mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:10:45 +00:00
Added Z_EXT_PF_ONGROUND + Z_EXT_PF_SOLID for compat (not enabled serverside due to conflicts with pext - just a define away). Fixed bug with loading screens switching sizes part way through loading. Added hexen2 rain effect. Fix hexen2 model texture alphas not working. Fix potential linux crash from excessively long stdin lines. Added cl_rollalpha cvar. Fixed quirk where the player would slide along the base of steep walls/slopes. Tweaked PM_NudgePosition to be more precise, giving more reliable prediction. Fixed fread qc builtin. Tweaked random() builtin to bias slightly away from 0, so that nextthink=random()*foo; will never cause statue-monsters. Check for GL_WEBGL_depth_texture instead of just GL_OES_depth_texture, to fix compressedTex2d errors in firefox. Second attempt at blocking invariant keyword with mesa. Use xrandr for gamma where possible. This prevents reading stale XF86 gamma ramps and restoring those invalid ramps when quitting. Try to grab mouse pointers slightly faster in x11. Don't call XIFreeDeviceInfo if XIQueryDevice returned NULL. Document parm_string and startspot qc globals. Fix possible infinite loop from physics frames. QTV: stripped most of the old plugin code (because really, who has a browser that still supports either ActiveX or NPAPI). Fixed up emscripten port references. QTV: fix bug with protocol extensions not being reported to viewers. QTV: use binary websockets instead of text. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5419 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
1005 lines
26 KiB
1005 lines
26 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the included (GNU.txt) GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define LittleLong(x) ({ typeof(x) _x = (x); _x = (((unsigned char *)&_x)[0]|(((unsigned char *)&_x)[1]<<8)|(((unsigned char *)&_x)[2]<<16)|(((unsigned char *)&_x)[3]<<24)); _x; })
#define LittleShort(x) ({ typeof(x) _x = (x); _x = (((unsigned char *)&_x)[0]|(((unsigned char *)&_x)[1]<<8)); _x; })
#define LittleLong(x) (x)
#define LittleShort(x) (x)
//this is for a future version
//#define COMMENTARY
//each server that we are connected to has it's own state.
//it should be easy enough to use one thread per server.
//mvd info is forwarded to other proxies instantly
//qwd stuff is buffered and delayed. :(
//this means that when a new proxy connects, we have to send initial state as well as a chunk of pending state, expect to need to send new data before the proxy even has all the init stuff. We may need to raise MAX_PROXY_BUFFER to be larger than on the server
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define PRINTFWARNING(x) __attribute__((format(printf, x, (x+1))))
#define PRINTFWARNING(x) /*nothing*/
//how does multiple servers work
//each proxy acts as a cluster of connections to servers
//when a viewer connects, they are given a list of active server connections
//if there's only one server connection, they are given that one automatically.
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
#define MACOSX
#include <stdio.h>
/*work around fucked MSVC functions. we use our own for these*/
#if _MSC_VER >= 1300
#include <string.h>
#define vsnprintf q_vsnprintf /*msvc doesn't null terminate. its insecute and thus useless*/
#define stricmp _stricmp /*msvc just doesn't work properly*/
#define chdir _chdir
#define gwtcwd _getcwd
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <conio.h>
#include <winsock2.h> //this includes windows.h and is the reason for much compiling slowness with windows builds.
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#define IPPROTO_IPV6
#define EAI_NONAME 8
struct ip6_scope_id
u_long Zone : 28;
u_long Level : 4;
u_long Value;
struct in6_addr
u_char s6_addr[16]; /* IPv6 address */
typedef struct sockaddr_in6
short sin6_family;
u_short sin6_port;
u_long sin6_flowinfo;
struct in6_addr sin6_addr;
u_long sin6_scope_id;
struct ip6_scope_id sin6_scope_struct;
#if !(_MSC_VER >= 1500)
struct addrinfo
int ai_flags;
int ai_family;
int ai_socktype;
int ai_protocol;
size_t ai_addrlen;
char* ai_canonname;
struct sockaddr * ai_addr;
struct addrinfo * ai_next;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma comment (lib, "wsock32.lib")
#define qerrno WSAGetLastError()
//we have special functions to properly terminate sprintf buffers in windows.
//we assume other systems are designed with even a minor thought to security.
#if !defined(__MINGW32__)
#define unlink _unlink //why do MS have to be so awkward?
int snprintf(char *buffer, int buffersize, char *format, ...) PRINTFWARNING(3);
int vsnprintf(char *buffer, int buffersize, const char *format, va_list argptr);
#define unlink remove //seems mingw misses something
#ifdef _MSC_VER
//okay, so warnings are here to help... they're ugly though.
#pragma warning(disable: 4761) //integral size mismatch in argument
#pragma warning(disable: 4244) //conversion from float to short
#pragma warning(disable: 4018) //signed/unsigned mismatch
#elif defined(__CYGWIN__)
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define ioctlsocket ioctl
#define closesocket close
#elif defined(linux) || defined(ixemul) || defined(MACOSX) // I hope by adding MACOSX here it doesnt stop it from being natively built on macosx
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define ioctlsocket ioctl
#define closesocket close
#elif (defined(__MORPHOS__) && !defined(ixemul))
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define qerrno Errno()
#define ioctlsocket IoctlSocket
#define closesocket CloseSocket
#error "Please insert required headers here"
//try the cygwin ones
#ifndef NET_EAGAIN
#ifndef IPV6_V6ONLY
#define IPV6_V6ONLY 27
#ifndef pgetaddrinfo
#ifndef _WIN32
#define pgetaddrinfo getaddrinfo
#define pfreeaddrinfo freeaddrinfo
#ifndef SOCKET
#define SOCKET int
#ifndef qerrno
#define qerrno errno
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
//stricmp is ansi, strcasecmp is unix.
#define stricmp strcasecmp
#define strnicmp strncasecmp
#define ustrlen(s) strlen((char*)(s))
#define ustrcmp(s1,s2) strcmp((char*)(s1),(char*)(s2))
#define ustrncmp(s1,s2,l) strncmp((char*)(s1),(char*)(s2),l)
size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz);
#define SHA1 SHA1_quake
size_t SHA1(unsigned char *digest, size_t maxdigestsize, const unsigned char *string, size_t stringlen);
#ifdef LIBQTV
#define Sys_Printf QTVSys_Printf
#define STRINGIFY2(s) #s
//#include "../engine/common/bothdefs.h"
#define QTV_VERSION_STRING "v?""?""?"
#define PROX_DEFAULTSERVER "localhost:27500"
#define PROXYWEBSITE "http://fte.triptohell.info" //url for program
#include "protocol.h"
#ifndef __cplusplus
typedef enum {false, true} qboolean;
typedef int qboolean;
extern "C" {
typedef struct
void *tcpcon; /*value not indirected, only compared*/
char sockaddr[64];
} netadr_t;
typedef struct soundcapt_s {
int (*update)(struct soundcapt_s *ghnd, int samplechunks, char *buffer);
void (*close)(struct soundcapt_s *ptr);
} soundcapt_t;
typedef struct soundplay_s {
int (*update)(struct soundplay_s *ghnd, int samplechunks, char *buffer);
void (*close)(struct soundplay_s *ptr);
} soundplay_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned int readpos;
unsigned int cursize;
unsigned int maxsize;
void *data;
unsigned int startpos;
qboolean overflowed;
qboolean allowoverflow;
} netmsg_t;
typedef struct {
SOCKET sock;
netadr_t remote_address;
unsigned short qport;
unsigned int last_received;
unsigned int cleartime;
int maxdatagramlen;
int maxreliablelen;
int reliable_length;
qboolean drop;
qboolean isclient;
qboolean isnqprotocol;
netmsg_t message;
char message_buf[MAX_MSGLEN]; //reliable message being built
char reliable_buf[MAX_MSGLEN]; //reliable message that we're making sure arrives.
float rate;
unsigned int incoming_acknowledged;
unsigned int last_reliable_sequence;
unsigned int incoming_reliable_acknowledged;
unsigned int incoming_reliable_sequence;
unsigned int reliable_sequence;
unsigned int incoming_sequence;
unsigned int outgoing_sequence;
unsigned int reliable_start;
unsigned int outgoing_unreliable;
unsigned int incoming_unreliable;
unsigned int in_fragment_length;
char in_fragment_buf[MAX_NQMSGLEN];
} netchan_t;
typedef struct {
#define MAX_QPATH 64
char name[MAX_QPATH];
} filename_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned char frame;
unsigned short modelindex;
unsigned char colormap;
unsigned char skinnum;
float origin[3];
float angles[3];
unsigned short effects;
unsigned char alpha;
unsigned char scale;
// unsigned char fatness;
// unsigned char abslight;
// unsigned char h2flags;
// unsigned char colormod[3];
// unsigned short light[4];
// unsigned char lightstyle;
// unsigned char lightpflags;
// unsigned char tagentity;
// unsigned char tagindex;
} entity_state_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned char frame;
unsigned char modelindex;
unsigned char skinnum;
float origin[3];
float angles[3];
unsigned char effects;
short velocity[3];
unsigned char weaponframe;
} player_state_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned int stats[MAX_STATS];
char userinfo[MAX_USERINFO];
int ping;
int packetloss;
int frags;
float entertime;
int leafcount;
unsigned short leafs[MAX_ENTITY_LEAFS];
qboolean oldactive:1;
qboolean active:1;
qboolean gibbed:1;
qboolean dead:1;
player_state_t current;
player_state_t old;
} playerinfo_t;
typedef struct {
entity_state_t ents[ENTS_PER_FRAME]; //ouchie ouchie!
unsigned short entnum[ENTS_PER_FRAME];
int numents;
} packet_entities_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned char msec;
float angles[3];
short forwardmove, sidemove, upmove;
unsigned char buttons;
unsigned char impulse;
} usercmd_t;
extern const usercmd_t nullcmd;
typedef float vec3_t[3];
typedef struct {
float gravity;
float maxspeed;
float spectatormaxspeed;
float accelerate;
float airaccelerate;
float waterfriction;
float entgrav;
float stopspeed;
float wateraccelerate;
float friction;
} movevars_t;
typedef struct {
//in / out
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t velocity;
usercmd_t cmd;
movevars_t movevars;
vec3_t angles;
float frametime;
vec3_t forward, right, up;
} pmove_t;
#define MBTN_UP (1u<<0)
#define MBTN_DOWN (1u<<1)
#define MBTN_LEFT (1u<<2)
#define MBTN_RIGHT (1u<<3)
#define MBTN_ENTER (1u<<4)
typedef struct sv_s sv_t;
typedef struct cluster_s cluster_t;
typedef struct viewer_s {
//viewers are regular clients connected over udp.
//they may be watching a communal stream, or they might themselves be playing through the proxy, directly controlling the stream.
qboolean drop;
unsigned int timeout;
unsigned int nextpacket; //for nq clients
netchan_t netchan;
qboolean maysend;
qboolean chokeme;
qboolean thinksitsconnected;
qboolean conmenussupported;
qboolean isproxy;
unsigned int pext1, pext2;
int servercount;
netmsg_t backbuf[MAX_BACK_BUFFERS]; //note data is malloced!
int backbuffered;
unsigned int currentstats[MAX_STATS];
int trackplayer;
int thisplayer;
int userid;
packet_entities_t frame[ENTITY_FRAMES];
int delta_frames[ENTITY_FRAMES];
struct viewer_s *next;
struct viewer_s *commentator;
char name[32];
char userinfo[1024];
int lost; //packets
usercmd_t ucmds[3];
unsigned int lasttime;
unsigned int menubuttons;
int settime; //the time that we last told the client.
vec3_t velocity;
vec3_t origin;
int isadmin;
char expectcommand[16];
sv_t *server;
int menuspamtime;
int menunum;
int menuop;
int fwdval; //for scrolling up/down the menu using +forward/+back :)
int firstconnect;
} viewer_t;
typedef struct
qboolean websocket; //true if we need to use special handling
unsigned char wsbuf[16];
int wsbuflen;
int wspushed;
int wsbits;
} wsrbuf_t;
//'other proxy', these are mvd stream clients.
typedef struct oproxy_s {
int authkey;
unsigned int droptime;
qboolean flushing;
qboolean drop;
sv_t *defaultstream;
sv_t *stream;
FILE *srcfile; //buffer is padded with data from this file when its empty
FILE *file; //recording a demo (written to)
SOCKET sock; //playing to a proxy
wsrbuf_t websocket;
unsigned char inbuffer[MAX_PROXY_INBUFFER];
unsigned int inbuffersize; //amount of data available.
unsigned char buffer[MAX_PROXY_BUFFER];
unsigned int buffersize; //use cyclic buffering.
unsigned int bufferpos;
struct oproxy_s *next;
} oproxy_t;
typedef struct tcpconnect_s
struct tcpconnect_s *next;
SOCKET sock;
wsrbuf_t websocket;
netadr_t peeraddr;
unsigned char inbuffer[MAX_PROXY_INBUFFER];
unsigned int inbuffersize; //amount of data available.
unsigned char outbuffer[MAX_PROXY_INBUFFER];
unsigned int outbuffersize; //amount of data available.
} tcpconnect_t;
typedef struct {
float origin[3];
unsigned short soundindex;
unsigned char volume;
unsigned char attenuation;
} staticsound_t;
typedef struct bsp_s bsp_t;
typedef struct {
entity_state_t baseline;
// entity_state_t current;
// entity_state_t old;
// unsigned int updatetime; //to stop lerping when it's an old entity (bodies, stationary grenades, ...)
int leafcount;
unsigned short leafs[MAX_ENTITY_LEAFS];
} entity_t;
typedef struct {
int oldframe;
int numents;
int maxents;
entity_state_t *ents; //dynamically allocated
unsigned short *entnums; //dynamically allocated
} frame_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned char number;
char bits[6];
} nail_t;
typedef struct {
float pos[3];
float angle[3];
} intermission_t;
typedef enum {
} sourcetype_t;
typedef enum {
ERR_NONE, //stream is fine
ERR_RECONNECT, //stream needs to reconnect
ERR_PERMANENT, //permanent error, transitioning to disabled next frame
ERR_DISABLED, //stream is disabled, can be set to reconnect by admin
ERR_DROP //stream _will_ be forgotten about next frame
} errorstate_t;
struct sv_s { //details about a server connection (also known as stream)
char connectpassword[64]; //password given to server
netadr_t serveraddress;
netchan_t netchan;
qboolean serverquery;
sourcetype_t sourcetype;
//proxy chaining
qboolean serverisproxy;
qboolean proxyisselected;
qboolean upstreamacceptschat;
qboolean upstreamacceptsdownload;
qboolean parsingqtvheader;
unsigned char upstreambuffer[2048];
int upstreambuffersize;
unsigned int parsetime;
unsigned int parsespeed;
FILE *downloadfile;
char downloadname[256];
char status[64];
qboolean silentstream;
qboolean usequakeworldprotocols;
unsigned int pext1;
unsigned int pext2;
int challenge;
unsigned short qport;
int isconnected;
int clservercount;
unsigned int nextsendpings;
unsigned int timeout;
unsigned int packetratelimiter;
viewer_t *controller;
int controllersquencebias;
qboolean proxyplayer; //a player is actually playing on the proxy.
usercmd_t proxyplayerucmds[3];
int proxyplayerucmdnum;
int proxyplayerbuttons;
float proxyplayerangles[3];
float proxyplayerimpulse;
qboolean maysend;
FILE *sourcefile;
unsigned int filelength;
SOCKET sourcesock;
int last_random_number; // for demo directories randomizing stuff
// SOCKET tcpsocket; //tcp + mvd protocol
// int tcplistenportnum;
oproxy_t *proxies;
qboolean parsingconnectiondata; //so reject any new connects for now
unsigned int mapstarttime;
unsigned int physicstime; //the last time all the ents moved.
unsigned int simtime;
unsigned int curtime;
unsigned int oldpackettime;
unsigned int nextpackettime;
unsigned int nextconnectattempt;
errorstate_t errored;
enum autodisconnect_e {
} autodisconnect;
unsigned int numviewers;
cluster_t *cluster;
sv_t *next; //next proxy->server connection
//audio stuff
soundcapt_t *comentrycapture;
char server[MAX_QPATH];
int streamid;
struct mapstate_s
//this structure is freed+memset in QTV_CleanupMap
bsp_t *bsp;
int numinlines;
nail_t nails[32];
int nailcount;
char gamedir[MAX_QPATH];
char mapname[256];
movevars_t movevars;
int cdtrack;
entity_t entity[MAX_ENTITIES];
frame_t frame[MAX_ENTITY_FRAMES];
// int maxents;
staticsound_t staticsound[MAX_STATICSOUNDS];
int staticsound_count;
entity_state_t spawnstatic[MAX_STATICENTITIES];
int spawnstatic_count;
filename_t lightstyle[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES];
char serverinfo[MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING];
char hostname[MAX_QPATH];
playerinfo_t players[MAX_CLIENTS];
filename_t modellist[MAX_MODELS];
filename_t soundlist[MAX_SOUNDS];
int modelindex_spike; // qw is wierd.
int modelindex_player; // qw is wierd.
int trackplayer;
int thisplayer;
qboolean ispaused;
} map;
unsigned char buffer[MAX_PROXY_BUFFER]; //this doesn't cycle.
int buffersize; //it memmoves down
int forwardpoint; //the point in the stream that we've forwarded up to.
typedef struct {
char name[128];
int size;
int time, smalltime;
} availdemo_t;
struct cluster_s {
SOCKET qwdsocket[SOCKETGROUPS]; //udp + quakeworld protocols
SOCKET tcpsocket[SOCKETGROUPS]; //tcp listening socket (for mvd and listings and stuff)
tcpconnect_t *tcpconnects; //'tcpconnect' qizmo-compatible quakeworld-over-tcp connection
char commandinput[512];
int inputlength;
unsigned int mastersendtime;
unsigned int mastersequence;
unsigned int curtime;
viewer_t *viewers;
int numviewers;
sv_t *servers;
int numservers;
int nextstreamid;
int nextuserid;
sv_t *viewserver;
char autojoinadr[128]; //new clients automatically .join this server
int qwlistenportnum;
int tcplistenportnum;
char adminpassword[256];//password required for rcon etc
char qtvpassword[256]; //password required to connect a proxy
char hostname[256];
char master[MAX_QPATH];
char demodir[MAX_QPATH];
char downloaddir[MAX_QPATH]; //must be slash terminated, or empty.
char plugindatasource[256]; //sued by the http server for use with npfte
char mapsource[256]; //sued by the http server for use with npfte
qboolean chokeonnotupdated;
qboolean lateforward;
qboolean notalking;
qboolean nobsp;
qboolean allownqclients; //nq clients require no challenge
qboolean nouserconnects; //prohibit users from connecting to new streams.
int anticheattime; //intial connection buffer delay (set high to block specing enemies)
int tooslowdelay; //if stream ran out of data, stop parsing for this long
int maxviewers;
int numproxies;
int maxproxies;
qboolean wanttoexit;
oproxy_t *pendingproxies;
availdemo_t availdemos[2048];
int availdemoscount;
#define MENU_NONE 0
#define MENU_SERVERS 2
#define MENU_CLIENTS 3
#define MENU_ADMIN 4
#define MENU_DEMOS 6
#define MENU_HELP 9
enum {
unsigned char ReadByte(netmsg_t *b);
unsigned short ReadShort(netmsg_t *b);
unsigned int ReadLong(netmsg_t *b);
float ReadFloat(netmsg_t *b);
void ReadString(netmsg_t *b, char *string, int maxlen);
float ReadCoord(netmsg_t *b, unsigned int pext);
float ReadAngle(netmsg_t *b, unsigned int pext);
unsigned int SwapLong(unsigned int val);
unsigned int BigLong(unsigned int val);
//flags for where a message can be sent, for easy broadcasting
#define Q1 (NQ|QW)
#define QW 1
#define NQ 2
#define CONNECTING 4
#include "cmd.h"
void InitNetMsg(netmsg_t *b, void *buffer, int bufferlength);
unsigned char ReadByte(netmsg_t *b);
unsigned short ReadShort(netmsg_t *b);
unsigned int ReadLong(netmsg_t *b);
float ReadFloat(netmsg_t *b);
void ReadString(netmsg_t *b, char *string, int maxlen);
void WriteByte(netmsg_t *b, unsigned char c);
void WriteShort(netmsg_t *b, unsigned short l);
void WriteLong(netmsg_t *b, unsigned int l);
void WriteFloat(netmsg_t *b, float f);
void WriteCoord(netmsg_t *b, float c, unsigned int pext);
void WriteAngle(netmsg_t *b, float a, unsigned int pext);
void WriteString2(netmsg_t *b, const char *str);
void WriteString(netmsg_t *b, const char *str);
void WriteData(netmsg_t *b, const void *data, int length);
void Multicast(sv_t *tv, void *buffer, int length, int to, unsigned int playermask,int suitablefor);
void Broadcast(cluster_t *cluster, void *buffer, int length, int suitablefor);
void ParseMessage(sv_t *tv, void *buffer, int length, int to, int mask);
void BuildServerData(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *msg, int servercount, viewer_t *spectatorflag);
void BuildNQServerData(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *msg, qboolean mvd, int servercount);
void QW_UpdateUDPStuff(cluster_t *qtv);
void QW_TCPConnection(cluster_t *cluster, SOCKET sock, wsrbuf_t ws);
unsigned int Sys_Milliseconds(void);
void Prox_SendInitialEnts(sv_t *qtv, oproxy_t *prox, netmsg_t *msg);
qboolean QTV_ConnectStream(sv_t *qtv, char *serverurl);
void QTV_ShutdownStream(sv_t *qtv);
qboolean NET_StringToAddr (char *s, netadr_t *sadr, int defaultport);
void QTV_Printf(sv_t *qtv, char *format, ...) PRINTFWARNING(2);
void QTV_UpdatedServerInfo(sv_t *tv);
void QTV_CleanupMap(sv_t *qtv);
void SendBufferToViewer(viewer_t *v, const char *buffer, int length, qboolean reliable);
void QW_PrintfToViewer(viewer_t *v, char *format, ...) PRINTFWARNING(2);
void QW_StuffcmdToViewer(viewer_t *v, char *format, ...) PRINTFWARNING(2);
void QW_StreamPrint(cluster_t *cluster, sv_t *server, viewer_t *allbut, char *message);
void QW_StreamStuffcmd(cluster_t *cluster, sv_t *server, char *fmt, ...) PRINTFWARNING(3);
void QTV_SayCommand(cluster_t *cluster, sv_t *qtv, viewer_t *v, char *fullcommand); //execute a command from a view
void QW_SetViewersServer(cluster_t *cluster, viewer_t *viewer, sv_t *sv);
void QW_SetMenu(viewer_t *v, int menunum);
void QW_SetCommentator(cluster_t *cluster, viewer_t *v, viewer_t *commentator);
void QW_FreeViewer(cluster_t *cluster, viewer_t *viewer);
void QW_ClearViewerState(viewer_t *viewer);
void PM_PlayerMove (pmove_t *pmove);
void Netchan_Setup (SOCKET sock, netchan_t *chan, netadr_t adr, int qport, qboolean isclient);
void Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (cluster_t *cluster, netadr_t adr, char *format, ...) PRINTFWARNING(3);
//int Netchan_IsLocal (netadr_t adr);
void NET_InitUDPSocket(cluster_t *cluster, int port, int socketid);
void NET_SendPacket(cluster_t *cluster, SOCKET sock, int length, void *data, netadr_t adr);
SOCKET NET_ChooseSocket(SOCKET sock[], netadr_t *toadr, netadr_t in);
qboolean Net_CompareAddress(netadr_t *s1, netadr_t *s2, int qp1, int qp2);
qboolean Netchan_Process (netchan_t *chan, netmsg_t *msg);
qboolean NQNetchan_Process(cluster_t *cluster, netchan_t *chan, netmsg_t *msg);
void Netchan_Transmit (cluster_t *cluster, netchan_t *chan, int length, const void *data);
void Netchan_OutOfBandSocket (cluster_t *cluster, SOCKET sock, netadr_t *adr, int length, void *data);
void Netchan_OutOfBand(cluster_t *cluster, netadr_t adr, int length, void *data);
qboolean Netchan_CanPacket (netchan_t *chan);
int NET_WebSocketRecv(SOCKET sock, wsrbuf_t *ws, unsigned char *out, unsigned int outlen, int *wslen);
int SendList(sv_t *qtv, int first, const filename_t *list, int svc, netmsg_t *msg);
int Prespawn(sv_t *qtv, int curmsgsize, netmsg_t *msg, int bufnum, int thisplayer);
bsp_t *BSP_LoadModel(cluster_t *cluster, char *gamedir, char *bspname);
void BSP_Free(bsp_t *bsp);
int BSP_LeafNum(bsp_t *bsp, float x, float y, float z);
unsigned int BSP_Checksum(bsp_t *bsp);
int BSP_SphereLeafNums(bsp_t *bsp, int maxleafs, unsigned short *list, float x, float y, float z, float radius);
qboolean BSP_Visible(bsp_t *bsp, int leafcount, unsigned short *list);
void BSP_SetupForPosition(bsp_t *bsp, float x, float y, float z);
const intermission_t *BSP_IntermissionSpot(bsp_t *bsp);
unsigned short QCRC_Block (void *start, int count);
unsigned short QCRC_Value(unsigned short crcvalue);
void WriteDeltaUsercmd (netmsg_t *m, const usercmd_t *from, usercmd_t *move);
void SendClientCommand(sv_t *qtv, char *fmt, ...) PRINTFWARNING(2);
void QTV_Run(sv_t *qtv);
char *COM_ParseToken (char *data, char *out, int outsize, const char *punctuation);
char *Info_ValueForKey (char *s, const char *key, char *buffer, int buffersize);
void Info_SetValueForStarKey (char *s, const char *key, const char *value, int maxsize);
void ReadDeltaUsercmd (netmsg_t *m, const usercmd_t *from, usercmd_t *move);
unsigned Com_BlockChecksum (void *buffer, int length);
void Com_BlockFullChecksum (void *buffer, int len, unsigned char *outbuf);
void Cluster_BuildAvailableDemoList(cluster_t *cluster);
void Sys_Printf(cluster_t *cluster, char *fmt, ...) PRINTFWARNING(2);
//void Sys_mkdir(char *path);
void QTV_mkdir(char *path);
void Net_ProxySend(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *prox, void *buffer, int length);
oproxy_t *Net_FileProxy(sv_t *qtv, char *filename);
sv_t *QTV_NewServerConnection(cluster_t *cluster, int streamid, char *server, char *password, qboolean force, enum autodisconnect_e autodisconnect, qboolean noduplicates, qboolean query);
void Net_TCPListen(cluster_t *cluster, int port, int socketid);
qboolean Net_StopFileProxy(sv_t *qtv);
void SV_FindProxies(SOCKET sock, cluster_t *cluster, sv_t *defaultqtv);
qboolean SV_ReadPendingProxy(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *pend);
void SV_ForwardStream(sv_t *qtv, void *buffer, int length);
int SV_SayToUpstream(sv_t *qtv, char *message);
void SV_SayToViewers(sv_t *qtv, char *message);
unsigned char *FS_ReadFile(char *gamedir, char *filename, unsigned int *size);
void ChooseFavoriteTrack(sv_t *tv);
void DemoViewer_Update(sv_t *svtest);
void Fwd_SayToDownstream(sv_t *qtv, char *message);
void HTTPSV_GetMethod(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *pend);
void HTTPSV_PostMethod(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *pend, char *postdata);
void Menu_Enter(cluster_t *cluster, viewer_t *viewer, int buttonnum);
void Menu_Draw(cluster_t *cluster, viewer_t *viewer);
#ifdef __cplusplus