mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:31:19 +00:00
fix q3 looping sounds fix q3sv bug that was kicking clients on map changes attempt to resize q3ui if the window changes size added some more disconnect reasons (for menuqc/q3ui to report). reworked particle count/step arguments for better compat with DP. particles that used count for trails were already broken... drawtextfield builtin will report line numbers shown, so qc can finally tell how much text there actually was added some more items to 'fps_preset dp', stuff needed for the 'quake15' mod. added dpcompat_noretouchground cvar for people wanting to mimic dp's bugs. added 'r_netgraph 2' setting, which will show packet sizes per svc, in part to highlight wasteful mods. added cvar to disable the q1mdl floodfill, which caused problems for yet another person. internal editor now attempts to support debugging asm, if no source is available. fix 64bit icon bug in x11. FINALLY fix high's te_teleport effect. load with no arguments will scan for the most recent a#/s#/quick savedgame instead of using just quick. load command will chose between fte and vanilla savedgame formats based on modification time, if both exist in the same package/dir. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5394 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
519 lines
23 KiB
519 lines
23 KiB
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* name: botlib.h
* desc: bot AI library
* $Archive: /source/code/game/botai.h $
struct aas_clientmove_s;
struct aas_entityinfo_s;
struct aas_areainfo_s;
struct aas_altroutegoal_s;
struct aas_predictroute_s;
struct bot_consolemessage_s;
struct bot_match_s;
struct bot_goal_s;
struct bot_moveresult_s;
struct bot_initmove_s;
struct weaponinfo_s;
#define BOTFILESBASEFOLDER "botfiles"
//debug line colors
#define LINECOLOR_RED 1//0xf2f2f0f0L
#define LINECOLOR_GREEN 2//0xd0d1d2d3L
#define LINECOLOR_BLUE 3//0xf3f3f1f1L
#define LINECOLOR_YELLOW 4//0xdcdddedfL
#define LINECOLOR_ORANGE 5//0xe0e1e2e3L
//Print types
#define PRT_MESSAGE 1
#define PRT_WARNING 2
#define PRT_ERROR 3
#define PRT_FATAL 4
#define PRT_EXIT 5
//console message types
#define CMS_NORMAL 0
#define CMS_CHAT 1
//botlib error codes
#define BLERR_NOERROR 0 //no error
#define BLERR_LIBRARYNOTSETUP 1 //library not setup
#define BLERR_INVALIDENTITYNUMBER 2 //invalid entity number
#define BLERR_NOAASFILE 3 //no AAS file available
#define BLERR_CANNOTOPENAASFILE 4 //cannot open AAS file
#define BLERR_WRONGAASFILEID 5 //incorrect AAS file id
#define BLERR_WRONGAASFILEVERSION 6 //incorrect AAS file version
#define BLERR_CANNOTREADAASLUMP 7 //cannot read AAS file lump
#define BLERR_CANNOTLOADICHAT 8 //cannot load initial chats
#define BLERR_CANNOTLOADITEMWEIGHTS 9 //cannot load item weights
#define BLERR_CANNOTLOADITEMCONFIG 10 //cannot load item config
#define BLERR_CANNOTLOADWEAPONWEIGHTS 11 //cannot load weapon weights
#define BLERR_CANNOTLOADWEAPONCONFIG 12 //cannot load weapon config
//action flags
#define ACTION_ATTACK 0x0000001
#define ACTION_USE 0x0000002
#define ACTION_RESPAWN 0x0000008
#define ACTION_JUMP 0x0000010
#define ACTION_MOVEUP 0x0000020
#define ACTION_CROUCH 0x0000080
#define ACTION_MOVEDOWN 0x0000100
#define ACTION_MOVEFORWARD 0x0000200
#define ACTION_MOVEBACK 0x0000800
#define ACTION_MOVELEFT 0x0001000
#define ACTION_MOVERIGHT 0x0002000
#define ACTION_DELAYEDJUMP 0x0008000
#define ACTION_TALK 0x0010000
#define ACTION_GESTURE 0x0020000
#define ACTION_WALK 0x0080000
#define ACTION_AFFIRMATIVE 0x0100000
#define ACTION_NEGATIVE 0x0200000
#define ACTION_GETFLAG 0x0800000
#define ACTION_GUARDBASE 0x1000000
#define ACTION_PATROL 0x2000000
#define ACTION_FOLLOWME 0x8000000
//the bot input, will be converted to an usercmd_t
typedef struct bot_input_s
float thinktime; //time since last output (in seconds)
vec3_t dir; //movement direction
float speed; //speed in the range [0, 400]
vec3_t viewangles; //the view angles
int actionflags; //one of the ACTION_? flags
int weapon; //weapon to use
} bot_input_t;
#ifndef BSPTRACE
#define BSPTRACE
//bsp_trace_t hit surface
typedef struct bsp_surface_s
char name[16];
int flags;
int value;
} bsp_surface_t;
//remove the bsp_trace_s structure definition l8r on
//a trace is returned when a box is swept through the world
typedef struct bsp_trace_s
qboolean allsolid; // if true, plane is not valid
qboolean startsolid; // if true, the initial point was in a solid area
float fraction; // time completed, 1.0 = didn't hit anything
vec3_t endpos; // final position
cplane_t plane; // surface normal at impact
float exp_dist; // expanded plane distance
int sidenum; // number of the brush side hit
bsp_surface_t surface; // the hit point surface
int contents; // contents on other side of surface hit
int ent; // number of entity hit
} bsp_trace_t;
#endif // BSPTRACE
//entity state
typedef struct bot_entitystate_s
int type; // entity type
int flags; // entity flags
vec3_t origin; // origin of the entity
vec3_t angles; // angles of the model
vec3_t old_origin; // for lerping
vec3_t mins; // bounding box minimums
vec3_t maxs; // bounding box maximums
int groundent; // ground entity
int solid; // solid type
int modelindex; // model used
int modelindex2; // weapons, CTF flags, etc
int frame; // model frame number
int event; // impulse events -- muzzle flashes, footsteps, etc
int eventParm; // even parameter
int powerups; // bit flags
int weapon; // determines weapon and flash model, etc
int legsAnim; // mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
int torsoAnim; // mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
} bot_entitystate_t;
//bot AI library exported functions
typedef struct botlib_import_s
//print messages from the bot library
void (QDECL *Print)(int type, char *fmt, ...);
//trace a bbox through the world
void (QDECL *Trace)(bsp_trace_t *trace, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int passent, int contentmask);
//trace a bbox against a specific entity
void (QDECL *EntityTrace)(bsp_trace_t *trace, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int entnum, int contentmask);
//retrieve the contents at the given point
int (QDECL *PointContents)(vec3_t point);
//check if the point is in potential visible sight
int (QDECL *inPVS)(vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2);
//retrieve the BSP entity data lump
const char *(QDECL *BSPEntityData)(void);
void (QDECL *BSPModelMinsMaxsOrigin)(int modelnum, vec3_t angles, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t origin);
//send a bot client command
void (QDECL *BotClientCommand)(int client, char *command);
//memory allocation
void *(QDECL *GetMemory)(int size); // allocate from Zone
void (QDECL *FreeMemory)(void *ptr); // free memory from Zone
int (QDECL *AvailableMemory)(void); // available Zone memory
void *(QDECL *HunkAlloc)(int size); // allocate from hunk
//file system access
int (QDECL *FS_FOpenFile)( const char *qpath, fileHandle_t *file, fsMode_t mode );
int (QDECL *FS_Read)( void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
int (QDECL *FS_Write)( const void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
void (QDECL *FS_FCloseFile)( fileHandle_t f );
int (QDECL *FS_Seek)( fileHandle_t f, long offset, int origin );
//debug visualisation stuff
int (QDECL *DebugLineCreate)(void);
void (QDECL *DebugLineDelete)(int line);
void (QDECL *DebugLineShow)(int line, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int color);
int (QDECL *DebugPolygonCreate)(int color, int numPoints, vec3_t *points);
void (QDECL *DebugPolygonDelete)(int id);
//FTE additions...
void (QDECL *Error)(const char *error);
} botlib_import_t;
typedef struct aas_export_s
// be_aas_entity.h
void (QDECL *AAS_EntityInfo)(int entnum, struct aas_entityinfo_s *info);
// be_aas_main.h
int (QDECL *AAS_Initialized)(void);
void (QDECL *AAS_PresenceTypeBoundingBox)(int presencetype, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs);
float (QDECL *AAS_Time)(void);
// be_aas_sample.c
int (QDECL *AAS_PointAreaNum)(vec3_t point);
int (QDECL *AAS_PointReachabilityAreaIndex)( vec3_t point );
int (QDECL *AAS_TraceAreas)(vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int *areas, vec3_t *points, int maxareas);
int (QDECL *AAS_BBoxAreas)(vec3_t absmins, vec3_t absmaxs, int *areas, int maxareas);
int (QDECL *AAS_AreaInfo)( int areanum, struct aas_areainfo_s *info );
// be_aas_bspq3.c
int (QDECL *AAS_PointContents)(vec3_t point);
int (QDECL *AAS_NextBSPEntity)(int ent);
int (QDECL *AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey)(int ent, char *key, char *value, int size);
int (QDECL *AAS_VectorForBSPEpairKey)(int ent, char *key, vec3_t v);
int (QDECL *AAS_FloatForBSPEpairKey)(int ent, char *key, float *value);
int (QDECL *AAS_IntForBSPEpairKey)(int ent, char *key, int *value);
// be_aas_reach.c
int (QDECL *AAS_AreaReachability)(int areanum);
// be_aas_route.c
int (QDECL *AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea)(int areanum, vec3_t origin, int goalareanum, int travelflags);
int (QDECL *AAS_EnableRoutingArea)(int areanum, int enable);
int (QDECL *AAS_PredictRoute)(struct aas_predictroute_s *route, int areanum, vec3_t origin,
int goalareanum, int travelflags, int maxareas, int maxtime,
int stopevent, int stopcontents, int stoptfl, int stopareanum);
// be_aas_altroute.c
int (QDECL *AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals)(vec3_t start, int startareanum, vec3_t goal, int goalareanum, int travelflags,
struct aas_altroutegoal_s *altroutegoals, int maxaltroutegoals,
int type);
// be_aas_move.c
int (QDECL *AAS_Swimming)(vec3_t origin);
int (QDECL *AAS_PredictClientMovement)(struct aas_clientmove_s *move,
int entnum, vec3_t origin,
int presencetype, int onground,
vec3_t velocity, vec3_t cmdmove,
int cmdframes,
int maxframes, float frametime,
int stopevent, int stopareanum, int visualize);
} aas_export_t;
typedef struct ea_export_s
//ClientCommand elementary actions
void (QDECL *EA_Command)(int client, char *command );
void (QDECL *EA_Say)(int client, char *str);
void (QDECL *EA_SayTeam)(int client, char *str);
void (QDECL *EA_Action)(int client, int action);
void (QDECL *EA_Gesture)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_Talk)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_Attack)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_Use)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_Respawn)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_MoveUp)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_MoveDown)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_MoveForward)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_MoveBack)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_MoveLeft)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_MoveRight)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_Crouch)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_SelectWeapon)(int client, int weapon);
void (QDECL *EA_Jump)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_DelayedJump)(int client);
void (QDECL *EA_Move)(int client, vec3_t dir, float speed);
void (QDECL *EA_View)(int client, vec3_t viewangles);
//send regular input to the server
void (QDECL *EA_EndRegular)(int client, float thinktime);
void (QDECL *EA_GetInput)(int client, float thinktime, bot_input_t *input);
void (QDECL *EA_ResetInput)(int client);
} ea_export_t;
typedef struct ai_export_s
// be_ai_char.h
int (QDECL *BotLoadCharacter)(char *charfile, float skill);
void (QDECL *BotFreeCharacter)(int character);
float (QDECL *Characteristic_Float)(int character, int index);
float (QDECL *Characteristic_BFloat)(int character, int index, float min, float max);
int (QDECL *Characteristic_Integer)(int character, int index);
int (QDECL *Characteristic_BInteger)(int character, int index, int min, int max);
void (QDECL *Characteristic_String)(int character, int index, char *buf, int size);
// be_ai_chat.h
int (QDECL *BotAllocChatState)(void);
void (QDECL *BotFreeChatState)(int handle);
void (QDECL *BotQueueConsoleMessage)(int chatstate, int type, char *message);
void (QDECL *BotRemoveConsoleMessage)(int chatstate, int handle);
int (QDECL *BotNextConsoleMessage)(int chatstate, struct bot_consolemessage_s *cm);
int (QDECL *BotNumConsoleMessages)(int chatstate);
void (QDECL *BotInitialChat)(int chatstate, char *type, int mcontext, char *var0, char *var1, char *var2, char *var3, char *var4, char *var5, char *var6, char *var7);
int (QDECL *BotNumInitialChats)(int chatstate, char *type);
int (QDECL *BotReplyChat)(int chatstate, char *message, int mcontext, int vcontext, char *var0, char *var1, char *var2, char *var3, char *var4, char *var5, char *var6, char *var7);
int (QDECL *BotChatLength)(int chatstate);
void (QDECL *BotEnterChat)(int chatstate, int client, int sendto);
void (QDECL *BotGetChatMessage)(int chatstate, char *buf, int size);
int (QDECL *StringContains)(char *str1, char *str2, int casesensitive);
int (QDECL *BotFindMatch)(char *str, struct bot_match_s *match, unsigned long int context);
void (QDECL *BotMatchVariable)(struct bot_match_s *match, int variable, char *buf, int size);
void (QDECL *UnifyWhiteSpaces)(char *string);
void (QDECL *BotReplaceSynonyms)(char *string, unsigned long int context);
int (QDECL *BotLoadChatFile)(int chatstate, char *chatfile, char *chatname);
void (QDECL *BotSetChatGender)(int chatstate, int gender);
void (QDECL *BotSetChatName)(int chatstate, char *name, int client);
// be_ai_goal.h
void (QDECL *BotResetGoalState)(int goalstate);
void (QDECL *BotResetAvoidGoals)(int goalstate);
void (QDECL *BotRemoveFromAvoidGoals)(int goalstate, int number);
void (QDECL *BotPushGoal)(int goalstate, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
void (QDECL *BotPopGoal)(int goalstate);
void (QDECL *BotEmptyGoalStack)(int goalstate);
void (QDECL *BotDumpAvoidGoals)(int goalstate);
void (QDECL *BotDumpGoalStack)(int goalstate);
void (QDECL *BotGoalName)(int number, char *name, int size);
int (QDECL *BotGetTopGoal)(int goalstate, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
int (QDECL *BotGetSecondGoal)(int goalstate, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
int (QDECL *BotChooseLTGItem)(int goalstate, vec3_t origin, int *inventory, int travelflags);
int (QDECL *BotChooseNBGItem)(int goalstate, vec3_t origin, int *inventory, int travelflags,
struct bot_goal_s *ltg, float maxtime);
int (QDECL *BotTouchingGoal)(vec3_t origin, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
int (QDECL *BotItemGoalInVisButNotVisible)(int viewer, vec3_t eye, vec3_t viewangles, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
int (QDECL *BotGetLevelItemGoal)(int index, char *classname, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
int (QDECL *BotGetNextCampSpotGoal)(int num, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
int (QDECL *BotGetMapLocationGoal)(char *name, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
float (QDECL *BotAvoidGoalTime)(int goalstate, int number);
void (QDECL *BotSetAvoidGoalTime)(int goalstate, int number, float avoidtime);
void (QDECL *BotInitLevelItems)(void);
void (QDECL *BotUpdateEntityItems)(void);
int (QDECL *BotLoadItemWeights)(int goalstate, char *filename);
void (QDECL *BotFreeItemWeights)(int goalstate);
void (QDECL *BotInterbreedGoalFuzzyLogic)(int parent1, int parent2, int child);
void (QDECL *BotSaveGoalFuzzyLogic)(int goalstate, char *filename);
void (QDECL *BotMutateGoalFuzzyLogic)(int goalstate, float range);
int (QDECL *BotAllocGoalState)(int client);
void (QDECL *BotFreeGoalState)(int handle);
// be_ai_move.h
void (QDECL *BotResetMoveState)(int movestate);
void (QDECL *BotMoveToGoal)(struct bot_moveresult_s *result, int movestate, struct bot_goal_s *goal, int travelflags);
int (QDECL *BotMoveInDirection)(int movestate, vec3_t dir, float speed, int type);
void (QDECL *BotResetAvoidReach)(int movestate);
void (QDECL *BotResetLastAvoidReach)(int movestate);
int (QDECL *BotReachabilityArea)(vec3_t origin, int testground);
int (QDECL *BotMovementViewTarget)(int movestate, struct bot_goal_s *goal, int travelflags, float lookahead, vec3_t target);
int (QDECL *BotPredictVisiblePosition)(vec3_t origin, int areanum, struct bot_goal_s *goal, int travelflags, vec3_t target);
int (QDECL *BotAllocMoveState)(void);
void (QDECL *BotFreeMoveState)(int handle);
void (QDECL *BotInitMoveState)(int handle, struct bot_initmove_s *initmove);
void (QDECL *BotAddAvoidSpot)(int movestate, vec3_t origin, float radius, int type);
// be_ai_weap.h
int (QDECL *BotChooseBestFightWeapon)(int weaponstate, int *inventory);
void (QDECL *BotGetWeaponInfo)(int weaponstate, int weapon, struct weaponinfo_s *weaponinfo);
int (QDECL *BotLoadWeaponWeights)(int weaponstate, char *filename);
int (QDECL *BotAllocWeaponState)(void);
void (QDECL *BotFreeWeaponState)(int weaponstate);
void (QDECL *BotResetWeaponState)(int weaponstate);
// be_ai_gen.h
int (QDECL *GeneticParentsAndChildSelection)(int numranks, float *ranks, int *parent1, int *parent2, int *child);
} ai_export_t;
//bot AI library imported functions
typedef struct botlib_export_s
//Area Awareness System functions
aas_export_t aas;
//Elementary Action functions
ea_export_t ea;
//AI functions
ai_export_t ai;
//setup the bot library, returns BLERR_
int (QDECL *BotLibSetup)(void);
//shutdown the bot library, returns BLERR_
int (QDECL *BotLibShutdown)(void);
//sets a library variable returns BLERR_
int (QDECL *BotLibVarSet)(char *var_name, char *value);
//gets a library variable returns BLERR_
int (QDECL *BotLibVarGet)(char *var_name, char *value, int size);
//sets a C-like define returns BLERR_
int (QDECL *PC_AddGlobalDefine)(char *string);
int (QDECL *PC_LoadSourceHandle)(const char *filename);
int (QDECL *PC_FreeSourceHandle)(int handle);
int (QDECL *PC_ReadTokenHandle)(int handle, pc_token_t *pc_token);
int (QDECL *PC_SourceFileAndLine)(int handle, char *filename, int *line);
//start a frame in the bot library
int (QDECL *BotLibStartFrame)(float time);
//load a new map in the bot library
int (QDECL *BotLibLoadMap)(const char *mapname);
//entity updates
int (QDECL *BotLibUpdateEntity)(int ent, bot_entitystate_t *state);
//just for testing
int (QDECL *Test)(int parm0, char *parm1, vec3_t parm2, vec3_t parm3);
} botlib_export_t;
//linking of bot library
botlib_export_t *QDECL GetBotLibAPI( int apiVersion, botlib_import_t *import );
/* Library variables:
name: default: module(s): description:
"basedir" "" l_utils.c base directory
"gamedir" "" l_utils.c game directory
"cddir" "" l_utils.c CD directory
"log" "0" l_log.c enable/disable creating a log file
"maxclients" "4" be_interface.c maximum number of clients
"maxentities" "1024" be_interface.c maximum number of entities
"bot_developer" "0" be_interface.c bot developer mode
"phys_friction" "6" be_aas_move.c ground friction
"phys_stopspeed" "100" be_aas_move.c stop speed
"phys_gravity" "800" be_aas_move.c gravity value
"phys_waterfriction" "1" be_aas_move.c water friction
"phys_watergravity" "400" be_aas_move.c gravity in water
"phys_maxvelocity" "320" be_aas_move.c maximum velocity
"phys_maxwalkvelocity" "320" be_aas_move.c maximum walk velocity
"phys_maxcrouchvelocity" "100" be_aas_move.c maximum crouch velocity
"phys_maxswimvelocity" "150" be_aas_move.c maximum swim velocity
"phys_walkaccelerate" "10" be_aas_move.c walk acceleration
"phys_airaccelerate" "1" be_aas_move.c air acceleration
"phys_swimaccelerate" "4" be_aas_move.c swim acceleration
"phys_maxstep" "18" be_aas_move.c maximum step height
"phys_maxsteepness" "0.7" be_aas_move.c maximum floor steepness
"phys_maxbarrier" "32" be_aas_move.c maximum barrier height
"phys_maxwaterjump" "19" be_aas_move.c maximum waterjump height
"phys_jumpvel" "270" be_aas_move.c jump z velocity
"phys_falldelta5" "40" be_aas_move.c
"phys_falldelta10" "60" be_aas_move.c
"rs_waterjump" "400" be_aas_move.c
"rs_teleport" "50" be_aas_move.c
"rs_barrierjump" "100" be_aas_move.c
"rs_startcrouch" "300" be_aas_move.c
"rs_startgrapple" "500" be_aas_move.c
"rs_startwalkoffledge" "70" be_aas_move.c
"rs_startjump" "300" be_aas_move.c
"rs_rocketjump" "500" be_aas_move.c
"rs_bfgjump" "500" be_aas_move.c
"rs_jumppad" "250" be_aas_move.c
"rs_aircontrolledjumppad" "300" be_aas_move.c
"rs_funcbob" "300" be_aas_move.c
"rs_startelevator" "50" be_aas_move.c
"rs_falldamage5" "300" be_aas_move.c
"rs_falldamage10" "500" be_aas_move.c
"rs_maxjumpfallheight" "450" be_aas_move.c
"max_aaslinks" "4096" be_aas_sample.c maximum links in the AAS
"max_routingcache" "4096" be_aas_route.c maximum routing cache size in KB
"forceclustering" "0" be_aas_main.c force recalculation of clusters
"forcereachability" "0" be_aas_main.c force recalculation of reachabilities
"forcewrite" "0" be_aas_main.c force writing of aas file
"aasoptimize" "0" be_aas_main.c enable aas optimization
"sv_mapChecksum" "0" be_aas_main.c BSP file checksum
"bot_visualizejumppads" "0" be_aas_reach.c visualize jump pads
"bot_reloadcharacters" "0" - reload bot character files
"ai_gametype" "0" be_ai_goal.c game type
"droppedweight" "1000" be_ai_goal.c additional dropped item weight
"weapindex_rocketlauncher" "5" be_ai_move.c rl weapon index for rocket jumping
"weapindex_bfg10k" "9" be_ai_move.c bfg weapon index for bfg jumping
"weapindex_grapple" "10" be_ai_move.c grapple weapon index for grappling
"entitytypemissile" "3" be_ai_move.c ET_MISSILE
"offhandgrapple" "0" be_ai_move.c enable off hand grapple hook
"cmd_grappleon" "grappleon" be_ai_move.c command to activate off hand grapple
"cmd_grappleoff" "grappleoff" be_ai_move.c command to deactivate off hand grapple
"itemconfig" "items.c" be_ai_goal.c item configuration file
"weaponconfig" "weapons.c" be_ai_weap.c weapon configuration file
"synfile" "syn.c" be_ai_chat.c file with synonyms
"rndfile" "rnd.c" be_ai_chat.c file with random strings
"matchfile" "match.c" be_ai_chat.c file with match strings
"nochat" "0" be_ai_chat.c disable chats
"max_messages" "1024" be_ai_chat.c console message heap size
"max_weaponinfo" "32" be_ai_weap.c maximum number of weapon info
"max_projectileinfo" "32" be_ai_weap.c maximum number of projectile info
"max_iteminfo" "256" be_ai_goal.c maximum number of item info
"max_levelitems" "256" be_ai_goal.c maximum number of level items