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synced 2025-03-03 15:31:19 +00:00
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1306 lines
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1306 lines
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Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// server.h
#define QW_SERVER
#include "../http/iweb.h"
#define MAX_MASTERS 8 // max recipients for heartbeat packets
typedef enum {
ss_dead, // no map loaded
ss_loading, // spawning level edicts
ss_active, // actively running
} server_state_t;
// some qc commands are only valid before the server has finished
// initializing (precache commands, static sounds / objects, etc)
#ifdef SVCHAT
typedef struct chatvar_s {
char varname[64];
float value;
struct chatvar_s *next;
} chatvar_t;
typedef struct {
qboolean active;
char filename[64];
edict_t *edict;
char maintext[1024];
float tag;
char text[256];
} option[6];
int options;
chatvar_t *vars;
float time;
} svchat_t;
typedef struct {
int netstyle;
char particleeffecttype[64];
char stain[3];
qbyte radius;
qbyte dlightrgb[3];
qbyte dlightradius;
qbyte dlighttime;
qbyte dlightcfade[3];
} svcustomtents_t;
#define CTE_STAINS 4
#define CTE_GLOWS 8
#define CTE_ISBEAM 128
typedef struct laggedpacket_s
double time;
struct laggedpacket_s *next;
int length;
unsigned char data[MAX_QWMSGLEN];
} laggedpacket_t;
typedef struct
vec3_t origin;
char angles[3];
qbyte modelindex;
qbyte frame;
qbyte colormap;
qbyte skinnum;
qbyte effects;
qbyte scale;
qbyte trans;
char fatness;
} mvdentity_state_t;
typedef struct
qboolean active; // false when server is going down
server_state_t state; // precache commands are only valid during load
float gamespeed; //time progression multiplier, fixed per-level.
qboolean csqcdebug;
qboolean mapchangelocked;
double time;
double starttime;
float physicstime; //nq clients do so much better with times sent with physics than real.
int framenum;
int lastcheck; // used by PF_checkclient
double lastchecktime; // for monster ai
qboolean paused; // are we paused?
float pausedstart;
//check player/eyes models for hacks
unsigned model_player_checksum;
unsigned eyes_player_checksum;
char name[64]; // file map name
char mapname[256];
char modelname[MAX_QPATH]; // maps/<name>.bsp, for model_precache[0]
struct model_s *worldmodel;
union {
#ifdef Q2SERVER
struct {
char configstring[Q2MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS][MAX_QPATH];
struct {
char *model_precache[MAX_MODELS]; // NULL terminated
char sound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS][MAX_QPATH]; // NULL terminated
char *lightstyles[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES];
char lightstylecolours[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES];
} strings;
struct model_s *models[MAX_MODELS];
int allocated_client_slots; //number of slots available. (used mostly to stop single player saved games cacking up)
int max_edicts; //limiting factor... 1024 fields*4*MAX_EDICTS == a heck of a lot.
int num_edicts; // increases towards MAX_EDICTS
edict_t *edicts; // can NOT be array indexed, because
// edict_t is variable sized, but can
// be used to reference the world ent
qbyte *pvs, *phs; // fully expanded and decompressed
// added to every client's unreliable buffer each frame, then cleared
sizebuf_t datagram;
qbyte datagram_buf[MAX_DATAGRAM];
// added to every client's reliable buffer each frame, then cleared
sizebuf_t reliable_datagram;
qbyte reliable_datagram_buf[MAX_QWMSGLEN];
// the multicast buffer is used to send a message to a set of clients
sizebuf_t multicast;
qbyte multicast_buf[MAX_NQMSGLEN];
#ifdef NQPROT
sizebuf_t nqdatagram;
qbyte nqdatagram_buf[MAX_NQDATAGRAM];
sizebuf_t nqreliable_datagram;
qbyte nqreliable_datagram_buf[MAX_NQMSGLEN];
sizebuf_t nqmulticast;
qbyte nqmulticast_buf[MAX_NQMSGLEN];
sizebuf_t q2datagram;
qbyte q2datagram_buf[MAX_Q2DATAGRAM];
sizebuf_t q2reliable_datagram;
qbyte q2reliable_datagram_buf[MAX_Q2MSGLEN];
sizebuf_t q2multicast;
qbyte q2multicast_buf[MAX_Q2MSGLEN];
// the master buffer is used for building log packets
sizebuf_t master;
qbyte master_buf[MAX_DATAGRAM];
// the signon buffer will be sent to each client as they connect
// includes the entity baselines, the static entities, etc
// large levels will have >MAX_DATAGRAM sized signons, so
// multiple signon messages are kept
sizebuf_t signon;
int num_signon_buffers;
int signon_buffer_size[MAX_SIGNON_BUFFERS];
qbyte signon_buffers[MAX_SIGNON_BUFFERS][MAX_DATAGRAM];
qboolean msgfromdemo;
qboolean gamedirchanged;
qboolean mvdrecording;
//this lot is for playback of demos
qboolean mvdplayback;
float realtime;
vfsfile_t *demofile; //also signifies playing the thing.
int lasttype;
int lastto;
//playback spikes (svc_nails/nails2)
int numdemospikes;
struct {
vec3_t org;
qbyte id;
qbyte pitch;
qbyte yaw;
qbyte modelindex;
} demospikes[255];
//playback of entities (svc_nails/nails2)
mvdentity_state_t *demostate;
mvdentity_state_t *demobaselines;
int demomaxents;
qboolean demostatevalid;
struct {
int stats[MAX_CL_STATS];
int pl;
int ping;
int frags;
int userid;
int weaponframe;
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
vec3_t oldorg;
vec3_t oldang;
float updatetime;
} recordedplayer[MAX_CLIENTS];
char demmodel_precache[MAX_MODELS][MAX_QPATH]; // NULL terminated
char demsound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS][MAX_QPATH]; // NULL terminated
char demgamedir[64];
char demname[64]; // map name
qboolean democausesreconnect; //this makes current clients go through the connection process (and when the demo ends too)
sizebuf_t demosignon;
int num_demosignon_buffers;
int demosignon_buffer_size[MAX_SIGNON_BUFFERS];
qbyte demosignon_buffers[MAX_SIGNON_BUFFERS][MAX_DATAGRAM];
char demfullmapname[64];
char *demolightstyles[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES];
entity_state_t extendedstatics[MAX_STATIC_ENTITIES];
int numextrastatics;
// movevars_t demomovevars; //FIXME:!
//end this lot... (demo playback)
svcustomtents_t customtents[255];
int csqcentversion[MAX_EDICTS];//prevents ent versions from going backwards
} server_t;
typedef enum
cs_free, // can be reused for a new connection
cs_zombie, // client has been disconnected, but don't reuse
// connection for a couple seconds
cs_connected, // has been assigned to a client_t, but not in game yet
cs_spawned // client is fully in game
} client_conn_state_t;
typedef struct
// received from client
// reply
double senttime;
float ping_time;
int move_msecs;
packet_entities_t entities; //must come last (mvd states are bigger)
} client_frame_t;
#ifdef Q2SERVER
typedef struct //merge?
int areabytes;
qbyte areabits[MAX_Q2MAP_AREAS/8]; // portalarea visibility bits
q2player_state_t ps;
int num_entities;
int first_entity; // into the circular sv_packet_entities[]
int senttime; // for ping calculations
} q2client_frame_t;
#ifdef Q3SERVER
#include "clq3defs.h"
typedef struct //merge?
int flags;
int areabytes;
qbyte areabits[MAX_Q2MAP_AREAS/8]; // portalarea visibility bits
q3playerState_t ps;
int num_entities;
int first_entity; // into the circular sv_packet_entities[]
int senttime; // for ping calculations
int serverMessageNum;
int serverCommandNum;
int serverTime; // server time the message is valid for (in msec)
int localTime;
int deltaFrame;
} q3client_frame_t;
typedef struct {
int socket;
qboolean floodingbuffers; //not enough sound causes this. Sound is then only mixed when full.
} svvoicechat_t;
typedef struct client_s
client_conn_state_t state;
int spectator; // non-interactive
qboolean sendinfo; // at end of frame, send info to all
// this prevents malicious multiple broadcasts
float lastnametime; // time of last name change
int lastnamecount; // time of last name change
unsigned checksum; // checksum for calcs
qboolean drop; // lose this guy next opportunity
int lossage; // loss percentage
int challenge;
int userid; // identifying number
char userinfobasic[MAX_INFO_STRING];
char userinfo[EXTENDED_INFO_STRING]; // infostring
usercmd_t lastcmd; // for filling in big drops and partial predictions
double localtime; // of last message
qboolean jump_held;
float maxspeed; // localized maxspeed
float entgravity; // localized ent gravity
int viewent; //fake the entity positioning.
edict_t *edict; // EDICT_NUM(clientnum+1)
#ifdef Q2SERVER
q2edict_t *q2edict; // EDICT_NUM(clientnum+1)
int playercolor;
int playerclass;
char teambuf[32];
char *team;
char *name;
char namebuf[32]; // for printing to other people
// extracted from userinfo
int messagelevel; // for filtering printed messages
// the datagram is written to after every frame, but only cleared
// when it is sent out to the client. overflow is tolerated.
sizebuf_t datagram;
qbyte datagram_buf[MAX_DATAGRAM];
// back buffers for client reliable data
sizebuf_t backbuf;
int num_backbuf;
int backbuf_size[MAX_BACK_BUFFERS];
double connection_started; // or time of disconnect for zombies
qboolean send_message; // set on frames a datagram arived on
// spawn parms are carried from level to level
float spawn_parms[NUM_SPAWN_PARMS];
char *spawninfo;
float spawninfotime;
float nextservertimeupdate;
// client known data for deltas
int old_frags;
int stats[MAX_CL_STATS];
union{ //save space
client_frame_t *frames; // updates can be deltad from here
#ifdef Q2SERVER
q2client_frame_t *q2frames;
#ifdef Q3SERVER
q3client_frame_t *q3frames;
} frameunion;
vfsfile_t *download; // file being downloaded
int downloadsize; // total bytes
int downloadcount; // bytes sent
int downloadacked; //DP-specific
int downloadstarted; //DP-specific
int spec_track; // entnum of player tracking
#ifdef Q3SERVER
int gamestatesequence; //the sequence number the initial gamestate was sent in.
int last_server_command_num;
int last_client_command_num;
int num_server_commands;
int num_client_commands;
char server_commands[64][1024];
char last_client_command[1024];
#ifdef PEXT_CSQC
int csqclastsentsequence;
int csqcentsequence[MAX_EDICTS];//the sequence number a csqc entity was sent in
int csqcentversions[MAX_EDICTS];//the version of the entity when it was sent in that sequenced packet.
qbyte ismuted;
qbyte iscuffed;
qbyte iscrippled;
qbyte istobeloaded; //loadgame creates place holders for clients to connect to. Effectivly loading a game reconnects all clients, but has precreated ents.
double floodprotmessage;
double lastspoke;
double lockedtill;
qboolean upgradewarn; // did we warn him?
vfsfile_t *upload;
char uploadfn[MAX_QPATH];
netadr_t snap_from;
qboolean remote_snap;
//===== NETWORK ============
int chokecount;
int delta_sequence; // -1 = no compression
int last_sequence;
netchan_t netchan;
qboolean isindependant;
int lastsequence_acknoledged;
svvoicechat_t voicechat;
#ifdef SVCHAT
svchat_t chat;
int rankid;
int kills;
int deaths;
double stats_started;
qboolean csqcactive;
unsigned long fteprotocolextensions;
unsigned long zquake_extensions;
enum {
SCP_BAD, //don't send (a bot)
SCP_DARKPLACES7 //extra prediction stuff
//note, nq is nq+
} protocol;
//speed cheat testing
int msecs;
int msec_cheating;
float last_check;
qboolean gibfilter;
int trustlevel;
qboolean wasrecorded; //this client shouldn't get any net messages sent to them
vec3_t specorigin; //mvds need to use a different origin from the one QC has.
vec3_t specvelocity;
int language; //the clients language
struct {
qbyte vweap;
} otherclientsknown[MAX_CLIENTS]; //updated as needed. Flag at a time, or all flags.
struct client_s *controller;
struct client_s *controlled;
int rate;
int drate;
netadr_t realip;
int realip_status;
int realip_num;
int realip_ping;
float delay;
laggedpacket_t *laggedpacket;
laggedpacket_t *laggedpacket_last;
} client_t;
#define ISQWCLIENT(cl) ((cl)->protocol == SCP_QUAKEWORLD)
#define ISQ2CLIENT(cl) ((cl)->protocol == SCP_QUAKE2)
#define ISNQCLIENT(cl) ((cl)->protocol >= SCP_NETQUAKE)
// a client can leave the server in one of four ways:
// dropping properly by quiting or disconnecting
// timing out if no valid messages are received for timeout.value seconds
// getting kicked off by the server operator
// a program error, like an overflowed reliable buffer
//mvd stuff
#define MSG_BUF_SIZE 8192
typedef struct
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
int weaponframe;
int skinnum;
int model;
int effects;
} demoinfo_t;
typedef struct
demoinfo_t info;
float sec;
int parsecount;
qboolean fixangle;
vec3_t angle;
float cmdtime;
int flags;
int frame;
} demo_client_t;
typedef struct {
qbyte type;
qbyte full;
int to;
int size;
qbyte data[1]; //gcc doesn't allow [] (?)
} header_t;
typedef struct
qboolean allowoverflow; // if false, do a Sys_Error
qboolean overflowed; // set to true if the buffer size failed
qbyte *data;
int maxsize;
int cursize;
int bufsize;
header_t *h;
} demobuf_t;
typedef struct
demo_client_t clients[MAX_CLIENTS];
double time;
demobuf_t buf;
} demo_frame_t;
typedef struct {
qbyte *data;
int start, end, last;
int maxsize;
} dbuffer_t;
#define DEMO_FRAMES 64
typedef struct
demobuf_t *dbuf;
dbuffer_t dbuffer;
sizebuf_t datagram;
qbyte datagram_data[MSG_BUF_SIZE];
int lastto;
int lasttype;
double time, pingtime;
int stats[MAX_CLIENTS][MAX_CL_STATS]; // ouch!
client_t recorder;
qboolean fixangle[MAX_CLIENTS];
float fixangletime[MAX_CLIENTS];
vec3_t angles[MAX_CLIENTS];
char name[MAX_OSPATH], path[MAX_OSPATH];
int parsecount;
int lastwritten;
demo_frame_t frames[DEMO_FRAMES];
demoinfo_t info[MAX_CLIENTS];
qbyte buffer[20*MAX_QWMSGLEN];
int bufsize;
int forceFrame;
struct mvddest_s *dest;
struct mvdpendingdest_s *pendingdest;
} demo_t;
#define STATFRAMES 100
typedef struct
double active;
double idle;
int count;
int packets;
double latched_active;
double latched_idle;
int latched_packets;
} svstats_t;
// MAX_CHALLENGES is made large to prevent a denial
// of service attack that could cycle all of them
// out before legitimate users connected
#define MAX_CHALLENGES 1024
typedef struct
netadr_t adr;
int challenge;
int time;
} challenge_t;
typedef struct bannedips_s {
struct bannedips_s *next;
netadr_t adr;
netadr_t adrmask;
char reason[1];
} bannedips_t;
typedef struct filteredip_s {
struct filteredip_s *next;
netadr_t adr;
netadr_t adrmask;
} filteredips_t;
typedef enum {
GT_PROGS, //q1, qw, h2 are similar enough that we consider it only one game mode. (We don't support the h2 protocol)
GT_QUAKE2, //q2 servers run from a q2 game dll
GT_QUAKE3, //q3 servers run off the q3 qvm api
} gametype_e;
typedef struct levelcache_s {
struct levelcache_s *next;
char *mapname;
gametype_e gametype;
} levelcache_t;
typedef struct svtcpstream_s {
int socketnum;
int inlen;
qboolean waitingforprotocolconfirmation;
char inbuffer[1500];
float timeouttime;
netadr_t remoteaddr;
struct svtcpstream_s *next;
} svtcpstream_t;
typedef struct
gametype_e gametype;
int spawncount; // number of servers spawned since start,
// used to check late spawns
int framenum; //physics frame number for out-of-sequence thinks (fix for slow rockets)
int socketip;
int socketip6;
int socketipx;
int sockettcp;
svtcpstream_t *tcpstreams;
client_t clients[MAX_CLIENTS];
int serverflags; // episode completion information
double last_heartbeat;
int heartbeat_sequence;
svstats_t stats;
// log messages are used so that fraglog processes can get stats
int logsequence; // the message currently being filled
double logtime; // time of last swap
sizebuf_t log[2];
qbyte log_buf[2][MAX_DATAGRAM];
challenge_t challenges[MAX_CHALLENGES]; // to prevent invalid IPs from connecting
bannedips_t *bannedips;
filteredips_t *filteredips;
char progsnames[MAX_PROGS][32];
progsnum_t progsnum[MAX_PROGS];
int numprogs;
unsigned long fteprotocolextensions;
qboolean demoplayback;
qboolean demorecording;
qboolean msgfromdemo;
int language; //the server operators language
laggedpacket_t *free_lagged_packet;
levelcache_t *levcache;
} server_static_t;
// edict->movetype values
#define MOVETYPE_NONE 0 // never moves
#define MOVETYPE_WALK 3 // gravity
#define MOVETYPE_STEP 4 // gravity, special edge handling
#define MOVETYPE_FLY 5
#define MOVETYPE_TOSS 6 // gravity
#define MOVETYPE_PUSH 7 // no clip to world, push and crush
#define MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE 9 // extra size to monsters
#define MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE 11 // bounce w/o gravity
#define MOVETYPE_FOLLOW 12 // track movement of aiment
#define MOVETYPE_PUSHPULL 13 // pushable/pullable object
#define MOVETYPE_SWIM 14 // should keep the object in water
// edict->solid values
#define SOLID_NOT 0 // no interaction with other objects
#define SOLID_TRIGGER 1 // touch on edge, but not blocking
#define SOLID_BBOX 2 // touch on edge, block
#define SOLID_SLIDEBOX 3 // touch on edge, but not an onground
#define SOLID_BSP 4 // bsp clip, touch on edge, block
#define SOLID_PHASEH2 5
#define SOLID_CORPSE 5
#define SOLID_LADDER 20 //dmw. touch on edge, not blocking. Touching players have different physics. Otherwise a SOLID_TRIGGER
// edict->deadflag values
#define DEAD_NO 0
#define DEAD_DYING 1
#define DEAD_DEAD 2
#define DAMAGE_NO 0
#define DAMAGE_YES 1
#define DAMAGE_AIM 2
// edict->flags
#define FL_FLY 1
#define FL_SWIM 2
#define FL_GLIMPSE 4
#define FL_CLIENT 8
#define FL_INWATER 16
#define FL_MONSTER 32
#define FL_GODMODE 64
#define FL_NOTARGET 128
#define FL_ITEM 256
#define FL_ONGROUND 512
#define FL_PARTIALGROUND 1024 // not all corners are valid
#define FL_WATERJUMP 2048 // player jumping out of water
#define FL_FINDABLE_NONSOLID 16384 //a cpqwsv feature
#define FL_MOVECHAIN_ANGLE 32768 // when in a move chain, will update the angle
#define FL_CLASS_DEPENDENT 2097152
#define FF_CROUCHING 1 //fte flags. seperate from flags
#define FF_LADDER 2 //fte flags. seperate from flags
// entity effects
#define EF_DIMLIGHT 8
#define EF_FULLBRIGHT 512
#define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_H2HARD 16384
#define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_H2COOP 65536
#if 0//ndef Q2SERVER
typedef enum multicast_e
} multicast_t;
//shared with qc
#define MSG_PRERELONE -100
#define MSG_BROADCAST 0 // unreliable to all
#define MSG_ONE 1 // reliable to one (msg_entity)
#define MSG_ALL 2 // reliable to all
#define MSG_INIT 3 // write to the init string
#define MSG_MULTICAST 4 // for multicast()
#define MSG_CSQC 5 // for writing csqc entities
extern cvar_t sv_mintic, sv_maxtic;
extern cvar_t sv_maxspeed;
extern netadr_t master_adr[MAX_MASTERS]; // address of the master server
extern cvar_t spawn;
extern cvar_t teamplay;
extern cvar_t deathmatch;
extern cvar_t fraglimit;
extern cvar_t timelimit;
extern server_static_t svs; // persistant server info
extern server_t sv; // local server
extern client_t *host_client;
extern edict_t *sv_player;
extern char localmodels[MAX_MODELS][5]; // inline model names for precache
extern char localinfo[MAX_LOCALINFO_STRING+1];
extern int host_hunklevel;
extern vfsfile_t *sv_fraglogfile;
// sv_main.c
void VARGS SV_Error (char *error, ...);
void SV_Shutdown (void);
void SV_Frame (void);
void SV_FinalMessage (char *message);
void SV_DropClient (client_t *drop);
struct quakeparms_s;
void SV_Init (struct quakeparms_s *parms);
int SV_CalcPing (client_t *cl);
void SV_FullClientUpdate (client_t *client, sizebuf_t *buf, unsigned int ftepext);
void SV_FullClientUpdateToClient (client_t *client, client_t *cl);
void SVNQ_FullClientUpdate (client_t *client, sizebuf_t *buf);
int SV_ModelIndex (char *name);
qboolean SV_CheckBottom (edict_t *ent);
qboolean SV_movestep (edict_t *ent, vec3_t move, qboolean relink, qboolean noenemy, struct globalvars_s *set_trace);
void SV_WriteClientdataToMessage (client_t *client, sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_WriteDelta (entity_state_t *from, entity_state_t *to, sizebuf_t *msg, qboolean force, unsigned int protext);
void SV_MoveToGoal (progfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals);
void SV_SaveSpawnparms (qboolean);
void SV_SaveLevelCache(qboolean dontharmgame);
qboolean SV_LoadLevelCache(char *level, char *startspot, qboolean ignoreplayers);
void SV_Physics_Client (edict_t *ent, int num);
void SV_ExecuteUserCommand (char *s, qboolean fromQC);
void SV_InitOperatorCommands (void);
void SV_SendServerinfo (client_t *client);
void SV_ExtractFromUserinfo (client_t *cl);
void SV_SaveInfos(vfsfile_t *f);
void Master_Heartbeat (void);
void Master_Packet (void);
void SV_FixupName(char *in, char *out);
// sv_init.c
void SV_SpawnServer (char *server, char *startspot, qboolean noents, qboolean usecinematic);
void SV_UnspawnServer (void);
void SV_FlushSignon (void);
void SV_FilterImpulseInit(void);
qboolean SVQ2_InitGameProgs(void);
void VARGS SVQ2_ShutdownGameProgs (void);
void SV_BuildClientFrame (client_t *client);
void SV_WriteFrameToClient (client_t *client, sizebuf_t *msg);
#ifdef Q2SERVER
void MSGQ2_WriteDeltaEntity (q2entity_state_t *from, q2entity_state_t *to, sizebuf_t *msg, qboolean force, qboolean newentity);
//q3 stuff
#ifdef Q3SERVER
void SVQ3_ShutdownGame(void);
qboolean SVQ3_InitGame(void);
qboolean SVQ3_ConsoleCommand(void);
void SVQ3_HandleClient(void);
void SVQ3_DirectConnect(void);
void SVQ3_DropClient(client_t *cl);
int SVQ3_AddBot(void);
void SVQ3_RunFrame(void);
void SVQ3_SendMessage(client_t *client);
qboolean SVQ3_Command(void);
// sv_phys.c
void SV_TouchLinks ( edict_t *ent, areanode_t *node );
void SV_ProgStartFrame (void);
qboolean SV_Physics (void);
void SV_CheckVelocity (edict_t *ent);
void SV_AddGravity (edict_t *ent, float scale);
qboolean SV_RunThink (edict_t *ent);
void SV_Physics_Toss (edict_t *ent);
void SV_RunNewmis (void);
void SV_Impact (edict_t *e1, edict_t *e2);
void SV_SetMoveVars(void);
// sv_send.c
qboolean SV_ChallengePasses(int challenge);
void SV_QCStat(int type, char *name, int statnum);
void SV_ClearQCStats(void);
void SV_SendClientMessages (void);
void VARGS SV_Multicast (vec3_t origin, multicast_t to);
#define FULLDIMENSIONMASK 0xffffffff
void SV_MulticastProtExt(vec3_t origin, multicast_t to, int dimension_mask, int with, int without);
void SV_StartSound (edict_t *entity, int channel, char *sample, int volume,
float attenuation);
void SV_PrintToClient(client_t *cl, int level, char *string);
void VARGS SV_ClientPrintf (client_t *cl, int level, char *fmt, ...);
void VARGS SV_ClientTPrintf (client_t *cl, int level, translation_t text, ...);
void VARGS SV_BroadcastPrintf (int level, char *fmt, ...);
void VARGS SV_BroadcastTPrintf (int level, translation_t fmt, ...);
void VARGS SV_BroadcastCommand (char *fmt, ...);
void SV_SendServerInfoChange(char *key, const char *value);
void SV_SendMessagesToAll (void);
void SV_FindModelNumbers (void);
// sv_user.c
#ifdef NQPROT
void SVNQ_New_f (void);
void SVNQ_ExecuteClientMessage (client_t *cl);
qboolean SV_UserInfoIsBasic(char *infoname); //standard message.
void SV_ExecuteClientMessage (client_t *cl);
void SVQ2_ExecuteClientMessage (client_t *cl);
int SV_PMTypeForClient (client_t *cl);
void SV_UserInit (void);
qboolean SV_TogglePause (client_t *cl);
void SV_ClientThink (void);
void VoteFlushAll(void);
void SV_SetUpClientEdict (client_t *cl, edict_t *ent);
void SV_UpdateToReliableMessages (void);
void SV_DarkPlacesDownloadChunk(client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg);
void SV_New_f (void);
void SV_PreRunCmd(void);
void SV_RunCmd (usercmd_t *ucmd, qboolean recurse);
void SV_PostRunCmd(void);
void SVM_Think(int port);
// svonly.c
typedef enum {RD_NONE, RD_CLIENT, RD_PACKET, RD_OBLIVION} redirect_t; //oblivion is provided so people can read the output before the buffer is wiped.
void SV_BeginRedirect (redirect_t rd, int lang);
void SV_EndRedirect (void);
// sv_ccmds.c
void SV_Status_f (void);
qboolean PR_GameCodePacket(char *s);
qboolean PR_GameCodePausedTic(float pausedtime);
qboolean PR_ShouldTogglePause(client_t *initiator, qboolean pausedornot);
// sv_ents.c
void SV_WriteEntitiesToClient (client_t *client, sizebuf_t *msg, qboolean ignorepvs);
int SV_HullNumForPlayer(int h2hull, float *mins, float *maxs);
void SV_GibFilterInit(void);
void SV_CleanupEnts(void);
void SV_CSQC_DroppedPacket(client_t *client, int sequence);
void SV_CSQC_DropAll(client_t *client);
// sv_nchan.c
void ClientReliableCheckBlock(client_t *cl, int maxsize);
void ClientReliable_FinishWrite(client_t *cl);
void ClientReliableWrite_Begin(client_t *cl, int c, int maxsize);
void ClientReliableWrite_Angle(client_t *cl, float f);
void ClientReliableWrite_Angle16(client_t *cl, float f);
void ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client_t *cl, int c);
void ClientReliableWrite_Char(client_t *cl, int c);
void ClientReliableWrite_Float(client_t *cl, float f);
void ClientReliableWrite_Coord(client_t *cl, float f);
void ClientReliableWrite_Long(client_t *cl, int c);
void ClientReliableWrite_Short(client_t *cl, int c);
void ClientReliableWrite_String(client_t *cl, char *s);
void ClientReliableWrite_SZ(client_t *cl, void *data, int len);
#define RANK_MUTED 2
#define RANK_CUFFED 4
#define RANK_CRIPPLED 8 //ha ha... get speed cheaters with this!... :o)
typedef struct { //stats info
int kills;
int deaths;
float parm[NUM_SPAWN_PARMS];
float timeonserver;
qbyte flags1;
qbyte trustlevel;
char pad2;
char pad3;
} rankstats_t;
typedef struct { //name, identity and order.
int prev; //score is held for convineance.
int next;
char name[32];
int pwd;
float score;
} rankheader_t;
typedef struct {
rankheader_t h;
rankstats_t s;
} rankinfo_t;
int Rank_GetPlayerID(char *name, int pwd, qboolean allowcreate, qboolean requirepasswordtobeset);
void Rank_SetPlayerStats(int id, rankstats_t *stats);
rankstats_t *Rank_GetPlayerStats(int id, rankstats_t *buffer);
rankinfo_t *Rank_GetPlayerInfo(int id, rankinfo_t *buffer);
qboolean Rank_OpenRankings(void);
void Rank_Flush (void);
void Rank_ListTop10_f (void);
void Rank_RegisterCommands(void);
int Rank_GetPass (char *name);
extern cvar_t rank_needlogin;
client_t *SV_GetClientForString(char *name, int *id);
qboolean ReloadRanking(client_t *cl, char *newname);
void NPP_Flush(void);
void NPP_NQWriteByte(int dest, qbyte data);
void NPP_NQWriteChar(int dest, char data);
void NPP_NQWriteShort(int dest, short data);
void NPP_NQWriteLong(int dest, long data);
void NPP_NQWriteAngle(int dest, float data);
void NPP_NQWriteCoord(int dest, float data);
void NPP_NQWriteString(int dest, char *data);
void NPP_NQWriteEntity(int dest, short data);
void NPP_QWWriteByte(int dest, qbyte data);
void NPP_QWWriteChar(int dest, char data);
void NPP_QWWriteShort(int dest, short data);
void NPP_QWWriteLong(int dest, long data);
void NPP_QWWriteAngle(int dest, float data);
void NPP_QWWriteCoord(int dest, float data);
void NPP_QWWriteString(int dest, char *data);
void NPP_QWWriteEntity(int dest, short data);
void NPP_MVDForceFlush(void);
//replacement rand function (useful cos it's fully portable, with seed grabbing)
void predictablesrand(unsigned int x);
int predictablerandgetseed(void);
int predictablerand(void);
#ifdef SVCHAT
void SV_WipeChat(client_t *client);
int SV_ChatMove(int impulse);
void SV_ChatThink(client_t *client);
void SV_ConSay_f(void);
// sv_mvd.c
//qtv proxies are meant to send a small header now, bit like http
//this header gives supported version numbers and stuff
typedef struct mvdpendingdest_s {
qboolean error; //disables writers, quit ASAP.
int socket;
char inbuffer[2048];
char outbuffer[2048];
char challenge[64];
qboolean hasauthed;
qboolean isreverse;
int insize;
int outsize;
struct mvdpendingdest_s *nextdest;
} mvdpendingdest_t;
typedef struct mvddest_s {
qboolean error; //disables writers, quit ASAP.
qboolean droponmapchange;
int socket;
FILE *file;
char name[MAX_QPATH];
char path[MAX_QPATH];
char *cache;
int cacheused;
int maxcachesize;
unsigned int totalsize;
struct mvddest_s *nextdest;
} mvddest_t;
void SV_MVDPings (void);
void SV_MVDWriteToDisk(int type, int to, float time);
qboolean MVDWrite_Begin(qbyte type, int to, int size);
void MVDSetMsgBuf(demobuf_t *prev,demobuf_t *cur);
void SV_MVDStop (int reason, qboolean mvdonly);
void SV_MVDStop_f (void);
qboolean SV_MVDWritePackets (int num);
void MVD_Init (void);
void SV_MVD_RunPendingConnections(void);
void SV_MVD_SendInitialGamestate(mvddest_t *dest);
extern demo_t demo; // server demo struct
extern cvar_t sv_demofps;
extern cvar_t sv_demoPings;
extern cvar_t sv_demoNoVis;
extern cvar_t sv_demoUseCache;
extern cvar_t sv_demoMaxSize;
extern cvar_t sv_demoMaxDirSize;
void SV_MVDInit(void);
char *SV_MVDNum(int num); //filename for demonum
void SV_SendMVDMessage(void);
qboolean SV_ReadMVD (void);
void SV_FlushDemoSignon (void);
void DestFlush(qboolean compleate);
// savegame.c
void SV_FlushLevelCache(void);
int SV_RateForClient(client_t *cl);
qboolean TransformedNativeTrace (struct model_s *model, int hulloverride, int frame, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, unsigned int against, struct trace_s *trace, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles);
void SVVC_Frame (qboolean enabled);
void SV_CalcPHS (void);
#ifdef Q2SERVER
void VARGS SVQ2_LinkEdict(q2edict_t *ent);
void VARGS SVQ2_UnlinkEdict(q2edict_t *ent);
int VARGS SVQ2_AreaEdicts (vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, q2edict_t **list,
int maxcount, int areatype);
void SV_GetConsoleCommands (void);
void SV_CheckTimer(void);
typedef struct
int sec;
int min;
int hour;
int day;
int mon;
int year;
char str[128];
} date_t;
void SV_TimeOfDay(date_t *date);
void SV_LogPlayer(client_t *cl, char *msg);