mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:31:19 +00:00
minor change to qclib for hexen2 git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@1735 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
948 lines
24 KiB
948 lines
24 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// r_alias.c: routines for setting up to draw alias models
//changes include stvertexes now being seperatly number from the triangles.
//this allows q2 models to be supported.
//lerping is also available.
//future aims include better skin management.
//the asm code cannot handle alias models anymore.
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "d_local.h" // FIXME: shouldn't be needed (is needed for patch
// right now, but that should move)
#define Q2RF_DEPTHHACK 16 // for view weapon Z crunching
#define LIGHT_MIN 5 // lowest light value we'll allow, to avoid the
// need for inner-loop light clamping
mtriangle_t *ptriangles;
affinetridesc_t r_affinetridesc;
void *acolormap; // FIXME: should go away
qbyte *apalremap;
dtrivertx_t *r_apoldverts;
dtrivertx_t *r_apnewverts;
vec3_t r_afrntlerp;
vec3_t r_abacklerp;
vec3_t r_amovelerp;
// TODO: these probably will go away with optimized rasterization
mmdl_t *pmdl;
vec3_t r_plightvec;
int r_ambientlight;
float r_shadelight;
aliashdr_t *paliashdr;
finalvert_t *pfinalverts;
auxvert_t *pauxverts;
static float ziscale;
static model_t *pmodel;
extern int cl_playerindex;
static vec3_t alias_forward, alias_right, alias_up;
static maliasskindesc_t *pskindesc;
int r_amodels_drawn;
int a_skinwidth;
int r_anumverts;
float aliastransform[3][4];
typedef struct {
int index0;
int index1;
} aedge_t;
static aedge_t aedges[12] = {
{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 0},
{4, 5}, {5, 6}, {6, 7}, {7, 4},
{0, 5}, {1, 4}, {2, 7}, {3, 6}
extern float r_avertexnormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3];
void R_AliasTransformAndProjectFinalVerts (finalvert_t *fv);//,
//mstvert_t *pstverts);
void R_AliasSetUpTransform (int trivial_accept);
void R_AliasTransformVector (vec3_t in, vec3_t out);
void R_AliasTransformFinalVert (finalvert_t *fv, auxvert_t *av,
dtrivertx_t *pnewverts, dtrivertx_t *poldverts);//, mstvert_t *pstverts);
void R_AliasProjectFinalVert (finalvert_t *fv, auxvert_t *av);
qboolean R_AliasCheckBBox (void)
int i, flags, nframe, oframe, numv;
aliashdr_t *pahdr;
float zi, basepts[8][3], v0, v1, frac;
finalvert_t *pv0, *pv1, viewpts[16];
auxvert_t *pa0, *pa1, viewaux[16];
maliasframedesc_t *pnewframedesc, *poldframedesc;
qboolean zclipped, zfullyclipped;
unsigned anyclip, allclip;
int minz;
float a, b;
vec3_t min, max;
// expand, rotate, and translate points into worldspace
currententity->trivial_accept = 0;
pmodel = currententity->model;
pahdr = SWMod_Extradata (pmodel);
pmdl = (mmdl_t *)((qbyte *)pahdr + pahdr->model);
R_AliasSetUpTransform (0);
// construct the base bounding box for this frame
nframe = currententity->frame;
// TODO: don't repeat this check when drawing?
if ((nframe >= pmdl->numframes) || (nframe < 0))
Con_DPrintf ("No such frame %d %s\n", nframe,
nframe = 0;
// construct the base bounding box for this frame
oframe = currententity->oldframe;
// TODO: don't repeat this check when drawing?
if ((oframe >= pmdl->numframes) || (oframe < 0))
Con_DPrintf ("No such frame %d %s\n", oframe,
oframe = 0;
pnewframedesc = &pahdr->frames[nframe];
poldframedesc = &pahdr->frames[oframe];
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) //choose the most outward of the two.
a = poldframedesc->scale_origin[i] + poldframedesc->bboxmin.v[i]*poldframedesc->scale[i];
b = pnewframedesc->scale_origin[i] + pnewframedesc->bboxmin.v[i]*pnewframedesc->scale[i];
min[i] = a>b?b:a;
a = poldframedesc->scale_origin[i] + poldframedesc->bboxmax.v[i]*poldframedesc->scale[i];
b = pnewframedesc->scale_origin[i] + pnewframedesc->bboxmax.v[i]*pnewframedesc->scale[i];
max[i] = a>b?a:b;
// x worldspace coordinates
basepts[0][0] = basepts[1][0] = basepts[2][0] = basepts[3][0] = min[0];
basepts[4][0] = basepts[5][0] = basepts[6][0] = basepts[7][0] = max[0];
// y worldspace coordinates
basepts[0][1] = basepts[3][1] = basepts[5][1] = basepts[6][1] = min[1];
basepts[1][1] = basepts[2][1] = basepts[4][1] = basepts[7][1] = max[1];
// z worldspace coordinates
basepts[0][2] = basepts[1][2] = basepts[4][2] = basepts[5][2] = min[2];
basepts[2][2] = basepts[3][2] = basepts[6][2] = basepts[7][2] = max[2];
zclipped = false;
zfullyclipped = true;
minz = 9999;
for (i=0; i<8 ; i++)
R_AliasTransformVector (&basepts[i][0], &viewaux[i].fv[0]);
if (viewaux[i].fv[2] < ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE)
// we must clip points that are closer than the near clip plane
viewpts[i].flags = ALIAS_Z_CLIP;
zclipped = true;
if (viewaux[i].fv[2] < minz)
minz = viewaux[i].fv[2];
viewpts[i].flags = 0;
zfullyclipped = false;
if (zfullyclipped)
return false; // everything was near-z-clipped
numv = 8;
if (zclipped)
// organize points by edges, use edges to get new points (possible trivial
// reject)
for (i=0 ; i<12 ; i++)
// edge endpoints
pv0 = &viewpts[aedges[i].index0];
pv1 = &viewpts[aedges[i].index1];
pa0 = &viewaux[aedges[i].index0];
pa1 = &viewaux[aedges[i].index1];
// if one end is clipped and the other isn't, make a new point
if (pv0->flags ^ pv1->flags)
frac = (ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE - pa0->fv[2]) /
(pa1->fv[2] - pa0->fv[2]);
viewaux[numv].fv[0] = pa0->fv[0] +
(pa1->fv[0] - pa0->fv[0]) * frac;
viewaux[numv].fv[1] = pa0->fv[1] +
(pa1->fv[1] - pa0->fv[1]) * frac;
viewaux[numv].fv[2] = ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE;
viewpts[numv].flags = 0;
// project the vertices that remain after clipping
anyclip = 0;
// TODO: probably should do this loop in ASM, especially if we use floats
for (i=0 ; i<numv ; i++)
// we don't need to bother with vertices that were z-clipped
if (viewpts[i].flags & ALIAS_Z_CLIP)
zi = 1.0 / viewaux[i].fv[2];
// FIXME: do with chop mode in ASM, or convert to float
v0 = (viewaux[i].fv[0] * xscale * zi) + xcenter;
v1 = (viewaux[i].fv[1] * yscale * zi) + ycenter;
flags = 0;
if (v0 < r_refdef.fvrectx)
if (v1 < r_refdef.fvrecty)
flags |= ALIAS_TOP_CLIP;
if (v0 > r_refdef.fvrectright)
if (v1 > r_refdef.fvrectbottom)
anyclip |= flags;
allclip &= flags;
if (allclip)
return false; // trivial reject off one side
currententity->trivial_accept = !anyclip & !zclipped;
if (currententity->trivial_accept)
if (minz > (r_aliastransition + (pmdl->size * r_resfudge)))
currententity->trivial_accept |= 2;
return true;
void R_AliasTransformVector (vec3_t in, vec3_t out)
out[0] = DotProduct(in, aliastransform[0]) + aliastransform[0][3];
out[1] = DotProduct(in, aliastransform[1]) + aliastransform[1][3];
out[2] = DotProduct(in, aliastransform[2]) + aliastransform[2][3];
General clipped case
mstvert_t *stc;
mtriangle_t *tn;
void R_AliasPreparePoints (void)
void (*drawfnc) (void);
int i;
mstvert_t *pstverts;
finalvert_t *fv;
auxvert_t *av;
mtriangle_t *ptri;
finalvert_t *pfv[3];
r_anumverts = pmdl->numverts;
fv = pfinalverts;
av = pauxverts;
if (r_pixbytes == 4)
drawfnc = D_PolysetDraw32;
else if (r_pixbytes == 2)
drawfnc = D_PolysetDraw16;
#if id386
drawfnc = D_PolysetDrawAsm;
drawfnc = D_PolysetDrawC;
for (i=0 ; i<r_anumverts ; i++, fv++, av++, r_apnewverts++, r_apoldverts++)
R_AliasTransformFinalVert (fv, av, r_apnewverts, r_apoldverts);
if (av->fv[2] < ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE)
fv->flags |= ALIAS_Z_CLIP;
R_AliasProjectFinalVert (fv, av);
if (fv->v[0] < r_refdef.aliasvrect.x)
fv->flags |= ALIAS_LEFT_CLIP;
if (fv->v[1] < r_refdef.aliasvrect.y)
fv->flags |= ALIAS_TOP_CLIP;
if (fv->v[0] > r_refdef.aliasvrectright)
fv->flags |= ALIAS_RIGHT_CLIP;
if (fv->v[1] > r_refdef.aliasvrectbottom)
fv->flags |= ALIAS_BOTTOM_CLIP;
stc = pstverts = (mstvert_t *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->stverts);
// clip and draw all triangles
r_affinetridesc.numtriangles = 1;
ptri = (mtriangle_t *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->triangles);
for (i=0 ; i<pmdl->numtris ; i++, ptri++)
pfv[0] = &pfinalverts[ptri->xyz_index[0]];
pfv[1] = &pfinalverts[ptri->xyz_index[1]];
pfv[2] = &pfinalverts[ptri->xyz_index[2]];
if ( pfv[0]->flags & pfv[1]->flags & pfv[2]->flags & (ALIAS_XY_CLIP_MASK | ALIAS_Z_CLIP) )
continue; // completely clipped
if ( ! ( (pfv[0]->flags | pfv[1]->flags | pfv[2]->flags) &
{ // totally unclipped
extern int r_p0[6], r_p1[6], r_p2[6];
r_affinetridesc.pfinalverts = pfinalverts;
r_affinetridesc.ptriangles = ptri;
drawfnc ();
{ // partially clipped
R_AliasClipTriangle (ptri, drawfnc);
void R_AliasSetUpTransform (int trivial_accept)
int i;
float rotationmatrix[3][4], t2matrix[3][4];
static float tmatrix[3][4];
static float viewmatrix[3][4];
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
rotationmatrix[i][0] = currententity->axis[0][i]*currententity->scale;
rotationmatrix[i][1] = currententity->axis[1][i]*currententity->scale;
rotationmatrix[i][2] = currententity->axis[2][i]*currententity->scale;
rotationmatrix[0][3] = -modelorg[0];
rotationmatrix[1][3] = -modelorg[1];
rotationmatrix[2][3] = -modelorg[2];
// TODO: should be global, set when vright, etc., set
VectorCopy (vright, viewmatrix[0]);
VectorCopy (vup, viewmatrix[1]);
VectorInverse (viewmatrix[1]);
VectorCopy (vpn, viewmatrix[2]);
// viewmatrix[0][3] = 0;
// viewmatrix[1][3] = 0;
// viewmatrix[2][3] = 0;
if (currententity->flags & Q2RF_WEAPONMODEL)
{ //rotate viewmodel to view first
float vmmatrix[3][4];
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
t2matrix[i][0] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].axis[0][i];
t2matrix[i][1] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].axis[1][i];
t2matrix[i][2] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].axis[2][i];
t2matrix[0][3] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].origin[0];
t2matrix[1][3] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].origin[1];
t2matrix[2][3] = cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum].origin[2];
R_ConcatTransforms (rotationmatrix, t2matrix, vmmatrix);
R_ConcatTransforms (viewmatrix, vmmatrix, aliastransform);
R_ConcatTransforms (viewmatrix, rotationmatrix, aliastransform);
// do the scaling up of x and y to screen coordinates as part of the transform
// for the unclipped case (it would mess up clipping in the clipped case).
// Also scale down z, so 1/z is scaled 31 bits for free, and scale down x and y
// correspondingly so the projected x and y come out right
// FIXME: make this work for clipped case too?
if (trivial_accept)
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
aliastransform[0][i] *= aliasxscale *
(1.0 / ((float)0x8000 * 0x10000));
aliastransform[1][i] *= aliasyscale *
(1.0 / ((float)0x8000 * 0x10000));
aliastransform[2][i] *= 1.0 / ((float)0x8000 * 0x10000);
void R_AliasTransformFinalVert (finalvert_t *fv, auxvert_t *av,
dtrivertx_t *pnewverts, dtrivertx_t *poldverts)//, mstvert_t *pstverts)
int temp;
float lightcos, *plightnormal;
vec3_t lerp_org;
lerp_org[0] = r_amovelerp[0] + pnewverts->v[0]*r_afrntlerp[0] + poldverts->v[0]*r_abacklerp[0];
lerp_org[1] = r_amovelerp[1] + pnewverts->v[1]*r_afrntlerp[1] + poldverts->v[1]*r_abacklerp[1];
lerp_org[2] = r_amovelerp[2] + pnewverts->v[2]*r_afrntlerp[2] + poldverts->v[2]*r_abacklerp[2];
av->fv[0] = DotProduct(lerp_org, aliastransform[0]) +
av->fv[1] = DotProduct(lerp_org, aliastransform[1]) +
av->fv[2] = DotProduct(lerp_org, aliastransform[2]) +
fv->v[2] = 0;
fv->v[3] = 0;
fv->flags = 0;
// lighting
plightnormal = r_avertexnormals[pnewverts->lightnormalindex];
lightcos = DotProduct (plightnormal, r_plightvec);
temp = r_ambientlight;
if (lightcos < 0)
temp += (int)(r_shadelight * lightcos);
// clamp; because we limited the minimum ambient and shading light, we
// don't have to clamp low light, just bright
if (temp < 0)
temp = 0;
fv->v[4] = temp;
//#if !id386 //since stvert_t was changed.
void R_AliasTransformAndProjectFinalVerts (finalvert_t *fv)//, stvert_t *pstverts)
int i, temp;
float lightcos, *plightnormal, zi;
dtrivertx_t *pnewverts, *poldverts;
vec3_t lerp_org;
pnewverts = r_apnewverts;
poldverts = r_apoldverts;
for (i=0 ; i<r_anumverts ; i++, fv++, pnewverts++, poldverts++)
lerp_org[0] = r_amovelerp[0] + pnewverts->v[0]*r_afrntlerp[0] + poldverts->v[0]*r_abacklerp[0];
lerp_org[1] = r_amovelerp[1] + pnewverts->v[1]*r_afrntlerp[1] + poldverts->v[1]*r_abacklerp[1];
lerp_org[2] = r_amovelerp[2] + pnewverts->v[2]*r_afrntlerp[2] + poldverts->v[2]*r_abacklerp[2];
// transform and project
zi = 1.0 / (DotProduct(lerp_org, aliastransform[2]) +
// x, y, and z are scaled down by 1/2**31 in the transform, so 1/z is
// scaled up by 1/2**31, and the scaling cancels out for x and y in the
// projection
fv->v[5] = zi;
fv->v[0] = ((DotProduct(lerp_org, aliastransform[0]) +
aliastransform[0][3]) * zi) + aliasxcenter;
fv->v[1] = ((DotProduct(lerp_org, aliastransform[1]) +
aliastransform[1][3]) * zi) + aliasycenter;
fv->v[2] = 0;//pstverts->s;
fv->v[3] = 0;//pstverts->t;
fv->flags = 0;
// lighting
plightnormal = r_avertexnormals[pnewverts->lightnormalindex]; //don't bother lerping light.
lightcos = DotProduct (plightnormal, r_plightvec);
temp = r_ambientlight;
if (lightcos < 0)
temp += (int)(r_shadelight * lightcos);
// clamp; because we limited the minimum ambient and shading light, we
// don't have to clamp low light, just bright
if (temp < 0)
temp = 0;
fv->v[4] = temp;
void R_AliasProjectFinalVert (finalvert_t *fv, auxvert_t *av)
float zi;
// project points
zi = 1.0 / av->fv[2];
fv->v[5] = zi * ziscale;
fv->v[0] = (av->fv[0] * aliasxscale * zi) + aliasxcenter;
fv->v[1] = (av->fv[1] * aliasyscale * zi) + aliasycenter;
void R_AliasPrepareUnclippedPoints (void)
r_anumverts = pmdl->numverts;
R_AliasTransformAndProjectFinalVerts (pfinalverts);
if (r_affinetridesc.drawtype)
if (r_pixbytes == 4)
D_PolysetDrawFinalVerts32Trans (pfinalverts, r_anumverts);
#if 0//id386
else if (t_state & TT_ONE)
D_PolysetDrawFinalVertsAsm (pfinalverts, r_anumverts);
// else
// D_PolysetDrawFinalVertsC (pfinalverts, r_anumverts);
r_affinetridesc.pfinalverts = pfinalverts;
r_affinetridesc.ptriangles = (mtriangle_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->triangles);
r_affinetridesc.numtriangles = pmdl->numtris;
if (r_pixbytes == 4)
D_PolysetDraw32 ();
#if 0//id386
else if (t_state & TT_ONE)
D_PolysetDrawAsm ();
D_PolysetDrawC ();
void R_AliasSetupSkin (void)
int skinnum;
int i, numskins;
maliasskingroup_t *paliasskingroup;
float *pskinintervals, fullskininterval;
float skintargettime, skintime;
skinnum = currententity->skinnum;
if ((skinnum >= pmdl->numskins) || (skinnum < 0))
Con_DPrintf ("R_AliasSetupSkin: no such skin # %d\n", skinnum);
skinnum = 0;
pskindesc = ((maliasskindesc_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->skindesc)) + skinnum;
a_skinwidth = pmdl->skinwidth;
if (pskindesc->type == ALIAS_SKIN_GROUP)
paliasskingroup = (maliasskingroup_t *)((qbyte *)paliashdr +
pskinintervals = (float *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliasskingroup->intervals);
numskins = paliasskingroup->numskins;
fullskininterval = pskinintervals[numskins-1];
skintime = cl.time;// + currententity->syncbase;
// when loading in Mod_LoadAliasSkinGroup, we guaranteed all interval
// values are positive, so we don't have to worry about division by 0
skintargettime = skintime -
((int)(skintime / fullskininterval)) * fullskininterval;
for (i=0 ; i<(numskins-1) ; i++)
if (pskinintervals[i] > skintargettime)
pskindesc = &paliasskingroup->skindescs[i];
r_affinetridesc.pskindesc = pskindesc;
r_affinetridesc.pskin = (void *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + pskindesc->skin);
r_affinetridesc.skinwidth = a_skinwidth;
r_affinetridesc.skinheight = pmdl->skinheight;
if (currententity->model != cl.model_precache[cl_playerindex])
//alternate player skins.
if (currententity->scoreboard && r_pixbytes == 1)
qbyte *base;
skin_t *skin;
if (!currententity->scoreboard->skin)
Skin_Find (currententity->scoreboard);
base = Skin_Cache8 (currententity->scoreboard->skin);
skin = currententity->scoreboard->skin;
if (base && skin->cachedbpp == r_pixbytes*8)
r_affinetridesc.pskin = base;
r_affinetridesc.skinwidth = skin->width;
r_affinetridesc.skinheight = skin->height;
else if (currententity->scoreboard && r_pixbytes == 4)
qbyte *base;
skin_t *skin;
if (!currententity->scoreboard->skin)
Skin_Find (currententity->scoreboard);
base = Skin_Cache32 (currententity->scoreboard->skin);
skin = currententity->scoreboard->skin;
if (base && skin->cachedbpp == r_pixbytes*8)
r_affinetridesc.pskin = base;
r_affinetridesc.skinwidth = skin->width;
r_affinetridesc.skinheight = skin->height;
void R_AliasSetupLighting (alight_t *plighting)
if (r_pixbytes == 4)
{ //fixes inverse lighting in sw 32.
//we fix it here so the lighting code doesn't have to have lots of extra minuses, as they are multiplied out
// guarantee that no vertex will ever be lit below LIGHT_MIN, so we don't have
// to clamp off the bottom
r_ambientlight = plighting->ambientlight;
r_shadelight = plighting->shadelight;
if (r_ambientlight < LIGHT_MIN)
r_ambientlight = LIGHT_MIN;
r_ambientlight = (255 - r_ambientlight) << VID_CBITS;
if (r_ambientlight < LIGHT_MIN)
r_ambientlight = LIGHT_MIN;
if (r_shadelight < 0)
r_shadelight = 0;
r_shadelight *= VID_GRADES;
// rotate the lighting vector into the model's frame of reference
r_plightvec[0] = DotProduct (plighting->plightvec, currententity->axis[0]);
r_plightvec[1] = DotProduct (plighting->plightvec, currententity->axis[1]);
r_plightvec[2] = DotProduct (plighting->plightvec, currententity->axis[2]);
set r_apverts
void R_AliasSetupFrame (void)
int frame, oframe;
int i, numframes;
maliasgroup_t *paliasgroup;
float *pintervals, fullinterval, targettime, time;
// float *min1, *min2;
// vec3_t max1, max2;
float fl, bl;
frame = currententity->frame;
if ((frame >= pmdl->numframes) || (frame < 0))
Con_DPrintf ("R_AliasSetupFrame: no such frame %d\n", frame);
frame = 0;
oframe = currententity->oldframe;
if ((oframe >= pmdl->numframes) || (oframe < 0))
// Con_DPrintf ("R_AliasSetupFrame: no such frame %d\n", oframe); //pointless
oframe = 0;
bl = currententity->lerpfrac;
fl = 1.0 - bl;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
r_abacklerp[i] = paliashdr->frames[oframe].scale[i]*bl;
r_afrntlerp[i] = paliashdr->frames[frame].scale[i]*fl;
r_amovelerp[i] = paliashdr->frames[frame].scale_origin[i]*fl + paliashdr->frames[oframe].scale_origin[i]*bl;
if (paliashdr->frames[frame].type == ALIAS_SINGLE)
r_apnewverts = (dtrivertx_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->frames[frame].frame);
paliasgroup = (maliasgroup_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->frames[frame].frame);
pintervals = (float *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliasgroup->intervals);
numframes = paliasgroup->numframes;
fullinterval = pintervals[numframes-1];
time = currententity->frame1time;
// when loading in Mod_LoadAliasGroup, we guaranteed all interval values
// are positive, so we don't have to worry about division by 0
targettime = time - ((int)(time / fullinterval)) * fullinterval;
for (i=0 ; i<(numframes-1) ; i++)
if (pintervals[i] > targettime)
r_apnewverts = (dtrivertx_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliasgroup->frames[i].frame);
if (paliashdr->frames[oframe].type == ALIAS_SINGLE) //things could go haywire here...
r_apoldverts = (dtrivertx_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->frames[oframe].frame);
paliasgroup = (maliasgroup_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->frames[oframe].frame);
pintervals = (float *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliasgroup->intervals);
numframes = paliasgroup->numframes;
fullinterval = pintervals[numframes-1];
time = currententity->frame1time;
// when loading in Mod_LoadAliasGroup, we guaranteed all interval values
// are positive, so we don't have to worry about division by 0
targettime = time - ((int)(time / fullinterval)) * fullinterval;
for (i=0 ; i<(numframes-1) ; i++)
if (pintervals[i] > targettime)
r_apoldverts = (dtrivertx_t *)
((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliasgroup->frames[i].frame);
void R_AliasDrawModel (alight_t *plighting)
finalvert_t finalverts[MAXALIASVERTS +
((CACHE_SIZE - 1) / sizeof(finalvert_t)) + 1];
auxvert_t auxverts[MAXALIASVERTS];
extern qbyte transfactor;
extern qbyte transbackfac;
if (r_pixbytes == 1)
if (currententity->alpha < TRANS_LOWER_CAP)
if (currententity->alpha > TRANS_UPPER_CAP)
transbackfac = 0;
D_SetTransLevel(currententity->alpha, BM_BLEND);
transbackfac = 1;
transfactor = currententity->alpha*255;
transbackfac = 255 - transfactor;
// cache align
pfinalverts = (finalvert_t *)
(((long)&finalverts[0] + CACHE_SIZE - 1) & ~(CACHE_SIZE - 1));
pauxverts = &auxverts[0];
paliashdr = (aliashdr_t *)SWMod_Extradata (currententity->model);
pmdl = (mmdl_t *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->model);
R_AliasSetupSkin ();
R_AliasSetUpTransform (currententity->trivial_accept);
R_AliasSetupLighting (plighting);
R_AliasSetupFrame ();
if (!currententity->palremap)
currententity->palremap = D_IdentityRemap();
// Sys_Error ("R_AliasDrawModel: !currententity->colormap");
r_affinetridesc.drawtype = (currententity->trivial_accept == 3) &&
r_affinetridesc.pstverts = (mstvert_t *)((qbyte *)paliashdr + paliashdr->stverts);
apalremap = currententity->palremap->pal;
acolormap = vid.colormap;
if (r_pixbytes == 2)
acolormap = vid.colormap16;
if (r_affinetridesc.drawtype)
D_PolysetUpdateTables (); // FIXME: precalc...
#if id386
D_Aff8Patch (acolormap, apalremap);
if (currententity == &cl.viewent[r_refdef.currentplayernum] || currententity->flags & Q2RF_DEPTHHACK)
ziscale = (float)0x8000 * (float)0x10000 * 3.0;
ziscale = (float)0x8000 * (float)0x10000;
if (currententity->trivial_accept)
R_AliasPrepareUnclippedPoints ();
R_AliasPreparePoints ();