mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 17:20:56 +00:00
488 lines
13 KiB
488 lines
13 KiB
return ("
<EFBFBD>1‘ melee \n
<EFBFBD>2‘ thrown \n
<EFBFBD>3‘ pistols&smgs \n
<EFBFBD>4‘ shotguns \n
<EFBFBD>5‘ rifles \n
<EFBFBD>6‘ heavy guns \n
<EFBFBD>e‘ leave
<EFBFBD>1‘ 1911a1 .45 01 5$\n
<EFBFBD>2‘ d. eagle .44 02 7$\n
<EFBFBD>3‘ mk23 socom .45 02 9$\n
<EFBFBD>4‘ h&k mp7 4mm 03 14$\n
<EFBFBD>5‘ h&k mp5 9mm 03 17$\n
<EFBFBD>6‘ alien blaster 02 21$\n
<EFBFBD>1‘ pipe rifle .44 02 4$\n
<EFBFBD>2‘ winchester 12g 03 8$\n
<EFBFBD>3‘ mossberg 12g 04 14$\n
<EFBFBD>4‘ citykiller 12g 05 35$\n
<EFBFBD>1‘ rangemaster 7mm 03 11$\n
<EFBFBD>2‘ ak-112 5mm 04 21$\n
<EFBFBD>3‘ remington .308 05 24$\n
<EFBFBD>4‘ ak-74 5mm 04 27$\n
<EFBFBD>5‘ moonlight .223 05 36$\n
<EFBFBD>6‘ sa-80 5mm 05 23$\n
<EFBFBD>7‘ plasma rifle 07 41$\n
<EFBFBD>8‘ gauss rifle 2mm 08 51$\n
string () ShopString =
return ("<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘ supply merchant <20>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ perk [slot 1] \n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ perk [slot 2] \n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ body armour \n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ ammunition \n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ weapons \n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ equipment \n"
"<EFBFBD>7‘ chems \n"
"<EFBFBD>8‘ special \n"
"<EFBFBD>e‘ leave \n");
string () WeaponString =
return ("weaponry\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ melee \n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ explosives \n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ pistols&smgs \n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ shotguns \n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ rifles \n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ heavy guns \n"
"<EFBFBD>e‘ leave \n");
string () TraitString =
return ("traits\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ unidextrous \n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ ruthless \n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ chem addict \n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ red scare \n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ living lightning \n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ one in a million \n"
"<EFBFBD>e‘ leave \n");
string () ThrownString =
return ("<EFBFBD>!‘ explosives <20>!‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ flash bomb 8$\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ frag grenade 12$\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ ultra-light necklace 3$\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ hmx compound 2$\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ rdx crystals 2$\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ explosive rocket 10$\n"
"<EFBFBD>e‘ exit \n");
string () BuildString =
"<EFBFBD>1‘ Super Flash Bomb 4\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ Homemade Grenade 5\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ Needler Scope 5\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ Ghost Goggles 7\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ Gas Bomb 10\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ Deflector Ring 15\n"
"<EFBFBD>7‘ Auto-Doc 20\n"
"<EFBFBD>e‘ exit \n");
string () HelmetString =
return ("helmets\n"
"protect you from headshots so\n"
"make sure you use a decent one\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ combat helm -10% 01 5% 05\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ combat helm 2 +0% 02 5% 20\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ heavy-duty +20% 03 5% 20\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ ceramic helm -20% ...");
string () ArmorString =
return ("body armour wt abs prc\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ kevlar shirt 04 1/25% 50$\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ leather armor 07 3/30% 100$\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ double kevlar 09 1/50% 125$\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ ceramic armor 15 7/25% 150$\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ combat armor 12 6/40% 200$\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ brotherhood 17 7/45% 250$\n"
"<EFBFBD>7‘ force armor 06 9/15% 300$\n"
"<EFBFBD>8‘ power armor 25 8/50% 400$\n");
string () PerkString =
return ("perks\n"
"<EFBFBD> 1‘ unbreakable \n"
"<EFBFBD> 2‘ feral swiftness \n"
"<EFBFBD> 3‘ stunt man \n"
"<EFBFBD> 4‘ kick in the door! \n"
"<EFBFBD> 5‘ quick draw \n"
"<EFBFBD> 6‘ light step \n"
"<EFBFBD> 7‘ surprise attack \n"
"<EFBFBD> 8‘ large and in charge \n"
"<EFBFBD> 9‘ nintendo gamer \n"
"<EFBFBD> 0‘ extrasensory paranoia\n"
"<EFBFBD>F1‘ last man standing \n"
"<EFBFBD>F2‘ bodysnatcher \n"
"<EFBFBD>F3‘ natural aim \n"
"<EFBFBD>F4‘ dark alchemist \n"
"<EFBFBD>F5‘ renegade commando \n"
"<EFBFBD>F6‘ power shot \n"
"<EFBFBD>F7‘ one in a million \n"
"<EFBFBD>F8‘ master blaster \n"
"<EFBFBD>F9‘ death wish \n");
string () AmmoString =
return ("++ ammunition ++\n"
" AMMO | POWER | TYPE | COST[50]\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ 10mm 2 FMJ <20>015‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ 12gauge 4 SHOT <20>025‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ 44 mag 3 AP <20>030‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ 45 acp 3 JHP <20>020‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ .223 3 FMJ <20>030‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ 5mm 3 JHP <20>025‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>7‘ .308 4 AP <20>040‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>8‘ needle 2 AP <20>035‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>9‘ caseless 3 FMJ <20>040‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>0‘ energycell 4 CELL <20>055‘\n");
string () AmmoString2 =
return ("++ ammunition ++\n"
"you get a discount when fighting ghouls!\n"
" AMMO | POWER | TYPE | COST[50]\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ 10mm 2 FMJ <20>005‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ 12gauge 4 N/A <20>008‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ 44 mag 3 AP <20>010‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ 45 acp 3 JHP <20>007‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ .223 3 FMJ <20>010‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ 5mm 3 JHP <20>008‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>7‘ .308 4 AP <20>015‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>8‘ needle 2 AP <20>010‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>9‘ caseless 3 FMJ <20>020‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>0‘ energycell 4 N/A <20>015‘\n");
/*return ("++ high-tech protective devices ++ \n\n
<EFBFBD>1‘ energy amulet |damage: 7% <20>15‘\n
<EFBFBD>2‘ force field |front: 15% <20>20‘\n
<EFBFBD>3‘ safety ring |absorb: 3 <20>35‘\n
<EFBFBD>4‘ smokescreen |obscures <20>40‘\n
<EFBFBD>5‘ sentient cube |regenerate <20>45‘\n");*/
string () OtherString =
return ("<EFBFBD>?‘ miscellaneous <20>?‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ junk 1$\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ nuka-cola 1$\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ chemicals 2$\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ aerosol can 2$\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ circuitboard 5$\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ steel pipe 3$\n"
"<EFBFBD>7‘ duct tape 1$\n"
"<EFBFBD>8‘ chewing gum 1$\n"
"<EFBFBD>9‘ copper wire 1$\n"
"<EFBFBD>0‘ x-ray tube 7$\n");
string () MeleeString =
return ("MELEE WEAPONS\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ knife 01 06$\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ wrench 03 08$\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ axe 08 09$\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ spear 04 12$\n"
"<EFBFBD>e‘ exit \n");
<EFBFBD>6‘ h&k mp5 9mmP 03 17$\n
<EFBFBD>7‘ h&k mp7 4.60mm 03 14$\n
<EFBFBD>8‘ fn p90 5.57mm 03 22$\n
<EFBFBD>9‘ h&k mp10 10mm 03 24$\n
<EFBFBD>0‘ thompson .45 03 20$\n
<EFBFBD>6‘ h&k mp5 9mmP 03 17$\n<>7‘ h&k mp7 4.60mm 03 14$\n<>8‘ fn p90 5.57mm 03 22$\n<>9‘ h&k mp10 10mm 03 24$\n<>0‘ thompson .45 03 20$\n
string () PistolString =
return ("Pistols and Submachineguns\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ usp socom .45 01 50$\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ d. eagle .44 02 70$\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ glock 21 10mm 01 40$\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ needler pistol 02 120$\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ h&k mp10 10mm 03 150$\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ h&k ump .45 03 170$\n");
string () ShotgunString =
return ("shotguns\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ pipe rifle .44 02 15$\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ winchester 12g 03 60$\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ citykiller 12g 04 240$\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ jackhammer 12g 07 350$\n");
<EFBFBD>6‘ dks-1 .338 bolt 08 32$\n
<EFBFBD>7‘ moonlight .223 auto 06 54$\n
<EFBFBD>8‘ xl70e3 5mm auto 08 27$\n
<EFBFBD>9‘ fn-fal .308 auto 04 51$\n
<EFBFBD>0‘ sa-80 .223 auto 07 45$\n
string () RifleString =
return ("rifles\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ rangemaster 223 03 110$\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ ak-112 5mm 04 180$\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ fn fal 308 08 190$\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ widowmaker 308 10 270$\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ moonlight 223 05 280$\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ hk g11 4mm 06 220$\n");
string () HeavyString =
return ("other weaponry\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ rpg-7 missile launcher 10 350$\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ m72 gauss rifle 07 550$\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ plasma pistol 02 250$\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ m25a2 phased plasma rifle 11 450$\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ m95a1 plasma carbine 08 550$\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ rsb-80 heavy plasma gun 25 650$\n");
string () ChemString =
return ("drugs\n DRUG | EFFECTS | PRICE\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ stimpack heal over time 10$\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ rad-x anti-radiation 15$\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ adrenaline*+speed/jump 15$\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ medkit* endless heal 25$\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ superstim* instant heal 25$\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ psycho* +resist damage 25$\n"
"<EFBFBD>7‘ berserk* +strength 25$\n"
"* requires medic \n");
string () ChemString2 =
return ("chems\n DRUG | EFFECTS | PRICE\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ adrenaline +60 speed/jump 5$\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ stimpack heals 40 10$\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ psycho+ +60 hp/no pain 15$\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ medkit* heals 20+50 15$\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ berserk* adren+psycho 15$\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ jet* aim better 15$\n"
"<EFBFBD>e‘ exit \n"
"+ requires medic \n"
"* requires advanced medic \n");
string () EnergyWeaponsString =
return ("high-tech weaponry\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ [*] flash gun semi 03 21$\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ [&] plasma rifle semi 08 34$\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ [*] laser rifle semi 11 40$\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ [*] laser carbine auto 06 57$\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ [?] alien blaster semi 02 72$\n");
//<2F>6‘ bozar 14 81$\n<>7‘ firestorm 12 97$
string () HeavyGunsString =
return ("heavy guns\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ light support weapon 15 55$\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ rocket launcher 11 75$\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ 50oc flamethrower 16 35$\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ steyr amr .50 flechette 17 72$\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ m72 gauss rifle 2mm 12 81$\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ bozar 14 81$\n"
"<EFBFBD>7‘ firestorm 12 97$");
string () de_dust =
return (" DE_DUST \n"
"rangers have obtained two ufos\n"
"that have crash landed in the \n"
"desert. raiders must blow them\n"
"up with c4 before its too late\n"
"(activate electronic tools and\n"
"c4 by pressing 4) ...");
<EFBFBD>4‘ motion sensor <20>20c‘\n
<EFBFBD>5‘ extra magazines <20>20c‘\n
<EFBFBD>6‘ electronic tools mark ii <20>30c‘\n
<EFBFBD>7‘ climbing gear <20>30c‘\n
<EFBFBD>8‘ remote camera <20>40c‘\n
<EFBFBD>9‘ cooling module <20>50c‘\n
<EFBFBD>0‘ laser defense field <20>50c‘\n
string () EquipmentString =
return ("+ special equipment +\n"
"we only let you use one of these!\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ medic's bag <20>5c‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ ghost goggles <20>5c‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ stealth boy <20>5c‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ belt pouch <20>5c‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ backpack <20>5c‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ toolkit mark ii <20>5c‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>7‘ climbing gear <20>5c‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>8‘ enhanced battery <20>5c‘\n"
string () EnterString =
return ("<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘ fallout <20>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>‘ a post-nuclear fps <20>‘\n"
"scour the wastes with your friends!\n"
"this quake mod is entirely based on\n"
"the fallout series of computer rpgs\n"
"for best performance the fte client\n"
"is required for play, available at:\n"
" <20>‘ www.fteqw.com <20>‘ \n"
"<EFBFBD>press 1 to continue‘\n"
string () WaitString =
return ("<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘ fallout <20>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>‘ a post-nuclear fps <20>‘\n"
"scour the wastes with your friends!\n"
"this quake mod is entirely based on\n"
"the fallout series of computer rpgs\n"
"for best performance the fte client\n"
"is required for play, available at:\n"
" <20>‘ www.fteqw.com <20>‘ \n"
"<EFBFBD>wait until next round‘\n"
string () LockpickString =
return ("<EFBFBD>‘ Picking <20>‘\n"
"this is tricky business! wait until\n"
"all three tumblers are in place by \n"
"watching for three [!] symbols. but\n"
"you have to be quick! failure means\n"
"you jam the lock.\n\n"
"<EFBFBD>press 1 to pick‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>press 2 to quit‘\n");
string () DefuseString =
return ("<EFBFBD>‘ Defuse <20>‘\n"
"this is tricky business! wait until\n"
"all three circuits are in place by \n"
"watching for three [!] symbols. but\n"
"you have to be quick! failure means\n"
"you reset the switch bypass.\n\n"
"<EFBFBD>press 1 to pick‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>press 2 to quit‘\n");
string () MissionString =
return ("<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘ mission select <20>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ hostage rescue \n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ capture supplies \n"
"<EFBFBD>3‘ shadow mission \n"
"<EFBFBD>4‘ zombie mission \n"
"<EFBFBD>5‘ destroy supplies \n"
"<EFBFBD>6‘ bomb defusal \n\n"
"<EFBFBD>7‘ grab one later \n");
string () DepartString =
return ("<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘ saddle up! <20>‘<EFBFBD>‘<EFBFBD>‘\n"
"<EFBFBD>1‘ take off to mission site\n"
"<EFBFBD>2‘ wait a second \n\n\n");
}; |