mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 07:51:18 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5727 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
144 lines
6.4 KiB
144 lines
6.4 KiB
static string() PrepareVideoModes =
string s = _("\"0x0\" \"Default\"");
for (float i = 0; ; i++)
vector m = getresolution(i);
if (!m_x || !m_y)
s = sprintf("%s \"%dx%d\" \"%d x %d\"", s, m_x, m_y, m_x, m_y);
return s;
class options_video : mitem_exmenu
string videomode;
void() options_video =
videomode = strzone(strcat(super::get("vid_width"), "x", super::get("vid_height")));
virtual float(string key) isvalid =
if (key == "vid_mode")
return super::isvalid("vid_width") && super::isvalid("vid_height");
return super::isvalid(key);
virtual string(string key) get =
if (key == "vid_mode")
return videomode;
return super::get(key);
virtual void(string key, string newval) set =
if (key == "vid_mode")
string old = videomode;
videomode = strzone(newval);
tokenizebyseparator(newval, "x");
super::set("vid_width", argv(0));
super::set("vid_height", argv(1));
if (old)
super::set(key, newval);
nonstatic void(mitem_desktop desktop) M_Options_Video =
mitem_exmenu m;
m = spawn(options_video, item_text:_("Video Options"), item_flags:IF_SELECTABLE, item_command:"m_options");
desktop.item_focuschange(m, IF_KFOCUSED);
float h = 200 * 0.5;
//draw title art above the options
mitem_pic banner = spawn(mitem_pic, item_text:"gfx/p_option.lmp", item_size_y:24, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN);
m.add(banner, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_OWN_MIN|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [(160-160-banner.item_size_x)*0.5, -h-32], [banner.item_size_x, -h-8]);
//spawn a container frame for the actual options. this provides a scrollbar if we have too many items.
mitem_frame fr = spawn(mitem_frame, item_flags: IF_SELECTABLE, frame_hasscroll:TRUE);
m.add(fr, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [-160, -h], [160, h*2]);
float pos = 0;
pos += 8;
fr.add(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:_("Apply / Restart"), item_command:"vid_restart", item_scale:8, item_flags:IF_RIGHTALIGN), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [0, pos], [-8, 8]); pos += 8;
pos += 8;
if (cvar_type("vid_renderer")) fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Renderer"), "vid_renderer", '280 8', cvar_string("_vid_renderer_opts")), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
//add the options
if (!dp_workarounds)
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Display Mode"), "vid_fullscreen", '280 8',
"0 \"Windowed\" "
"1 \"Fullscreen\" "
"2 \"Borderless Windowed\" "
"0 \"Windowed\" "
"1 \"Fullscreen\" "
), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Fullscreen"), "vid_fullscreen", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
if (cvar_type("vid_resizable")) fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Resizable"), "vid_resizable", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("MSAA"), cv3("vid_samples"/*dp*/, "vid_fsaa"/*qs*/, "vid_multisample"/*fte*/), '280 8',
"0 \"Off\" "
"2 \"2x\" "
"4 \"4x\" "
), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Video Mode"), "vid_mode", '280 8', PrepareVideoModes()), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
static const string scaleoptions = _(
"0 \"Default\" "
"1.5 \"x1.5\" "
"2 \"x2\" "
"4 \"x4\" ");
if (cvar_type("vid_conautoscale"))
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Video Zoom"), "vid_conautoscale", '280 8', scaleoptions), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8;
if (cvar_type("scr_conscale"))
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Console Zoom"), "scr_conscale", '280 8', scaleoptions), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8;
if (cvar_type("scr_sbarscale"))
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Sbar Zoom"), "scr_sbarscale", '280 8', scaleoptions), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8;
if (cvar_type("scr_menuscale"))
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Menu Zoom"), "scr_menuscale", '280 8', scaleoptions), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Colour Depth"), cv2("vid_bitsperpixel", "vid_bpp"), '280 8', _(
"16 \"16bit\" " //r5g6b5, or so. unsupported on win10.
"24 \"24bit\" " //rgba8 - we don't count the alpha.
"30 \"30bit\" " //rgb10a2 - we don't count the alpha. unsupported on nvidia.
"48 \"48bit\" " //half-floats - we don't count the alpha. unsupported on nvidia.
)), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Refresh Rate"), cv2("vid_refreshrate"/*qs*/, "vid_displayfrequency"), '280 8', _(
"0 \"Default\" "
// "60 \"60\" "
// "75 \"75\" "
)), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("VSync"), cv2("vid_vsync", "vid_wait"), '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Show Framerate"), cv3("showfps"/*dp*/, "scr_showfps"/*qs*/, "show_fps"/*id/qw*/), '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("View Size"), "viewsize", '50 120 10', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Field Of View"), "fov", '50 140 5', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Gamma"), cv2("v_gamma"/*dp*/, "gamma"/*quake*/), '1.3 0.5 -0.1', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Contrast"), cv2("v_contrast"/*dp*/, "contrast"/*quake*/), '0.7 2 0.1', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8;
if (engine!=E_QSS)fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Brightness"), cv2("v_brightness"/*dp*/, "brightness"/*quake*/), '0 0.4 0.05', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8;
if (engine!=E_QSS)fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Hardware Gamma"), "vid_hardwaregamma", '280 8',
"0 \"Off\" "
"1 \"Auto\" "
"2 \"Soft\" "
"3 \"Hard\" "
"4 \"Scene Only\" "
), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8;