mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 16:30:52 +00:00
tweak rtlights a bit, to not bug out on The Waste's decals. use compatibility glsl in order to get ftransform working for consistent vertex coords (still uses core if there's no fixed function stuff). this fixes z-fighting issues with rtlights. Rework punchangles for greater compatibility. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5059 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
463 lines
9.1 KiB
463 lines
9.1 KiB
#include "quakedef.h"
typedef struct
qbyte *data;
int count;
} cblock_t;
typedef struct cinematics_s
qboolean restart_sound;
int s_rate;
int s_width;
int s_channels;
int width;
int height;
qbyte *pic;
qbyte *pic_pending;
// order 1 huffman stuff
int *hnodes1; // [256][256][2];
int numhnodes1[256];
int h_used[512];
int h_count[512];
int cinematictime;
qboolean cinematicpalette_active;
qbyte cinematicpalette[768];
qofs_t filestart;
vfsfile_t *cinematic_file;
int cinematicframe;
} cinematics_t;
void CIN_StopCinematic (cinematics_t *cin)
cin->cinematictime = 0; // done
if (cin->pic)
Z_Free (cin->pic);
cin->pic = NULL;
if (cin->pic_pending)
Z_Free (cin->pic_pending);
cin->pic_pending = NULL;
if (cin->cinematic_file)
VFS_CLOSE (cin->cinematic_file);
cin->cinematic_file = NULL;
if (cin->hnodes1)
Z_Free (cin->hnodes1);
cin->hnodes1 = NULL;
static int SmallestNode1 (cinematics_t *cin, int numhnodes)
int i;
int best, bestnode;
best = 99999999;
bestnode = -1;
for (i=0 ; i<numhnodes ; i++)
if (cin->h_used[i])
if (!cin->h_count[i])
if (cin->h_count[i] < best)
best = cin->h_count[i];
bestnode = i;
if (bestnode == -1)
return -1;
cin->h_used[bestnode] = true;
return bestnode;
Reads the 64k counts table and initializes the node trees
static void Huff1TableInit (cinematics_t *cin)
int prev;
int j;
int *node, *nodebase;
qbyte counts[256];
int numhnodes;
cin->hnodes1 = Z_Malloc (256*256*2*4);
memset (cin->hnodes1, 0, 256*256*2*4);
for (prev=0 ; prev<256 ; prev++)
memset (cin->h_count,0,sizeof(cin->h_count));
memset (cin->h_used,0,sizeof(cin->h_used));
// read a row of counts
VFS_READ (cin->cinematic_file, counts, sizeof(counts));
for (j=0 ; j<256 ; j++)
cin->h_count[j] = counts[j];
// build the nodes
numhnodes = 256;
nodebase = cin->hnodes1 + prev*256*2;
while (numhnodes != 511)
node = nodebase + (numhnodes-256)*2;
// pick two lowest counts
node[0] = SmallestNode1 (cin, numhnodes);
if (node[0] == -1)
break; // no more
node[1] = SmallestNode1 (cin, numhnodes);
if (node[1] == -1)
cin->h_count[numhnodes] = cin->h_count[node[0]] + cin->h_count[node[1]];
cin->numhnodes1[prev] = numhnodes-1;
static cblock_t Huff1Decompress (cinematics_t *cin, cblock_t in)
qbyte *input;
qbyte *out_p;
int nodenum;
int count;
cblock_t out;
int inbyte;
int *hnodes, *hnodesbase;
//int i;
// get decompressed count
count = in.data[0] + (in.data[1]<<8) + (in.data[2]<<16) + (in.data[3]<<24);
input = in.data + 4;
out_p = out.data = Z_Malloc (count);
// read bits
hnodesbase = cin->hnodes1 - 256*2; // nodes 0-255 aren't stored
hnodes = hnodesbase;
nodenum = cin->numhnodes1[0];
while (count)
inbyte = *input++;
if (nodenum < 256)
hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9);
*out_p++ = nodenum;
if (!--count)
nodenum = cin->numhnodes1[nodenum];
nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)];
inbyte >>=1;
if (nodenum < 256)
hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9);
*out_p++ = nodenum;
if (!--count)
nodenum = cin->numhnodes1[nodenum];
nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)];
inbyte >>=1;
if (nodenum < 256)
hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9);
*out_p++ = nodenum;
if (!--count)
nodenum = cin->numhnodes1[nodenum];
nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)];
inbyte >>=1;
if (nodenum < 256)
hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9);
*out_p++ = nodenum;
if (!--count)
nodenum = cin->numhnodes1[nodenum];
nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)];
inbyte >>=1;
if (nodenum < 256)
hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9);
*out_p++ = nodenum;
if (!--count)
nodenum = cin->numhnodes1[nodenum];
nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)];
inbyte >>=1;
if (nodenum < 256)
hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9);
*out_p++ = nodenum;
if (!--count)
nodenum = cin->numhnodes1[nodenum];
nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)];
inbyte >>=1;
if (nodenum < 256)
hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9);
*out_p++ = nodenum;
if (!--count)
nodenum = cin->numhnodes1[nodenum];
nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)];
inbyte >>=1;
if (nodenum < 256)
hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum<<9);
*out_p++ = nodenum;
if (!--count)
nodenum = cin->numhnodes1[nodenum];
nodenum = hnodes[nodenum*2 + (inbyte&1)];
inbyte >>=1;
if (input - in.data != in.count && input - in.data != in.count+1)
Con_Printf ("Decompression overread by %i\n", (int)(input - in.data) - in.count);
out.count = out_p - out.data;
return out;
static qbyte *CIN_ReadNextFrame (cinematics_t *cin)
int r;
int command;
qbyte samples[22050/14*4];
qbyte compressed[0x20000];
int size;
qbyte *pic;
cblock_t in, huf1;
int start, end, count;
// read the next frame
r = VFS_READ (cin->cinematic_file, &command, 4);
if (r == 0) // we'll give it one more chance
r = VFS_READ (cin->cinematic_file, &command, 4);
if (r != 4)
return NULL;
command = LittleLong(command);
if (command == 2)
return NULL; // last frame marker
if (command == 1)
{ // read palette
VFS_READ (cin->cinematic_file, cin->cinematicpalette, sizeof(cin->cinematicpalette));
// decompress the next frame
VFS_READ (cin->cinematic_file, &size, 4);
size = LittleLong(size);
if (size > sizeof(compressed) || size < 1)
Host_Error ("Bad compressed frame size");
VFS_READ (cin->cinematic_file, compressed, size);
// read sound. the number of samples per frame is not actually constant, despite a constant rate and fps...
// life is shit like that.
start = (cin->cinematicframe*cin->s_rate)/14;
end = ((cin->cinematicframe+1)*cin->s_rate)/14;
count = end - start;
VFS_READ (cin->cinematic_file, samples, count*cin->s_width*cin->s_channels);
if (cin->s_width == 1)
COM_CharBias(samples, count*cin->s_channels);
else if (cin->s_width == 2)
COM_SwapLittleShortBlock((short *)samples, count*cin->s_channels);
S_RawAudio (0, samples, cin->s_rate, count, cin->s_channels, cin->s_width, 1);
in.data = compressed;
in.count = size;
huf1 = Huff1Decompress (cin, in);
pic = huf1.data;
return pic;
void CIN_Rewind(cinematics_t *cin)
VFS_SEEK(cin->cinematic_file, cin->filestart);
cin->cinematicframe = 0;
cin->cinematictime = -1000/14;
0 = error
1 = success
2 = success but nothing changed
int CIN_RunCinematic (cinematics_t *cin, float playbacktime, qbyte **outdata, int *outwidth, int *outheight, qbyte **outpalette)
int frame;
if (cin->cinematictime-3 > playbacktime*1000)
cin->cinematictime = playbacktime*1000;
frame = (playbacktime*1000 - cin->cinematictime)*14/1000;
if (cin->pic && frame <= cin->cinematicframe)
*outdata = cin->pic;
*outwidth = cin->width;
*outheight = cin->height;
*outpalette = cin->cinematicpalette;
return 2;
if (frame > cin->cinematicframe+1)
Con_DPrintf ("Dropped frame: %i > %i\n", frame, cin->cinematicframe+1);
cin->cinematictime = playbacktime*1000 - cin->cinematicframe*1000/14;
if (cin->pic)
Z_Free (cin->pic);
cin->pic = NULL;
cin->pic = CIN_ReadNextFrame (cin);
if (!cin->pic)
return 0;
*outdata = cin->pic;
*outwidth = cin->width;
*outheight = cin->height;
*outpalette = cin->cinematicpalette;
return 1;
cinematics_t *CIN_PlayCinematic (char *arg)
int width, height;
char name[MAX_OSPATH];
// int old_khz;
vfsfile_t *file;
cinematics_t *cin = NULL;
file = FS_OpenVFS(arg, "rb", FS_GAME);
if (!file)
snprintf (name, sizeof(name), "video/%s", arg);
file = FS_OpenVFS(name, "rb", FS_GAME);
if (file)
cin = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*cin));
if (cin)
cin->cinematicframe = 0;
cin->cinematic_file = file;
VFS_READ (cin->cinematic_file, &width, 4);
VFS_READ (cin->cinematic_file, &height, 4);
cin->width = LittleLong(width);
cin->height = LittleLong(height);
VFS_READ (cin->cinematic_file, &cin->s_rate, 4);
cin->s_rate = LittleLong(cin->s_rate);
VFS_READ (cin->cinematic_file, &cin->s_width, 4);
cin->s_width = LittleLong(cin->s_width);
VFS_READ (cin->cinematic_file, &cin->s_channels, 4);
cin->s_channels = LittleLong(cin->s_channels);
Huff1TableInit (cin);
cin->filestart = VFS_TELL(cin->cinematic_file);
cin->cinematicframe = 0;
cin->pic = CIN_ReadNextFrame (cin);
cin->cinematictime = 0;
Con_Printf(CON_WARNING "Cinematic %s not found.\n", arg);
return cin;