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synced 2025-03-06 08:41:03 +00:00
gui debugging works with -dedicated. actual dedicated servers still not tested. preliminary hack to support directly loading .map files without compiling. stable but buggy, not really yet worth using. attempted to rework entity lump parsing to work properly with threads. reworked colour clears. gl_clear now clears *BEFORE* csqc is called. also, now also supports a range of colours. use 8 for black. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4818 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
158 lines
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158 lines
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#ifndef IWEB_H__
#define IWEB_H__
#include "quakedef.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "winquake.h"
#define Con_TPrintf IWebPrintf
#define IWebPrintf printf
#define com_gamedir "." //current dir.
#define IWebMalloc(x) calloc(x, 1)
#define IWebRealloc(x, y) realloc(x, y)
#define IWebFree free
#define IWEBACC_READ 1
#define IWEBACC_FULL 4
struct sockaddr_in;
struct sockaddr;
struct sockaddr_qstorage;
int NetadrToSockadr (netadr_t *a, struct sockaddr_qstorage *s);
qboolean SV_AllowDownload (const char *name);
typedef qboolean iwboolean;
#ifndef _WIN32
//it's not allowed to error.
void VARGS IWebDPrintf(char *fmt, ...) LIKEPRINTF(1);
void VARGS IWebPrintf(char *fmt, ...) LIKEPRINTF(1);
void VARGS IWebWarnPrintf(char *fmt, ...) LIKEPRINTF(1);
typedef struct {
float gentime; //useful for generating a new file (if too old, removes reference)
int references; //freed if 0
char *data;
int len;
} IWeb_FileGen_t;
void *IWebMalloc(int size);
void *IWebRealloc(void *old, int size);
void IWebFree(void *mem);
#define IWebFree Z_Free
int IWebAuthorize(char *name, char *password);
iwboolean IWebAllowUpLoad(char *fname, char *uname);
vfsfile_t *IWebGenerateFile(char *name, char *content, int contentlength);
//char *COM_ParseOut (const char *data, char *out, int outlen);
//struct searchpath_s;
//void COM_EnumerateFiles (const char *match, int (*func)(const char *, int, void *, struct searchpath_s *), void *parm);
char *Q_strcpyline(char *out, const char *in, int maxlen);
iwboolean FTP_StringToAdr (const char *s, qbyte ip[4], qbyte port[2]);
//server tick/control functions
iwboolean FTP_ServerRun(iwboolean ftpserverwanted, int port);
qboolean HTTP_ServerPoll(qboolean httpserverwanted, int port);
//server interface called from main server routines.
void IWebInit(void);
void IWebRun(void);
void IWebShutdown(void);
qboolean FTP_Client_Command (char *cmd, void (*NotifyFunction)(vfsfile_t *file, char *localfile, qboolean sucess));
void IRC_Command(char *imsg);
void FTP_ClientThink (void);
void IRC_Frame(void);
qboolean SV_POP3(qboolean activewanted);
qboolean SV_SMTP(qboolean activewanted);
#if 1
struct dl_download
/*not used by anything in the download itself, useful for context*/
unsigned int user_num;
float user_float;
void *user_ctx;
qdownload_t qdownload;
/*stream config*/
char *url; /*original url*/
char redir[MAX_OSPATH]; /*current redirected url*/
char localname[MAX_OSPATH]; /*leave empty for a temp file*/
struct vfsfile_s *file; /*downloaded to, if not already set when starting will open localname or a temp file*/
char postmimetype[64];
char *postdata; /*if set, this is a post and not a get*/
size_t postlen;
/*stream status*/
DL_PENDING, /*not started*/
DL_FAILED, /*gave up*/
DL_RESOLVING, /*resolving the host*/
DL_QUERY, /*sent query, waiting for response*/
DL_ACTIVE, /*receiving data*/
DL_FINISHED /*its complete*/
} status;
unsigned int replycode;
unsigned int totalsize; /*max size (can be 0 for unknown)*/
unsigned int completed; /*ammount correctly received so far*/
qboolean threaddie;
void *threadctx;
void *ctx; /*internal context, depending on http/ftp/etc protocol*/
void (*abort) (struct dl_download *); /*cleans up the internal context*/
qboolean (*poll) (struct dl_download *);
/*not used internally by the backend, but used by HTTP_CL_Get/thread wrapper*/
struct dl_download *next;
void (*notifystarted) (struct dl_download *dl, char *mimetype); //mime can be null for some protocols, read dl->totalsize for size.
void (*notifycomplete) (struct dl_download *dl);
vfsfile_t *VFSPIPE_Open(void);
void HTTP_CL_Think(void);
struct dl_download *HTTP_CL_Get(const char *url, const char *localfile, void (*NotifyFunction)(struct dl_download *dl));
struct dl_download *HTTP_CL_Put(const char *url, const char *mime, const char *data, size_t datalen, void (*NotifyFunction)(struct dl_download *dl));
struct dl_download *DL_Create(const char *url);
qboolean DL_CreateThread(struct dl_download *dl, vfsfile_t *file, void (*NotifyFunction)(struct dl_download *dl));
void DL_Close(struct dl_download *dl);