Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/nzp-team/fteqw.git synced 2025-03-06 00:31:04 +00:00
Spoike fb86222fc7 made max_clients more dynamic on the server to attempt to reduce bss usage. hopefully this will help the webgl port without resulting in extra crashes.
tweaked shadowmaps. now seems faster than stencil shadows. cubemap orientation should now match other engines.
tweaked terrain. rtlights work. added pvs tests for embedded terrain. sections are now saved in chunks instead, which should mean windows doesn't have a panic attack at 16 million files in a single directory. hurrah.
first pass at realigning menu options to cope with variable-width fonts. still need to do pure-text items.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4514 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2013-10-29 17:38:22 +00:00

386 lines
9.1 KiB

Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "quakedef.h"
static qboolean PM_TransformedHullCheck (model_t *model, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, trace_t *trace, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles);
int Q1BSP_HullPointContents(hull_t *hull, vec3_t p);
static hull_t box_hull;
static mclipnode_t box_clipnodes[6];
static mplane_t box_planes[6];
extern vec3_t player_mins;
extern vec3_t player_maxs;
Set up the planes and clipnodes so that the six floats of a bounding box
can just be stored out and get a proper hull_t structure.
void PM_InitBoxHull (void)
int i;
int side;
box_hull.clipnodes = box_clipnodes;
box_hull.planes = box_planes;
box_hull.firstclipnode = 0;
box_hull.lastclipnode = 5;
for (i=0 ; i<6 ; i++)
box_clipnodes[i].planenum = i;
side = i&1;
box_clipnodes[i].children[side] = Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY;
if (i != 5)
box_clipnodes[i].children[side^1] = i + 1;
box_clipnodes[i].children[side^1] = Q1CONTENTS_SOLID;
box_planes[i].type = i>>1;
box_planes[i].normal[i>>1] = 1;
To keep everything totally uniform, bounding boxes are turned into small
BSP trees instead of being compared directly.
hull_t *PM_HullForBox (vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs)
box_planes[0].dist = maxs[0];
box_planes[1].dist = mins[0];
box_planes[2].dist = maxs[1];
box_planes[3].dist = mins[1];
box_planes[4].dist = maxs[2];
box_planes[5].dist = mins[2];
return &box_hull;
int PM_TransformedModelPointContents (model_t *mod, vec3_t p, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles)
vec3_t p_l, axis[3];
VectorSubtract (p, origin, p_l);
// rotate start and end into the models frame of reference
if (angles[0] || angles[1] || angles[2])
AngleVectors (angles, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]);
VectorNegate(axis[1], axis[1]);
return mod->funcs.PointContents(mod, axis, p_l);
return mod->funcs.PointContents(mod, NULL, p_l);
int PM_PointContents (vec3_t p)
int num;
int pc;
physent_t *pe;
model_t *pm;
pm = pmove.physents[0].model;
if (!pm || pm->needload)
pc = pm->funcs.PointContents(pm, NULL, p);
//we need this for e2m2 - waterjumping on to plats wouldn't work otherwise.
for (num = 1; num < pmove.numphysent; num++)
pe = &pmove.physents[num];
if (pe->info == pmove.skipent)
pm = pe->model;
if (pm)
if (p[0] >= pe->origin[0]+pm->mins[0] && p[0] <= pe->origin[0]+pm->maxs[0] &&
p[1] >= pe->origin[1]+pm->mins[1] && p[1] <= pe->origin[1]+pm->maxs[1] &&
p[2] >= pe->origin[2]+pm->mins[2] && p[2] <= pe->origin[2]+pm->maxs[2])
if (pe->forcecontentsmask)
if (PM_TransformedModelPointContents(pm, p, pe->origin, pe->angles))
pc |= pe->forcecontentsmask;
if (pe->nonsolid)
pc |= PM_TransformedModelPointContents(pm, p, pe->origin, pe->angles);
else if (pe->forcecontentsmask)
if (p[0] >= pe->origin[0]+pe->mins[0] && p[0] <= pe->origin[0]+pe->maxs[0] &&
p[1] >= pe->origin[1]+pe->mins[1] && p[1] <= pe->origin[1]+pe->maxs[1] &&
p[2] >= pe->origin[2]+pe->mins[2] && p[2] <= pe->origin[2]+pe->maxs[2])
pc |= pe->forcecontentsmask;
return pc;
int PM_ExtraBoxContents (vec3_t p)
int num;
int pc = 0;
physent_t *pe;
model_t *pm;
trace_t tr;
for (num = 1; num < pmove.numphysent; num++)
pe = &pmove.physents[num];
if (!pe->nonsolid)
pm = pe->model;
if (pm)
if (pe->forcecontentsmask)
if (!PM_TransformedHullCheck(pm, p, p, &tr, pe->origin, pe->angles))
if (tr.startsolid)
pc |= pe->forcecontentsmask;
else if (pe->forcecontentsmask)
if (p[0]+player_maxs[0] >= pe->origin[0]+pe->mins[0] && p[0]+player_mins[0] <= pe->origin[0]+pe->maxs[0] &&
p[1]+player_maxs[1] >= pe->origin[1]+pe->mins[1] && p[1]+player_mins[1] <= pe->origin[1]+pe->maxs[1] &&
p[2]+player_maxs[2] >= pe->origin[2]+pe->mins[2] && p[2]+player_mins[2] <= pe->origin[2]+pe->maxs[2])
pc |= pe->forcecontentsmask;
return pc;
/*returns if it actually did a trace*/
static qboolean PM_TransformedHullCheck (model_t *model, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, trace_t *trace, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles)
vec3_t start_l, end_l;
int i;
vec3_t axis[3];
// subtract origin offset
VectorSubtract (start, origin, start_l);
VectorSubtract (end, origin, end_l);
// sweep the box through the model
if (model)
if (angles[0] || angles[1] || angles[2])
AngleVectors (angles, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]);
VectorNegate(axis[1], axis[1]);
model->funcs.NativeTrace(model, 0, 0, axis, start_l, end_l, player_mins, player_maxs, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, trace);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (start_l[i]+player_mins[i] > model->maxs[i] && end_l[i] + player_mins[i] > model->maxs[i])
return false;
if (start_l[i]+player_maxs[i] < model->mins[i] && end_l[i] + player_maxs[i] < model->mins[i])
return false;
model->funcs.NativeTrace(model, 0, 0, NULL, start_l, end_l, player_mins, player_maxs, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, trace);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (start_l[i]+player_mins[i] > box_planes[0+i*2].dist && end_l[i] + player_mins[i] > box_planes[0+i*2].dist)
return false;
if (start_l[i]+player_maxs[i] < box_planes[1+i*2].dist && end_l[i] + player_maxs[i] < box_planes[1+i*2].dist)
return false;
Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck (&box_hull, box_hull.firstclipnode, 0, 1, start_l, end_l, trace);
trace->endpos[0] += origin[0];
trace->endpos[1] += origin[1];
trace->endpos[2] += origin[2];
return true;
Returns false if the given player position is not valid (in solid)
qboolean PM_TestPlayerPosition (vec3_t pos)
int i;
physent_t *pe;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
hull_t *hull;
trace_t trace;
for (i=0 ; i< pmove.numphysent ; i++)
pe = &pmove.physents[i];
if (pe->info == pmove.skipent)
if (pe->nonsolid)
if (pe->forcecontentsmask && !(pe->forcecontentsmask & MASK_PLAYERSOLID))
// get the clipping hull
if (pe->model)
if (!PM_TransformedHullCheck (pe->model, pos, pos, &trace, pe->origin, pe->angles))
if (trace.allsolid)
return false; //solid
VectorSubtract (pe->mins, player_maxs, mins);
VectorSubtract (pe->maxs, player_mins, maxs);
hull = PM_HullForBox (mins, maxs);
VectorSubtract(pos, pe->origin, mins);
if (Q1BSP_HullPointContents(hull, mins) & MASK_PLAYERSOLID)
return false;
return true;
trace_t PM_PlayerTrace (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, unsigned int solidmask)
trace_t trace, total;
int i;
physent_t *pe;
// fill in a default trace
memset (&total, 0, sizeof(trace_t));
total.fraction = 1;
total.entnum = -1;
VectorCopy (end, total.endpos);
for (i=0 ; i< pmove.numphysent ; i++)
pe = &pmove.physents[i];
if (pe->nonsolid)
if (pe->info == pmove.skipent)
if (pe->forcecontentsmask && !(pe->forcecontentsmask & solidmask))
if (!pe->model || pe->model->needload)
vec3_t mins, maxs;
VectorSubtract (pe->mins, player_maxs, mins);
VectorSubtract (pe->maxs, player_mins, maxs);
PM_HullForBox (mins, maxs);
// trace a line through the apropriate clipping hull
if (!PM_TransformedHullCheck (NULL, start, end, &trace, pe->origin, pe->angles))
// trace a line through the apropriate clipping hull
if (!PM_TransformedHullCheck (pe->model, start, end, &trace, pe->origin, pe->angles))
if (trace.allsolid)
trace.startsolid = true;
if (trace.startsolid)
// if (!pmove.physents[i].model) //caught inside annother model
// continue; //don't count this.
trace.fraction = 0;
// did we clip the move?
if (trace.fraction < total.fraction)
// fix trace up by the offset
total = trace;
total.entnum = i;
return total;
//for use outside the pmove code. lame, but works.
trace_t PM_TraceLine (vec3_t start, vec3_t end)
return PM_PlayerTrace(start, end, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);