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synced 2025-03-04 07:51:18 +00:00
schannel (ie: windows native) works as a client, not a server. gnutls provides both client+server support. servers need to load a pre-generated cert from disk. tweaked gamepads to actually work in the web target. tweak gamepads a bit. added gp_* bind aliases. xinput+sdl+web should all use the same key mappings. finally added the itemtimer glsl. tweaked software renderer to not be quite so buggy, but you probably won't realise that if you try it. disabled the ill-fated QWOVERQ3 feature. don't do the oldorigin thing in quakeworld mods. hopefully this'll fix cspree's weird stuck-in-floor issue. dpp7 is buggy serverside. disabled for now. I'm part way through rewriting its deltas. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5103 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
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//emscripten's download mechanism lacks usable progress indicators.
void emscriptenfte_async_wget_data2(const char *url, void *ctx, void (*onload)(void*ctx,int buf), void (*onerror)(void*ctx,int code), void (*onprogress)(void*ctx,int prog,int total));
//changes the page away from quake (oh noes!) or downloads something.
void emscriptenfte_window_location(const char *url);
//filesystem buffers are implemented in javascript so that we are not bound by power-of-two heap limitations quite so much.
//also, we can't use emscripten's stdio because it reserves 16m file handles or something.
//these buffers do not track file offsets nor file access permissions.
int emscriptenfte_buf_create(void);
int emscriptenfte_buf_open(const char *name, int createifneeded); //open
int emscriptenfte_buf_rename(const char *oldname, const char *newname); //rename files (if it was open, the handle now refers to the new file instead)
int emscriptenfte_buf_delete(const char *fname); //delete the named file. there may be problems if its currently open
void emscriptenfte_buf_release(int handle); //close
void emscriptenfte_buf_pushtolocalstore(int handle); //make a copy in the browser's local storage, if possible.
unsigned int emscriptenfte_buf_getsize(int handle); //get the size of the file buffer
int emscriptenfte_buf_read(int handle, int offset, void *data, int len);//read data
int emscriptenfte_buf_write(int handle, int offset, const void *data, int len);//write data. no access checks.
//websocket is implemented in javascript because there is no usable C api (emscripten's javascript implementation is shite and has fatal errors).
int emscriptenfte_ws_connect(const char *url, const char *wsprotocol); //open a websocket connection to a specific host
void emscriptenfte_ws_close(int sockid); //close it again
int emscriptenfte_ws_cansend(int sockid, int extra, int maxpending); //returns false if we're blocking for some reason. avoids overflowing. everything is otherwise reliable.
int emscriptenfte_ws_send(int sockid, const void *data, int len); //send data to the peer. queues data. never dropped.
int emscriptenfte_ws_recv(int sockid, void *data, int len); //receive data from the peer.
int emscriptenfte_rtc_create(int clientside, void *ctxp, int ctxi, void(*cb)(void *ctxp, int ctxi, int type, const char *data)); //open a webrtc connection to a specific broker url
void emscriptenfte_rtc_offer(int sock, const char *offer, const char *sdptype);//sets the remote sdp.
void emscriptenfte_rtc_candidate(int sock, const char *offer); //adds a remote candidate.
//misc stuff for printf replacements
void emscriptenfte_alert(const char *msg);
void emscriptenfte_print(const char *msg);
void emscriptenfte_setupmainloop(int(*mainloop)(void));
NORETURN void emscriptenfte_abortmainloop(const char *caller);
//we're trying to avoid including libpng+libjpeg+libogg in javascript due to it being redundant bloat.
//to use such textures/sounds, we can just 'directly' load them via webgl
void emscriptenfte_gl_loadtexturefile(int gltexid, int *width, int *height, void *data, int datasize);
void emscriptenfte_al_loadaudiofile(int al_buf, void *data, int datasize);
//avoid all of emscripten's sdl emulation.
//this resolves input etc issues.
unsigned long emscriptenfte_ticks_ms(void);
void emscriptenfte_updatepointerlock(int wantpointerlock, int hidecursor);
void emscriptenfte_polljoyevents(void);
void emscriptenfte_settitle(const char *text);
int emscriptenfte_setupcanvas(
int width,
int height,
void(*Resized)(int newwidth, int newheight),
void(*Mouse)(unsigned int devid,int abs,float x,float y,float z,float size),
void(*Button)(unsigned int devid, int down, int mbutton),
int(*Keyboard)(unsigned int devid, int down, int keycode, int unicode),
void(*LoadFile)(char *url, char *mime, int filehandle),
void(*buttonevent)(unsigned int joydev, int button, int ispressed, int isstandard),
void(*axisevent)(unsigned int joydev, int axis, float value, int isstandard),
int (*ShouldSwitchToFullscreen)(void)
int emscriptenfte_getvrframedata(void);
int emscriptenfte_getvreyedata(int eye, float *projectionmatrix, float *viewmatrix);