mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 07:51:18 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@938 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
452 lines
11 KiB
452 lines
11 KiB
//read menu.h
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "winquake.h"
//these are awkward/strange
qboolean M_Options_AlwaysRun (union menuoption_s *option, chk_set_t set)
if (set == CHK_CHECKED)
return cl_forwardspeed.value > 200;
else if (cl_forwardspeed.value > 200)
Cvar_SetValue (&cl_forwardspeed, 200);
Cvar_SetValue (&cl_backspeed, 200);
return false;
Cvar_SetValue (&cl_forwardspeed, 400);
Cvar_SetValue (&cl_backspeed, 400);
return true;
qboolean M_Options_InvertMouse (union menuoption_s *option, chk_set_t set)
if (set == CHK_CHECKED)
return m_pitch.value < 0;
Cvar_SetValue (&m_pitch, -m_pitch.value);
return m_pitch.value < 0;
//options menu.
void M_Menu_Options_f (void)
int mgt;
extern cvar_t cl_standardchat;
#ifdef _WIN32
extern qboolean vid_isfullscreen;
menu_t *menu;
int y = 32;
key_dest = key_menu;
m_state = m_complex;
m_entersound = true;
menu = M_CreateMenu(0);
mgt = M_GameType();
if (mgt == MGT_QUAKE2)
{ //q2...
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "pics/m_banner_options");
y += 32;
else if (mgt == MGT_HEXEN2)
{ //h2
MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 0, "gfx/menu/hplaque.lmp");
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 0, "gfx/menu/title3.lmp");
{ //q1
MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp");
menu->selecteditem = (union menuoption_s *)
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, y, " Customize controls", "menu_keys\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, y, " Go to console", "toggleconsole\nplay misc/menu2.wav\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, y, " Reset to defaults", "exec default.cfg\nplay misc/menu2.wav\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, y, " Mouse Speed", &sensitivity, 1, 10); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Always Run", NULL,0)->func = M_Options_AlwaysRun; y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Invert Mouse", NULL,0)->func = M_Options_InvertMouse; y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Lookspring", &lookspring,0); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Lookstrafe", &lookstrafe,0); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Use old status bar", &cl_sbar,0); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " HUD on left side", &cl_hudswap,0); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Old-style chatting", &cl_standardchat,0);y+=8;
y+=4;MC_AddEditCvar(menu, 16, y, " Imitate FPS", "cl_netfps"); y+=8+4;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, y, " Video Options", "menu_video\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, y, " FPS Options", "menu_fps\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, y, " Audio Options", "menu_audio\n"); y+=8;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!vid_isfullscreen)
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Use Mouse", &_windowed_mouse,0); y+=8;
menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 200, 32, NULL, false);
#ifndef __CYGWIN__
typedef struct {
int cursorpos;
menuoption_t *cursoritem;
menutext_t *speaker[6];
menutext_t *testsoundsource;
soundcardinfo_t *card;
} audiomenuinfo_t;
qboolean M_Audio_Key (int key, struct menu_s *menu)
int i, x, y;
audiomenuinfo_t *info = menu->data;
soundcardinfo_t *sc;
for (sc = sndcardinfo; sc; sc = sc->next)
if (sc == info->card)
if (!sc)
return true;
if (key == K_DOWNARROW)
if (key == K_UPARROW)
if (key == K_RIGHTARROW)
if (key == K_LEFTARROW)
if (key >= '0' && key <= '5')
i = key - '0';
x = info->testsoundsource->common.posx - 320/2;
y = info->testsoundsource->common.posy - 200/2;
sc->yaw[i] = (-atan2 (y,x)*180/M_PI) - 90;
sc->dist[i] = 50/sqrt(x*x+y*y);
menu->selecteditem = NULL;
return false;
void M_Audio_StartSound (struct menu_s *menu)
int i;
vec3_t org;
audiomenuinfo_t *info = menu->data;
soundcardinfo_t *sc;
static float lasttime;
for (sc = sndcardinfo; sc; sc = sc->next)
if (sc == info->card)
if (!sc)
for (i = 0; i < sc->sn.numchannels; i++)
info->speaker[i]->common.posx = 320/2 - sin(sc->yaw[i]*M_PI/180) * 50/sc->dist[i];
info->speaker[i]->common.posy = 200/2 - cos(sc->yaw[i]*M_PI/180) * 50/sc->dist[i];
for (; i < 6; i++)
info->speaker[i]->common.posy = -100;
if (lasttime+0.5 < Sys_DoubleTime())
lasttime = Sys_DoubleTime();
org[0] = listener_origin[0] + 2*(listener_right[0]*(info->testsoundsource->common.posx-320/2) + listener_forward[0]*(info->testsoundsource->common.posy-200/2));
org[1] = listener_origin[1] + 2*(listener_right[1]*(info->testsoundsource->common.posx-320/2) + listener_forward[1]*(info->testsoundsource->common.posy-200/2));
org[2] = listener_origin[2] + 2*(listener_right[2]*(info->testsoundsource->common.posx-320/2) + listener_forward[2]*(info->testsoundsource->common.posy-200/2));
S_StartSound(-2, 0, S_PrecacheSound("player/pain3.wav"), org, 1, 4);
void M_Menu_Audio_Speakers_f (void)
int i;
audiomenuinfo_t *info;
menu_t *menu;
key_dest = key_menu;
m_state = m_complex;
m_entersound = true;
menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(audiomenuinfo_t));
info = menu->data;
menu->key = M_Audio_Key;
menu->event = M_Audio_StartSound;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
info->speaker[i] = MC_AddBufferedText(menu, 0, 0, va("%i", i), false, true);
info->testsoundsource = MC_AddBufferedText(menu, 0, 0, "X", false, true);
info->card = sndcardinfo;
menu->selecteditem = NULL;
menucombo_t *MC_AddCvarCombo(menu_t *menu, int x, int y, const char *caption, cvar_t *cvar, const char **ops, const char **values);
void M_Menu_Audio_f (void)
int y = 32;
menu_t *menu;
int mgt;
extern cvar_t nosound, precache, snd_leftisright, snd_khz, snd_eax, snd_speakers, ambient_level;
static const char *soundqualityoptions[] = {
"11025 Hz",
"22050 Hz",
"44100 Hz",
static const char *soundqualityvalues[] = {
static const char *speakeroptions[] = {
"5.1 surround",
static const char *speakervalues[] = {
key_dest = key_menu;
m_state = m_complex;
m_entersound = true;
menu = M_CreateMenu(0);
mgt = M_GameType();
if (mgt == MGT_QUAKE2)
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "pics/m_banner_options");
y += 32;
else if (mgt == MGT_HEXEN2)
MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp");
menu->selecteditem = (union menuoption_s *)
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, y, " CD Music Volume", &bgmvolume, 0, 1);y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, y, " Sound Volume", &volume, 0, 1);y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, y, " Ambient Volume", &ambient_level, 0, 1);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " no sound", &nosound,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " precache", &precache,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Low Quality Sound", &loadas8bit,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Flip Sound", &snd_leftisright,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Experimental EAX 2", &snd_eax,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCvarCombo(menu, 16, y, " Speaker setup", &snd_speakers, speakeroptions, speakervalues);y+=8;
MC_AddCvarCombo(menu, 16, y, " Sound speed", &snd_khz, soundqualityoptions, soundqualityvalues);y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, y, " Restart sound", "snd_restart\n");y+=8;
menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 200, 32, NULL, false);
void M_Menu_Audio_f (void)
Con_Printf("No sound in cygwin\n");
void M_Menu_Particles_f (void)
int y = 32;
menu_t *menu;
int mgt;
extern cvar_t r_bouncysparks, r_part_rain, gl_part_torch, gl_part_flame;
static const char *r_part_rain_options[] = {
static const char *r_part_rain_values[] = {
static const char *gl_part_effects_ops[] = {
static const char *gl_part_effects_vals[] = {
key_dest = key_menu;
m_state = m_complex;
m_entersound = true;
menu = M_CreateMenu(0);
mgt = M_GameType();
if (mgt == MGT_QUAKE2)
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "pics/m_banner_options");
y += 32;
else if (mgt == MGT_HEXEN2)
MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp");
menu->selecteditem = (union menuoption_s *)
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, y, " Choose particle set", "menu_particleset");y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " sparks bounce", &r_bouncysparks,0);y+=8;
// MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, y, " exp spark count", &r_particles_in_explosion, 16, 1024);y+=8;
MC_AddCvarCombo(menu, 16, y, " texture emittance", &r_part_rain, r_part_rain_options, r_part_rain_values);y+=8;
MC_AddCvarCombo(menu, 16, y, " WallTorch effect", &gl_part_torch, gl_part_effects_ops, gl_part_effects_vals);y+=8;
MC_AddCvarCombo(menu, 16, y, " Open flame effect", &gl_part_flame, gl_part_effects_ops, gl_part_effects_vals);y+=8;
menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 200, 32, NULL, false);
void M_Menu_FPS_f (void)
int y = 32;
menu_t *menu;
int mgt;
extern cvar_t gl_compress, gl_detail, gl_bump, r_flashblend;
#ifdef SWQUAKE
extern cvar_t d_smooth, d_mipscale, d_mipcap;
extern cvar_t r_stains, r_bloodstains, r_loadlits, r_dynamic, v_contentblend, show_fps;
key_dest = key_menu;
m_state = m_complex;
m_entersound = true;
menu = M_CreateMenu(0);
mgt = M_GameType();
if (mgt == MGT_QUAKE2)
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "pics/m_banner_options");
y += 32;
else if (mgt == MGT_HEXEN2)
MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp");
menu->selecteditem = (union menuoption_s *)
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 48, y, " Particle Options", "menu_particles\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " Show FPS", &show_fps,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " Content blend", &v_contentblend,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " Dynamic lights", &r_dynamic,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " Stainmaps", &r_stains,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " Blood stains", &r_bloodstains,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " Load .lit files", &r_loadlits,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " Flashblending", &r_flashblend,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " Detailmaps", &gl_detail,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " Bumpmaps", &gl_bump,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " Tex Compression", &gl_compress,0);y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " 32 bit textures", &gl_load24bit,0);y+=8;
#ifdef SWQUAKE
if (r_pixbytes == 4)
{MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " Load .lit files", &r_loadlits,0);y+=8;}
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 48, y, " Texture Smoothing", &d_smooth,0);y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 48, y, " Mipmap scale", &d_mipscale, 0.1, 3);y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 48, y, " Mipmap Capping", &d_mipcap, 0, 3);y+=8;
menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 200, 32, NULL, false);