mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 14:55:34 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
186 lines
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186 lines
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"STL_LANGUAGENAME \"English\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTCONNECTED \"client %s connected\\n\"\n"
"STL_SPECTATORCONNECTED \"spectator %s connected\\n\"\n"
"STL_RECORDEDCLIENTCONNECTED \"recorded client %s connected\\n\"\n"
"STL_RECORDEDSPECTATORCONNECTED \"recorded spectator %s connected\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTWASBANNED \"%s was banned\\n\"\n"
"STL_YOUWEREBANNED \"You were banned\\n\"\n"
"STL_YOUAREBANNED \"You are still banned\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTTIMEDOUT \"Client %s timed out\\n\"\n"
"STL_LOADZOMIBETIMEDOUT \"LoadZombie %s timed out\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTWASKICKED \"%s was kicked\\n\"\n"
"STL_YOUWEREKICKED \"You were kicked\\n\"\n"
"STL_YOUWEREKICKEDNAMESPAM \"You were kicked for name spamming\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTKICKEDNAMESPAM \"%s was kicked for name spamming\\n\"\n"
"STL_GODON \"godmode ON\\n\"\n"
"STL_GODOFF \"godmode OFF\\n\"\n"
"STL_NOCLIPON \"noclip ON\\n\"\n"
"STL_NOCLIPOFF \"noclip OFF\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTISCUFFEDPERMANENTLY \"%s is still cuffed\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTISCUFFED \"%s is was cuffed\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTISSTILLCUFFED \"%s is still cuffed\\n\"\n"
"STL_YOUWERECUFFED \"You were cuffed\\n\"\n"
"STL_YOUARNTCUFFED \"You are no longer cuffed\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTISCRIPPLEDPERMANENTLY \"%s is now crippled permanently\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTISCRIPPLED \"%s is crippled\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTISSTILLCRIPPLED \"%s is still crippled\\n\"\n"
"STL_YOUWERECLIPPLED \"You have been crippled\\n\"\n"
"STL_YOUARNTCRIPPLED \"You are no longer crippled\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTISMUTEDPERMANENTLY \"%s was muted permanently\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTISMUTED \"%s was muted\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTISSTILLMUTED \"%s is muted (still)\\n\"\n"
"STL_YOUAREMUTED \"%s is muted\\n\"\n"
"STL_YOUARNTMUTED \"You are no longer muted\\n\"\n"
"STL_NONAMEASMUTE \"Muted players may not change thier names\\n\"\n"
"STL_MUTEDVOTE \"Sorry, you cannot vote when muted as it may allow you to send a message.\\n\"\n"
"STL_MUTEDCHAT \"You cannot chat while muted\\n\"\n"
"STL_FLOODPROTACTIVE \"floodprot: You can't talk for %i seconds\\n\"\n"
"STL_FLOODPROTTIME \"You can't talk for %i more seconds\\n\"\n"
"STL_BUFFERPROTECTION \"buffer overflow protection: failiure\\n\"\n"
"STL_FIRSTGREETING \"Welcome %s. Your time on this server is being logged and ranked\\n\"\n"
"STL_SHORTGREETING \"Welcome back %s. You have previously spent %i mins connected\\n\"\n"
"STL_BIGGREETING \"Welcome back %s. You have previously spent %i:%i hours connected\\n\"\n"
"STL_POSSIBLEMODELCHEAT \"warning: %s eyes or player model does not match\\n\"\n"
"STL_MAPCHEAT \"Map model file does not match (%s), %i != %i/%i.\\nYou may need a new version of the map, or the proper install files.\\n\"\n"
"STL_INVALIDTRACKCLIENT \"invalid player to track\\n\"\n"
"STL_BADNAME \"Can't change name - new is invalid\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTNAMECHANGE \"%s changed thier name to %s\\n\"\n"
"STL_SERVERPAUSED \"server is paused\\n\"\n"
"STL_UPLOADDENIED \"Upload denied\\n\"\n"
"STL_NAMEDCLIENTDOESNTEXIST \"client does not exist\\n\"\n"
"STL_NOSUISIDEWHENDEAD \"Can't suiside -- Already dead\\n\"\n"
"STL_CANTPAUSE \"Can't pause. Not allowed\\n\"\n"
"STL_CANTPAUSESPEC \"Spectators may not pause the game\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTPAUSED \"%s paused the game\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTUNPAUSED \"%s unpaused the game\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTLESSUNPAUSE \"pause released due to empty server\\n\"\n"
"STL_CURRENTRATE \"current rate is %i\\n\"\n"
"STL_RATESETTO \"rate is changed to %i\\n\"\n"
"STL_CURRENTMSGLEVEL \"current msg level is %i\\n\"\n"
"STL_MSGLEVELSET \"new msg level set to %i\\n\"\n"
"STL_GAMESAVED \"Server has saved the game\\n\"\n"
"STL_CLIENTDROPPED \"%s dropped\\n\"\n"
"STL_SNAPREFUSED \"%s refused remote screenshot\\n\"\n"
"STL_FINALVOTE \"%s casts final vote for '%s'\\n\"\n"
"STL_VOTE \"%s casts a vote for '%s'\\n\"\n"
"STL_SPEEDCHEATKICKED \"%s was kicked for speedcheating (%s)\\n\"\n"
"STL_SPEEDCHEATPOSSIBLE \"Speed cheat possibility, analyzing:\\n %d %.1f %d for: %s\\n\"\n"
"STL_INITED \"======== QuakeWorld Initialized ========\\n\"\n"
"STL_BACKBUFSET \"WARNING %s: [SV_New] Back buffered (%d0, clearing)\\n\"\n"
"STL_MESSAGEOVERFLOW \"WARNING: backbuf [%d] reliable overflow for %s\\n\"\n"
"STL_BUILDINGPHS \"Building PHS...\\n\"\n"
"STL_PHSINFO \"Average leafs visible / hearable / total: %i / %i / %i\\n\"\n"
"STL_BREAKSTATEMENT \"Break Statement\\n\"\n"
"STL_BADSPRINT \"tried to sprint to a non-client\\n\"\n"
"STL_NOPRECACHE \"no precache: %s\\n\"\n"
"STL_CANTFREEWORLD \"cannot free world entity\\n\"\n"
"STL_CANTFREEPLAYERS \"cannot free player entities\\n\"\n"
"STL_COMPILEROVER \"Compile took %f secs\\n\"\n"
"STL_EDICTWASFREE \"%s edict was free\\n\"\n"
"STL_NOFREEEDICTS \"WARNING: no free edicts\\n\"\n"
"STL_NEEDCHEATPARM \"You must run the server with -cheats to enable this command.\\n\"\n"
"STL_USERDOESNTEXIST \"Couldn't find user number %s\\n\"\n"
"STL_MAPCOMMANDUSAGE \"map <levelname> : continue game on a new level\\n\"\n"
"STL_NOVOTING \"Voting was dissallowed\\n\"\n"
"STL_BADVOTE \"You arn't allowed to vote for that\\n\"\n"
"STL_VOTESREMOVED \"All votes removed.\\n\"\n"
"STL_OLDVOTEREMOVED \"Old vote removed.\\n\"\n"
"TL_EXECING \"execing %s\\n\"\n"
"TL_EXECCOMMANDUSAGE \"exec <filename> : execute a script file\\n\"\n"
"TL_EXECFAILED \"couldn't exec %s\\n\"\n"
"TL_FUNCOVERFLOW \"%s: overflow\\n\"\n"
"TL_CURRENTALIASCOMMANDS \"Current alias commands:\\n\"\n"
"TL_ALIASNAMETOOLONG \"Alias name is too long\\n\"\n"
"TL_ALIASRESTRICTIONLEVELERROR \"Alias is already bound with a higher restriction\\n\"\n"
"TL_ALIASLEVELCOMMANDUSAGE \"aliaslevel <var> [execlevel]\\n\"\n"
"TL_ALIASNOTFOUND \"Alias not found\\n\"\n"
"TL_ALIASRAISELEVELERROR \"You arn't allowed to raise a command above your own level\\n\"\n"
"TL_ALIASRESTRICTIONLEVELWARN \"WARNING: %s is available to all clients, any client will be able to use it at the new level.\\n\"\n"
"TL_ALIASRESTRICTLEVEL \"alias %s is set to run at the user level of %i\\n\"\n"
"TL_ALIASLIST \"Alias list:\\n\"\n"
"TL_COMMANDLISTHEADER \"Command list:\\n\"\n"
"TL_CVARLISTHEADER \"CVar list:\\n\"\n"
"TL_RESTRICTCOMMANDRAISE \"You arn't allowed to raise a command above your own level\\n\"\n"
"TL_RESTRICTCOMMANDTOOHIGH \"You arn't allowed to alter a level above your own\\n\"\n"
"TL_RESTRICTCURRENTLEVEL \"%s is restricted to %i\\n\"\n"
"TL_RESTRICTCURRENTLEVELDEFAULT \"%s is restricted to rcon_level (%i)\\n\"\n"
"TL_RESTRICTNOTDEFINED \"restrict: %s not defined\\n\"\n"
"TL_WASRESTIRCTED \"%s was restricted.\\n\"\n"
"TL_COMMANDNOTDEFINED \"Unknown command \\\"%s\\\"\\n\"\n"
"TL_IFSYNTAX \"if <condition> <statement> [elseif <condition> <statement>] [...] [else <statement>]\\n\"\n"
"TL_IFSYNTAXERROR \"Not terminated\\n\"\n"
"TL_SETSYNTAX \"set <var> <equation>\\n\"\n"
"TL_CANTXNOTCONNECTED \"Can't \\\"%s\\\", not connected\\n\"\n"
"TL_SHAREWAREVERSION \"Playing shareware version.\\n\"\n"
"TL_REGISTEREDVERSION \"Playing registered version.\\n\"\n"
"TL_CURRENTSEARCHPATH \"Current search path:\\n\"\n"
"TL_SERACHPATHISPACK \"%s (%i files)\\n\"\n"
"TL_SERACHPATHISZIP \"%s (%i files)\\n\"\n"
"TL_COMPRESSEDFILEOPENFAILED \"Tried opening a handle to a compressed stream - %s\\n\"\n"
"TL_ADDEDPACKFILE \"Added packfile %s (%i files)\\n\"\n"
"TL_COULDNTOPENZIP \"Failed opening zipfile \\\"%s\\\" corrupt?\\n\"\n"
"TL_ADDEDZIPFILE \"Added zipfile %s (%i files)\\n\"\n"
"TL_GAMEDIRAINTPATH \"Gamedir should be a single filename, not a path\\n\"\n"
"TL_KEYHASSLASH \"Can't use a key with a \\\\\\n\"\n"
"TL_KEYHASQUOTE \"Can't use a key with a \\\"\\n\"\n"
"TL_KEYTOOLONG \"Keys and values must be < 64 characters.\\n\"\n"
"TL_INFOSTRINGTOOLONG \"Info string length exceeded\\n\"\n"
"TL_STARKEYPROTECTED \"Can't set * keys\\n\"\n"
"TL_OVERSIZEPACKETFROM \"Warning: Oversize packet from %s\\n\"\n"
"TL_CONNECTIONLOSTORABORTED \"Connection lost or aborted\\n\"\n"
"TL_NETGETPACKETERROR \"NET_GetPacket: %s\\n\"\n"
"TL_NETSENDERROR \"NET_SendPacket ERROR: %i\\n\"\n"
"TL_NETBINDINTERFACE \"Binding to IP Interface Address of %s\\n\"\n"
"TL_IPADDRESSIS \"IP address %s\\n\"\n"
"TL_UDPINITED \"UDP Initialized\\n\"\n"
"TL_SERVERPORTINITED \"Server port Initialized\\n\"\n"
"TL_CLIENTPORTINITED \"Client port Initialized\\n\"\n"
"TL_OUTMESSAGEOVERFLOW \"%s:Outgoing message overflow\\n\"\n"
"TL_OUTOFORDERPACKET \"%s:Out of order packet %i at %i\\n\"\n"
"TL_DROPPEDPACKETCOUNT \"%s:Dropped %i packets at %i\\n\"\n"
"STL_SERVERUNSPAWNED \"Server ended\\n\"\n"
"STL_SERVERSPAWNED \"Server spawned.\\n\"\n"
"TL_EXEDATETIME \"Exe: %s %s\\n\"\n"
"TL_HEAPSIZE \"%4.1f megabyte heap\\n\"\n"
"TL_VERSION2 \"\\nVersion %4.2f (Build %04d)\\n\\n\"\n"
"TL_SERVERVERSION2 \"\\n%s Version %4.2f (Build %04d)\\n\\n\"\n"
"STL_SAVESYNTAX \"save <savename> : save a game\\n\"\n"
"STL_NORELATIVEPATHS \"Relative pathnames are not allowed.\\n\"\n"
"STL_SAVEGAMETO \"Saving game to %s...\\n\"\n"
"STL_ERRORCOULDNTOPEN \"ERROR: couldn't open.\\n\"\n"
"STL_SAVEDONE \"done.\\n\"\n"
"STL_LOADSYNTAX \"load <savename> : load a game\\n\"\n"
"STL_LOADGAMEFROM \"Loading game from %s...\\n\"\n"
"STL_BADSAVEVERSION \"Savegame is version %i, not %i\\n\"\n"
"STL_LOADFAILED \"Couldn't load map\\n\"\n"
"STL_NOMATERMODE \"Setting nomaster mode.\\n\"\n"
"STL_MASTERAT \"Master server at %s\\n\"\n"
"STL_SENDINGPING \"Sending a ping.\\n\"\n"
"STL_SHUTTINGDOWN \"Shutting down.\\n\"\n"
"STL_LOGGINGOFF \"File logging off.\\n\"\n"
"STL_LOGGINGTO \"Logging text to %s.\\n\"\n"
"STL_FLOGGINGOFF \"Frag file logging off.\\n\"\n"
"STL_FLOGGINGFAILED \"Can't open any logfiles.\\n\"\n"
"STL_FLOGGINGTO \"Logging frags to %s.\\n\"\n"
"STL_USERIDNOTONSERVER \"Userid %i is not on the server\\n\"\n"
"STL_CANTFINDMAP \"Can't find %s\\n\"\n"
"STL_SERVERINFOSETTINGS \"Server info settings:\\n\"\n"
"STL_SERVERINFOSYNTAX \"usage: serverinfo [ <key> <value> ]\\n\"\n"
"STL_LOCALINFOSETTINGS \"Local info settings:\\n\"\n"
"STL_LOCALINFOSYNTAX \"usage: localinfo [ <key> <value> ]\\n\"\n"
"STL_USERINFOSYNTAX \"Usage: info <userid>\\n\"\n"
"STL_FLOODPROTSETTINGS \"Current floodprot settings: \\nAfter %d msgs per %d seconds, silence for %d seconds\\n\"\n"
"STL_FLOODPROTNOTON \"No floodprots enabled.\\n\"\n"
"STL_FLOODPROTSYNTAX \"Usage: floodprot <# of messages> <per # of seconds> <seconds to silence>\\nUse floodprotmsg to set a custom message to say to the flooder.\\n\"\n"
"STL_NONEGATIVEVALUES \"All values must be positive numbers\\n\"\n"
"STL_TRACK10PLUSSMESSAGES \"Can only track up to 10 messages.\\n\"\n"
"STL_FLOODPROTCURRENTMESSAGE \"Current msg: %s\\n\"\n"
"STL_FLOODPROTMESSAGESYNTAX \"Usage: floodprotmsg \\\"<message>\\\"\\n\"\n"
"STL_CURRENTGAMEDIR \"Current gamedir: %s\\n\"\n"
"STL_SVGAMEDIRUSAGE \"Usage: sv_gamedir <newgamedir>\\n\"\n"
"STL_GAMEDIRCANTBEPATH \"*Gamedir should be a single filename, not a path\\n\"\n"
"STL_GAMEDIRUSAGE \"Usage: gamedir <newgamedir>\\n\"\n"
"STL_SNAPTOOMANYFILES \"Snap: Couldn't create a file, clean some out.\\n\"\n"
"STL_SNAPREQUEST \"Requesting snap from user %d...\\n\"\n"
"STL_SNAPUSAGE \"Usage: snap <userid>\\n\"\n"