mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:11:58 +00:00
fte particle scripts are disabled (classic works). I'll fix these in the new year. Redid framestate stuff again. Slightly better now, but this is the bulk of the changes here. Reworked the renderqueue to provide batches of items instead of individual items. This cleans up the particle rendering code significantly, and is a step towards multiple concurrent particle systems. fte's scripted particles are broken as I'm trying to find a way to rework them to batch types together, rather than having to restart each batch after each particle when you have two particles in a trail. I'll fix it some time. Reworked some alias model code regarding skeletal models. Added some conceptual skeletal bone control builtins available to csqc. Currently it can query the bone names and save off animation states, but can't animate - its just not complete. Added more info to glsl custom shaders. Updated surface sorting on halflife maps to properly cope with alphaed entities, rather than just texture-based blends (q2-style). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@3095 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
950 lines
24 KiB
950 lines
24 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// r_alias.c: routines for setting up to draw alias models
//changes include stvertexes now being seperatly number from the triangles.
//this allows q2 models to be supported.
//lerping is also available.
//future aims include better skin management.
//the asm code cannot handle alias models anymore.
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "d_local.h" // FIXME: shouldn't be needed (is needed for patch
// right now, but that should move)
#define Q2RF_DEPTHHACK 16 // for view weapon Z crunching
#define LIGHT_MIN 5 // lowest light value we'll allow, to avoid the
// need for inner-loop light clamping
mtriangle_t *ptriangles;
affinetridesc_t r_affinetridesc;
void *acolormap; // FIXME: should go away
qbyte *apalremap;
dtrivertx_t *r_apoldverts;
dtrivertx_t *r_apnewverts;
vec3_t r_afrntlerp;
vec3_t r_abacklerp;
vec3_t r_amovelerp;
// TODO: these probably will go away with optimized rasterization
mmdl_t *pmdl;
vec3_t r_plightvec;
int r_ambientlight;
float r_shadelight;
aliashdr_t *paliashdr;
finalvert_t *pfinalverts;
auxvert_t *pauxverts;
static float ziscale;
static model_t *pmodel;
extern int cl_playerindex;
static maliasskindesc_t *pskindesc;
int r_amodels_drawn;
int a_skinwidth;
int r_anumverts;
float aliastransform[3][4];
typedef struct {
int index0;
int index1;
} aedge_t;
static aedge_t aedges[12] = {
{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 0},
{4, 5}, {5, 6}, {6, 7}, {7, 4},
{0, 5}, {1, 4}, {2, 7}, {3, 6}
extern float r_avertexnormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3];
void R_AliasTransformAndProjectFinalVerts (finalvert_t *fv);//,
//mstvert_t *pstverts);
void R_AliasSetUpTransform (int trivial_accept);
void R_AliasTransformVector (vec3_t in, vec3_t out);
void R_AliasTransformFinalVert (finalvert_t *fv, auxvert_t *av,
dtrivertx_t *pnewverts, dtrivertx_t *poldverts);//, mstvert_t *pstverts);
void R_AliasProjectFinalVert (finalvert_t *fv, auxvert_t *av);
qboolean R_AliasCheckBBox (void)
int i, flags, nframe, oframe, numv;
aliashdr_t *pahdr;
float zi, basepts[8][3], v0, v1, frac;
finalvert_t *pv0, *pv1, viewpts[16];
auxvert_t *pa0, *pa1, viewaux[16];
maliasframedesc_t *pnewframedesc, *poldframedesc;
qboolean zclipped, zfullyclipped;
unsigned anyclip, allclip;
int minz;
float a, b;
vec3_t min, max;
// expand, rotate, and translate points into worldspace
currententity->trivial_accept = 0;
pmodel = currententity->model;
pahdr = SWMod_Extradata (pmodel);
pmdl = (mmdl_t *)((qbyte *)pahdr + pahdr->model);
R_AliasSetUpTransform (0);
// construct the base bounding box for this frame
nframe = currententity->framestate.g[FS_REG].frame[0];
// TODO: don't repeat this check when drawing?
if ((nframe >= pmdl->numframes) || (nframe < 0))
Con_DPrintf ("No such frame %d %s\n", nframe,
nframe = 0;
// construct the base bounding box for this frame
oframe = currententity->framestate.g[FS_REG].frame[1];
// TODO: don't repeat this check when drawing?
if ((oframe >= pmdl->numframes) || (oframe < 0))
Con_DPrintf ("No such frame %d %s\n", oframe,
oframe = 0;
pnewframedesc = &pahdr->frames[nframe];
poldframedesc = &pahdr->frames[oframe];
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) //choose the most outward of the two.
a = poldframedesc->scale_origin[i] + poldframedesc->bboxmin.v[i]*poldframedesc->scale[i];
b = pnewframedesc->scale_origin[i] + pnewframedesc->bboxmin.v[i]*pnewframedesc->scale[i];
min[i] = a>b?b:a;
a = poldframedesc->scale_origin[i] + poldframedesc->bboxmax.v[i]*poldframedesc->scale[i];
b = pnewframedesc->scale_origin[i] + pnewframedesc->bboxmax.v[i]*pnewframedesc->scale[i];
max[i] = a>b?a:b;
// x worldspace coordinates
basepts[0][0] = basepts[1][0] = basepts[2][0] = basepts[3][0] = min[0];
basepts[4][0] = basepts[5][0] = basepts[6][0] = basepts[7][0] = max[0];
// y worldspace coordinates
basepts[0][1] = basepts[3][1] = basepts[5][1] = basepts[6][1] = min[1];
basepts[1][1] = basepts[2][1] = basepts[4][1] = basepts[7][1] = max[1];
// z worldspace coordinates
basepts[0][2] = basepts[1][2] = basepts[4][2] = basepts[5][2] = min[2];
basepts[2][2] = basepts[3][2] = basepts[6][2] = basepts[7][2] = max[2];
zclipped = false;
zfullyclipped = true;
minz = 9999;
for (i=0; i<8 ; i++)
R_AliasTransformVector (&basepts[i][0], &viewaux[i].fv[0]);
if (viewaux[i].fv[2] < ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE)
// we must clip points that are closer than the near clip plane
viewpts[i].flags = ALIAS_Z_CLIP;
zclipped = true;
if (viewaux[i].fv[2] < minz)
minz = viewaux[i].fv[2];
viewpts[i].flags = 0;
zfullyclipped = false;
if (zfullyclipped)
return false; // everything was near-z-clipped
numv = 8;
if (zclipped)
// organize points by edges, use edges to get new points (possible trivial
// reject)
for (i=0 ; i<12 ; i++)
// edge endpoints
pv0 = &viewpts[aedges[i].index0];
pv1 = &viewpts[aedges[i].index1];
pa0 = &viewaux[aedges[i].index0];
pa1 = &viewaux[aedges[i].index1];
// if one end is clipped and the other isn't, make a new point
if (pv0->flags ^ pv1->flags)
frac = (ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE - pa0->fv[2]) /
(pa1->fv[2] - pa0->fv[2]);
viewaux[numv].fv[0] = pa0->fv[0] +
(pa1->fv[0] - pa0->fv[0]) * frac;
viewaux[numv].fv[1] = pa0->fv[1] +
(pa1->fv[1] - pa0->fv[1]) * frac;
viewaux[numv].fv[2] = ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE;
viewpts[numv].flags = 0;
// project the vertices that remain after clipping
anyclip = 0;
// TODO: probably should do this loop in ASM, especially if we use floats
for (i=0 ; i<numv ; i++)
// we don't need to bother with vertices that were z-clipped
if (viewpts[i].flags & ALIAS_Z_CLIP)
zi = 1.0 / viewaux[i].fv[2];
// FIXME: do with chop mode in ASM, or convert to float
v0 = (viewaux[i].fv[0] * xscale * zi) + xcenter;
v1 = (viewaux[i].fv[1] * yscale * zi) + ycenter;
flags = 0;
if (v0 < r_refdef.fvrectx)
if (v1 < r_refdef.fvrecty)
flags |= ALIAS_TOP_CLIP;
if (v0 > r_refdef.fvrectright)
if (v1 > r_refdef.fvrectbottom)
anyclip |= flags;
allclip &= flags;
if (allclip)
return false; // trivial reject off one side
currententity->trivial_accept = !anyclip & !zclipped;
if (currententity->trivial_accept)
if (minz > (r_aliastransition + (pmdl->size * r_resfudge)))
currententity->trivial_accept |= 2;
return true;
void R_AliasTransformVector (vec3_t in, vec3_t out)
out[0] = DotProduct(in, aliastransform[0]) + aliastransform[0][3];
out[1] = DotProduct(in, aliastransform[1]) + aliastransform[1][3];
out[2] = DotProduct(in, aliastransform[2]) + aliastransform[2][3];
General clipped case
mstvert_t *stc;
mtriangle_t *tn;
void R_AliasPreparePoints (void)
void (*drawfnc) (void);
int i;
mstvert_t *pstverts;
finalvert_t *fv;
auxvert_t *av;
mtriangle_t *ptri;
finalvert_t *pfv[3];
r_anumverts = pmdl->numverts;
fv = pfinalverts;
av = pauxverts;
if (r_pixbytes == 4)
drawfnc = D_PolysetDraw32;
else if (r_pixbytes == 2)
drawfnc = D_PolysetDraw16;
#if id386
drawfnc = D_PolysetDrawAsm;
drawfnc = D_PolysetDrawC;
for (i=0 ; i<r_anumverts ; i++, fv++, av++, r_apnewverts++, r_apoldverts++)
R_AliasTransformFinalVert (fv, av, r_apnewverts, r_apoldverts);
if (av->fv[2] < ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE)
fv->flags |= ALIAS_Z_CLIP;
R_AliasProjectFinalVert (fv, av);
if (fv->v[0] < r_refdef.aliasvrect.x)
fv->flags |= ALIAS_LEFT_CLIP;
if (fv->v[1] < r_refdef.aliasvrect.y)
fv->flags |= ALIAS_TOP_CLIP;
if (fv->v[0] > r_refdef.aliasvrectright)
fv->flags |= ALIAS_RIGHT_CLIP;
if (fv->v[1] > r_refdef.aliasvrectbottom)
fv->flags |= ALIAS_BOTTOM_CLIP;
stc = pstverts = (mstvert_t *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->stverts);
// clip and draw all triangles
r_affinetridesc.numtriangles = 1;
ptri = (mtriangle_t *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->triangles);
for (i=0 ; i<pmdl->numtris ; i++, ptri++)
pfv[0] = &pfinalverts[ptri->xyz_index[0]];
pfv[1] = &pfinalverts[ptri->xyz_index[1]];
pfv[2] = &pfinalverts[ptri->xyz_index[2]];
if ( pfv[0]->flags & pfv[1]->flags & pfv[2]->flags & (ALIAS_XY_CLIP_MASK | ALIAS_Z_CLIP) )
continue; // completely clipped
if ( ! ( (pfv[0]->flags | pfv[1]->flags | pfv[2]->flags) &
{ // totally unclipped
r_affinetridesc.pfinalverts = pfinalverts;
r_affinetridesc.ptriangles = ptri;
drawfnc ();
{ // partially clipped
R_AliasClipTriangle (ptri, drawfnc);
void R_AliasSetUpTransform (int trivial_accept)
int i;
float rotationmatrix[3][4], t2matrix[3][4];
static float viewmatrix[3][4];
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
rotationmatrix[i][0] = currententity->axis[0][i]*currententity->scale;
rotationmatrix[i][1] = currententity->axis[1][i]*currententity->scale;
rotationmatrix[i][2] = currententity->axis[2][i]*currententity->scale;
rotationmatrix[0][3] = -modelorg[0];
rotationmatrix[1][3] = -modelorg[1];
rotationmatrix[2][3] = -modelorg[2];
// TODO: should be global, set when vright, etc., set
VectorCopy (vright, viewmatrix[0]);
VectorCopy (vup, viewmatrix[1]);
VectorInverse (viewmatrix[1]);
VectorCopy (vpn, viewmatrix[2]);
// viewmatrix[0][3] = 0;
// viewmatrix[1][3] = 0;
// viewmatrix[2][3] = 0;
if (currententity->flags & Q2RF_WEAPONMODEL)
{ //rotate viewmodel to view first
float vmmatrix[3][4];
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
t2matrix[i][0] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].axis[0][i];
t2matrix[i][1] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].axis[1][i];
t2matrix[i][2] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].axis[2][i];
t2matrix[0][3] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].origin[0];
t2matrix[1][3] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].origin[1];
t2matrix[2][3] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].origin[2];
R_ConcatTransforms (rotationmatrix, t2matrix, vmmatrix);
R_ConcatTransforms (viewmatrix, vmmatrix, aliastransform);
R_ConcatTransforms (viewmatrix, rotationmatrix, aliastransform);
// do the scaling up of x and y to screen coordinates as part of the transform
// for the unclipped case (it would mess up clipping in the clipped case).
// Also scale down z, so 1/z is scaled 31 bits for free, and scale down x and y
// correspondingly so the projected x and y come out right
// FIXME: make this work for clipped case too?
if (trivial_accept)
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
aliastransform[0][i] *= aliasxscale *
(1.0 / ((float)0x8000 * 0x10000));
aliastransform[1][i] *= aliasyscale *
(1.0 / ((float)0x8000 * 0x10000));
aliastransform[2][i] *= 1.0 / ((float)0x8000 * 0x10000);
void R_AliasTransformFinalVert (finalvert_t *fv, auxvert_t *av,
dtrivertx_t *pnewverts, dtrivertx_t *poldverts)//, mstvert_t *pstverts)
int temp;
float lightcos, *plightnormal;
vec3_t lerp_org;
lerp_org[0] = r_amovelerp[0] + pnewverts->v[0]*r_afrntlerp[0] + poldverts->v[0]*r_abacklerp[0];
lerp_org[1] = r_amovelerp[1] + pnewverts->v[1]*r_afrntlerp[1] + poldverts->v[1]*r_abacklerp[1];
lerp_org[2] = r_amovelerp[2] + pnewverts->v[2]*r_afrntlerp[2] + poldverts->v[2]*r_abacklerp[2];
av->fv[0] = DotProduct(lerp_org, aliastransform[0]) +
av->fv[1] = DotProduct(lerp_org, aliastransform[1]) +
av->fv[2] = DotProduct(lerp_org, aliastransform[2]) +
fv->v[2] = 0;
fv->v[3] = 0;
fv->flags = 0;
// lighting
plightnormal = r_avertexnormals[pnewverts->lightnormalindex];
lightcos = DotProduct (plightnormal, r_plightvec);
temp = r_ambientlight;
if (lightcos < 0)
temp += (int)(r_shadelight * lightcos);
// clamp; because we limited the minimum ambient and shading light, we
// don't have to clamp low light, just bright
if (temp < 0)
temp = 0;
fv->v[4] = temp;
//#if !id386 //since stvert_t was changed.
void R_AliasTransformAndProjectFinalVerts (finalvert_t *fv)//, stvert_t *pstverts)
int i, temp;
float lightcos, *plightnormal, zi;
dtrivertx_t *pnewverts, *poldverts;
vec3_t lerp_org;
pnewverts = r_apnewverts;
poldverts = r_apoldverts;
for (i=0 ; i<r_anumverts ; i++, fv++, pnewverts++, poldverts++)
lerp_org[0] = r_amovelerp[0] + pnewverts->v[0]*r_afrntlerp[0] + poldverts->v[0]*r_abacklerp[0];
lerp_org[1] = r_amovelerp[1] + pnewverts->v[1]*r_afrntlerp[1] + poldverts->v[1]*r_abacklerp[1];
lerp_org[2] = r_amovelerp[2] + pnewverts->v[2]*r_afrntlerp[2] + poldverts->v[2]*r_abacklerp[2];
// transform and project
zi = 1.0 / (DotProduct(lerp_org, aliastransform[2]) +
// x, y, and z are scaled down by 1/2**31 in the transform, so 1/z is
// scaled up by 1/2**31, and the scaling cancels out for x and y in the
// projection
fv->v[5] = zi;
fv->v[0] = ((DotProduct(lerp_org, aliastransform[0]) +
aliastransform[0][3]) * zi) + aliasxcenter;
fv->v[1] = ((DotProduct(lerp_org, aliastransform[1]) +
aliastransform[1][3]) * zi) + aliasycenter;
fv->v[2] = 0;//pstverts->s;
fv->v[3] = 0;//pstverts->t;
fv->flags = 0;
// lighting
plightnormal = r_avertexnormals[pnewverts->lightnormalindex]; //don't bother lerping light.
lightcos = DotProduct (plightnormal, r_plightvec);
temp = r_ambientlight;
if (lightcos < 0)
temp += (int)(r_shadelight * lightcos);
// clamp; because we limited the minimum ambient and shading light, we
// don't have to clamp low light, just bright
if (temp < 0)
temp = 0;
fv->v[4] = temp;
void R_AliasProjectFinalVert (finalvert_t *fv, auxvert_t *av)
float zi;
// project points
zi = 1.0 / av->fv[2];
fv->v[5] = zi * ziscale;
fv->v[0] = (av->fv[0] * aliasxscale * zi) + aliasxcenter;
fv->v[1] = (av->fv[1] * aliasyscale * zi) + aliasycenter;
void R_AliasPrepareUnclippedPoints (void)
r_anumverts = pmdl->numverts;
R_AliasTransformAndProjectFinalVerts (pfinalverts);
if (r_affinetridesc.drawtype)
if (r_pixbytes == 4)
D_PolysetDrawFinalVerts32Trans (pfinalverts, r_anumverts);
else if (r_pixbytes == 2)
D_PolysetDrawFinalVerts16C (pfinalverts, r_anumverts);
#if 0//id386
else if (t_state & TT_ONE)
D_PolysetDrawFinalVertsAsm (pfinalverts, r_anumverts);
D_PolysetDrawFinalVertsC (pfinalverts, r_anumverts);
r_affinetridesc.pfinalverts = pfinalverts;
r_affinetridesc.ptriangles = (mtriangle_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->triangles);
r_affinetridesc.numtriangles = pmdl->numtris;
if (r_pixbytes == 4)
D_PolysetDraw32 ();
#if 0//id386
else if (t_state & TT_ONE)
D_PolysetDrawAsm ();
D_PolysetDrawC ();
void R_AliasSetupSkin (void)
int skinnum;
int i, numskins;
maliasskingroup_t *paliasskingroup;
float *pskinintervals, fullskininterval;
float skintargettime, skintime;
skinnum = currententity->skinnum;
if ((skinnum >= pmdl->numskins) || (skinnum < 0))
Con_DPrintf ("R_AliasSetupSkin: no such skin # %d\n", skinnum);
skinnum = 0;
pskindesc = ((maliasskindesc_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->skindesc)) + skinnum;
a_skinwidth = pmdl->skinwidth;
if (pskindesc->type == ALIAS_SKIN_GROUP)
paliasskingroup = (maliasskingroup_t *)((qbyte *)paliashdr +
pskinintervals = (float *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliasskingroup->intervals);
numskins = paliasskingroup->numskins;
fullskininterval = pskinintervals[numskins-1];
skintime = cl.time;// + currententity->syncbase;
// when loading in Mod_LoadAliasSkinGroup, we guaranteed all interval
// values are positive, so we don't have to worry about division by 0
skintargettime = skintime -
((int)(skintime / fullskininterval)) * fullskininterval;
for (i=0 ; i<(numskins-1) ; i++)
if (pskinintervals[i] > skintargettime)
pskindesc = &paliasskingroup->skindescs[i];
r_affinetridesc.pskindesc = pskindesc;
r_affinetridesc.pskin = (void *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + pskindesc->skin);
r_affinetridesc.skinwidth = a_skinwidth;
r_affinetridesc.skinheight = pmdl->skinheight;
if (currententity->model != cl.model_precache[cl_playerindex])
//alternate player skins.
if (currententity->scoreboard && r_pixbytes == 1)
qbyte *base;
skin_t *skin;
if (!currententity->scoreboard->skin)
Skin_Find (currententity->scoreboard);
base = Skin_Cache8 (currententity->scoreboard->skin);
skin = currententity->scoreboard->skin;
if (base && skin->cachedbpp == r_pixbytes*8)
r_affinetridesc.pskin = base;
r_affinetridesc.skinwidth = skin->width;
r_affinetridesc.skinheight = skin->height;
else if (currententity->scoreboard && r_pixbytes == 4)
qbyte *base;
skin_t *skin;
if (!currententity->scoreboard->skin)
Skin_Find (currententity->scoreboard);
base = Skin_Cache32 (currententity->scoreboard->skin);
skin = currententity->scoreboard->skin;
if (base && skin->cachedbpp == r_pixbytes*8)
r_affinetridesc.pskin = base;
r_affinetridesc.skinwidth = skin->width;
r_affinetridesc.skinheight = skin->height;
void R_AliasSetupLighting (alight_t *plighting)
if (r_pixbytes == 4)
{ //fixes inverse lighting in sw 32.
//we fix it here so the lighting code doesn't have to have lots of extra minuses, as they are multiplied out
// guarantee that no vertex will ever be lit below LIGHT_MIN, so we don't have
// to clamp off the bottom
r_ambientlight = plighting->ambientlight;
r_shadelight = plighting->shadelight;
if (r_ambientlight < LIGHT_MIN)
r_ambientlight = LIGHT_MIN;
r_ambientlight = (255 - r_ambientlight) << VID_CBITS;
if (r_ambientlight < LIGHT_MIN)
r_ambientlight = LIGHT_MIN;
if (r_shadelight < 0)
r_shadelight = 0;
r_shadelight *= VID_GRADES;
// rotate the lighting vector into the model's frame of reference
r_plightvec[0] = DotProduct (plighting->plightvec, currententity->axis[0]);
r_plightvec[1] = DotProduct (plighting->plightvec, currententity->axis[1]);
r_plightvec[2] = DotProduct (plighting->plightvec, currententity->axis[2]);
set r_apverts
void R_AliasSetupFrame (void)
int frame, oframe;
int i, numframes;
maliasgroup_t *paliasgroup;
float *pintervals, fullinterval, targettime, time;
// float *min1, *min2;
// vec3_t max1, max2;
float fl, bl;
frame = currententity->framestate.g[FS_REG].frame[0];
if ((frame >= pmdl->numframes) || (frame < 0))
Con_DPrintf ("R_AliasSetupFrame: no such frame %d\n", frame);
frame = 0;
oframe = currententity->framestate.g[FS_REG].frame[1];
if ((oframe >= pmdl->numframes) || (oframe < 0))
// Con_DPrintf ("R_AliasSetupFrame: no such frame %d\n", oframe); //pointless
oframe = 0;
bl = currententity->framestate.g[FS_REG].lerpfrac;
if (bl < 0)
bl = 0;
else if (bl > 1)
bl = 1;
fl = 1.0 - bl;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
r_abacklerp[i] = paliashdr->frames[oframe].scale[i]*bl;
r_afrntlerp[i] = paliashdr->frames[frame].scale[i]*fl;
r_amovelerp[i] = paliashdr->frames[frame].scale_origin[i]*fl + paliashdr->frames[oframe].scale_origin[i]*bl;
if (paliashdr->frames[frame].type == ALIAS_SINGLE)
r_apnewverts = (dtrivertx_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->frames[frame].frame);
paliasgroup = (maliasgroup_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->frames[frame].frame);
pintervals = (float *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliasgroup->intervals);
numframes = paliasgroup->numframes;
fullinterval = pintervals[numframes-1];
time = currententity->framestate.g[FS_REG].frametime[0];
// when loading in Mod_LoadAliasGroup, we guaranteed all interval values
// are positive, so we don't have to worry about division by 0
targettime = time - ((int)(time / fullinterval)) * fullinterval;
for (i=0 ; i<(numframes-1) ; i++)
if (pintervals[i] > targettime)
r_apnewverts = (dtrivertx_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliasgroup->frames[i].frame);
if (paliashdr->frames[oframe].type == ALIAS_SINGLE) //things could go haywire here...
r_apoldverts = (dtrivertx_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->frames[oframe].frame);
paliasgroup = (maliasgroup_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->frames[oframe].frame);
pintervals = (float *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliasgroup->intervals);
numframes = paliasgroup->numframes;
fullinterval = pintervals[numframes-1];
time = currententity->framestate.g[FS_REG].frametime[1];
// when loading in Mod_LoadAliasGroup, we guaranteed all interval values
// are positive, so we don't have to worry about division by 0
targettime = time - ((int)(time / fullinterval)) * fullinterval;
for (i=0 ; i<(numframes-1) ; i++)
if (pintervals[i] > targettime)
r_apoldverts = (dtrivertx_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliasgroup->frames[i].frame);
void R_AliasDrawModel (alight_t *plighting)
finalvert_t finalverts[MAXALIASVERTS +
((CACHE_SIZE - 1) / sizeof(finalvert_t)) + 1];
auxvert_t auxverts[MAXALIASVERTS];
extern qbyte transfactor;
extern qbyte transbackfac;
if (r_pixbytes == 1)
if (currententity->shaderRGBAf[3] < TRANS_LOWER_CAP)
if (currententity->shaderRGBAf[3] > TRANS_UPPER_CAP)
transbackfac = 0;
D_SetTransLevel(currententity->shaderRGBAf[3], BM_BLEND);
transbackfac = 1;
transfactor = currententity->shaderRGBAf[3]*255;
transbackfac = 255 - transfactor;
// cache align
pfinalverts = (finalvert_t *)
(((long)&finalverts[0] + CACHE_SIZE - 1) & ~(CACHE_SIZE - 1));
pauxverts = &auxverts[0];
paliashdr = (aliashdr_t *)SWMod_Extradata (currententity->model);
pmdl = (mmdl_t *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->model);
R_AliasSetupSkin ();
R_AliasSetUpTransform (currententity->trivial_accept);
R_AliasSetupLighting (plighting);
R_AliasSetupFrame ();
if (!currententity->palremap)
currententity->palremap = D_IdentityRemap();
// Sys_Error ("R_AliasDrawModel: !currententity->colormap");
r_affinetridesc.drawtype = (currententity->trivial_accept == 3) &&
r_affinetridesc.pstverts = (mstvert_t *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->stverts);
apalremap = currententity->palremap->pal;
acolormap = vid.colormap;
if (r_pixbytes == 2)
acolormap = vid.colormap16;
if (r_affinetridesc.drawtype)
D_PolysetUpdateTables (); // FIXME: precalc...
#if id386
D_Aff8Patch (acolormap, apalremap);
if (currententity == &cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum] || currententity->flags & Q2RF_DEPTHHACK)
ziscale = (float)0x8000 * (float)0x10000 * 3.0;
ziscale = (float)0x8000 * (float)0x10000;
if (currententity->trivial_accept)
R_AliasPrepareUnclippedPoints ();
R_AliasPreparePoints ();