidx != ~0 && hashfunc)
goto extrafilehash;
else if (*com_token)
Con_Printf("%s.rules: Unknown directive \"%s\".\n", name, com_token);
hashidx = ~0;
line += strlen(line);
} //else blank line
line = COM_Parse(line);
if (*com_token)
Con_Printf("%s.rules: Trailing junk at end of line \"%s\".\n", name, linestart);
if (eol)
*eol++ = '\n';
line = eol;
//sort it for consistency
qsort(rs->rule, rs->rules, sizeof(*rs->rule), Ruleset_SortRuleCB);
qsort(rs->filehash, rs->filehashes, sizeof(*rs->filehash), Ruleset_SortFileCB);
hashfunc = &hash_sha1;
hctx = alloca(hashfunc->contextsize);
for (r = 0; r < rs->rules; r++)
{ //be sure to hash the nulls too. This prevents cheating lamas from using weird cvar names to fake results.
char *rc = rs->rule[r].rulecond;
if (!rc) rc = "";
hashfunc->process(hctx, rc, strlen(rc)+1);
hashfunc->process(hctx, rs->rule[r].rulename, strlen(rs->rule[r].rulename)+1);
hashfunc->process(hctx, rs->rule[r].rulevalue, strlen(rs->rule[r].rulevalue)+1);
for (r = 0; r < rs->filehashes; r++)
{ //be sure to hash the nulls too. This prevents cheating lamas from using weird file names to fake results.
hash_sha1.process(hctx, rs->filehash[r].filename, strlen(rs->filehash[r].filename)+1);
hash_sha1.process(hctx, rs->filehash[r].hash, rs->filehash[r].numhashes*rs->filehash[r].hashfunc->digestsize); //should this be base16ed first?...
hashfunc->terminate(rs->hash, hctx);
rs->next = ruleset_list;
ruleset_list = rs;
return rs;
static ruleset_t *Ruleset_ParseInternal(const char *name, const char *file)
ruleset_t *rs;
char *lazy;
lazy = Z_StrDup(file);
rs = Ruleset_Parse(name, lazy);
return rs;
static int QDECL Ruleset_Read(const char *fname, qofs_t size, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath)
ruleset_t *rs;
size_t fsize;
char name[128];
char *file = FS_LoadMallocFile(fname, &fsize);
if (file && fsize == size) //o.O
COM_StripExtension(fname, name, sizeof(name));
rs = Ruleset_Parse(name, file);
if (rs)
rs->external = true;
return true;
void Ruleset_Shutdown(void)
ruleset_current = NULL;
while (ruleset_list)
ruleset_t *rs = ruleset_list;
ruleset_list = rs->next;
while (rs->rules)
while (rs->filehashes)
void Ruleset_Scan(void)
COM_EnumerateFiles("*.rules", Ruleset_Read, NULL);
#ifdef HAVE_LEGACY //TCs should probably include their own.
// "alias smackdown\n"
// "alias qcon\n"
"set ruleset_allow_shaders 0\n" /*users can potentially create all sorts of wallhacks or spiked models with this*/
"set ruleset_allow_watervis 0\n" /*oh noes! users might be able to see underwater if they're already in said water. oh wait. what? why do we care, dude*/
"set r_vertexlight 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_playercount 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_frj 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_packet 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_particle_lightning 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_overlong_sounds 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_larger_models 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_modified_eyes 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_sensitive_texture_replacements 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_localvolume 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_fbmodels 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_triggers 0\n"
"set r_particlesystem classic\n" /*block custom particles*/
"set r_part_density 1\n" /*don't let people thin them out*/
"set scr_autoid_team 0\n" /*sort of a wallhack*/
"set tp_disputablemacros 0\n"
"set cl_instantrotate 0\n"
"set v_projectionmode 0\n" /*no extended fovs*/
"set r_shadow_realtime_world 0\n" /*static lighting can be used to cast shadows around corners*/
"set ruleset_allow_in 0\n"
"set r_projection 0\n"
"set gl_shadeq1_name *\n"
"set cl_rollalpha 20\n"
"set cl_iDrive 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_shaders 0\n" /*users can potentially create all sorts of wallhacks or spiked models with this*/
"set ruleset_allow_watervis 0\n" /*oh noes! users might be able to see underwater if they're already in said water. oh wait. what? why do we care, dude*/
"set r_vertexlight 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_playercount 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_frj 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_packet 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_particle_lightning 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_overlong_sounds 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_larger_models 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_modified_eyes 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_sensitive_texture_replacements 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_localvolume 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_fbmodels 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_triggers 0\n"
"set scr_autoid_team 0\n"
"set tp_disputablemacros 0\n"
"set cl_instantrotate 0\n"
"set v_projectionmode 0\n" /*no extended fovs*/
"set r_shadow_realtime_world 0\n" /*static lighting can be used to cast shadows around corners*/
"set ruleset_allow_in 0\n"
"set r_projection 0\n"
"set gl_shadeq1_name *\n"
// "set cl_rollalpha 20\n"
"set cl_iDrive 0\n"
// "alias eql\n"
"set ruleset_allow_larger_models 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_watervis 0\n" /*block seeing through turbs, as well as all our cool graphics stuff. apparently we're not allowed.*/
"set ruleset_allow_overlong_sounds 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_particle_lightning 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_packet 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_frj 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_modified_eyes 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_sensitive_texture_replacements 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_localvolume 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_shaders 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_fbmodels 0\n"
"set r_vertexlight 0\n"
"set v_projectionmode 0\n"
"set sbar_teamstatus 0\n"
"set ruleset_allow_in 0\n"
"set r_projection 0\n"
"set gl_shadeq1_name *\n"
"set cl_iDrive 0\n"
static void RulesetLatch(cvar_t *cvar)
cvar->flags |= CVAR_RULESETLATCH;
void Validation_DelatchRulesets(void)
{ //game has come to an end, allow the ruleset to be changed
if (Cvar_ApplyLatches(CVAR_RULESETLATCH, true))
Con_DPrintf("Ruleset deactivated\n");
const char *Ruleset_GetRulesetName(void)
if (ruleset_current)
return ruleset_current->rulesetname;
return NULL;
static void Validation_OldRuleset(void)
const char *rsname = Ruleset_GetRulesetName();
if (rsname)
Cbuf_AddText(va("say Ruleset: %s\n", rsname), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("say No specific ruleset\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
static void Validation_AllChecks(void)
extern cvar_t cl_iDrive;
char servername[22];
char playername[16];
char *rawenginebuild = version_string();
char enginebuild[64];
char localpnamelen = strlen(cl.players[cl.playerview[0].playernum].name);
const char *ruleset;
char extras[2][8];
size_t i, j;
qboolean hadspace;
//figure out the padding for the player's name.
if (localpnamelen >= 15)
playername[0] = 0;
//pad the left side to compensate for the player name prefix the server will add in the final svc_print
memset(playername, ' ', 15-localpnamelen);
playername[15-localpnamelen] = 0;
for (i = 0, j = 0, hadspace=false; rawenginebuild[i]&& j+1<countof(enginebuild); i++)
if (rawenginebuild[i] == ' ')
if (!strncmp(rawenginebuild+i, " SVN ", 5))
if (hadspace && !(isdigit(rawenginebuild[i-1])&&isdigit(rawenginebuild[i+1])))
enginebuild[j++] = '_';
enginebuild[j++] = rawenginebuild[i];
enginebuild[j++] = 0;
//get the current server address
NET_AdrToString(servername, sizeof(servername), &cls.netchan.remote_address);
//get the ruleset names
ruleset = Ruleset_GetRulesetName();
if (!ruleset)
ruleset = "default";
extras[0][0] = '-'; //extra restrictions.
extras[1][0] = '+'; //extra cheats.
extras[0][1] = extras[1][1] = 0;
Q_strncatz(extras[Validation_IsModified()], "m", sizeof(extras[0]));
Q_strncatz(extras[1/*!!allow_scripts.ival*/], "s", sizeof(extras[0])); //we can't track whether a +foo was from a bind or an alias invoked from a bind, so we have to list it under the +, for now.
Q_strncatz(extras[0/*!!enemyforceskins.ival*/], "f", sizeof(extras[0])); //we don't support per-player skin forcing, so this should always be under the -.
Q_strncatz(extras[!!cl_iDrive.ival], "i", sizeof(extras[0]));
if (!extras[0][1])
*extras[0] = 0;
if (!extras[1][1])
*extras[1] = 0;
//now send it
CL_SendClientCommand(true, "say \"%s%21s " "%16s %s" /*FIXME*/"_dbg" "%s%s\"", playername, servername, enginebuild, ruleset, extras[1], extras[0]);
void Ruleset_Check(char *keyval, char *out, size_t outsize)
size_t l;
char *status;
char *b64;
ruleset_t *rs;
if (strchr(keyval, '^')) //don't let people corrupt scoreboards...
keyval = "?";
b64 = strchr(keyval, ':');
if (!b64 || b64==keyval)
{ //can't validate it. don't bother showing it.
rs = Ruleset_Find(keyval);
if (!rs || rs->external)
status = S_COLOR_RED;
//valid internal name... no hash so we can't validate it, but the only way someone can generate this is if they mod the engine, so its as valid as its going to get, so consider it okay.
status = S_COLOR_GREEN;
keyval = rs->rulesetname;
char digest[20];
*b64++ = 0;
Base64_DecodeBlock(b64, NULL, digest, sizeof(digest));
for (rs = ruleset_list; rs; rs = rs->next)
if (rs->external && !memcmp(rs->hash, digest, sizeof(digest)))
if (rs)
status = S_COLOR_GREEN;
keyval = rs->rulesetname; //use our local name for it
else status = S_COLOR_RED; //they changed their ruleset file, or they're trying to spoof an internal name...
if (!*keyval)
keyval = "default";
if (*keyval)
l = strlen(status);
if (outsize > l)
memcpy(out, status, l);
out += l;
outsize -= l;
l = strlen(keyval);
if (outsize > l)
memcpy(out, keyval, l);
out += l;
outsize -= l;
*out = 0;
static int Ruleset_CheckRuleConditionIsOkay(char *cond) //-1 on error
if (cond)
char *key, *value, c;
qboolean not = (*cond=='!');
int truth = 1;
if (not)
key = cond;
while (*cond=='$'||isalnum(*cond))
c = *cond;
if (c == 0)
checktype = CT_UNEQUAL;
value = "";
*cond = 0;
value = cond+1;
if (c == '>')
if (cond[1] == '=')
value++, checktype = CT_GEQUAL;
checktype = CT_GREATER;
else if (c == '<')
if (cond[1] == '=')
value++, checktype = CT_LEQUAL;
checktype = CT_LESS;
else if (c == '=')
if (cond[1] == '=')
value++; //allow = or ==
checktype = CT_EQUAL;
else if (c == '!')
if (cond[1] == '=')
value++, checktype = CT_EQUAL;
key="", value="", checktype = CT_INVALID1;
Con_Printf ("Unknown comparison type\n");
key="", value="", checktype = CT_INVALID1;
if (not)
checktype ^= 1;
// if (!strcmp(key, "$GAME")) //FIXME: need to reload rulesets on gamedir changes for that, which we can't reliably do.
// key = FS_GetGamedir(true);
if (!strcmp(key, "$FTEQW"))
key = SVNREVISIONSTR; //"-" is smaller than 0, but not empty. yay for private builds.
if (!strcmp(key, "$QW"))
key = "2.40"; //we're originally derived from the 2.40 source release.
if (*key == '$')
key = ""; //don't know what this is. some engine-specific key for another engine? treat it as false.
case CT_EQUAL: truth = ! strcmp(key, value); break;
case CT_UNEQUAL:truth = !! strcmp(key, value); break;
case CT_GEQUAL: truth = 0<=strcmp(key, value); break;
case CT_GREATER:truth = 0< strcmp(key, value); break;
case CT_LEQUAL: truth = 0>=strcmp(key, value); break;
case CT_LESS: truth = 0> strcmp(key, value); break;
case CT_INVALID2: truth = -1;
*cond = c;
return truth;
return true;
void Validation_Apply_Ruleset(void)
{ //rulesets are applied when the client first gets a connection to the server
char b64[64];
ruleset_t *rs = NULL;
int i;
char *rulesetname = ruleset.string;
cvar_t **vars, *var;
unsigned int latches = 0;
int okay;
if (!*rulesetname)
rulesetname = "default";
rs = Ruleset_Find(rulesetname);
if (ruleset_current == rs)
return; //ruleset is already applied. no work needed (don't disconnect!).
//the worker can poke the current ruleset for file hash checks. make sure none are active.
ruleset_current = NULL;
InfoBuf_SetStarKey(&cls.userinfo[0], RULESET_USERINFO, "");
if (!rs)
if (strcmp(rulesetname, "default") && strcmp(rulesetname, "none"))
Con_Printf("Cannot apply ruleset \"%s\" - not recognised\n", rulesetname);
if (ruleset_list)
Con_Printf("Known rulesets:\n");
for (rs = ruleset_list; rs; rs = rs->next)
Con_Printf("\t%s\n", rs->rulesetname);
Con_DPrintf("Ruleset set to %s\n", "default");
if (cls.state && !cls.demoplayback)
{ //changing a ruleset while on-server MUST disconnect(+reconnect) you, to make it obvious you just tried to cheat (wiping any scores).
//note that this can often happen on initial connection (gamedir changes execing configs from different gamedirs).
Con_Printf("Reconnecting to enforce change to ruleset \"%s\"\n", rulesetname);
if (sv.state)
Cbuf_AddText("disconnect;map_restart\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("disconnect;reconnect\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
ruleset_current = NULL;
vars = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*vars)*rs->rules);
for (i = 0; i < rs->rules; i++)
{ //make sure we're actually allowed to make these changes.
vars[i] = NULL;
okay = Ruleset_CheckRuleConditionIsOkay(rs->rule[i].rulecond);
if (okay < 0)
break; //error!
if (!okay)
continue; //condition is false, this rule does not apply to us.
if (!strcmp(rs->rule[i].rulename, "ruleset_unsupported"))
{ //special pseudo-setting to cause the ruleset to fail entirely, with a reason for failure (eg 'Engine version too old').
if (*rs->rule[i].rulevalue)
Con_Printf("Ruleset %s is unsupported: %s\n", rs->rulesetname, rs->rule[i].rulevalue);
Con_Printf("Ruleset %s is unsupported\n", rs->rulesetname);
var = Cvar_FindVar(rs->rule[i].rulename);
if (!var)
if (!rs->rule[i].rulecond)
continue; //doesn't exist... assume it was for some other engine
//they gave a condition. it doesn't exist... wtf.
Con_Printf("Ruleset %s requires cvar %s\n", rs->rulesetname, rs->rule[i].rulename);
//FIXME: should cvars need to be engine-defined? it would break mods...
// oh well, default.cfg should have set/seta commands for any mod cvars to make sure they're set in advance.
if (var->flags & CVAR_NOSET)
Con_Printf("Ruleset %s requires change to read-only cvar %s\n", rs->rulesetname, var->name);
if ((var->flags & CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER) && Cmd_IsInsecure())
Con_Printf ("Server tried setting %s cvar\n", var->name);
vars[i] = var;
if (strcmp(var->string, rs->rule[i].rulevalue))
latches |= var->flags;
if (i == rs->rules)
//lock down the cvars.
for (i = 0; i < rs->rules; i++)
cvar_t *var = vars[i];
if (!var) //for some other engine
if (!Cvar_ApplyLatchFlag(var, rs->rule[i].rulevalue, CVAR_RULESETLATCH,
CVAR_VIDEOLATCH|CVAR_RENDERERLATCH| //ignore these, we'll vid_restart as required anyway.
CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE|CVAR_MAPLATCH| //we're going to reconnect/restart anyway.
CVAR_CHEAT|CVAR_SEMICHEAT)) //ignore these too,
Con_Printf("Failed to apply ruleset %s due to cvar %s\n", rs->rulesetname, var->name);
ruleset_current = rs;
Base64_EncodeBlock(rs->hash, sizeof(rs->hash), b64, sizeof(b64));
if (rs->external) //include a hash, so it can be validated
InfoBuf_SetStarKey(&cls.userinfo[0], RULESET_USERINFO, va("%s:%s", rulesetname, b64));
else //internals don't bother including a hash, to reduce issues with old servers/clients...
InfoBuf_SetStarKey(&cls.userinfo[0], RULESET_USERINFO, rulesetname);
Con_DPrintf("Ruleset set to %s\n", rs->rulesetname);
//force video restart, if required.
if (latches & CVAR_VIDEOLATCH)
Cbuf_AddText("vid_restart\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
else if (latches & CVAR_RENDERERLATCH)
Cbuf_AddText("vid_reload\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("flush\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //make sure file hashes take effect.
if ((cls.state && !cls.demoplayback) || (latches&CVAR_MAPLATCH))
{ //changing a ruleset while on-server MUST disconnect(+reconnect) you, to make it obvious you just tried to cheat (wiping any scores).
//note that this can often happen on initial connection (gamedir changes execing configs from different gamedirs).
Con_Printf("Reconnecting to enforce change to ruleset \"%s\"\n", rulesetname);
if (sv.state)
Cbuf_AddText("disconnect;map_restart\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("disconnect;reconnect\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
void Validation_Auto_Response(int playernum, char *s)
static float versionresponsetime;
static float modifiedresponsetime;
static float fakeshaftresponsetime;
static float skinsresponsetime;
static float serverresponsetime;
static float rulesetresponsetime;
static float systemresponsetime;
static float cmdlineresponsetime;
static float scriptsresponsetime;
//quakeworld tends to use f_*
//netquake uses the slightly more guessable q_* form
if (!strncmp(s, "f_", 2))
else if (!strncmp(s, "q_", 2))
if (!strncmp(s, "version", 7) && versionresponsetime < Sys_DoubleTime()) //respond to it.
versionresponsetime = Sys_DoubleTime() + 5;
else if (cl.playerview[0].spectator)
else if (!strncmp(s, "server", 6) && serverresponsetime < Sys_DoubleTime()) //respond to it.
serverresponsetime = Sys_DoubleTime() + 5;
else if (!strncmp(s, "system", 6) && systemresponsetime < Sys_DoubleTime())
systemresponsetime = Sys_DoubleTime() + 5;
else if (!strncmp(s, "cmdline", 7) && cmdlineresponsetime < Sys_DoubleTime())
cmdlineresponsetime = Sys_DoubleTime() + 5;
else if (!strncmp(s, "fakeshaft", 9) && fakeshaftresponsetime < Sys_DoubleTime())
fakeshaftresponsetime = Sys_DoubleTime() + 5;
else if (!strncmp(s, "modified", 8) && modifiedresponsetime < Sys_DoubleTime()) //respond to it.
modifiedresponsetime = Sys_DoubleTime() + 5;
else if (!strncmp(s, "scripts", 7) && scriptsresponsetime < Sys_DoubleTime())
scriptsresponsetime = Sys_DoubleTime() + 5;
else if (!strncmp(s, "skins", 5) && skinsresponsetime < Sys_DoubleTime()) //respond to it.
skinsresponsetime = Sys_DoubleTime() + 5;
else if (!strncmp(s, "ruleset", 7) && rulesetresponsetime < Sys_DoubleTime())
if (1)
rulesetresponsetime = Sys_DoubleTime() + 5;